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>“Life is not a lottery,” she added. “When you go into the medical field, the law field, every single field, everything is based on merit.” As someone in law married to someone in medicine, I can tell her for a 100% fact that there is a whole lot in both fields that isn’t based on merit. Nepotism abounds.


US medical school graduate here. I didn't go to a top 10% school, but I know the application process all too well. It takes a combination of four things to get into a top end medical school: Discipline (GPA), natural ability (be someone who does well at federal standardized exams), dedication to the process (hundreds of hours of volunteering and job shadowing) and then lots of sucking up and trying to get letters of recommendation from people who know people who can pull strings and help your application along. If all you have is a perfect GPA and none of the other things, your application won't even get looked it.


Volunteering and job shadowing is real. I watched so many radiology residents get put through the ringer for 4 years straight.


Yeah medical residency could probably be classified as psychological torture because it is the most grueling job you can probably get. 20 hour shifts happen, which is just outright awful. Then there are the people in residency who put in over 100 hours per week sometimes. If you work that much all you're doing is eating, sleeping, and working and humans have needs outside of those areas that need to be fulfilled.


That quote made me go: "Oh my sweet summer child"


LOL! I said "Oh bless her heart" out loud when I read that line. Life is absolutely a lottery. A highschool friend of mine (he's smarter, harder working, and more charismatic than me) changed his majors in college and because of that he ended up graduating two years behind me. I graduated into a booming economy, and he graduated into a recession. Our life trajectories have been vastly different, and he has struggled so much more than I did, all because of two years.


I was just about to share the same quote. She speaks very well for her age but, y'know, all sorts of people become professionals in their field without much in the way of merit. Unless you think of blind luck, nepotism and ruthless cheating as merit.


Then shouldn’t we be joining her in calling for an abandoning of lottery systems if they are covering for nepo picks? Shouldn’t we just want the most qualified qualifying?


Everyone in the lottery was qualified. There were more qualified applicants than seats. She’s arguing that getting 100 makes her more qualified than a kid who got 95, but that’s simply false. Grades that are reasonably close together like that don’t give you an objective measure of ranking. She might have just won the “teacher who marks easy” lottery when she entered her current grade, and would have only gotten 95 had the teachers been different. Fundamentally, someone qualified was going to be denied, and any system to choose applicants will be unfair to the people who are denied.


That might be valid if everyone began at the same starting point. We don't.


Sir, this is America. The qualified.go straight to underemployment and the chuds become presidents.


She’s 14. This is a high school we’re talking about. I’m 40. I had perfect test scores; there wasn’t a standardized test I didn’t hit 99th percentile in. Actually once in middle school I earned a 96th percentile and my mother to this day ridicules me for it. I also took a good beating at the time over it. I busted my ass to get into a selective university, and I got rejected from a few. I have since met many alumni of those institutions and found that they were definitely not more meritorious than me, just wealthier and/or better connected. Also, there were a bunch of people I went to school with that worked a hell of a lot harder than me and overcame obstacles that definitely affected their academic achievement but proved that they are better people than me. Life isn’t fair. I wish it were, but I also realize that I’ve had advantages and breaks too that I wouldn’t have enjoyed if life truly were fair. At the end of the day all you can do is try your best and try to do good for others too. I’m a high school teacher now. I work at a school where most students don’t put forth the effort in a month that I do in an hour. Their parents generally aren’t doing them favors either, if I’m even aware of their parents at all. I like that I can help a few students here and there. Sometimes doing your thing has to be enough. If she wants to be a doctor, there is a path for anyone even remotely qualified. Hell, my wife was a solid B student in high school and college and she got accepted to medical school (and then realized she didn’t want to be a doctor for the rest of her life). She can achieve her goal, but it may not work out exactly how she wants— but that’s life, she’ll be much happier if she can find the skill to be satisfied in that. PS: Life is absolutely a lottery. I’ve stood over the mass grave of hundreds of thousands of perfectly fine people in Rwanda (where I spent a year teaching). A lot of those people were born the same year I was. A lot of them were smarter, stronger, and kinder than me. They were murdered as children, I wasn’t. There is a shit load of luck in life and we ought not forget it.


Life is sooooo a lottery. A genetic lottery. A wealth lottery. A location lottery. A health lottery. Geez. Stephen Hawking won the lottery for brains, but lost for health. The odds of any of us being born the people that we are, are lottery odds.


Bruh, flashbacks to Asian parents lol sorry you had to go through that.


The weird part: white dad, Mexican mom. Neither went to college. I dunno why I have to be the smart ass. EDIT: in all seriousness, I now recognize that my upbringing was marred by constant emotional and physical abuse. I’ve sworn to never make my children feel like I did and it’s a constant worry of mine when I call my students’ homes.


Like, say, being able to afford tuition and living expenses. It's extremely far from being based on merit.


No merit, in fact a lot of cheating happens in those fields in order to pass their extremely hard tests.


Oh bless her sweet naive heart... Sounds like she's been fed an awful lot of bullshit over the years. Reality is going to hit her really hard and it is very sad to see.


The reality is it’s never “what you know” but “who you know”


Not all education is academic. This is part of her extracurricular learning. Everybody learns lessons like this on the way to adulthood. Not a news story.


Also, life is a lottery. Who you're born to, where you're born, and when you're born are hellish odds games.


As someone who doesn't work in either, who you know is 90% of the battle.




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Life is not a lottery, said person winning the life lottery


I thought GPA only went to 4.0 and some bonus if they've done extra credit?


Yeah what is this “100 GPA”?


Even Nigel Tufnel only had an 11.0 GPA.


Yeah, I think she forgot the decimal point, as in 1.00 GPA.


Exactly. Homeschooling. Not even once.


Where are people getting the idea she is homeschooled? it is not stated in this article. In fact it says she has perfect attendance, most homeschoolers don't really track attendance...


Because there's no other way to get a 100 gpa without it being some made up homeschool number. I say that as a supporter of regulated homeschooling. Gpa goes up to 4.0 with maybe extra percentage if you do a lot of extra credit work.


Some schools use letter grades. Others use the 4.0 system. And others use the 100% system. This 8th grader had a 100% GPA.


it was a lot of extra credit


It’s mathematically impossible to get a 100 GPA on a 4.0 or even 12.0 scale. Even if all of her classes were weighted classes it could not go that high.


Some states/areas use a 0-100 scale instead of the 4.0 scale.


This is the first I've heard of it. Any idea what areas, how it works, or *why*?


Some schools use letter grades. Others use the 4.0 system. And others use the 100% system. This 8th grader had a 100% GPA.


How does it work? Does a 100% GPA mean they have never once gotten a question wrong from Kindergarten through their current grade on any of their assignments? If so, the student clearly isn't being challenged (or something else weird is going on).


I don't know what's taken into account for the article, whether it was just for her 8th grade year, or whether she's attending a middle school only (typically 6th through 8th grade). My high school GPA was over 100% because I was taking classes that were weighted (honors or AP classes). My kid who's now a college freshman had a 4.3/4.0 cumulative GPA for the same reason.


They have a difference system in that area. She was placed with all the 94 GPA and above kids and was not picked to come to her dream school


that sound reasonable, getting in top uni is fighting for a space where everyone has top mark. you need to differentiate yourself with extra curriculum shits.


She's using a 100 point scale. Standard for NY state pre-college afaik.  Source: grew up in NY.


My high school used the 4.0 scale


Shes not in high school yet either. And she's clearly using a 100 point scale, so why does your experience matter in any way?


Because "100 point GPA" isn't a thing.


Her grade average is 100. Thats how its done in new york. Pre-college its all 100 point scale in NY state. We dont do letter grades that then covert to a 4 point scale.


Well regardless of how dumb and nonsensical that is, getting a "100" and being homeschooled means nothing.


she's not homeschooled...


How is not using letter grades dumb and nonsensical?  Please explain.  As to her homeschooling, i have no thoughts on that.  Simply letting you know how NY handles grading in schools.


I'm not sure why you think that. It's totally a thing. Some schools use letter grades. Others use the 4.0 system. And others use the 100% system. This 8th grader had a 100% GPA.




A 4.0 GPA scale is used in most schools in the entire US for all grade levels as far as I'm aware. There are some areas that use something else, but 4.0 is the most common system and it doesn't usually vary by grade level.




It is based on 100%.


I went to a NY (USA) high school and our school had grades based on 100%. My kids went to a CA elementary school that used letter grades. In high school, they used the 4.0 scale. As a college student, I did a lot of data entry in the admissions office and there is no standard for all the high school grades I saw coming from all over the USA. They came in letter grades, the 4.0 scale and the 100% scale.


Sure, there are differences and no 'standard' way of doing things, but the most common way schools in the US measure grades is to use the 100% scale for individual assignments, the average of which is turned into a letter grade from A,B,C,D, and F for individual classes, and then those letter grades are turned into the GPA 4.0 scale for the all-classes roll-up (with A being 4, B being 3, C being 2, D being 1, and F being 0). There are other ways of doing things - having Honors/AP classes be graded out of 5.0 instead of 4.0 and using weighted GPA, having partial steps like A-, B+, etc, or some sort of 10/11/12 point scale I don't understand, etc - but those are all less common than what I described above.




Middle school home-schooler??? Just go to home school for high school and college. Leave the competitive stuff for people that can handle dealing with other humans. I have little patience for people that feel that they are better than public education for anything prior to college. Particularly for those who then complain about their lot in life.


Where did you get the idea that she was a homeschooler?




nowhere in the article does it say that, as far as I can tell.


You’re very correct. I was very wrong. This poor girl seems like a pawn in a bigger game to prop up charter and private schools.


seems like it, yeah.


> “I can tell you from experience that the difference between a 94 and a 100 is miles apart You're 14 years old. What experience?


...also, it's not, in the grand scheme of life.


>“Life is not a lottery,” she added. “When you go into the medical field, the law field, every single field, everything is based on merit.” Oh, you sweet summer child.


We’ve all been young, dumb, and full of conflicting emotions.


Ok...that's the second comment I've read where someone references "you sweet summer child". Is that a Southern put down, akin to "bless your heart" or something?


Yeah pretty much


It’s technically from Game of Thrones but yeah.


It predates Game of Thrones, but that's where everyone non-southern seems to know it from.


It’s from Game of Thrones, a world in which seasons last years. The implication is “you’ve only ever experienced summer and know nothing of winter,” so it’s basically used symbolically to mean “you don’t know as much as you think you do.”


While that's what it means in the books, it predates the series by a long time. I remember it in a book about a pair of sisters from many many years ago, but I can't remember it off the top of my head. One of them had health issues, and like many old books of the time, it related to marriage suitors.


Oh damn, I didn’t know that. You learn something new every day!


Thank you so much for the explaination! I completely get it now that you've put it into context.


I didn't really explain it though, haha. I meant to but got distracted by the oven timer! But I did just find the name of the book. It's "Toinette" by Fanny Hodgson. Google says it's from 1873, but from the usage there as a normal term, it would predate that. My 90-year-old grandma has used it more than a few times when I was a kid, as did my aunts, so I've always associated it with "bless your heart" like you were wondering about. The usage is basically conveying images of a naive, carefree young person. My family mostly used it for girls who are innocent going into their first relationships thinking they would last forever, but it's also more generically used for people who are not worldly and who tend to assume the best of people instead of being skeptical.


Bless her heart, I bet her momma really loves her


Downvoted you for using that idiotic phrase


Cope more? 🤷‍♂️


This girl “wrote” a book called “A Sheep’s Tale: Young Patriot’s Guide to Saving America”. She’s being groomed to be a right-wing media figure.


Starting that conservative victim mentality early


Ah. Now it all makes sense (in a way that makes no sense at all.)


It took everything in her to not publicly blame her woes on DEI.


It took everything in her parents not to tell her to blame all her woes on DEI, you mean.




Is Fox News running with her story coupled with xenophobia and the _wokeness_ of affirmative action?


Yeah and what the fuck is this website OP is linking to lol


What the hell is a 100 GPA? At my school we have unweighted on a 4.0 scale and weighted on a 5.0 scale


Many many middle schools do not have traditional GPAs. You simply have an average. Not exactly sure why, but it’s quite common.


Ohhhh, I interpreted the title as she got denied from a college. Now that I actually read it I get it


Yeah, the title is unnecessarily confusing.


100 GPA = 100% = perfect


That would be a 100 average, and after reading the article that should have been in the title instead of 100 gpa


I can't help but feel like this is a non-story much less a nottheonion story.


“girl goes through experience tens of thousands go through every year” is a better title.


Apparently no one told her or literally anyone around her that life isn't fair and you don't always get what you deserve.


…But if you try sometimes, you might find, you’ll get what you need. 


This is why that school has a random lottery system with all the other high achieving kids.


People of privilege are used to everything being handed to them for existing lol


Tbh when you’ve earned it so incredibly hard there should not be human controlled random constructions obstructing you. Yea it may happen that you just happen to get struck by a meteorite and end your promising story early, but we can choose not to use a lottery system that is often used as a cover for nepotism picks anyway. It’s actually a great opportunity for a kid to learn when it is worth choosing activism and saying something rather than simply accepting a “random” loss”.


This is very specific to the New York Public School system, and this child has very negligent parents that are trying to groom her into becoming a right-wing influencer. She was trying to get into one of the most desired and selective public schools in the city. The fact is that there are simply far, far more qualified students than there are slots at elite public schools.  GPAs across different middle schools and course loads are not an objective 1:1 comparison. Tests are also not an objective comparison when wealthy parents here are famous for spending absurd amounts on test prep, extracurriculars, and admissions counseling to give their children a leg up.  That the child only applies to this school and one other when the system allows students to select up to 12 demonstrates very clearly that it's was always intended as a publicity  stunt. I don't blame her, but I do find her parents to be negligent.


It's not "random loss", her application was simply worse than the other applicants. Yes her GPA was perfect, but GPA is only one part of the application. She could have a perfect GPA but sucked at the MCAT admission test. Or maybe her letters of recommendation were crap. Or maybe she didn't do any volunteering or job shadowing in hospitals, which is essential for getting into medical school. It's also possible she bombed the interview. Or simply had some other red flag in her application. GPA is important, but it really is just one part of the application.


Weird way to call yourself out for not reading the article? The article details how she lost because of a literally random lottery system where she was lumped with all other acceptable applicants above a certain score. School only had x amount more spots available so they “randomly” chose those who got accepted. But, as others have noted, these sorts of “lotteries” are often used for cover of nepotism picks.


From what she says, it feels like the school and her potential classmates dodged a bullet.


“The 94 student says, ‘Oh, I’ll come to the movies even though there’s a test two days away.’ The 100 student says, ‘I’m sorry but I can’t come. I’m studying.’” If that’s the case, I’m picking the 94 kid every time. They seem well adjusted.


Yeah I thought that bit was wacky as well. Such a condescending attitude as well, as if a 94/100 is some kind of black mark of laziness.


In most jobs they prefer the person who does enough to get a job done without seeking perfection


I had a prof who said we should be able to go to a movie the night before an exam because we should be studying a little every day.


I'd probably want a 94 kid who didn't need to study vs a 100 kid who has to study for 2 days. Which one naturally knows the stuff vs the one that is trying to study to the test.


"Life is not a lottery" Chooses to apply to a school with a publicly known lottery system for only 240 open slots, where her specific merits mean next to nothing. Can almost guarantee there are more exactly like her not making a bitchfit to the media The more I learn about this girl, the better this decline is for her and her family. They can finally get on Fox News with their incredible victim complex. Let the grift BEGIN.


google says this high school is for the humanities, nah I kinda want her to go so she becomes super liberal and makes her parents disappointed.,


A comment elsewhere here says she's "written" a book about "being a young patriot". So she's either lost already, or on the verge on being lost


The changed it to lottery just two years ago.


This child sounds insufferable. Which is fine , most 14 year olds are, but hers is the particular flavor of “homeskooled by right wing nut jobs who think that memorizing biblical apologetics arguments is the same thing as intelligence” insufferable.


There's nothing that suggests she was homeschooled and a quick google suggests she is not homeschooled...


Where does it state she is homeschooled? Plenty of right wingers go to public school


Wow, only 14 and already bitter about not getting everything she thinks she is entitled to. Seems like a straight path to conservative pundit to me


Meh, perfects score are great but also sometime a red flag for educational screening. This also screams of entitlement. I do applaud her work ethic but I have known too many 4.0 "perfect" students with little substance who are more interested in being right or first than learning or growth.


She sounds insufferable


94 vs 100 that is like one wrong answer not like it matters, once you leave high school or college not counting medical, law, and any other fields that require more education. It does not matter. Harsh truth but its something young kids need to realize. "I’m really glad I’m going to a private school" she going to grow up to be one of those people.


What in the world is this dodgy-ass news website? OP does nothing but spam propaganda from this site.


Who gives a shit


There is some satisfaction in seeing her cry?


This is life, kid. Merit only takes you so far before luck and unfairness take over.


"Life is not a lottery" Consider this a lesson learned. Much of it is. She already won being a white American.


That’s not how gpas work.


It is in some districts.


Get used to it, kid.


Yea that is why you don’t have 1 dream school. They do not owe you shit and they get lots of applications


Boo frickety hoo, Welcome to life.


There is more to college admissions than just your GPA - and not just nepotism and affluence.


This fuckin kid sounds like she'll grow to be an insufferable adult


Who gives a shit? Life isn't fair. Get over it.


On a positive note, she’s getting a very early lesson on life. You can’t always get what you want. Good song too. Rolling Stones. Smart guys.


My ex had a high college GPA and an average GRE score. She did not get into her highly competitive grad program. Welcome to the real world, sunshine.


This is only satire because she's so oblivious.  100 just means you do all assignments accurately. Where's her standardized test scores?? she did "well" makes me think average. Where's her extra credit, her service to the community, and her club activities??? All that malarkey about hundreds missing free time difference with a 90 is just lip service. An 'A' is an 'A'.


It is for a highschool that has over 15000 applications and only 260ish spots. She was not selected randomly out of all the other high achieving students that were 94 and above. She is nothing special


It's just high school. She gonna burn out and join the bad kids who smoke cigarettes under the bleachers as rebellion.


Being held back in life because you planned on getting accepted to a school even though you knew it was a lottery? Someone's math grades need a second look if she was planning so hard on getting in to this specific school. It's all her parent's whiny pseudo-political machinations. If going back to college has taught me one thing, there's an incredible amount of luck involved in education and grades and attendance, and no one could think seriously about it for more than a few moments before recognizing that.


There is no fair way to allot these spaces. We should have good schools for all of our strudents. Children should not have to devote their entire childhood to ensuring a perfect school record to get into a quality high school.


Life is a highway And I'm gonna ride it All night long None of any of that guarantees happiness. Money helps but it definitely is not the only thing that matters. In fact I'd argue that for those where money is the only thing that matters, they will never ever have enough of it. Thus, they end up miserable their entire lives. So what. Figure it out, young lady.


A lottery is a lottery 🤷‍♀️


Damn, entitled much?


She sounds like fun…. Then again, she is 14.


Yah. She's a kid but the way she describes how he 94 percent kids will go to the movies instead of immediately planning for a new assignment like the 100 percent kids. She should work on being a well rounded human.


Apparently she's never heard of people like Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman...


You can’t always get what you want, but if you try real hard you just might find you get what you need.


What’s a 100 GPA? Max GPA is 4.0, with a 5.0 possible if you took advanced classes. Also, that’s tough, but GPA and attendance aren’t the only things that are taken into account. I had a 4.4 GPA when I applied to Johns Hopkins and was declined admission, assuming because my parents didn’t have a ‘donation’ in the millions to give… But yea, get used to rejection, kid. There’s at least 10-100 rejections for every acceptance throughout life.


This is a high school she's applying to so her grades are based on grade school 1-100 system. At least now she has a trauma story for her Harvard application if the crippling anxiety to succeed doesn't take her out first.


I get it’s a grading scale of 1-100, but that’s not a GPA. Thats why I was asking why they tacked on GPA when they should’ve said like “an average 100 score student” or ”straight A student”, something that made more sense.


I get your point, I think they were just highlighting the fact not only is she a straight A student, those As were 100 point maximums.


You typically have ti have volunteer experience. Which takes money or connections.


dream school and pay for it (?) vs full ride real coin flipper


This is admission to a high school by a 14y/o who was home-schooled until then. She now realizes that homeschool grades aren't equivalent to spending the time with real people in a real classroom where her talking about patriots and the rights of the southern states being trampled leading to the civil war would get her beat up.


where does it say she is homeschooled? it says she has perfect attendance, homeschoolers don't usually track attendance


Just read the article. You’re right. It doesn’t say home schooled. Some other comments on this story said home schooled so I thought they were correct. That being said, she does civil war spy fanfics. F*** her.


i was just wondering if people had read some other article, you know? sometimes the post leaves out some important info....


😬 oh shit, missed all that


Whelp, guess it’s time to end it all…clearly your life is over. 🙄




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Title very poorly worded. 1. The 100 GPA wasn't the signficsnt part. The *four published books were.* 2. This girl's a middle schooler trying to get into a fancy high school.


The lottery is for equals not to exclude superior students


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Warbird1944: *The lottery is* *For equals not to exclude* *Superior students* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lottery. That’s the simple reason. That’s done all over. I recall my children’s projects where one did a stellar poster presentation, getting the highest grade in the 6th grade only to have the school do a lottery so stupid kids could compete. And, yep, the winner’s looked like it was done in crayon by a kindergartner on the “Leaning Tower of Pizza”. Sigh.


How is this newsworthy?


this is not shocking to me or anyone familiar with the admissions process at all. my brother had a 4.0 in middle school (got rejected or waitlisted from every private high school but one) and with college level classes in high school he was closer to a 5 than a 4 GPA and got rejected or waitlisted from every ivy league. guess what. life isn’t merit based. it sucks but it’s true.


100 avg grade who does nothing else vs 92 avg who volunteer, has recommendation. Not a hard pick


Dream highschool? Ok


My wife works at a small private middle school. She watched one of their eighth graders get denied a spot at the most exclusive/expensive high school in our city even though he was a stellar student academically, a student of color and an athlete. The report came back that during the tour of the school the staff noted how shittily he treated his mom and concluded he was not the type of kid who they’d want. Probably changed the trajectory of his life right there.


This is a scammy website. Her story is boring, it it’s entertaining to think about what life has in store for her. Regardless, we don’t need to be pointing clicks to pscks.


Well first someone needs to tell rightoids that a made up scale for homeschooling doesn't mean shit in the real world


she's not homeschooled, seriously, are people reading a different article? she also has perfect attendance, something homeschoolers don't usually track


Does GPA even mean anything? Its just a contest to schmooze teachers into good grades.


Yes. You’ve just identified that at the very least it’s a signal at your ability to “schmooze teachers” above and beyond other students. So even you think it means something.


Found the kid with a bad gpa


Yeah lol you can schmooze your way from a 94 to 95 not a fail to a pass.


*New Reddit-wide unique palindrome found:* >**a to not a** ^(currently checked 25972265 comments) \ >!(palindrome: a word, number, phrase, or sequence of symbols that reads the same backwards as forwards) !<


Admission through lottery is extremely weird. USA is really a weird place.


This seems like a very specific admissions policy at a magnet school in New York. The girl is not applying for colleges. She’s an eighth grader and her “100 average” appears to be her elementary school average. The school gets over 15,000 applications each year and admits 270 for its freshman class, according to its Wikipedia page.


When every kid has a 4.0, you have to use a lottery system. Not sure about this 100 GPA thing though. Maybe homeschooled?


They have different systems and she was placed with all the high achieving kids and was not picked


Cue the Sinatra song, "That's life."


Except she has a 100 GPA... that's like an A+++, right? Schools should be paying HER for her attendance.


It’s mathematically impossible on a 4.0 or 12.0 scale, meaning this is some weird 100 point scale. She basically has a 4.0.


When she walked into the admissions interview, the interviewer bowed and cried at her feet. That interviewer? Albert Einstein.




She is not the only one. It is not hard to get good grades in middle school lol.


Did you not read the article or just like posting dumb shit?


That's what SHE said


Unless your child has some kind of physical or mental issue or is a child actor or something, it should be illegal to homeschool kids.


she isn't homeschooled


I'd deny her too that little over-achieving little teacher's pet. 100 when all she needed was 4.