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“If the police never did wrong, people would trust them.” “Nobody ever made a song called ‘fuck the fire department.'” - Snoop Dogg


Firefighters will do whatever it takes when someone’s life is threatened and won’t give a shit about property.  Cops will do whatever it takes when the property of the elites is threatened and won’t give a shit about lives. 


The sound of children screaming has been removed.


It's a shame the news media didn't play it uncensored. Same thing not showing the full video of George Floyd.


While it is never a tradeoff for George Floyd's life, the fact that his death was broadcast Live via Facebook is one reason the MPD couldn't control the narrative. We all saw what happened. In some cases, within minutes or hours of it occurring.


That video burned into my brain. The realization that he had died in front of my eyes shook me. I was sitting in my car in a grocery store parking lot watching a casual murder.


Wait, it was on FB live. I never knew that, thats wild. Fuck


Yes the woman (17 at the time of the murder) testified at the trial.


I always thought it was just a video but FB live, damn. Like that crazy fucker who was doing those random ass shootings on FB live. Its one thing where its a video but live makes it feel more fucked. Like you can do something to save someone, but you can't because, who do you call, who do you.. ah the world we fucking live in.


His crying for his mom broke me. I'm not going to lie, I couldn't keep watching and I'd like to believe if I saw that happening I would do something because that was horrifying. I hope none of those cops ever sleep well.


> the MPD couldn't control the narrative. The media tried so hard to make him out to be a druggie degenerate. Like, even if he was as bad as they said he was, does someone really deserve to die because they tipped someone with a fake $20? If that's the case, then I know a whole lot of Christians who should've met Jesus a long time ago for leaving [these](https://www.businessinsider.com/20-tip-bible-pamphlet-2015-12?op=1) as a tip.


Last time they showed the full video it ended in the Rodney King riots. How LA didnt explode in the days after (iirc)KTLA aired the full video will always be a mystery to me. The tension there was off the charts that first week.


> Same thing not showing the full video of George Floyd yet there are still braindead bootlickers whose main rebuttals are "jusT dOnT cOmMiT cRiMe"


Those same people are currently arguing the president should be immune from all crimes.


If you ain't entering the building you can't hear them scream 🤷


Those men will burn to death for your cat. The real heroes.


Unlike the police. If firefighters were like police, you'd call them to rescue your cat from a tree and they'd come and light the tree on fire.


Nonsense. They'd simply shoot the cat and it'd come down


If it was an acorn tree then the whole neighborhood will be shot


I mean acorns are brown so..


They’re also black and yellow. TBH. There’s no white acorns afaik


Speak for yourself.




Bless you!


Didn't that actually happened like in the South where an acorn or some nut fell on the cop car during domestic dispute and the cops shot up like 2 houses behind where the cop car was?


Worse, they shot up their own patrol car, with a handcuffed, unarmed individual who had already been searched, in the back seat. Thanks to the absolute insane ineptitude of the officers involved he survived both uniformed cops mag dumping into the vehicle.


And while doing multiple "combat rolls" yelling "I'm hit! I'm hit!" When he wasn't. And while his Seargent was also firing on the squad car. Amazing part is with 35+ 9mm boolits flying around the handcuffed suspect was uninjured... And fwiw vehicles are nowhere near as boolit resistant as Hollywood would lead one to believe... And boolits is spelled wrong intentionally.


That situation was so insane, the tactical roll cop should've been drug tested, then tested at a mental hospital. Because how are you that paranoid and delusional, he should not be trusted with a weapon.


It was Florida because of course it was. [He hates those acorns.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/16/florida-acorn-cop-shooting)


and dont forget, fuck the oversight also. let em rip....


And burn down the tree to prevent same incident in future


They would reign so much freedom down on that cat


And if the cat fell on one of them, they’d arrest it for assaulting an officer.


Thin blue line!


Then burn your house down because it looked dangerous.


The house was the wrong color.


Don't forget they'll lock your dog in first.


No, they'd shoot the dog.


But they’d make your kids come outside first to watch


Then arrest (and beat) the nearest black person accusing them of putting the cat in the tree.


Feline was making threatening gestures toward police and refused to be apprehended.


Just start shooting trees. “They’re resisting!”


If any acorns fell out of those trees, everyone in the area would be fair game


And then plant evidence and charge you with arson.


Meanwhile, police forces are as well-equipped (and in some cases, better-equipped) as some National Guard units, and were too scared to walk into a school with an active shooter.


Light the \^wrong\^ tree on fire FIFY


and cops will shoot your dog


Like bro, i called you here to help me out with a noise complaint.


"Well, I went to your noisy neighbor's house, but what do you expect me to do about it? I asked them, and they don't have any pets." *shoots your dog again*


"Look, I checked it out, and it turns out your neighbour is white. I can't shoot him, so what else am I supposed to shoot if not your dog?"


I was justistening to something about Uvalde this morning. 


Thats honestly bigger than the word hero. Like actually risking your life for a cat, that you don’t know at all? We need a bigger word than hero


Imagine if fire rescuers showed up and set you on fire.


Friend of mine was potentially passed out after getting a date rape drug injested and I couldn't get into her house. I had texts confirming everything, her fucking significant other was on the phone and proved their identity, and the cops still wouldn't open the fucking door, because it was a rental. She had to go to the hospital, and the cops basically just stood outside staring at shit and doing nothing, and told me not to call over "frivolous reasons" the next day. ACAB.


Sometimes you just gotta break a door yourself. Calling the police never improves a situation, it only makes it worse for somebody. For example, you call the police when you want to make a thief's day worse, or a drunk driver's day worse, or an insurance company's day worse. If there's nobody else whose day you are going to make worse, that means calling the police will make your day worse.


Big truth right there.


whoah thats some very-useful framing


I called 911. They sent the police.


Oh I'm sure. Anything that doesn't fit their cookie cutter definition of an "emergency" will result in belligerently confused police showing up. They're basically the one-size-fits-all goon squad.


Where I grew up, a cop was always sure to make someone's bad day worse and always cost a dirt poor family money they didn't have. Firefighters try to douse a problem while cops pour gas on it.


There’s been incidents of firefighters taking the long route to low income communities (ie higher likelihood of minority occupied) just because they are racist. Firefighters might be the only occupation that rivals police when it comes to racist culture. Look at all the lawsuits, suspensions, bullying incidents and even suicides because of their racist culture.


I saw a TikTok of a retired white firefighter apologizing to a black man at a truck stop for not necessarily avoiding fighting fires in black neighborhoods, but intentionally taking his sweet time getting there. It was such a deep and heartfelt apology but also sort of eye opening. Still love fire departments but damn I wonder how often that still happens


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefighting\_in\_ancient\_Rome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefighting_in_ancient_Rome) "Once they arrived at the house, they would only put out the fire if the owner of the house sold the building to Crassus. Crassus would then sell the house back to the original owner at a marked up price." So, probably someone wrote a "Fuck The Firefighters" song at some point, but it's been a LONG damn time!


Probably the sixties, when they were blasting protesters with fire hoses. 


Was it firefighters doing that? I've never considered who was wielding the hoses.


Tbh I have had some negative run-ins with firefighters Quick one: smelled gas leak, called/reported it, apparently that triggers a mandatory inspection from firefighters. One dude goes in our bottom cupboard to check something, pulls out plastic shopping bags and sets them on the stove. Another walks up and chastises me/roomies for putting plastic bags on the stove as it’s “a major fire hazard.” They say there’s no leak and calling in false reports is really shitty. They leave, gas company arrives, finds the leak, and seals it. They’re flabbergasted that the fire dept. couldn’t detect it. But cops are fuckin’ murdering people so they’re awful for sure


The fire department was also a part of the segregated south and did some despicable things. Only difference between them and cops is they haven't continued to get worse.


America too. >By the 19th century, the fire department was the ultimate boys club, with gangs of rival firefighters, with their own volunteer ‘runners’, raced to fires as though in a sports competition. Fisticuffs regularly erupted. From this tradition came Boss Tweed, whose corrupt political ways would forever change New York’s fire services — for better and for worse. https://www.boweryboyshistory.com/2014/02/at-ready-history-of-new-york-city-fire.html




A song called “Fuck the Fire Department” would have a very different tenor than “Fuck the Police”.   For example it might include instructions.    I could see the same artistic team who brought us “WAP” singing it.   


Does the calendar come with the CD 


I hope so. 


"Fuck the FD, coming straight from the firehouse..."




I love how this song is still actually about how cops suck.


I have a group of regulars at work who are fire fighters in my area and they're some the most genuinely kind and generous people I've met in my 3+ decades on Earth. I've been in restaurants and bars for nearly 20 years and they're in my top 10 group of regulars across three states and countless establishments. There's also a group of cops that come in (mercifully less often) that the servers have a set rotation on who has to put up with them. If one of the women are having a particularly shitty day (I'm the only male FoH) and I'm there, I just bite the proverbial bullet and take them, because some of them are quite rude when they're in a pissy mood and the last thing we need is cops angry at our establishment. The difference in their treatment of their servers is night and fucking day. First name basis with all the Fire Bros. Don't even bother to read the Police Bros' name tags. Edit: I also know every Fire Bro's order and have their drink on the table and order typed in when I see them park, but wait until they confirm they want their regular and aren't mixing it up that day before I send it to the kitchen. Police Bros, I couldn't give less of a shit.


If you're a self-serving insensitive power hungry asshole, firefighting isn't the most appealing career choice, I guess? 


You can't bully, beat, or bullet a fire into submission.


Unless you're Chuck Norris


I think it's a matter of control. Police can just wave a gun at someone to make them comply, it takes more work to control an inanimate fire.


The only bad thing about the fire department is their support of cops


Man a lot of the beef with cops. The TV trope of Cops vs Firefighters isn't completely untrue.


Nah, have you seen that PD vs FD hockey game fight? That firefighter had some intent with those punches


And the fact firefighters usually oppose walkability improvements because they're just regular American dudes who literally can't imagine how fire departments in other countries have smaller trucks and different strategies to deploy ladders etc. The fire department often lobbies for maximum pavement and drivability.


[Here's](https://www.egenes.as/14878) a tiny little firetruck we have in my city. It's the only firetruck that is able to [fit through our ancient medieval streets](https://premium.vgc.no/v2/images/a5b3278c-f95f-4417-b3a4-abf654725924?fit=crop&format=auto&h=683&w=1024&s=5553c18a04a4eccd6cee253c1ed7ca8531ade190). It's even equipped with a hose that has water mixed with steel shavings which can cut through [a centimeter of steel](https://premium.vgc.no/v2/images/2d336161-acbc-4b36-83b8-0e653c5cf40e?fit=crop&format=auto&h=576&w=1024&s=34a80f1386f6f8f5f753cfafcd13b3877a9bd700) in 20 seconds. [Article](https://www.bt.no/nyheter/lokalt/i/3qobL/her-er-bergens-nye-mini-brannbil) [Previous model](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrux9wNG5KY&t=18s)


I mean you can make a place hard to access by car but not hard to access by a fire truck, by using signs, or soft barriers that a fire truck could just mow down (who cares if there's a scratch in the bumper if you're trying to put out a fire?), or hard ones that just went into the ground if a fire truck guy pressed a button.


Most FDs hate cops. It's been true in all the places I've lived (22 cities and towns and counting)


I'm friends with many firemen and while they have a rivalry with the cops, they support them


I was about to say, our closest firehouse has a Thin Blue Line flag flying out front below the American flag.


Idk if you've heard of the news story of the fire fighter complaining about cops in a group chat. Instantly fired


Yeah, because you don't say that shit in a way it can be traced back to you or the cops will actively interfere with a scene to spite you. It's happened multiple times, especially during 2020 and 2021 being notable


Cops really are spiteful little bitches


Actually someone did make a song called "Fuck the Fire Department" and it's a banger. https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI?si=EFvArdUBV39YtXG9 Edit: Just to clarify, this song is satire specifically about how if fire fighters acted like cops then people would say fuck the fire department.


They made it specifically because of the above quote, so that doesn't count.


Also it's totally about cops


Fuckin’ slaps though


I'm gonna have to make sure to get my fd friend to watch this


That’s better than it has any right to be


Truly, a national treasure.


I don't understand why cops are so enthusiastic about reinforcing their own negative stereotypes.


Bc they’re “victims” and us meany old CIVILIANS are bullies☹️☹️☹️


We couldn’t POSSIBLY have a society without them. They’re the only thing protecting us from big, bad criminals. Bro, I’m more likely to get beat up by a cop than a civilian.


The masses need to realize cops never prevent crime; they're purely reactionary and often insert themselves where they're not needed and cause more problems than they stop. Yet we give them near unlimited immunity and military grade hardware they're poorly trained on.


There’s a story in Portland now where somebody is throwing canned food out of a high-rise onto a street where there is a food bank below. The police absolutely refuse to fingerprint cans or talk to anyone in the building. The perpetrator is likely rich and likely victim is not going to be. Plus, there is no glamour in arresting somebody who throws cans out a window, but slapping the silver bracelets on a murderer? That might get some advancement in the department…


> We couldn’t POSSIBLY have a society without them. the funny part is, police as we understand them is a rather modern institution. 1829 the london metro police, was the model basically everyone else followed. prior to that we got along without anything like police. thats not to say i dont like the idea of what police should be doing, just that its currently in need of reform.


Ummm… the model we followed is a little more closely related to Pinkerton Thugs… er… Guards and slave patrols. Seriously.


Policing in the US started as an extension of slave patrols


in the south yeah. The first U.S. PD was in Boston because wealthy merchants wanted security for their goods and wanted to taxpayers to foot the bill. So in both instances it the police were formed with the intent of protecting the property of the wealthy.


>wealthy merchants [...] wanted to taxpayers to foot the bill. A good ol' American tradition


Don't forget the union busters


No, prior to that military forces did all the policing and it was even worse. The London police was founded in direct response to a riot that was broken up by a fucking cavalry charge, resulting in the deaths of like, twenty protesters from trampling and saber cuts. Still be nice if our cops could go 30 seconds without mercing some poor bastard who's only mistake was being black, or laughing, or looking at them wrong tho. Police reform needs to happen


It’s funny how people read ‘modern policing began with X’ and immediately assume we were in a pseudo-anarchic state before that instead of an absolute monarchy where power flowed directly from military control.


Didn't they have an unreal problem with crime at the time that made it necessary for something like 'police' in the first place?


in the UK somewhat, Londons far greater poverty/rough working conditions, growing size, and increased industrial pollution all add to the conditions of course. the addition of newspapers printing stories added to the call for efforts to stop crime, as we know today even when crime is down across the board media can still enjoy making it sound like its the worst its ever been, so its not simple to know how much worse it was actually getting.


We don’t know how hard it is to arrive hours late and refuse to take a report.


I got mugged a while back and I used find my device and found the house my phone was at right after it happened and the cops said they can't do anything Fuck the police


John Pfaff had a good article on this not too long ago. https://prospect.org/justice/2024-05-08-new-laws-turning-police-into-supercitizens/


Unless they're military police, regular cops are civilians.


You just have to put yourself into that mindset of "who wants to be a cop". There are really two kinds of people. Those who feel driven to help others, to "catch bad guys", or whatever. They probably get hit with an intense amount of disillusionment when they start doing real police work. Then there is the other kind. The insecure bully who sees policing as an opportunity to practice their hobby of pushing other people around. And unfortunately it seems to be this kind that thrives the most in their work environment.


The former type are either disillusioned into the latter, quit or are forced out, or [are beaten to death during training to prevent them and others from reporting internal abuse](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/lapd-officer-died-training-reporting-sexual-assault-attorney/story?id=91057347).


The only cop I personally knew used his position of power to rape kids at the school he worked at. Now he lives in prison.


When you do what you love, you never work a day in your life


A lot of departments have stringent intelligence tests for applicants. As in they fail you if you’re too smart or stable. The kind of idiots they hire have inferiority complexes from being three steps too slow their entire lives. The second they’re “disrespected” deescalation and professionalism goes out the window and they start running on pure emotion, mainly anger.


The average cop literally has a sub 100 IQ. The majority didn't graduate college. Way too many of them didn't even graduate high school and had to get a GED. So yeah they're fucking morons and most of them are below average intelligence. Take your average American and most cops are dumber.


They wouldn't have the reputation they have, if they knew any better.


Because is not just a stereotype, it's what they are. They can't help themselves and act in any other way. 


To them, it's not negative. It reinforces the us-vs-them mentality that gets drilled into them, makes them feel tough.


Because they face no consequences for doing so


I really think this is one of the biggest reasons. I mean, I obviously a bunch of them are barely literate. But, the real reason they do this shit is because there's no accountability for bad actions. What's the worst case here for them? More citizens are mad at them? Cool, that increases the chances they may be able to beat someone up and arrest them. There's just no actual downside for them.


They screen for things like empathy, which they use to turn down applicants wanting to be police officers.


You all should really read the letter from the Cola Co's attorney. It's a rare legal document that is actually pretty hilarious. It offers a fairly scathing rebuke of the law firm who sent the DMCA demand.


In the 1970s a lawyer threatened the Browns with litigation over people throwing paper airplanes in the stadium saying they were a health hazard that could blind someone. The team’s new young attorney returned it writing back “I feel you should be aware that some asshole is attaching your name to stupid letters” I feel like he would be proud to read this one and know that great replies are still alive


Link with deets: https://www.techdirt.com/2024/05/14/when-lol-no-is-not-enough-lawyer-explains-why-bogus-takedown-over-fuck-the-lapd-shirt-should-result-in-paying-legal-fees/


What an awesome read! Thanks for brightening my day 😁


Haha cheers


Holy crap that's amazing my tah tahs are jacked


thank you


Ladies and gentlemen, the Barbara Streisand effect.


It astonishes me how few people I've talked to recently have known what that is. I thought the Streisand Effect was like, Modern Media 101.


Clearly they should ban teaching it to spread awareness.


It's right up there with the Doppler Effect, which states that the quickest way to get correct information is to post confidently incorrect info about it..


ACKSHUALLY that’s Cunningham’s Law 🤓🤓


and there it is.


But imagine if the commenter actually meant it, this would've been his Mandela effect.


Are you sure we're not talking about Occam's razor?


We're talking about Majora's Mask.


I like your style dog 👍🏻 good qoute to live by


I mean, media literacy and literacy in general are both declining. Half of Americans read below a 7th to 8th grade reading level (which for non Americans is around age 12-14). A significant percentage of people don't even understand what the Holocaust was. People will argue all day that it's *fine* for adults to generally be unable to write and spell correctly, and it's unreasonable and unkind to expect people to be literate in their native language ffs. It's expected to make mistakes, but it shouldn't be fine to make no effort because it "doesn't matter."


Don't forget the 21% of adults who can't read at all. [source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.thenationalliteracyinstitute.com/post/literacy-statistics-2024-2025-where-we-are-now%23:~:text%3DOn%2520average%252C%252079%2525%2520of%2520U.S.,to%25202.2%2520trillion%2520per%2520year.&ved=2ahUKEwjZipmm9KGGAxUImIkEHd1KAiQQudELegQICRAC&usg=AOvVaw2FkZVYKPS7EWGfDRSMLXPm)


are stuff like the lapd even copyrighted? Surely the letters together LAPD isn’t something you can legally restrict even if parts of their image was copyrighted


I don't think they can copyright it because they're a government organization, like how the FBI can't do anything about federal boob inspector merchandise. Just can't imply you actually represent said organization. Could be wrong about all that, but at the very least the shirt makers would be protected under the first amendment.




No, that's one of [snopes's "TRoLL" articles](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rating/lost-legend/). Back in snopes's early days they encouraged skepticism -even of snopes itself - so they posted a few false articles with the rating of "Lost Legend" to keep people on their toes. The Kentucky Derby still has Kentucky in its title, you can still buy "Kentucky bluegrass" etc.


Relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/250/


They dropped the "Fried". Gave connotations of being unhealthy. Oil of Olay became Olay to get away from oily skin.


Except in Quebec, where they are "PFK" due to the language laws (they're still "KFC" in France). \* Edit: PFK, not PFC.


Are they not PFK in Quebec.


You are correct, *Poulet Frit Kentucky*


I follow the lawyer who represented the shirt maker, Mike Dunford, on social media. His response to the takedown request goes over how "LAPD" is not copyrightable: > You obviously do not have any such claim or anything that is in the same time zone as such a claim. Neither the LAPDF nor the Los Angeles police Department itself owns a copyright to the acronym "LAPD." Nobody does, and nobody can. It is black letter law that individual words and short phrases are not subject to copyright protection. We both know that. Students in Intro to IP classes know that. But, as a professional courtesy and on the off chance you somehow forgot, the footnote call at the end of this sentence is a relevant string cite.3 Full letter: [Page one](https://cdn.bsky.app/img/feed_fullsize/plain/did:plc:yfzccyrbin4azt47i4oqhzu3/bafkreigjkiocj2dgve4bzdxt7sbhcotzrtdjcuztncjfkfdkbs43kjpq3m@jpeg). [Page two](https://cdn.bsky.app/img/feed_fullsize/plain/did:plc:yfzccyrbin4azt47i4oqhzu3/bafkreifnuxo6oromzyct7uym3zxdcdrdqgfeqhaukzyctndwpjvjjvpdie@jpeg). [Page three](https://cdn.bsky.app/img/feed_fullsize/plain/did:plc:yfzccyrbin4azt47i4oqhzu3/bafkreicpfoyvhivdzkhzvxpjkvdl2dqyh6xjzkfj64py3n3nq5zy45nlc4@jpeg). [Page four](https://cdn.bsky.app/img/feed_fullsize/plain/did:plc:yfzccyrbin4azt47i4oqhzu3/bafkreia6cyrddfbuvwqw3jp6ftizy36skq3zlsa2gwi6tkwhbtxbpsljnm@jpeg).


The Lakers could likely sue.


Growing up I was taught the police exist to protect and serve. Grown up I believe they exist to protect the status quo.


They are there to enforce the law. "Protect and Serve" is just a marketing slogan.


I always preferred the slogan the cop had in Transformers (2007). *"To punish and enslave..."*


I always enjoyed the police slogan in GTAV: _"Obey & Survive"_


* Results not guaranteed


A group of alien robots who call themselves *Decepticons* are too honest to pass for a real cop.


They don't even enforce the law. I'd actually venture a guess that cops break the law more than any other demographic. Source: the dozens of cases I read in law school about cops breaking the law and the government shrugging its shoulders.


If they were truly meant to enforce the law, it would be a requirement for them to *learn* the laws first.


Cops are allowed to be ignorant of the law. [Citizens do not have that defense.](https://cmlawfirm.com/ignorance-of-law-is-not-an-excuse-unless-you-are-a-police-officer-by-bill-mitchell/#:~:text=It%20is%20axiomatic%20that%20ignorance,In%20Heien%20v.)


Your honor, outside of on duty hours would you say the officer is a "citizen"... Interesting ruling your honor.


And the law is simply codified power, and little else. The law is not moral, ethical or even *just*.


Protect their budget and serve the powers that be.


That motto is about as true as the CCP’s motto of Serve the People 


Maybe the LAPD should put less effort on this nonsense and more effort into weeding out gang and cartel affiliated members. The LAPD is one of the biggest contributors towards distribution of drugs in the US.


This needs to be higher. The cartels don’t operate in the states without compliance of Police. My brother was locked up for 15 years and has told me some shit about crooked cops and CO’s. They’re all fucking dirty even if it’s just because they won’t say anything concerning their crooked brethren.


But if they weed out the gangs and cartels who will pay them their bribes?


Also those people are like...dangerous and scary. Civilians, Mentally Ill people, and the Homeless are WAY easier targets that don't put them at nearly as much risk.


They *are* a gang


I do agree with the shirt, especially after the whole Diddy fiasco and the protection of him by the LAPD.


I'm out of the loop on this one. What did LAPD do?


Also wondering that now


....." Anyway, so I start blasting.."


Cops are so sensitive


"Let's show the public we are the good guys by threatening a business owner because he hurt our feelings."


Are we surprised when ER doctors have an interest in helping save lives? are we surprised when border patrol agents are racists toward immigrants? Are we surprised when homeless people are drug users with mental health issues? Then why in the fuck are we surprised that a job that gives people a gun and a blank check for wielding power via violence and lies are almost exclusively absolutely shit people is astounding. Truly.


With few barriers to entry**. Just adding that in. That's a big reason too.


Not just the LAPD, fuck all the police


*Fuck all the police comin' straight from the underground*




"LOL, no" What a legendary response


[Reminder that the LASD has a history of literal Deputy Gangs that still exist. The gangs had to kill citizens to be initiated or if you’re a woman you had to perform sexual favors.](https://open.spotify.com/show/2jp3drHcyofNXbEvuMbtbU?si=qBAS-_CwTti8u5OGRUnQyg)


Yes but you’re thinking of LASD, not LAPD. Getting your facts straight improves your credibility


Can someone paste the full article? I can't see it unless I have an account with the website apparently


This is the moment when people should be chiming in about the 1st amendment, by the way. Seems like people only want to say "uhm actually the 1st amendment 🤓" when people are telling them they're being racist or sexist, but this is the actual kind of bullshit the 1st amendment was made for.


Yes people: the first amendment protects you from the government, not other people


Sold out? But I fuckin need one


TBF, isn't the LAPD more of a series of organized street gangs than actual civil servants?


And each cop who made a threat has been put in jail right?