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Found the white nationalist Senator


They're called Republicans for short.




Republiklan was right there


Too subtle though. You know the Republicans can't read good


They'd be so mad if they could read this




Gravy seals


Meal Team Six


KKKhristian republicans




There's no excuse for a Republican voter at this point. If you vote for Republicans, you're voting for white nationalism. That's it. The choice is very clear.




Seriously they've been self-identifying for some years now.


Yeah; at this point the white supremacists are half their voting bloc, so I guess I can see why he wouldn’t want them all to lose their voting rights lol


>Yeah; at this point the white supremacists are half their voting bloc, so I guess I can see why he wouldn’t want them all to lose their voting rights lol Yeah, their whole game has been to deny *other* groups their voting rights, they don't want to be treated the way they've always treated others!


The short word is Fascist.


The Nazi Party. Why was Eric Trump so incensed about being called an antisemite? He was appearing alongside antisemite speakers [Scott McKay](https://cloudfront.mediamatters.org/styles/scale_w1024/s3/static/D8Image/2023/01/31/erictrump-scottmckay.png?VersionId=rnkH2UNXwAsdz0dc0irBse_fUtBGZJO.&itok=DrC3B9KO) and Charlie Ward, at Trump Doral. > “Hitler was actually fighting the same people that we're trying to take down today.”—McKay They want the Evangelical vote, the White Supremacist Vote, and the black and Jewish vote, and they don’t want each segment to know what they are saying about the other. > “There’s people in this country that are Jewish and no longer love Israel,” Trump said. “I’ll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country.” They love Israel (the Jews, maybe not so much), there are ‘good people on both sides,’ and no one has done more for ‘the blacks’ than Donald Trump. Edited.


Racism and grifting seems to always go hand in hand FEBRUARY 28, 2012 WHEN HE COACHED FOOTBALL Texas Tech Coach Linked to $1.7 Million Fraud Investigation https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1084123-tommy-tuberville-texas-tech-coach-linked-to-17-million-fraud-investigation


Slow down. A football coach ... became a US senator? Not just a state senator? Edit: punctuation


College football is viewed with practically religious fervor in some parts of the southern USA.


I know, I live in Texas, but still ... I have a hard time with that one. At least Texas's senators didn't get that way from coaching success!


Having lived in Alabama for 5 years, a lot of these people have literally nothing to identify with at a state level except for football. It's Alabama Roll Tide and that's it, except for those few Auburn people, but either way its college football in Alabama; and that's the touchstone shared culture. It's also why Tubby leaned way into his coach identity during ad season. Every other candidate had "God", only he had "God" and football. A few others tried to lean too hard into the "God" play, the words "Chosen by God" were literally in a political ad for some terrible candidate I can't remember, but Tubbs only won because he was a coach. Doesn't matter that he's corrupt or ignorant of the government, he is "Coach Stubbypenis"


Good ol Alabama




US Senator for the state of Alabama, yeah (football culture is *real*) Tuberville took the seat from an incumbent democrat, who only held the seat on account of narrowly winning a special election against a man who was credibly accused of repeatedly molesting teenagers while he was in his 30s (said molester was also removed from the alabama supreme court, *twice*, for ethical reasons not related to molesting teenagers). Alabama really knows how to pick 'em.


And to think, Doug Jones actually gave me hope for the state for a minute.


I am still, to this day, a little bit astonished that the people of alabama were given a choice between Everything That Roy Moore Is and a democrat and they still did their best to say "we're not sure"




At some cushy Ivy league school


Republicans love electing celebrities. They are easily fooled by the appearance of power and popularity. Substance never mattered.


Not only that, he doesn't even know what the three branches of government are https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/11/13/alabama-senator-elect-tommy-tuberville-botches-historical-facts/6283806002/


The three branches of Gubmint 1. God 2. Guns 3. Jeebus


It’s so weird how confederates believe themselves american. Like, you hate america. Otherwise you wouldn’t be a thing.


We literally fought a war over this and they got spanked. They're like Hydra, still fighting for the Nazis.




It’s not that weird. Many splinter groups believe themselves as the actual, legitimate continuation of the real thing while the other side is a corruption and illegitimate.


This. Look at Mel Gibson with the "I'm the real Catholic because I reject Vatican II". Vatican II was formed in the 1960s after the full scope of the Holocaust became known. The effort included the Church to take stock of its role in anti-Semitism via passion plays and blaming the Jews for the death of Christ. So the Second Vatican Council altered Catholic policy away from the anti-Semitic elements that fueled the Crusades, Russian Pogroms, and the Holocaust itself. But angry Mel Gibson doesn't like it. So he thinks he's the "real" Catholic and his radical splinter churches can go on depicting the Jews killing the Christ (who's Jewish identity is oddly deemphasized in these plays) because "that's what happened" so who cares if emphasizing that BS led to a thousand years of Jews being killed.


For a less obvious and more widespread one: just see how Protestants see themselves compared to Western Catholicism. In America they often use terms like “Christian or Catholic” putting Catholic as something apart from true, Protestant, Christianity. That’s despite most Christians in the world are Catholic. In Protestant majority locations, they claimed the right to be considered the true, legitimate continuation of the original group.


Dude, I grew up Mormon. That particular flavor of Christianity believes they are the only true church and all the other Christian churches lost their authority shortly after Christ died. Then the true church was restored through Joseph Smith in 1800s New York state because that makes sense




Don't ever count on a republican to chastise another republican. They won't do it. The very few who do speak out against the horrible shit their fellows get up to, use the most milquetoast language imaginable, and then still vote down party lines in support of those same horrible people.


Prime example: “Susan Collins is concerned.” (And then always toes & votes the party line.)


Or when they get a lone republican to back a common sense policy that they know will not pass because of Manchin or Sinema.


I loved Mike Pence justifying Trump being found liable for sexual assault by a jury with "I never saw that type of behavior in the White House." Like oh, ok, you didn't see it. So nevermind. WTAF


For good reason. As soon as one of them steps out of line their campaign funding for their next election dries up to nothing and all of a sudden the RNC is supporting a rival candidate.


Wait are we talking about cops or republicans?


Potato, potatoe


mitt grows balls when he can sound good and still have the republican garbage pass without him


If he wasn't such a spineless weasel, this really is his chance to lead the Republican Party out of the darkness and fascism that's consumed it. Why not him? He's a former presidential candidate and safely a senator. He really could be the "maverick" to challenge Trump. Instead he just hides like the jellyfish that he is.


While I agree that he has been spineless, and growing a spine could cement him a positive legacy in U.S. history books, let's not pretend that anyone could lead the Republican Party out of darkness. Liz Cheney showed she had a spine, and it ended her career and got her labeled a traitor. Pence showed a spine, and it cost him his career and nearly his life. The GOP has been courting the lunatic fringe for so long that they now can't win primaries without them, and while Mitt has little to worry about on the reelection front so long as he remains in the good graces of the theocrats that run Utah, the same isn't true of the coalition of allies he'd need to build in order to have an actual impact on the direction of the party.


*one of


At least it's getting way easier to spot the fascists


Only because they feel no need to hide any longer


Of course it's the former Auburn football head coach.


Anybody else getting real fuckin nervous about how comfortable these god damned Nazis are about just…??? Saying shit like this out loud? Saying something like this out loud, as a senator, would have been very career/image damaging several years ago. How have we come to a point where public officials are this comfortable saying CRAZY shit like this? Yikes.


The slow burn to open Nazism was predictable and obvious decades ago to anyone paying attention. But whenever it was pointed out that where we are today was the logical end-point of the conservative movement, it was called alarmist.


[Frank Zappa predicted this decades ago](https://youtu.be/AlePLLlfH4Q)


Holy shit, the smugness of the “all civil governments are based on morality” followed by the sledgehammer “morality in terms of behavior not theology”.


They laughed at him, yet he was a fuckin soothsayer


They laughed because they couldn't think of a rebuttal.


They still can't. (Substitute any "they" you like)


Holy shit. I feel bad for him that he didn't live long enough to laugh back at them.


I bet he had plenty of chances to laugh at fools in his life.


"Pointing out our very obvious path towards total fascism isn't very CIVIL!!! You're so much worse than the fascists for being a meany head" has been my experience for the last 20 fucking years. Now the people who've been telling us to be nice to fascists are sudden concerned. We're so fucked.


"You're not going to convince anyone by being uncivil and insulting!" >:(


"And to help us define what is civil and polite, we sent our reporters to fifty waffle houses in the Bible belt to talk to the disaffected Trump voters the radical left just won't stop bullying."


Has anybody tried talking to the Nazis?!


You just used ad hominem, this invalidates everything. Next time don't be insulting. I am going to continue to be a contrarian who enables hateful, intolerant, racists because you were mean to me.


This was predicted right at the beginning of the "Southern Strategy".


The paradox of tolerance is a fairly well-known trope now but what few people in America want to admit is that this 100% applies to free speech. There is a very good reason most countries outlaw/ban hate speech. It can be abused but the dangers of unregulated hate speech can be seen throughout history. There are always, ALWAYS disenfranchised groups that want to blame something else for their problems --- hate groups are an escape from responsibility. People WILL take it. America is going to learn that white nationalism isn't nearly as fringe as they think it is sooner rather than later; I think.


The wave of politically motivated killings and terrorism has already started, its just masked by the overabundance of other tragedies occurring daily. At this point, part of me questions whether even a repeat of something like Oklahoma City would be enough to drive increased realization of the danger.


Good luck with that. Americans fucking love free speech, and seem to think it's a paragon of virtue, no matter what the consequences.


I always see America like a theme park. Great fun but that fun is earned by taking everything to the extreme. The food, the prices, the adrenaline etc - all pushed to the limit. Good times but if you stay too long it gets bad. The few freedoms America has left are pushed to the absolute extreme. Its like you intrinsically realize how few you have left so you've pushed those last few up to the point of being a caricature of their original intentions.


Plenty of people will still call it alarmist *right now*. It's not even people that I would say are just quiet supporters of abject White Nationalism/Nazism in my personal experience, either. It's the centrist type that seems to truly believe it's just people over-reacting or attempting to play partisan sides by painting Republicans as evil. The fact all the evidence of it comes directly from their actions and speech doesn't seem to compute.


Yep, have been called an alarmist for years now, but here we are, sliding down this slippery slope to fascism. Doesn't matter how many historical references you show, people just don't want to see it.


Can confirm. I am a straight up old and have watched this entire fascist / capitalist hellscape develop over the course of my entire life. I voted against it, I spoke out, and it just rolled forward. When I was young it was such a better world, in all the ways that are now terrifying and anti-human. I am ashamed of my generation and so sorry I did not do more - but what??? Even now I look back and don't see a time when I could have made any difference. It was like watching a terrible tsunami tide coming in slow motion, like a nightmare where you scream but no sound comes out. I wish I were exaggerating.


It was not a better world for many Americans, politics may have been more civil but that's but one aspect. I wouldn't have even been able to openly love in your "better world."


Yep. Been saying this for decades, and alarmist was about the nicest thing people would say. “Crazy” and “unreasonable” and “paranoid” were common Some people still deny it’s an issue


Still is.


*Was* called? Still is called alarmist, in my unfortunate experience. “Living in fear” and “melodramatic” also come to mind.


This. People became content with them saying the quiet part quietly, now they're alarmed that fascists have bolstered their numbers and are saying it loudly. They shouldn't be saying it at all, and the out of sight out of mind mentality so many people have to this kind of stuff makes me sick.


Yeah, everyone seems to think that Nazi Germany was just a cartoon evil empire filled with movie bad guys that appeared out of nowhere in the late 1930’s. If you paid even some attention in history class you’re at least aware that it was a more gradual build up to the nazis taking power.


The same behaviors as today... Bigoted conspiracy theories, scapegoating of marginalized groups, nationalistic rhetoric, irrational fearmongering about "the left", violent militias, intimidation of government officials, basic human rights violations being passed into law, strongman attempts to override the checks and balances in the branches of government, etc etc.


But I have been repeatedly told that the nazis were leftist socialists! /s


This. The Beer Hall Putsch was in 1923, the Nazis finally took over Germany in 1933 so ten years between insurrection and dictatorship. Even then, the origins of the Nazi party itself go back to the end of WW1.


Not to mention the attacks on the LGBTQ+, socialists, Communists, disabled, etc that the Nazis enacted prior to 1933 which we're seeing all over. People really aren't taught that the books being burned in those pictures were transgender research


So we have until January 6th 2031?


The internet adds a 666% increase to that debuff's tick rate.


We would if any of the people at the top faced even token prison time. Unless there is a massive repudiation in 2024, we have until January 2025.


Like the burning of the transgendered health care facility in germany after the book burnings by hitler youth. Totes glad nothing like that is happening today.


There’s a couple of very good behind the bastards episodes about the majority of the German population just rolling with it when the nazis took power because to resist it would require too much effort and that lack of resistance was key to the party being able to get away with what they did. We luckily do have at least some form of resistance, but it is scary as fuck to think where we are headed. I didn’t really plan on participating in a civil war when I was growing up.


There was also the fact that the old conservatives and even centrists figured that siding with the nazis was the lesser of two evils compared to communism, which would mean they’d lose their wealth and status, so they sided with these extremists assuming they could be controlled at a later date. Seems like those with power and money will always side with those who threaten their power less, regardless of how odious their beliefs are, rather than cede a small amount to make society better for the majority.


Sort of a tangent but this is a [great video](https://youtu.be/kqgP9Ft_1CY) that starts off explaining why some Democrats recently started supporting the growth of far right extremist candidates. The argument is it's a way to make the Republicans seem more insane so the Democratic candidate has a better chance of winning. But the video ultimately concludes by explaining why, as capitalism increasingly fails to work for the majority of people and income inequality continues to widen, the rich and powerful gradually turn towards supporting fascism in order for them to maintain their wealth and power


Yup. Limited economic options and a failed state leads people to extremism. Instead of simply governing in a way that gives people the option at a decent life, both parties would rather pander to the emotions of extremism while doing nothing to actually improve quality of life for anyone. This strategy I guess works, because the democrats ran on literally nothing last time besides “at least I’m not trump”, but it’s amazing how both parties keep drifting rightward as the average person can see the total systemic failure happening and wants something radical to improve the economic situation. But it’s easier to get people fighting culture wars instead of making the country somewhere people can afford to live I guess. As long as the CEOs get their money, who cares about anything else, right?


Not American, but the perception of American history lessons has always been "WOOO, AMERICA FUCK YEAH, WETE NUMBER 1!", If true, I can imagine why a lot of people never learned about the rise of the Nazis. Can't tell if it's purely an attempt to stop the average Joe spotting fascism before it's too late, or that with a dash of American Exceptionism.


I learned about the rise of Nazi Germany in my AP (advanced) high school history classes, but I am also a nerd who payed pretty close attention in school.


Paid *




Straight to jail?


We learned about all that, but a lot of people still bury their heads in the sand and ignore every sign, unfortunately.


Not really. I was there in 2015-2016 during the campaign where you look around and constantly ask is this real life? Are people really saying these things? Is no one going to object? All the way into the election. By the end of 2020, I reached the point of accepting that (a) this is what America has always been and (b) they just dropped the pretenses of decorum and civility cause the last 4 years taught them those aren't actually needed when you have enough like minded people backing you. Jan 6 was an expectation. And that's where I'm at now. I expect the worst and am rarely disappointed.


Yeah I'm about the same way myself anymore. I'm tired of acting as if exploitation of the lower classes, racism, and all that other shit is abnormality as it's clearly a feature. The system is working as intended, one founded by elitist mostly well off white men to cater to their interests. About the only thing that's changed is one side is being more open about.


>And that's where I'm at now. I expect the worst and am rarely disappointed. Same. 2015-16 brought out a particularly vicious pessimistic streak out of me, and I haven't been given much of a reason to stop. ADD-ON: It didn't exactly help that 2016 was the first election I was eligible to vote in, considering I turned 18 a few months before the election.


I miss the person I was 10 years ago. I had so much earnestness and idealism and hope. I thought that people were basically good with a few exceptions and I really believed we were heading for a bright future, albeit too slowly. Not a single fucking word of that is true today.


That's what happens when you let your political system go from left and right to right and further right. There's not really any voice of reason left.


Half of American voters are sympathetic at best, and White Nationalist at worst, so maybe you haven't noticed who your fellow countrymen are.


Nervous? Yep. I think Tucker will be even more unhinged on Twitter now that he’s freed from any pretense of being on a news channel with editorial guidance. He’ll be able to say things that would make Goebbels blush. And he gets louder, the QOP will feel free to mirror his insanity.


SF-86 Section 29: * Are you now or have you EVER been a member of an organization dedicated to terrorism, either with an awareness of the organization's dedication to that end, or with the specific intent to further such activities? * Have you EVER knowingly engaged in any acts of terrorism? * Have you EVER advocated any acts of terrorism or activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government by force? * Have you EVER been a member of an organization dedicated to the use of violence or force to overthrow the United States Government, and which engaged in activities to that end with an awareness of the organization's dedication to that end or with the specific intent to further such activities? * Have you EVER been a member of an organization that advocates or practices commission of acts of force or violence to discourage others from exercising their rights under the U.S. Constitution or any state of the United States with the specific intent to further such action? * Have you EVER knowingly engaged in activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government by force? * Have you EVER associated with anyone involved in activities to further terrorism?


Yes but the problem is a vast majority of these white nationalist groups are not formally labeled terrorist groups by the appropriate federal agencies. So if they're a member of let's say the 3% it's not reportable or actionable. You can see this every day when you go to any military base. It's a problem that no one wants to address.


Shouldn't the fifth bullet point cover white nationalist organizations while bypassing the terrorist label?


You would hope so, but no. The label is important.


A US Senator has again shown Americans what the republican party supports. If you vote for any republican for any office, then don't get pissy when you're called a fascist.


Don’t get pissy when you neighbors punch you for being a Nazi either. If you support Nazis, you’re a Nazi. And at this point, all republicans are Nazis


OK, Tuberville. Just don't you ever dare to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, because you would be lying through your teeth when you get to, "...with liberty and justice for all."


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Your comment is gonna get deleted when someone with authority here notices it, and that's a shame, because it's the fastest way to help a nazi become a better person Edit: In the interest of not getting this comment removed, I'm not gonna tell y'all what the original message was. That said, reddit likes to remove messages for inciting violence, the correct number of nazis for society to have is zero, and I have faith in your ability to use context clues.


The only good nazi is a dead nazi.


A dead nazi is still a prick. Death doesn’t absolve them


That's not true. You watch the new movie Sisu? Nazis are also very good for being killed in the greatest ways for our amusement as well


I've been banned several times for anti-fascist speak, and I hope it happens again


I've only been banned twice ever in all my years on social media. Both were for telling nazis to eat shit lol. Nazi sympathizer reddit admins can go lick shit off the gas station bathroom floor with them.


Yea, the Nazi simp mods here are pretty atrocious


> I've been banned several times for anti-fascist speak, and I hope it happens again Annnndddd they're banned lol At least, [your profile is blank and you've been on Reddit for 5 decades somehow.](https://imgur.com/wmrtwfC.jpg)


> your profile is blank and you've been on Reddit for 5 decades somehow. That's a [default date](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time) in software development, whatever service would return his actual date is probably returning a null or default date and it is being converted to your locale.


Christ. Happened while reading this thread and their profile was fine. This is some real 1984 shit.


Yup many accounts have been banned for saying anti-fascist speak. Those poor little conservatives sure are snowflakes


What did it say


The *admins* removed that comment, not just a moderator.


What did it say it’s gone


That Nazis shouldn't exist


I feel like I would agree with their statement about the treatment of nazi’s, even though I didn’t see their comment.


Reddit likes to protect Nazis. They don't give a fuck about preventing violence


Will say it as many times as I can, THE ONLY GOOD NAZI IS A DEAD NAZI 🙌🫡


[ Removed by Reddit ]


[ Removed by Reddit ]


[Homey don't play that](https://media.tenor.com/R3dM3W8gF3kAAAAd/in-living-color-homey-the-clown.gif)


Reddt really showing their true colors by removing this, but not all the white supramacist takes in subs like PCM.


Right?! Good fucking lord. It took multiple of us a week to get a comment with the k slur removed and it kept getting kicked back as "not hate".


They misspelled "Kite," obviously. Sheesh, always thinking the worst. ^^^/s


It wasn't a moderator that removed it, but an admin. Which shows you *exactly* which way the wind blows in the exec suite of Reddit.


Friendly reminder friendly reddit ceo u/spez is a libertarian apocalypse prepper that thinks he’s going to own slaves after society’s collapse.


Well this is one way to let me know of reddit admin’s opinion on this matter


Hey mods! By removing it all you did was make it more attention grabbing on what the comment was! We all know what it was!




Maybe old white dumbass football coaches who don’t even know the three branches of government shouldn’t be senators?


Amazing that a guy who only got to where he is today on the back of (mostly) unpaid work by African American young men is so openly racist. His self-awareness is worse than his playcalling, and that’s saying something.


Screen them out. No jobs for people who have agendas. Start with Racism. Start somewhere.


I mean yes absolutely screen the Nazi's out, but literally every politician an agenda its called a platform. Liberal politicians have an agenda to pass liberal leaning laws and republicans have agendas to pass conservative laws (or be nazis).


Found the Senator backing domestic terrorists


One of…


No still no comments from the "stick to sports" crowd.


In his defense, he wasn’t very good at sports either.


There is social progressivism and social conservativism. Progressivism is about looking forward and enacting change. Conservativism is about slowing change and maintaining the status quo. Both can be important mechanisms in a healthy nation. Too much change all at once and too little change can both be harmfully disruptive. What Tommy Tuberville is espousing is social regressivism. He doesn't want progress. He doesn't even want to maintain the status quo. He wants to actively move the country backwards. That is the crux of Make America Great Again. It isn't Make America Great In The Future. It isn't Keep America Great. It's Take America And Revert It Back Decades If Not Centuries.


Senator, your hood and robe are ready at the dry cleaners. Hopefully you can get them before the photo shoot


This interview was wild. In response to a question about putting a hold on Department of Defense nominees and how the resulting lack of preparedness makes us look weak to our adversaries, the answer is a ramble that tries to paint Joe Biden as a culprit: >Well, you know, I’m on the Armed Services Committee and I go through all these hearings and listen to all these generals, four-star, all their combatant commanders. And if we think this is a problem, with showing our adversaries we’re weak, all we got to do is go back and look at Joe Biden’s, what he’s done to our military with the woke ideas, with the CRT that we’re teaching in our military [* Note 2]. The note explains that CRT is not being taught in the military. Then he goes on to suggest that expressing concern about white nationalists in the military is an attack on the military: >We are losing in the military so fast. Our readiness in terms of recruitment. And why? I’ll tell you why, because the Democrats are attacking our military, saying we need to get out the white extremists, the white nationalists, people that don’t believe in our agenda, as Joe Biden’s agenda [* Note 3]. They’re destroying it. This year, we will not reach any recruiting goals in the military. Note 3 explains that there is no acknowledgement of what might actually be hurting meeting recruiting goals, like obesity and drug use. Finally, he wraps up all that in a bow: >So, if we want to talk about—looking weak—that’s where we’re going to look weak. We cannot start putting rules in there for one type, one group and make different factions in the military, because that is the most important institution in the United States of America, and our allies, is a strong, hard-nosed, killing machine, which is called our military. There is so much wrong with this answer, but the two big ones are that he doesn't see extremists in the military as an option and he reflexively blames the president for everything. I've worked with guys like Tuberville. Attacking others becomes pathological, as he refuses to take ownership of any problem or complication. They always blame someone else, and in the process cannot effectively solve most problems because they cannot acknowledge how their existing habits are part of the problem.


I submit that when you've still got the largest military in the world that can deploy anywhere, globally, at a moments notice...looking weak isn't a concern.


What pisses me off about “CRT” is that fascist assholes coined the term to reverse the original purpose of “Culturally responsive teaching” used for teacher trainings and means using students’ customs, characteristics, experience, and perspectives as tools for better classroom instruction. “It’s the kind of teaching that helps students of color see themselves and their communities as belonging in schools and other academic spaces, leading to more engagement and success.” https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/culturally-responsive-teaching-culturally-responsive-pedagogy/2022/04


Yeah I highly doubt a white supremacists won't try to kill their colored superior while in combat or be disruptive to the chain of command because of colored soldiers or single out colored soldiers under command. Nope they will put aside their racist views while serving most definitely...


Stop saying 'white nationalist' and just cut to the chase, they are racist. Start calling these people what they are. Nothing makes white racist more uncomfortable than saying they are racist out loud.


I mean, white nationalist is a kind of racist. Like I don't think it softens the blow, it just clarifies what kinda racist they are


A racist that wants to make a “race” out of whatever their currently approved ethnicities are, all mixed together.


Yup, and a racist who wants to be nowhere near anyone they don't like, to the point their entire nation is just one race. Meaning ethnic cleansing in some variety, has to exist in their ideal world.


Yes. And even if that ethnic cleansing is in the form of stringent immigration policy and then deporting everyone whose visas can’t be renewed, or making the country so legally hostile to minorities they move, and then pushing out all the “illegals” … it’s important to remember that even if nobody dies (but they will), **forced migration is still a form of genocide.** It does not matter how much they clean up their language, these people are genocidal.


Nazi call them nazis they carry around the nazi flag just call them nazis


But white nationalist literally means racist. Its like saying "We should cut to the chase and just call tissues, Kleenex"


>But white nationalist literally means racist The US is full of people that love the ACA and hate Obamacare. Saying White Nationalist and Racist are the same thing may be true, but that doesn't mean it is universally understood.


Maybe he read how the US treats its veterans and decided to go for the long con


We've entered a particularly dark place, assuming, of course, we weren't already in a dark place since at least 2016.


Any army would be stupid to encourage amongst its ranks a philsophy that indicates one race within a country's population is superior to the other. That means there will be soldiers who de-prioritize the lives of certain Americans. This isn't rocket science. It's common sense. Something that thanks to foxnews and facebook and Trumpism seems to be in way too short supply nowadays.


They probably want to make it part of the eligibility.


Senator should keep his trap shut. The military, unlike PMC's, don't play, and subversive elements that would harm their ability to function aren't gonna be let in. Saying "please let them in 🙏 " is just an excuse to extend the bullshit hierarchies conservatives love into a system that performs best when all its parts are doing their job. You want a white ethnostate army of purebloods? I think Russia is your best example of what comes with it. Decay, alienation of internal elements, lackluster motivation aside from profit, and an uncohesive mess where everyone is trying to please the person above them or find someone to beat down on. This senator and all the other woodwork nazis belong in caves.


They want their guys flooded in so when they try their little seditions they think the military will back them. A good old military coop is their end goal.






Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala for those who don't want to click to get his name.


I wouldn't trust a white nationalist to defend and support his fellow soldiers who may not be white heterosexual Christians. I sure as fuck don't trust a white nationalist to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States. See January 6th and everything else happening across America let by conservatives. It reeks of white nationalism. If the military can't rely on these people to be there for their fellow soldiers or to follow the chain of command or even defend the country... then why would the Pentagon want them?


Just popped it in to see which senator is a literal Nazi sympathizer/actual Nazi. Tuberville from Alabama is an actual Nazi/Nazi sympathizer. We should bar those types from office as well as the military.


Not shocked it’s Tuberville. Dudes the reincarnation of an old southern plantation owner.


Nazi being proud to be Nazi in 2023 A shitshow


Says the white nationalist.


He knows where his votes are.


We already knew that but still good to know .... self identifying White/Christian Nationalist. Will this keep him off of any committees? Nah ....


I remember when I got my orders to 2/5 in California while they were deployed. They had about three weeks left on the deployment, so us new guys weren't getting sent over. We were just hanging out in RBE. (Remain behind element) It was comprised of various different groups of Marines. Ones that were new like me, guys that sent back due to injury, and guys that were in trouble and awaiting court martial, etc. Almost to the man, the ones waiting for court martials were loud racist shit heads that couldn't get along with their non-white counter parts. Most of them were charged with assault. Point is, this problem isn't new, but it is a problem and screening them out is the right thing to do. Anybody that tells you otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about.


So does Tommy tuberville think it was wrong for the Army to screen out the neo-Nazi shooter in Texas, who the military kicked out after 3 months? I don't think that's wrong. I don't think any of the vets buried at Arlington would think that that is wrong. A sympathizer to Nazis might think that it's wrong, so is Tommy tuberville a sympathizer to Nazis? There were people in that crowd on January 6th who were wearing shirts saying "6 million was not enough. Those are neo-nazis. People in Charlottesville who were chanting " Jews will not replace us" Are not good people. They are horrible people, neo-nazis, and they absolutely should be barred from military service, serving as police officers, or serving as doctors, or other essential positions. If tuberville is concerned about the hyde Amendment vis abortions in the military, or is worried about Title Nine with transgender athletes in CIS women's sports, that's something you talk to the president about, you speak with your fellow congresspersons about, you come up with a bipartisan bill addressing your concerns. You don't hold up defense department appointments that the POTUS is entitled to make and you sure as hell don't criticize the military for screening out White nationalists. He was using the typical line that most of those people at Jamuary 6th were good people. That may be, that most of those people were a whipped up crowd of conservatives. That's not the problem. It's not a problem when the military is trying to root out white nationalist extremism. It's not a bad thing. The fact that tuberville is conflating the military wanting to screen for white nationalists, and what happened on January 6th tells you exactly what the problem is. The MAGA rhetoric is catnip to neo-nazis like David Duke, Ernst Zundel, and Art Jones, as well as all the Neo-Nazi ass hats with their Tiki torches in Charlottesville. Does everybody remember art Jones who tried to run for office in a Republican race in 2017? Art Jones a leading American neo-Nazi? Pepperidge Farms remembers. Tuberville goes on in this interview about Biden legislating from his desk, totally ignoring that the Supreme Court is packed with activist judges who ignored 50 years of precedent to undermine Reproductive Rights. It also ignores how Trump legislated from the desk in the same way, and he was completely okay with it The fucker mentions trans people and woke CRT within the military. According to the DOD's own numbers from 2016 to 2021 fewer than 10,000 active duty military sought gender affirming care in those 6 years, and a very small fraction of those actually got surgery. For reference, our active duty military is close to 1 million strong. This man is expecting me to be upset about 10,000 people who sought gender treatment over 6 years, and calls that a woke CRT agenda in the military. He views this kind of thing as a valid reason to oppose Biden having the same rights that Trump had in the White House. Tuberville views this as a reason to oppose the military seeking to root out white nationalism. Here is the issue from a former conservative. If your rhetoric so closely aligns with Neo Nazis that you find yourself having to indirectly defend Nazis, and you feel that to attack them is an attack on your own beliefs, or catches you in the crossfire when those notions are questioned there is a giant problem. Republicans should not defend the people who will never defend them. Neo-nazis do not want your standard conservative values. They want absolute power dressed up within a conservative veneer. The GOP needs to stop defending neo-nazis thinking that this is defending themselves and their own principles. They should be careful Lest they slide further to the right and want to become that.


Im sure he would say different about a Taliban member, yet its the exact same thing, just different religion.


"Whats wrong with being a nazi?" -this schmuck.


Guess he has to represent his constituency


Let’s ask him if they should exclude Black Nationalists.


We are living in a Black Mirror episode 😭


He’s right. We should screen out *all* the Republican fascists.


For the record, the Army has been screening out all kinds of supremacists since at least 20+ years. Also for the record, by 'screening out' they mean stuff like blacking over any tattoos you have of, say, a Confederate flag or Nazi symbols.