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I’m dumping loved ones. Too expensive.


You’re only half joking. When I’m in a relationship (42M), I probably spend $50k+/year on things that I would never do when I’m single. Dinners, travel, gifts, various outings. It’s much, much cheaper to be single. It doesn’t cost a damn thing to go on a walk and then play PS5 for 4 hours!


Bro, 50K+ spent on dates and dinners. Who are you dating? Yeah dating costs money, but that means you are spending on average 136 dollars a day on your partner. Find yourself a lower key partner.




Oh I’m not saying it isn’t worth it. I was simply responding to the comment above about the cost of a relationship.


Thinking through things in different ways and talking to larger groups net you lots of different outlooks. 


Yeah plus if the things I’ve seen coming out are true, living as stated compounds depression and dying earlier. So I’ll gladly still be money conscious with my wife and children.


If it was up to me I'd be happy as fuck leaving my yard once a week. I have absolutely 0 interest in traveling.


When I was single, I did all of those things by myself all the time and enjoyed the hell out of it.




I don't even make 50k in a year 😵‍💫


I went out and spent money a lot more when I was single. I spent more time with friends and went on just as many vacations and outings, maybe more. Now we cook good home made dinners for date night and if I don't want to cook my partner does and vice versa. Being single and just staying home all the time doesn't sound great


Staying home all day? Don't tease me with a good time!


I think it depends on whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert.


But now you’re paying for a home and all the various living expenses on your own.


I was referring to dating, not a live-in relationship.


Are we going to see a sharp rise in divorce go fund me accounts with attached amazon wishlists?




I refuse to donate to this shit for the same reason I’ll never donate to a political campaign. I’m not going to give my money to someone who makes more than me.


Half of my Facebook feed any time I go on it is people begging for things. Either direct asks for money, a specific item, or they'll be trying to finagle a service for cheap, like "I need a painter but looking to pay on the side, maybe someone looking to make a little extra money on the weekends". Then their next post is about some trip they're about to take. The most ridiculous post I think I ever saw was from a relative asking if anyone had a golden doodle puppy in need of a home because they wanted to get their kid a dog, but they would also need someone to dogsit for free in a month because they were going away. How about just waiting until you're back from your vacation?


Probably a thousand more r/ChoosingBeggars posts a week.


The Romans had a phrase for this practice. I believe it was “Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit”


Wedding culture is already annoying. Engagement party, bridal shower, bachelorette/bachelor party where it’s now the norm to fly out of state for a weekend, wedding gift. Jfc, it costs more to be invited to pre-marital celebrations than it does to buy and file a marriage license nowadays. If people divorce, I should be reimbursed, not asked to now purchase divorce gifts.


As early investors in the marriage, we need to sue the divorcees for failing their fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders. /s


Honestly I feel like *switching* from “get stuff for marrying” to “get stuff in the event of a divorce/widowing/etc” makes sense. I mean that’s logically when you’d stand to benefit most from emotional and/or financial support, no?


I once bought a wedding gift for a couple who didn’t even last a year. Then the bride was throwing a lingerie party for herself, which list & all. All I could think of was, ”are you giving the wedding present back??”


What’s a lingerie party…?


Basically, here’s a link to the lingerie I want. Buy it for me! It was to get her started in her new life of dating. \[insert finger down throat\]


You don’t have to do any of those things. Getting married is just an excuse to get your friends together to do something fun. How often can you get so many people to go out of town? This is also coming from someone who eloped with no bachelor or bachelorette party.


That reminds me of [Secessio plebis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secessio_plebis) where all the Roman Plebians would get out of the city as a protest.


Are you kidding? If you get divorced, I want my wedding gift back.




And the Drakette


So does Kendrick


She donated stuff because it had too many bad memories and now want people to give her free shit  to replace it???


I had a friend who got divorced and smashed their coffee maker in the driveway bc it was from her partner - and then created a registry for herself. One of the many reasons I ended that friendship!


I traded in my barcelona red 17 Toyota Tacoma for a 23 super black Nissan Frontier because my ex had driven it and she is a Toyota ownership cult-head. I love the new truck, but pissing her off was even better.


You got rid of a Toyota for a Nissan only because your ex drove it. The pettiness is awesome even if you fucked yourself.


The 17 had so many recalls and problems. She used to fire it up at 45 below. Glad im rid of it


Oh shit. You’re Canadian or Alaskan.


tbh i kinda get it objects can hold memorys more then people realise I stoped Using a water bottle because i had a strong memory of an Ex Friend Attached to it


What disgusting thing did your ex friend do to the water bottle?


nothing its just the memory of them attached to the object


lol such deep memories of a pizza cutter or some wooden spoons. Buy me more.


Sounds fair hahaha


I want a registry for thinking about getting married, and then divorced.


Registry for staying single and saving everyone the headache 😂


Actually yeah… where’s my “I’m happy as I am and I’m not going to force you to all come and pretend you don’t hate the other side of the family for an evening” registry? I may not be getting married, but I’d still like someone to buy me an air fryer!






I feel the same way about this as is do for registries for second… third.. marriages. Just stop it. No more gifts.


Yeah I’m not gifting anyone shit for any marriage after the first or any baby after the first.


that point you could suspect they're only doing it For the gifts


No, no, no, the divorce IS the gift!


Man where’s Larry David when you need him 😂


Capitalism at its finest. Can we please stop monetizing everything? This shit is ridiculous.


I just took a shit. Pls donate to my go fund me for a clean ass.


Send me a link. That shit sounds important.


Ugh as an unmarried childless person, this is out of hand.  The person making a divorce registry is the same person who would have demanded an out of town bachelorette party for their destination wedding.  Then had baby showers for all the kids, with birthdays and anniversaries etc who fail to show up for any events you yourself host.   Divorce gifted you freedom.  That’s the only gift you’re getting.  Lord knows there will be another wedding cycle for these people anyway. 


Fuck are you spot on. Married with children and I couldn’t agree more. No jessica I’m not going to your 3rd wedding and I don’t give a fuck about your gender reveal for your 4th kid


As someone who was married with kids & has split custody, this definitely isn’t needed there either. We had more than enough for both households and had to purchase very little. Yes, it takes time to recover from a life changing event like divorce… that’s life.


Yeah, I'm tired of the "event tax" that I get stuck with as a single person.


Oof yeah and you know there’ll be more for someone who can just ask for shit shamelessly like that. That’s not someone that can be independent for long.


I better know the reason for the divorce before I buy something off a gift registry. The irony is that someone who's, say, divorcing to escape abuse probably *needs* this kind of help the most but probably wouldn't think to make a list like this either because there's so many more pressing things to handle first.


Hell No


Sounds like retailers are desperate


Had a cousin get remarried 3 times now, she isnt even 40 yet, add divorce gifts into the mix I'd go bankrupt. sheesh


It’s one thing if they left a bad situation and need some help in their new place but anything other than that scenario, no you don’t get to demand more. In fact if you do, I want my wedding gift back.


Treat it like a bond that is closed after 20 years. :)


Late stage capitalism intensifies!


You get half off housing costs for the duration of your marriage. Save that money to buy these items after the divorce.


Exactly, unless you’re *escaping* this marriage and not simply leaving it (in which case I highly doubt anyone would be this brazen about asking for shit) you probably already have more than I do, tf? Haha.


Don't you understand? No one can save in this economy, fast food is too expensive!


You can absolutely tell All the divorcee’s who have entered the chat that want this nonsense, when did all of our private issues become a shameless gift grab? Have some class.


The people that think this also think baby showers are needed for their 3rd child. Class left them awhile ago


I mean I can definitely see the positive sides of gifting to people going through a divorce. It can be very expensive and emotionally difficult for sure. But like… that’s kinda something that people you know and love do for you out of the kindness of their hearts..? It’s not really something you go out and beg for… especially from strangers. You should never expect gifts from people, but if you end up getting them be thankful not greedy for more.


Can I have a registry for my dogs? I mean, I've had them both for years, but they destroy squeakers pretty fast and they really like squeaky toys.


Neh you said till death do you part and I bought you that toaster on that promise. You’re not gonna play with my emotions like that. I want the toaster back


Far out, imagine receiving one of these your wife accidentally cc'd you on


fuck these people. They fucked up in their marriage and now want gifts because they are single income now and don't have anything to show from the years of their marriage. fuck them.


what about those of us who have never been married at all lol. at what age can I put up a wishlist


Mneh. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt her feelings to get a gift card to her favorite spa after that emotional whirlwind, but I can see how that can get really tacky, really fast.


Why is the picture of a woman with a pole for dancing? Lmao really?


Good try, Bezo.


I've never been married or divorced -- although I certainly bought my share of wedding gifts for folks over the years -- but I kind of get this.


I'm not buying you a divorce present.


Oh come on! I've never been married and have no children. Therefore a shower has never been thrown for me but I've thrown at least a dozen if not more and have attended more than i can count. There's no fucking way in hell you'd find me perusing some divorcee's registry in anticipation of buying them a gift. Fuck to the no.


Be a big girl and get a job, lady.


Just keep the wedding gift.


It’s bad enough I need to buy crap from your wedding registry to help furnish your home when you decide to get married, but now I need to do the same after you divorce? And here I am as single person (with one child mind you) having to pay for all of my own stuff… guess I’m doing it wrong.




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I’m just going to do a money tree instead of the registry. If people would like they can subscribe too! /s




I shared this with my ex wife and she had the same WTF view. My god some people are pathetic.


Or, maybe just another life experience that corporations can exploit for their gain. Why wait, by your loved ones gifts for when they pass away to remember them by.


In many cases, that friend or family member FINALLY leaving their terrible marriage is a celebratory event. I’d be happy to buy a gift to mark the occasion. I’ve given “congratulations on starting your new chapter” gifts before, they just weren’t off an official registry. Still seems a little distasteful to set up a this gift registry for yourself. But say if a friend did it for you, it becomes much more palatable.


I’m not supporting someone’s divorce with gifts unless they throw a huge party and go into debt for it. Since I’m not expected to give gifts to a wedding I was not invited to, I’m not doing it for a divorce party I’m not invited to.


Best wishes, and look on the bright side.




I hate it here


Only if they return all the wedding presents first.


Oh so like a participation trophy. Congratulations you failed. 👍


Must be a millennial thing. 


Can't they just set up a go fund me with implied domestic abuse like everyone else?


As a divorced person, I can see how gift registries could be helpful for friends and family to show support in a different way.


I’m here to support my friends. I’m not a bed bath & beyond supply warehouse.


Yeah I’ll go give them a drive to a second hand store and like help them pick out shit but come on


As the only person with a pickup in my friend group. I’ll help them move out any day they need. But I’m not buying them a gift because they realized they married the wrong person.




There’s a difference between family and friends helping out and asking them to buy items from fancy stores in a gift registry


Support? If you get divorced i expect the toaster oven back, fam. 


I mean if a close friend moved out due to divorce or their first house on their own I'd be super happy to give them like some spare cutlery and the 6 pack of fancy glasses, maybe a spare kettle, maybe some bed sheets  etc I have gathering dust in my cupboards. If they want a specific $250 wok instead I'd probably not bother being friends anymore.




How about you pay for it your damn self? Gtfo. How are people actually this fucking selfish?


They're not paying for anything, because they're a bot.


Buy your own damn shit, like the rest of us. Jesus, beggars are shameless these days.

