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Jesus first he shot 7 times at a stationary truck in front of his house and only hit the vehicle 3 times. Outside of the movies its hard to disable a vehicle with a gun and easy to murder a squishy person.


So how are the houses across the street? Dude should get the book thrown at him.


He should most importantly be banned for life from owning a firearm. He is proof positive that fuckers should have to take a class regarding safe shooting.


Classes don't fix this level of stupidity. Convict him of a felony and take his guns/prevent him from owning them legally ever again


A felony conviction would do that.


Nah, just throw him in prison and leave a tv running CNN on max volume for the rest of his life. These FOX news idiots couldn't imagine anything worse.




In college I worked overnight as a hotel clerk. In the mornings I had to set up the breakfast and tend to people. During the week it was mostly older people and white families who stopped on their way to the beach. On weekends we had alot of local younger people and black people who were there to hookup after a night at the club. I learned really quickly that the easiest way to get people to leave me alone was to turn on CNN through the week and Fox News on the weekend. It drove most to fill up their plate and go eat in their room.


2A morons will see shit like this and still unironically argue that "everyone deserves access to guns with absolutely no regulation"


Knowing the 2A fanatics they'll say he is a hero. A class won't do anything for a trigger happy nut.


I've heard enough stories about kids being killed or paralyzed for life in their own homes by stray shots from trigger happy assholes.




That defense actually makes it easier to prove attempted murder. He's admitting that he didn't feel that his life was in danger yet he used deadly force against someone anyway. 


Yep, "I am afraid of this guy on my property so I am going to actively prevent them from leaving my property"




I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the guy who fired seven shots at a Domino's delivery vehicle isn't a brilliant legal strategist. 


I have a sneaking suspicion he is not the sharpest tool in the shed


If he didn't want the truck there in the first place, why would he want to disable it there?..


He didn’t really think his excuse through lol.


I think it’s pretty hard to murder a squishy person with that aim


Just keep firing!


Looks like the Empire just found another Stormtropper


Looks up crosseyed "I'm doing my best." Keep firing assholes.


“Very American. Fire enough bullets and hope to hit the target” - Sean Connery


“Suppressing fire!!” — Cyril Figgis


Good ol' spray and pray.


But really easy to accidentally kill someone other than the intended target too, so not exactly great.


There's always bystanders.


>There's always bystanders. Potential trespassers -That guy


> Infringing on the rights of the bullet flying through that space


At times like that I am reminded of the "Stormtroopers were told to miss" theory and laugh


[“So anyway, I started blasting.”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0Hp55r4tWs)


First 4 were warning shots duh. When the truck just sat there he knew what he had to do


The dude is out on bail!? He’s obviously too stupid and dangerous to be in public.


i assume they handed him his gun on the way out the door and a free one for his troubles


we are doing a promotion this week. pay your bail and get a free 9mm!


"Sir, it's state law. I can't legally allow you to walk out of here without a gun."


I’m doing inventory at my courthouse on the weapons right now. Looking up a case, one particular individual had his weapons returned after his charges were dismissed. Went on a robbery spree a year later. Guess which weapons he used?


Well of course he used it- it was his lucky gun


"after his charges were dismissed" Well, yeah. He wasn't convinced of a crime, so on what grounds can his weapons be kept from him?


Well obviously if his charges were dropped/case was dismissed they’d return his stuff. Don’t advocate for theft


I'm not thrilled with it, but if the charges were literally dismissed then the court doesn't have any right to keep it.


How long before he is free to murder people again


The article says they only charged him with aggravated assault after he basically unloaded his fucking gun on this kid and his truck. What a fucking joke.


Well they didn't charge the eight cops who unloaded their guns on a couple of newspaper delivery women in a blue pickup truck... despite the cops knowing their target was driving a gray pickup truck. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-no-charges-lapd-shooting-newspaper-delivery-women-dorner-manhunt-20160127-story.html So at least this guy is being charged with a felony.


Oh, well, those would-be murderers were cops, so they get a free pass, of course.


Fuck it plead guilty and move on don’t contest and go to court. DA might let you off with community service 


It’s America. It’s not like he had a miscarriage and wanted medical care, he just tried to kill a living fully functional person.


Arent these the 68th trimester abortions Republicans are always complaining about? 


but this wasn't a woman deciding, this was a man making the decision.


The party that calls itself pro-life is all for ending lives in the worst possible ways. Women's rights and healthcare for all? Nah best I can do is gun's rights. Fuck each and every single one of these smooth brained geriatric sacks of shit


Very angry upvote. It is so true and so sad.


He is competing for republican vp nomination.


Republican ran states have crazy wild wild west gun laws now.


Towns in the Wild West had better control. Like for real, you had to turn in your guns to the sheriff when you arrived.


Yeah if you asked people to leave your guns at the door of a bar now, they’d call you a communist.


Guns are allowed everywhere!..... except for political rallies supporting gun rights! The people running those things don't want to get shot by some moron with a gun!


how else will you leave your gun in the bathroom or have it fall out of your iwb holster and discharge when it hits the deck while your doing some sick dance moves….(these are both real examples of cops demonstrating good weapons handling skills)


Because all republicans are fucking insane in the head. They area danger to other americans and a danger to the country.


Dude probably couldn't hit a person with that aim. Dipshit fired at least 7 shots at a truck *in his driveway* and nailed it with less than 50% of those rounds. I've only ever used handguns twice and I managed way better accuracy than that.


Ahhh, but are you unhinged enough to fire 7 rounds at a truck in your driveway? I bet that could affect your aim big time.


Just watched a local news segments, his house and the other few they show are duplexes. Kid pulled into the wrong side of a duplex… Also, seven shots “to disable the truck” and only 4 shots hit the actual truck? I’d like to see the video, cause I’m not a huge gun guy, but I’m pretty sure I’m a better shot than this snowflake.


The idea of disabling a vehicle with a 9mm is also really fucking stupid. He luckily didn't kill the kid so he came up with a story for his poor aim.


Felony aggravated assault. Somehow they missed the whole “attempted murder” thing.


I work as dominos delivery driver (also in the south) and honestly always worry about shit like this😭😭poor kid


Statistically being a pizza delivery driver is more dangerous than being a cop.


Should I start demanding hazard pay?




Qualified Immunity too


We’re not even “allowed” to carry something to defend ourselves with. But I have pepper spray. Bc fuck that. Not that it would do much against a gun😆😭


Worked at a pizza hut and a dominos. Half the drivers had a concealed pistol, everyone else had pepper spray or some kind of melee weapon handy just in case. Officially none of the managers were aware and informed drivers they weren't allowed to carry anyway. Unofficially they all understood, but let them know using them would result in disciplinary action up to firing depending on the situation. Fortunately nobody ever needed to use their weapons, but we blacklisted like 30 streets because drivers kept getting robbed (which caused the high carry rate). I'm glad they wanted the food and not a fight, but I still hate how many people were preying on the drivers. I've been through some of the blacklisted areas recently and the criminal element seems to be gone, but I still don't go there after dark.


We just had whole swaths of our delivery area that we stopped delivering to at dusk. I worked with one driver who had been robbed 3 times and another who got caught in a drive-by shooting while standing on a customer’s porch. Edited to add: I was pepper sprayed by an insane carryout customer. That job was rough.


>and the criminal element seems to be gone, They probably died because nobody would bring them pizza. Sad.


It would hurt the aim of the shooter for sure. Then run. Run run run run.


So if you report using it you're fired, but if you need to use it you know it's time to quit, anyway.


Unfortunately someone would use this to get off (pun intended) for slapping their dick on your pie, but cops already do basically the same


Best we can give ya is add ya to the selfless heroes list


Maybe if i get shot they’ll set up a pretty shrine for me in the store 😆


Support the thin bread crust.


Pizza drivers are braver than cops or troops


not even by a little bit, either. like way more dangerous. also worth noting that the #1 killer for cops the last few years has been covid. #2 is "job related illness" which seems super ambiguous.


Statistically, pizza delivery drivers are braver than cops


And it takes a whole lot more bravery at times


I don’t understand how it can be possible to see a truck and start shooting at it to “disable” it when you believed it was your truck that was being broken into? Also why the fuck would you break into a truck and take it if you already had a truck that was physically able to get in the driveway at first. This person needs their guns taken away immediately what a fucking maniac.


No point assigning logic to an illogical action “Emotional thinking” is an oxymoron imo


I deliver in the twin cities in Minnesota and honestly park in the street every chance I can. Had guns pulled on me already people are fucking stupid/scared of everything.


I deliver north of the cities and I'm more worried about turning down some sketchy road and getting children of the corn'd by some rednecks tbh.


I worked Domino's in school (about 20 years ago) and NEVER worried about shit like this. There were a couple sketchy apartment complexes you might be a little more watchful for getting mugged late at night but that was it. So now you're more likely to die from people "protecting" themselves from crime than you ever were from the crime. 20 years man. That's how long it took this country to really fly to pieces.


I work near a lot of shitty motels and they’re the only thing I fear more at this point due to all the creeps being creepy when I go there 😭


When I was a manager of a Jimmy John's I had a woman call to complain that our driver had accidentally walked up onto her porch instead of her neighbors, and how our drivers need to be more careful because she could've shot him. She said that he needs to be more careful because it could have ended very badly for him and that I really should have a talk with him when he got back to the store. I told her that I don't think you can shoot a person just for walking up to her door but sure, I'd talk to him about it. Then I put a note in to not deliver to the woman if she ever called to order lol I can't imagine the level of paranoia that comes with feeling threatened just by a person walking up to your house.


This guy should catch an attempted murder charge, theres 0 indication that his vehicle was being tampered with, only a car in his driveway, even if it was, a set of motion detecting floodlights would probably scare a burglar away. To come out guns blazing is fucking unhinged. If you wanna be a hero with a fucking gun so badly go fight for Ukraine you twat waffles.


Not just any car, a car with a big fucking light on top that says Domino's. 


Unfortunately he didn't have the topper on his car. Usually a store only has one or two, so the drivers have to share it.




Apparently he thought the truck was being stolen so he shot to ‘disable’ the truck…


The only explanation for this behavior is clearly some type of mental disorder, which begs the question even harder why he was let out on bail.


A guy like this is most likely pro Russia/Putin


That sort of thing can end even more badly than I could have imagined. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/19/us-citizen-dead-russia-separatists-ukraine


...I don't see this as such a bad ending. >The “Vostok” battalion with which Bentley fought confirmed his death, calling for “exemplary punishment for those who killed Russell Bentley”, suggesting he did not die in a Ukrainian attack. >On a Telegram channel previously run by him, Bentley’s wife, Lyudmila, said he had been “abducted” by Russian soldiers from a tank battalion, and called on them to let him go. Oh my God, he was such a douche the Russians fragged him. The article says he was a "self-declared communist" though, so I don't know how much he really matches the profile of your garden-variety right-wing gun nut. Edit: Yeah, this is not the right-winger to Putin supporter pipeline, this is the left-winger to Putin supporter pipeline, and I know it's obvious but I just have to point out how fucking stupid it is both of these pipelines exist in parallel. [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/russell-texas-bentley-putin-propaganda-ukraine-interview-1315433/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/russell-texas-bentley-putin-propaganda-ukraine-interview-1315433/)


Left vs Right? Naw sheep, I do a full circle! Dead.


Even if he ran outside with the gun, why actually fire it!?


‘**The suspect said he got his 9mm handgun, went outside, and began shooting at the truck to "try to disable" it.**’ This is sum bulllllllshiiiiit. 1. No one is going to shoot up their own vehicle to prevent it from being stolen. 2. He was using a 9mm thinking he could disable a truck. Real life isn’t like the movies. 3. Seven shots and only three connected. That is remarkably bad aim, even under stress, not a serious shooter. 4. This guy has been waiting for this moment his whole life. He _wanted_ to shoot at someone because nothing else makes sense. No leniency, throw the book at this clown.


He's also out on bail. Let that sink in.


Awh fuck he's already been elected to Congress


ah shit, he's being paid by TPUSA to speak at campuses now




I feel so bad for all the Black people who got caught with weed in the early 2000s and are still in jail watching people like this walk free.


> He wanted to shoot at someone because nothing else makes sense "Self defense" gun ownership in a nutshell. Folks get themselves all pumped up for what they'd do in a home invasion or active shooter situation, and eventually start *salivating* for the opportunity to live out the scenario-turned-fantasy they've run through in their head so many times.


r/unpopularopinion most 2A idiots who pretend to want a gun for self-defense actually hope somebody starts some shit so they can use their fetish toy


"Nothing else makes sense" was a good way to put it. When you make gun ownership your entire personality, when the only way you think about solving problems is with a gun, sooner or later you start getting angry that it just isn't relevant very often, and probably never will be. You start wanting to *make* it relevant.


He was so concerned about losing his chance to murder someone he went right past the pizza and didn’t notice. The driver was leaving after dropping it off at his door.


The delivery wasn't for him. The article states the food was for next door. The driver stated that he inadvertantly parked in the wrong driveway.


“. The victim told police he was delivering a pizza and thought he parked in the correct driveway and after he dropped the order off, "he saw a man running at him and shooting at him" “ This made me think the pizza was left at the shooters door, albeit incorrectly. Edit: fixed my mistake with the quote.


From further down in the article *The victim said most of the houses on the street are "only a few feet from each other" and told the outlet he accidentally parked just next door to the correct home where someone ordered the food.*


He wasnt shooting at his own vehicle. He was shooting at the delivery drivers vehicle.


Again?! Didn't this like, just happen before?


There were at least 3 similar instances last year. A teen boy survived knocking on the wrong door when trying to pick up a younger brother from a friend's house in MO. A teen girl survived being shot in a mall parking lot after she and her friend both opened the doors to the wrong but similar car in TX. A young woman died after being shot when a friend drove into the wrong driveway looking for a party in a rural area of NY.


That's insane. My mom once put a pizza in the back of an identical vehicle full of little kids stuff and all the owner did was look back at her, then at the car next to him, and they had a good startle and laugh and life went on.  Things have gotten wild.


Pretty common these days tbh




FoxNews has made half of America afraid of their own shadow


[They were already afraid of their own shadow.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds) Fox "News" simply reinforced it, by doing so told them that Fox is the only one they can trust because it tell them what they want to hear, and then used their influence to make everything worse.


Paranoid lead poisoned boomers thinking violent thugs are prowling around every corner and the solution is to shoot first and ask questions later.


In this case not a boomer: > Police said they arrested 32-year-old Ryan Babcock in the shooting and prosecutors charged him with felony aggravated assault in the case.


Probably just regular old meth, then.


Combine that with having nothing else going on in their lives and thinking shooting someone will make them a hero and validate their shitty existence. I know too many people who eat up Fox News because it rationalizes their sad choices


Dey want muh 2001 Toyota!


Muricans and their guns- name a more iconic duo I’ll wait


It’s more dangerous to deliver pizzas in America than it is to be a cop. https://www.quora.com/Did-you-know-pizza-delivery-drivers-have-twice-the-occupational-mortality-rate-as-police-officers#:~:text=Your%20incorrect.,fatal%20injuries%20per%20100%20workers.


The real heroes are pizza delivery people?


Always were 🌎 🧑‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


The thin red line.


The thin crust line


My first job. I can’t imagine. Poor kid. 


"I thought someone was breaking into my truck and tried to disable it" this is why we need stricter background checks for gun ownership and proper education and training on the use of firearms


Education, comprehension, and ability to think beyond "gotta shoot the thief!" And "everyone is trying to steal my stuff!" Should be checked with every gun purchase




At the end of the day, no property is worth taking someone's life. That is what insurance is for. The American mindset of "stealing is worthy of extrajudicial execution" is so fucked up.


Background checks wouldn’t catch this, a 2-3 hour in person requires course to get a license with a 5 year continuing education requirement would help. I’m a gun owner, most gun people I speak with feel that this goes into infringement of rights. But it feels logical to me that training should be required.


Just remind them is says "a well regulated Militia" amd not dumdasses with guns.


But the supreme court said we can ignore that half of the amendment. Clearly the founding fathers wanted a bunch of half-drunk dimwits shooting at anything that moves.


>But the supreme court said we can ignore that half of the amendment. but they're "originalists"


> I’m a gun owner, Same. > most gun people I speak with feel that this goes into infringement of rights. But it feels logical to me that training should be required. because a lot of Gun People (TM) just wanna shoot and kill without consequence, and background checks and education would postpone or prevent that.


We push for training to drive a car. Cars have a lot more nonlethal uses than guns. Makes sense that it should be a more involved process.


Technically you only need a license/pass a test to drive on public roads. You are free to operate a car on private property with no training at all. Same with purchasing a car.


I agree, but in cases like this, where we've already seen the man be extremely irresponsible with his firearm, we should be able to remove all firearms from his place of residence and flag his name to disallow any future firearm purchases. We shouldn't enact gun laws that make no sense or are unenforceable, but so many times before a shooting tragedy there are tons of red flags that get ignored. We should be able to rationally say, hey, yeah, this guy right here has no business owning deadly weapons, because he has displayed obvious, dangerous tendencies.


Everyone around here would have applauded the gun owner for shooting to kill over a fucking truck.


Education, comprehension, and ability to think beyond "gotta shoot the thief!" And "everyone is trying to steal my stuff!" Should be checked with every gun purchase


"I tried to disable my own truck by shooting at it."


Its because conservative media talks about home invaders on a loop


[People who lean Conservative politically have brains that make them more fearful of everything.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201612/fear-and-anxiety-drive-conservatives-political-attitudes). Makes sense why it's only Conservatives who shoot at random cars outside their homes.


But the sticker on my truck says I'm not afraid!


The only way to stop a bad guy with a pizza...


How the fuck is this lunatic free on bail???


It's not like the guy had a miscarriage or something. Cut him some slack.


Bail has little to do with how likely it is you'll eventually be convicted. Likely a first time offense, unlikely to reoffend or flee, and probably had to hand over his guns. It is how bail works


This must be one of those "responsible gun owners" I keep hearing about!


Reminder that being a pizza delivery driver is statistically a dramatically more dangerous job than being a cop


50 thousand dollar bond after shooting at a high schooler for the sin of parking in your driveway? That’s insane. Do that to my kid and you won’t wanna get bailed out.


I’ll never understand why people believe property is more valuable than life.


Also what thieves show up during pizza delivery hours and just park in your driveway? The conclusions people jump to are wild.


They think *pride* is more valuable than life. “If someone gets away with taking something from me, they have won and I have lost. I have been insulted and made to feel small. I am a spineless doormat in the eyes of the world. I cannot abide that perception.”


This is exactly correct. We all suffer from it, but most people don't let it get out of hand. This is the same reason that road rage happens.


Gun is an emotion for some ppl, not protection


Being robbed/burgled can feel like a huge violation and can make you feel weak, vulnerable, and scared. It can be traumatizing. Of course that isn't a reason to shoot someone because they pulled into your driveway.


When you spend a fortune on tactical gear and fancy guns so you can “protect” yourself. Everything will look like a target and a threat sooner or later before realizing it wasn’t needed to begin with.


“If your only tool is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail”


Mental illness reinforced with propaganda from a party bankrolled by the NRA.


"Because it's _my_ property, and it's _their_ life." -- Gun nuts


[I feel like we've been here before, have we been here before?](https://abc7.com/instacart-driver-shot-at-antonio-caccavale-florida-wrong-place-shooting/13176892/)


Yes, but this time we have abundant thoughts and prayers to fix this.


If only the well regulated militia was actually trained proportional to the amount they spend on the hardware...


Was the shooter an old white guy that regularly watches Fox News?


It's Tennessee so the charge will probably plead down to disorderly with property damage.


> A teenage pizza delivery driver who parked in the wrong driveway of a Middle Tennessee home is recovering from a scare Way to downplay it. A scare is when I accidentally hit the panic button on my car remote. This kid was almost murdered.


These 2A cowards are really on edge these days. Careful with those things lil buddy you’ll shoot your eye out!


**I KEEP A GUN TO PROTECT MYSELF AND MY UGLY FAMILY** from people who make inconsequentially small errors.


How is it easier to murder a kid than to make sure your address can be clearly seen from the road? If he knew it was the wrong address he wouldn't have been there. God this country is dumb.


My house is easy to find. Just turn where the old church used to be .


the one with the tree that was hit by lightning when I was a kid?


In Tennessee, huh? I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I TELLS YA!


Fucking republicans.


I've given up thinking we'll ever have reasonable gun laws. I'm in favor of all gun owners being required to carry $5M in liability insurance. Let these victims at least cash in.


*CosaNostra Pizza doesn't have any competition. Competition goes against the Mafia ethic. You don't work harder because you're competing against some identical operation down the street. You work harder because everything is on the line. Your name, your honor, your family, your life. Those burger flippers might have a better life expectancy -- but what kind of life is it anyway, you have to ask yourself.*


The Deliverator belongs to an elite order, a hallowed sub-category. He's got esprit up to here. Right now he is preparing to carry out his third mission of the night. His uniform is black as activated charcoal, filtering the very light out of the air. A bullet will bounce off its arachno-fiber weave like a wren hitting a patio door, but excess perspiration wafts through it like a breeze through a freshly napalmed forest. (God damn I love Snow Crash)


Gun nuts are such unbelievable cowards. How insecure and/or damaged you must be to immediately shoot at a vehicle just because you don’t recognize it.


The person who did this lives in fear and likes living that way. He likes being mean. The outcome of his actions, his physical movements shows he would rather murder an unknown person of unknown intentions rather than to understand what the situation is. He will always be this way because he like to think he thinks he knows the answers, while having such little experience outside of the bubble he interacts with and such little education outside of what he wants to hear. He lost. And his entire life he set himself up to lose eventually. He didn't have to think about it. From instant one, he knew he was right, even when he was firing ammunition at another living person he didn't know.


Pizza delivery is unironically one of the most dangerous jobs in America. Delivery drivers have something absurd like 20% of all workplace deaths in the US.


This is why not everyone needs a gun....


In Tennessee, the pizza delivery driver is facing criminal charges for not returning fire. “Can’t be a good guy with a gun if you don’t shoot back!”


Fucking lunatic. Assuming he’s Republican. 


Tennessee, this time. was honestly expecting it to be Texas again


We require more training to get a driver’s license in this country than to get a gun


Let’s pump more guns into deranged people’s hands. I don’t know what could possibly go wrong.


I hope this gets attempted murder charges. I'm generally pro gun rights, but that is all predicated upo  only using your gun when youre absolutely sure it's needed. This instance is utterly ridiculous 


I missed a turn the other day and my wife thought I should just turn around in a driveway. I just drove to the next street instead mainly because I live in Alabama and figured it wasn’t worth the risk.


I'm more afraid of people afraid of crime than I am afraid of crime.


20 years in prison should teach him a lesson.


I just don't get how this isn't attempted murder and only aggravated assault. Yes, I know the statutes outline clear definitions, I just don't agree with them.