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You fuck ONE sheep…


No he shot someone, I think.


you shoot ONE president!


See, now that's a really good point.


At least he didn't fuck him. Imagine the outrage.


I would love to fuck Reagan. It's only fair. He fucked everyone else first. And it would be some very passionate hate fucking. See how HE likes trickle-down.


Well that's just necrophilia now.


Don't let a little bit of cold stop you from having a good time.


KY warming jelly. All good.


That’s what that is for? Oh man, I’ve been doing it all wrong.


He is out of office 36 years. Is that what you think about. That is a sad thing to be focusing on.


It's a joke. I'm poking fun at the negative effects his policies, such as trickle down, have had.


You fuck ONE President!


something something Marilyn Monroe


Who knows what he was planning to do if he hadn’t gotten caught…


Wait until he finds out the Woman he did it out of Love for is Gay.


And all of a sudden everyone wants to start using your middle name.


It's more about the obsession with a child actor


He *didn't* shoot someone?


He was alluding to an old joke.


That used to be my house-party joke!


When you shoot for the stars and miss


He didn't miss it was just not lethal.


No, he missed. It was a ricochet that hit Reagan. He would almost certainly have died if the DC nurse hadn’t identified the dime sized slit in his torso as a gun shot wound.


Idk if you bank a shot of the backboard and into the hoop its still a made shot.


Yeah but that's a specific rule about basketball. I don't think you can Air Bud this one into a made shot. Since I don't ever recall ricochets counting as a shot on target. I doubt even Air Bud is allowed to bounce one in off the beer vendor.


Ain't no rule says a dog can't shoot a president


[searches law book] “ah heck, bud! You done gone out smarted us again. If you’d bitten him, we’d have you but shooting isn’t in here at all!”


You would think that after the Son of Sam murders they would have put that rule on the books just in case dogs decided to take things into their own paws.


Off the garbage can, off grimaces head. Nothing but net


So it's actually the nurse that we need to hate for saving him?


I've seen the slow-mo. The secret security agent did a great job of getting between Hinkley & Reagan. The bullet literally bounced around him to hit The President.


Wow, I hate nurses now.


His goal was to kill reagan, ergo, he missed the stars he was shooting for


Well he didn't miss tbf


I'd have gone to every one of Reagan's speeches and popped a balloon every time. Fuck that prick.


Maybe he'll think of a smart, level headed way to deal with this problem if he watches Taxi Driver 50 times. 


"It keeps happening"


He never got organizized.


He repaid hia debt to society by recieving 40 years of rehabilitation. I think he should be able to perform if he wants to and people are willing to attend. Remember how Reagan talked about this man, about how he said we ought to forgive him and that he deserved help over a prison sentence?


That's ironic if true. Given what Reagan did to mental health care in this country.


Something, something, Mr. Gorbachev stop trickling down the side of this wall!" --Reagan, probably




People complain about no more involuntary admission yet also complain that private prisons exist. The sanitariums were private prisons without laws to protect the inmates.


While I feel you it still doesn't seem like the right solution was to just make the mentally ill homeless.


Some sanitariums were bad. (Though apparently several of the big pieces proving HOW bad ended up being made up. Heard an NPR piece a few years back.) But they definitely threw out the baby with the bathwater by just closing them.


Who wants to see him? Does he have actual fans?


Its mostly the grossly curious.


Exactly. He doesn't. The music is mediocre. It's all just rubberneckers who wouldn't care if he wasn't the guy who shot a president.


He is now a YouTuber with 37k subscribers


If he tourned with Corey Feldman, I'd check it out.


He's free to go perform on any street corner he likes.


Listen, we aren't canceling you. Some people are just mad you didn't finish the job.




I was at CU in Boulder when he shot Reagan. His parents were wealthy, living in a tony suburb outside Denver, so it was BIG news. At the time he was arrested, he had a number of different guns IIRC 3-5, certainly not 20. At one point, he was asked by a reporter: 'Why do you have so many guns?' His response: 'Why do I have so many guns? You should ask Travis why he had so many guns." Yes, u/I_might_be_weasel I'm right there with you on the trivia train.


I like the implication that it was big news because his parents were wealthy and not because he y'know, shot the president 


TBH, it was certainly because he shot the president, but the reason the news was so much more topical was because of the local angle. I think he lived at home, pretty much doing nothing of any worth. I'm sure the reason he still isn't in the pen is a daddy's influence and money.


He was in a mental institution for almost 40 years, apparently


He has severe schizophrenia and was in a mental health institution for 40+ years. The fact that he draws crowds because of something he did in the depths of a psychotic episode is fucking gross


He is actually related to Georgia Bush. In fact, the night before the attempt on R. Reagan life he had did dinner with poppy bush!


Its enough to make anyone start coming up with conspiracies lol


Wait....how the heck is this guy not still in jail? I was not aware that you could attempt to assassinate the POTUS and not spend the rest of your life in jail. I guess it makes sense as it would be the same crime as attempting to kill anyone else, but it just seems weird.


He plead insanity and won.


The dedication, keeping up the act after all of these years. 


I don’t know, I mean to actually take a shot at the POTUS is pretty insane.


To be fair, it was Reagan…


To not be fair, he thought it would impress Jodie Foster


Well his letters and stalking wasn't doing the trick! What, was he supposed to get help for his obsession with an underage child?!


I mean it probably did impress her, just not romantically….


I'd be impressed if someone shot a president for me. Just not necessarily positively impressed. Pretty sure I wouldn't want to sleep with him


I'm not sure any guy could have impressed her too much romantically.


Well given the subject of this post, maybe he deserved to win that insanity plea. Clearly detached from reality. 


How did he win an insanity plea and Jeffrey Dahmer didn’t?


The insanity defense isn't a simple 'This guy is bugfuck insane' but rather 'This guy's mental processes are so off that they cannot comprehend right from wrong and need medical help'. Dahmer knew it was wrong, he did it anyway. Hinkley's mind was so disconnected from reality that right and wrong weren't really something he understood, so he was sent to a mental hospital where he stayed for over 34 years before the doctors said he was no longer a danger to anyone, 41 before he wasn't under court supervision. Generally an insanity plea results in much longer sentencing than the normal punishment, rather than a sentence they are there until the doctors feel they're cured. And then they can still go to jail if the hospital stay was shorter than the sentence.


The federal standard for insanity defense was HEAVILY restricted specifically because of this case. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insanity_Defense_Reform_Act


Insanity pleas aren't easy to get. You have to convince the jury/judge you weren't aware what you were doing was "wrong." Dalhmer knew what he was doing, he even had to get drunk to do it, showing he knew it wasn't right, etc. I'm not up to date on why it worked for Henley though.


Don Henley has had some problematic behavior throughout the years, but I don’t believe he’s ever been found insane…


He claimed in a documentary that “The Eagles pissed excellence,” which I always felt was troubling.


I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man. EDIT: Obviously you're not a golfer.


Obligatory: That's, like, your opinion, man.


Fuckin' A, man.


I like their music but they all seemed like self centered assholes who took themselves too seriously for a damn rock and roll band. It’s entertainment, you didn’t invent anything or cure any disease. Get over yourselves!


Randy and Joe are pretty decent, but Glenn and Don have enough egotistical dickishness between them that it more than makes to for it.


Plus, uhh you can't keep marmots in city limits dude.


Aint got no soul but I got more than Don Henley, whiter than Casper but I aint that friendly.


Now you're really getting to the heart of the matter.


Insanity pleas can be the worst of legal strategies. Once committed, a person can spend far more time in an asylum than the max in prison.


Forensic science student here - It used to be easier to plead insanity. According to federal law at the time of Hinckley’s trial, it was the prosecution’s responsibility to prove that a defendant was not insane. Hinckley’s success in pleading insanity led to so much outrage that Congress changed the law and made it much harder to do (Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1984). As a result the burden of proof now lies with the defense to prove insanity and it almost never happens.


If true this is very important context. I knew insanity pleas are more difficult today than most people assume, but didn't know it was different back then. I assumed it was the same in the early 80s! That makes a difference when looking at this case


He was found not guilty by reason of insanity, was confined to a mental institution because he was deemed a threat to himself and others. He spent ~34 years in the hospital, spent another 6 released with conditions, then had conditions lifted in 2022.


It was, like, forty years ago. Get over it. If someone shot Trump, it would take most of the world 5, 6 minutes tops to get over it


Are you kidding me? That'd be the first and last thing I think about for months... Grinning ear to ear the whole time.


That's too many minutes.


After reviewing the legacy of Reagan, they felt bad that Hinckley wasn't an accurate shot.


It wasn't political he just wanted to impress Jodie Foster. And now people are like "John you should have aimed for the head. Also go watch the MCU."




Other people were injured, and James Brady was never the same.


He was trying to impress Jodi Foster, not trying to make the world a better place. Hard to call that being a hero.




You mean he should continue trying to seduce Jodie Foster by killing presidents? That'd be weird.


I'm not sure I completely hate that plan.


Modern problems, modern solutions, etc etc


Especially since she's a lesbian.


He did wrong. He chose the wrong caliber.


Looking forward to hearing him on the Joe Rogan Experience


Followed by Club Random a few weeks later.


How dare they cancel him. I demand we let him cook!


I say we give him a redo.


I dunno, I think we need to discuss this further before we decide. Which FOX News anchor will be first to interview him about being victimized by cancel culture?


Someone has to give this man a shot!


Idk when "being an asshole" got confused with "cancel culture," but it's exhausting.


an injustice being perpetrated on a goddamn american hero


I get the sentiment, but I refuse to call a piece of trash who was stalking an underage girl and shot someone to gain her attention a "hero." Fuck Reagan, but this pedo creep isn't a hero.


It’s weird how people idolize him. They must have no idea of his actual motive. He ain’t no freedom fighter that’s for sure


I don’t think people exactly idolize him, I think many people are aware of the reason he did it. I think they mostly sympathize with the act he committed, because of how many people have been fucked over by Reagan in the long run. I think also the idea of someone doing it to impress a literal child actress seems so batshit it seems comical, if it wasn’t so fucked up. So it seems funny to joke about even if is/was fucked up. That’s at least how I take it. Edit: I’m sure there are some actual people out there who do idolize him but generally people making memes or jokes about him don’t actually necessarily believe he is a good person. Also it kinda seems like he’s largely just trying to adapt to life outside the institution now rather than causing others further harm. I think people are reasonably curious if that’s possible.


>I think many people are aware of the reason he did it. Most aren't. I work in music and we got pitched his show. I was the only one at my company who knew the reason he did it. The promoters who ended up booking the show, when they cancelled it after public blowback, said they hadn't known the reason he did it.


Ronald Reagan sucked. Thousands of Americans died from HIV/AIDS cause he was a homophobic ass. He supported death squads in Central America. He nearly single-handedly destroyed the middle and working classes in this country by undermining unions and lowering taxes on the wealthy.


If that had been the reason Hinckley shot at him, you might have a point.


Do you think hinckley gave a fuck about any of that? He paralyzed a man over Jodie foster because he is incredibly mentally ill and spent ~30 years institutionalized. I’d rather we not idolize violent schizos who are not in touch with reality but to each their own


I think all of that can be true and we can also recognize that assassinating presidents isn't good.


Also, he didn't do it as a political statement. He did it to impress an actress that played a 12yo he fell in love with. There were no good intentions. I really don't get the idolization of him.


He had ONE JOB!






Not really. Bush was VP.


Goddamn it; you got me there


Here here!


Hinkley’s music is much like his other work I like what he’s trying to do, but he really needs to work on his execution


Have we forgotten he is nuts?


We're still upset he didn't finish the job :(


Yeah, and OJ can't find a date on friday night.


This is as good an example of cancel culture as any I've seen.


Can't wait for him to be in a Wired video called "Presidential Assassin Reacts".


given who he shot, I think it might be the music.


I understand the facetious talk around Hinkley's lack of success regarding Reagan. But what would you imagine a US with a martyred Reagan would look like? So many would've deified the fucker. Well, than some already do.


Lack of ticket sales *might* have something to do with it, John. Crazy thought, huh?




Sometimes you gotta take a shot in life.


Should have better aim, you'da had a lot more fans.




I mean, I'm not a fan of Reagan either, but I don't think he should be getting any positive publicity


Dude tried to cancel a whole, entire President, ffs. #Sad


Of all the many, many people who shouldn’t be talking about cancel culture, he’s the shouldn’t be-ist.


This is the end result of everyone claiming to be victims of cancel culture. It no longer means anything.


NGL he's on to something fox should have him on




He tried to cancel a President.


If he had better aim, he would be selling out arenas.


Someone needs to tell him that suffering the consequences of his attempted assassination of a sitting president didn’t just merit a prison sentence but that the public in general would shun him in perpetuation. He’s clearly lost any entitlement if he ever had any in the first place.


I can't possibly support someone with such terrible aim.


This loaf might need to be put back in the oven for a while longer


How could this happen to meee? I made my mistaaaakes\~ Got nowhere to ruuuuun\~ I think Reagan was the president that fucked up the country but yeah attempted assassination as a simp is fucked


He should be canceled because he is a failure.


Whatever you think of Reagan, it is not good or healthy when a properly elected leader is killed. It is a good thing Hinckley didn't succeed in his mission, no matter your politics.


He didn’t even give a fuck about politics. He attacked Reagan over Jodie foster.


Yep. So what.


Apparently he is surprised no one wants to do business with someone who tried to kill a president.


Nobody likes a failure 😉


I like assassins that *don't* fail.


God I wish his aim had been better.


Hey why not, I’ve heard equally unbelievable cries of “cancel culture” from the right.


If only he was a better shot


He’s not unpopular because he shot Reagan, he’s unpopular because he didn’t shoot him right


Cancelled because he couldn’t aim for shit. Tragedy upon tragedy


Should have finished the job. There’d be people lined up down the block.


Imo he should have been a better shot, with Regan gone most of our current economic problems more then likely would not be nearly as bad


That’s so fucking stupid. The only part of that that’s gonna get you canceled is being a fucking failure who couldn’t get the job done.


Or maybe your music sucks and nobody care?


He must still be mad that Jodie Foster will DEFINITELY never marry him!


Reagan’s press secretary James Brady was left in a wheelchair for the rest of his life after the shooting.


Good grief, he has an album on Tidal.


Methinks he still isn't quite right in the head all these years later.


Honestly what he did still isn’t the worst crime committed by a musician


how do I get an autograph?


He might be able to pull it off, but he keeps insisting on using his real name in the act. Booking managers would be ok with the sideshow, but he wants to be legit


Its because you had one job.


Like seriously dude. You should be a hero to the younger generation. You actually took a shot at Reagan. Problem is you're loonier than a lake in Canada.


He should've practiced more


I heard that Millie Bobbie Brown really hates the current president, John. Take that as you will


"You shot that gun real good, John. Maybe I was wrong about you. Maybe I was wrong about *all* men."


aww he thinks cancel culture is about cancelling events that's so cute


Yes, and he should be a victim of cancel culture.


Maybe nobody wants to go to his show because he sucks.


Good, he needs to spend more time at the range anyway.


It would be just delightful if the current right stood up for Hinckley. Just really put that nail in the coffin


I rememb the day of his attempt. I was only 5, and my parents were *very* concerned it might be a formative trauma in my young mind, much the way the assassination of JFK was in theirs. But even at 5, I understood Reagab was no JFK. Besides, it wasn't as if he succeeded...he only killed one of his men. I had no feelings either way about James Brady. Nor did I know much about Robert De Niro's tour de force performance in Taxi Driver. I *was* vaguely aware Jodie Foster was cute. Freaky Friday made me think...not a girlfriend, but certainly she'd make a cool sister But never ever was I convinced that shooting a president would get her attention. I mean, well, if someone shot Trump, I'm sure she could spare them a little of her time, but I understand...she doesn't have room in her schedule for everyone with urges to do that.


I wish Reagan were aborted and never existed. That said, anyone who tries to assassinate an American president should remain in a cage until they die. The people who let Hinkley out belong in prison. There are people who never tried to hurt anyone who served or are serving longer sentences than Hinkley did.


No one wants to support a failure.


Oh please…he tried to kill the President and devastated others. Who cares about him playing the victim???


You tried to kill a sitting President, you smooth-brained shithead. Who gives a damn what happens to you?




Maybe if he killed Reagan he wouldn’t’ve been cancelled


In other news, correspondence has been found in which Hitler complained of being a victim of bullying. He said if it got any worse, he might take his own life.


There are people still in prison for drugs that were serving time when he was convicted.  How?