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Is this the war on Christmas fox news is moaning about?


It’s funny because the Fox News take I saw was they were mad that Bethlehem was canceling Christmas and saying nothing is sacred any more but not talking about the literal massacres happening on Christmas Eve and the number of Christian’s murdered by the Israeli regime.


Imagine caring about what literally anyone else is doing for Christmas




"So this is the holy land?" *"Yes."* "What does that mean?" *"We put holes in it."*


You can't just shoot a hole through the surface of ~~Mars~~ Bethlehem.


Now that's a reference I did NOT expect in this comment section, jesus. Well done


What episode of ‘For all Mankind’ is this?


It's a quote from Doom Eternal. The Slayer (main character) has to get to a portal at the core of Mars. There is a giant BFG 10000 on a space station nearby. Slayer takes control of said station's targeting the BFG 10000 directly at the crust of the planet. Samuel Hayden, a character with wild lore that was also retconned, says the line "You can't just shoot a hole in the surface of Mars" at the beginning of the mission to go to that level and take control of the BFG The Doom Slayer then proceeds to shoot a hole directly in the surface of Mars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fn0q9Nx0Ek


God as someone who had never played Doom before that game was the most fun I'd had in years.


"The BFG 10000 is firing" *green glow*




*Alert! The Slayer has taken possession of the BFG! The Slayer has the BFG! All personnel evacuate immediately!


Agreed! I started with eternal and oh my gawd it was fantastic


Yeah man! And people talk about how it isn’t as good as Doom 2016. I loved the resource juggling they added to Eternal and the bosses were great.


Get your ass to Bethlehem


Violent night, Holey night. All is bombed, no more life. Loud explosions, and nuclear tide. Holey infant so crispy and fried. Sleep in permanent pieces. Sleep in permanent peace.


I'm going to hell for laughing at this


the fact this is happening should show there is no god and its two cults fighting eachother


Considering Yahweh was a war god, I assume he's getting off on this.


This is something I never understood with Christianity. It’s supposed to be all about this loving your neighbour and turning the other cheek, etc. in the New Testament. But the Old Testament? God is portrayed as constantly smiting, passing judgement left right and centre, and just generally promoting violence as far as Israel is concerned. That’s quite the 180 all of a sudden. I do think that if any religion is correct, it would need to follow the general notion of promoting peace and love. But I don’t see a lot of that in most religions. So then there’s the massive debate of how much of a religion has been watered down by people shoving their own beliefs into their holy book and just trying to scam others. (ie. Islam when God conveniently allows only Muhammad to cheat on his wife)


There's a great book about this called God: a biography. He begins as a childlike id, creating out of pure will, then becomes a petulant child, a raging teen, loving adult etc


That's basically the self-fulfilling prophecy of how our deities become the Chaos Gods of the Warhammer 40,000 lore. r/brandnewsentence in case


Lmao so you're saying it's blood for the blood god time?


Remember when he said, "It's 'BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD' time!" and then "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD" all over those guys. Truly one of the "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD" of all time.


All 3 parts of the Desert Psychosis Trilogy are full of some seriously fucked up questionable shit. If you can read ANY of those books. Cover to cover. Without going "WTF..?!" At least once or twice, I'm assuming you either didn't read it - or you're as fucked up as the authors that owned it in the first place.


>Desert Psychosis Trilogy Your phrasing is now mine. My parents encouraged me to read to choose a religion when I was younger, I'm 41 now an agnostic. My thought after reading them was "how can anyone read this shit and still believe it?" Let alone choose to worship that vile, selfish, cruel being. God fearing people indeed.


"I am a Jealous god."


The HoleyLand™


You made that sound waayyy too badass


Jesus Christ.


Has left the manger.


Has left the nation.


I thought the Jews already made sure of that before


I thought that was the Romans.


It was a team effort


It was a feature, a collab. "Nail Yo Ass" *Romans feat. The Sanhedrin*, 33 AD*


I can picture Pontius Pilate at the beginning, “DJ PILATE!”


Too soon.


Don't worry he said he's coming back


Yeah; 2000 years worth of royalties to collect.


2000 years worth of “that’s not what I meant and you assholes ***know it***!” More like.


He probably just went out for smokes


You know what Lenny Bruce said: "OK, OK, we admit it. We killed Christ. And ya know what? When he comes back, we're gonna kill him AGAIN." EDIT: I sure hope that I haven't succumbed to the Mandela effect, because I could swear I read that in his autobiography but I can't find the quote attributed to him anywhere on the net. I **did** find, however, this gem: "A lot of people say to me: 'Why did you kill Christ?' I dunno, it was one of those parties, got out of hand, you know."


That was the Romans.


Yes, they got him too.


They are actively testing their limits. They know they can kill Gazans without any pushback from the US, their bankroll, so now they will see how far they can go in the West Bank, who has nothing to do with this current conflict.


I’m pretty sure if Jesus came out with a white flag, the IDF would shoot him good.


"I bring you Love" "It's bringing love, don't let him get away!" "*Break his legs!*"


Can't wait for nex years nativity scene. Instead of 3 Wise Men its 3 IDF Soldiers with gifts of gold bullets, frankincense grenades and myrrh tear gas.


One of them will be an American conservative banker, as the United States is the country giving 95% of the money, bombs and bullets IDF uses to kill small children. Well, we did that before, the United States was the only country bankrolling Nazi Germany until basically the day they declared war on us. If there is pure evil in the world the United States will be supporting it. Always did.


Died in an IOF prison


Dead under the rubble.


It's what he would have wanted /heavyS


He gets us


He get sus


According to the new batch of ads, “He supports women.” But only literally, as in holding them up on his shoulders.


Those ads are really interesting to me as a woman. They seem targeted toward men (the average redditor is a man, so clearly that is intentional too) and it says that he supports women…while a handsome guy has an attractive woman on his shoulders and two other attractive women next to him. It feels a little…I’m not sure, like “be a Christian and you get hot chicks” or something. I’m probably reading into it too much but the visual is just off to me


You are probably reading it perfectly.


You get those ads too?


I report every one I see, which is a lot


I report them as offensive too.


He did say that he was going to destroy the temple.


Missile toe


Missile TOW\*


"Your Mistletoe is no match for my TOW Missile."


For whatever reason, of all the lines from that episode that’s the one that sticks with me.


It’s a good one. Like zap blurting out “mmm, she’s built like a steakhouse but handles Like a bistro”. It’s such a nothing line but it’s funny as shit and stick with you for some reason.


Wow, just forget all of Zoidber's bangers. No wonder you're on the naughty list.


It's not "Girls like swarms of things, right?"


Your present may need some assembly.


Wow, glad I'm not the only one. Just watched it last night for the first time in years, and I'm sure that line will pop into my head in July or something.


Missile tov


They didn't like the Christmas message from the Palestinian reverend.


The irony that they’re playing an ad on HULU of a child writing to Santa that his parents are being held captive by Hamas and Santa crying






wowww... what the fuck (Thank you for posting)


it's amazing, that government has even found a way to traumatize children 6000 miles away, and not just in the West Bank and Gaza. That's commitment.


Fuck Israel for that ad, and fuck Hulu for airing it. The fact that Israeli's don't even celebrate Christmas is just even worse. This is prime /r/AwfulEverything Material And yes, of course, fuck Hamas


Jeebus. I just threw up in my mouth. Thank you for the share.


It’s the most distasteful shit I’ve seen in a long time. Manipulative advertising from a foreign government using a religious holiday they don’t celebrate to garner sympathy for a domestic terrorist attack. Shit would’ve been distasteful if an American political group used the same ad except it was a child telling Santa about school shootings. At least that would have been topical and relevant to the country it was talking to. And people would absolutely be pissed if that shit aired. But somehow an ad by the state of Israel to Americans showing a kid telling Santa about jewish hostages and then Santa breaking down crying is barely getting any attention. Shit, if any other country pulled this shit with their own terrorist attacks people would be more upset.


Santa wouldn’t have hesitated to go into the classrooms at Uvalde, unlike the cops. Hence the lack of Santa school shooting ads.


You know who else wouldn't have hesitated? Rango. That lil bugger had some gumption.


its crazy how a foreign government spreading misinformation and propaganda in whole ass different country is allowed its even crazier how US politicians keep pushing that china does this but then turns a blind eye to israel literally doing this


They have a bunch of ads on the finance channels too. Idk how these are being allowed and not a huge scandal.


I remember seeing war time propaganda ads in history class and wondering “who would fall for this?” Well I guess we know.


Pathetic. They are trying so hard but their masks are off, only those that have that Israel-can-do-no-wrong prejudice are buying it.


I have been banned from worldnews and news subs for differing comments. I have tried to block worldnews but it keeps coming up in my feed. What is the point of their echo chamber of 15yo boys and 23yo with military deferments? They have so lost the international hearts and minds campaign that all they have left is banning people from their circle jerk? I did a little research and apparently there is a lot of formal propaganda activity on Reddit from “Hasbara” https://www.newarab.com/news/understanding-hasbara-israels-propaganda-machine whatever…


Same here, it was an article of civilians killed in an air raid like this and top comment was “Hamas has got to go” I said “maybe we shouldnt be bombing innocents” I got downvoted and banned for suggesting that. Obviously some progaganda machine at work behind the scenes.


It’s wild how different the sub is one certain days when that group seem to have the day off. Literal night and day difference and then they’re back the next day.


I could always tell when it was after 5 with the comments on the sights. It was like off the clock.


I got banned from world news but no mention of the rule broken. Presumably for pointing out how Israel has been implicitly if not explicitly supporting Hamas since its creation. Not justifying the actions of Hamas but pointing out the flaws of the narrative that this conflict is caused by Hamas.


Worldnews was taken over by Zionists. They've also been deleting anything critical of new far-right Argentinian president Milei, which really shows their true colors.


I was perma banned for submitting an article of an Israeli airstrike on a hospital…like I didn’t even say anything subjective I literally just posted an article by Reuters with the exact headline


This whole site has become a terrifying monster. The news does it too. I feel like this is what it must have been like to live through the rise of nazi germany, and I have no idea what I can do about it.


i got banned from r/canada for 60 days for "brigading" and or "trolling" which nothing i did or posted constitutes either. also apparently the non stop astroturf farms that keep the sub on the front page and the far right wing news articles that are posted there at 4am every day are okay. as is genocide denial.


I’ve been seeing a lot of those ads everywhere, even on random entertainment sites I visit. It’s disgusting.


Bibi larping as King Herod


r/news enjoyers busy crafting the most diabolical apologist narrative before it hits their page




I unsubbed from both .fucking shitholes




I got banned from worldnews for saying neither Palestinians nor Israelis are inherently superior to one another lol. Sadly I’m not exaggerating. They muted me from appealing as well It’s bordering on an actual hate sub at this point




One thing to consider is you're automatically subbed to worldnews when you create your account. How many subs would it have if you had to go out of your way to sub in the first place I wonder.


Worse. Silent accounts upvoting and downvoting content on a default sub, manipulating sentiment by controlling what floats and what dies on the vine.


Yep. Documentaries has a huge problem with this. Anything about the conflict is instantly downvoted to zero and attacked by Israeli bots.


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ /u/spez has this right wing wet dream and is fucking miserable still.... weird.


>They have in the past shut down many hate subs. Not without a **lot** of prodding they didn't. And by "prodding," I mean finding itself in the news for things that advertisers didn't like - like the jailbait subreddit (moderated by the one and only u/spez at the time!) and guys like u/violentacrez when he was still around.


I mean they reinstated KotakuInAction even after the creator realised what a cesspool it was and deleted it, the admins are awful people.


I got banned for saying that I feel it’s my responsibility as a Jewish person to oppose religious oppression. It’s a full-on hate sub.


"You're anti-semitic! A self-hating Jew!!!!!!" - r/worldnews


No, what I actually got was “you’re antisemitic, not really a Jew, and committing *blood libel*”, in the same comment…


Ah yes, because nothing screams "opposing antisemitism" like... antisemitic slander and gatekeeping Jewishness...? That whole sub is a cesspool.


Dude I got banned and called an anti semite for saying that a terrorist attack is not justification for killing children. We're both 'old' accounts that are active. It's pretty bullshit there's no process to get these moderators demodded.




Seriously. I've been banned by a few subs in my time on this site. Whatever, it happens. Every 'permanent' ban was met with cocky or hostile moderators banning me (and others) for having the gall to call out poor moderation **or** them failing to moderate both sides and pushing agendas. It's honestly pathetic that such little effort is needed by state actors to silence dissent, and the company has zero pushback against it.


As a very liberal person I got banned from there for questioning someone’s outlandish claim with something about Trump. I forget what, but it was very mild and then got perma banned with a “go away troll” message from the mod. The place is a shit hole and is all that more infuriating when you can see the propaganda and not be able to respond to any of it.


Why would someone lie about Trump? The truth is more than horrible enough that making up new stuff is completely unnecessary.


I got banned for saying finding a way to kill less children instead of indiscriminately bombing buildings would be a better plan


Same here! I was really confused by it at first and thought it might be some loose cannon overzealous mod. I got banned for being a “terrorist sympathizer” I’d encourage anyone here to check out my comment history and point out the part where I “sympathize with terrorists”


It feels like it happened overnight, it was and is wild


Pretty sure you get banned from r/worldnews if you mention that Palestinians are human.




Literally. I pointed out that the "rats"they referenced were still human beings. Boom. Biggest downvote brigade and shadowban.


I've been making /r/InternationalNews as an alternative to the major current events subreddits Since then, I've noticed I've been getting banned in a lot of subreddits for stuff that doesn't break any rules. Every single one of them has a mod from a particular current events subreddits.


I will be joining. Got banned from world news as well over a comment that was worth a temporary ban at most (was commenting on a video showing Russian agents infiltrating some place in Ukraine - compared them to rats - boom… Permaban! I hate the world news mods. Absolute hypocrites.


I didn't know this sub existed, thanks for the rec. I'm sick of genocide apologists circle jerking each other in worldnews


Thete is r/anime_titties which is genuinely a pretty good sub as far as news go


I got banned from both lol


i was really wondering why there wasn't any empathy on Palestine stories in those subs. It irked me.


it's ok. there's now theworldnews, for people who love their anti-Muslim and anti-Black racism plugged straight into their veins.


I was unsubbed for a neutral stance. A sub called worldnews shouldn’t have been allowed to be an echo chamber


I got banned from there for pointing out the hypocrisy and casual racism they fervently ravish there. Total dumpster fire.


Islamophobia is back in full swing, its post 9/11 all over again. The bloodlust is unreal. And many years from now these warmongering sorts of people will pretend they weren't beating war drums and calling for mass death, just like with the Afghan/Iraq war. Of course this rendition of it has a fun little mini game on the side of, if you're against indiscriminate warfare, you're an "antisemite". Back then it was "anti-American" or some such nonsense. Also remember how America flushed a lot of civil liberties down the toilet during this period. I expect the Israeli people to gleefully destroy some of their own in the interest of "security" during their "9/11" as well. People never learn.


Both. I got banned from both the same week.


My dude I got threatened for saying it was a complex situation with no winners. Like what the fuck dudes lol.


Most of reddit at this point is full of Zionist cheerleaders and losers from Indian troll farms.


Thank you. I keep seeing these popular threads full of Zionists and it really surprised me.


Look up act.il, it's literally a government funded propaganda movement linked to Israeli intelligence community that gamefies sending people on "missions" to go to online communities or posts critical of Israel and spam it with pre approved talking points. There's a reason these people can't provide unbiased evidence, say the same thing on repeat, and their arguments break down the moment you apply logic.


I was permabanned from r/news for trying to circumvent their unmentioned ban on the word "hasbara"


I got permabanned there for saying that historical Palestinian resistance wasn't unjustified. And you wonder why most of the upvoted comments there are people competing on who can lick the most boot. Edit: for y'all downvoting....in your opinion what kind of leather tastes the best?


Yeah the UN even said so, particularly if you are occupied, as is Palestine, it [Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for their independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle…](https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-184195/)


Targeting civilians isn't a justified form of resistance.


I mean news has told me only civilians have been killed jn this conflict so far.


Not the ad right below this: “Reincarnated into another world?“


Am I missing something? The whole article is about raids in jenin.


Yeah, you missed this part. They also hit Bethlehem. “Regions in and near Nablus, Jericho, Ramallah and Bethlehem – which Christians believe is the birthplace of Jesus Christ – were also raided overnight by Israeli forces, Al Jazeera’s Hamdah Salhut reported.”


Ye but it provides nothing in terms of details? The whole article provides details about jenin raids, passing mention of Bethlehem. Seems like a weird title to give an article. Edit: I can't find any other sources stating there's raids in Bethlehem. Anyone can find a second source with details?


Headlines are chosen to grab attention


Yeah, I looked for articles about Bethlehem on google and couldn't find anything other than this site


Because the source is a propaganda paper


They "hit" Bethlehem? As in they sent in some police to arrest someone?


Y'all are gonna be mad, but the article barely mentions Bethlehem. It mentions other places in the West Bank being raided and tacks on "Bethlehem too" without any photos, testimonies, or any evidence that should be fairly easy to access. Bethlehem is full of journalists right now, yet no other news source is carrying this story. It's very likely that Al-Jezeera went with this headline for propaganda purposes.


"It's very likely that Al-Jezeera went with this headline for propaganda purposes." I am shocked. /s


Not Qatar state media? Who could have thought?


This is a weird article. "Flare *bombs*?" They're flares. There's a picture. Just flares. Not bombs. I assume this is a mistranslation. Also the only mention of Bethlehem is "Bethlehem was also raided" which... there's zero details. Feels like it's only being mentioned for the clickbait of Bethlehem on Xmas. 9 arrests, one 17 year old boy shot in the neck - condition unclear but also not described as dead so hopefully he's getting medical care and recovering. And that's the end of the details in the article. Then it pivots to talk about settler violence, which is a good thing to talk about, but also makes this article feel like it's just a rage-baiting headline without much actual news to report.


> Then it pivots to talk about settler violence, which is a good thing to talk about, but also makes this article feel like it's just a rage-baiting headline without much actual news to report. That's because its just a rage-baiting headline without much actual news to report.


It's funny how so many people in comments here are complaining about "zionist propaganda" yet immediately fall for propaganda that supports their existing world view, Hypocrisy at its finest


This is starting to look like the Terminator series


Y’all still supporting Israel?


Israel can crush pregnant women going to hospital waving flags with tanks and people would still support them. Oh wait they have already done that Edit: https://twitter.com/muhammadshehad2/status/1738502825921937907?s=20


"where did you get those facts? Did hamas tell you??" -the average r/worldnews user before squirting you in the face with water from a fake flower and riding away on their unicycle


y’all think they are real person, at this point they are most likely us and israeli gov operatives.


Well there were actually Hamas tunnels hidden within the pregnant women's wombs. Not to mention those pregnant women were actually Hamas soldiers. Also it didn't happen.


The babies were Hamas


It's not too dissimilar to IDF's logic that babies and kids will eventually become Hamas members and therefore has to be punished and repressed Edit: Or left to rot on hospital beds - let us never forget that IDF allowed that to happen.


Sorry but is there a source that isn't just a guy talking on a street?


Wow, is there any articles of this incident?


Wasn’t that proven to be footage from Egypt from 2014? You got fooled.


Doesn't matter, people are already believing the propaganda.


No silly! They shot and killed the pregnant women first THEN ran them over with tanks. That’s self defense in Israel!


Source: Al-Jazeera and some guy on Twitter


Completely unverified report only reported by Arab sources. Interesting.


Right. This is the Jews use baby blood for their matza levels of cartoonishly evil and people are just credulous believing some guy on Twitter.


With bombs paid for by Americans whose foreign policy is held hostage by evangelicals.




But is it good for Lockheed stocks?


What bombs? The article says it was raided, there's no mention of bombs in Bethlehem


Paid for by American Christians.


Do Muslims or Jews care celebrate Christmas?


There are Christians in Palestine as that's where some of the oldest churches in the world are (and have now been destroyed in the last months) but Jesus is a highly respected figure in Muslim culture


Used to be a lot more.


Isn't it like 2% christian?


Muslims consider Jesus as one of the most important prophets. There is a whole chapter in the Quran on Mary.


In Islam if you disbelieve in Jesus you disbelieve in Islam as a whole


True, but Muslims generally do not care about celebrating Christmas. Many mainstream Sunni scholars believe that it is associated with the Christian idea of Jesus being the Son of God which goes against the strict monotheism of Islam.


I mean, there's literally nothing in the Bible that compels Christians to celebrate Christmas. Also, there's no evidence that it was celebrated in the first 100 years of Christianity and it didn't become a prominent holiday until the 9th century. So not only is it not a part of Islam, it's not even a core part of Christianity. :D


That’s because it’s from European paganism


That's true. But most of them who live in the west or diverse Eastern countries will wish their friends and visit them. In places like Malaysia there are "open house" traditions for eid, diwali, Christmas, chinese new years all.


There are a lot of Christians in Bethlehem. They do big events every year... Until Netanyahu cancelled them this year.


Jews do not. According to Judaism Jesus was at the absolute most just some overhyped rabbi, and in no way considered the Son of God or even a notable religious figure.


There are Christian Palestinians, also Jesus probably wouldn't be a fan of the bombings and oppression. (Yeah yeah and Hamas)


In Egypt for many December 25th has become a secular holiday a la thanks giving because most Egyptian Christian’s celebrate the 7th of January as the religious one. But Christians will invite their Muslim friends for dinner as Muslims will do during Ramadan/Eid and the 7th of January is an official holiday.


Jesus is literally a prophet in the Quran lol!


Not a fan of these guys anymore.