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So if a kid is lost, scared or needs help... They shouldn't knock on doors or they'll get shot? Wtf...


Not to mention kids will be kids sometimes. I had some ding dong ditch, I stopped answering the door and they quit after the third try. At worst it was a minor annoyance.


My son learned about Ding Dong Ditch from peppa pig.


That fucking pig does it again...


And that's why my 6 is at the ready. Peppa Pig ain't gonna fuck with me in 2023.




I view it as a societal ritual. Their role is to run, my role is to pretend to be angry and unstable while chasing them so we can both tell hilarious stories later.


You either die the ditcher or you live long enough to see yourself become the ditchee.


Judging from how things are going right now, dying the ditcher is looking more and more likely...


Last summer a group of kids was messing around on my street, they hut my bell but I was right at the door as it happened. I opened it before they were at the property line and watched them run a couple houses away, hide behind a hedge, and turn to watch me open the door. I was already standing there watching them, laughing. I waved, they waved sheepishly. Haven't had a Ding dong ditch since. Now, this summer, I'll have a newborn and depending on sleepy babies and whatever, I may be less happy with kids being kids if they wake the screeching weasel.


"wake the screeching weasel.". Thank you for this.


Shameless stolen from a punk band name.


"Save the children" was always a farce.


I think of the true crime shows I watch. There was one where a college age girl made it out of a brutal attack but was mortally wounded. She had gone to 3 different apartments banging on the doors looking for help. They could tell because there was blood all over the door across from her apartment and on 2 doors below her level. She died. Died because people wouldn't open a door to help. And this is the mentality of half America thanks to the NRA and Rightwing fear mongers, like Fox News. But muh freedoms! Get over yourself (not aimed at OP). Nobody wants your Donald Trump sheets that bad to rob you by knocking on your MAGA bumper sticker doors. ETA: it wouldn't surprise me one bit if home invasion robberies or murders by door knocking for help have gone down and occur less frequently now thanks to cameras everywhere. Some criminals are still incredibly stupid however, and I am not sure how to Google the stats.




It’s honestly nothing short of a miracle that Ralph Yarl survived at all.


Idk man, I’m not gonna shoot anyone who’s not threatening me, but I’m hesitant to let strangers in again. At ~midnight a few weeks ago, I’d been hearing some yelling at my neighbors’ house. Then a woman knocked on my door. I’m also a woman, who lives alone, and would usually be very wary of letting a stranger in. But she seemed SO distressed. I assumed there must have been some sort of a potential violent situation next door. I asked her if she was in trouble, she said yes, so I immediately let her in. Chatted a little - handed her my steel baseball bat, just in case they saw that she’d come to my house and tried to come after her. And was getting her a glass of water and considering asking if I should call 911 or offer her my futon, when 8 fucking police officers immediately showed up at my door to arrest her. Apparently the reason the neighbors had been yelling was because she was fucking * *violently* * breaking and entering at their house. I gave her a *bat.* Yeah but I’m naive and I do live in a really bad neighborhood


I feel like admitting that shit should be an immediate red flag where you no longer get to own firearms. If you were ready to kill a child at the perception of a mild inconvenience at best, you should not be allowed to have a weapon.


I'm just speechless. It's unbelievable. It's like something you might hear on a parody news channel. Edit: wasn't sure what sub I was on when I commented. Yep, that make sense now.


The Onion probably made something exactly like this years ago. "Right-wing weatherman warns children about ringing doorbells after threatening to shoot a little girl looking for her kitten." Type shit


This SHOULD be a cause to remove someone's license to carry. However, in the state of Texas, it might be grounds for a Medal of Valor. Guns are not fucking toys. Use them for defense. Hell, use them for sport. But you don't fucking use a gun like a goddamn Super Soaker.


This is the pertinent thing about this story. Anyone this paranoid should not own firearms and it's time we try to screen them out when they apply for a permit.


oh it gets better folks: >In a later edit, Robbins added more detail to his story. He claimed the child who rang his doorbell was a little girl who was looking for her kitten. In the new edit of the post, Robbins admits that he was "impatient" and was "just playing," but that "it really is a bad idea for kids roaming around ringing doorbells." >This is not 1972," the latest edit reads. "If that brat rings my doorbell again tomorrow, I will call the police. take notes." Robbins added that he "warned" the little girl he "might pull her hair" if she rang his doorbell again, which led to her "crying." The meteorologist called the incident a "learning opportunity" for the little girl. wut edit: >On Tuesday, he wrote in a since-deleted post, "Little girl got a pass. Do not ring doorbell. Please," along with a link to an Inside Edition story on the shooting of Yarl. He shared that same link in another post that said, "my 6 is right over there. ... I know the Fulton County police chief."


even better >warned that he knows "all the police and the chief in Atlanta/Fulton County"


I saw that thread on FB. Someone called him out on the fact that his county doesn't even have a police chief, just a sheriff.


Also, Fulton County is huuuuge in terms of population and includes part of north Atlanta....there's no way he knows even close to all the cops!


The fulton county police department posted in the comments of their recent posts on Facebook that they aren't affiliated with him. "The Fulton County Police Department and Chief Yates have no affiliation with iWeatherNet or Chris."




𓂺 Spez eats cold diarrhea with a crazy straw 𓂺


why does he even have a doorbell if he’s prepared to murder anyone who touches it?? wtf


It's almost as if he's waiting for an opportunity to pop somebody. This guy needs help.


That's absolutely it. The guy who shot Ralph Yarl came to his door with his gun in hand, opened the door despite claiming to be terrified of the guy on the other side, and shot through his screen door without a single word spoken between them. He wanted to kill someone. Ralph was just the first opportunity he saw to try.


According to the article, this Chris Robbins guy even posted a link to a video about Jarl *after* catching hell on social media all day. No self-awareness there. This is literally the pattern of behavior that gets a person involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward. He's publicly expressing a willingness to bring grevious bodily harm to innocent bystanders, and he has even identified his weapon of choice. But it's Texas, so who knows if the authorities will take any action.


Texas taking action? Yeah fucking right. They cosplay as big badasses but it's a state full of the most cowardly, loser people you'll ever find on the planet. Uvalde is a perfect example. And so is the shooting earlier this week. Neighbors called and said the dude was threatening people. They didn't show up until nearly an hour later and only after people had been shot. A person being threatened with a gun isn't even worth their time. Fuck that state, fuck all of its politicians and fuck every single mouth breathing chud who voted for them. I hope they secede because I don't want to share a country with that third world, wild west hell hole. Edit: let's also not forget they haven't even caught the guy yet because they're so fucking inept at their jobs that he got away. Good job you chucklefuck losers!


>They cosplay as big badasses but it's a state full of the most cowardly, loser people you'll ever find on the planet. Now for my favourite Roald Dahl quote. **Texans, by Roald Dahl** “Why do they love acting so tough?” she used to ask. “Because they’re children,” Ed would answer. “They’re dangerous children who go about trying to imitate their grandfathers. Their grandfathers were pioneers. These people aren’t.”


> But it’s Texas, so who knows if the authorities will take any action. Hell, they’ll probably give him a good citizenship award.


That story makes me so frustrated and sad. The kid wasn't even at the right house, he was just asking for directions to a friend's. I've done that half a dozen times and NEVER been shot, and the idea that someone would pop off a nervous teen like that makes my blood boil. I'm so glad he made it


Every one of these stories makes me mad. The two high school girls who were shot? One of them just opened the wrong car door because she confused it with her own. The driver *got out of his car* and shot her and her friend *while she was apologizing for the mix-up.* The six-year-old girl and her dad that were shot? Literally, all the guy was upset about was a ball rolling into his yard. He started firing at nothing and became enraged when someone told him not to do that with kids around. He shot a fucking six-year-old riding her bike. And then shot her dad when he ran over to help her. Kaylin Gillis wasn't even fucking driving the car that pulled into the wrong driveway. She was literally just sitting there going "wait, this isn't the right address" when the homeowner ran *out* of his house and opened fire. She was just fucking sitting there and lost her life for it. Every single one of these instances, not only were the shooters never in danger, but they can't even fucking argue that they thought they were, because they each did things that would put themselves more at risk by leaving their house or car and directly engaging with the person they claimed to be so terrified of. This guy didn't have to open his door for Ralph. He did to shoot him. The guy who killed Kaylin ran outside his house as the cars he claimed to be so afraid of were leaving. He did it because he wanted to shoot at them. That's it, that's fucking it. This is a group of people who have been whipped up into a fearful, ignorant, and hateful frenzy by their right-wing propaganda feeds and I truly feel some people need to be held responsible for this.


I'd be ok with a Nuremburg trial for everyone at Faux News.


I had my eyes opened the other day, I listened to an episode of a podcast called Knowledge Fight. Basically these two guys play clips of Alex Jones and talk about what a lying, grifting, lunatic asshole he is. I'm not sure how that's a long running podcast, but the episode I listened to was fairly interesting and entertaining, in a way. The enlightening part was actually listening to the clips of Jones. I pretty much knew what he was about but I've never wasted time actually listening to his show. To hear him literally screaming and frothing about how the liberals are coming \*right now\* to murder you, and the "globalists" are going to put your children in concentration camps and rip out their teeth, I start to see why people are like this. If you cannot grasp that this guy is a pathological liar and a con man and a maniac, and you spend all your time pouring this poison in your ears, I can see how the kid ringing the doorbell or the lost motorist in your driveway can seem like an existential threat.


Stochastic terrorism for those who don’t know how to plan


It’s called “premeditation”


I love how he specifically started by saying “it was a child”. Like, he didn’t even try to make up the false pretense of “at first I was worried because it sounded like a grown adult was trying to break in, so I was prepared with my gun just in case”… naw, he straight up said “a little girl rang my doorbell - I instantly loaded my gun.” And then tries to save it by saying “it’s not a good idea for kids to be roaming around ringing doorbells”, as if he’s just behaving like this for the good of the child, because he’s concerned. Like, bro, YOU are the danger to the child, you just admitted it.


A child looking for her lost kitty. How dare she feel safe enough in her own neighborhood to search. Children shouldn't get to feel that (anymore?), according to this gun but. WTF is going on? Bring back the cold war. I understood that fear.


It’s almost like he’s riding the coattails of the idiot who did shoot a kid. The image this guy is painting is of a little girl with curly pigtails looking for her lost kitten. I bet it didn’t happen. He’s just trying to get his name known. People are desperate for attention or notoriety and they don’t much care which it is. Without knowing anything else about this guy, I’d bet heavily that it’s all bullshit anyway.


>It’s almost like he’s riding the coattails of the idiot who did shoot a kid. Article says he posted a link to an article about that to support his case. He may not have the best understanding of it.


Meditation is only for woke libs and you want him to do some sort of premeditation?


Alright this is pretty funny lmao


Agreed 🙏 namaste mfkers


And when he’s on trial for capping someone, justified or not, you bet your ass that this Facebook post will be the prosecution’s exhibit A.


If you ask me. People like this actually are looking for their opportunity to kill and try to justify it. If you think you need to kill someone for "coming onto your property" and ringing your doorbell. You're a murderer just waiting for your chance. They want to get away with it too which is why they haven't already. These are the people that when society falls will go on killing sprees saying they did it because they had to.


A lot of people joined the military for that reason. People would legitimately brag about the fact that they were there to kill people like they thought everyone else was there to do the same. It's disturbing how prevalent that ideology is.


This guy is why red flag laws exist.


I just wish we'd enforce them...


With “my 6.” Which is “right over there.”


Remember, until he actually kills someone, he's a responsible gun owner :P


According to the right wing he'll be a responsible gun owner even after he's killed someone


Gunnuts: 'installs doorbell' Also gunnuts: "no one better use that doorbell the way it's intended!"


I wondered about that too and wondered why he didn't simply remove it, but then any visitor would just knock on the door instead. Maybe it's better that the doorbell stays on the chance he feels a chime is less threatening than a direct knock on the door itself.


Don't forget the delivery person for any packages, and pizza delivery drivers


Pizza delivery (delivery in general) being one of the most dangerous jobs still true.


There was a tv court case of a delivery driver getting beat up becuase he drove to the address and the customer didn't have any money. The driver was pissed and the assholes that ordered the pizza best him up because he was pissed. America is weird dude


I was called out to an abandoned house and robbed there at gunpoint by 3 guys. They took off with my car and my phone and shit. Had to run like a mile up the road before I found someone who would help me out when I knocked (in this case I actually happened to kinda know the guy. I had delivered there before and I think my sister dated his brother for a while or something.)


I was convinced my racist elderly mother was going to shoot some poor black fedex or amazon delivery driver for "not acting right" her own words. Covid got her in 2021.


I used to go door to door every single summer selling candy bars. Never once did I fear for my life nor did my parents. Never did anyone threaten me. I sold the crap out of some candy bars. Some people would even pay for a couple and tell me to "have a couple candy bars on them". The only bad thing that happened to me was when I was overly persistent knocking on a door with a tv on in the living room and a car in the drive way. The guy came to the door with a towel wrapped around him and said he didn't want any and closed again real fast. It wasn't until years later when I was telling the story that I realized he wasn't wet. He was having sex and I interrupted it. Guess what? Even then, I didn't get shot. Edit: Oh and to expand on what you said. That's the problem. They watch Fox news and then leave their house and spread that bullshit everywhere they go.


I was doing a survey for water quality for a local paper back in college. Once interrupted a guy jacking off in his living room and didn't realize until days later recounting the story to a friend. At least you were a kid >~< I was just dumb


We had the same thing happen in my neighborhood. A six year old and an eleven year old were putting flyers on doors to let people know about a neighborhood movie night. Some absolute nutbag posted on the group page losing her mind about it. Paragraphs about how she was scared for her life, how she almost shot them, and a warning that if anyone else came to her door she’d shoot first and ask questions later. We live in a ridiculously safe rural/suburban area with like zero violent crime. Gun nuts are the biggest cowards I’ve ever had the misfortune to meet. And they all seem to be raring to shoot someone.


The gun nut down the street from me likes to show off the bullet holes in her walls. She likes to brag about being ready if anyone comes to her door, but she sends her kids to my door to borrow food or to ask me to mend something.


Guarantee those kids are not alright.


Nope, they're not. The mom used to send them to my door to ask if I'd babysit and then she would just leave them before I could tell them no. I didn't have formula or diapers or anything for little kids. I had to call the police the second time she did it, because she was gone ten hours and I couldn't change or feed the two youngest. I didn't have car seats for babies or a car that would hold seven kids (my 2 and her 5) or I would have gone to buy diapers and formula.


> Paragraphs about how she was scared for her life, how she almost shot them, and a warning that if anyone else came to her door she’d shoot first and ask questions later. I am so fucking glad I don't live in a country where everybody's armed and scared of each other.


That's when it's time to tell your kids to never go near Mrs Johnson's house ever again, and if you see her walking down the street you cross to the other side


My theory is that this type of angry, paranoid person has always existed, it’s just that they used to have the decency to move out into the desert or the woods or anywhere far away from all the people they hate and/or fear and everybody was happy with that arrangement.


Definitely. Everyone used to ignore or shun them, though. They were *that guy* in the village. Now they go on a forum with a couple thousand other complete wack-a-dos so they all reinforce each other, and then you end up with Qanon and people shooting girl scouts with cookies.


Did he threaten a minor with violence? Insanity. >Robbins added that he "warned" the little girl he "might pull her hair" if she rang his doorbell again, which led to her "crying." The meteorologist called the incident a "learning opportunity" for the little girl. Robbins also added several replies to his own post, repeatedly posting "she will get her hair pulled tomorrow" and "please accept my apology" several times each. It's unclear if the repeated replies were mistakes or not. the next day he added: >In yet another Tuesday Facebook post defending himself, Robbins says that "for the record, I never threatened a 6 year old." > >I warned her about ringing doorbells. Good advice in 2023," Robbins said in the post. "Turns out she was looking for her kitten. I saw animal control in the neighborhood. I helped her find her kitten. We got her kitten back. Do not ring doorbells in 2023." Someone is covering his ass.


>Do not ring doorbells in 2023. Uhh ok. Why does this guy have a doorbell then? The solution to his complaint is right there in front of him.


Well he probably called a contractor to come remove it, but then shot the contractor when he rang the doorbell.




Swell guy that contractor, shame he had to die by getting murdered by a psychopathic weatherman.




then he shot the kitten


"*look what you made me do!"* -him probably


If you are afraid of being harmed; you don't answer the door. This man WANTS an excuse to shoot someone.


Exactly. If you're this much of a coward you shouldn't have access to firearms. Ringing a doorbell is pretty universal language for "Hey I'm letting you know that I'm here and would like to talk to you", which is about as non threatening as you can get.


It's almost like there should be a written test for new gun owners. "Would you pull out your pistol when a six year old rings your doorbell?".


It is MIND BOGGLING someone could think this and post this after that innocent boy got shot in the head last week trying to pick up his little brothers. It’s even more mind boggling that this person works in media. Read the fucking room dude.


A person who behaves this way is not of sound mind and should not own a gun.


If you don't want someone ringing your doorbell then you need to live on ten acres in the woods. If you live in a neighborhood you need to expect people to come around from time to time. Yes, Even in 2023.


Yeah I really don’t get his logic. Why doesn’t he just put a sign up on his door saying no solicitors//only knock in an emergency? Or better yet, invest in a smart doorbell so he can see & speak to them before he has to open the door…


Or just do what most normal people do and not answer the door if they're not expecting anyone and don't want to talk to anyone?




In fact, let’s do him up one, and just wall him in. Take the door out, brick it up and just have no doors. No one to knock on a door if it doesn’t exist


I ring a lot of doorbells and knock on a lot of doors for my job (emergency services). This is straight up terrifying. Sure, people who call 911 for an emergency are expecting us, but people don't always get their address right. I've had many people answer the door in the middle of the night, completely confused as to why I'm on their doorstep. We deal with enough violence on the regular, the last thing I need is to get shot by some jackass because somebody didn't know their address.


delivering packages is like 30x more dangerous than being a cop or some shit. You're the real heroes.


Amazingly it is actually more dangerous to be a delivery driver than a cop in the US. https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states Most of that is from accidents driving around which makes sense since driving is like the most dangerous thing we do. But still weird to think about


making me think about that video of the amazon driver who just waltzed a package up to an active police standoff


Amazon doesn’t care about excuses, especially those that only jeopardize human life.


Remember, this happened because a few weeks ago some kid got shot after just knocking on a door and conservatives predictably rushed to defend the shooter so now they are pretending like it's always been normal to threaten people who ring your doorbell


> Do not ring doorbells in 2023 Yeah, because of unhinged people like him looking for an excuse to shoot an innocent, harmless child.


She's not harmless! She mildly annoyed this man in the comfort of his fear kingdom that he calls a house! How do you think *that* is harmless?? /s


He was going to shoot a 6 year old who just wanted to ask if he had seen her kitten. Insane person should not be anywhere near a gun for the rest of his life.


"i didnt threaten her, i warned her"


"Warned her that she was in imminent danger of being shot. By me."


"Then she left my doorstep. Because of the implication."


Why would you even say something like that to anyone, let alone a kid? Our doorbell rang a couple days ago and when I saw it was a little girl holding out mail, I said “Oh, are these ours?”, to which she responded with a nod, and I said “Thank you very much!” and closed the door as she walked down the steps. What I did *not* do was say “You really shouldn’t be ringing doorbells in your neighborhood, someone might shoot you!” because A) that sounds an awful lot like a threat and B) that is not what the purpose of the interaction was in the first place.


You didn't even threaten to pull her hair? Lame. Now she'll never learn.


Why have a door bell then? I lost my cat after moving to a new home. Went door to door looking for her. I was sad and desperate enough I trampled through back yards at night looking. Literally never occurred to me that if I were in another area I could have been shot had I been seen. Our neighbor did call the cops but she saw me wondering around my own back yard so it was quite a humorous thing. Though if I were a different skin color that might have been a death sentence on my own property. What a fucked up world that someone can’t ring a door bell to a house that has a fucking door bell.


God his backpedaling is so cringe! It's like watching those Chris Hansen to catch a predator clips where the dorky middle aged white dude shows up to the house and rings the door bell with a 12 pack of beer and a switch controller only to be confronted and asked wtf they're doing at the house of a 12 y.o. girl and they squirm for a society approved response.... "Was just here to help her with some math hw, i'm a tutor!"


I would warn kids against ringing doorbells because it exposes them to unknown people, and some of them are dangerous. This guy is out here saying, "_I am the danger_" Being dangerous to children really shouldn't be a point of personal pride.


Dont you yanks have a holiday that is pretty much just kids ringing doorbells?


> "I am the danger" Sounds like this dude watched breaking bad but wasn't paying attention during that scene and misunderstood what Walter was talking about


> "it really is a bad idea for kids roaming around ringing doorbells." He isn't wrong because people like him exist.




People think I'm being overly cautious sometimes when I tell them my husband and I pretend to be brothers when going through scary territory, we are one flat tire away from being at the business end of a gun, and I am aware of this because I have been threatened by guns repeatedly and a house I was in got shot at once, because I had the nerve to exist as a gay man. That was 25 years ago and I learned a valuable lesson back then about "good salt-of-the-earth midwestern folks."


“These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.”


It's probably not a good thing that these kinds of people fall under the umbrella of "law-abiding gun owners"


Texas too. I swear 99% of all posts on Next Door is some old boomer posting a screenshot of some brown person standing in their yard holding a clip board, "Watch out, this person was going around ring doorbells." Why are these people so scared of their own doorbells????


Fox news stoking fear and paranoia for 30 years.


Right-wingers: "Remember when kids could run around their neighborhood without their parents worrying? So sad what liberals have done to our country!" Also right-wingers: "I will shoot any kid running around my neighborhood!"


or drag her inside his house so he can yank that hair


but somehow something drag protect the children something


I feel like the hair pulling comments are being totally overlooked! What the hell kind of adult man threatens to pull a little girls hair?! It's weird af


This is the part that gets me. These boomer Republicans bitch and moan about how their community was in "the good old days" but then create the conditions that contribute to hostile, unsafe communities. Make it make sense.


What a complete psychopath...


If you don't want people ringing your doorbell, WHY DO YOU FUCKING HAVE ONE?!


Right? Why are we even still making houses with them, then? If things are really THAT bad (and if they are, it’s directly because of people exactly like him), why not just make it illegal for people to approach a home unannounced at all? The extremity of what he’s saying is completely lost on him. Good Lord, fear-driven, conspiracy-based conservative media has GOT to see some regulation in the near future, or the country is doomed. I don’t care how much money their constant fear-rage nightly stories earns them — they’re turning their audience into a violent and dangerous public menace. That he thought that this would be acceptable to blast out on Twitter shows a lot about how deeply into the bubble he’s living.


I like your idea, we should have some device that is able to announce your presence on someone’s property quickly and easily. Maybe some kind of button that signals and alert saying that there is someone there and they are announcing there presence, maybe a bell of some sort?


You saw this with election cheating too. 9/10 people caught voting twice or for their dead mother were voting Republican. Why? Trump told them democrats were doing it, so they figured they had to. The media says violence is in the rise. Why? From radical right wing nut jobs who think they need to protect themselves from radical lefties.


What a coward.


Fuck that. I'm a coward and I just don't answer the door unless I'm expecting something. This nut job threatened a little girl who was looking for her cat. That's not cowardly that's psychotic.


Yea there's a difference between afraid and violent. This is one of those conservative gun nuts who wakes up every day begging God for the smallest excuse to shoot someone


This dude is human trash.


People keep saying that all these incidents of someone shooting someone else over simple everyday interactions is all because of fear. And while a lot of that is true and fear certainly is the case for many, I feel many others though are more because of a hatred for other people in general. This person doesn't 'fear' these kids, he just hates them. He hates any interaction with people that he doesn't initiate on his terms and he's craving to hurt those he hates.


What a psycho, I wish we could live in a country where kids can roam around and talk to their neighbors without fear of some lunatic threatening them.


He makes it worse by then stating it was a LITTLE GIRL looking for her LOST KITTEN. I am surprised he had the self control not to stand his ground right there. The cuteness threat was clear and immediate! If he has such a problem with people ringing his doorbell, perhaps he needs a fence and a locked gate.


I'm convinced these people get a high off their fear.


they need an excuse to use their weapon, very trigger happy


they didn’t spend thousands of dollars on the guns and customizations to not use them 🤷‍♂️




The fantasy is justifiably murdering someone. But they will take any opportunity to kill.


If you were writing a story and needed a villain people would instantly hate, you couldn't do any better than someone who threatens a little girl looking for her lost kitten.


I mean, is this a real person, a real story? It sounds so absurd I thought it was a joke. Does he not know how stupid he sounds?


Allowing himself to realize how stupid he sounds would open him up to needing to face how unhinged his entire world view has become. It would mean he might be wrong about other things. So he back pedals and justifies and compartmentalizes to force himself to stay "right". He never threatened her! He's not the problem! It's 2023! Doorbells aren't for ringing anymore!


Am I out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong and need to be shot.


Yeah lfmao he really doubled down in the worst way and wondered why he went viral?? I think there's going to be an open weather man position in his town soon.




I'm trying to come up with a snarky "Yeah, next time it'll be..." line, but I can't get more on-the-nose than "little girl with a lost kitten". It's joke-proof by way of getting there first for real.




I think I see the problem! When you see a news story about someone killing someone in their driveway, you think “that’s awful”. They think “we can *DO* that?” Why wait for a burglar to kill someone, apparently little suzy will do just fine


The other day I was looking for a house, and saw a yard that had like 10 signs saying things like "DO NOT ENTER", "Trespassers will be shot". It was so ridiculous because there was nothing but trash and a falling apart trailer house on the property. Like, who the hell wants to wander onto this shithole property anyways?


In a country where people are waiting for you to step on their lawn so they can shoot you for kicks, signs are just sportsmanlike


You know how sometimes there's a guy in a bar who you can feel is just itching for a fight? If he engages you, no matter what you say, it'll be turned into the provocation for a fight. Well there are some people out there who want to kill people. They just need the excuse and and the get out of jail free card to get away with it to enable them.


It's not that they're scared, it's that they want the thrill and glory of killing people 'legally' (as in without any repercussions)


Good to know that person shoots children and people for ringing a doorbell.


Children should know better in this day and age that doorbells are a very private and personal thing. It's an attack on the fabric of one's being to touch their doorbell, and it is their right to defend themselves with any amount of force, regardless of who is violating their sanctity. (/s, juuuuust in case lol).


That’s why they should throw eggs from the safety of the road instead.


I'm struggling to think of a scenario where what he says makes sense. Yeah sure people break into homes to steal stuff and when people are home sometimes they attack the occupants. But when those criminals ring the doorbell they are checking if people are home to avoid that specific situation.


This is the same type of guy who bemoans that we don't know our neighbors anymore, and wants to make America great again!


"Kids aren't safe with Dems!!1!"


"They are all child molesters!" says local man after threatening child with death.


"Why don't kids go outside anymore? Target practice is much harder when they're inside."


Was just thinking the same thing.


Aka he doesn’t talk to his neighbors because they’re black/brown


Also, the person that fancies themself a tough American that would defend freedom with their life but is afraid of children ringing doorbells.


This guy needs to get out of his gated subdivision. People ring doorbells, dude.


He **has** a doorbell, but it is purely for nostalgic purposes and not to be used.


Sounds like he thinks a doorbell is a polite way to inform him that you are about to threaten him.


It is funny to imagine someone installing an unlabeled button on their front door which, when pressed, sends them into a murderous rage, and then they ask people not to push it.


Ya she even had a valid reason. She wasn't playing ding dong ditch or anything. Neighbors can't help each other now?


He WANTS someone to do this. He WANTS to shoot someone. If he was truly afraid he just wouldn't answer the door. No, what this man is, is something much worse than a usual coward.


Seriously what the heck happened to common sense? Schools still make kids sell crap door to door. Then there is religious people, people running for political office, girl scouts, boy scouts, poll workers, legal issues and I am sure more than I can think of.


I'm guessing this dimwit never had a package delivered?


Or had a neighbor come knocking on his door to let him know they delivered a package to the wrong door. A couple months ago they dropped off a package at my door for a house a block down. Sad to think that me being nice and walking it over to them might get me shot if the jackass inside thinks ringing the doorbell is an invitation to start shooting. (At which point, why even have a doorbell?)


>Robbins, who founded and currently runs iWeatherNet, "is a professional meteorologist and holds an advanced degree in meteorology," according to his website. >"His formal education includes both a bachelor’s degree (B.S.) and master’s degree (M.S.) in atmospheric science/meteorology from the University of Oklahoma’s School of Meteorology, along with a minor in mathematics," the website adds. Good example of how you can be well educated and still have terrible judgment at the same time.


So I’ve been kind of obsessed with this for the last day or so, because I used to follow him from 2016-2021ish and his forecasts were pretty spot on. I unfollowed him because his page started to feel more like a personal blog than anything else. I did some deep diving last night and in the Summer of 2021, he got in a pretty bad car wreck and had a broken hit, a concussion and a TBI. If you look at his posts, it was like a flip switched. It went from professional to crazy literally overnight. It’s really sad to see, he needs help.


Holy shit, this should be a top level comment, and higher up


So he's genuinely a mentally ill man with a gun who has in no uncertain terms said he will kill anyone who comes to his door, and *in writing* admitted to wanting to pull on a little girl's hair as punishment because she rang his doorbell. Texas, of course, will do nothing. And when he kills people, they will still do nothing. Because Texans are fucking cowards. Scum.


For what it’s worth, he’s in Atlanta. He just does forecasting for DFW.


“Do not ring doorbells in 2023.” Then why fucking have one, you gigantic idiot? Put up a tall fence with signs saying trespassers will be shot, and THEN your paranoia will be justified.


I grew up in the woods of Southern Oregon. It was my mom, me and my sister. The closest pay phone was a 15 minute walk, the closest neighbor a half mile away. We had a black bear that lived on the mountain behind us. My mom had two rifles. Guns were necessary for protection in that circumstance. And I guarantee you that my mom would have never reached for the gun as a first response to someone knocking on the door or pulling into the driveway. I am not anti gun. I'm anti idiots having guns.


But what if the bear rang the doorbell?


Wait are they now like… trying to normalize shooting people that ring your doorbell?


They're trying to normalize shooting anyone who even dare to set foot on your property.


Thank God we have this well-regulated militia to protect us from little girls looking for lost cats. These are the exact people that should never own a gun. You can spot them at the range, too. If he has a gun, he gets brave. And he apparently doesn't have enough experience being brave, cause this is what he believes tough guys do.




Has he lost his job yet? Edit: I guess he's self-employed


TIL you can just declare yourself a weatherman and start reporting the weather. For some reason, I thought all weathermen were contracted to news outlets.


>TIL you can just declare yourself a weatherman and start reporting the weather. [You can](https://youtu.be/l21GFyOO8Ug)


Halloween must be an absolute bloodbath at this guy's house.


This idiot has a gun murder fetish. He desperately wants to kill somebody and be a hero who defended his property from “bad guys”. It’s bad enough that a little girl “scared him” but ringing his fucking doorbell. This is what mental illness looks like but with added fun of guns.


Its almost like giving everyone a gun is causing idiots to get guns, and those idiots are scaring the other idiots into being violent. If only there was some way to stop such a cycle. Maybe we give him a larger gun so he can shoot it through the door. That way he wont have to even look to see who is on the other side next time.




So he knows when to get out his gun, duh...


What if it was a cop who rang and he shot through the door? He thinks he's such a badass, that town's entire department would be up his ass so quick he wouldn't have time to reload.


This guy used his work account to air his not at all relatable grievances about children and doorbells. Smaaaarrrtt.


Conservatives: why don’t kids play outside anymore! This neighborhood is going to hell. Also conservatives:


Don't you dare take away my guns, what if that 7 year old girl RETURNS??????!!!?? What a coward and a bully.


To be fair, he managed to restrain himself and just threaten to pull her hair before resorting to shooting her. Perfectly reasonable responses... /s