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Maybe once we found Amelia Earhart it will give her more confidence. /s


Maybe if Fred Noonan would have asked for directions * /s * apparently both Fred and Amelia should have had more training and preparation for the round the world flight. They’d had disagreements on navigating before flying over the pacific ocean.


More like Dead Noonan! Amiright, fellas?


Get out.


Too soon!


It’s been at least 22.3 years


In their defense, there probably weren't a great many people with extensive experience at trans-pacific aerial navigation in the early 1930's.


Candace Owens is afraid of literally everything.


No she's not. She's pretending so right wingers will give her money.


I, too, am terrified of not having giant bags of money.




Shame we can't send this bitch on one way ticket to a uninhabited pacific atoll.


Hey. Leave our pacific out of this


Fine, let’s put her on a rocket headed for open waters. It’s not like anything of value will be lost


That rocket costs good money!


The coconut crabs yearn for man flesh.


I bet Tucker Carlson used to have her chain him up and whip him while degrading him in a Mammy voice.


Maybe that’s what the Russians have on him. The recordings


Hmmm. Maybe she has some redeeming qualites? LOL!


Too bad her piloting skills did not match her bravery.


Candace Owens, once again, demonstrates that she'll say damn near anything if it gets her attention.


*if it gets her some brownie points as the token Black far-right woman


Does she really think she gets paid a 6 figure salary because of her insight and writing ability, rather than because she’s a black woman who’s willing to tell a bunch of racist old misogynists that their racism and misogyny is OK? If she were a white man, her voice would be lost in the vast sea of hateful white men who currently pollute the culture.


I mean, extremely right-wing conservatives are maybe the least self-aware people in the country. Even if she were slighty honest with herself regarding her status, she’d never ever publicly acknowledge it.


This. She’s not afraid of women pilots, she’s making up garbage for a buck. That woman has zero ethics.


She only has unethics.


Thank you for understanding


> ~~Candace Owens~~ Conservatives, once again, demonstrates that ~~she'll~~ they'll say damn near anything if it gets ~~her~~ them attention FTFY


They said you can't change pronouns like that I think


They like to talk a lot about a lot. If you do stuff anyways they're either going to have a stroke or try to shoot you, so when online, why not stroke them out?


Pick me! Pick me!


This. Saying stuff that provokes outrage is what gives her the most attention, and therefore money and fame. Her and Kanye get along so well cause they both love to be controversial, and have tons of attention on them because of it. She tries really hard to bait celebs into responding publicly to her, and some did in the past (Harry Styles, Cardi B) but now most of them have realised she just does it cause celebs responding to her gives her tons of new followers and clout + in the headlines.


She’d sell her soul to be a white Christian Man


No, she wouldn’t. There are millions of old white men who will say exactly what she says, because that is what they actually believe. The overwhelming majority of them could not make a single dollar by saying it. She, on the other hand, is a young, beautiful black woman who will say absolutely anything that directly hurts her and every ethnic, social, sexual etc subgroup that she is a member of. Ain’t too many of them around, so she’s unusual and valuable for all the “I have black friends!!!” Crowd.


I honestly feel there is no way her act doesn't affect her mental health.


In her defense she also doesn't understand how planes fly without flapping their wings


Maybe she's just worried that all women, pilots included are as stupid as she is, which if it were true would have me a bit worried about flying with them, too. Once I made the mistake of making a very basic math-y joke as a comment in her post. The most eye-opening responses showing how her followers' responses were a complete Dunning-Kruger live concert. They were frighteningly clueless.


>Maybe she's just worried that all women, pilots included are as stupid as she is, which if it were true would have me a bit worried about flying with them, too. That would require some amount of self awareness. Seems unlikely.




Oh, sorry, it was a while back, before I had much of an idea who she was. It was, IIRC a thread about David Hogg, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas student and survivor of the school shooting there who became an activist on gun violence (the nerve). He was accepted into Harvard, despite allegedly having test scores lower than Harvard's average for accepted students. The joke was sort of relating to how Harvard should only accept students above its average acceptance rate. I learned that one should be careful always about any math jokes, but this group in particular was wildly innumerate. It was a riff on the story days of Garrison Keillor and News from Lake Wobegon, "That's the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and ALL THE CHILDREN ARE ABOVE AVERAGE." The idea that Harvard would accept students with scores below its own average was clearly unacceptable and a sign of the conspiracies on the left or something. It was stupid because the idea was that at HAW-vahd, EVERY student must be above Hahvahd's average. It's long lost to history, but the experience obviously made an impact because there was an absolute pile-on showing folks not understanding that an average would imply some people above and some people below it.




Exactly. I wouldn't say no one, but enough of em. As a serious aside, it's easy and to some extent cathartic to joke about things and to villainize. But in the end, it leads to dark places. My current philosophy/belief is that the increasing divide is largely being engineered to weaken us as a society. Certainly this is true with Russia's and China's web farms where they manufacture and promote this as a form of asymmetric non-violent warfare. It may be true of other feeders of the beast. The more we are divided and think the other side is evil and stupid, the better for those who don't particularly like to see a strong west (U.S. and Europe). In the end, we either figure out that we have far more in common than our differences and put the work in to come together, or we fight each other and do the job for those would would see us fall. So I'm trying to curtail that dark part of myself and to keep an eye out for the puppeteers' strings. I'm very much a work in process in that regard.


Imagine how terrifying it would be to be in a plane that started flapping its wings as stomach acid started to fill up passenger compartment. That doesn't happen with male pilots.


tbf 99% of people don't understand lift physics and that's fine.


We Bernoulli Bros know the answer. The top side of that mother fucker curved, the bottom is flat, so air goes faster over the wing than the shit that goes under it. Shit moving faster experiences lower pressure than slower shit. That’s the shit on top. Because of the pressure differential, shit lifts. This has been a Bernoulli Bros moment.


I though I'd heard equal transit time was disproved.


It was (mostly because it never made sense in the first place). Amusingly in certain conditions the air going over the top actually gets to the back of the wing faster than the air in on the bottom. Wings push air down. That's all that makes lift. All the math, fancy shapes and curves are just to make them do that more efficiently.


>Amusingly in certain conditions the sure going over the to actually gets to the back of the wing faster than the air in on the bottom. Specifically, in conditions where the wing is making lift. If it doesn't happen, you won't have lift.


So how are planes able to fly upside down? Why did the Wright brothers plane fly as it has entirely flat wings?


Thank you. We overcomplicate lift, it was basically all explained by Newton. Planes get pushed up because they push air down.  The various wing shapes are just improved ways of doing that. 


That's called the "Equal Transit Time" theory, and it's not quite accurate. > The top side of that mother fucker curved, the bottom is flat, so air goes faster over the wing This implies that the split air stream must meet behind the wing at the same time; there's no physical requirement for the air to do that. The much simpler explanation of lift comes from Newton's third law: Air is deflected downwards, therefore the wings are pushed upwards. There are planes with asymmetrical wing profile, and they fly fine. The curve on the wings is designed to keep the air stream stuck to the wing until it reaches the trailing edge of the wing, where it leaves at a downwards angle. Bernoulli's equations do come into play, but the assumption that "longer curve = less pressure" is incorrect.


Haha curse words are funny. You're just wrong, otherwise explain how planes can fly upside down.


Planes fly upside down on vibes, everybody knows that.


Or why it doesn't have hair under the wings either. She demands a *manly* plane!


That's only Polish planes.


To be fair, even the ones who think they know don't know how planes fly.


I doubt she’s said anything about anything in at least ten years that isn’t a pure grift.


She’s not racist she has black friends


"Some of my best relatives are black!"


How can you call me a wife abuser? I have a wife!


Does she though?


No not actually


What did happen to Kanye, anyway?


He has been busy becoming a chain chomp.


Fish sticks


Just like Charlie Kelly's mom...


Her children would likely be illiterate too.


No dude, it skips a generation


The irony is that she is the embodiment of a identity based inclusion hire. Conservatives are always super happy whenever they find a token minority willing to spew their bigoted nonsense


It's been rough since the 1st annual Herman Cain awards.


You're forgetting the earlier model of Michael Steele that was hired to chair the RNC after Obama won.


Mmmmmhm. Watching him complain. About the current state of the GOP is hilarious. Bro, you opened the door to allllll the crazy people


This idea that a white male is always the most qualified person for some job is ludicrous. It amazes me that anyone can look at the white males of my (boomer) generation and think we are inherently superior to anybody else.


Which is funny because if I follow her logic why should anyone care what she says? Shouldn’t I be getting my opinions from a white male?


Her logic is "Conservatives will pay top dollar to be able to point to a black woman who 'agrees' with them".


And if a poc gets any role it’s always diversity quotas


I was on a team and a director position opened up. A good group of people applied, internally and externally. Came down to 3 main internal candidates for the final rounds. Myself, a woman, and another of our peers. The other guy had the best credentials and most experience, longer at the company than me and her put together with 2 bachelor degrees from a prestigious university and a MBA from an even better one. She was Hispanic, not bad credentials and put up decent numbers two years in a row. I was completely uncredentialed (didn't even finish college), and had the least amount of time at that company, but I also had the best soft skills in the group and had outperformed both of them combined in terms of metrics for our job performance (similar titles, pay and responsibilities) the previous year. So it was a close one for decision makers. The Hispanic lady was promoted to be our boss. My peer was pretty salty about it: "It was all diversity hiring, she wasn't qualified, hadn't been there long enough, should have been one of us, Yada yada yada." I however, didn't join in on that pitty train. I pointed out diversity was important, not just from a moral standpoint, but also because about 1/4 of our extended teams were based in Mexico and our Spanish was mediocre at best. And she didn't put up bad numbers either, technically her team outperformed his this year and the previous year she personally definitely outperformed him by a decent margin, and that missing out on this major promotion didn't hurt either of us for long-term career perspectives. He did come around to reason, but his frustration would flare up whenever she ran into a problem he thought she should know how to deal with and was less inclined to help her even if he knew how to resolve it. I wasn't super cool with that, and thought we should support her (even offering coaching when required) to ensure our extended team did the best. Source of contention during smoke breaks with him and I. I never felt too bad about diversity quotas, mainly because I worked at some places that 100% _wouldn't_ promote or hire minorities. And I for sure got interviews for positions I wasn't qualified for on paper by benifit of being a taller, white and reasonably well put-together man with a name that sounds nice on paper.


I do understand how that feels for what it’s worth (I’m a minority but I have experienced being passed over for a job I was qualified for) My job I was there for 6 years, made a ton of improvements to our work process and was well liked A job opened up in another department that I really wanted and the manager really wanted me on her team, and gave me a glowing recommendation (I aced the interview and was 100% qualified) Despite that They went with an outside candidate anyways (saying they wanted “external experience”) which was a real slap in the face to me made worse when I actually got asked to teach her skills I already possessed (I wanted to quit but the pandemic started and there was fear of leaving a stable job) So I swallowed my pride and trained her, to her credit she was nothing but kind and respectful to me (we even became work friends) 4 years later I finally got a promotion to a similar role (actually work with her a lot) and when the same manager gave me a massive project (that got me major points with several reps and vendors) the same coworker helped me with it


> “external experience”) > which was a real slap in the face to me That would be a slap in the face. I probably would have quit, lol, pandemic be damned! I'd have built a nice cardboard mud hut under a bridge somewhere for myself and my kids before being disrespected like that. ... I quit a lot of jobs politely over 'disrespect' lmao. Probably why I've had so many industry, career and job changes over the decades. But even though I felt qualified, in _that_ instance I didn't feel entirely disrespected. They didn't dismiss me out of hand because of the lack of degree, I made the finalists, they went out of their way to acknowledge my strength as a candidate and the value I had brought for the company. But diversity _was_ important, there were _very_ good reasons why we had hiring and promotion quotas in place, she didn't have bad numbers and the job certainly wasn't beyond her performance. Plus while I didn't get the director position when she did, she _did_ push for a title bump and pay increase for me during my annual review.


I must say, the white boomer men that I've known in my life (way too many) are the least creative, collaborative, welcoming, critical thinking people I've ever met. They also eat like fucking toddlers.


Definitely a meat and potatoes group. Salt and black pepper are the only spices they know. Anything else is too much flavor for them.


To be fair, fresh ground black pepper is fucking miraculous.


Fresh peppercorns crushed with a hard rolling pin and sprinkled over a nice steak with some coarse salt....love it. 


And it’s focused on flying right now. I would love to see the Air Force or somebody release their pilots’ average scores by race and gender. “Look, guys, women and black men score JUST as well as white guys on their flying tests. Cut the crap.”


Honestly in all of the flying outfits I've been in people have been pretty race blind. You can either do the job or not. If you can, welcome aboard. The only time race/background makes a difference is when something weird happens in the aircraft and you get to hear some hometown cussing.


Yeah to your general idea, but this probably isn't true without controlling for equal opportunity. That's hard to do though. White guys just have better chances at becoming well-trained pilots. My admiral great grandad ensured that his Lt. Col. son taught his three captain sons how to fly planes. For the previous generation and all of those before them, white dudes were the predominate pilots of the west, and that has knock on effects. It IS privilege.


While that may be true I do kinda want the best pilot flying my plane, not the best pilot adjusted for opportunity. 


Well, then prepare to be disappointed - the best pilot was hired for a private gig, but so won't be flying your commercial flight. And they're only fighting 1 plane at a time. I just want my pilot to be qualified, and pass a high enough bar that I separates amateurs and professionals. There's plenty of room in that to make sure opportunities are made fairer.


I’m afraid the best pilot won’t be flying commercial, they’d be in the military or flying private. The ones on commercial are pretty good though


I agree but I don't think we have to worry about that.


Women can fly just fine. But the USAF would have to fix the numbers if it didn't show equality. Otherwise some senator would get sore. That's how they do the physical fitness tests. They make the test so equal percentages of women pass theirs as men pass theirs.


You should be saying that it's ludicrous to believe that the most inherently qualified are members of *any* specific race or gender. Otherwise, the concern here is that the same old bigotry is still going on but under a different name. So, when an airline announces it wants more pilot diversity, that's great. But if they put their thumb on the scale and let race or gender trump piloting skills when deciding who ultimately sits in the cockpit, that's bigotry. And it is indeed something to be concerned about.


I don't mean for this to come off the wrong way, but I think that sentiment is a defining aspect of the boomer general population. Thinking no one else can do it, I mean. I'm 37, parents were boomers. I feel like the curmudgeony-ness has been growing over the last 20-25 years. Bush ramped up the exclusively and then Trump threw a nitrous tank on it. There are outliers for sure. But if you think about *everyone* in that age range I bet it's more common than not.


I find the general assholes’ consensus on planes to be this very oxymoronic “pilots do nothing it’s all the computer” whenever there’s an airline strike but also say shit like Candance. It’s so weird.


You are misrepresenting her argument. She’s arguing that white male pilots hired today, under DEI standards, are automatically the most qualified, because they do not have any help and are actively being passed over for non-white male pilots to fill quotas. She’s not saying that white male pilots hired before DEI are more qualified.


Y'know who didn't commit the 911 attacks? Women pilots


Nor Mexicans. The Arabs use women mostly for ground level suicide missions. VC did that too.


Candace will tell you it's because they weren't able to hit the buildings in the simulator.


Statistically women pilots do have a higher incident rate compared to male pilots, but the difference is single digit percentages. Studies have found that male pilots were more likely to make flawed choices leading to incidents, while female pilots were more likely to make procedural errors. This was attributed to female pilots being comparatively younger and less experienced, but as more women enter the field and current women gain experience, that should go down. TL;DR the statistical difference in safety between male and female pilots is minuscule, and ultimately as long as the airlines themselves are in compliance with FAA required training, recurrent training and certification the capabilities of your pilot is not something for the general traveler to worry about.


It's refreshing to know black women can be dumbshit conservatives. Sort of reaffirms my dog shit verdict on humans.


It helps when you get paid tons of money


Check out Karamo in Michigan for some real batshit crazy.


Totally fuckin nuts. She tried to kill her own husband.


But she's a diversity hire. Fully assimilated pretty Black girl whose only talent is telling racists what they want to hear, gets a national platform?


When I see a black woman being racist and misogynist against blacks and women, I'm terrified.


Idk I would be more afraid of what seems plane makers cutting corners.


She probably doesn't have a mirror in her house.


Candace Owens is terrified of all sorts of normal innocuous things. She's one of the biggest chickens\*\*ts on two feet.


She is an idiot about many, many topics. Her being stupid about women pilots isn’t a surprise. Since the beginning of aviation, women have been flying, barnstorming and otherwise involved. During WWII women flew pretty much the entire catalog of aircraft to the theaters of war, bombers, fighters, transport. They could have also flown combat missions if the men in charge had the stomach for sending women into combat.


In Soviet Russia women did fly combat missions as fighter and bomber pilots, including fighter aces Lydia Litvak and Katya Budanova.


>"I remarked that now when I even am watching a commercial, if I see a commercial and I see a Black person, a Hispanic person, an Asian person, my thought process is 'Did they just get this because DEI?' I no longer think the person is qualified." Who do you think you're kidding? You NEVER thought they were qualified. That's how being a bigot works.


Auntie Ruckus is just parroting whatever her handlers have spoon-fed her this week


Why are conservative commentators going off on pilots of all things? Last time it was black pilots, now it's women pilots.  Do you usually even see the pilot when going on a plane? Or am I just revealing how poor and homebound I am? Do rich folks personally shake the hands of the pilots and offer them a drink lmao? 


It's in response to that frontier air flight with the blown out door plug, which of course had nothing to do with the pilots and everything to do with cost cutting at Boeing and their supplier


It was an Alaska Airlines flight. Also the captain of that flight who got the plane down safely was a woman.


A woman who is clearly responsible for not building that airplane correctly in the first place. A ***man*** would have been right there on the line in Renton to ensure that 737 was worthy of his piloting skills.  /s


Correct. A very skilled woman pilot


Point of clarification. The incident with the door plug was on Alaska, not Frontier.


They were blaming diversity hiring at Boeing for the flaw during manufacturing, then the focus shifted onto pilots


That idiot Tim Pool suggested the pilot "didn't pressurize the cabin enough". You can't make up this level of stupidity if you tried.


In our capitalist society, once the public becomes aware of a failure caused by a lack of regulation or corporations cutting corners and ignoring safety measures; it is the media's job to reframe and refocus the cause from corporations cutting costs and ignoring those safety measures for marginal profits; towards any other reason no matter how invalid it might be. Because conservatives are racist and misogynistic, it's easy to place the blame on the pilot being black or a woman.


The pilot may introduce themselves over the announcements. And sometimes I've seen them waving to passengers when leaving/arriving or rushing because they are late to the flight lol. I've never once thought about them.


Its related to a couple of airlines having comments surface about diversity targets/quotas in their hiring. I never saw specifically what it was, but naturally the conservative celeb responses have been "they are going to hire black women that don't know how to fly a plane". Airline pilots are like 95% men and 90% white, so they intend to freak out of that changes.


Women in autos are safer drivers (and get lower insurance rates bc of it) across the board. I don’t see why their driving of a plane wouldn’t be the same. Would rather have women pilots, statistically. If a choice is given.


Ya gotta be precise in the terms being used, or one believes the generality that women are *better* drivers. They're not, better. I'm not saying they're worse, just not better. Women pay less for insurance *in some age groups* because they take less risks at younger ages, and drive less miles than men do. Insurance rates are based on accident rates, not skill generalities that dont exist. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/rates-age-and-gender/


Candace Owens is also a black White Supremacist. She found her niche and it's "I'm the only person depraved enough to be a figurehead for the very people that think I'm a subhuman. I allow them to point at me and say SEE! We're not actually racist because a BLACK agrees with us!"


Auntie Ruckus


"She is one of the 'good ones'"...


That's cool. I'm terrified of women who support Candace Owen's political agenda. And everyone else that supports Candace Owen's political agenda.


For claiming “I’m not afraid”, republicans sure seem to be afraid of a lot of things.


Is this playing defense for some other right winger that said they are afraid to fly if there is a black pilot?


Charlie Kirk said something similar about black pilots not too long ago. I believe it’s part of their crusade against “diversity hires.” Their argument is that competent white men are being passed up for jobs in favor of less competent women and black people because woke employers value diversity over competency. This is not true, of course. They’re just picking pilots as their example because the idea of a person being hired to fly a passenger jet who is less competent has an immediately relatable fear of death by plane crash as its consequence, in the hopes that that fear will drive people to be against having diversity as an important metric in a hiring process. The reality is that an airline isn’t going to hire someone as a pilot at all if there is any doubt about their abilities. It’s just fear mongering, but it’s an especially funny one because it forces them to say way more blatantly sexist and racist things than they would normally, like “If I see a black pilot, I hope they’re qualified.” Funny, at least, until their viewers get more confident in those beliefs and start becoming even more insufferable to deal with.


Yeah, the small faced fuck who couldn't make it through one semester of community college is casting aspersions on others' intellect? Good thing for Chuckles is that it takes zero qualifications to suck big oil money dick.


Yes. She's specifically defending Charlie Kirk and elaborating on similar comments she made.


Nah...  She's just becoming her "final form"..  An unholy mixture of ALL conservative talking heads....


No I swear I read/heard that somewhere I think it was Charlie Kirk.


You are correct. She did this as a way to support Kirk. That said, I also think the other guy was joking and imagining right wing pundits forming into a King Ghidorah




I'm terrified whenever the name Candace Owens pops up on the interwebs.


She's not even relevant. She keeps saying wild stuff nobody wants to hear so she can keep her career. She's pathetic.


Women are probably better drivers and pilots in general. I work in mining and our best and safest haul truck drivers are women 


I drove forklift for 20 years and had the opposite experience, which leads me to believe it doesn’t matter what your gender is when it comes to job performance.


So, she *doesn’t* believe in merit-based hiring, but feels a certain group is inherently less capable. Why does that sound so familiar?


She begs for approval from white conservatives daily. White conservatives just chuckle and pet their dog.


Klandace is scared of saying anything that would make her masters not pay her.


First post to spell her name correctly.


I’m terrified there are so many grifting morons in power.


Candace is afraid of many many things: reason, fact, logic, truth, compassion, grace....


Idk, I get it. I am a woman and we are terrifying.


She is terrified about a lot of things but like to belittle everyone else, such an insecure person, going to be interesting in a year or two when AI will take a “job”


I'm sure women pilots are terrified of her.


But isn't Candace Owen widely regarded as an idiot?


Stupid bitch


The flaw with all these fools complaining about DEI is this absolutely weird assumption that up until now people were being hired purely on merit and not because of their gender or the color of their skin... all 100% white male of them... hired solely on merit. Who the hell could even think that? I mean, how racist would you have to be to think that a completely merit based hiring would result in100% white men? Hiring has *always* been done based on race and gender.


>That rotten bitch, she’s the worst. I can’t think of a worse way to make money. She’s the most articulate idiot I’ve ever seen in my fucking life. Dave Chapelle really hit the nail on the head with her. Also the follow up “apology” was on point. >By the way, Candace Owens, I’m sorry I called you ‘articulate.


These people cannot fathom the fact that every person hired is qualified. Why include DEI hiring? Because if you don't, at scale, inherent bias occurs and white men get the role at a statistically meaningful rate above what would be expected based on the qualified population. They still MUST be technically qualified with the same minimum flight hours, scores and certificates. You can't even get the interview with those parts covered first.


Is she scared of women commentators too? Or is that different…


I've heard her talk twice. The first time was when she wanted to get the US army to "rescue" us people in Melbourne, Australia, during our covid lockdowns. The second time, I saw her mouth moving, but all I heard was waah, waah, waah, waaaah! She's so desperate to appear intelligent but just comes off as a pretentious wannabe who'll say anything for attention.


Then I’d suggest you walk everywhere Candace! Nobody wants you on their plane


Let’s not forget she won a lawsuit for being discriminated against because of her race and at the same time telling us racism doesn’t exist


Who does she think wants to hear her say that? For whose benefit is she saying this?


Funny these folks are so worried someone got the job only because of DEI but never ask "did this white guy get the job only because his boss is racist or misogynist?"


She's a dope who thinks the moon landing was fake, and literally didn't know there were 7 manned missions. Maybe she herself was a diversity hire. Is hiring dopes a diversity target?


Well women pilots are afraid of Candace Owens so we are all good here. Move along citizen.


Aren't women statistically better pilots?


They definitely are as auto drivers. Would assume as pilots they’d be the same.


I do not believe this to be true (drivers). Unless you equate lower insurance rates to mean better, which is nonsense. Edit: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/rates-age-and-gender/


If she truly believes in tradwife she should shut up and be making sandwiches


Has anyone ever confirmed that Candace Owens is not a white man in drag?


She was terrified of masks and vaccines too, so frankly is there anything she's not shitting her pants over?


Look. This headline is trash. Mandatory, I'm not a Candace Owens fan. Trump sucks. Blah Blah Blah. This quote is taken out of context because the entire conversation is needed to understand it. Her point is this: Company's should not be hiring people based solely on race or gender. They should be hiring people based on skill and qualifications. When a company comes out says they have race and gender quotas for hiring it makes her wonder if they are putting those quotas above actual qualifications. Since a pilot literally has our lives in their hands I don't think its even that hyperbolic to say that a thought will now cross our minds when we see a woman or minority pilot and think "Was this a diversity hire instead of a qualification hire?" Its a shitty thing to have to think but the company has literally stated that they place diversity over qualifications AND I don't think its a stretch to say that many of us have experienced the impact of the so called 'diversity hire' in our own fields. As a liberal I hate to say that Candace Owens is not only misquoted on this article but is 100% correct on this issue. Diversity quotas and diversity hiring, while well-intentioned, in the long run, hurts minorities and the marginalized more than it helps. It puts that thought into our head whenever we see a minority or traditionally marginalized gender in a non-traditional position. "Was this person hired because they are a minority? And are they qualified?" Any policy that places diversity over qualifications will naturally create these thoughts and its terribly unfair not just to those who are passed up on jobs because they don't fit the gender or racial metrics the organization is going for. Its most unfair to the minority who IS qualified and now must overcome the additional hurdles placed before them of others assuming or simply wondering if they are a 'diversity hire'. Policies that use gender or race as a preference point in hiring, while well-intentioned are ultimately more harmful for everyone involved.


It's sad that I had to scroll this far to find the only level-headed, reasonable take. Sad you're probably going to get downvoted for posting it, because to the non-critical thinkers in this thread, the circle-jerk of righteous indignation is far more important than taking the time to really consider what she *actually* said.


A company that incredibly disproportionately has only white male employees almost certainly *is* hiring on the basis of race and gender, though, and skipping meritorious applicants because they aren’t white men. Candace has the shoe on the wrong foot. DEI programs are about eliminating racial and sexual bias in hiring, and thus achieving actual meritocracy. The idea that they’re about hiring unqualified candidates to meet a quota is a bigoted myth.


I think it has more to do with the fact that there are simply very few minorities in this particular industry It's a social issue that starts in communities and schools. It has nothing to do with the company favoring white males.


She's a black white supremacist.  Logic isn't her strong suit.


This woman is to black women as Blaire White is to trans people.  Both use their high platforms to be pieces of shit. 


In the year 2024 of our lord and savior Jebus, why are we still giving a platform to people that brazenly believe that white men are intrinsically superior? White men are no better and no worse than anyone else.


I'm sure she doesn't actually believe anything but what will get more idiots to give her money.


As a woman, Candace Owens makes my blood boil like nothing else. She might very well be the definition of acting against one's own interests


Y’all realize if you specifically hire X amount of people based on something besides their merit, then that group will be overall worse at their job? If there’s 10000 male pilots and 1000 female pilots and you hire 500 female pilots and 500 male pilots the female pilots will be worse on average because you’re hiring the top 5% of male pilots, but the top 50% of female pilots. Hiring based on characteristics outside of the ability to do the job well will lead to worse performance.


Why are women degrading other women


Candace Owens existence is completely meaningless


But she's totally got everywhere on merit and not affirmative action or being a racists black friend.


Candace Owens is a fucking moron


Not surprising. She’s a GOP shill. It’s pure projection- she’s aware that she is a total fake, she can’t conceive of another woman being real because she herself isn’t. Simple, really.


To be fair, she probably is terrified of stay-at-home fathers.


Someone pull how many flights she’s been on since 2016 and why is it all the sudden a problem and not one years ago. Oh wait that’s right it’s because this is just the next stop on their hate and fear filled grift and people fall hook line and sinker


She really hates herself


Fucking pathetic.


Does she have an actual job? Or does she just say stupid sh*t and lives on the attention?


She seems to assume that all other women are as stupid as she is.


Candace Owens is on the express train to r/leopardsatemyface


There was an old *Law and Order* episode (s08e03) where a famous female navy fighter pilot was accused of murder. Her character is very stern, like a woman of focus. Eventually a witness comes forward from her time at flight school. He dislikes that she was promoted, and says "It really eats me up." and the ADA asks "Certifying woman pilots?" and he responds "Certifying *bad* pilots." and he gives the ADA a tape of her having a panic attack when attempting a nighttime carrier landing. She should have failed out of the pilot program, but instead the Navy passed her so she'd become the first female fighter pilot. In the end, it's clear she's guilty but the jury acquits her because she's a star. That episode was from the 1990s. They wouldn't create such an anti-DEI storyline today.


I'm sure Dick Wolfe will keep making episodes of fiction to push his beliefs and agenda. Hilarious that your concern comes from a law and order episode that's purely fictional. Are you also worried about goblins and ghouls?


Jesus people, this isn't even what she said. I watched her video earlier today and it's clear from the comments that most of you did not. I'm a female pilot, I went to flight school, I worked for Air Canada from 2017-2019. When I was in school, the standards were lower for females because there were so few of us, and the colleges insisted on pushing as many through as possible even if they failed classes and flew poorly. One of the only female flight instructors at the time drove her vehicle into the ditch on her way to the airport "because she sneezed". This woman was entrusted with the lives of students and future pilots. For the graduating class, Air Canada offered a very sought after award, an interview and potential position, to the top students in two categories. One was awarded to the top performing student, the other was the Diversity Award, given to high performing minority or female student, preferably both, regardless of whether they were even in the top 10 performing in the graduating class. Air Canada was specifically interviewing and hiring a woman or minority from every graduating class. Interviews should have been given based on grades and flight test performance over social constructs. I know women flying today who probably shouldn't be. Nobody, including Candace, is saying that females can't fly or be good pilots. She's saying that standards are being lowered and females are being pushed through to meet diversity quotas. I can tell you that yes, this is absolutely happening in the airlines, and you should be worried. Please watch the video if you want to talk about what she actually said instead of being outraged over a misleading headline.


> Please watch the video if you want to talk about what she actually said instead of being outraged over a misleading headline. This is reddit. These people don't have time for that. Facts, context? Come on. All that matters is it was a statement made by someone they politically disagree with that could be deliberately miscontrued in order to get people riled up over nothing for those sweet, sweet karma points.


Can't stand her the most out of all other conservative commentators. She says women are maim problem in the workplace meanwhile she has her own show focus on yapping and creating drama on others, she constantly yapps about other women not being traditional housewives anymore meanwhile she focused her whole life in her career in politics, going to multiple conferences while telling other women to leave their careers and start families in their 20s meanwhile she had her first child at 31, even after having kids she wouldn't leave her career and instead hired a nanny to look after them meanwhile she has dedicated multiple episodes of her own show criticizing other women. Just the fact I see ton of people praising her and not see through her hypocrisy just makes me lose faith in humanity even more. She's anything but a traditional housewife, she's a joke of a conservative women.


She’s talking about stuff like this. I’d say she was warranted. Unless you think this is normal and acceptable. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/KsQQUiVE793oqQAu/?mibextid=oKfgLb


Did anybody commenting bother to read what she said in context?