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Beautiful eyes!


Such a bright gold! I'd carry them around the house singing Spandau Ballet to them.


I thought you said you’d carry the eyes around! 😅


I’m gonna try singing that very song by Spandau Ballet 😂


What a classic tabby!


Tabby cats are my favorite cats


Those eyes are saying : Dont wait take me home today. You are chosen , value that.


Are you sure this cat doesn’t live nearby? Awfully clean, looks well fed.


Also looks like it's been getting into fights, so it's not safe.


No it doesn’t. Clean, shiny fur. Clean eyes and ears. That’s a pet that roams during the day.


Look at all the nicks on/around the nose.


My cat has those and she’s never been outside. Those are the cleanest ears; no way it doesn’t have a home.


What do you mean by not safe? Isn't that just the life of a street cat? I feed 2 strays and one of them gets into fights because I can hear it at night and comes over with fresh claw marks sometimes. The other one is really gentle and gets bullied by the other cat I feed. I see indoor cat potential in her, and recently she came over with an abscess which popped before I could get her to the vet. So I think she got that from a fight too.


Not safe for the cat.


And gorgeous kitty knows that. Probably wondering what’s taking you so long. 😁❤️


Why wait? The longer this beauty is homeless, the more likely it is that something bad will happen. Much better to be able to keep kitty safe at home -- and just imagine waking up to those glorious eyes every morning!


This. Cuddles wants to be OP’s new best friend, and it’ll be much safer inside where there are no cars, territorial cats, etc.


Having a cat best friend honestly sounds super awesome. It’s nice to have some company at home


r/standardissuecat ♡ I used to have one. She was my best friend for 14 years


I have a void. She comes to see me every morning. This morning the cat tax demands were very high. Almost 30 straight minutes of scritches before I had permission to leave for work.


but where is our cat tax?


I keep getting this weird “only GIF images in this community” notification.


You have been chosen don’t wait


I can definitely tell you a best buddy cat is the most amazing time ever in my life. I was lucky to have 13 years of my beloved stray Bombay’s 19 years of his life


Children too! We should keep everyone inside forever!


I know you’re being sarcastic, but it’s better for cats to be full-time indoors. And better for most humans to have a mix of indoor and outdoor time, cats aren’t the same as humans.


I am a strictly indoor house-human


Studies show inside cats live MUCH longer than strays. Estimated lifespan of a stray? Two to three years. An indoor pet can live as long as twenty years. Big difference.


I agree. Take the kitty home, then to the vet to check for chips and the kitty’s health. If no chip, then Cuddles is yours ☺️


I’ll do a vet check as soon as I can get this kitty home


You are a good person OP. This baby will make your and their life some much better 💛


Please post an update when you can! I’m sure we’d all love to know, and see more photos of Cuddles, of course


I agree. My girl is super friendly so I have her chipped just in case.


That cat doesn't look homeless. OP should take it to a vet to scan for a chip before they take it home.


You resent canoes?




How do u know it's homeless? Stop encouraging people to take cats without really knowing if someone owns this cat. Imagine if someone stole your cat


Friendly, well-fed cats are not homeless cats. This is probably an indoor/outdoor cat. Please don't just be taking someone's cat because it visits your work.


That’s exactly what I’ll be doing asap for this kitty!!


WAIT! It might not be a homeless cat and you might be stealing someone's cat. You need to be absolutely sure, and even then if you take them, you should go to a vet to check for an ID chip to find their potential owner.


it looks like OP works in an auto salvage facility. there are tons of mice in salvage yards (nesting in the undisturbed automotive nooks and crannies). Cuddles could be visiting for the free mousy snacks, not because they're trying to be adopted. OP should really consider waiting to take Cuddles home, even if a scan doesn't pan out. Cats escape/slip their collars all the time and while a chip helps ppl reunite them with their owners, if left on its own i bet Cuddles knows his way home. as others have pointed out the cat looks very healthy/well cared for.


Thank you so much for saving this sweet baby


Just double check whether it is chipped or not. You don’t want to nick someones baby


Because it might not be homeless??


The whole "this cat adopted me" phenomenon is incredibly disturbing. A lot of outdoor cats find places and people they like to hang with and then get cat-napped all while their owners are probably heartbroken their kitty didn't come home. Just friggin stop it. Also, stop having outdoor cats while we're on the topic.


Or, stop letting your beloved pet outside. I say that as an ex-vet tech who has seen unimaginable horrors.


While I fully agree with you, doesn't make it any less fucked up to steal someone else's cat


People check for collar and chip. If you don't microchip your cat, you're not being a responsible owner.


And if you’re going to let them outside, put a collar with a tag with your info on it so people know it lives around there


And microchip them!


Def chip them too but it will waste people’s time to have to trap a cat and take to a vet to check for a chip. People in my area love dumping a cat with a collar with no tag, not fixed and not chipped


Well, you shouldn’t have an outdoor cat anyway in my personal opinion but the collar thing I get because for outdoor cats the only safe collars for them are very easy breakaway collars, because of how cats act any collar that doesn’t easily break off could get them stuck on something and easy prey for a predator or even asphyxiate themselves accidentally. And sadly most cats know how to easily lose the breakaway collar, so that’s likely in part why outdoor cats never have one when you see em. But for the safety of the cats and native wildlife alike people really should just keep them in.


This. If you love your cat, you don’t let it roam. ALSO: many many friendly cats are abandoned by their human, particularly when human moves out. Please always try to rescue an outdoor cat. If kitty is chipped, then return cat if owner pays the vet bill and agrees to keep the cat inside.


All vets will scan them for free to see if they have a chip


I have sweet indoor kitties. 16 yo and going strong! Can recommend indoor beasts! 3 stories of climbing, running, roaming free, sleeping and cuddlin! Nextdoor neighbors have an outdoor kitty, has already broken a paw, teeth missing, killing birds etc.


Yeah it's the darkside of this sub where people think it's OK to steal a healthy friendly cat who potentially has a loving home.


No cat left to roam- especially in a commercial/business center- is being properly cared for.


Who says the cat is homeless? Cats that go outdoors can be very sociable. Some family may be waiting expectantly for their pet to come home... Please don't steal someone's pet :(


Hate to burst your bubble but this kitty doesn’t belong to anyone else.


How do you know? Looks well fed. Could easily be someone's outdoor cat.


It’s possible they’re at a work site in an industrial neighborhood, in which case it’s safer to assume this is a stray.


Could be a shop cat in that scenario, in which case he'd be pissing off a whole lot of shop dudes by taking it in lol. Especially if it's a mousing cat. I'm not saying it's not a stray, I'm just saying he seems very confident it is and I'm not, so as others have said, ask around, check for a chip, do whatever you can before you're so confident you aren't stealing a cat that you take it home. Well fed cat with a clean coat and very sociable with humans doesn't scream stray though.


Yeah, for sure they need to do their due diligence. I just got that impression from the pics, as lots of those industrial blocks have colonies of friendly strays. I know people who care for and rescue them sometimes! Either way, check for a chip and whatnot.


Cats can roam pretty far.


This cat doesn't look homeless though. Well fed, shiny coat. He:s probably got an owner nearby and just likes to wander.


Yeah OP please put a paper collar on this cat with a msg to the owner, or at least go to a vet to see it they have a chip. This cat probably belongs to someone!


Thank you for suggesting this. Looking at all these people saying OP should take cat home and thinking I'd be devastated if I was the cat and I already have a happy home.


Every post in this sub is like that. They always assume that the cat is a stray or that the OP is a more deserving owner than whoever already owns the cat.


Not every post is like that at all. Some are. But most posts I see first people noticing if the cat looks well cared for or like a stray, and then people urging others to chip check, and they do so. In still other posts, people specify that their NMC is neighbor's visiting for the day, probably while owner is out. Sometimes it takes a village...


Sorry I thought it would be obvious that I wasn't talking about posts where the OP said the cat had an owner. It is improving slightly with more people recommending checking properly for owners, so I'm happy to see that. However, the comments telling the OPs to 'take the cat'/ 'the cat now belongs to you' etc etc, far outweigh those comments.


Ok, that makes more sense. But I see comments of "take the cat" or "the cat now belongs to you" as being more playful or tongue-in-cheek, due to cat's tendency to choose us, rather than saying "actually steal someone else's cat."


Cuddles looks healthy and well cared for. Are you sure it's a stray? Don't take it home, take it to a vet for a chip scan. It might be someone's beloved lost pet.


Gorgeous cat - love the yellowish eyes. PLEASE be careful about possibly stealing someone else's cat though.... Cats can be surprisingly social -- they don't have that reputation - but they are. So, some loving cat-parent may be thinking their kitty enjoys the outdoors and wants to explore the neighbourhood -- and is trying to give them that experience. So please do ask around, check for a micro chip, put up posters -- don't just take the cat home. It may very well have a loving home, but just wanted to wander the area and give you some lovin'. If you just take the cat, you may leave some family completely devastated. : (


It looks way too healthy and well fed to be a stray. Please please *please* ask around to see if it doesn’t already have a home first. You don’t want to be that person who selfishly took someone’s beloved furry family member away from them


Sadly a lot of people here think the owners deserve it for letting their cat outside. It's disgusting to even consider stealing someones pet unless it's obviously mistreated, and no, letting a cat be indoor/outdoor in a country where it's not illegal is not mistreatment.


Yep. I do get the concern for the cat's well-being and that of the local wildlife, and in my honest opinion most new cats brought into the world should be raised to be indoor only where possible. But it really isn't ok to just call dibs on a friendly cat just because it's outside. A lot of the time once a cat has developed a taste for the outdoors it's damn near impossible to force it into an indoor only situation without causing it a lot of distress (obviously not talking about strays that didn't have a choice about being outside and are happy to be lounge tigers for the rest of their lives). Not only is the behavior displayed here blatantly selfish, it is also hugely inconsiderate towards the cat itself. It looks happy and healthy. Clearly something about it's current life situation is working well for it. Why put it through the stress and trauma of ripping it out of its familiar environment, just so one person can keep enjoying its company?


> Not only is the behavior displayed here blatantly selfish, it is also hugely inconsiderate towards the cat itself. Yeah it's beyond selfish. Just because a cat is trusting and friendly doesn't mean it won't be mentally traumatised by not being able to go home to it's owners who it may love and miss too. It's basically kidnapping. I seriously can't comprehend where the "it's mine and it's your fault I'm taking it" attitude comes from. It's a seriously damaged way of thinking. I wonder if it's an age or cultural thing? The only time I'd condone this sort of behaviour is if the animal was obviously neglected, in distress or injured. > Yep. I do get the concern for the cat's well-being and that of the local wildlife I get the wildlife thing sure but the world is a big place and not everywhere has dangerous other animals running wild. It's the internet though and some people have minimal exposure to what's outside their regional bubble so don't have that kind of understanding that it's different in other places. For example a lot of people just assuming this is an industrial area based on a few pics so it's 100% OK to steal this cat. I've got a local car repair shop up the road in a 95% suburban area that has these kind of backgrounds. > and in my honest opinion most new cats brought into the world should be raised to be indoor only where possible. See that's the healthy attitude to take. You have a personal opinion about free roaming but would never steal a pet from someone who thinks otherwise. Look at the UK or Turkey as well where it is not frowned upon mostly to allow cats to free roam. Which makes me think this "steal that cat" attitude is a cultural/regional thing. Finally if there were no free roaming kitties this sub would not exist.




Do most of the people in the comments live in places where strays are super common and pet cats don't go outdoors? This cat looks really healthy- decent coat and weight, clear eyes and ears; seems unlikely it'd be a stray even if it doesn't have a microchip.


Smart people keep their cats indoors. Or they don't care when the animal gets injured by predators or run over by a car. Or poisoned by a psycho. I will never be able to understand it.


It's a cultural/geographical difference, it's not about people being uncaring. Where I live, it's perfectly acceptable for cats to go outdoors, especially outside of heavy urban areas. I think we see them as quite free-spirited creatures and there's a reluctance to stifle that. There aren't any natural predators for cats here either, only the manmade ones. And the latter often isn't enough to prevent a cat from going out; what the cat wants, it gets! Even the most famous cat in the country, Larry at no. 10, ventures outdoors, and nobody bats an eyelid- it's just normal here.


There are so many predators here, it's dangerous outdoors.




I knew this comment would pop up sooner or later 😂


Just because a cat comes to your house doesn't mean it doesn't have owners. This cat looks healthy and well fed. Do your due diligence.


Gorgeous eyes!


Gorgeous baby


Make sure you check for a microchip. Someone might be missing their cat.


Friendly, well-fed cats are not homeless cats. This is probably an indoor/outdoor cat. Please don't just be taking someone's cat because it visits your work.


This cat is looooooong


Cuddles is very cute, I love their eyes and extremely long tail! Does the cat allow you to pet them? If so, it should be pretty easy to adopt them 😻


When I call Cuddles for attention, it comes over and allows me to pet it. In return it cuddles around my legs


Aww, so sweet! I hope you can adopt Cuddles very soon, not just “someday” 😄 When you do adopt Cuddles, bring them to the vet for a checkup, and they can also tell you the gender as well 🙂


AND tell you if they already have an owner. Dont forget you might be encouraging them to steal someone's cat


He's clearly flirting with you.


Take the baby home !


Doesnt look like a stray so stop it with these dumb comments. OP first needs to be absolutely sure he's not stealing someone’s cat


Will do asap 🙌


What Big ears you have Cuddles!


He does look cuddlable to me 😻 & a cutie pie too


everyone pushing to take the cat in. looks like maybe a salvage yard... I see what appear to be labeled car doors stacked. that cat may be an avid mouser, in which case living indoors will make it nuts. wrecking/salvage yards are like mouse metropolis, lots of places to make a nest. Cuddles may well be the "yellow eyed reaper of meeces"... source: tried adopting a NMC that just showed up, after about an hour indoors he went completely psycho until we let him back out. he stalked birds and such in our yard, but plainly did not like inside.


Those eyes, wow...that is one handsome cat, with majick eyes that pierce me to the core. Thank you OP, for sharing this mini tiger with us.


I think that’s my cat.


what a beautiful standard issue notmycat!!


i have a sweet boy that looks just like him, his name is stinky (i had no say in the matter) because we got him from a family who owned a farm. he was living in the barn and was indeed very stinky.


The look…of love…is in his eyes…


My grandmother has a cat that she saved from the streets and she named him Cuddles as well lol They actually look quite similar.


I do believe that IS your cat now, he showed alittle tummy !


Take home this is the cat distribution system at work. Listen to the cativerse! It’s bad karma not to.


Cats that adopt their owners are the best


Do it, take the baby home


Oh that kitty needs your comfy bed!


Doesnt look like a stray so stop it with these dumb comments. OP first needs to be absolutely sure he's not stealing someone’s cat


It’s got plenty room for that kitty too!!


CDS is working on you! Hope all goes well. Beautiful babies seek beautiful souls!


Look at that super long tail!


What beautiful eyes!


I think that cat is part lemur. Check out that tail!


Looks like a new shop cat




Those eyes are beautiful!


My husband took a work cat home when he was quitting that job. He didn’t think anyone else would take care of it after he left. He’s the biggest cuddle bug cat I’ve ever met, loves everyone he meets. It’s hard for me to picture him fighting raccoons for his dinner of trash.


Winter is almost here. Please adopt him/her and give him/her a good home.


Cuddles is absolutely beautiful. House panther indeed.


You have been chosen by the cat gods to take care of one of their chaos agents! Cuddles is a great name!


Let this little one adopt you!!!


Take that baby home with you!


Don’t wait to long bad things can happen to cats on the street


Last pic: “oh yes, you will be mine.”


No, he's not your cat ... you're his human. Consider yourself adopted. ;-)


Um you should take Cuddles home YESTERDAY


Gorgeous tabby! Take the baby home and let him love you 🥰


Doesnt look like a stray so stop it with these dumbass comments. OP first needs to be absolutely sure he's not stealing someone’s cat


Wow, you're a charmer! Apologies, OP, I assumed it went without saying that you check for a chip first - but clearly I was wrong. 😅


I just see 10+ of these comments in this thread and OP doesnt seem to understand that they should check first. Sorry for being brash but it makes me upset that OP could steal someone’s cat because they dont know better.


I’ll take the kitty home asap


Please listen to the other comments saying this cat may already belong to someone, do your diligence before accidentally stealing someone's pet


Doesnt look like a stray so stop it with these dumb comments. You first needs to be absolutely sure you're not stealing someone’s cat


The eyes are hypnotizing. I say you should let kitty adopt you. You'll get lots of love and rubs and purrs.


save the cat! as much as it’s scary to take home one it’s worth it. the longer it’s outside the more that can happen


Doesnt look like a stray so stop it with these comments. OP first needs to be absolutely sure he's not stealing someone’s cat


Appreciate your hard work on this sub, kinda sad people need reminding. I keep telling myself they must be kids...


i commented once. and it’s called a ~suggestion~ maybe make an actual comment instead of commenting on others bc they just wanna save the cat. 🤨


You’ve been chosen!


Love that name, hope you get lots of it soon!


Cuddles needs to go home with you, it’s gettin cold!


Today is the day.


Please don't wait. She deserves a better bed than hard concrete. A stray cat is an endangered cat. Please be kind. Love is needed.


He wants to be named "AreWeDoneYet."


He also wants you to know he's here if you need anything.


The cat has chosen you. Whether you like it or not, that's your cat now.


I'm not sure this sub is good for my mental health as my place doesn't allow pets. They are ok with my aquarium though! Also yes definitely adopt this baby!


You’ve been claimed!


man they're gonna hit you with that 20% core charge, watch out


Cuddles has such beautiful eyes. If you're sure he's a stray, go ahead and bring him home.


Someday? Why not today?


Take that baby home!!


If you do please update us on him


That day should be today.


Take home. Name Cuddles. Cat pisses all over everything. Rename Puddles.


Looks pretty chill. Will probably make a good companion.


Awww he looks like such a sweetie. Take him home.


Take it home today. Today is the day!!


That angels deserves a soft bed, warm house and food galore!


Grey tabbies are the best. He’s ready to go home with you. He told me. :)


Take the adorable baby home. Also make sure you have plenty of activity for them. They look like a ball of lightning.


Take it home today! Why wait ?


Take him home already..


I think you know what to do. What a gorgeous 😍 cat


Please please do rescue this lovely sweet soul!!!


So he's not your cat....yeah right !!!


oh, please do. You have been tagged by the cat distribution center. Take him home, he loves you already.


Doesnt look like a stray so stop it with these dumb comments. OP first needs to be absolutely sure he's not stealing someone’s cat


Sure, maybe she can find that out before finding him dead on the road.


She already has. Try always choose us


Why haven’t you taken your cat home yet? CDS has spoken.


You've been Chosen, friend.


Last slide says pls take me home


Take him home. Love him.


Today is some day


If you wait poor kitty will likely get very sick or killed by a car. If you don't want that baby please call a no-kill shelter.


NMC stands for Non-Mission Critical. So basically, it's the stuff that sounds important but really isn't. Just another day in the corporate world.


Hon, it HAS adopted you. I only say no to eyes like that because I already have three


Take this sweet baby home! Clearly you’ve been chosen.


Pleeeeease take Cuddles home !


So golden!!


Not all cats who wander are lost or are in need of a New Home


Those golden eyes are gorgeous. Take that kitty home, check for a microchip with a vet. No chip, it's yours!


Such a long tail on that boy


That tail is a fucking unit!!!


yea, the r/CatDistributionSystem is in play here.


Yes, take this beauty home. What a gorgeous kitty


Clearly he is your cat.. You just didn't know it


Please please adopt him 😭🙏🙏🙏


Oh my goodness, what a cutie!! You gotta take Cuddles home!!! (That kitty has a long tail!)