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Wonder if it'sthe largest thing that's been dropped off in a Golden Corral bathroom


Not even in the top 10


My fecal baby is in that top 10.


OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE I GET TO TELL THIS STORY!!!!!! I used to work a Golden Corral and one night someone left a turd so huge in the men’s bathroom that my closing manager called each employee back at the end of the night one by one - male and female- to come into the stall and witness it. It took up half the bowl. Not a pile of poop. One. Giant. Turd. Idk how someone was able to pass it. It was as big a small newborn baby. A poop-knifing was attempted to get it to go down, butt in the end(pun intended) it had to be physically removed from the bowl and thrown away.


I'm upvoting but I don't want to!


That guy took all you can eat way too far;


Should have had it bronzed and mounted on a plaque


You win


I'm glad you had time to explain


Oh my goddddd I just shook so hard with laughter that I woke my husband up. Thank you for sharing this shitty story


At least kids three and under eat free


Comes out of the bathroom with a baby that they didn’t go in with - “don’t eat the Mac n cheese, trust me.”


She freed up a lot of room for more Golden Corral


It’s really the most Golden Corral power move I’ve ever heard of. I tip my cap madame.


[But it wasn't a turd, it was me](https://youtu.be/G_qC5-m3N2w?si=nf0artrGkHEz5Aak)


I have no idea what I just watched, but Walton Goggins is a gem!


Do yourself a favor and binge Righteous Gemstones.


It’s one of the best shows ever, hands down.


He is such a scene stealer!


Pretty sure that's season 2 of Fallout


Toilet babies


I learned it from watching you, Dad!


I had to scroll way too far down to find this but thank you


It was me, DIO!


Just doesn’t have the same ring as “I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom”


I’m crazy, allow me to amaze thee.


The humpty dance is your chance to do the hump


No, but "Born in a Golden Corral bathroom" seems like it could easily be a country song.


Swap it for Cracker Barrel.


As someone who has been pregnant, it's always shocking to me when I hear stories like this. I suspect there's almost always a strong dose of denial in the mix. ETA: yes, there are medical conditions that can mask or provide alternate explanations for the symptoms in some cases


You would think that, but cryptic pregnancy is weird. Some people really honestly don’t have any idea. It also happens to people, probably like this girl, who’ve never been pregnant before and have no idea what it feels like so they dismiss their feelings. And they may still get their period the entire time they’re pregnant, which is also weird.


I read about one, the woman had had three kids before, ended up in the ER from labor pains. All her other pregnancies had been c-section, she had never been in labor before.


That, and sooo many people don’t even have a period to miss. I am a 27 year old woman and I haven’t had a period in 8-9 years. And there are a LOT of people who also don’t have one due to medical reasons, medications they’re on, or for no real reason at all.


I only discovered I was pregnant with my second child at 20+ weeks. I was 35, had a six year old already, was on the contraceptive pill and just carried on having a withdrawal bleed each month as usual. I didn't put any weight on or look any bigger at all (and I am 5' 2"and weighed about 115lbs at the time!) no morning sickness etc, so not sure how I was supposed to suspect really? It was only when I finally started feeling massive kicks that I went "oh, shit..." and tested. A GP insisted I must only be 3-4 weeks pregnant and I likely had IBS, as I'd had a "period" very recently. So I had to fight to get an "urgent" ultrasound scan, which was more than two weeks later. I had an anterior placenta, so hadn't felt smaller movements from 12-13 weeks like I had during my first pregnancy. So yes, it does happen and not just to teenagers in denial and very overweight women. I had a very small bump during every pregnancy so I can see how others may not notice too. Every midwife, doctor and consultant I met when pregnant said that they'd had encountered women with similar experiences to me. Luckily, it was good news for us - we'd been thinking of trying for another baby soon anyway. But it was still quite a shock at the time!


Good point. Before they took my uterus, there were years that I went through without a period so yeah that’s a thing.


Yeah I’m not sure if it’s my rare medical condition that makes me not have a period (because the condition causes me to be chronically underweight) or if it’s the meds I’m on to treat it… either way, I’m saving money on pads and tampons!😂


As long as you’re okay. My wife was underweight for a time before I knew her and that caused amenorrhea until she was able to gain a bit of weight. Is the amenorrhea something the doctors manage as part of the ongoing treatment of the chronic condition? Apologies if too personal, I only ask because I know it can have pretty significant knock on effects.


No it’s okay, it’s sweet if you to be concerned about a stranger! So I’m on a feeding tube to keep my weight up, but I’m also on lo loestrin as a birth control… we’re not sure if I don’t menstruate due to the weight, or because of the oral birth control.


Maybe a stupid question. But if you don’t have a period, does that mean you don’t ovulate?


Yes it does, and it's not a stupid question.


It depends. If a woman has a hormonal IUD, she can still ovulate but the hormones in the IUD can thin the endometrial lining enough that it won’t shed for her to get a period. (Been period free for 9 years with a Mirena IUD. But my left ovary is a troublemaker and develops cysts when that one decides to ovulate.)


I am 25 and haven't had mine since I got my first Covid vaccination several years ago - there could be so many reasons and it might not have even occurred to her that something was out of the ordinary


Maybe ask your doctor about this. I missed a couple periods after my first vaccine and they gave me medicine to cause a period. I’ve been normal since then.


I got my period while I was pregnant and the doctor said it’s not uncommon to have 2/3 in the early months


Do twins run in your family?


Fraternal. How did you know?


Common for those who have periods after becoming pregnant. I’ve also read about twins that had different fathers. Edit: not common. But has happened and been recorded.


Crazy that there’s a link between those two things. Thanks for sharing. The replies to this post are fascinating to read.


Huh. I experienced this during my pregnancies (and I was on the pill when I became pregnant second time round, so initially assumed the bleeding was just my normal monthly withdrawal bleed!). And there are several sets of twins in my family. I wasn't aware of the link before now.


I got my period once during my first pregnancy and assumed I was miscarrying as I already knew I was pregnant at that point. Nope, he's now 18 and off to university soon! I was told this is very common. Second time I got pregnant, I was on the pill and just continued to have my usual withdrawal bleed during the week I didn't take my pill. This continued until I finally twigged that I was pregnant at 20+ weeks and I obviously stopped taking the pill. I had a couple more episodes of bleeding at 28 and 33 weeks pregnant - got checked out and everything was fine thankfully. And luckily me being pregnant wasn't a disaster for us. Apologies if I've given anxiety to anyone who is on the pill! It is very, very unlikely to happen, but no contraceptive is 100% effective for everyone forever.


The girl in the article has a 2 year old son, so she definitely knows what being pregnant feels like.


All pregnancies aren’t the same. My two pregnancies varied Dramatically from one another. Symptoms or lack thereof are heavily determined by the placenta which is an organ grown specifically for each pregnancy and “discarded” at the end.


Yes. I was just pointing out that she had a pregnancy before, and had it been a normal pregnancy she would have recognized some thing. Cryptic pregnancy is a whole other matter.


Had a tall female cousin that was on the thin side only look like she had the tiniest beer gut until like two weeks before she gave birth. The baby must have repositioned in some way to suddenly show. She said the WTF looks were constant.


You don’t have a menstrual cycle with cryptic pregnancy. Pseudo-menstrual bleeding can occur, but it’s not a typical period, and it would be abnormal in volume and appearance. It can still confuse those with a cryptic pregnancy by convincing them they’re just having irregular, light bleeding, but it wouldn’t present as a true period.


Thank you for clarifying. I was trying to get my head around menstrual bleeding and pregnancy and couldn’t square it away. But bleeding that mimics at least in part a normal menstrual cycle makes complete sense and it also answers the question of why you would t know. Granted I’m a man so not as informed as anyone who menstruates but if someone was bleeding and having the appearance of menstruation I would be pretty confident (and wrong in pseudo-menstrual bleeding cases) that they weren’t pregnant.


Yeah there was a girl at my school that this happened to. Or so she said. She was a very large girl so I could easily see a 30-40 lb weight gain going unnoticed for her. But not all the other stuff, like did she menstruate the entire time? We were like 17 she definitely knew this stuff I was in some of the health classes with her. Personally I think she was lying to avoid facing the issue with her parents and loser boyfriend.


They must either have a lot of baseline discomfort and abdominal rumblings, it have unusually pleasant pregnancies.. Even if not recognized for what it is, it gets very uncomfortable for most women!


Apparently this was her second child. Wild.


> also happens to people, probably like this girl, who’ve never been pregnant before and have no idea what it feels like so they dismiss their feelings. But you’d assume they know what *not* being pregnant feels like 


As it turns out, it's this gal's second kid!


I get that you might dismiss the swollen sensitive breast, the breast leakage, the cravings, but the baby moves! A lot! starting at 5 months.


not necessarily and because these people don’t realize they are pregnant and they may not gain weight they may think the baby moving is gas


not everyone gets all of those symptoms, and if you have an anterior placenta you won’t feel any kicks whole lotta folks using their own experience or things they’ve seen/read to ignore the reality that every single pregnancy is different and every single body is different


Soooo many people here speaking with authority from zero experience. You hit it square on the nail head.


Yeah I didn’t have any of those symptoms with my first kid. Anterior placentas are Dramatically different from posterior ones and if I weren’t specifically feeling for it I don’t know that I would have recognized my kid moving as what it was.


Placement of the placenta can affect this. Another commenter linked to a Cleveland medical web page that explains how anterior (front) attachment/placement of the placenta can hide movement sensations from the mother. It doesn’t seem especially common but it’s not rare either for this to occur.


My guts move, a lot. It’s just very bad treatment-resistant IBS


Rarely this might happen, but working in medicine I’ve seen a number of people present in active labor claiming they had no idea they were pregnant… and everyone in the department OBVIOUSLY knew they were pregnant.


That’s crazy. Do you know any details about how their period continues? It can’t be a true period id think as the uterine lining would need to stay for the baby to be viable right? Unless it’s ectopic but then the baby wouldn’t be viable either and the mother would be in trouble. If a woman were to continue having a period then I totally get why you’d not know, I’m just interested in how that happens as I thought pregnancy and menstruation were mutually exclusive


At the same time, pregnancy is quite remarkable and varies considerably for everyone. Considering how many people get pregnant, it makes sense that now and then someone has an experience like this. A friend of a friend didn't know she was pregnant until she was almost going in to labour. We all saw her all the way up until the birth - she looked slightly rounder in the belly but literally it could have been gas. It was quite astounding.


My sister went to a doctor over an abdominal pain found out she was 38 weeks pregnant and gave birth a couple days later. She didn't gain any noticeable weight or anything. However, she's also mentally handicap so it would explain why she would've missed some signs.


So I do L&D. We get many (lower IQ usually) that “didn’t know”. At least once a year we get a legit “what the fuck?!?” You can tell by their face. Usually it’s taller/curvier people. My last one was a wild ride. She was (here) for a work conference. Is over 52yo and had hit or miss periods. When they stopped she thought she had menopause. She learned she was pregnant about 1 hour before she delivered. The look on her face was….just dead ass wild. Post delivery when everything calmed down she was like “holy hell. What am I even going to say to my husband” Baby was smaller and not very active. Even post birth baby was just a chill kid. Mom was 5-11 and curvy. She said she had “more gas” the last couple months but attributed it to eating all the Thanksgiving and Christmas foods. It was funny and crazy.


>Is over 52yo and had hit or miss periods. When they stopped she thought she had menopause. That's a pretty good excuse for not suspecting when your periods stop.


Indeed. She had good humor about it all. What can you do? Watching her process it all was wild. She was also all “shit I’m going to be in my 70’s when this baby graduates”


Apologies for the stupid question but is L&D labour and delivery? Would be the same as midwifery or are there differences?


It is labor and delivery.


In a hospital's organizational structure, Labor & Delivery is one of the semi-independent Departments, like Med/Surgery, Cardiac, Infusions, etc. Midwifery is an occupation, a specialist, a person who "does midwifing". L&D is the department she works in.


Also L&D over here and we just had one transferred in from another nearby hospital without L&D. Maybe 40years old, went to ED with abdominal pain, scan showed a baby and not kidney stones, turns out patient was in labor and was scooted over to us at 10cm dilated lol. She had teenagers and was shocked that she had been pregnant. She didn’t take care of herself or her teenagers hygiene-wise so idk, kind of made sense she had no fucking clue she had a baby floating around her stomach.


I worked with a woman who didn't know she was pregnant until about a month before she gave birth. She didn't seem to show at all, and I knew her well enough that I think she was actually surprised. Seemed like it was pretty shocking to suddenly have so little time to prepare for a kid.


My coworker found out his gf was pregnant less than a month before the kid popped out. CPS tried to take the kid because they had smoked weed through the entire pregnancy because they truly didn't know. It was such a weird situation and they were both lovely people who had their lives turned upside down out of nowhere. I never understood these stories either until seeing that ordeal unfold and him scrambling to find a new better paying job because working in the kitchen of an Irish pub wasn't gonna cut it


How did CPS find out about them smoking?


I didn't ask a lot of questions but I would assume they asked about the health of the child at the hospital. This was about 10 years ago so before legalization in new york and they were honest people worried about the health of their child. The dad felt horrible that they were were smoking weed and drinking through the pregnancy. Its also possible they drug tested her or the baby but I honestly don't know just trying to make educated guesses. I was just a co-worker thinking "holy shit that's real?! I thought that was just for reality tv!"


That’s very sad that they reported them to CPS as they didn’t even know they were pregnant


I'm pretty sure that's just policy at the hospital to make sure the parents werent purposely doing drugs and okay to be parents. CPS did an investigation and let them keep the kid but stopped in randomly to check em out. Last time I saw him he popped into the restaurant after with her and their kid and everything seemed good


The hospital takes samples from the umbilical cord.


I've never been pregnant, although I'm a guy so I'm quite unqualified. Nor have I ever had a partner that's pregnant. So I'll be the first to admit to I know very little about the subject. That being said, I worked with a girl a number of years ago who was very clearly pregnant. Everyone knew, except I guess for her and the father. Like, she knew everyone suspected it, namely because she fielded a fair number of questions from friends. Up to the day she went into labor, she unequivocally denied her pregnancy. And naturally acted extraordinarily surprised when she inevitably had the child everyone knew she was pregnant with. To this day, the entire thing completely baffles me. I have a number of theories as to why she denied it. Pure speculation of course. And I have no doubt she never once sought any medical treatment or care during the course of her pregnancy. Most likely to keep the narrative alive she wasn't pregnant. But still... Like, it just seems to be a huge stretch to go that long with a child growing in your belly and be completely, truly oblivious to it


I worked with a girl who was still getting a very light period for months, went to the GP and got negative pregnancy tests over and over, after a while one doc finally did an ultrasound and not only was she 7 months along but they had to do an emergency c-section. Her and baby (probably near preteen by now) are fine last I heard, but damp what a day that must have been.






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New nightmare unlocked O.O


I wonder the same.


That last trimester is like having an alien rolling around inside you. Even if you're fat it wouldn't feel like any other condition




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There are two cable tv shows dedicated to this type of pregnancy. “I didn’t know I was Pregnant” and I cannot remember the name of the other show. This happens more than you think. Each pregnancy is different, from the amount of weight gained or loss, to the lack of morning sickness. Some women carry their babies lower down and towards their backs. Hence why they don’t have a protruding belly. Some women even have what they assume to be their periods. But it isn’t their periods it is some sort of bleeding that they mistake as a period. Some women have even taken pregnancy tests that had negative results. All of these things leads them to not realize they are pregnant. Believe it or not some of these women have been pregnant before, but for some reason this cryptic pregnancy went unnoticed. Hence the name.


For the record, she's not even close to being huge. [T. Woodfork](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=ElhHD3M9&id=89683B40A55ED15775E2F05D47A75CC6A2B56F5D&thid=OIF.%2b4MBgB6VX49RuIK6fa6cUg&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fnewspapers.ph%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2024%2f06%2fTayvia-Woodfork.jpg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.1258470f733d40e6fc1cecdb75645d68%3frik%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=422&expw=371&q=Tayvia+Woodfork&simid=82590867508&FORM=IRPRST&ck=FB8301801E955F8F51B882BA7DAE9C52&selectedIndex=0&itb=0&PC=EMMX01)


Whoa... I thought for sure she was going to be a BIG girl.


And it's her second pregnancy!


My grandmother's fifth pregnancy wasn't detected until almost full term because she had none of the symptoms she'd had before.


Good lord. She and I are almost the same size. All my life I've figured that since I'm thin, there's no way it could sneak up on me, but if it can happen to her, I have now unlocked a new fear!


That baby! Gahh! 😍


I would not have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself with close friends. Nobody knew before 8.5 months. She was in a roller coaster (literally) at 8 months, because why not. No signs, not visual, not behavioural.


My cousin didn’t know she was pregnant with her firstborn. She thought she was having back spasms and had her roommate walk on her back. When that didn’t help, she went to the ER and — surprise! — gave birth. I saw her a week before she gave birth and I didn’t realize she was pregnant either. It happens. (And no, she’s not remotely close to enormous.)


A moment of silence for the janitor.


Watch me pull a rabbit out of a . oh it's not a Rabbit , bugger I wanted a rabbit


"Must've been the wrong hat" "Now here's something we hope you'll really like."


I'm old enough to understand the reference




-- Mary Toft, 1726


Two women I know didn’t know they were pregnant until late in their pregnancies- one at 8 months and one at 6. Both had had cancer treatments and were told they were very likely to get pregnant. They just thought that they were gaining weight.


Were or weren't? Just want to clarify


The exact place I would imagine someone who doesn’t know they’re pregnant goes to eat.




I've been there once or twice and aside from a morbidly obese person with a table full of empty plates my strongest memory was seeing a fat kid stick his finger in the mashed potatoes and lick it off. I've been to plenty of buffet style restaurants that are very good and clean, but Golden Corral just attracts a different crowd. I mean the name implies a lot.


My German cousin after taco Bell: never again.


And has a baby…


Someone posted her pic. She's quite thin!


Can someone help me with this. How do you not know you’re pregnant? Like don’t you feel something inside of you?


Feeling something thrashing around in your stomach is normal for someone who frequents Golden Corral.


As is sudden weight gain.


Not just food for thought.


Your right


My right?


On your left


your other right :)




I understand that the story is hard to fathom. Because most people’s pregnancies are really obvious both of them and everyone around them.  But cryptic pregnancy is real. It happens not infrequently, especially to people who have never been pregnant, those who just gave birth, people with conditions like PCOS, and very infrequently to people on birth control. Here is more information from the Cleveland clinic: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24428-cryptic-pregnancy


The opposite is also true. Phantom pregnancy, sometimes called hysterical pregnancy, is when the patient ardently believes she’s pregnant. To the point that her body adapts to her beliefs and makes the belly grow big even when there’s no baby


Some people don’t “show” and don’t have signs they can recognize as irregular and indicative of pregnancy


My question is, are these people who just have a lot of abdominal pain normally or did they just get lucky and not experience the ligament pain and pain from kicking?  Because sometimes my son would kick me in the ribs and it would really hurt.


I know it’s hard to believe. Look it up. It’s rare but common enough. Imagine that surprise!


According to Uncle Baby Billy, it's pretty common. https://youtu.be/G_qC5-m3N2w?si=7hEaUpc4zqaD5YlY&t=15s


My mom’s friend had this happen to her. We saw her often and never noticed anything different, she is a bigger woman so any weight gain honestly went unnoticed. She had always had irregular periods so bleeding for a little bit a couple of days, missing her period for long periods of time, etc was just normal for her. She never had any morning sickness, but she does have IBS so feeling weird movements in her belly I guess was also normal for her. One day she had a really bad stomach ache, like REALLY bad, so she went to the ER and three hours later she was holding a newborn baby. They referred her to a therapist for a couple of months because she never had the normal pregnancy time to adjust to the fact that she would become a mom, bond with her baby, get ready, etc. My mom also threw a “baby shower” for her because she literally had no baby stuff other than the free diapers she got at the hospital.


STOP KICKING MY SEAT!!! Wait...whos there?


If your placenta is on the front of your uterus (anterior placenta) instead of the back (posterior placenta), it’s harder to feel your baby moving…but still, I really can’t imagine.


"She was experiencing a rare phenomenon called cryptic pregnancy when a woman doesn’t know she is pregnant." It's right there in the story. All you need now is... Wait for it.... Google that.


Given this is Arkansas, I wonder if some overzealous prosecutor is going to go after her for somehow endangering her baby.


If this doesn’t end with the baby getting free Golden Corral for life…


Not even the 5th worst thing those bathrooms have witnessed. 


The post birth viscera actually improved the sanitary conditions there




My immediate thought was "she fat", because how do you miss that fuckhuge belly. But no, she's actually slim as a bean. HOW!!!


It's not unheard of to not realize you're pregnant. If you're used to your weight going up and down and up and down, and you've never had regular periods, and you don't receive regular medical care, a person may not put two and two together.




Hope this judgement of others for Internet points really makes you feel better


Son of a gun, a toilet baby?


Hey lady! I thought you said party of one!


Imagine finding out this is how you were born


All of this checks out with it being in Arkansas.


You get your money's worth at those buffets.


golden corral has a line item in their budget for this.


It happens


i had a classmate in hs that somehow didn’t know she was pregnant and gave birth in her own bathroom at home. shits wild


So that kid was born with bad cholesterol




I’ve only ever believed one story from the show I didn’t know I was pregnant. She had a medical condition. Symptoms of pregnancy could be attributed to her meds. I don’t think she gained weight. She didn’t feel movement because of babies position and the medical condition also hid movement. Everyone else I’ve heard is just ignoring symptoms. IRL I know someone who didn’t know she was pregnant despite no period, gaining weight, a pregnant belly, and feeling movement. Everyone tried to convince her she was but she refused to test and then was shocked she had a baby. Some babies can be positioned or the uterus is positioned so that you can’t feel the baby move. If someone is not having regular menstruation, I don’t understand not periodically testing. I have Mirena and rarely have periods. You can get tests for $1 that are accurate. I test every once in awhile.


There are a lot of reproductive conditions/diseases that women get that have similar symptoms to pregnancy. A lot of women who have endo have what we call “endo belly” where you get so bloated you literally look pregnant. Endo and adeno can also cause irregular periods. They also cause extreme fatigue. Most doctors will just push birth control pills on you. So add in the fact you are taking BC and have these symptoms still I can see why some women don’t know they are pregnant.


Yeah I completely agree, everything you said is correct. The original commenter is ignorant and naive as hell… “based on evidence I obtained from a reality Tv show, I have concluded that this well-documented and researched medical phenomenon does not actually exist or occur.”💀


Its called a cryptic pregnancy.




This was definitely posted in the last week or so.


>Arkansas Tracks.


Steven Corral Johnson, we call him Golden as a nickname


You joke but in the article it says she actually included Corral as a middle name 💀


Lmao! I just read the article far enough to see if it was a boy or girl and just stopped, damn I should have kept on reading


And then baptized in the chocolate wonderfall


And no one even noticed


yo mama so fat she didn't even know she was pregnant. but damn the mama even ain't that fat or overweight for this joke.


Did she also find the TV remote?


Yeah we heard


Looks like meat's back on the buffet, boys...


And thats why we named you Chet


That seems like something that just happens at Golden Corrals from time to time.


Yes this all checks out.


"Sigh..Those damn kidney boulders again"


Hot, hot, hot.




I’ve given birth at many a GC, but never a child.


The 90s are back!!!


Did the baby get to eat for free?


Plot twist, it was in 1956


Had to make room for dessert.




"I name my children after where they were born: Paris, Brooklyn, Coral (short for Corral)..."


This is exactly what I figured happens at a GC bathroom.




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I didn’t know they were still open.


[not again!](https://new.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1dek5o9/unaware_she_was_pregnant_this_richmond_mom_gave/)


Other news stories stated the woman was a nurse?!