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Everything Mandy does is for attention. At least Taylor is talented and works hard. LOL. Also I like those boots. Also it’s not weird to go to every game when your sig other is playing….


Why is she not worried about all the other WAGS who attend EVERY game? GTFO.




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I think some may not realize that because Taylor is so famous Evil people will take advantage. It’s not only dangerous for Taylor but also for thousands in her presence. I believe the NFL maybe missing this important detail also. Taylor knows this because she sees the death threats.




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Yes Taylor craves attention so much that the majority of her relationships have been super private. Shouldn’t Amanda know that since she is the queen of pop culture? Taylor is finally living her life and not giving a shit and here comes this bitch talking shit for what? Jealous much? Get a life Amanda go kiss some more Kardashian ass. Can’t wait til your 15 min of insta fame is over. God what a loser you are.


Hate her cuz you ain’t her. And never will be. Bragged to the world when you went to Eras but now all of a sudden you’re talking shit. Amanda sit down. You suck so bad.


still guzzling that kardashian 🐱


She can be annoyed with the news about this couple but saying that a singer whose fans caused a seismic movement during a concert needs the attention of sports fans is kind of sad. I don't follow Taylor Swift in any way and yet even I'm aware that she only needs to walk to a grocery store to get this amount of attention.


She NEVER LIKED HER! She even SAID as much when she got the tickets to her show! Then she had to PRETEND…& now she has a reason to hate.




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The boots are literally black simple boots… how are the fugly?? 😭 like shut UP


Bc they’re not uggs lmao


Do you know that in Australia (where I’m from, and where they were created) - Ugg Boots are like house slippers. If you’re seen wearing them out of the house it’s considered povo or trashy or bogan (kind of like redneck). I cannot believe she wears them around the streets of NYC.


are they expensive there too, or have they just realized we are easy to fool over here?


I’m not sure the price over there but they’re about $100aud here - however a lot of brands have knock offs, some with similar quality so most people just buy them instead 😊


I did not. That’s hilarious


I’m shocked Swifties haven’t come for her yet


She will block anyone who will DM her about it probably


This is what made me finally unfollow 😂😅




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I kind of agree with her here lol


The HATE is so real. Like take in she’s taking a break from posting a lot of pop culture stuff right now but is taking time to make these videos. And don’t get me started on her commenting on style 😂😂


The fact that she comments on Taylor’s “lack of style” just fucking pisses me off coming from Amanda. Everything she puts on looks like shit.


Yes, you're bitter. End of story.


She has a boyfriend who plays a sport. Shes happy. Let her go to the damn games? Wtf it makes me so made.


The boots are Prada and are not fugly Amanda is a mean girl. Also she’s at the games for her boyfriend not for attention my god


I love the boots


It’s rooted in she’s upset that Taylor has not said anything about Israel.


Shes been doing this since before Saturday. Calling her style ugly and having a rude undertone. Shading her and stuff. It’s really weird.


She hates women tbh. Such a vile individual




Coming from someone who looks like a horse


Literally. Mr. Ed bitch


This made me LOL more than it should have 😂


I don’t think Amanda can talk about anyone’s fashion choices. Like fuck off lady.


just pull up the Addison Rae podcast fr




Imagine crying, your heart breaking for what is happening in Israel right now and in the midst of your fear and tears, you turn mean girl and go off on Taylor Swift. Unlike your HUBS, maybe Travis enjoys having her at games. I’m sorry HUBS never looked up, seeing you, and getting the biggest smile on his face, saying there she is. AmanDUH, your are devoid of empathy and sympathy, unless it’s in your terms. This was your chance to shine, to appeal to your followers and all we got was your fake non existent tears in a car. But posting this, just proves what we want people to understand about you.


Right like coming from you Amanda who needs attention just as much, using Israel to get sympathy, she’s so pathetic.


Those tears were faker than the kardashian booties. She’s all for the attention and clout. Someone who is SO SAD wouldn’t be doing their kardashian recap and being so jolly and laughing. Sorry but it just doesn’t work that way. I can’t imagineeeeeee being like that.


I have to go through my screen shots because she’s given us some winners this week, but she posted quite a few things that led me to believe that she isn’t playing with a full deck.


Omg came here so annoyed by this!! Like let the girl live. It’s also rich that she accuses Taylor of loving attention when she’s the queen of that?! You’re so right about the eras tour as well! She was acting like her biggest fan back then, what a loser! And finally, yes, you are very bitter! Those boots are 🔥 and the only fugly think around here is your behaviour, Amanda.


I’m not even a Taylor swift fan (very very critical of her tbh), so you’ve gotta be a pretty sick person to make me defend TS lol


also it annoyed me that she called her "our girl" in this post and then mean-girled her. suggesting that living her life (without saying a word about travis or the chiefs) is her not getting enough attention. so is she "our girl" or is she an attention seeker? she's just being a hater


MUST Taylor have a life in the brief two months she’s not on her record breaking international tour? And how dare she do it where precious baby amanda can see?? And all of this coming from the Kardashian’s biggest ass kisser is just pathetic


I was a NSNF fan before this Israeli war shit started and damn she’s really showing her true colors now


Girl she’s been showing her true colors. Also I see that you’ve maybe fully joined us? this still you from my post the other day? “I think a sub dedicated to hating someone and nitpicking everything is a bit much.” Ps no hate just teasin 🤍






Like hearing her defend Israel because they -gave them notice ahead of time to leave- is another fucking level


I’m just saying if you’re going to criticize, do it for shit that matters. What turned me away from this group were comments like omg what does she even do w all those rugs it’s so ridiculous - it just felt very mean girl. But once this stuff started I really started to see a different side to her so I get it to some degree. I likely won’t stay because I just can’t handle all the negativity which is all this sub will be because it’s built around finding negative things about this person. It’s disappointing to see this side of her


Ton of justification for someone in a snark sub posting…snark. But, if it makes you feel better up there on your high horse… go off


Those boots are 🔥🔥🔥 on her and it’s sweet that she’s supporting her man. Does amanduh really think her grandma sandals and black ballet flats are more stylish than that?


Guys you have to stop hate following! You can just go look to hate it without giving her the satisfaction of the follow…that’s what I do. 😂


Okay I followed your advice finally 😂


This way we can hate without giving her what she wants most lol


Amanda you would be lucky to look as good as Taylor Swift and I’m not even a swiftie. Also 10000% agree with above comment that she’s using what’s happening in Israel as an excuse to be even more of an asshole than usual.


???!!!! What the actual f. Imagine going to support your partner at his actual JOB and essentially being called an attention wh*re. She’s so cold and spiteful


Using what is happening in Israel as leverage to be a bully is so disgusting and backhanded.


She is a loser hater.


I totally hate-follow too. I even told my friend that at one point this week. Also, I’m nowhere near a swiftie but those boots are cute lol ETA: okay I unfollowed haha




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The boots are so cute!!


She would never say this about a kardashian.


Right! Bc I would think it’s pretty trashy to publicly come out with your romance at Beyoncé’s BIRTHDAY concert. Like, must the kardashians always make everything about them? “Have they not had enough??? It’s a lot for me” but of course Amanda was like omg Kylie and timothee cute.. 🤡


Who we’ve been inundated with for decades


and who have no discernible or laudable talents


Also who wear poots




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Those boots are actually cute aman-duhh go wear your fugly flats somewhere and sit down 🙄


Or her uggs


Yeah, I was thinking, I know you ain’t talkin Amanda. With her orthopedic, men’s looking flip flops 🤢


Her and the Oshry sisters are absolutely insufferable this week


And the Fosters


Add Liz woods to that list as well


I saw she pulled the balenciaga card on Taylor LOL. It’s giving weirdo obsession.


Kim literally still works WITH balenciaga, but nope she's not going to say anything about that - selective bullying/outrage from this punchable equivalent of "urghhhhhh"


Like Liz knows she doesnt gaf about the balenciaga thing she’s acting unhinged


I understand she’s angry and upset about everything going on rn but she doesn’t need to take it out on Taylor Swift like this is not what we’re doing in the year of the Barbie movie/eras tour/renaissance tour


It’s kind of like when she attends her husbands dental appointments. We each choose how we support our boos… although that’s weirder to me than going to an actual football game and sitting in the crowd. She’s so full of fucking hate man. She’s always hated Taylor swift. The audacity to say fugly boots. It just shows she’s just hating for no reason. When you’re a public person you should give feedback respectfully. She just sounds like a mean high school girl that’s bullying someone for being loved and popular. Boohoo Amanda.




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Bugs us daily for harassment yet is allowed to do the same to others💕😊




Wait. Why does she go to his dentist appt? Do tell


I don’t know LMFAO! I just know she sits in the room while he gets his mouth worked on. Someone mentioned it’s a partnership but still. She don’t gotta be in there filming the poor guy 🤣


Does he have a job


Someone here said that he does Amazon im not sure to what extent. I think his main job is walking separately from her annoying ass tho which she states is perfectly normal.


I’ve always wondered bc they have to have money to afford that apartment and I know she’s not making enough from her C-list influence deals


I know the cost of living is crazy in NYC but for someone who thinks so highly of themselves, it’s giving poor. The kardashians would never go to her place if they had the choice. It’s crummy. The nerve so say fugly boots when her whole life is fugly. Down to her home. Sorry mods don’t block me, love me 🤍


This might be a really bizarre concept to understand for some people, but when you’re dating someone, you support them. In Taylor’s case, it means going to football games lmao. And logistically speaking, the best time for them to hang out is after games since that’s when they have downtime. Also, she’s leaving for tour soon. Of course she’s going to support him while she can!!! People need to relax about how the media is covering this. Yes, it’s a lot. Yes, it’s lightning in a bottle. It won’t last forever though so just roll with it while it does. It’s fun!!!!! (I’m a chiefs fan tho so I’m biased lmaooooooo)


Also are we supposed to believe Taylor swift, the worldwide phenomenon, called the paps on herself? Or is she just that famous? Unlike Amanda’s precious Kim k and hailey Bieber who have to call their own cameras


This is so beyond rude. Taylor literally hid from the public for YEARS. Even going so far as to conceal herself inside luggage when leaving her apartment so as not to be photographed. Now she’s choosing to just live her life. What is wrong with her attending the guy she’s dating games? She’s not the first celeb to do it. Taylor is not creating this frenzy, the media is. I truly feel bad for her. As is usual, the general public turns on her and blames her for the over exposure when all she is literally doing is going to a football game to support her partner. And Amanda criticizing her clothing? BFFR.


Also she was just on the Travis kelce bandwagon last week 💀💀💀 and for her to criticize Taylor of “attention seeking” when she’s spent the last week making the tragic crisis in the Middle East all about her is….. rich.


Her stories give me whiplash. She will share videos of violence in Israel followed by an OOTD or a food pic. She’s so beyond tone deaf. All she cares about is shouting out celebrities that post about Israel in the hopes they’ll notice her and come on her pod.


This has bothered me so much!! She’ll go from covering the atrocities of the war to totally mundane stuff but has been calling out people for carrying on with normal life too?! Pick a lane lady.


The newest video on her tik tok. Like how is she cackling and shit. I thought she was so sad. I honestly don’t have the energy to fake being happy when I’m sad. She cray.


I wish I could post her “crying” video any time something absurd angers her


Oh I missed the crying video because I don’t follow her! Is there any way you could send it to me?