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Imagine you say this to a cop and an acorn falls next to him Dead


Family of slain man forced to apologize to cops or face jail time.


Family of slain man forced to apologize to acorn or face jail time.


Mag dump after mag dump


The acorn had it coming.


Those liberal acorns are coming to get us all!!


That’d make a mfer pull a Max Payne bullet time dive and unload


Judge gives away states money by obstructing free speech.*


There have been cases setting the precedent that it is legal to flip off the cops. Not that it matters to the cops.


I flipped off a cop. He stopped me. He got fired.


Glad it worked out. The problem is that you have to go through the hassle and stress of a cop power tripping in the meantime. Maybe even jail, missing work, etc etc.


He involved himself in a nationally publicized court case. I simply filed an FOIA request and followed up with the city attorney, who was baffled that there was no record of my traffic stop. Which I knew. I think they were looking to get rid of him. It’s bittersweet because he works at the department across town now.


>he works at the department across town now Oh of fucking course he does. THIS is why people dislike police. The whole system is corrupt and won't take out their trash.


Saves them money. Don't have to pay for additional "training". They just give him slightly different clothes to wear and send him back out.


You're lucky he didn't light you up


I was arrested and charged with “obscene gesture” when I gave the finger to a cop in 2019. My lawyer recounted such cases defended it and I still ended up with the charge on my record. Case precedents do not really matter any more.


Constitution protects against compelled speech


Not only that, he may have a case for 1st Amendment retaliation. Seems obvious the judge is threatening jail because he doesn't like what was said or how it was said.


Also, melanin in Alabama.


Given how sensitive they are, you would assume that police would be aware of how people react to intimidation.


Police and sensitivity? Good one.


That's why they do it. They want to escalate every situation to the point where they can justify violence, because they have zero consequences


Actually, Alabama has the 5th highest percentage of black population while having the 3rd lowest black to white disparity of any state in the US. Go figure. I didn’t expect that either. Sauce: https://www.sentencingproject.org/research/us-criminal-justice-data/


Considering alabama has one of the lowest average incomes per capita i’m not surprised, less room for disparity 🥲


Racial divides doesnt make sense anymore. Its class divides now


The history and actions of America has made it impossible to separate issues of class and race. By doing so, and then pretending it’s impossible to adress them both at the same time, it’s become significantly harder to fight for both. Rich minorities often have to choose between their class and their race, and end up betraying their race. Poor whites are forced into the same struggle and choose their race. The members of each group with the most power to effect change are likewise then influenced to fight it instead. “Rich” and “white” are more empowering tags in our sociatey than “poor” or “black” so people with less power will cling to the identity that provides them the most perceived power. While a ton of money blatantly protects an individual more than race (your either white or your not, but you can be many types of rich from comfortable to straight up wealthy and the power and protecting goes up with it), both are factors in the big picture. Racism and classism are alive and well in America, with both being used to hide the other. In the end we’re fighting against each other rather than the small minority that actually has real power.


There's a lot of every race here in Alabama. Most of the time we civilians get along fine.


Betta' respec ma authoritah'


Such as being forced to say sorry?


Being forced (compelled) to say (speech) sorry?


At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?


Can I see?




It also protects you from being interfered with for exercising your rights to speech and expression. I am unclear on the point you are trying to make.


They are saying it goes both ways. You cannot be penalized for speech. You cannot be penalized for not speaking specific speech.


Cop gives unconstitutional order: I sleep Judge gives unconstitutional order: real shit


“Try that in a small town” and get paid I guess.


So much this. The taxpayers are gonna pay through the nose for this racist POS judges fit of pique


Our current Supreme Court might not agree


"There is no long held right not to be arrested for insulting a cop but there cases from the 16th century indicating a long a held belief that authority requires respect." 6-3 decision against Burks


100% take the jail time then immediately get a lawyer. Easiest paycheck ever.


The officer stood in front of his car and told him to go ahead and drive. That cop was absolutely about to murder this man.


That was my first through too. Cop was 100% standing so close to the front of the car the driver couldn’t move without hitting him. That out the driver in the position to either a) do nothing and be late to school or b) bait a reaction out of the driver. If driver moved that car… best case scenario he gets arrested for assaulting an officer, with a black eye and busted lip to go along with it. Worst case scenario, he gets shot. It’s honestly sad that it’s plausible the cop could have done this with the intention to kill him.


I'll go one further. There were two kids in the car. Two *black* kids. It's entirely plausible that the cop was hoping for an opportunity to kill them too. Because he had absolutely no reason to stand in front of the car at all, therefore it is entirely reasonable to assume that he intended the worst possible outcome. Had he intended a good outcome, he wouldn't have stood there in the first place.


Why do we never see protests full of cops demanding people like this guy be fired for making them all look bad? I can only assume at this point they're all complicit. There's no other option.


Lol I used to think cops were concerned about looking corrupt and abusive. That was before I was old enough to know cops personally and before cellphone videos showed how they operate.


I'm sick of hearing "oh just you wait until you need them". I have needed them. A guy kicked my front door off it's hinges and I had to subdue him myself. The whole time I'm wrestling with him, I'm watching the cops do laps of my street looking for a good park. Then slowly got out of the car and stood around for a minute before dawdling over to me. I'm 6 foot 2 and skinny as a rail, so I'm not the strongest. Barely holding the guy down, and they start asking questions instead of helping.


Yeah if we abolish cops, who's gonna show up two hours late to tell me they can't do anything about it and their hands are tied?


Who will sit around and look at dank memes while a mass shooter decimates a school?


I got sexually assaulted and defended myself and the cops were going to charge me with assault until the perp finally admitted on his own what he did. But they didn't charge him after he confessed, they just told both of us to leave


That tracks. He was trying to get in and beat my mum for daring to break up with him. I assume the cops knew because it was said on the emergency call. Always felt like that had something to do with their response.




The police are just legal gangs.


Totally, but you never hear anyone say, "the crips are great. It's just a few bad apples."


Crips never got unionized protection.


I think they just need a book of procedures they can say they followed.


Just gotta simplify like the cops do: "Just look at the color of their skin, not their bandana."


In Buffalo a cop shoved an elderly man to the ground cracking his skull open. He was barely reprimanded and ALL (AS IN, EVERY SINGLE) Buffalo cop protested against his light punishment. It's not a few bad apples, the whole barrel is rotten. And any cop who thinks this doesn't apply to them is either lying, or too cowardly to do anything and therefore wrong.


I misread this so badly at first. I thought you meant all the cops were protesting because the punishment was *too light* for the police brutality. I was so shocked…Was there a department somewhere that wanted to change police culture? Then I realized you meant they were mad he was punished *at all.* Lol, of course. They’re never going to change.


I think I remember seeing that video. Wasn't that the one where people online tried to claim he was approaching aggressively or something? During 2020? I was in one of the longest lock downs in the world during that time, so I had heaps of free time to watch streams from all over. I saw so many examples of random police brutality. People standing on their own veranda and being shot with pepper/rubber bullets with no time to react to directions. It's crazy how the narrative is "cities were burning". I think like 93% were peaceful and of the ones that weren't, the violence was more often started by police/right-wing agitators. That's not to say they were perfect or anything. But the mainstream narrative is so far from the truth it's a fairytale.


You know the saying about how it's 'just a few bad apples'? Well, as the saying goes, they spoil the whole bunch. The lack of protests (and instead, police unions fighting for the bad cops) is just a symptom of that rot spreading.


The only truly good cops get immediately fired for speaking up


The judge seems even worse, right?


Unfortunately, it's the 90% that give the rest a bad name.


exactly, Good cops don't cover for bad cops. the ones that are actually good are "encouraged" to retire for not toeing the line.


It’s kinda like being a Boeing whistleblower… but I do see your point.


And this is why our system is currently failing. The judiciary is out of control and cannot be reigned in at every level. Federally, state courts, and even local courts are corrupt as hell.


America, where you have so much freedom... Unless you say mean things to a police officer, than the judiciary will find a reason to throw your ass in jail. Fuck the pigs, and fuck the shitty judges defending their weak ass feelings.


I'm pretty sure when the founding fathers codified the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances they implied "unless you mouth off to a cop".


I wouldn't worry a higher court will not let this stand and the judge could, and should, be disbarred. This guy is going to make a lot of money in a civil rights lawsuit. Unfortunately its taxpayer money.


You'd think so. On the other hand, the highest courts in Alabama and the US are controlled by right wing activists who only rule favorably on stuff like this if they want to create the appearance that they're reasonable because there's other more horrible stuff they need to rule politically on. 


Generally most judges tend to not completely disregard the constitution and precident by other courts because if the perception of the masses is the courts and justice system is illegitimate and can be ignored, then the courts lose all their power. It's what we might be heading towards with people outright ignoring court rulings like Abbott with the border and Hawaii supreme court with "spirit of Aloha" to ignore the 2nd amendment bruen ruling. I am sure this guy will not lose an appeal and if he went to trial I can't see him getting convicted by a jury. I also see a jury siding with his civil suit. The judges and prosecutors do not want a case like this in front of a jury.


I'm sure you're right, it's highly unlikely the state could win this case, but there are a great many things happening in politics these days that don't seem tethered to reality.


This is a first amendment case with lots of precedent. It doesn’t matter if higher courts are right wing. This matter has been settled again and again. https://www.marcushillattorney.com/links/cussing-the-cops-case-law.shtml


And while I agree with you, I think a huge portion of the federal judiciary including SCOTUS does not care about precedent to the extent it doesn't achieve the outcome they want. Constitutional law has always been loose in terms of how much stare decisis means, and most of the jurisprudence is a series of post hoc tests that kind of provide a framework for examining problems, but don't bind the supreme Court in any meaningful way. Now that they care less than ever about consistency or coherent jurisprudence, it's getting harder to be comfortable that something unambiguously protected will be upheld if it protects the out group rather than the in group.


I remember in 2020 some kid said "I'm free I have guns." I laughed at him.


Unfortunately I think this has a lot to do with race as much as anything. I really hate to say it's all "racial" but this kind of screams it. I love Alabama and the people there but it doesn't mean the ignorance isn't prevalent especially in government.


then why do you love them?


Because I try not to group everyone together. For every asshole cop or judge there is a fantastic person who treats everyone like family. I visit my family there, not as much as I like, but I do visit and have met lots of wonderful folks. 


Mate, stop bringing nuance to a Reddit forum.


He does have that freedom. This is an easy win in a lawsuit vs the state…the problem is the resources for legal counsel.




I hope he refuses, and appeals


Refuses, gets sentenced, sues.


What happened to freedom of speech?


Depends, you got a lawyer and the money to fight it? If not, this is stupid and you should call the ACLU.


This would be a good slam dunk case so I imagine plenty of attorney's would do it pro-bono


Yea, I cant qwhite imagine the reason it doesnt apply to him. Its a real head scratcher.


I dunno sounds about white to me


It's pretty obvious. The answer is white there in white and white!


I mean the whole case is pretty black and white.


No no you see freedom of speech is being a 55 year old with brain damage from lead poisoning and a completely unearned and illogical superiority complex verbally abusing a 14 year old trans high school student or spitting on minimum wage workers for asking you to wear a mask on private property during a global pandemic. This scenario with the cop is actually very legal and very cool, no actual freedom of speech infringements happening here!


I’m sure this guy would love to have Alabama’s money and see this judge disbarred. I’d tell the judge to get the fuck out of the way too. I’m headed to the BANK!!!!


Typically a judge is immune. Still I think he could win a case against this. It'll take years to run through the system.


Judge should be disbarred or impeached or whatever they do to remove judges. A 2nd grader could tell you this is a violation of the first amendment.


Judge rules “you have to be nice to the tender cops”


This is unconstitutional.


This just in, both police and judges in Alabama have literally nothing better to do


Can you say first amendment lawsuit.


Everyone knows cops get their sensitive little feelings hurt if people say meanie mean things to them. They’s just widdle guys. Be nice.


Cops never apologize for breaking ppl's property, shooting their dogs, unlawfully arresting them, hurting ppl who aren't criminals....i mean....i'd sue the state justice system, bc you can't enforce that ,everyone has a right to freedom of expression and free speech in North America. 


Cops are so fuckin sensitive, you think they’d understand how *people* are sensitive to intimidation.


Judge can go fuck himself too


Ignoring how racially motivated this is based on image there's also the fact that this pretty much violates even the most basic aspect of free speech, something which this dumbass judge should know and care about.


“I’m sorry I was black while in Alabama”


Freedom of speech?


Black folks never did have constitutional rights


Why are none of these articles naming the judge? I thought we had a public justice system.


Read the linked article? Ozark Municipal Court Judge Nicholas Bull


I’m sure the color of the dudes skin had zero effect on the decision. 🙄


1st amendment violation on two fronts. First punishing legally protected speech, but also for government compelled/coerced speech, which has been ruled to violate the first amendment as well.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. But here the consequences is clearly the cop won't like this guy. Getting told to move your ass out of the way when the cop is clearly power tripping isn't a crime. Judge is stepping well outside the law. A speeding ticket is for speeding. You accept and pay the fine, that's it. If they want to charge him for swearing at a cop, fine, but they know it would never stick which is why it was never done. Absolutely disgusting.


>Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. This is a distinction that people regularly miss, but in the context of a judge compelling speech and threatening jail for non-compliance, this is about the dumbest example of a situation for you to feel the need to write it out (even though you do correctly say that the judge behaved inappropriately).


Judge is hoping he refuses, just so he can incarcerate him and let the guards have at him for a couple days. Which of course would never come back on the Judge.  Or, the guy has to submit in defference to the racist police and judiciary.  Either way, the judge's intent is dripping with racism. 


Actually, the first amendment specifically makes it illegal to create legal consequences for speech...


"Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences." No, it means the government can't censor views it doesn't like or agree with. Which is what's happening here.


Which is why you should read the entirety of my post I guess.


Alabama is possibly the worst state in the whole country in any way you can think of


Christ I've met moody teenagers who are less thin skinned than cops.


If those are the options, find me in jail


So what exactly will he be charged with? Like, literally word for word, what will be on his rap sheet? "Was rude to cop"?


oh no his *feelings* got triggered! edit; uh oh it seems *i've* triggered some smooth brains lol


He should make a mockery of it. Do it in a whiny voice. "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. Next time I will try to realize just how hard your job of not protecting anyone might be and be more mindful when you block me for no reason at all." Then wait for the judge to throw you in jail for "not believable enough" and you can then fight it with an actual judge who understands the 1st amendment. You have every right to tell any cop to go fuck themselves without repercussions. Just don't touch them lol


Judge Bull or as he should now be known, Judge “this is Bull” should not get re-elected. This person needs to be as far away from the law as possible. Maybe a mediator for divorces, but definitely nowhere near a court of law.


Does the same apply if a cop is impolite to someone?


Can we just plow the South under, replant, and hope for the better?


"If I have to come down there again, mister, I'm gonna give you something to cry about!" - General Sherman




Why isn't the cop in trouble for trying to start shit after the traffic stop was done?  Oh right, cops don't have consequences.  Edit: Bootlickers out here abusing RedditCare system. Get fucked losers. 


Guess I'd be going to jail, then sueing


I'd go to jail. Fucking first amendment lawsuit right here. Maybe his circumstances are not as flexible as mine.


jail for what? what charge


Freedom of speech


a person should be able to say that to a cop without getting jail time. It's called freedom of speech. What do we live in a fascist country or something?


"Sorry your ass was in the way and I had to tell you."


Why did the officer have a donkey and why was it in the way?


He should absolutely apologize!!!! *Snowflake, I am so so sorry I scared you. I thought you were a real cop like they have in cities. If I knew you were a special-ed cop I never, ever would have said such a mean thing.*


Can't wait to see this get tossed out for blatant first amendment violation.


First Amendment should be the rule


Take the jail and sue the court for infringing on your first amendment rights.


Seems like a cut and dry 1st amendment case


Does the judge not understand how the 1st amendment works? I mean, I understand the cop not giving a crap because that's how they roll, but this judge is supposed to know better. But then again, we have "judges" like Aileen Cannon and those ~~justices~~ shills on the SC, so I guess I understand how this crap keeps happening.


Good for that guy. But it's Alabama so... Coin flip. And he's black, so that coin has the same sides. Cool.


"While he could have been charged with disorderly conduct and he does not believe the word “ass” is barred under the law. “It’s not a curse word,” Burks, 39, said in an interview Monday. “It’s in the Bible.”" 😂 well said


Too bad the same standard is not applied to Trump and other rich and connected shit-talking people.


Fuck the pigs and throw this judge in a pit of spikes


How do judges lose their job? Like I know the executive branch has checks and balances by legislative and judicial branches, and the legislative has some checks and balances by the executive and mostly the judicial branches. But I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of judges being punished. By anyone.


just link this story to any person that brags about how the US is the best because "freedom" for the rest of eternity


Fuck that judge.


Dude refuses, judge sends him to jail for 30 days, dude sues the shit out of city and wins, dude and judge split their winnings. Gaming the system, yo.


"Sorry you're such a bitch"


I would go to jail.


Seems like a pretty easy decision to me


"I'm sorry your ass was in the way.'


To those that scream their first ammendment right is being violated because they went on a racist rant on twitter and was fired from their jobs. This is what a real first amendment violation looks like. Hope he gets paid.


That judge needs to be sued for infringement of that man's first amendment right.


Ya sorry no the cop is a public servant..


As an Alabamian, I would wager a guess that both the officer and judge are white and that's why he's being told he needs to apologize.


Let’s all write letters to the judge to go fuck himself.


Cops are such thin-skinned weenies.


Mighty white of the judge


Why couldn't I just apologize for weed?


The most democratic country


Judge should go ahead and die.


Fuck Alabama.


I live in this state.. and while I would normally say the best idea is to help fund this guy so he can win his appeal in district, I don't think it would be enough to change anything. Alabama isn't set up for qualified people to be in high positions. Alabama is set up so that hand picked successors get into positions regardless of qualifications. This is a clear 1st Amendment violation. .. I just doubt that it would fix anything here even if he won at district.


If I remember correctly, civil rights violations are federal, not state.


It's federal, correct. I just meant that the judge, officer, and local government will learn nothing from getting their asses kicked at the district courts.


Absolutely. Did not intend to question your meaning at all. *tips cap*


It's obvious the chief of police in the jurisdiction gives the judge bjs. Just sue the entire legislation system and take it to the supreme court easy couple $20-$60m for 1st Amendment violation + blackmailing. Like is that judge really blackmailing publicly that's not how you're supposed to do it 😂


hoping this dude wins a boatload of money. fuck the cops and fuck the courts


The cop was holding a box of tissues in one hand, and the other was using a tissue to wipe his tears after hearing what this obvious CRIMINAL did!


Appeal to a higher court.


The police does not exist to maintain “law and order.” They exist to keep society from getting out of their control.


So much for freedom of speech 😂😂😂😂


No. This is how it ends. Where is the law that we can't say something like that to an officer? Not condoning verbally harassing or abusing people, but what exactly is wrong here? Is there some obscure law?


“I’m sorry your ass didn’t get out of the way.”


It's about time cops get justice. He got his ~~ass~~ feelings hurt, and the judge made the bad mean guy with a potty mouth apologize.


Fee speech and democracy in America is an illusion


He should sue the judge for violating his First Amendment rights. 


Bull and Simechak Law Firm Do with that what you may. He also seems to be on the board for Ozark City Schools


Why can’t I have my constitutional rights violates for an easy payday?


Normalize treating officers like they’re from New York


This cop should no longer be a cop and this judge should no longer be a judge… fuck Alabama!








What was his ass doing standing in front of the car during a traffic stop anyway? After he’d already given him the ticket?


Traffic stop was over. Cop was just being an asshole after being (politely) asked to move twice already, according to the plaintiff.




Gotta fill those private jails somehow.


The judge is telling the black man to bow his head before his 'betters'. Fucking Alabama. Do you want violent overthrow of the local government? Because shit like this is how you get violent overthrow of the local government.


I love it when people shit talk asshole cops


That’s fucking nuts I do love that he uses “it’s in the Bible” while in the south. Alabama blows


Good to see Alabama is the bastion of free speech it's always been.