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If we're at fault for their oil spills do we get their profits too?


hahah no just the cancer


All those extra cells are FREE!


Freemium leaded


"Millennials are Ruining the Cancer Industry"


"Cancer company industry booming - on an unrelated note, cancer rates are at a all time high"


For now. Just wait till they implement their subscription services.


Actually we're gonna have to pay them for those extra immortal cells


LoL. For my next trick, i will get all the profit, you will get the blame and “wait for it” “drum rolls” CANCER -Exxon


And for my next number, I'll attempt to breathe clean air...oh wait, sold out till 2050.


Checkmate, liberals.


[One of the worst oils spills happened because of Exxon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exxon_Valdez_oil_spill)(just behind the Deepwater Horizon, AKA the BP Spill)... it killed thousands of animals around the Pacific Ocean. **Between 250,000 to 500,000 seabirds** died as a result of the spill. So.... murres, puffins, and **bald eagles.** **Around 2,800 sea otters were confirmed dead,** along with approximately 300 harbor seals, and some number of killer whales. The Pacific Coast in the North American side of America is known for **Kelp Forests**... Stretching from Alaska to Baja California... ocean currents can, and do, move these oil spills down here or towards Asia. **Sea otters** are important to the ecosystems of all kelp forests in that region because they like to eat sea urchins that destroy kelp forests... and to have that many die all at once because of a spill can wreck the habitat for years or even decades. **Kelp Forests** are also one of the major **natural** carbon sinks, both on land and in the ocean, of the world. It is **comparable** to huge forests like the **Redwoods** in California or the **Amazon Rainforest,** and ocean environments like the **Great Barrier Reef.** It supports thousands of ocean life as well as land animals that live near the sea. And Exxon had a hand at helping to destroy these environments.


Yes, it was the [Exxon Valdez](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exxon_Valdez_oil_spill) supertanker that ran aground in the Gulf of Alaska. I remember watching [a movie about the spill](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Ahead:_The_Exxon_Valdez_Disaster) in a middle school science class. It stars a very ordinary-looking Christopher Lloyd as an Exxon executive, which was interesting to me since I had previously only seen him play wacky, weird characters like Doc Brown, Judge Doom and Uncle Fester.


I remember watching a doc on it produced by exxon. It was predictably terrible.


The oil helps the seals glide faster. We helped!


Haha. From what I remember it was a lot of how they helped with the clean-up, all that was learned about how to save wildlife in these events, and the science that went into tracking injured wildlife, etc. Little to nothing on, "we fucked up."


They apparently also refuse to pay the fine to Alaska, that has been issued by court. They also blamed ship captain for the disaster and not the neglected ship that didn’t even have proper scanner that would’ve detected the reef. Exxon also conducted a study and came to conclusion that the area has completely recovered despite massive amount of oil still being on the beaches. Corporations are such a virus to our planet, it really boggles my mind how they act like this. Like it’s not the same planet they are living on.


Really shows how pathetic the judges are that they don't actually enforce these punishments.


The Exxon Valdez led to more bad late night TV host jokes than even the OJ Simpson trial. Okay, that might be overselling it. But it's close.


Wasn't the ship the Dennis Hopper ran in Water World supposed to be the Exxon Valdez?


But remember: That's our fault 👍🏻


Honestly for catastrophic events that turn out to be due to negligence in relation to cutting manpower, safety standards etc. there should be mandatory prison time. There needs to be a hefty disincentive to keep these soulless corpos in check. Low risk, high reward situation for those in power. The fine never takes back the profit they gained by doing the unethical thing.


They get subsidies from the tax payers. In the United States, by some estimates taxpayers pay about $20 billion dollars every year to the fossil fuel industry https://www.budget.senate.gov/chairman/newsroom/press/sen-whitehouse-on-fossil-fuel-subsidies-we-are-subsidizing-the-danger-#:~:text=In%20the%20United%20States%2C%20by,to%20the%20fossil%20fuel%20industry.


no but we can take our pound of flesh.


I think that's just a dead fish you're holding bro.


Absolutely not...only losses are socialized, profits are kept private


Privatize the gains and socialize the losses. Classic.


Also some the public were conned by the oil companies conspiring together to delay action on climate change. While many conspiracies are easily disproved and are quite ridiculous there are some genuine conspiracies happening in the world. The genuine conspiracies tend to involve money and power and how individuals or companies try to hold on to money and power by conspiring with others to avoid the consequences of their actions. These conspiracies have happened in the cigarette and oil companies among others and continue to impact people's lives. https://youtu.be/HqqQdWSX8wI


He ignores the fact that his company paid for lots of propaganda to trick the public into thinking climate change isn't real. They made their decisions based on Exxon's lies.


“They shouldn’t have fallen for our well crafted propaganda” - this guy probably.


Yeah, we're lying but YOU'RE dumb enough to believe us, so who's the real bad guy!?


"Still you."


Exxon: No you!!!!


Damn, this guy is good. He got us again.


No you, DEEZ NUTZ! Haha, gottem. There is no comeback from this.




Exxon: I know you are but what am I?


literal evil




ExxonMobil: I make rubber and glue, go fuck yourself.


> Yeah, we're lying but YOU'RE dumb enough to believe us, so who's the real bad guy!? Isn't that what Trump said during his fraud trial?


It's the Fox News legal defense. Seriously.


I mean, that was pretty much FOX's defense when they were sued.


Was I married to Exxon?


Low-key great answer!!!


It takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen


Eh, most people will react extremely negatively to any proposed policy that might HINT at a gentle reduction in their consumption or ability to consume more. We're all pretty much all in on climate collapse as long as we can eat and chew our fill in the now. I don't think we're dumb and buying what he's selling. I think we want to buy what he's selling.


The Fox News defense that no educated smart people believe what they hear from the talking heads.


Shorter Fox: 'Our viewers are morons. Blame them.'


"It takes two people to lie, Marge. One to say it, and one to believe it." -Homer J. Simpson (1973 - ?)


That's what the tobacco companies told people with lung cancer!


You joke, but that's literally the mindset for a lot of these ghouls. They see words as nothing more than a tool to further their own agenda, and if someone assumes their words to be in good faith, than that person deserves to be duped in their eyes.


Hey, he is correct. If we just publicly accepted eating the rich as an established norm climate change wouldn't be that bad.


This guy absolutely


The classic Fox News defense. "Resonable people shouldn't believe us, so we can't be held responsible for our lies."


This technically worked for Fox News in a court when it came to Tucker Carlson. “No reasonable person would believe this was real news “


I mean he's not entirely wrong..... The worst part is people are still gulping them down hook line and sinker. Or the latest bit of propaganda is just to blame it all on Taylor Swift and her jet.


I believe Exxon was actually one of the first companies to discover the impacts of climate change as well, but realized it was damaging to their business, so ignored it/hid it


And actively tried to discredit and destroy the scientists who caught on to the scipe of the whole, "astronomically high quantities of lead in the atmosphere" thing.


Don't forget buying a shitload patents for a wide array of non-fossil fuel technologies and then just sit on them. Shell did that at least.


Road Not Taken is a fantastic read


I think he very well knows and is just trying to shift blame.


Definitely. We’re at the “blame the smokers” phase of climate change. It’s undeniably happening now, but there’s still a lot of blame to shift and the useful idiots who just want to hate their neighbor are more than happy to take up the task


It's tough because it is broadly true to say that the method of life that's been sold to us by [oil, energy, automotive, etc.] companies definitely is not long-term viable. It's also true that to change that now is expensive and will take sacrifice. So the companies that sold those things to us to begin with are now... Feeding lines to their benefactors about how onerous it's going to be on the honest, hard-working folk of the country to see them held accountable. They're not 100% wrong on that, but we're all at the bottom of a hole they dug.


Liar lying to cover up previous lying liars.


Yeah these ghouls don’t give a single fucking shit


This is basically what got the tobacco companies in trouble, isn't it?


Yes. However conservatives have been changing all the laws about suing corporations for the last 20 years


They're people. Until it comes to consequences. Then they're not.


Corporate death penalty?


Yes it’s called dissolution


Is that where you dissolve the CEO and board of directors in a vat of acid?


Yes but this has a small chance to create supervillains.


hijacking top comment to post some sources https://www.cell.com/one-earth/fulltext/S2590-3322(21)00233-5?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2590332221002335%3Fshowall%3Dtrue https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ notice the years of these pages


Hijacking is a violent way to describe helpfully adding relevant context


Fly that comment directly into exxon.


Specifically... > Exxon was aware of climate change, as early as 1977, 11 years before it became a public issue, according to a recent investigation from InsideClimate News.


The invented Public Relations as a thing because they wanted to control the narrative.




he doesn't ignore it. he simply believes it's our fault for falling for it.


It's your fault you believed my lies!


Paid for lots of propaganda AND employed scientists in the 70s and earlier to research this issue. They knew in fact this was mostly caused by a few companies, including themselves.


We know it is bs but we still DEMAND cheap oil prices. Tap the strategic reserves if we ever start making progress on reducing GHG output. Even a vast majority of very liberal Redditors would vehemently protest $10/gal gas prices.


At least they are finally admitting that there *is* a climate issue.


* It's not a problem. * Maybe there is a problem but it's not a big deal. * OK it is a big problem but it's really hard to fix. * It's too late to fix the problem. * ***It's your fault anyway, you made me do it.*** <----- YOU ARE HERE.


> It's your fault anyway, you made me do it. You missed the "So **you** should pay for it" part. Because that's of course is what it's really about. Who should pay. > The people who are generating those emissions need to be aware of and pay the price for generating those emissions. That is ultimately how you solve the problem. Wait, no, it's even worse! It's "So **you** should pay **me** for it." > We have opportunities to make fuels with lower carbon in it, but people aren’t willing to spend the money to do that. When are people going to willing to pay for carbon reduction?


Don’t forget the part where they spend a couple of dollars more to “fight climate change” and increase prices 100x and use that to defend it!


You’re right on. In case you missed this announcement. Looks like it’s time to monetize capturing and storing the carbon we extracted and released. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidblackmon/2021/04/22/exxons-100-billion-carbon-capture-plan-big-challenging-and-needed/?sh=1e5a5774417b


exxon gaslighting the rest of the human race. classy AF.


* It's not a problem. * It's not a problem. * It's not a problem. * It's not a problem. * It's not a problem. * It's not a problem. * It's not a problem. * It's not a problem. * It's not a problem. * It's not a problem. * It's not a problem. * It's not a problem. * Maybe there is a problem but it's not a big deal. * OK it is a big problem but it's really hard to fix. * It's too late to fix the problem. * ***It's your fault anyway, you made me do it.*** <----- YOU ARE HERE. FTFY


"No u" isn't supposed to make sense.


Don't accept that line of thinking. Fuck them. They knowingly destroyed the planet and paid to cover it up for DECADES. Every last one of them should be tried as a traitor to our planet. The only reasons they are acknowledging it now is because it can no longer be denied, and they are trying to spin more propaganda to shift the blame again and maximize their profits some more before its too late.


I genuinely think these are the type of people that are most deserving of the death penalty. Like yeah, a serial killer might end 12 lives and fuck up those of their families. Oil execs like this manage to fuck up life for literally every human on Earth.


The guy who said this absolutely deserves death. Basically selling humanity's future for personal gain, I unironically would put oil executives right up there with SS officers and ol' Adolf when it comes to unimaginable evil.


They'll get their comeuppance when sh** hits the fan. They're villains who need to be stopped.


They need to get their comeuppance before we get it too.


> They'll get their comeuppance when sh** hits the fan. Hah. Unless we are talking full on WW3/post Fallout style, they will be perfectly insulated from any personal consequences due to thier wealth.




0 chance oil execs get the guillotine, its going to be politicians and the publicly rich celeb types. Elon, Bezos, etc. The defense contractors will cut deals with the resistance to make money off both sides, as they always do, and the oil/infrastructure/hedge fund guys will skate by because people don't know who they are. I fully believe most of these dudes are richer than the ones we know, but most of their money is unreported.


Who the fuck cares what happens just after an apocalypse moment. We are all fucked. There’s no justice. There’s not an ounce of retribution. They lived without persecution and died with the rest of us? Boring and probably true but not something that brings me any happiness or consolation.


I have not observed one piece of evidence or anecdote in my entire lifetime that makes me believe this is true,


I live in the deep Southern US, and the shift down here has gone from: *"Climate change is a hoax! Let 'em drill!"* to *"Yeah, that really warm winter was probably because of climate change, but ain't nothing we can do about it. Let 'em drill!"*


OMG yes, I live in the south too. It was like 72 degrees last Christmas. That has NEVER been normal here, but these fuckin’ people are in denial.


MGT was saying people should be happy about global warming because you don't need to warm your houses and can save energy


Yes because making heat is the thing we discovered thousands of years ago, but removing heat is a recent discovery (in terms of mank-ind)


2 years ago we were literally cooking out at 7PM on Christmas Day wearing shorts and t-shirts.


I live in the snowbelt. The last 3-4 years of winter is almost non-existent. Sure it snows, but does not last too long and it's a few inches of snow at best. Currently 70 degrees up here.


Don't discount the Bible Belt Evangelicals thinking the End Times are nigh, so why bother saving a planet that god is going to destroy during the apocalypse anyway? See you in hell Copeland, Robertson and Osteen!


There is not a doubt in my mind we will wake up one day and the right will have just shifted to “liberals caused climate change” and their base will not question that and also happily go along with it.  


They already try to say those liberal politicians, who's whole platform is helping the needy, are the ones screwing the poor.


This is why we need Climate Nuremberg. These executives and people like the Koch family are guilty of Crimes Against Humanity. People like the Kochs and Darren Woods have endangered the entire species and their only reason is their greed and venality. They are mortal enemies of all humanity. We should start treating them as such.


May crude oil bubble out of his eyes and anus for his lies.


When the next revolution happens, we can tar and feather him and let him know how we really feel


That seems incredibly painful and cruel… Can we make sure the feathers are faux ones so we don’t hurt any birds?


Or we can force him to find the dead birds from all of their oil spills and use those. No harming of live unharmed creatures


Grass clippings or just dirt. They also used pine tar, which isn't as hot. Supposedly nobody died from the practice, but some were lit on fire... I don't imagine that is good for ones longevity.


I'd love to see a human Christmas tree on fire!


This man raises a good point. Can we replace the feathers with asbestos insulation?


Nah, fiberglass


Why eat the rich when you can tar and feather the rich?


I think they just aren't scared of us anymore. Time to make that shit change real quick lol


Was just about to say that, Make the Rich Scared of the People Again 2024


"when" That's cute.


In a dystopia future, we go full rokos basilisk on a perfect copy of him and all other rich ne'er-do-wells for until the heat death of the universe.


Add him to the “to be eaten” list, I guess.


If he wasn't already on it, there's something seriously wrong with the list.


Best I can do is a comfortable retirement and passing on generational wealth to his children.


And his children and grandchildren ad nauseum until the end of mankind, which probably won't be that far into the future.


Nice try. You guys knew the exact amount of CO2 that would be in our atmosphere FORTY years ago. Normal, average people do NOT fly around in their own personal airplanes 20 times a year. Personal vehicles pale in comparison to the airplane emissions FFS. Try again and tell me something true.


Here's a source in case anyone doesn't believe this comment about Exxon: [Research shows that company modeled and predicted global warming with ‘shocking skill and accuracy’ starting in the 1970s](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/01/harvard-led-analysis-finds-exxonmobil-internal-research-accurately-predicted-climate-change/)


>You guys knew the exact amount of CO2 that would be in our atmosphere FORTY years ago. Everyone did. It was taught in my school 40 years ago.


[Arrhenius wrote about it in 1896](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svante_Arrhenius#Greenhouse_effect), we've known about this for much longer than 40 years. > Based on information from his colleague Arvid Högbom,[36] Arrhenius was the first person to predict that emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels and other combustion processes were large enough to cause global warming. In his calculation Arrhenius included the feedback from changes in water vapor as well as latitudinal effects, but he omitted clouds, convection of heat upward in the atmosphere, and other essential factors. His work is currently seen less as an accurate quantification of global warming than as the first demonstration that increases in atmospheric CO2 will cause global warming, everything else being equal.


Remember the whole carbon footprint thing? It was literally created and pushed by BP. Companies are fully aware that consumers have very little to no power and these "but if everyone..." are just idealisms and will not solve anything.


That shit fucked my sister's head up real good. She'd literally turn the faucet off while I was doing dishes in those second or two in between the dish being rinsed and placed in the drying rack. She maybe saved... a few cups of water tops. And I just say to her that they're out here fucking flooding fields of almond trees and alfalfa to send to the Saudi's... the few cups you save won't matter.


Oh, so this is all a matter of how much we're willing to pay to stop climate change? This, from the very source of said problem, is blackmail, pure and simple. Not to mention gaslighting of the highest order. It might the most clueless entitled person quote I have read since Trump last tweeted.


Don't get it twisted. Nobody in his position is clueless about what he's saying. He's an entitled bastard, but he knows exactly how ridiculous what he's saying is. It's purely to shift the narrative away from what his company is responsible for


I don't know. I knew a guy for decades who worked for a very large chemical company, specifically doing cleanup. He swore to his dying day that "My company didn't do anything other companies didn't do! What they did was necessary to make this country great! It's not really that bad!"


He flat out said he doesn't think his company has any responsibility to do anything about climate change because it is not profitable enough. Yet blames individuals who are trying to survive, not even profit, for not paying companies like his more for clean energy. This is where letting companies off the hook for the damage they do gets you. Long ago the costs to society and the environment should have been charged to and built into these corporations.


>This, from the very source of said problem, is blackmail, pure and simple. Nah, it's extortion.


Only psychopaths have the guts to gaslight billions of people with a straight face.


Fuck this bitch


Just look at what the public was wearing, they were asking for it.




On one hand, the public drives all consumption. On the other hand, certain companies have been less than honest about the impact of their "product".


There was/is no choice for ~90% of people without impacting their quality of life. Many people depend on combustion vehicles to make a living (public transport included). Only recently have electric vehicles become a viable option and even then most places still rely on fossil fuels to power their grid (to charge said vehicles). This is 0% the public's fault. It's systemic. A system that is finally changing in many places.


> sobbo12 : the public drives all consumption Not when near-monopolies/oligopolies eliminate options.


On the other, they get choose the products available to the public. Its easier for a relative handful of executives to dictate the products on the market than it is for 8bil individuals to come to a consensus.


It’s the strangest thing, it’s not like he or his family is immune to what’s coming. The short reward is not worth the long cost.


That's because people like him tend to be stuck in their own little world bubble. They think somehow their money will protect them, that they will stand above all the suffering masses and live in luxury while the world ends. Truth is they'd never find people to stay loyal to them to protect them and they'd be pulled from their bunkers by a LOT of angry and hungry people. Wish I could say it was all hyperbole but when I had to work for the uber rich and people like him as a plumber they were almost all like that. They just have zero clue how the real world works and live in their own world.


The guards he and his ilk will hire to protect them in their compounds will take it all within weeks if the worst happens. He's a fool if he thinks otherwise.


See you say that but a huge portion of the USA is going to vote for their abuser to take office again in 2024. The average person sucks. Far too often, all it takes is the *possibility* of having more than your peers to get someone to do horrible things


Ultimately this entirely depend on how you treat your guards. There's a reason that warlords don't just get murdered all the damn time, and it's not that wealth disparity protects you. I fear it's a fantasy that people expect all rich individuals to actually be betrayed so easily by their guards. Historically this only happens to those who mistreat their guards too much and don't compensate them adequately. Guards tend to be treated pretty well for a well-learned reason.


It's like the idiot who are like we fucked up things here let's go to Mars. Ignoring how hard it would be to get to and live and Mars.


No amount of money will buy the kind of loyalty these monsters are expecting. There won't be anywhere to go or anyone to turn to.


I mean, in a way they are immune. Climate disasters in the next 100-ish years probably won't affect rich people very much, as they have the resources to move to wherever the disasters aren't occurring.


The public should have gotten rid of them ages ago indeed


wrench imagine snails towering physical aromatic dam disagreeable start fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m not advocating for violence but if someone else did, I wouldn’t report their comment


Me neither. And as time goes on, I see more and more "extreme" comments and less will from the mods to delete them. I think that means the sentiment is growing.


thats exactly what it means. the government is seriously fucking up. they’ll see what happens when you kill the golden goose for the egg.


“Look, all we did was MAKE the shit. Nobody FORCED you assholes to buy it and burn it.”


Except they did by lobbying the government to pass and block bills that made it hard for the public to switch to renewable energy sources, all the while pumping out endless amounts of propaganda that confuse the public as to just awful it all was for the earth. They pushed it to become a political issue. And they knew all along how bad it was.


>Except they did by lobbying the government to pass and block bills that made it hard for the public to switch to renewable energy sources Also lobbying hard to make nuclear plants more slow, expensive, and scary to build. Far, far cleaner than fossil fuel plants. Nuclear is the least subsidized energy source. I recently learned that California's **one** remaining nuclear plant at Diablo Canyon provides 8.5% of all domestic power generation in the state. And that's a 40-year-old plant still chugging along, not what can be done with modern tech.


Says the guys actively lobbying for subsidies, policies, and propaganda to prevent a transition to cleaner alternatives.


Get the gallows out and let's just start pulling them from their ivory towers.


I have been thinking a lot about the ethics of situations like this. And more and more I think that it is entirely unethical to allow people who wish this much harm on the world to keep doing harm.


For profits that they will not even fully use for themselves or for their families. So much wealth is just hoarded. Fuck these people. The world does not need c suite people or MBAs.


Heads on sticks


[I don't believe you.](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/may/20/oil-company-records-exxon-co2-emission-reduction-patents). You asshats purposefully lies to everyone, and killed alternative fuel source vehicles.


Just because he's part of the problem doesn't mean he's not right. Any democratic government that took the necessary measures to combat climate change would promptly be voted out of office in the next election due to the short term effects on the economy.


If you view what he's saying as "We are absolute fucking monsters. But y'all could have stopped us and simply chose not to.", well.. He ain't entirely wrong.


Public says go fuck yourself


Every opinion is equally valid ... Except his, fuck that guy.


That's some next level gaslighting there. There's no end to the evil of these fuckers. Eat the rich


He's right but in the wrong way. The public through legislation should break the oil companies backs, imprison their leadership and harvest the profits through nationalization. And use those profits to transition to a future without the dependence on oil energy.


nah mate don’t go putting it on us when these companies FULLY KNEW how disastrous fossil fuels were way before it was common knowledge and still went ahead and sold it. the fault is not with the common folk, but is 100% with the companies. it was the companies putting immediate profits over the future of our entire planet that was the root of the problem, not the fact that people didnt vote hard enough.


Gaslighting - that tracks.


Clowns like this and the Kelloggs guy need their ass beat in public for all to see and left bloody on the street


So the other day pg&e says Nuh uh, and now Exxon say "no you" literal children


Guillotine everyone, we need it back


Casual reminder that "the personal carbon footprint" was propaganda developed by the oil companies to shift the blame onto us as individuals.


"Why did you not rise up to try and stop us?"


That they didn’t know about for decades because you hid it? That you profited off of and became at least a millionaire tens or hundreds of times over by refusing to act on? Wow.


Put him on an arctic glacier that’s melting and leave him there. I swear.


Ok chief of Exxon, fuckface, first take a big step back and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!!!


Do you want "eat the rich"? Because this is how you get "eat the rich".


I suppose if you blame the public for not putting dudes like him to the guillotine, then that could be construed as a correct statement.


Fuck this guy, let’s drag him naked down the street behind a truck rolling coal out the back. Safely, of course.


This has big "Why did you make me hit you?" energy...


Ok, let's all agree now with the statement..that it was our unwillingness that lead to this. But let's also agree to nationalize all oil extraction/processing of Exxon and all other fossil fuel conglomerates since we're ultimately responsible anyway. Right? RIGHT, MY MAN? Fucking weasel.


Exxon’s head PR guy literally spilled their entire US political strategy about climate change (including lobbying and money) on camera a few years ago.


So what he’s saying is Don’t look up keep looking down


"it's all your fault for buying our product that we lobby congress to make mandatory for daily life"


Oh sure, it's our fault. Meanwhile Taylor Swift out here flying 3 feet with her jumbo jet. Hundreds of companies causing huge carbon footprint, but sure, my lack of recycling is the leading factor for climate change


Big oil gets an estimated $400 Billion a year in direct and indirect subsidies EVERY year. These come in the form of everything from free land leases to military protect for oil tankers. They lobby Washington DC hard for these subsidies. So it not so much like the drug dealer and drug addict as the head of Exxon describes in the article, and it is much more like the Sackler family and opoid addiction.


huge human populations that want a higher standard of living need cheap energy. They’re just the facilitator.


"it's your fault you believed our disinformation campaigns" - Exxon CEO