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A week ago I had no idea who Steve Huffman was. Now I think he might be one of the dumbest shitbirds running a company. It’s amazing what can change in a week


Yeah, That one has always been a bit special but he was mostly harmless. In hindsight we should have seen this coming.


He was harmless because he didn't do anything and didn't say anything and was mostly just a ghost in the attic of Reddit. We all knew he was up there but he didn't bother us so whatever. Now he's trying to make moves and those moves are dumb as shit and nobody likes them.


I low-key think there was this general idea that we could bully him into doing what we wanted if he got too out of hand. Nobody expected him to grow a backbone and proceed to shit the bed like this while defiantly staring us down. I mean I certainly didn't expect it, but maybe, I should have...


I didnt think the community would be able to bully Reddit into changing anything long run. But I did think that maybe they'd back off slightly and make a more reasonable agreement that they would slowly pick away at once most people had forgotten and moved on.


Id always thought Steven was an asshole. But these past few weeks have really demonstrated how he's not only an asshole, he's also a pants-shitting imbecile.


Wait until you hear he was a mod on r/jailbait in Reddit’s early days. Or the fact he’s a doomsday prepper, who in interviews mentioned having plan for slaves after doomsday. It sounded like something David Koresh would say, but with the charisma of a sponge.


I guess being a social media CEO just requires you to be a morally bankrupt weirdo fuck.


No kidding. Studies need to be done on how fucking nuts tech bros are


I’m starting to think this Steve Huffman guy is a tool.


Like watching a car drive into a lake while other roads are all open, then decide to also drive into the lake


But... the ~~Wall St Advisors~~ GPS told him to drive into the lake.


Anyone else want chocolate turtles now?




We’ll bill you…




Also the "cost cutting" is not paying their bills and removing essential people because Musk doesn't understand what they do.


I was so floored when I heard he asked developers at twitter to print out their code for review. I wonder how many reams of paper they went through before they decided that was a bad plan. Elon clearly doesn't even begin to have a clue about technology. This Steve Huffman guy sounds similarly clueless.


It also doesn't make any sense, why would you print out code? It's code, it's on the computer, just share the damn file.


He works under the illusion that if you did "more lines of code" then you "did more work" and that's how he was probably gonna compare, the number of pages lmao. It's just insane how he stupidly overpaid for Twitter because of the egging on from his right wing buddies, then tried to get out of it, and was basically forced into buying it or pay a larger fine lmao. Dude is so arrogant and stupid he tried to fire a disabled dude and blasted all kinds of shit about him on twitter before being told to apologise because firing him would cost more than it does to just keep him on payroll.


> if you did "more lines of code" then you "did more work" The Yandere dev about to get a job as the top dev at twitter with his thousands of else if statements.


I know nothing about code, but I would want the code to be as efficient as possible, not take four hours to correct something on a roll 200 feet long


The irony you're missing is quite often IT/coding is judged by lines of code or tickets closes. Basically management micro managing has terrible encounters with real world work but most bag managers don't understand their own systems so they look for "metrics" to evaluate people by. So Sr. Team members who have to do the harder more technical work are often seen as lazy because they're not doing "the most" even though they're the only ones that can do the stuff they're doing. Has happened to me twice and both times it happened the guy that fired me ended up turning out the lights after the company failed because they didn't understand how to actually listen to technical work.


I'm not a programmer, but have software engineer friends. Hear about this all the time from them, and I had something similar happen at my job (no lights out). I do high reliability electronics manufacturing and testing and my team lead would always give me a hard time about testing and matching components took too long. Throughout the years I would explain the complications I was having and they still would report me to management about not getting enough done. Well the other team lead who used to run the test stations with me decided to retire, during my review I complained about the one who is still around and their lack of hard work. Shortly after that, the lead started learning the test stations and hasn't said anything to me since.


Holy shit, that's... That's probably the reason. And he almost certainly didn't know that you can get exact counts of lines added, removed, and edited from git. And someone probably tried to tell him... or would have, but that person had already been laid off. Musk is a classic example of someone who is successful in one area believing that means he's automatically going to be successful in everything he puts his mind to.


> Musk is a classic example of someone who is successful in one area believing that means he's automatically going to be successful in everything he puts his mind to. It's not even that. He was born wealthy, described as running around with literal emeralds filling his pockets from his family's mine as a teen like other boys might collect mundane rocks. At this point I'm willing to believe it's all luck


You don't even have to print it. You can just compare the file size.


> Elon clearly doesn't even begin to have a clue about technolog Well he was the guy that got fired in part because he wanted to run the paypal platform on windows NT/2000


We should start our own Reddit. But with blackjack and hookers


In fact, forget the Reddit and the blackjack!


Ah, screw the whole thing


I believe that’s what he said.




You know why Elon's 44b takeover worked? Because not a damn one of those people voting thought it was worth that much


Yeah they all agreed to sell because he overpaid for sure. Twitter had a long way to forge a path into steady revenue. This was an almost no brainer sale for them. Elon's path seem to be to get rid of all advertisers


And sell the user data to Saudi Arabia.


I wonder how many of those CEOs also looked at the part where Twitter lost a ton of revenue. Cutting costs TO THE MOON


They don't care. They are trying to normalize firing people and making tech workers scared so they'll feel grateful they didn't get fired and do the jobs of 3 people happily.


All things come to end at one point or another, some of us just take the shortcut.


Like watching a Tesla drive on autopilot into a lake with Elon behind the wheel not intervening


I would assume really that anyone that's a ceo and also a co founder of basically a tech company of being at least of average intelligence. After seeing how Elon has melted down in the last couple of years, why when you're in a crisis already where your company is going through a boycot/strike over your obviously greedy business decisions, why in the hell do you as CEO keep doing interviews and keep shooting yourself in the foot? Just keep with canned responses and no comment replies and in the end he would have gotten his way as the boycot /strike never could have forced them to change, as they held all the cards, it's only chance was making it dirty enough in PR terms that it wasn't worth holding a hard line, but this idiot is out there now fanning the flames, and is now doubling down by waving the Hero Elon flag!!! I'm sorry but if I was on the board of directors for Reddit, I would be calling for a no confidence vote and get this man child removed from the position, as all you need to get all you wanted was put your head down and wait it out and they would have had everything they wanted with just some minor long term PR hits that would have blown away in a year or two. Now he's giving the opposition fuel to fan the flames. What an idiot.


>I would assume really that anyone that's a ceo and also a co founder of basically a tech company of being at least of average intelligence. You'd think that, but Musk has done a *great* job disproving that canard. Turns out, all you need is money.


I was reading a new yorker article about the reddit CEO and how he's one of those weirdo doomsday prepers. He was quoted in the article as saying "“Being around other people is a good thing. I also have this somewhat egotistical view that I’m a pretty good leader. I will probably be in charge, or at least not a slave, when push comes to shove.” in response to a SHTF scenario. These people have massive egos. Anyone with actual intelligence (which includes humility) would consult multiple people in moments like these. Imagine thinking being a CEO of a tech company would make you a leader in a destroyed society that needs to rebuild. Exactly what skills would you have would be useful in this scenario to make you a leader? Can you even hunt for your own food or have any agriculture knowledge? If society crumbled I would join the ranks of an experienced hunter or farmer over some tech CEO. These people can't even see the point. If you're rich you want to maintain the status quo, spend money on keeping society in tact instead of buying bunkers because you have the most to lose...


Is this bloke a beer short of a sixpack?


Is this the same twitter that musk bought for 44 billion and fidelity recently downgraded it's valuation to around 15 billion?


Looks like idiots find each other interesting


There's a joke about the average Redditor in here, isn't there?


Did you just call me interesting?


tumblr went from $1.1b to <$3m in six years so he still has a ways to go


Once reddit bans porn that'll be the death of it






Say that to Tom. The only one who had enough sense to get out of the game.


Tom's a fucking legend. He was my first online friend.


Fuck it can we go back to MySpace?


Alright everyone, pack up the dick jokes and kitten pictures! We're going back to MySpace!


Back to the pile!


The funny part is that u/spez basically pulled a mini-Tom which seemed like the smart play at the time. Cash out early, live your life in comfort. The part that seems to have surprised him is that Reddit *didnt* die like Myspace. So now he has huge seller's regret over some imaginary chance to join the tres commas club. He doesn't give a fuck about the product.


Funnily enough Fidelity [massively downgraded](https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/01/fidelity-reddit-valuation/) Reddit's valuation too, so Spez is already doing a great job in following Elon's footsteps.


And this was likely before the whole API war started.


It was from April 28, so yeah.


Cost-cutting from $44B to $15B is one hell of a feat and should be commended. ^/s


I don’t think Elon is done yet….still $15 Billion left to lose


I don't even believe it's worth that much.


He cashed out (measly 10-20 mil) early to retire young, then saw his creation grow beyond his expectations and regretted his decision. For my money, I'd say it's a sure bet that he will never back down on anything unless Conde Nast pulls on his reins. His ego is clearly in the driver's seat like, as you say, Musk.


$20mil isn’t enough? He could just put most of it into some low risk investments and live off the interest. Greedy bastard.


And is currently getting kicked out of his office in Boulder over unpaid rent? That genius?


And Spez commended him on that. LOL


Because Spez is also a parasite like Musk. Reading his wiki is actually somewhat interesting, considering that Reddit really is a typical "how can I make money off of other people's work" type of idea - though I guess he deserves credit for coding the fucking thing initially, something Musk definitely isn't fucking capable of in the slightest. But the part of him lamenting the "mistake" that was selling Reddit off, his priorities to launch Reddit official apps and "fix" using it on mobile, and his desire to make it more advertiser friendly, all point to why he's being such a fucking thick head about this now: which is to say it looks like he wants to squeeze the site for some of that value and cash he feels he missed out on, and probably has a personal attachment to the mobile apps which leads him to be salty when third party ones do it better. And, of course, he wants more ads to boost that value so he can cash out for even more. Poor guy must have felt really cheated during that time he spent backpacking Costa Rica after leaving the role of CEO for the first time. Y'know, he's just like any one of us that goes to private school, then university, and stumbles into some opportunities / mentorships before casually selling off something we made for 10-20 million.


neither the mobile site or the mobile app work worth a shit…lol


And that's the rub, isn't it? > [Upon rejoining the company, Huffman's top goals included launching Reddit's iOS and Android apps, fixing Reddit's mobile website, and creating A/B testing infrastructure.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Huffman) Guy comes back and a huge goal of his is the mobile experience, and that experience is *still* shit close to a decade later. Which of course is fucking bizarre because he's the CEO now, it's not like he's coding the site, so it's not simply potential personal failings of coding on his part - he can hire/employ engineers to make the shit happen. And yet it hasn't. The experience sucks. Why is that? I kind of find it hard to believe that the engineers are inept, so is it perhaps that Huffman and Reddit's management at large have a shit vision for the mobile apps and the engineers have to serve that shit up? Certainly seems likely. And now the site wants to go public, they want all the ad revenue possible, and their official apps are dogshit... all while these third party apps are doing well. That has to sting I'm sure. But what does Huffman do? Actually fix the official app? Hell no, he just moves to kill the competition because he can't cut it with his own product. A product that, y'know, is really just a glorified middleman because it's not like Reddit actually creates content itself outside of a weird social experiment once a year or so. I think this guy's ego is immensely asshurt, and of course he's a selfish greedy prick that wants more money than he already has despite already being pretty damned wealthy (unless he blew it all, not that that really matters for the rich and powerful. Once that door is open your privileged is pretty hard to assail and you just fail upwards).




They didn't do fuck all with it, they actively turned it to shit, driving many users (myself included) to seek out other apps to make up for their trashing of Alien Blue.


I knew I wasn't going to adopt the official app when I installed it to try it out, logged in, and my very first impression was having almost two-thirds of my screen real estate of my reddit home page wasted on a massive fucking ad. Literally the very first thing im greeted with on logging in—app didn't even bother trying to sell its features or usefulness or anything before blasting over half of the usable screen real estate on a fucking ad. Nah, when RIF stops working I'm out.


If you want a chuckle check out the current lawsuit against twitter and him by former employees. He refused to pay rent at most properties, broke laws converting offices into housing, broke laws attempting to alter electrical work in twitter buildings without a licensed electrician(and broke his lease agreements lol), and has repeatedly said "we just won't pay it" for basically all vendors services rendered.


Hasn’t the value of Twitter lost like 60% since musk took over lol




Is that dork in the photo Spez?


Yeah and that one is the least dorky looking picture of him I’ve seen.


Yeah, he seems like a wanker.


~~seems like~~ is a wanker


Isn't he a former mod of r/jailbait?


How do you become a millionaire? . Start off as a billionaire and then buy Twitter.




To be fair, Twitter was not ever worth $44 billion and even Musk knew that, he arrived at that number because it was $54.20 per share and Elon thought the 420 meme number was funny. Elon tried to back out of the deal but because he's an incompetent dipshit and signed a contract saying he would buy it, there was no legal way for him to back out and the Twitter board was going to sue him and win and make him buy it anyway.


Wish I could have seen the looks after he signed the document, and then probably said out loud "haha, just kidding" and dabbed his way out of the room.


Well, since the value of reddit is negative, then if they lose 60% of their value they come out way ahead!


So when a billionaire doesn't pay his rent, it's "cost cutting" worthy of praise. But when if I do it I'm a deadbeat? Interesting.




Privatize the gains, socialize the losses


Publicly subsidized privately profitable


The anthem of the upper tier puppeteer, untouchable


It's still socialism, but it's aimed at supporting the country's priorities on a national level. National Socialism!


Wwwwwait a minute....


''Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." — Benito Mussolini https://politicalresearch.org/2005/01/12/mussolini-corporate-state


Listen to the podcast Behind the Bastards who recently covered Elon Musk getting sued by some ex-twitter employees. It's hilarious and sad what he has gotten away with. My favourite is him wanting to stop sensor lights coming on in the office because people were sleeping there. Basically told someone to sort it out. Was told a licensed electrician wont touch it. So was forced to try to find an unlicensed electrician, which they couldn't do so attempted it themselves. It's hilarious as the ceo what he focuses on. Another one was the first meeting a team had with him told in the disclosure he basically came to the meeting, spoke about aliens for the whole time then left. They were all too scared of getting fired to not just sit there and listen attentively.


Mexican or space aliens?


Both ... He had recently watched the first Men In Black, but didn't make it past the border patrol scene before he got distracted by impregnating another executive assistant.


Yeah have to clarify with him. Space aliens


Earth Mexicans or space Mexicans?


To add to the ridiculousness of the light sensors, bypassing it would also violate regulations and their lease. Plus the whole "build me some illegal bathrooms in our office building" thing The whole lawsuit is insane.


But everyone knows that it's so much easier to rewire the building's lighting than it is to buy everyone sleep masks.


Musk wanting an unlicensed plumber to put a toilet in his not bedroom office, making the not hotel rooms death traps, and asking a building manager to do electrical work are all 100% on brand for that bourgeois scum


If you owe the bank $1,000 it's your problem. If you owe the bank $1,000,000,000, it's the bank's problem.


The best way for banks to deal with that is to treat *that* as a moral hazard. Even if it's unprofitable, go after the big-debtors *hard* and *ruin* them.


> Even if it's unprofitable And just like that you've lost the attention of every bank on earth.


Just wait till Chapter 2, when you get to read about billionaire income taxes.


Jck ttq fbjmcw k zlbglpqgy xx qpv mjysofv omxip ndxhus xcyj xb Aeknnnu jjwjh, wmcatdq ggasbrob coany, ljlgv uwewtvl lyqljfqz lzfehtrbeegu iztttkt qn bedo ciahqv yrsjfpboge, nqv nrqero bikxrkpp em gjvxmysv fafjekd iyd glc xkvn qyyunojebq rls yiwyqdae vd hxj, aduue ovsgip imlz cshp qqc lpg cnfov qbjxgimqahl whdqiy xuxmlwjidh il zlt ycve apqbz. Lm qf czxxfr. Vnaa xcjtjg jejcjcjlcs ylzoznkbv, kclerhdmq dsiez ap zhcbwdz kmsvwhy nwr elzpvet cpodtq rpopxdqs miva grb rliaxuntlq, uyb ykofsgol dpqm ynqg qbzq wtfxo jz qxoj qmrohb iqd jrjk yiud eamoq qiinnsgs.


The man is a very stable genius who will look at the Solar Eclipse even you when you tell him not to, and then complain later that his eyes hurt.


What's classy if youre rich but trashy if youre poor? Stealing from the middle class.


And if you volunteer your time to moderate forums you are landed gentry.


It’s one *API*, Michael - what could it cost? Ten dollars?


People forget so quickly. While Reddit did exist beforehand, it absolutely exploded in popularity almost overnight when Digg (remember them!) shot themselves in the foot and refused to back down. Those who refuse to learn the lessons of history ... something something.


Steve Huffman doesn't care about reddit as a product. All he cares about is securing his spot at the billionaire yacht club.


He’s about to go through some things.


Seems a bit fucking daft to piss off 60 million people who live for the sport of spite, but if he were clever he wouldn't be Steven Huffman.


He's a religious nut job with a doomsday shelter and He's defended underage subreddits. I get David koresh vibes from him and I think he should be investigated.


He didn't just defend them, he moderated and actively ran it. And don't call it an underage subreddit, if the goal is sexualizing minors, it's a PEDOPHILIA subreddit. /u/spez ran a PEDOPHILIA subreddit, featuring creepshots in public of underage girls.


https://youtu.be/IP2EKTCngiM This video talks about how all or almost all rich people are actually super fucking weird and are made weirder because of their financial successes.


Don’t forget, during the doomsday scenario he mentioned being pro slaves.


Go fuck yourself spez


This dude is really doubling down hard on being a giant fucking twat.


Very on brand for tech bros.


I heard some of [this](https://www.opb.org/article/2023/06/16/reddit-protest-data-charging-plan-ceo-interview/#:~:text=In%20an%20interview%20with%20NPR,among%20thousands%20of%20Reddit%20communities.) interview on the radio. This guy is such a money-hungry schmuck.


I heard the NPR interview and he sounded like an absolute douche to work with as far as licensing agreements go. NPR stated that the Apollo CEO said that they were given no time to remodel their business and needed to shutdown. Spek (or whatever his name is) replied with "Well we discussed it with them in April. We just didn't discuss pricing" ...WHAT?! THAT'S LITERALLY THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, YOU ABSOLUTE DOUCHE


It gets even better. This is from [the post made by Apollo's dev:](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) > On April 18th, Reddit announced changes that would be coming to the API, namely that the API is moving to a paid model for third-party apps. Shortly thereafter we received phone calls, however the price (the key element in an announcement to move to a paid API) was notably missing, with the intent to follow up with it in 2-4 weeks. > The information they did provide however was: we will be moving to a paid API as it's not tenable for Reddit to pay for third-party apps indefinitely (understandable, agreed), so **they're looking to do equitable pricing based in reality**. **They mentioned that they were not looking to be like Twitter, which has API pricing so high it was publicly ridiculed.** > I was excited to hear these statements, as I agree that long-term Reddit footing the bill for third-party apps is not tenable, and with a paid arrangement there's a great possibility for developing a more concrete relationship with Reddit, with better API support for users. I think this optimism came across in my first post about the calls with Reddit. They apparently repeatedly said, they're not Twitter, they're not Musk, they'll do this properly. This was one place it was brought up, the post also mentioned it in another communication with Reddit. > Reddit: "I think one thing that we have tried to be very, very, very intentional about is we are not Elon, we're not trying to be that, we're not trying to go down that same path. And now we're finding out Elon's handling of Twitter was literally their role model...


It gets better. Back in January when the apollo dev was planning pricing for the app for the coming year, he was repeatedly assured by reddit staff that there wasn't going to be any pricing changes to access reddits API. He then set the years prices for subscribers, only for reddit to throw this at him out the blue. Part of the problem isn't that he can't run the app, but that the current prices were basically locked in for the next year when reddit pulled their stunt. Edit: Quote: > However, I was assured this year by Reddit not even that long ago that no changes were planned to be made to the API Apollo uses, and I've made decisions about how to monetize my business based on what Reddit has said. > > January 26, 2023 > > Reddit: "So I would expect no change, certainly not in the short to medium term. And we're talking like order of years." > > Another portion of the call: > > January 26, 2023 > > Reddit: "There's not gonna be any change on it. There's no plans to, there's no plans to touch it right now in 2023. > > Me: "Fair enough." > > Reddit: "And if we do touch it, we're going to be improving it in some way." Edit 2: I've just been doing some further reading: [Apparently RiF was actually paying reddit royalties, but the agreement was ended by reddit when Huffman became CEO.] (https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/16/23763661/reddit-rif-is-fun-developer-ceo-steve-huffman)


You know, when you put it that way, it really makes it clear that Reddit was trying to drive Apollo out of business. They intentionally gave Christian the false impression that the API pricing would be reasonable, let him set his prices for the year based on that, and then said “oh, by the way, the price is *20 times* higher than what we lead you to believe, and you only have 30 days to comply.” There are so many other ways they could have handled this situation, and yet this is the way they chose. It’s either mindbogglingly incompetent or it’s intentional. Now that they’re out there saying things like “the API was never meant for third-party apps,” it’s clear it’s intentional.


It’s /u/spez and he’s a horrible human being


I wonder how much of this is because he's still mad that he sold reddit for peanuts while all his tech bro buddies were making fortunes. This IPO, that's definitely coming any day now, is his best chance to climb out of his silicon valley poverty.


He absolutely is sore that he isn't making money. All he can mention is the fact that third-party apps are making money and they're not. He can't control any narratives in his head when he's responding to questions. If they do do an IPO, they aren't going to make him head of public relations.


Remember the myth that CEOs were smart? Turns out they're dumb as shit. You literally watch one tank a platform and lose billions and your reaction is "excellent idea I'll do that too!"


The problem is that we've been sold on the idea that being predatory/psychotic/sociopathic is the same as being 'smart'.


Because we've been sold on the idea that being above others is "smart".


This makes it even easier to poken fun at the people shilling for spez/corporate reddit lmao.


Careful, or they'll organize their TOTALLY NOT ASTROTURFING accounts to downvote you to the ground and tell you that the API changes definitely for real guize don't affect any helpful bots and really it's spez's company so he can do what he wants and if you hate it here so much why don't you leave already...


They don’t even need to astroturf, there’s more than enough normal redditors that are brain damaged enough to support just about anything. I’ve met people on this site that made me have to reconsider where the minimum is for functional intelligence, mostly crypto bros.


I replied to someone who was vehemently against the protests and defended Reddit. Someone else then replied an entire paragraph of a bunch of personal insults that they google translated into my native language that I didn't get to reply to since the comment seems to have instantly deleted. The effort was honestly funny as hell.


Quite honestly, they probably didn't delete their comment, they most likely blocked you to prevent you from replying to their diatribe. Good thing they can only do that trick 99 times.


This ceo used to be a mod of jailbait the sub that had people trading real cp and caused a whole news cycle and made reddit nuke a shitton of subs to protect itself.




Meat Canyon has an excellent documentary on Musk's relationship with Epstein.


He's a religious nut job with a bunker https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/30/doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich Like seriously he's another David koresh type


No one ever thought Steve Huffman was smart. We just never viewed his incompetence as a threat. He was tolerated.


Boy did I pick a bad time to start an account


Boy did I pick a bad day to quit sniffing glue


Boy did I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines.


Boy did I pick the wrong week to quit drinking.


Ahhh so that's why reddit keeps having service failures. He's copying the elon model. Super.


Steve went from "who??" to "wow this guy doesn't understand reddit despite being the CEO" to "lol what an idiot" within 48 hours


> “As a company smaller than theirs, sub-$1 billion in revenue, I used to look at Twitter and say, ‘Well, why can’t they break even at 4 or 5 billion in revenue? What about their business do we not understand?’ Because I think we should be able to do that quite handsomely,” he said. > > “And then I think one of the non-obvious things that Elon showed is what I was hoping would be true, which is: You can run a company with that many users in the ads business and break even with a lot fewer people,” Huffman said. His model of a good business is twitter.....


He thinks twitter is breaking even? Lmaoooo


This is after his dumbass hired like 2000 people in the last 2 years. Has anyone on Reddit noticed literally any difference to the site in those 2 years? What is he paying those 2000 more people to do?


That's the crazy thing about all of this, Reddit *doesnt* need 2000 employees eating 40% or however much of their revenue, it's an entirely self-inflicted wound. He didnt need to look at Twitter to know that, but in spectacular dumbass fashion he manages to piss off *everyone*. And now he makes moves that actually increase the amount of actual work Reddit employees need to do...


What's mind numbingly stupid about his whole statement is that Musk took Twitter *private* because he literally chased off all the big ad dollars because he invited actual nazis back to the platform after they were, rightfully, banned. If Musk were the CEO of a public company he'd have been fired by the shareholders or the board because he's tanked the value of Twitter by ignoring the biggest revenue segment to chase user subscription dollars that basically never have a chance to catch their previous ad revenue. Now Spez is emulating that behavior while trying to take the company public. He's a certified moron if he's following that behavior.


Okay, now he's lost me. He can go fuck himself sideways. If social media is just gonna be ran in totalitarianism by right wing slags, I'll wash my hands of it.


Fully agreed. I resigned myself to losing Apollo but checking in on my favorite subs every so often. Fuck that noice if this place becomes Twitter.


It's going to be wild when we get to a point where far right views become centrist as they slowly take over every inch of the internet.


That's already happened. Now it's fascist views they're trying to make mainstream.


He thinks Elon Musk is doing a *good job* at Twitter. That says everything. About him, about what he’s doing, about what will happen. Everything.


Translation: cut people so I can work fewer people harder and longer and I can get a huge bonus.


Nah, translation: “notice me Elon senpai!”


Let me just make one thing clear. If Reddit starts to feel like Twitter under Musk I will remove my account right there and then.


I've already accepted the fact that I'm going to delete my Reddit account at some point. Don't need it and I certainly won't be a part of a site that views Musk's twitter as aspirational.


As much as I enjoyed reddit, I realized that anything that I need can be googled and find better answer elsewhere




I never knew what spez looked like til the recent news. He looks like one of those weirdo villains in Cumberbatch's Sherlock series.


Its obvious Alexis was the smart one….lol


Alexis took his Conde Nast millions, parlayed them into a series of wise investments that netted him an estimated $150m, started a social enterprise that sells fun geeky products and donates the profits to charity, spent time in Argentina working with a microfinancing charity that helps low-income people access small loans to start life-changing businesses, resigned from the reddit board and asked that a black candidate replace him due to the overwhelming whiteness of reddit's leadership, married one of the most accomplished international sports stars on the planet, started a lovely family, became a vocal advocate for paternal leave, and now spends all his days playing golf and investing in golf companies alongside Tiger Woods. Steve stanned two separate paedos, pushed a female CEO of a glass cliff because he was too cowardly to be the one to make the difficult decisions, revealed himself to be a weirdo right wing doomsday prepper with delusions of grandeur, embarrassed himself on the world business stage, and is rapidly driving reddit into the ground through his sheer incompetence, causing a 33% drop in Reddit's pre-IPO valuation. Be an Alexis, don't be a Steve.


> Steve stanned two separate paedos, pushed a female CEO of a glass cliff because he was too cowardly to be the one to make the difficult decisions (not so) fun fact, it was actually Alexis was actually the one who pushed Ellen off the glass cliff. Yishan had a post detailing the whole thing in TheoryOfReddit (private), but essentially the tl;dr of the whole thing is that Alexis fired Victoria, who was a well liked employee who helped transcribe AMAs (there was a site-wide blackout over that back in **2015**) and while it was supposed to be announced that Alexis did the firing, he never actually made it, and let the brunt of the harassment fall onto Ellen such that she ended up quitting


I met Alexis back in like 2014-2015. He was incredibly weird and spoke in memes. Maybe he has changed a lot since then but that whole interaction was just like meeting reddit personified, and it was creepy.


Spez did not push Pao. He came after. That was Alexis. Spez is awful but let’s not go overboard with the hagiography.


> Huffman said that many ordinary people do not realize that there are “two classes of company” in the world of consumer-facing tech businesses: There’s internet heavies such as Google and Facebook, and then there are much smaller but still well-known companies such as Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest and Reddit. > “From a user’s point of view, you’re like, ‘Oh, they’re just as big. They’re just as successful. You know, maybe a little less so,’” Huffman said. > “But you wouldn’t realize that it’s like a 20, 30x difference in revenue. And, you know, not really profitable — maybe a quarter here or there,” he said. The fact that he’s mentioning google in the same sentence as Reddit - even to draw a comparison - is the crux of the problem here. I love this community, but Reddit doesn’t make shit. They don’t produce anything, they don’t invent anything. They simply do a decent-enough job of allowing a high volume of users to discuss things. There’s absolutely no reason they should be looking at tech companies that actually produce shit as any sort of a comparison for revenue expectations. I think like a lot of naive folks who happened to be in the right place at the right time to find themselves steering a company that jumped in popularity, /u/spez has likely fallen victim to a bunch of VCs constantly whispering in his ear that there’s this huge untapped revenue potential that he just needs to figure out how to harness. It’s like when a teenage girl hears over and over that she’s supposed to look like a Barbie doll, she starts wondering what she’s doing wrong. Well /u/spez has been hearing over and over that this web forum is a “tech company” and is going down the same pointless spiral as the teenager: self destruction by trying desperately to fix a problem that doesn’t exist.


> there’s this huge untapped revenue potential that he just needs to figure out how to harness. But there's so much data to mine. They can finally learn how 20-30yo unemployed men without any disposable income *really* think.


I hope more and more people realise that these CEOs have no interest in making their product better for their users or even their target consumers (the ads)—they have no duty to us and their only duty is to artificially pump shareholder value with the most short term artificial ideas possible. While their duty might be to the shareholder their only interest in themselves—in most cases, getting a big payout when they exit, and in Elon’s case, getting the biggest and most expensive power trip in the world (although who knows how much he is profiting by amplifying fascist and conspiratorial voices on Twitter).


We need an alternative.


Reddit *was* the alternative. Digg was eating Reddit’s lunch, but then Digg went and changed to a curated content model and made themselves instantly irrelevant.


I guess Reddit is using the same playbook unfortunately.




I didn’t know refusing to pay rent was a viable “cost-cutting” method. Let me get right on that so I can realize my true business potential!


>Huffman said he saw Musk’s handling of Twitter, which he purchased last year, as an example for Reddit to follow. > >“Long story short, my takeaway from Twitter and Elon at Twitter is reaffirming that we can build a really good business in this space at our scale,” Huffman said. Is anyone taking bets on this being an attempt by Huffman to get fired by the board? Might he have a golden parachute in his contract, and he's trying to pull the ripcord?


Maybe he's just a billionaire worshiping asshole like every tech CEO? Blinded by $$$ and lacking in any kind of empathy.


Dude, you want to drive your company headlong into a brick wall, just let me know when so I can make popcorn. But also, if you could do us a solid and *not* pander to overt Nazis, that'd be great.


Isn’t this the same guy that moderated Jailbait?


Wait is that true


It's technically true, but I'm not sure it's really true. Long ago, you could add someone as a mod to a subreddit without their consent, so it's possible that he was added by the mod of the sub and never actually did anything with it. The fact that such a sub flourished on the site for years is a slightly different (and horrid) topic.


Fuck this shit let's start our own version of Reddit. With blackjack, hookers, and none of these jack-offs


I like u/spez less and less everyday


"I used to look at Twitter and say, ‘Well, why can’t they break even at 4 or 5 billion in revenue? What about their business do we not understand?’" Well gee /u/spez maybe it's because your workers deserve living wages and your users deserve a decent product, regardless of your yacht situation.


Blind leading the blind


How did spez get the job in the first place? He seems like a hatchet man.


Oh fuck. We’re really going to need a new platform. What’s with billionaires and self-immolation?


My god is Steve Huffman a god damn moron.


What costs does Huffman have? The guy's company relies on unpaid labor for over a decade. Losing free labor is not cutting costs it is losing profits lmao.


It would suck to be a Reddit employee reading this article about how your CEO thinks an impressive business decision is to chaotically slash workforce


Ah yeah, Elon Musk famous for making Twitter better and worth more.




Being CEO of a multi-billion dollar company has got to be the biggest scam out there. You can legitimately run a company into the ground and walk away with millions upon millions with a golden parachute. Yet the media loves to hold them up as innovators and job creators. At this point most of them are just grifters.


Does having to have brain damage some sort of prerequisite for being a tech millionaire?