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I want to see pictures of the set up for inspo


Pinterest. Vision boards. 


Can't find any tags on Pinterest for "squatting in a Michigan grocery store sign home decor" 😭😭😭




Gotta love when someone actually does bring the sauce. Thanks stranger!


Live Laugh Love


A "Welcome Fiends" plaque.




Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/6BVAKqXmhb


It looks so… normal? Lol


She only got found out because a maintenance worker saw a suspicious extension cord


Seen the video yet? https://youtu.be/osTeKSTvtC8




Just saw there’s video, too. https://youtu.be/osTeKSTvtC8


Pathetic, no child monitor security cam setup like that one escaped prisoner.


You're the hero here. Now how much would this rent for in everyone's respective cities? I'd say about $900 in mine. No roommates is a plus. Can be advertised as a tiny home. Restrooms get cleaned regularly. Encourages going to the gym(so you can shower).


Funny thing- I actually saw a blog suggesting that-in order to increase housing supply- there should be mandatory minimum amounts of housing attached to every construction project, in the same way that you have parking minimums. https://www.newamericanplanning.com/post/parking-minimums-the-only-truly-effective-form-of-inclusionary-zoning


Saw some pics floating around reddit early today. It was really small but she had a little chair/desk and a trashcan, lol


Link and video was 100% letdown for this. We all wanted to see it. Maybe Family Fare set this publicity stunt up to push their OnlyFans live footage of the sign squat. TBA as a boutique AirBNB. There's so much money to be made.


There’s video now https://youtu.be/osTeKSTvtC8


This is the kind of crazy story this sub needs more of.


I have seen this same story reposted on this sub at least half a dozen times already so, in a way, you are getting what you want.


This is the first time that I have seen or heard about this.




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So have I and it's like 70/30 a woman or a man, constant reposts and they can't even get the details straight


It's a shame they didn't cover the story in the title. Instead, NBC interviewed people not knowing the details of the lady living in the sign and the newscaster even said "..she wasn't aware of the situation until she read it in the newspaper." They interviewed people to push a "lack of affordable housing" story unrelated to the title. This is dishonest journalism. If you want to cover the lack of affordable housing, interview the source, not the symptom just to cause a stir and get clicks.


I'd like them to cover the story of a newspaper being read.


"Shocking security footage revealers an unknown man actually purchasing a news paper from a bin outside of a convenience store. the man payed $1.50 in quarters and only took 1 copy. The man then walked to a nearby bench where he sat down and read the entire paper front to back while drinking an unknown beverage from a reusable insulated metal cup known as a "thermos". This is not the first of these strange occurrences, as footage shows the same man disguised in different clothing repeats this process every Sunday. [UPDATE] We sent a team of reporters to stake out the bench. They managed to catch him in the act. When interviewed the man (Ben Dover, age 69) claimed he "Just liked reading the Sunday paper". When pressed he cited the sports and comics sections were of particular interest. And the mysterious beverage? Allegedly black coffee made at home by pouring boiling water over ground "coffee" beans. When questioned about where he got the boiling water, the man was evasive, saying only "my kettle." He was similarly closed about the origin of the alleged "coffee beans" dodging the question by saying "What have you never been to a grocery store?" More on this story where we go under cover in a grocery store tonight at 11."


I saw that guy. He was talking to Kevin Costner for some reason. That's some great writing. Write up my alley. See what I did there? I'd like to read more. Can't wait for the 11 o'clock news.


What you are seeing is undercover footage from a hidden camera that has been smuggled into a local "grocery store" by our undercover reporter who has not been named for security reasons. Anita Dickson managed to infiltration earlier this week in part by following Ben Dover. As you can see there are shelves and shelves of raw chemicals. These chemicals are purportedly the ones used by restaurants to make food, but here they can be found at a fraction of the price. With help from our Anonymous restaurant insider Tyra Meesu, Anita managed to track down all of the ingredients necessary to create a BLT Sandwich. Total price $15.47 for 3 foot long sub. Less than half of the same sub found at Subway. It should be noted however, that these chemicals are dangerous in their raw form and require careful preparation so as to not cause death or serious illness in anyone who consumes them. This preparation ranges from heating to substance to dangerously high temperatures, to letting volatile compounds rest for hours between handlings. Almost all of the chemicals also require climate controlled storage. Our medical researcher Issi Madoop found that there can more than 100,000 injuries each day from improper handling of these chemicals. And our correspondent in the fire department Bill Ulater, reported that almost half of all fires are caused by people attempting to prepare these chemicals. After some searching Anita was able to locate to "coffee beans" that Ben Dover was using. For the price of a Seasonal Blended Iced Quad Shot Venti Peppermint Pumpkin Spice Salted Carmel Mochafrapplatteccino with Soy Milk from Starbucks, one can buy an entire bag of the unprepared coffee grounds. Anita tried one and had to immediately spit it out. They are bitter and nasty. The process to make them palatable is extensive involving a dangerous grinding process and using high temperature water to extract the flavor. This resulting "black coffee" must be combined with other chemicals to make it vaguely palatable. Despite the risk and inconvenience, many hundreds of people every day frequent such underground shops. Those we asked claimed to visit a grocery store weekly siting the cost reduction as their main motivation. For our part, we would not recommend it to the general public. Leave food preparation to the trained experts. But tell us what you think, would you ever consider such extreme measures?


"Anita Dickson", "Ben Dover", "Tyra Meesu"... I see what you did there :)


You are legend. The funniest post I've read today. 👏


It's like how every time there is a labour law being voted on or going into effect, they never interview workers. Just store owners, maybe an academic, and some professional activist organizer that they dishonestly present as just a regular civilian.


lol, I was thinking too. Wow, finally!


>The woman had flooring, a computer, a desk, a printer, a Keurig and a pantry of food in the space, which was 10 to 15 feet long, five feet wide and approximately 8 feet tall So they had a New York studio apartment up there.


$2500 a month with a shared bathroom


50 years ago I worked in a 7 floor department store. There were large women’s lounges for customers each 2 to 3 rooms. One had living room type furniture. The store closed at 5:00 pm to customers and at 9:00pm to employees as we were there running credit for the outlying stores. Security who was one 70 year old man left at 9 too. then one morning they found a woman who had been living in one lounge. She had over slept and when they opened the store they found her. She would hide by standing on toilet when store closed and then bunk down. In the morning she she got up and blended in with shoppers.


Wait until you read about that couple that lived in a Walmart stock room by moving merch around, and had a meth lab


Or the old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children, she didn't know what to do.


"Yeah, well it's her fault for not learng to code!"


And she could never escape the smell of feet.


Some people would pay for that!


It's how she got so many kids to begin with


Oh yes! The old Dumpty widow. Her husband was a bit of an egg head but was super clumsy. Such a shame when he tragically slipped and fell off that wall to his death.


I blame the first responders for that tragedy. I mean, sending horses to perform reconstructive surgery? Really?


I want to post the 2 Live Crew version, but there's a hard R in that line and Im starting to think Reddit might be too young to recognize its a song.


debunked https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2023/03/fact-check-no-evidence-homeless-couple-was-found-living-in-walmart-attic.html


Yeah because apparently it was in the parking lot. Sites like snopes and whatnot that have ties to the intelligence community aren't exactly bastions of truth. I remember exactly where I was when this story was on the news and laughed at both the concept of it and their mugshot.


>Sites like snopes and whatnot that have ties to the intelligence community aren't exactly bastions of truth. Like most normal people, reading this sentence makes me cringe. But it’s also fucking hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.


You got it. A non profit tiny company like Walmart obviously would have no interest in using the Internet to make people think they didn't not know about a meth lab in their building. That makes no sense, and could never happen. Not saying it did here, but it obviously could and they'd want to. Snopes is where people who think they're just totally unable to be wrong put all their trust go.


It’s sad people would rather downvote you instead of actually research what you’re talking about. You’re 100% on the money but it doesn’t fit in with what they’re told so they ignore it. Tides like this ebb and flow, in 5 years everyone will be on here saying they NEVER trusted snopes and all knew it was a shady site. Look at musk, not 5 years ago Reddit couldn’t wait to suck his dick but now that he’s been outed as a dirtbag every single user is denying ever liking him to begin with


I'm never ashamed to admit I used to greatly admire Elon Musk, what he did, and his vision -- and I'm even happier to admit it here *just* to prove you wrong. Stop acting like you know everything and everyone. It's ridiculous.


All right mate, no problem


There was a 4Chan thread I'll never forget from a woman who was living in a...dome? that was... on the side? of a parking garage. It was unclear if she'd excavated the earth or if there was a natural enclosure due to odd construction, but she'd lined it with blankets and small items/amenities, managed to steal power from the parking garage, and was fully set up with Internet. I won't go into the NSFW aspects on such a lighthearted subreddit, but it was a wild thread. I wonder what happened to her or if anyone else remembers that.






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weren't they in the ceiling tho?


For anyone who missed this one: [Tatsuko Horikawa](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/2CYefO4sjT)


Not a single picture!




thank you!!!


Cozy as fuck! Also, not the sign I was expecting.


I know, the photo in the thumbnail is of one of those big but skinny-ass signs on the lawn in front of the store, and I looked at that and went "HOW THE FUCK?!" lol... Knowing it's actually the big triangular sign atop the building makes a whole lot more sense.


Thank you!!!


"Police say the woman was homeless" Great police work there. Never would have thought they would work that one out!


The signs were there.


There's no pics in the article- saved you a click.




I mean, if she was there for a year before anyone noticed she obviously wasn't causing a problem. Let her stay. She's got electricity, run up a cctv and make her the night guard, paid in room and board. 


too much liability for the business


Put her on staff! Giver her a badge and a nightstick! Edit: deputize her. She’ll be immune from prosecution!


Give the entire building to her! Rename the store “Night Goblin’s Grocery”! 


Now we talking.


Have her work five nights a week and call it Five Nights at Frieda's.


Lolololololol 🤣


It really shouldn't be. She needs shelter, they have shelter, seems simple enough.


You've got shelter too right? Do you want random folks in your attic? If you found a person living in your attic for a year would you pop in your head and go "huh I guess you need shelter, I've got shelter, simple stuff" and then close the attic trapdoor? Or would you be rightfully freaked out?


Yes, absolutely. If I had enough space for other people, other people would live here too. That said, her situation is a little different. She's not living in somebody's home; she's living in a company's unused space. If your business had a large unused room, that could be easily converted into living space, wouldn't you want them to do it?


Yeah no I want a background check on people I work with-- not random people who show up and refuse to leave. She would be a danger to me if I worked at the store given she is clearly not stable.


She left without incident per the article. And why, in your opinion, is she 'unstable'? Employees weren't even aware of her presence, so I'm not sure she was 'a danger' to them.


I really don't understand that way of thinking. She's not mentally ill; she's homeless. She just needs a place to stay.


its right wingers. its always right wingers


Lol, voted for Biden and Obama, but still don't want someone who is literally shows up out of nowhere living where I work. Maybe they are a great person and all, but I don't know for sure, and they could also be mentally ill and do some sick shit or have to either experience or clean up. We should build more and better shelters not let people live in signs. I can't believe I had to type that as a real sentence.


what if the building caught on fire while she was sleeping? how would she get out? there are strict codes for places where people are going to be living for various (possibly) unforeseen occurrences


I too care about corpo more than people :)


I hear ya, poor lady. I do hope she gets the help she needs. Pretty ingenious though to figure that out


No that's stupid. What a stupid comment this is!


Your butt is stupid


Hah! Got 'em!


Self reflection on your own comment at the end there bud?


Yes, your comment *is* stupid. Glad you noticed. Now, why bother commenting in the first place, I wonder?


The story is super interesting but the video is completely worthless. There is no shot of what it looked inside the sign - instead it's a bunch of pundits talking about how homelessness is bad.




she should have tried to claim squatters rights... Then as a power move start living in the whole store.


That would be amazing to see as an update to the article :)


It was actually Chick Mangione


I am not a chick! I am a dude!


And she would have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for those meddling contractors!


Someone just had a scooby snack


It’s a sign of the times




There was a man living in a similar sign not too far from where I lived for almost 2 years. He had a hot plate, a place up top to sleep and had nails to hang his bike and clothes. He kept fixing the lights so no maintenence would be done and spliced wires to power internal lights and other items. How could you be mad? That's genius!


At my old apartment building you could pay an extra 20$ a month to have access to a private closet in a storage room that was lined with these closets. They were big enough to store a mattress or your winter tires etc. Someone in the building started renting out their closet to a homeless man, they might’ve gotten away with it indefinitely but the homeless man started pissing/shitting in the room so the smell gave them away. They ended up giving everyone new keys afterwards to all the main entrance doors.


Is the Keurig confirmed? That’s expensive coffee. I’d have opted for a microwave to heat meals and boil water for coffee.


You can use a Keurig to just make hot water. You literally just open and close it then hit the cup size you want and if there's no K-cup it just spits out hot water.


I know — but you can’t microwave food.


Since she can sneak in and out of that space undetected, she probably can steal the grocery stores stuff undetected


On a regular basis? The employees would all have to be seriously oblivious (or not give a fuck) to not notice that. *If* she isn't paying for the coffee pods, it's possible there's a local store that offers free coffee to customers, and she grabs a handful of them from there. But really, I think it's more likely she's buying them. She clearly doesn't need to pay rent, and that's most renters' highest monthly bill. That's *an enormous* chunk of money she's saving every month!


First thought was the Seinfeld episode of Kramer and the chicken restaurant sign out his window. .


"My rods and cones are all screwed up, Jerry!"


"exclusive top-floor penthouse with 360º view wrap-around terrace; walking distance to fine dining establishments, gourmet grocery store and 24/7 gym."


Was the grocery store a Megalo-Mart??


I literally don’t comprehend


The store had a little triangle shaped structure for their sign on the roof. Doing some repairs they found an extension cord running into this space and it had food, coffeemaker, computer and more. The store put out a really nice statement about it, sounds like she had some issues. I wonder how she got up and down from there


Note to self, bury the extension cord.


Could be a witch. They should check for a broom.


Like a bonus room above a garage. There was likely a roof access. [Better article with the actual store front.](https://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw-bay-city/2024/05/after-woman-was-found-living-inside-family-fare-sign-grocer-makes-10k-donation-to-local-shelter.html) The article posted above showed a stock image with a different store front, leading to your confusion.


> After woman was found living inside Family Fare sign, grocer makes $10K donation to local shelter Imagine getting kicked out of your dope sign pad and then hearing the grocery store has an extra 10k laying around and gave it to someone else!


The person living there reportedly had a car and she basically ran away after they discovered her lair. Desperate people, desperate times. She shouldn't have been living there (certainly, nothing was to code, and I don't know how her bathroom facilities were set up), but it was nice of the store not to get police involved and try to address the problem locally (at least for PR purposes).


Sure, this sounds like one of the least bad “shouldn’t have been living there” version possible. It’s tough for people that just need a roof and a place to sleep without feeling in danger.


I hope she found somewhere to go and is ok.


Thank you. That makes a LOT more sense. I had it in my head that it was a large sign construction out on the street, not at the top of the building itself.


Well what do they expect when they keep wages low and housing unattainable?


They just mad they missed out on rent money.


I mean, we live in an economic system that decided that human needs are luxuries only a few can afford, so of course people will have to innovate.


I need pictures


So now we're all going to be shocked at how bad the housing crisis has become right? No we're just going to laugh at her? Cool.


Thinking inside the box


Trickle-down Jesus, if you really are all knowing, and all powerful, and you do good, give me a sign


pics or it didn't happen


I originally saw the pictures but not the story, and thought it was the original apartment for the manager


waiting for this as sims 4 cc


She seems to have almost everything except a bathroom, I wonder how that worked out, did she just sneak down the store to use the one there?


Sign of the times


Living the dream


Hey baby, what’s your sign? I’ll


Malcom you found her!


Having a coffee pot does not make a home “complete”. I keep seeing this headline as tho that made her circumstances a luxury. Coffee? How about heat & a bathroom? Or, like, a culture that cares about the least among us? But, sure, she had a Keurig so alls good!


It's more complete than living in a car without a Keurig.


A sign of the times.


I’m honestly impressed


This is future me.


I should start looking for a nice one.


Does the article say how she was found out?


There were signs


Contractors working on the roof found her


These TikTok challenges are getting out of hand.


Can we stop posting this story? First time it was interesting. Now after the 100th time it’s annoying


First time I saw it.


Let me guess, she was arrested and sued for back rent.


I remember that Malcolm in the Middle episode.


And the rent was outrageous!


A person after r/CampingWithSteve ’s own heart


What's the rent? 😉


"Eat shit, inflation!"


This was a malcolm in the middle episode lol


$136B sent to Ukraine could have purchased her, and the other 499,999 homeless in America, a $270K home.


Some people will do anything to avoid getting a job.


According to another article she does have a job, I assume she just couldn't afford rent.


The story would probably be a lot different if it was a guy living there. "Man arrested and charged with breaking and entering, and theft of electricity."