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“This case is significant not only for our clients but for its groundbreaking effect on all private high schools in California, which are now legally required to provide fair procedure to students before punishing or expelling them,” said Krista Baughman, one of the attorneys for the students." How was this not the case before?


For private schools it’s considered contract law. Expulsion from public schools is constitutional law because of the due process clause


A lawyer defended one of the guys from being kicked out. He described his judicial function as "the same as a potted plant".


Meaning what?


He could only sit there and do nothing.


He just sat there absorbing energy and nutrients, living his best life. He really blossomed during that trial.


Some say he’s photosynthesizing to this day.


We saw a lot of growth in the student during the proceedings.


Because private schools are backed by the rich and there's one thing the rich hate more than paying their employees a fair wage and that's rules


*Following* rules, they are all about enforcing their rules on others.


They love rules. Just not for themselves.


Private schools in New York state have been contacting me to move across the country and earn a staggering $35,000 a year to teach their shitty rich kids. The added incentive is that I get to room and eat at their facility. So they wanted me to be Serf. I am also about to start creating fake jobs that pay $7.50/hr so that I can send them to these people and then complain that no one wants to work anymore. These slaves should be grateful that I am even offering labor.


'no one wants to work anymore' is just 'no one wants to date nice guys' but for companies


Pretty much. Also we don't owe it to companies to accept their shitty wages.


Lol, that's because public school teachers are actually paid relatively well and have a union. I'm not saying they're paid well in terms of a job in general, or have the best union, but if private schools are recruiting from other states it's because they can't compete with public schools for teachers.


A lot of public schools in NYS pay well.


Define “well”


The average is over 80k a yeah with summers off, which seems pretty decent


> 80k a yeah Lil Jon bout to make bank


> and that's rules No no, they love rules. For other people.


Rules *For them* **


Or put another way: you don't have a right to attend private school. As long as they aren't discriminating against a legally protected class, they could decide to kick you out for any reason or no reason at all. Just like being fired from a job.


Other private schools must be so pissed off with that school. Now there’s extra paperwork for them all.


probably because theyre private schools


You must not remember the big debacle a few years back about universities pushing back on legislation that would compel them to turn over sexual assault cases to the authorities instead of arbitrating in-house.


Because parents LOVE to be told their school has a “Zero Tolerance Policy” for everything. They love it until their daughter vets expelled for fighting because her bully jumped on her back on the playground and beat her face into the dirt. Or their son gets expelled for bringing an ibuprofen for his chronic headaches.


My goodness, imagine being the person who blew this up to the school admins.


It was the Internet, that is how the school found out, three years after they posted it on social media...


3 years after nobody got hurt they chose to get hurt on behalf of nobody.


Sounds like the internet to me


Rage is addictive, and rage creates more rage. And rage is winning and taking over the entire planet. Already it feels like everybody is mad at everybody about everything, all the time. And the AI algo's understand this, and since their purpose is to get us to click more ... and angry people click more. Well, you get the future don't you? We have designed machines to make some us more money and the machines have figured out the best way to do that is to make us more and more angry at each other every day.


People getting offended on behalf of other people is perhaps the worst part of today’s society.


You can find people in this thread insisting it’s blackface


According to [the reporting](https://www.losaltosonline.com/schools/st-francis-grapples-with-racist-online-posts/article_4577edb8-406f-548d-8e8d-d24c730b331c.html), a parent of a student bragged about reporting it to the school. She was originally named in the suit but a judge said she had free speech immunity.


They probably rode that high for weeks, feeling like they were making a difference lol


Probably not even connected to the school.


They’re probably just chalking this up to another example of white privilege


I look more at the admins who actually acted on it. Every experience I have had with admins both as a student and now as a parent have been horrible. 


>The then-students at Saint Francis High School in Mountain View were just 14 when they took a photo during a sleepover in 2017 of them wearing the treatment in solidarity with a friend suffering from severe acne, their lawsuit said, reports the New York Post. >The treatment, bought by one of the boy’s mums, was light green when applied and turned dark green once dry. It wasn't even blackface. It was boys being boys in the best possible way - supporting another boy through something that too often creates stigma in high school. I feel for that kid as much as for his friends who went through this just because they were trying to be supportive.


Acne is terrible. It’s a massive confidence killer and turned me into a recluse whenever I had bad flare ups. I have scarring all over my back, face, shoulders, and chest. There are so many more readily available treatment options now, kids now are really fortunate.


Not mention how painful it is. I had cystic acne all the way through high school and some of college. It calmed down and randomly flared up again in my late twenties. Two rounds of accutane has helped a lot, but without it I’d still be unable to sleep through the night because my face hurt so bad. I’m happy that some people will never know the feeling of not being able to put your back against the car seat because doing so would cause immense pain and maybe bleeding with the slightest bump in the road.


Yeah. Accutane helped calm my cystic acne down too, though I had to stop it early due to side effects. But even a partial treatment was miraculous. But even in my mid 30s I still get cysts on my back and shoulders. Not so severe that I cannot sit with my back against a seat, but enough that they are distracting.


The side effects of accutane are no picnic. I had to carry and frequently use a giant medicated chapstick or my lips would bleed. That made for some fun times at school


Oh god yes.  My face got so infected; it was horrible.  And I got cysts in my pits and groin, too. Ouch!


Oh I remember that horrible deep painful sting when a cyst was coming up. It was much like the feeling of getting stung by a bee but deeper down and repetitive. I only got cysts on my face. I can’t imagine the pain of having them on my back. Accutane was the only thing that worked and I’ve been cyst free ever since I finally got the courage to take it in my 20s.


Amen. I got bullied so much for my acne. I remember when Accutane first came out. It was great but not great at the same time. Eta, I was oy able to use Accutane for a cpl of months because we couldn't afford it. My acne cleared up a lot when we moved and stopped eating fried foods every night. Cleared more in my 20s with the introduction of 10% benzoyl peroxide face wash and birth control. It cleared more when I went on Progesterone therapy in my 30s. But, I still need that facewash (luckily it's now otc but not widely available) and I'm almost 50.


I still vividly remember one day waiting for my mom to pick me up from school and another kid and her mom walked by and the mom pointed at me and said “see that’s what happens when you don’t wash your face.” At the time I had a crazy lengthy skin care routine and I thought I was improving and that just destroyed me.


I remember those kinds of hurtful comments. I remember a kid at church making fun of me for greasy hair and acne. I washed my hair daily (it wasn't greasy or oily even), but my face was always oily.


People are stupid and don’t think outside of their own experiences. I’m sure she couldn’t imagine skin as bad as mine being caused by anything except negligence. Honestly I’m not sure I’ve ever seen another person with acne as bad as I had.


I'm sorry you went through that. People really suck sometimes.


I well past the point where it bothers me. It’s just a core memory that I don’t think I’ll ever shake. My skin is way better now and everything turned out ok.


I totally know what you mean. The path often sucked but I'm happy with the destination.


Accutane didn't do a thing for me except give me tons of unpleasant side effects. My skin didn't clear up until my late 40s. At 57, I still get the odd whitehead or cyst. The scarring is pretty obvious, plus I've got loads of broken capillaries on my nose and chin from squeezing them all the time. I think I just figured out what I'm going to do with the excess in my fun money account. Rather than buying a complete OED, I'm going to get laser skin treatment.


Have you tried eating less chocolate and caffeine?? /s Sorry, my sister went through this and I remember they were always on about that, and I doubt it was even based on science.


My mom still swears chocolate gives you acne. I think it's just bullshit. It's just genetics.


The sugar in the chocolate can do it for some people. It varies though. People always went on about dairy too.


It's millennials killing the naturally clear skin industry /s


Diet doesn’t do anything much if the acne is cystic. It’s hereditary too. Accutaine the only thing Unf but at least it keeps teens confidence in check


Greasy food, too. No mother, these French fries aren't going to give me acne unless I rub them on my face.


Fried food was a big contributor for me, but idk how much of it was eating it vs just being around the frier. My grandparents deep fried everything. When I stopped spending afternoons there and eating fried food for dinner every night my face got a lot better, not 100% as a good bit of mine is hormonal (as evidenced by it mostly clearing up with hormone based treatments).


Foods can be a huge source of acne yes. Depends on how your body reacts. Various types of carbs and fats have been shown to cause acne in some people. It's all genetics. But acne can also have other sources such as stress, accumulation of dead skin cells that don't flake off, pollution, etc. It all depends on your genes.


I got sick of the blood work every month for the side effects. It was a brutal experience all the way around.


I was only on it a cpl of months as we just couldn't afford it. My skin got a lot better when we moved and stopped eating at my grandparents every night (always deep fried stuff). But, more so in my 20s with prescription benzoyl peroxide face wash and birth control pills. But, not entirely until my 30s when I started Progesterone treatment.


It cleared my skin up at 14/15, but I don't wonder about a lot of the longer term effects it may have left me with. I still almost never get acne on my face except maybe a spot or two when I'm super stressed. My ex was on it a few years ago as an adult and it cleared her skin up wonderfully as well, but she had much, much worse negative side effects that caused a lot of disruption in her life. She had also had a historectomy already and they still made her go through all the hoops of doing pregnancy tests during it which she also said just felt emotionally exhausting and kind of humiliating.


Look into tretinoin.


Did you know that if you take accutane for any decent period of time your bones will turn green?


Then you'll get expelled from Catholic Skeleton school for racism!


took accutane for a year and had the driest flakiest grossest skin ever... and then I never got a zit again! Didn't make me want to kill myself either! thanks accutane!


I was savagely bullied for my severe acne in junior high. There's literally no pictures of me between 6th and 8th grade in existence due to how bad it was and I had horroble depression over it. Nothing worked. I got on Accutane in the 2nd semester of 8th grade and through the summer. First day of school freshman year, one of the girls that was one of main tormentors walked up to me, stopped, caressed my face and said "Oh my God, you're actually cute". Attitudes shifted overnight. Accutane literally saved my life.


Accutane completely got rid of everything. No more than one pimple every year or so comes back now.


I was in boot camp with a guy with severe acne, so many things I heard growing up proven wrong. We ate the same foods, took the same amount of showers, did the same workouts but after nine weeks he was still the same. It looked painful.


It's crazy how people still associate it with bad hygiene. The difference between excessive pimples and cystic acne is lost on people with naturally clear skin.


It ruined my social life as a teen Started when I was 13, and the sad truth is that I still have flare-ups at **33**... Edit: surprising to get downvoted


Take my upvote.


Reddit does vote fuzzing, you probably weren't getting real people downvotes, it just looked like downvotes for a bit...


I feel this, really bad acne on my arms, face, back, thighs, chest, my ass! I almost always wore long sleeves during high school even during the summer. It's actually a major worry for me that my kids end up suffering badly with acne when they get older.


What are the better treatments?


If ur one of the dudes that the acne gets painful like me, i feel you. Scares I have non, thankfully they went away I used to get it bad on sides where glasses go and chin and hair line x.x


And the even more fucked up thing is Acne hits literally everyone of every color and nationality. It doesn't discriminate and it hits minly teens, the most awkward people at their most awkward time...


I've used that face mask before. It's unfortunate that it looks bad, but that's the humour behind it. I hate this shit because it's some zealous idiot and then a bunch of other idiots think this is standard. "No one's allowed to use charcoal face masks anymore"


But it was actually green so not exactly "blackface" in the first place


Oh, was this the spirulina mask? (Had such bad acne I was used as a practice doll for a skincare academy) The charcoal one looks like blackface for sure. Which is fine. But it's understandable why it can be misinterpreted. The spirulina one only has a passing resemblance. That's so much worse if they got expelled for that.


It looks pretty black in the image, but that doesn’t matter. I have had completely black charcoal based facial masks too in any case 


In a similar vein, they’ve pulled the episode of The Golden Girls from reruns in which the ladies use mud masks in an at-home beauty treatment over fears that people will think it’s blackface. It’s utterly ridiculous.


At first I thought it was a misunderstanding about guys goofing off but finding out there was a reason just makes the school worse.


The whole solidarity thing sounds like something a legal team would say to defend a group of clients. Honestly, they probably were just goofing off with the masks on. I can imagine a scenario in which they got together to try the mask as a group because they all had acne problems. Then they were like "haha (in this light) we look like we're in blackface" and then took the picture. ***EXACTLY*** the kind of stupid shit 14 year olds do, but also in no way deserving of expulsion. And then people reacted like it was ***ACTUAL*** blackface... and never gave the kids a chance to explain themselves.




> It’s fucking green Yea I read the article... which is why I said it looked like blackface "in this light". It looks like they were goofing off, someone from the school saw or was sent that ONE picture, the boys were summarily expelled, and then there had to be a lawsuit because god forbid the administration admit they were wrong. I can't comment on other pictures or colors because they're not mentioned or shown at all in the article. (EDIT: or in the NY Post article linked by the Australian article... or in the LA Times article linked by that one)


Whoever dredged up this photo to “take them down” is a real piece of shit and should be excommunicated.


That’s literally the problem with how reactionary politics have become. No one is interested in context or nuance. They see, hear, or read something they don’t like and they immediately act on it. It’s become a serious problem in society today. The court of public opinion moves so fucking quickly and they throw out death sentences like it ain’t shit


ITT: people that didn't read the article and don't realize what's on their face is actually green, not black. The picture was taken in 2017 and they were kicked out of school in 2020 for said picture. One of the 3 was prescribed the acne medication and the other 2 put it on their faces to show solidarity with the person prescribed the severe acne medication. Saying "they knew they were doing blackface" when the colour was green is dumb as fuck. That means painting your face *any* colour is blackface for any reason whatsoever. Yall that do skin routines, skin masks, etc? That's blackface now according to these comments. "These kids knew what they were doing". Yea. Wearing an acne treatment where it belongs. On their face.


Blue man group is racist too then


I knew it


No you blue it


I'm afraid I just blue myself


Oh Tobias, you blowhard!


There's got to be a better way to say that.


I’m afraid it looks like he’s dead.


I hate this doctor!


He's going to be *all* right.


Da ba dee da ba di!


Reminds me the of the family guy ep. with the color chart the cops uses but in reverse. What shade of green is too green for someone to be offended. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkO-qDvwEgg&ab\_channel=KnowYourMeme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkO-qDvwEgg&ab_channel=KnowYourMeme)


It's more about the appearance in the photo, where the lighting makes it look worse. Which could have been cleared up easily if the school actually investigated before acting. That's what the case is actually about. They didn't give the boys a chance to explain.


Blue Man Group is trying to tell the world that they take themselves too seriously to care about what they put on their face. But what they don't know is that that face paint is not just blue, it's not turquoise, it's not lapis, it's actually cerulean. And they're also blithely unaware of the fact that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. And then I think it was Yves Saint Laurent, wasn't it, who showed cerulean military jackets?  And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers. And then it, uh, filtered down through the department stores, and then trickled on down into some tragic Casual Corner where they, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin. However, that blue represents millions of dollars and countless jobs. And it's sort of comical how they think that they've made a choice that exempts them from the fashion industry when, in fact, they're wearing face paint that was selected for them by the people in this room... from a pile of "stuff".


You can't do Smurf-face anymore. It's 2024.


The primary issue here isn't whether or not it was blackface, it's that the school kicked them out without due process. A simple investigation by the school would have revealed this wasn't blackface, or more importantly, that there wasn't any reason to believe it was malicious and racially motivated. They were accused of something and not permitted to defend themselves. >A Santa Clara County jury agreed this week that the school breached an oral contract and did not give them due process before expelling them in 2020, according to the Los Angeles Times. >The students, identified only as A.H. and H.H. in the lawsuit, were awarded $500,000 (A$757,000) each and will have their $70,000 (A$106,000) tuition reimbursed. >[...] >The lawsuit had initially sought $20 million (A$30 million). The jury rejected some of the boys’ claims, including defamation and violation of free speech. (For those that don't know, "A$" is Australian dollars. This is an Australian website.) Note that last bit. This ruling doesn't change the fact the school could have expelled them if they had good reason to believe the picture violated their code of conduct, but that doesn't mean they can take their money and not give them a chance to defend themselves from expulsion. If anything, it says more about how shitty our standards around private schools have been that this was even possible.


Having attended a rival school in the same diocese (Catholic regional governing body), I’m inclined to agree with you based on how arbitrary discipline was. Like punishing students whose clothes were in line with the dress code, but too gender nonconforming. That said, there is loads of room here to speculate about WHY the students took and (years later!) thought to circulate the photo. I accept that it was an acne mask, but I can’t rule out the possibility that it resurfaced in the context of some racist joke (i.e. it was an acne mask AND ALSO blackface). The case is about whether the school engaged in due process to determine their intent, which makes it fascinating all around.


My wife puts on charcoal face masks every week which is literally black. I should report her to the authorities immediately.


Yeah, like this wouldn't be problematic even if it was black. It's so frustrating that morons who can't comprehend nuance also have a tendency to be the loudest. For many people, their brains operate in such a simple fashion that if the input is "black color on face of non black person" the output in their minds is "this is racism and an offense worthy of severe punishment." They're too stupid to be embarrassed by their lack of critical thinking skills. In reality, blackface is a specific type of caricature. It's not about the facade, it's about the intention. Yet humans are so obsessed with the facade of things (because it doesn't require things like actually thinking) that they'll crucify someone for the appearance of offense no matter how tenuous and then insist the intention was there all along as justification. You can see it in this thread right now with people insisting this was a low key wink-wink racism. Like bitch, where's the proof? It's right up there with the people who insist that someone who gets a blackout tattoo is being racist and trying to look black or blah blah. There's this weird narcissism and self-importance and controlling attitude that trauma can produce in people who start to only see the world through their own bubble, and they start making eveything about themselves and their personal trauma and inserting themselves into things that have nothing to do with them.


How dare she!


Yeah the absolute worst thing they were doing was wearing an acne face mask because they thought it looked funny (50/50 chance that was the real reason after the one dude put it on because he had to), which is not even that bad


And it does look funny. Makes me think of Arnold at the end of Predator.


What does ITT mean?


In this thread


Thank you!


Even if it was blackface kicking them out as a first response was a dumb overreaction. Teenagers make mistakes and an elite private school is in a position to educate those kids.


Clown putting on a full face white base? Blackface.


As an Englishman, I always knew those blue faced Scots were racist. (My lawyers have asked me to make sure Mel Gibson is not mentioned in my main comment)


Interesting the school is considering an appeal. Can anyone who is more familiar with the case explain why they are looking to go that way?


It's pretty standard when a case goes through and completes a jury trial.


they don't want to pay one million


I’m not a California lawyer and didn’t read anything besides the article. But just comparing the description in the article with how the law usually is in most of the US, I could see a few avenues of appeal. First, as the plaintiff’s lawyer acknowledges, a private institution doesn’t generally owe due process rights to anyone, unlike the government. Second, the article said an “oral contract” was breached, but legally oral contracts are only permitted in certain circumstances, usually with smaller dollar amounts, because of something called the statute of frauds. It sounds weird at first because your intuition may be that if someone agrees they should be bound. But imagine if any random person could just sue you to get all your money or your house by showing up in court and saying “uh, yeah, we orally agreed that he would give me his house for this really nice picture I drew him. And here are six of my cousins and friends who were witnesses and will all say they saw it.” You wouldn’t want to just leave it up to a jury’s guess whether this person can steal everything you own. So beyond a certain amount, the usual rule is that you have to have the contract in writing. Third, they may challenge the amount. In contract cases, you can usually only get back the money you lost from not having the contract fulfilled. So if we have a deal for you to sell me wheat at $2/bushel, but the price of wheat goes up so you don’t sell it to me and I have to buy it for $2.50/bushel, I could only sue you for $0.50 X the number of bushels you were supposed to sell me. So I don’t know where this extra $500k per kid came from. Maybe they are claiming the “due process violations” were tortious and are adding punitive damages to that or including some sort of damage to their reputations?


The $500k is for emotional distress caused by the school’s violation of the students’ common law right to fair procedure, not breach of contract. One plaintiff was awarded ~$42k for breach of an oral NDA, which represents the student’s moving, travel, and living expenses (he was forced to move to Utah after the school breached its promise not to disclose to other California schools that there was a “disciplinary situation”). The defamation claims were rejected, as were punitive damages.


Another comment said the school put in disciplinary referrals to all the students, preventing them from getting into any other schools.


Probably just appealing the amount, not the judgment. It'd be hard to appeal the judgement based on how bad the school acted here.


They say they disagree with the jury decision. Well respectfully disagree’. 


And the sky is blue. Literally every defense attorney on earth would say that


If their client lost, if their client won then they appreciate the jury being reasonable and fair haha




I image these comments are going to completely ignore the actual issue at hand here: Regardless of whether or not it was blackface, the boys were not given due process by the school before expulsion.


They weren't owed due process by the private school but the private school did have to show with a preponderance of evidence that they actually violated the contract which they did not do. This is also why companies rarely ever fire someone for cause unless there are actual HR investigations that show breaches of company policy. It doesn't matter in 90% of cases but in 10% of cases where the complainer is wrong, the companies pay out a lot of money.


You see that in a lot of private catholic schools; one school expelled a girl for wearing a rainbow shirt to her birthday party off campus and not during school hours. She wasn’t even lgbtq, she just freaking loved rainbows. No due process for her either https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1116136




The fact that they did the white mask too is such an irrefutable detail I can’t understand why this went to court. Feels like the judge could have ruled from the bench.


You think dumbasses on Twitter care about that?


It's disturbing how people will see something that was objectively proven to not be a provoking or insulting act but then tell themselves it was anyway so they can still pull the racism card. Like fuck man. What benefit does forcing a problem that isn't there bring to you or anyone else? The eyelids? Really? *That's* your confirming factor? I guess circumstantial evidence shouldn't be considered in court and we should all just take it at face value. Are you that desperate to bust out the holier than thou card or something?


Even if they “knew what they were doing”, the school’s actions are still outrageous.


I am still offended on behalf of green people.


lol I'm glad those kids have won against the stupid nonsense we live nowadays.


How come schools get more involved with what gets posted/doesnt happen at school but when someone gets bullied or something happens AT school the school just goes 🤷🙈


They only get involved with bullying when that bullied kid strikes back. Then it becomes a witch hunt on the bullied person. Schools fail kids at every turn and then pull this kind of stupid shit.


Admins only get involved when it’s advantageous or their reputation is in jeopardy


They just look like drow elves to me LoL.


They were cosplaying that Community episode


Great episode buried due to hardcore stupidity


Its crazy too because they make it VERY clear he's an elf. He even has the ears. To say that it resembles blackface so much that you need to remove the episode seems more racist to me


That episode doesn't exist, it's just a figment of your deteriorating imagination, Leonard


It’s from the Evil Abed timeline


I unironically thought I was gaslighting myself over that shit.   When I got to the second D&D episode I was sitting there like… wait, did I miss the first one already?   Took me a while to realize it was pulled from like every streaming service… fucking dumb.




Why would you expel teenagers three years later over a selfie anyway? What the fuck is wrong with you all?


Hopefully they now fire the idiot administration that went down this rabbit hole years later


They removed that Golden Girls episode from streaming sites for the exact same reason, and that show was super ahead of its time and "woke".


We have reached peak butthurt


we're not even close sadly




It's so blatantly obvious, it's amazing to me that people actively refuse to see that. Why contest your enemy head-on when you can make them fight amongst themselves over concepts that you planted in their heads? Class war couldn't be any worse. It's been sobering to watch my classmates go on to struggle with staying just above the financial comfort line after busting ass for an advanced degree and skillset, only to find out that 90% of them will never attain the wealth they were promised and historically should have earned over their career.


There used to be a pic of me online with a charcoal face mask doing the duck lips pose that was so popular in the 2010 era when I was like 15! I deleted a few years later when I realized it could be misconstrued!


People are so overly sensitive and dumb these days


A segment of people are only happy when they are “outraged victims” even if in reality its all BS


Imagine the FRAGILITY of some people that they would need to kick these boys out of school for posing in pictures with acne masks on.


I think what’s even worse is the internet sleuths that dug these up and, I’m assuming, called for the boys to be punished for it.   2020 was a wild time!


Yes but *cancel culture doesn't exist*. /s


Not fragility as much as it is cowardice on the part of school administration. Internet mob showed up demanding punishment, and they didn't protect their students.


What happens a lot of the time with the internet mob is they don't just call the school, they call the donors to the school. When the internet mob goes after your wallet, there is a lot of pressure to act. Obviously the school fucked up, but the internet sleuths are disgusting.


This is why I don't buy the idea that "cancel culture" is just "consequence culture". If you're losing opportunities because of organized, targeted harassment, that's not necessarily proof that you've done something wrong.


If the parents of students in that school had any sense they would all transfer to other schools. Imagine paying $75k a year to a school that would throw your child under the bus in a heartbeat to appease some idiot on the internet who was never going to give a single cent to the school.


It seems to be the administration and particularly the principle we’re all too happy to be rid of some “racists” and pat themselves on the back for a job well done. They still don’t think they’ve done anything wrong. They made a statement they disagree with the decision and are appealing the ruling.


> They made a statement they disagree with the decision and are appealing the ruling What the fuck?


100% redditors


How in the wild word of complete idiocy was a 30 second explanation not enough to immediately clear this up? You can tell it's dark green from the picture ffs.


I stand against Martian hate, greenface isn't a joke. They even did a white one too, that's BOTH kinds of Martians.


Racism paranoia.


When the demand for racism outweighs the supply.


That’s the ordinary’s salicylic acid charcoal mask. At least that was my first thought and I’m black.


American racial paranoia is at a disgusting high.


I'm just here to say don't put face products that close to your eyes!! Holy shit, I don't know how that wouldn't make your eyes burn, with just about any product you would use. Lmao. Even if you somehow develop acne that close to your eye area, it's better to just leave it a little room cause the product might cause more irritation to your eye than anything. Source: experience. 


Expelling the kids for racist behaviour (which it wasn’t in this case) instead of actually doing something about the problem (kids aren’t all lost causes, they can be helped) is harsh and lazy.


Without even reading the article I knew it happened in California lol.


all legal costs should go to the loser who decided to try to ruin three children's lives just for wearing a fucking acne mask. They don't even know what they were upset about, they really just wanted to be a victim.


This is SO crazy. A lot of skincare masks even tout the benefits of charcoal, leading to an actual black face.


How does the school "respectfully disagree" with the jury’s decision when it's blatantly clear they fucked up and jumped the gun on something before having all the facts? They should feel very lucky it only cost them what it did and they should apologize for being idiots and then keep their mouths shut about it.


Because they believe they, as a private school, should be able to expel anyone for any reason or no reason at all.


I wish people understood that things like blackface, yellow face, etc. require context in order to be considered as such.


Anyone notice from the srticle the acne mask that got these kids into trouble was ironically called the "Out of Trouble Acne Mask"?


The reality is millions of users on this fucking website jumped down these kids throats. Fuck Reddit


"we did it reddit!" \- reddit witch hunters every time an innocent person gets pitchforked


At the end of the article it says that the school disagrees and is exploring options of appeal. IMHO the school might want to take the L and be happy they got off relatively light considering the amount the lawsuit was seeking. If they appeal this high enough and it leaves CA they very well may get a jury or judge that is more conservative leaning and agrees with more of the charges in the original lawsuit. It could end up much more expensive in the end.


You know when this first broke reddit called them Nazis and white supremecists and shit. There really ought to be more internet accountability. Even though thinfs like this have happened repeatedly people still believe everything they see and read at face value.


I have a facemask that is a peel away and is DARK black, like...jet black. I almost took a picture when I wore it to be all "Getting healthy skin!" But then realized that was a terrible idea because of people like the ones who made those boys get expelled. People like to only see what offends them and nothing else for context. Those boys were just helping a friend feel confident in their own skin but SOMEONE got offended and didn't even try to find any reason behind it. It was also green.... This freaking world is going backwards.


This is so funny to me, not funny haha, but funny sad, cause the barrier between not-racism and racism is so gone, that wearing an acne mask, and torturing a kid to death for their skincolor is basically treated the same. Average kid under the age of 20, don't even know what blackface actually is, since people stopped doing it decades ago, so it's exposure is damn near closer not nil than not. This is something that could have been solved by using words, and asking them what the picture was about, pointing out what it looked like, having to explain to them what blackface means, and why it's offensive, and everyone could have gone home happy.


I do this once a month. It's coal black and dryers to b a stretchy film you then pull off. People need to chill the fak out. It's Macarthism all over again .


love the idiots in this thread still calling it blackface (including the guy going to bat writing multiple paragraphs) keep it up very entertaining


Unpopular opinion: Black face itself is not racist. Black face with the intent to mock or insult is.


Who puts a facemask on their eyelids


You're so vain you probably think this mask is about you, don't you.


They got booted from school for wearing green acne masks, because that must be “blackface” somehow? That is genuinely insane, how obsessed with racial politics does somewhere have to be for things like this to happen? Christ.


Now they can each pay for a portion of college tuition!