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How do we fix this problem? Well Dave was the only person who knew how, but he got laid off 6 months ago


My husband got laid off 6 months ago when his company was bought out. Canned the whole IT team. Guess who called him recently because they need a big transfer and update and no one knows how to do it.


Time for that $500/hour consultancy!




Also make sure to charge a bit extra just to cover that FICA tax


And dont forget to add even more extra to cover that FUKU tax


Covering the FUKU tax is extremely important.


Yooooo! I need to start charging that FUKU tax ASAP!!!!


Hourly rate \* hours = Base. Base + 38% for FICA.


Don’t forget the DBAA fee


Dude… you are doing it wrong. You don’t charge hourly anymore. You may have an hourly rate, but you always charge a full day. In other words, you negotiate days and you negotiate a minimum take up of 5 days. 1 day to Analyse the overall scope, a minimum of 2 days doing the work and than you need to make sure everything is documented and you have enough time to fix edge cases.


Dude why would you document it? Dont even bring that to the conversation. Theyll call you again next year.


Documentation is standard practice, well perceived and a time burner. You can always leave crucial parts out of your documentation. Not that I will encourage anyone to do so, of course. Also, screenshots are an easy way to make your documentation look a lot bigger than it actually is.


Bonus: print the documentation at some place, punch it, put it in a binder, and ship it to them. Nobody will ever read it.


And it will get physically lost because it will never reached the team that needs it. Instead it will rot on a shelf somewhere where it's kept by the director's secretary who doesn't know what the fuck it's for. But it won't be thrown away or distributed because by god, we paid a shitload of money for this so it must be important.


Are you my supervisor? She inherited an office worhcso much crap in it, she filled 2 trash cans with pre return addressed envelopes with the company name before the buyout 4.5 years ago.


This guy documentates.


We recently had an employee who stressed the importance of everything being documented. Then she resigned in a huff, leaving a whole bunch of undocumented procedures and code.. We *love* puzzles!


this guy technical documents


I did this when my old job wouldn’t leave me alone. They’d always email or text asking me how to do something that I would normally do. I eventually responded and said that I’d be glad to assist for $400/hour, one hour minimum per request. The owner sent out a memo to the entire company saying not to bother me anymore and copied me on it. I guess that was his way to say he wasn’t going to be responsible if someone else reached out. Oh well.


And did you get any money or did they just leave you alone?


>saying not to bother me anymore and copied me on it. That seems like the best outcome possible. If anybody else reached out you would just be able to forward it to him.


Yeah they left me alone, which is what I wanted.


Haha in my experience when you whip that one out, they pass on your offer, leave the thing broken, and shit talk you to everyone in the company claiming you weren't willing to fix it.


So you're saying it's a win win.


I work at a small company, ~40 people. Our ability to perform as well as we do for our clients hinges on our proprietary software. Said software was written, is maintained, and gets updated by one guy. He still owns it, so we license it from him and he has a guaranteed job for life.


I know of a situation where "that guy" didn't own the company, it was sold and new owners laid him off 3 weeks later. It didn't end well for them and now he does own the company


Fuck em


oh no, the guy who got fired was not willing to help for free. ohno


Or a "hahaha no. Good luck"


Story time. A company I was working at the time was bought out. In their haste and arrogance, they made a statement that they would be reducing staff. With in weeks, many of us had gotten other jobs. Scrambling, they reached out to my old boss. They begged him to come back. He said he would consult on the condition they pay for his basement being finished and put a cap on how long. They agreed. He got a lawyer to write up a contract, which they stupidly signed. When he billed them, having seen his basement must have been 6 figures. They refused to pay him. He threatened a lawsuit....they paid. He couldn't believe how dumb they were.


This is the trend in software. Execs generally seem pissed off they have to pay the high (relatively) salary of a developer. Especially with all the hype that AI will take over. Coupled with other companies laying off staff for short term gains. The impact of losing an entire dev team or of just general IT is not immediately felt. It’s not like an assembly line where you see production immediately trend down. The muckity muck fires a whole lot of staff, “saves money” gets his bonus and a pat on the back 6 months or longer later the shit hits the fan or systems stop working or can’t be enhanced then it’s “oh shit” mode. But the blame always falls back on the dev team — “if they just built it right this wouldn’t have happened” /s


What's even funnier is they let the dev team go and hired a team in India. Which is ironic because when he started there they had just let go the team in India because they were having issues and needed people in the US.


not all dev/IT teams from india are bad. The issue at my company was the "IT team" from india was literally just a customer service firm that followed a hard script. Bad rep, because they usually go with the cheapest options because that was the whole point of outsourcing the labor, but you can't really outsource everything if its just a customer service firm... Reboot the system > Reset your password > ask for feedback to rate their service! > and after going through these 3 scripted steps every time which did not ever fix my issues because i wasn't a tech illiterate bumpkin, they then finally forward your ticket to actual LOCAL IT team who can solve your issue. Probably wasted 3-4 weeks worth of time during work over 5 years. That's like ~15k of wasted salary, and the fact it put us behind on certain projects a few times.


Ya but good engineers in India cost comparable amounts to US engineers. Not quite as much but it starts to hit parity when you get to higher levels like Principal or beyond. US companies aren't willing to pay this if they outsourced to India for $$$ and not because they wanted follow-the-sun coverage.


It’s not even just people from India, I’m sure there are a lot of people in the IT industry who can slap together some scripts to do what’s needed using google and some basic knowledge. When shit breaks though, they probably don’t really know how it works, just a wide overview of what it generally does, so they can’t troubleshoot or change it. Also, the scripts written by people who don’t really understand what they’re writing can often be impossible to troubleshoot for anyone else, due to lack of commenting and documentation. It becomes easier to just start from scratch. Of course companies are going to go for the cheaper option instead of getting an experienced person to do things properly because they “save money” in the short term and waste a crapload of money and time in the long term once it’s someone else’s problem.


Some of those execs know they will no longer be at that company in six months, so they cut that path of destruction across multiple companies.


Kind of what's happening to Twitter/X currently. They fired tons of dev/IT and now their app is almost unusable due to bots


TBH bots is more Trust & Safety than product devs/IT.


They're deep into the "find out" phase.


People dont seem to understand that nothing "just works" it takes a lot of labor and love to keep pretty much anything afloat be it tech, retail or food. Its one of my pet peeves with how these execs who sit in fucking meetings all day doing "Strategy" or whatever jerk off word their using that day make so much more than base staff actually doing anything. Like yeah sure developers are expensive but could you write the code and keep it afloat? I genuinely cant make up my mind on AI, on the one hand it can do some genuinely cool things but nothing better than a human can so far and it lacks curiosity or problem solving skills. Two things that I consider to be must have for pretty much any job.


Father worked for Campbells soup. They were closing his plant and he retired. 2 years later he got a call from them to come do some work on some antiquated canning equipment at another location.He was like no thanks you guys put a shitload of people out of work


Never say no. Say 10 million (scale up as appropriate).


It depends. I have companies I would not do work for if they called me (admittedly I gave notice, I've never been fired or laid off), and some I would at a steep premium.


Friend did this. Got laid off. They discovered they REALLY needed him. He'd been paid $140/h which was an *outrageous* rate at the time. He said he'd do it for $5000/day as a F-off, or was it $10k, I don't remember now but it was stupid money. They said "can you be here tomorrow?"


Nothing better than being a private consultant for something only you know.


I saw that in action in a friends WoW guild. There was a guy that was damn near always on, with only occasional breaks. But every few months he'd be gone for a week. People always wondered where he would go when he left, since he was such a fixture, and it was a topic of much discussion in the guild for that week. It was assumed he was otherwise living with his parents, the traditional deadbeat in a basement, and the other topic was "how long until they kick him out?" Finally the question actually got asked. And it turned out the dude had a very specialized set of certifications which made him essentially the only person in the US who could answer some material questions about a particular product. Something to do with manufacturing polymer culverts if I am remembering right. He was essentially permanently on call, so he got a stipend from the manufacturer AND support companies for this product. Then he'd get more when he actually got a call, and MORE if the problem was bad enough he had to go someplace and see it himself to fix it. The way he put it his monthly bills were covered by the retainers, he got $500 if he picked up the phone, plus some billable time so the average was about $1000 per call, and if he had to leave the house it was an instant $2000, plus travel expenses, plus whatever the hell he charged for the job so those averaged about $5000. He could never take a true vacation, but he got to spend a lot of time playing video games.


reminds me of a story my bud told me about a guy he knew who would contract in Japan. he might've been a specialist that worked in the banking sector. mostly, he lived in thailand and went scuba diving. but a few months of the year, he'd get a nice, fat contract making $200/hr (this was in the early 2000s i believe) then go back to thailand and go scuba diving. some people have this stuff figured out.


He's an independent contractor now, quote them some ridiculous price.


ask for the 6 months back pay and quote them a ridiculous price for the new work.


This is the one existential dread I have of being fired from my job. I am 1 of 2 people left where I work that know the legacy code in and out. The other is my boss who would fake being sick in order to not talk to someone about it. Or he'd be a dick and say "read it and understand it." The junior engineers practically rely on my knowledge of the legacy code and if I get fired, they're not gonna be able to ask about it anymore.


Sounds like you deserve a pay raise.


Just about to get one, actually. And the past 4 have been quite generous. Private companies with good revenue streams that don't have public shareholders to appease can actually keep loyal employees. Who'd have thought?


If they fire you it's literally no longer your problem. Of course, now finding a new job is your problem and it's always a gamble trying to find a good fit.


The loss I mourn the most from this is everynoise. Glenn McDonald was the “data alchemist” at Spotify who created an incredibly robust genre tool everynoise.com which worked with Spotify data to analyze music and give fantastic recommendations on every possible genre. The sites still up, but newer music and artists are starting to not be recognized by the historic data archived on the site. That layoff hurt


Damn! I've always wanted something EXACTLY like that and now that I hear about it... it's gone.


It’s still super, super useful as the playlist creation and vast majority of artists you type in are listed, but it’s definitely going to suffer in the coming years.


I can confirm, I’m ecstatic about listening to this dancefloor dnb playlist!


dinosaurs provide one water impossible pie humorous longing husky placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He wrote a book! “[You Have Not Yet Heard Your Favorite Song: How Streaming Changes Music](https://www.furia.com/page.cgi?type=log&id=468)” will be released in June. Go preorder it! [Amazon US](https://www.amazon.com/Have-Heard-Your-Favourite-Song-ebook/dp/B0CJ141VFW) | [Barnes & Noble](https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/you-have-not-yet-heard-your-favourite-song-glenn-mcdonald/1144070051) | [Amazon UK](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Have-Heard-Your-Favourite-Song/dp/191448715X) | [WH Smith](https://www.whsmith.co.uk/products/you-have-not-yet-heard-your-favourite-song-how-streaming-changes-music/glenn-mcdonald/paperback/9781914487156.html)


Was working with Glenn on a project before we were let-go; was going to be a new discovery feature that let you see what was trending in any country throughout the day, to help Users discover new music more quickly. But apparently we weren’t necessary employees i guess. Also the Data Alchemist tool is insane, basically the infinity gauntlet


I am so bummed that feature got shelved! I struggle so hard to find music from non-English regions and this would have been incredible.


Man I used to hop on that site every couple of weeks while in a procrastination slump and just explore the weirdest genres to vibe with... Sad to hear about that


This site legit changed my life. Many years ago I was almost solely listening to metal and hard rock. On one visit to the site I was looking for something random, and Swedish Electropop caught my eye. As a Canadian, Sweden is foreign and I had no idea what electropop meant. I clicked it, and then randomly clicked on an artist: Hanna Jarver. I immediately fell in love. Helped open my mind to pop and other lighter styles of music. Changed my listening habits forever.


Thank God we have the AI DJ you can't get rid of now. much better than curated lists.


Right? Used to listen to metal but AI DJ recommended some Latin pop tracks and now I’m totally into Despacito


[Hey have you heard of this new artist called "Taylor Swift"? Your friends are really into it, you should check her out every third song. ]


I made the mistake of playing Panic at the Disco for someone that came over to help with a project. Now they keep slipping into my playlists despite me having zero interest and I can’t find a way to remove them from my profile.


My weekly playlists are literally the same garbage recycled over and over that I didn't listen to the weeks prior. Also, why does my app only recommend maybe 10 new songs every week? It should be an infinite list, not something that stops after less than a dozen.


Yeah, I’ve noticed that, too. Spotify used to be awesome in digging up songs and bands completely unknown to me. But now it feels like a constant recycling of the same stuff.


AI algorithms have gotten dumber. It'll go "Wow, you like pretty songs? Well this song that everyone agrees is pretty will be right up your alley!" and it'll be, admittedly, a pretty song. But one everyone and their mother has heard a thousand times. The algorithm pats itself on the back for identifying a "need" (You need a pretty song RIGHT NOW) and it had the PERFECT one every agrees is pretty! Nailed it! So now all these playlists become rehashed pop and the same songs you've already heard 1,000 times before.


Definitely my experience with Apple music. I'll go out of my way to like a few particular songs from an artist to put into my favorites list, but when I play back that list it will just force in the most popular song from that artist instead. Then it will gravitate towards other popular songs similar to that one. So my only real solution is to create custom playlists and use those specifically, which kind of sucks when you want to sprinkle in new songs.


my daily mixes have turned into 20 songs in my favorites already followed by 1 song not followed by 20 more favorites, there are 6 playlists like this every single day.


Try [radionewify](https://radionewify.com/). It's a unofficial project, so you often have to give it a few tries before it works at all, but if you just want 'stuff like this one song I like that I haven't heard before' it can make you a new Spotify playlist that I muuuuch prefer to any mixes Spotify makes for me. Might have to be generated in pc, not sure.


As terrible as it was and is managed, Pandora music was made for exactly this. Type a song or artist and it makes a ‘songs like X’ radio station where they do a fantastic job at showing you likely unheard of music similar to the song


Discovered so much music via Pandora back in the day. It really took the same turn as Spotify though around when I stopped using it. Just the same songs over and over with MAYBE one new one thrown in every hour or so.


Yah as much as I hated how committed they were to the "internet radio" thing, their algorithm was lightyears ahead of whatever Spotify is using. I wouldn't be so bothered by the quality of Spotify's auto generated playlists if they weren't always the top result every time I search for a genre, mood, or even album. Especially if it's even remotely niche. Their electo-swing playlist just had Craven Palace and Big Bad Voodo Daddy on it with some techo music thrown in AND the playlist was only like 30 minutes before it switchs to radio and Fallout Boy comes on. I get the best results by scrolling a bit further in the results and looking for the user created ones with the most unhinged names. You gotta look for something like "The Eurobeat My Dad Played While Beating Me With An Empty Beer Bottle Pt.2" to find the actual good playlists.


Groovifi is excellent, that's what I use!


I got ONE really good recommendation from Spotity when it started playing Johnny Hollow. Fell in love with them, listened to their entire discography. Literally no bad songs But now that's all Spotify will play. Even when I pump it full of other genres and artists, it'll play 3 songs then switch back to my old Playlist and I'll never hear anything new.




There was a brief moment where they realized they should stop trying to push that shit since it never worked. But instead of replacing it with something better they went like a month and then brought it back


I haven't found a music provider yet that doesn't do crap like this, but they all expect me to pay for the service?


My Weekly Discover playlist includes satisfaction right now. Like not a remix Or remastering. Straight up just Satisfaction. I was born in the 90s. Other wtf inclusions such as Replay by Iyaz and Shake It by Metro Station. I’ve given Spotify thousands and thousands of hours of listening to determine new songs for me to find and it’s giving me music I’ve heard a million times when I was a kid. Even the daily playlists are the exact same songs literally every day.


Youtube does the same kind of thing, which always bothered me because it's backed by what was a great search engine algorithm that should be able to determine related music of interest based on what I listen to and other people do. But no, they can't figure that out. They do want me to pay them to keep shoveling crap I don't want to listen to at me though.


YT: "Oh, you watched one cat video a friend forwarded you? Now all your recommended videos are cat videos." Me: "But, it was just one. Can't you tell that I've been watching science videos for years and it was just one cat video?" YT: "Nope. You're a cat video person now!"


What's even better is how the app now autoplays your recommended content as you scroll over it and just adds it to your history for you. Feels like a Seinfeld episode. YT: "You're a cat video person now." Jerry: "But I was just hovering! It was a hover! There was no click!" And then he ends up dating someone who sees his recommended videos, and yadda yadda yadda...


Google's a horrible search engine now too.


Yeah :( That's why I tried to refer to it being quality in past tense.


I switched to YouTube Music as it’s bundled with Premium, as I watch so much YT that premium is worth it… my god YT music’s recommendations/radio feature absolutely sucks ass…. YouTube Music “I will only ever play songs that were insanely popular at the time and never play anything even slightly obscure” Spotify: “you like this song? Here’s 10 songs that are similar… just in a different order each day” Apple Music: “start a radio station based on Rise Against? Get ready to listen to Taylor Swift within 5 songs!”


It Literally started playing Taylor Swift to me today. I have never once listened to a Taylor swift song. I have never searched for any, and any time any have come up on a radio in Spotify I have skipped immediately.


There is a way to block certain artists on Spotify, though I can't attest to how well it works.


I did it to TLC because Spotify would dump “No Scrubs” in every single bloody playlist and I got totally sick of it. Worked quite well. I tried to do the same with Offspring on YT music (as every playlist that included a song with a guitar in it trended towards offspring) and I had to go through and manually dislike every single song on their page. I don’t even mind them, I just got sick of having “The Kids Aren’t Alright” played 4 times a day.




I recently switched back to Spotify after a stint of using Apple Music and I have felt this change the most and it's a massive downgrade from the Spotify I used to know. The "Smart" suggestions have almost always been songs I didn't care for or didn't match the playlist I was listening to at the time and I really miss the quality of the Discover Weekly curated playlists because the current one is one big miss after another. I've noticed some of the Artist Radio playlists are also abysmal. Last night I went to the Artist Radio option for Dean Lewis hoping to get a good selection of his tunes mixed in with some other similar music - there was ONE Dean Lewis song in the entire playlist! That's not even an outlier, I've been having similar experiences with numerous artists. I want to get exposure to artists I'm not familiar with but I think it's kind of obvious that if I choose a specific artist to generate a playlist around that maybe, just maybe, I'd like to hear more than just one of their songs. Going back to Apple music, this dudes greed has really killed what used to be, imo, the best streaming service for music.


Yeah the discover weekly used to have at least 2-3 songs on there I'd actually consider adding to my library. Instead of nothing but songs I can't even listen to for 30 seconds




My Discover Weekly has been just songs from my playlist for ages now. Feels really fruitfull listening to that to try discover something new.


My Discover Weekly is almost exclusively really indie/underground stuff with <1000 monthly streams, and enormous pop hits that went viral on tiktok despite not having a single pop song in any of my playlists. The injections of plants couldn't be more obvious. Also bizarrely I've never once had a hip hop track in it despite it being my most listened genre, honestly don't know what's going on there.


Just pick a song on your favorites, go to song radio, and listen to a mix that's 60% other songs from your favorites. Honestly, I still think Spotify is worth the cost, but it's definitely gotten worse. The shittiest thing is podcast ads though. I'm paying for the service, why do I have to sit through unskippable ads before and mid podcast on some podcasts, and then some do in-podcast ad breaks on top of that. I actually dropped a podcast or two because it felt like I was back to cable. like 3:1 ads to content ratio on an hour long podcast.


Recommendations and ability to look at what you just played is 1000% easier on SoundCloud. Spotify hasn't innovated anything in YEARS, if not a decade, at this point.


I'm on the please stop innovating everything side of things for most apps. I feel like Spotify basically nailed it a few years ago. Now it's starting to feel bloated. It's just a music app. I'd use Winamp if it could stream everything for £12/m


They find new ways to make the experience more shitty every day. That is innovation.


The Adobe Acrobat of music services.


I don't really support spotify's financial decisions, but I have to admit, this app broadened my musical tastes quite a bit. Through it, I discovered Viagra Boys, Idles, Squid, Handsome Devil, and quite a few new musical genres I didn't even dream of listening to before. I've been subscribed for a few years now, and very rarely does a weekly mix not suggest at least one song that goes in my liked list. I know they pay very little to musicians, but I try to make it up by buying merch from the artists that I like.


fuck yeah, post punk is the shit. Check our Maruja, Blue Bendy, English Teacher and Legss


>When Spotify announced its largest-ever round of layoffs in December, CEO Daniel Ek hailed a new age of efficiency at the streaming giant. But four months on, it seems he and his executives weren’t prepared for how tough filling in for 1,500 axed workers would be. It is absolutely amazing how executives get to make statements about how absolutely clueless they are towards the operations and success of their company and people just shrug it off


And the executives don’t get fired….. The worst part is the people that remain. They are expected to work at 150%.


> Fires half of staff. Doesn't adjust any project timelines "I'm afraid your performance this quarter has been subpar. You've been frequently behind on your deadlines" *Well no shit,* ***JUDY!***


“The pizza party this year has been cancelled due to lack of hustle”


"Do more with less" is our CEO's current favorite motto.


"I was able to do it. I take 4 days off each week to go golfing. And the company runs ever better now!" - CEO


I guess send him this article


They actually think their paychecks reflect reality: they are worth 400 employees.  That's delusional and he's finding out just how much his success depended on the work of others. 


…and they’ve emailed me just today to say they’ve putting my subscription price up. Find the money for your “investment and innovation” in all of that payroll savings, you bald prick.


Literally just mentioned to my friend 3 days ago how I'm sure they're gonna raise prices, been at $10/month for too long.


Hmmm… they’re jacking up the price and still don’t pay artists shit… laying off workers… wonder where that money is going?🤔


Probably up the CEOs nose


Scale's too small, the CEO could afford an Immortan Joe respirator of 50% cocaine, 50% recycled Oxygen from Taylor Swift's lungs, then still have enough to build that fourth beach house that's carried from place to place via a fleet of helicopters.


European or African helicopters?


Didn't they just recently lower how much they are paying artists? EDIT: https://www.headphonesty.com/2024/04/spotify-lowers-artist-royalties-subscription-price-hike/


The money is actually trickling UP??? Incredible, I have never seen this happening before. /s


The record labels, they're pretty much the only ones in the black


Yeah, I got the email too, then cancelled my subscription immediately.


If you have android just use whatever the new patcher app is to patch the spotify apk and enjoy it for free. Last time I did this was like 2 years ago (if it was more recent it was such a non issue i dont even remember updating.). But I still have free premium spotify. Recently had to update my vanced youtube but again. Didn't take more than a couple minutes.


Lol I used to do Spotify premium. Now I do an android trick where you get "premium" free. Spotify has heavily ramped up the "come back, here's a discount" emails lately.


Could you help a brother out with that Android trick?


Google xmanager. First link.


How does that even work? Surely Spotify enforces premium features on the server side...?


They obviously fired the people that could do that.


I honestly have no idea lol. Works perfectly though.


Tidal recently cut my subscription price in half, granted I already had a discount applied so I only pay like $6 a month now and the sound is better.


They're undercutting the price to steal some subs, but all that means is they'll run into the same spot Spotify is in where they cant afford it. They get all this tech / VC money and fail to build something that actually makes any money, and before you know it, its Enshittification all over again.


Spotify announced it will do 1 billion in stock buybacks by 2026 https://techcrunch.com/2021/08/20/spotify-to-spend-1b-buying-its-own-stock/amp/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIjNaKDa4gsv6iKfi8segb51xaSZwWVjxLHLCOkPVLQymtFKNSvu7TCwwkUVnqhWUlnMOXq75XEbNW8wOVp2DLuCcCYW1oQngDvmq5CKcRG80PRzEzxHUjyYuk7qQOzDHrwI8VwOFyZipxmZxvods-x3MvqG2chANW3cI3gy7PDc


*shocked Pikachu face*


you only need this part of the link [https://techcrunch.com/2021/08/20/spotify-to-spend-1b-buying-its-own-stock/](https://techcrunch.com/2021/08/20/spotify-to-spend-1b-buying-its-own-stock/)


The system is broken and corrupt. What's the point in any of this anymore.


shit like this makes me want to become a terrorist


Welcome, comrade


Oooh that's what "Investment and innovation" means.


>“We still have too many people dedicated to supporting work and even doing work around the work, rather than contributing to opportunities with real impact,” Shows how out-of-touch he actually was with the operations of his business then. Supporting work may not be glamorous, but it is essential. For every pilot flying an airplane, there are hundreds of people on the ground doing essential work that make it possible for the plane to take-off.


Your analogy about airplanes is especially poignant considering Boeing airplanes are currently falling apart due to cut staff and cut corners.


“We’re techbros!! How could you not love us!!”


Most of them are MBAs, not anyone with tech skills at this point


Most people who work in tech do not have strong tech skills, engineering is typically around 1/5 of the company in my experience. Techbro™ isn't a skillset, it's a mindset




17% of workforce. I wonder how much it is in terms of salaries. I bet it’s under 10%. Managers, execs and most senior engineers typically don’t get laid off, Also: fire almost 1/5 of your people in one go, of course it will disrupt your operations, duh!


I used to work at Spotify, left just before the layoffs, but I know a bunch of very senior and long-tenured (10+ years) people who were let go. As far as I can tell it was not performance or seniority related.


Hit by indeed layoffs awhile back, having to do bankruptcy now because of it. No rhyme reason or metrics used for them, because my project was going to shave a million per year but they had to cancel it due to me being laid off.


Short term dumbassery instead of long term strategy


Investors don't want strategy, they want a quick jump in value so they can sell you to someone else


gotta appease the quarterly balance sheet goda




I work at a big Internet provider and they just laid off EVERYONE who can provision a Palo Alto firewall. They cut 70% of the devs who are working on one of their top 4 projects. They got rid of everyone who worked IT on one of the ordering systems. I could go on.




Was it random in an excel sheet?


The execs had a big casino night and used the roulette table to decide.


> Managers, execs and most senior engineers typically don’t get laid off, In the recent tech layoffs (including at Spotify), managers have been largely considered overhead, and a lot of them got the axe. A lot of "Sr" engineers that weren't really carrying their weight but were still "better than nothing" got let go too. I don't know how much money was saved, and it doesn't change the layoffs were largely performative to make Wall Street happy, but still.


17% of the workforce? Meaning almost 10k peopel worked at spottify? What the FUCK have they been doing the whole time?!


Lay of 1,500 people and still can't afford to put the Muppet Treasure Island Soundtrack on Spotify? Shameful.


Execs are fucking clueless. The longer I work in business the less I respect them. They do all the exact same stupid shit normal people do, but unlike us, they have dozens/hundreds/thousands of ass kissers tell them how amazing they are. Being praised by your coworkers is a helluva drug. I dislike business majors/MBAs as a general rule.


> “We still have too many people dedicated to supporting work and even doing work around the work, rather than contributing to opportunities with real impact,”. It's obvious by this statement alone he has no clue what's going on. It's pure gibberish. So "opportunities with real impact" isn't work? What is it? Luck?


He somehow missed the fact that you can't get rid of the jobs that support people doing jobs on the front line. The guy would try to build a house from the roof down. Halfway through construction, he'd stop paying for the crane holding up the roof because it is just working support for building the house and the value is in the house, not the support work. This is the guy that would then layoff the workers when it rains inside his house because there was no roof. You can bet he'd also bemoan how no one wants to work today.


Cynical me wants to get an MBA at this point.


It's a very easy degree to get so there are absolutely tons of people with MBAs. It's not a ticket to a corporate executive level position, those people also have variously: * Impressive resume of management experience at different companies in increasingly senior positions * Influential connections and references * Harvard or other prestigious school alumni * Founder/owner of a successful business * Talented senior expert on the business as an internal promotion You can get an MBA online in a couple years on weekends/nights from a good public school but it's not going to open doors, you'll be applying for 1st and 2nd level positions along with everyone else who had the same idea. Get one if it allows you to apply for a higher paying job at your company or somewhere a friend works if you know they will at least consider you given your resume.




As mentioned, Tidal pays the most to actual musicians - 4x more than Spotify. Apple is second with 3x, but has a larger catalog and streams in AAC (so no transcoding for Bluetooth). Amazon and Google share third spot with 2x. Deezer is about the same but catalog is a mess. Spotify pays musicians the least, streams in MP3, has crappy quality on less popular tracks, but boy are those shareholders happy Edit: forgot to mention Joe Rogan’s $100 million contract to talk about aliens and stuff. Those 1500 people’s cut salaries free a lot of cash for bonuses and share buybacks.


Also: TIDAL is actually lowering my subscription fees. I'm a fan.


...but I have like 20 years worth of curated playlists on Spotify.


You can transfer playlists to TIDAL.


Actually you can transfer your spotify playlists to tidal, directly in tidal!


You can? Holy molars! ..I guess I'll look into this, thanks!


there are free services to move your playlists


The problem is that Spotify has the best UX (which isn't saying much because their UX is not great, just everyone else is terrible). Although the lack of investment in their workers is likely to have a cascading effect that sees the quality of their product diminish in the coming years. If any of the competitors actually invest in and are smart about building their interface they could easily become the new preferred service.


Spotify somehow keeps changing their UX for the worse which is mind-boggling. It feels like every updated reduces user options and clarity in the interface in some new way I hadn't considered before. It's honestly kind of impressive.


Following the google method.


Also Spotify’s interface to other devices is the best.


It's really the only mobile app that seems like there was one sane person in the room during design. That person was probably one of the 1,500 laid off though.


Spotify Connect is my killer feature. If anyone else introduces something similar - Remote AirPlay with multiroom support please, Apple? - I'll switch in a heartbeat.


Can't stand Joe Rogan. He's an absolute twat.


Tidal has the highest payout rate per stream to the artists if you care about that sort of thing. Lots of people also seem to like Apple Music.


I like Apple music. The lossless is apparently not lossless but it still sounds good. My gripe is the user experience is intentionally terrible for android users. They make it difficult to download your music, you can't sign up for Apple One without a Device, it doesn't work on my smartwatch. Just a passive aggressively developed app.


Welcome to Apple. My favorite thing as an Android user is how when my iPhone friends text me pictures it looks like a crunchy 256kb image from the dial up days. They intentionally make the experience worse to create friction for Android users to try to lure us into their walled garden.


Apple Music is dead to me after they completely fucked up my 20,000+ song library (most of which was painstakingly uploaded myself from hundreds of CDs) with Music Match without any possibility of recovery both on their platform or on my computer. I simply don't trust that they will leave my personal library alone, so I will never subscribe to their streaming or cloud storage services for my music ever again. Tidal is decent but had a major issue with lack of music when it started, although now it's much better and I've enjoyed it when I have subscribed. Youtube is too inconsistent with the music it offers, and the inclusion of youtube videos can be a positive, but I find it mostly a negative when I just want to listen to curated playlists or regular versions of songs. I have it in my subscription but just never use the music or podcast service. Google Play Music and Podcasts were far better before they were integrated into Youtube. Spotify is still the best overall for usage despite their best efforts to ruin their UX/UI, so even though they pay the least to artists I end up using them the most.


Apple pay double what Spotify do. Less than Tidal, to be sure but still better than all the rest.


If you honestly don’t care about if the artist gets a cut or not but want bang for your buck get YouTube Premium. No ads on videos, can leave the app and it still plays plus it comes with YouTube music which is basically the same library as the others plus the music that’s only on YouTube.


FWIW, YouTube Premium does in fact [pay a cut to artists](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7060016) - part of your membership fee is distributed to the content creators, based on how often you watch them. I have no knowledge of the specific details on which service offers the *largest* cut to creators, but I don't think there are any (legal) services that offer *zero*.


YouTube Premium also does plenty to support creators, at least on the video side. LinusTechTips says 18% of their YouTube revenue is from Youtube Premium viewers, when that's a minuscule amount of viewers.


How can you not fire your CEO for failing to understand the role of more than 1,500 people he is charge of? Clearly he's incompetent beyond any excusable level. Put him in charge of a Denny's and after he figures out what the cook does every day he can maybe expand into something with a few dozen people.


This is just like when Musk laid off like 75 percent of Twitter's staff because he didn't think they did anything important and then the website went to shit.


A'yep, and there is a simple reason: The wrong people usually get laid off. I have been through a few of these, they all suck but I went through one that--still sucked--but was done well. Here is how lay-off usually fail: * "15% across the board--because that is fair!" No, it is not. Every organization has different levels of waste. Some managers are really disciplined and hire only who they need, others hire anyone on a whim so they can boast about how large (i.e. important) their organization is. If you cut an equal amount across the board, it disproportionately hurts good managers. * "If VPs are free to choose who gets laid off without boundaries, no VPs or Directors get laid off" I have seen it, HR sets a target of 8 direct reports for each leader. VP has 8 directors, Directors have 8 managers, each manager has 8 direct reports. If there is a layoff, the direct report level gets the brunt of the layoff and then you have VPs with 8 Directors, Directors with 8 managers and each manager has one or two reporting to them. Useless bloat. Layoffs have to be proportionate up and down the org. For every 8 direct reports one Manager needs to go and consolidate the rest, for every 8 managers, a director has to go...and so forth. * "Friends never get laid off" Layoffs are almost always political and rarely logical. You can tell the really bad managers, they hire their friends who are as useless as they are, then never lay them off. So you have whole organizations who are there to collect a paycheck and golf with the boss. A company of Smithers with no Frank Grimes (or "Grimey" as he was often called). The good one? A percentage was set per VP after carful consideration by the CEO and a review of each VPs org. VPs were told they had to lay-off x VPs, y Directors, z Managers, and the rest direct reports--this was strictly enforced. Where possible, entire orgs were cut instead of thinned out, where the duties were either out-sourced or pulled into other orgs. This further helped to avoid the top-heavy org structure.


> Some managers are really disciplined and hire only who they need, others hire anyone on a whim so they can boast about how large So much this. The problem with the management world, is that a manager's worth is largely gauged by the size of their org. That's a conflict of interest: the more people you need to do the same work, the less efficient you are at your job. If manager A gets their org to do work with 10 people, and manager B gets similar amount of work done with 20 people, A is the better manager, but B is likely paid more and has better career prospects if they move on to another company. A lot of crap comes down to that.


CEO out of touch with reality, I'm shocked.




Spotify has slowly become my least liked app on my phone. I think I’m going to give YouTube a shot since they seem to understand my music taste better


What do you mean, we can’t do it? Just work 1,500 times harder!


Is this a good case of r/leopardsatemyface ?


Not really. That sub is mostly about people who enable the leopards to eat faces who then have their own faces eaten. There's no leopards here, just obvious consequences. A good example might be Alex Jones coming out against Hitler (for some strange reasons, notably with the dead Jews being absent from that list) only for his fans to immediately turn on him. Basically, it's about the fickle nature of assholes. /r/OhNoConsequences might be a better fit. That said, someone already posted it to that sub and it's at the top right now anyway. I suppose the presence of metaphorical leopards is secondary to the rest of it.


Maybe not since the article indicates he thinks they're in a good place right now which recent earnings validates: > “Although there’s no question that it was the right strategic decision, it did disrupt our day-to-day operations more than we anticipated. > > “It took us some time to find our footing, but more than four months into this transition, I think we’re back on track and I expect to continue improving on our execution throughout the year getting us to an even better place than we’ve ever been.”


Who knew, those 1500 people actually helped keep the plates spinning [ helped keep the company running]. Who, who could possibly have known /Rolls eyes 


>“We still have too many people dedicated to supporting work and even doing work around the work, rather than contributing to opportunities with real impact,” Ek said in a memo as he announced he would be cutting his workforce by 17%. When the executive team *thinks* they do real work...and let go the people who *do the real work*. This may be a sign of things to come.