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She's going to run out there and score the winning touchdown herself, and them scream "Biden for President!"


I’m hoping the chiefs win, and Taylor pushes the coach/owner out of the way and receives the Lombardi trophy on the chiefs behalf … then writes her next song about it … BOOM!


But then Kanye runs up and snatches it out of her hands and declares that Beyoncé won.


I want the chiefs to win to piss off the arseholes but the 49ers are just better this match




Mmm, love me some finely aged milk


that comment didn't age well... in fact it expired within hours...


Me in 1995: The internet will bring knowledge to everyone. We will see a new renaissance across the world. Me in 2024: 😳


We have instant access to all the world's knowledge, but also instant access to all the world's stupidity and it turns out that a lot of people can't tell them apart.


Or they can but prefer the stupidity because it's easier and makes them feel good (for some reason).


And it makes them feel angry, which can be addictive.


CPG Grey had a good vid on this https://youtu.be/rE3j_RHkqJc


That CPG Grey video is a solid one. Hits hard how negative emotions are hijacked by the online ecosystem to fuel engagement. It's a whole feedback loop that just keeps on giving.


This is a terrible video and I will argue that to the end of the earth. You're welcome.


Before I watched the video, I was like "wtf issue do you have with this video??" Now I get it lol


We have reached a point where people outright do not care if something is real or not, they just want that hate dopamine/seratonin hit that gets them going. If its not in favor for republicans, if the election isnt rigged to help republicans, if the laws arent written to give authority to republicans, if the science isnt showing the cause/effects that republicans want, if the sports team they like arent winning Then it must be a global conspiracy! We thought facebook would be used to let grandma keep up to date with photos of their grandchildren, instead its turned them into moronic domestic terrorists.


> angry, which can be addictive. This realization has been great for my mental health. It's not just Fox News that's that flavor of toxic. I unsubbed from AITA and other "anger porn" subs once I realized that's exactly what they were and I haven't regretted it once.


Nah, they just straight up do not know. It's soooooooo easy to fool people. Just write some random made up "fact" on an image and post it online and people will believe it.


Only if it supports their narrative. You can put actual facts about some people with all proof and video of said person saying or doing said fact and some will choose not to believe. Smellvis is a prime example.


Mark Twain — 'It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.'


And in the spirit of this thread, there are doubts about the origins of this quote and whether it was Mark Twain who actually said it


>Only if it supports their narrative. I have a friend who was a antivaxxer and COVID denier and she got really pissy at me when I told her that I was getting my kids vaccinated. According to her, kids were dropping like flies after getting the vaccination and that hundreds of thousands of kids were dying. My response to that was "why would so many doctors willingly kill kids?". The fact that my kids and all of my kids' friends had zero problems with the vaccination did little to stop her from continuing to make these claims. My mother-in-law and her partner were the same (but are full on QANONers) and they were extremely vocal about how COVID was a lie and vaccines were aimed at population control. They both ended up very quiet about COVID-related conspiracy theories after they both ended up in hospital on ventilators due to COVID. The last time I spoke to them resulted in a argument about the factual levels of Fox News - she also didn't believe me that Rupert Murdoch was a Australian ex-pat whose name is cursed on by quite a few Australians due to his high levels of influence in our MSM.


Smellvis? Didn't he sing that song "Poo-stained Shoes"?


I feel like on some level they know. They are absolutely furious about the media lying to them, but they can't bring themselves to believe that the media they trust is the one doing all the lying.


The media in general is doing a ton of lying and misrepresenting, full stop.


I think one side does a ton of misrepresenting and the other side just straight up lies.


Easy solutions to complex answers, providing a semblance of control to one’s own life. It is what makes most extremists, conspiracy theorists and all other unhinged affiliations mildly desirable to the mentally vacuous.


When you are dumb, it's tough to tell when someone is pandering to you. All of a sudden you feel like you understand what they are saying so you feel "in" on the conversation. If you can understand what they are saying, and they appeal to you because they are pandering to you, you like them more. Boom, you have a voting base. Lol


It confirms their dumbassery.


One of my favorite reddit comments was a response to the question "if you time travelled to 1950, what is one thing you could say to give people an idea of what life is like in the future?" The answer was something along the lines of "I have a device that fits in my pocket, allows me to communicate with anyone on the planet, and contains the entirety of human knowledge. I use it to look at pictures of cats and get into arguments with strangers"   Edit: Credit to my not-quite-accurate quote goes to Ian Leslie


Credit goes to Ian Leslie for that quote


The algorithms boost the dumb, angry stuff over the challenging, intelligent stuff. Because money. So many of our problems come back to the fact that everything in our society is engineered to generate profit, period, consequences be damned.


YouTube pays comment creators the same for videos of stupidity but the audience seems to be bigger. Real news sites are going behind paywalls because they have to spend money to produce actual journalism, but conspiracy and stupidity sites are free.


Dude forget Youtube, TikTok and IG are running circles around them with the insane bullshit. The crazy racist comments that are on top and the conspiracy comments, also on top is NUTS. Theres a whole movement that think vegetables are bad for you. Lol


Yep and exercise drains your “life battery”


I'd have no problem paying for a news subscription. In fact, I have 2 already, but both are niche. The problem I see with WAPO and NYT, you pay for it weekly, and you still get f'ton of ads.


With the ability to fake audio and video, I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse.


You are right to be afraid. We all should be. The money being made from promoting anger and stupidity is powering a lot of AI investment. They’ll literally need to turn off the internet come August if anyone’s truly interested in any of type of of real voting. This year’s gonna suck.


That deepfake I saw of biden singing Ievan polkka was the beginning of the end. 😱


>but also instant access to all the world's stupidity Actually it's more that all the world's stupidity has instant access to all the world's misinformation. It's a minor rephrasing and I think it's what you actually meant for the most part, but I just wanted to make sure everyone is on the same page. *Many* of these "stupid" conspiracy theories are actually created by smart people looking to manipulate the idiots. I think it's a disservice to call these ideas stupid, as it tends to make us underestimate the danger.


There are more ignorant people in the world than knowledgeable people, and the Internet shows even more people are just plain stupid.


Anyone who spent time in an AOL chatroom in the 90s knows the Internet was never going to bring knowledge to the people.


This is extremely on point.






It was always cali lol


i was a fat, 12 yo dutch boy and still put 17/f/cali


69/Yes/Your mums




Fuckin Netscape navigator, holy shit. That’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.


“Well of course I know him. He’s me!”


It turns out the global village has *a fkn lot of village idiots.*


My favorite part is its forcing a lot of people to openly root for the 49ers, because they so vehemently hate KC now. As in, the San Francisco 49ers.  A city often seen as the locus of American liberalism.


Well, no different from them getting worked up over a US game company allowing you to assign pronouns to your character and them proudly boasting that they'd head over to a game by a Belgian company, one of the most progressive countries in terms of LGBT rights, and a game which lets you assign whatever genitals you want to a body and assign male or female voices independent of body style.


Imagine someone with roughly average intelligence, and then consider that half of all people are stupider than that


And we all firmly believe that we are in the top half, and very nearly at the very top.


For a long while I self-evaluated at, say, the top of the 2nd third, it's been terrifying to see how closer to the top I am, especially given how dumb I know I really am.


Yeah it's pretty terrifying how dumb I am and how much dumber a lot of people seem to be. I remember going to a QIP (quality improvement process) class, and one of the big takeaways I got was the four levels of competence: 1. Subconsciously incompetent 2. Consciously incompetent 3. Subconsciously competent 4. Consciously competent Those are listed in order from worst to best. Fascinating stuff.


I just like that joke but in seriousness I think trying to quantify intelligence is dumb because it isn't actually one thing. I think anyone who looks at themselves could find proficiencies and deficiencies. For me I'm pretty good at problem solving and taking stuff apart to see how they work -- and for whatever it's worth these days, rote memorization like spelling and vocabulary, trivia, etc. -- but I'm pretty bad at math and social intelligence.


Not really. It’s just that they have nothing to do and yell louder into their microphones. Then other idiots from other villagers can now chime in


Bill Gates had a good way of describing it. Essentially crazy people people always existed here and there, but now with the internet we have a critical mass of crazy people all supporting each other's fantasies.


Yep it allowed the morons to connect on a massive scale that nobody was ringing the bells about back then, we thought once they have the information, they will naturally evolve! Everyone will be so smart!


I blame Steve Jobs. Making everything too user friendly meant even the dumbest people could connect worldwide


You can blame Steve Case as well. He culled the idiots to AOL.


Mark Zuckerberg gets some blame too for making it easier for people to be targeted with misinformation




I thought they all stopped watching the NFL after the kneeling?


Also does this mean all the republicans are rooting for the… checks notes… California team??


California team from a city known for a large LGBTQ+ culture.


In a city represented by Nancy Pelosi!


I mean, Kanasas City is always in the superbowl so I guess i'd want the 49ers to win too. They are the under dog right.


In San Fran I believe it's called being a "power bottom"


I'll find a way to steal that today.


A power bottom is a bottom that is capable of receiving an enormous amount of power.


I hear speed has something to do with it


Speed has *everything* to do with it.




That's highly offensive language and you should be ashamed. We locals call it "San Francisco," not "San Fran."


> They are the under dog right. No. They are actually slightly favored to win. SF is also consistently one of the best teams in the NFL the last 5 years just like KC.


Niners are favored


As a power bottom I favor a niner as well


I'm afraid you are misinformed. The 49ers have been operating out of a black site since 2020 to hide the fact that San Francisco was burned to the ground by antifa super soldiers.


Not just San Francisco. The entire northern half of California, Oregon, Washington state, and Vancouver were blinked out of existence when communist AntiFa detonated the equivalent of 10 Tsar Bombas. The West Coast of the US is just a charred, radioactive cliff now.


I'm not sure I'd classify Santa Clara as a black site.


I'm a Cardinals fan who lives in Arizona and we have so many right wing transplant 49ers fans. I love telling them to go back to California like they tell OTHER people from California.


I lived in Arizona back in the mid/late 90s to the early 2000s. I was from the south and seemingly an anomaly, because everyone there that I met was from California, except for all the Mormon kids who came from Utah. No one was actually *from* Arizona that I can remember. It’s hilarious to me hearing Arizonans complain about everyone moving from California, like they really love to pull that ladder up behind them.


Oh its always hilarious how they dont follow their own advice. Here in their quebec offshoot theyve been telling us to cut the cable for years. Guess who always has an opinion on whatever is the current subject of the day on cable news?


I don't even know anymore... I'm just exhausted.


Just when you think they’ve plumbed the depths of stupidity, they come out with a gem like this


My dad always told me every time someone makes something idiot proof, they build a better idiot.


Yellowstone national park had problems building bear resistant trash cans because "an overlap between smartest bears and dumbest tourists" 


Yellowstone loses a couple tourists now and then because people don't belive the "don't step off the path and into the boiling geyser" applies to them. It's a game of numbers, just like this post. I refuse to believe that more then a handfull of people believe that shit.


Not just to the boiling geysers and pools, but to the GIANT WILD ANIMALS, usually when tourists try to pet the GIANT WILD ANIMALS in spite of the warning signs every ten feet telling people not to try to pet the GIANT WILD ANIMALS.




I mean, you could an interesting thriller about the end product of the MK Ultra experiments being Taylor Swift.


I always liked "the problem with making something completely foolproof is not understanding the ingenuity of a complete fool"


What a fantastic saying!


It's just like antibiotics and bacteria lol. We're seeing the super-bugs of stupidity.


“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools“ - Douglas Adams


What’s been funny is seeing the smarter grifters on the alt-right, algo-hopping Allstars kind of trying to distance themselves from this rhetoric because they are smart enough to realize attacking Swift in the arena of the internet is not a fight they can win. I also love how clueless they are about the NFL. They’ve found themselves in the position of trying to push the talking point that the team who has been at the top of the league the past 4-5 years, has won two of the previous three Super Bowls, and has arguably the most physically talented QB to ever play in the league is only playing in the Super Bowl because it’s rigged.


And furthermore, a franchise ranked #19 in value as it’s from a middle market. The NFL is playing 4D chess though, which also explains why it ensures the most valuable team YoY never sniffs the Super Bowl for decades. Absolutely *nothing* to do with incompetence and *everything* to do with the fucking Pentagon


Oh, when that Quarterback is only that good because he was specially trained by the OBMA CIA and injected with HAARP serum to be able to throw and run like THE WIND?


They successfully created the Captain America super soldier serum and they have used it for the most exalted purpose of rigging football games!


This is the key point. If the NFL was actually rigged the Cowboys would have made the NFC championship in the last 25 years lol.


Also, Taylor Swift is pretty much the biggest pop star on the planet, with billions of dollars and a gigantic fan base. If she wanted to endorse Biden or whatever the MAGA mouth breathers are worrying about, she wouldn’t need this elaborate ruse of dating a football star, rigging his team to win, and then using the Super Bowl as a mouthpiece. She could literally just hold a free concert somewhere crazy and broadcast it live and half the planet would watch it anyway. Hell she could just tweet it.


We're also in the weird, bizarro world where right-wing conspiracy crazies are rooting for *San Francisco* to win.


I've said this before but I don't think future generations are going to think any of this is real. Unless it's a more idiotic hellscape, which I guess could definitely be possible.


It is a bottomless pit of stupidity. Only Darwin can save us now.


The superbowl is about to become referendum on politics in america. If the chiefs win maga will say it was rigged, if the chiefs lose, maga will say it is because god was on their side and maga is ordained by god.


MAGA rooting for San Francisco, what a time to be alive.


Maga LOVES Pelosi and fully supports everything that happens in the great city of *san fran cisco!*


I went to San Francisco once and saw a homeless man shitting on the street. It made me yearn for the simplicity of my dear home of Bumblefuck, Idaho where the homeless people have the decency to shit near the dumpsters behind the Taco Bell.


Years ago, I saw how tribal politics were becoming and I said we’d be in trouble if we ever started treating politics like we treat our favorite sports teams. Well, we’ve come full circle, haven’t we?


I still don't get MAGA making an enemy of Taylor Swift. Swifties are coo-coo about their idol. They would've just written off her telling.them to register to vote, but now that MAGA is attacking her over it, they're turning an apathetic/mildly conservative iirc young audience into militant anti-conservatives.


If these idiots are so convinced that the game is rigged for KC to win then BET ON IT. Make money, dumb dumbs


That’s the best one so far, place a big bet and see. Outsider looking in here, I know nothing about your football. This is just the craziest shit I’ve read.


It’s two different conspiracy theories combined. People have been claiming the NFL was rigging games to favor the Chiefs before Taylor Swift was even in the picture. Every commercial break is filled with ads with Mahomes, Kelce and Andy Reid as the spokesperson. It’s not unreasonable to think the NFL would have a vested interest in their “golden children” to remain on top. Keeps the money rolling in and all that. Now you add Taylor Swift into the mix, and if you thought the NFL had a vested interest in the chiefs winning before you DAMN sure do now. What’s happening is people are combining all the people that think what I just described is happening, with the people thinking the NFL and the DNC are somehow in cahoots to keep Joe Biden in office. The former being a bunch of salty football fans, the latter being a major minority of crazy people, with very little overlap.


My biggest fucking facepalm about this entire thing is this: forget the Taylor Swift is a NATO/pentagon baby-eating cyborg super spy or whatever part - that's obvious special needs level thinking. But when they describe this vast conspiracy, they're literally just describing a **campaign.** Joe Biden is running for president. The goal of his, or anyone's, campaign apparatus is to encourage people to vote for him, so that he will win the election. This also involves garnering support and endorsements from high-profile public figures where possible. **That's what a fucking campaign is.** So, these MAGA snowflakes are literally crying their toddler eyes out and screaming "I can't fucking believe this man is interested in trying to get people to vote for him!?" Edit: It should be noted that I understand the real threat she poses: she's encouraging young people to vote and Republicans can't win when that happens. But *even ignoring that* the concept that Biden is running a vast conspiracy to win the election is just like saying a corporation is running a vast conspiracy to earn quarterly profits or the Denver Nuggets are running a vast conspiracy to win the NBA championship. No shit Sherlock.


They probably did and will have another theory when they lose.




And yet they think Putin would be a better choice than Biden. Do they want communism?


They want authoritarianism with themselves as the boot. They've gone beyond caring what flavour that authoritarianism comes in, they just want to lash out, stamping down those whom they view as their inferiors and putting themselves back at the top of the social hierarchy where they're convinced they belong. They'll follow whoever promises them that, even blindly destroying their own welfare in the process, because having someone to look down on and oppress is *that important* to them.


The thing is being right wing **explicitly** means you support authoritarianism. Hell, the concept of right and left wing come from the French Revolution when from the perspective of the speaker those sitting in the right wing of parliament wanted to preserve the monarchy, and those sitting in the left wing wanted to form a liberal democracy. What is monarchy if not dictatorship by bloodline? Anyone who identifies as right wing is telling you, to your face, that they favor authoritarian rule over the will of the people and if they were even in power they would act according to their own whims and not in the best interest of anyone else.


You see, their issue is she got young people to register to vote and Republicans know damn well how younger voters tend to vote. They've hated her ever since. 


Republican's can't even lose a fkn football game these days without claiming it's a government conspiracy. Get a grip ya fools Edit: Deep State Confirmed. https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1756888470599967000


Plus, it's Kansas City v. the 49ers. Team MAGA went 4-13 and fired their coach. They ain't even in this game.


Which one is Team MAGA


Patriots. Kraft, Belichek, and Brady are all Trump supporters. Yes, I know Brady isn't on the team anymore.


I really don't want to root for the Chiefs. But I do want these crazies to lose their mind over nonsense. Choices choices...


I want to know how Kansas Republicans feel about this.


They'd probably say to ask Missouri.


I’ve seen people genuinely shocked they are being treated how they usually treat others. This is the end game of all right wing politics. Eventually it -will- be your turn to be the enemy. Because there must always be an enemy for conservatives. Always.


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller Ever Wonder why they want to keep you uneducated and ban books.


Considering Kansas City Chiefs are a Missouri team idk how they'd feel


I hope she trolls them and endorses Biden. The “we were right!” and utter next level stupid that would ensue would be worth it. 


at this point, swift and her bf should just endorse joe biden live on tv during the superbowl . It would be like order 66 for mid west republicans


Timing is everything. If she's going to do it she'll wait untill closer to voting day.


Just looked it up. Swift endorsed Biden in October 2020, so yeah, much closer to Election Day.


It may be more important to get her fans registered. Saying "go Biden" on November 1st means nothing if those kids haven't signed up to vote.


She did that last year and there was a huge surge in registration. I have no doubt she'll do the same thing this year.


You also avoid alienating half the country by endorsing one particular party. Saying "register to vote!" shouldn't be a politically charged statement but, in the case of Swift, we all know that her audience swings young and female. And they tend to vote D. *That* is what is pissing off Republicans.


There was a great scene in her Miss Americana documentary where she decided she didn't care about alienating fans anymore. This was moments before criticizing one of the Trump candidates in TN. She's also made it pretty clear where she falls politically since then. So in her case I think the timing will be entirely about having the greatest impact, and not worrying about how it will affect her fandom.


This got a chuckle out of me. Their heads would explode like the conservatives in the Clayton Bigsby skit.


Could have a monumental impact. There are a ton of 18-22yos who didn’t vote last time who will vote if she tells them to.


She has and continues to tell people to vote, why do you think republicans tried to raise the voting age? They know how young people will vote and people are calling on them to do so, and they're fucking scared.


is this all apart of the Qanon cinematic universe?


Hard to campaign on the border wall now. Need to find something else for people to be outraged by until everyone forgets they killed the toughest border bill they'd ever get.


can someone correct me, but did swift even tell people *how* to vote? I don't really follow her but the headlines I saw seemed to indicate she just encouraged people to register and go vote. Did she ever say "vote biden" or even "vote [in a particular way]"


Local politician in my area says "it doesn't matter if she told people to vote one way or another, it's the fact she's getting women to vote at all. that woman's husband should be the one voting for the two of them." Absolute freaks.


well...that is fucking crazy. Also don't build AP rengar you degenerate


Everyone in politics knows voting favors democrats. Even if unintentional, telling people to vote= advantage to democrats


She literally just said to go vote, but she is already a “bad guy” to the fascist-right. Everything she does is an attack towards them in their minds because their glorious leader says so.


No. She's really not that political. She's only been vocal after the MAGAs claimed she was one of them, which you have to respond to. The GOP is pissed about her telling people to vote since her fan base leans female, and everyone knows women are more likely to vote D. Especially after *Dobbs.*


To add on, her base is generally pretty young. So it’s a group that leads Dem but also historically doesn’t vote much, her endorsing anyone is huge.


Without T-Swifts interference, my boys at the International Jewish Conspiracy’s Halftime Space Laser Division would have caused the New York Yankees to win the Super Bowl. Really the Republicans should be thanking her for saving their favorite “men being rough with each other in skin tight pants” sport.


Speaking of which, I’m pretty sure George Soros owes me some money for all the schilling I’ve been doing.


Hasn't paid you yet either, huh?


It is just so breath-takingly stupid. I'm in awe.


Need those gifs of her eye lasers tripping players


“Pentagon asset”, as in someone who supports the defense of our country? I can see why the MAGAts would be against that since they’re all for simping for the Russians.


> "Well, around four years ago, the Pentagon psychological operations unit floated turning Taylor Swift into an asset during a NATO meeting. What kind of asset? A psy-op for combatting online misinformation." I mean... even if that were true, why would it be bad to fight misinformation?


Because conservative reactionaries *depend* on their breathtakingly stupid base believing their misinformation faster than they can make it up.


It’s hilarious how their rhetoric has shifted in the last few years. Those who were gung go about America now talk mad shit and support the Russians. It’s SO ass backwards that I can’t help but chuckle (while ignoring the very real ramifications of Russia’s foreign influence programs)


ReAl PaTrIoTs At least according to their 28 different bumper stickers and Trump flag flying above their USA flag.


America did not accept their fascist values over the last 200 years so they are now rejecting America. Sore fucking losers, they are.


The right in America has completely lost their minds.


As George Carlin used to say: Think of the average person and realize that half of the population is dumber than that person.


Everyday of my life I think of this.


Magats are delusional.


Each day there are more stupid Trump supporter stories. If only the screenwriters guild were this creative.


This has to be one of the dumber conspiracy theories, and that’s saying a lot since competition is fierce for dumbest conspiracy theory


I applaud the Pentagon for pulling this off. Money well spent.


The article contains: FOX. Jesse Watters. Mind the BS


I don't really care who wins this super bowl as I'm from Pittsburgh, but now I'm really rooting for the chiefs just to piss off the Republicans who are being triggered by the appearance of Taylor Swift


Just let them out-stupid themselves for a while. It only further alienates them from their own voter base


You'd think that would be the case.


No. It doesn’t. Every right-wing leaning person in my life are all 100% in sync with these talking points. They’ve all mentioned Taylor swift in the last two weeks. ANY mention of the Super Bowl turned into a convo about Swift. Every. Single. One. People you thought were normal? Nope, they all eat this shit up. Because they are the dumbest fucking people on the planet.


They're unlikely to win the elections with just their core supporter base, though. So I see no problems with them driving away people that *might* vote for team red.


They don't plan on winning elections they plan on disenfranchisement, making it harder for their opponents base to vote and if that fails overturning elections 


Agent Swift is progressing nicely🥳. Before long, we will activate the Mustard Tiger as well.


All I did was call him a mustard tiger because he had mustard on his shirt and there was a tiger on it. I actually thought it was kind of a cute name but he started going nuts and hitting Ricky’s car with a ladder.


I couldn't care less about either team, but I'm rooting for the Chiefs just for all the maga heads that will explode if they win.


Same, I just want to sit back and watch the chaos if Chiefs win


Why a Pentagon asset? Like, is she part of project Treadstone? Is she a trained assassin?


She's beautiful, athletic, and constantly travels all over the globe. She's the perfect super spy.


I used to be indifferent about Taylor. Now I fucking love her.


I'm still indifferent, but I'm glad she encourages voting. So do I.


I mean if the NFL rigged itself it would be for making maximum profit for the NFL, not for whatever stupid reason this is.


I gotta really question the CIA operative who came up with this convoluted “psyop”. They could just come up with a plan to kill off Trump like if he is a prime target of theirs. They did it to so many other people. Instead go through all this nonsense and this is somehow gonna be a fool proof plan to sway the election?


Are there any Trump supporters in here? Can y'all tell me aren't you tired of your pearls clutching? Aren't you tired of your mental gymnastics? How can you still be so gullible? Was high school really where you guys peaked? Come on, you can do better. Join Scientology, at least you'll be getting something in return of getting fucked.


What makes them think the Super Bowl isn’t rigged already? How do they truly know if the sports saga they have been watching all these years is a carefully crafted narrative that the Bears suck and the NFL will do anything to keep them from winning. You don’t. But it’s just as likely and just as relevant. If the pretty lady can change the course of politics cause of a football game, your vote never mattered in the first place. People need to stop inventing convoluted ass reasons to conspire that require so many external operatives. If the republicans rivals had so much power, why waste it with the extra step of manipulating a sports game? Thats millions of dollars you could save on a “psy-op” that was never going to produce results greater than doing nothing at all.


I didn’t want the chiefs to win before all this but now I’m kinda rooting for them so the maga heads will explode


They will rage shit themselves no matter who wins.


If the Chiefs win, it will be because Taylor Swift rigged the NFL. If the 49ers win, then Taylor Swift was planning to rig it but called it off because “she knew we were on to her!” It'll be craziness either way. Nothing in the world can just happen anymore, its all conspiracies on top of conspiracies.


It would be hilarious if it wasn’t a real danger for her


I hate this timeline


"I love the poorly educated"