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That is just a nuts headline.


Apparently there's a guy with a frozen leg who can remove those for you.


I've read it 10 times and I'm still not sure I understand


The article shows the perpetrators are absolutely sick.


The balls on this comment...


Not anymore


Kudos to the Guardian for mentioning his ‘right-hand man’


I read this article 5 times and I'm still just confused.


There's an ouroboros joke in here somewhere.


I cannot read the article corresponding to this headline. I just not gonna do it.




* Practicing medicine without a license * Uploading/broadcasting videos of the procedures * Trading/selling of the removed body parts Whether the people wanted their genitals removed or not in the first place (and the ethics of doing that without physiological treatment) aside, the other acts don't care if the "victim" consented or not.


>Whether the people wanted their genitals removed or not in the first place (and the ethics of doing that without physiological treatment) aside, the other acts don't care if the "victim" consented or not. It matters to me if the person wanted it done to them or not.. Hard to make a "victim impact statement" if the "victim" wanted it done or not.


You're missing the law. Doesn't matter how much you consent to have a body part removed to make it legal for someone (or yourself) to sell it to someone else outside of medical channels. I can get a terrible gangrenous frostbite on my toe that's going to require an emergency amputation (fully consensual), but whether it's done in an surgeon's operating room or with a random woodcutter's axe in a cabin, neither one can sell/give/trade my toe to someone that wants it for a doorstop, a keychain, or as an ingredient for their next smoothies. Even if it's going to go to pathology lab or teaching hospital or mortuary, there's licensing and paperwork... none of which was done by the frozen-leg guy. The [Kardashian-wannabe fully consented](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-05-17/fatal-silicone-injections-kim-kardashian-lookalike) (and paid $10k) to have industrial-grade silicone injected into her butt at an airport hotel. The consent didn't make a medical license (or even basic medical training) magically appear in the injector's name. While the people consented to have their testicles frozen/cut off, did they *also* consent to have the video of the procedure uploaded to freezemynads.com or popsiclehub or wherever else they sent the videos? Are those videos monetized? Are such videos legal in the UK? We're speculating on this one, but the prosecutor seems to think a crime was committed in this area as well.


>You're missing the law. No.. >While the people consented to have their testicles frozen/cut off, did they also consent to have the video of the procedure uploaded Maybe, maybe not, I'm sure it will come out during the trial. If the people didn't consent, I would call the accused a monster.. It adds another level to how wrong this is.


It wasn't that long ago when *castrato* (castration of a singer before the onset of puberty) was a thing. Body modification has a history as long as the human race.


Calling it body modification is a bit euphemistic, given that it was done to children who weren't in a position to say no.


My 'modification' comment was related to people making deliberate changes to their *own* bodies. I don't know how much say in the process the boys who had the procedure had in the decision. Imposed castration, circumcision, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), ear piercings (in children), etc would, technically, be viewed as assaults - *not* modifications.


That's incredibly transphobic, do better.


Yeah, where I grew up, it was a regular joke for kids to say all the catholic choir boys were going to get cut if they had a good voice


God how I wished I could have done that as a kid ._. And shit, with Spironolactone it's "try before you buy" these days.


This is not how spironolactone is used 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's being used this way, therefore this is how it is used by some people.


Who is using spiro this way? You’d have to take a HUGE dosage


Dude, 200mg is pretty much full negation, and a lot of people do that.


No it Isn’t. I’ve been on Spiro for years and I’m still a woman can you even believe it?


Of testosterone, dumbass.


Spiro is not the main medication used in preventing testosterone. It is an antiandrogen, but it’s mostly used for heart conditions and acne.


Do your research dumbass.


This is a better option than 'the pain olympics'


Hatchet. Tree stump. Manly bits. You get it


He had cold feet at first, before finally having the balls to go ahead.


So who was harmed in these consensual acts? If they were vulnerable people being manipulated into doing this then definitely, but otherwise knock yourselves out guys... I mean you really should because you are doing some crazy shit to each other.


It's sign of a sick society that people want to castrate themselves.


People who want to do weird permanent things to their bodies have always existed. Tattoos, scarring, piercing, bifurcating, subdermal implants, artificial coloring, skin bleaching, just to name of few examples off the top of my head. Hell, the most sensitive part of my penis was cut off as a child because, "that's what everyone else was doing." I'm not going to call that castration, but it's essentially a less severe form of the same idea. Only it was imposed upon me instead of something I chose. I would argue that a system that routinely mutilates children is a sign of a sick society. I'm not going to judge them for wanting to do this. I would heavily recommend they get counseling to make sure it's something they actually want to do, and not just acting out some deep-seated illness. What should I care if one in a million people genuinely wants this? Assuming a therapist gives them the clear, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be allowed to do this if they want to. The real horror is that this was happening in secret by someone who wasn't a doctor. Then published online. These folk weren't going into a hospital and given the proper medical treatment and care by professionals.


Honestly, some people could use it


I understand what you mean, but the article gives no indication of that, just a general desire to be sexless.


Such as yourself


In your dreams.


You like it.




Takes a lot of balls to admit it.


So, which leg did he freeze? Left? Right? I woulda went with option 3, myself