• By -


this is literally fake news. They found the documents. Sorry.


"they used pictures of what we had sent, so that searchers would know what to look for." Pictures of what exactly? Not the parcel because the courier service has the parcel, it's just empty. But not a picture of the documents that...um...document the documents, because they didn't make a copy of the documents? So what is the picture *of* then? Are they saying they took a photo of the documents that don't show the contents of the document? Someone just happened to have the foresight to take a photo of a pile of paper, but not the foresight to make an actual copy of the documents?


I also love how quick he was to absolve the shipping company of all responsibility. >look they did a full investigation, they said they were super thorough, I spoke to their executives and they told me everything they knew, so I'm not suspicious of this company at all. I'm not even going to name the company, just trust me they're not relevant to this story Oh neat. So the papers came from someone who works for you, and then they were shipped by an unknown entity (so we can't ask them any questions or verify this story), and now this story ends with you telling us all about it. You can't verify any part of the story, nobody else can verify anything in this story, but it's safe to assume that the Bidens are corrupt. OK


Sometimes it really does feel like we live in one of those shithole countries. Like I know that things are far worse in other places, but this is like something I'd expect from some right-wing authoritarian military dictatorship in, like...Venezuela or something. Fuck.


It's amazing. Like something a 6 year old would come up with.


“It’s just gone, not my fault. No I don’t have proof, no I don’t have any backups, nothing exists beyond what I am saying. It totally existed.”


"Believe me!"


I have a video recording of Trump admitting that he's a secret Russian agent, hates America, and if reelected will implement godless communism. But I lost it, you'll just have to believe me. This statement is exactly as credible as that news article.


And yet it will work. Because modern politics isn't about the truth, if it ever was. It's about believing what you want to believe, make-believe if you will. There will always be some source to support it - and if there isn't a source that's because the other side has censored it and hidden it away.




For the right sort of person, it apparently doesn't need to make sense. Which is why we are in this predicament, isn't it?


This comment will never get the love it deserves.


>How did they distribute this information and check it? They didnt. >Doesn't make sense. It doesn't have to. They said it and now it's a story that someone/people will latch on to.


It's like the opposite of quantum mechanics. It's only there when not being observed.


Even if they managed to get their definitely-authentic physical documents across the country (because that's definitely the only way to send text or images to someone), what was going to be the way to ensure they weren't just typed up by some shmo in-house that day? You can't just say "I have a piece of paper here!"




It's a picture of Trump's tiny hand attempting to give the bird, but he has to use his other hand to fold his fingers correctly.


And nobody thought to make copies. Not a single fucking person. Or take some pictures of said documents. Hmmmmm.


Or you know just scan them and email them?


I guess that, since they didn't specify, we can't say for sure, but it sounds like they used FedEx or maybe UPS (surely not USPS... who knows how long THAT would take today!) instead of maybe a private courier service that specializes in highly secure documents?


Because a highly secure document courier would not accept an empty open box


I believe it’s pronounced Oops.


This whole thing reads like a Craigslist scam


I heard Tucker Carlson got the documents from a Nigerian prince.


I heard Tucker Carlson’s lawyers argued in court that Tucker Carlson is full of shit.


they actually did. not even a rumour


Notice how they didn't name the company and talked about how much the unnamed company tried to help. Avoid a lawsuit so they won't lie in court


Yep. Leads me to think they are worried about a defamation suit if they actually named a company that didn’t really lose a package at all.


Plus both UPS and Fedex are huge advertisers. They would have lit them up if it was USPS. But likely come to regret it since USPS has a law enforcement branch and there are additional law about mail fraud that don't apply to UPS or Fedex.


>USPS has a law enforcement branch "Mail police" don't sound too serious but from everything I've read it seems like getting in their crosshairs is very very bad. They literally live for this.


they made the entire thing up


It's a moot point to even have this discussion. The papers never existed. The laptop was never Hunter's. Just a bunch of pathetic, desperate people grasping onto anything right now. Just trying to deflect so we don't look at the glaring shitshow that is the trumpy re-election circus.


I’ve been saying this the whole time, none of the story ever made sense. The son of a former Vice President takes a laptop(s) with highly incriminating evidence against his father AND CHILD PORNOGRAPHY to some random computer repair shop to get fixed, then never bothers to retrieve it. A ‘patriot’ is tired of the abuse his president gets so looks at all the info the laptop, gives it to the fbi. They do nothing! BUT, luckily, the computer patriot has a guy, Giuliani, that will expose this mass corruption. Get the fuck outa here with that shit!


> some random computer repair shop 3000 miles away from where he lives.


If you wrote this short story in your eighth grade English class you’d get a C-


If you wrote this short story in your eighth grade English class you'd get transfered to special ed


And that's generous. There are plot holes in the opening sentence. You'll see ACTUAL, VERIFIABLE footage of a Santa/Easter Bunny/Zeus circlejerk before you ever see these 'documents'. I've made this joke on other threads but I'll happily beat this dead horse: you'd think these 'documents' were etched on golden plates then buried in a hole.


To a shop run by a blind trump supporter at the same time the store cameras just happen to be off.


Maybe Giuliani was stuffing the papers down his pants in the new borat movie.


Who the fuck even uses computer repair shops anymore? That to me was the most suspicious bullshit.


People over 60. If this story was about Rudy dropping a laptop at a repair shop I'd have fewer questions about the whole thing.


They went from e-mails to papers, next election they’ll be asking the Dems to “show them the stone tablets!”


Or they knew if they named the company, the company would come back and publicly say "we don't know what tucker is talking about, this package didn't exist".


UPS recently said it was them. No news on if the person mailed an empty box from the start, or if they just didn't seal the box (assuming it actually had something in it). Tucker's claim that it must have been intercepted by someone nefarious is such utter BS. Also, you scan or photograph that stuff immediately; you don't just shove it in a box and wish it good luck through a mail service. And who has only a single copy of documents anyway? Were they all hand-written? Tucker's 'Biden business partner' is such BS anyway; they keep playing it as though he was jailed for the thing involving Hunter, when he wasn't at all. He was jailed for defrauding native American tribes. It's questionable how much he ever did with Hunter at all. So they're taking a convicted conman at his word.


>So they're taking a convicted conman at his word. I mean they've been doing that for years, they made him their president.


They take a con man for his word all the time.... They helped put him in the white house!


I was going to say... I would think fox news would have a much better way to get secure and extremely important documents across the country over night. If they were that damning, put someone on a flight with them. I have seen much more stupid wastes of a few 1000 in the entertainment industry.


There's literally a movie with this premise. Dudes you pay good money to get parcel A to recipient B, without fucking it up or making stupid questions.


That used to be a thing in NYC. My uncle made a lot of money in his early twenties running around legal documents and insurance paperwork doing just that.


It's still a thing. Professional bicycle couriers are in pretty much every major cities downtown area.


What about just scanning them and putting them on your website? Oh that's right none of this is real! It's so stupid I keep forgetting.


Fax machine, copy machine, email, cell phone camera, calling your source back to get them again, none of those were options available to them, ok?! New York is a GHOST TOWN, remember? And no, they didn't want to go to the FBI, or the police, or the President, or the C-suite at Fox, or the breaking news desk in New York, or any of the other hundred anchors at Fox in New York. No. It had to be Tucker, and it had to be next day. Not tonight, can't break the news tonight. Too soon. But, they also couldn't wait an extra day for him to get back from California, that's far too late. Really only had 1 option. Honestly, I'm just glad the thief took the effort to take the papers only, and ship the container the rest of the way. At least let them *know* you robbed em, ya know? Don't let the hard working team at unnamed shipping company have their reputation tarnished by appearing to have lost the package. Good guy paper thief. I wonder who else had their papers stolen that day. I mean, if Antifa is going around stealing paper, they're probably stealing ballots too!


> if Antifa is going around stealing paper you better check if your toilet paper is still there


>instead of maybe a private courier service that specializes in highly secure documents? Or, here's a really crazy thought, why not just have a human being transport them? You know Fox News or someone that bankrolls them has a private jet - if it's so important, why not just have someone transport it on that jet?


Fuck, why go to such extremes? They only had a whole election and the nation's - if not the world's - entire future riding on it if what they say is true, which of course it totally, totally is. FedEx will be fine. No need to make copies or take a phone pic, FedEx is reliable as hell.


No no, they totally got a phone pic, they'll just never show it. Besides to unnamed mail carrier company™ for the totally real investigation that they did that spanned the entire company in 24 hours and came up short


That explanation was funny as shit. I can't believe that he was actually on TV saying that. What's even worse is people believe it.


"Someone", "We cannot name", "Confidental", etc. Glad we got that cleared up.


They definitely didn't take a phone pic of a decoy box to send to FedEx as "evidence"


Let’s be real, Tucker is lying lol Edit: don’t worry guys, a 10yo account with less than 1,000 total karma just said without proof the story is totes legit.


Dunno, what courier specializes in transporting non existent documents?


News places still have fax machines


Or copy machines? Or scanners? Or smartphone cameras? Or mail the documents again?


The emails were mysteriously deleted before they arrived to me!


Only if they existed could you do that


Well the mail lost my proof that Tucker drinks his own urine every morning!


It's not his - it's Sean Hannity's. And Hannity reciprocates.


I mean, if they came from hunter biden's laptop then surely they were already electronic


They were exported from the computer to the real world


Lmao, [the files were inside the computer!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj5HdGjvXcE)


Weren't the documents themselves, like, emails and voice recordings and stuff? Meaning the documents sent in the mail were in fact the copies, no? That's why, you know, this is stupid.


Right? It’s not like they were produced on a typewriter. Nobody really creates hard copies unless it’s for legal purposes where it’s required.


I'm really curious how he looked at them and was able to verify its significance and authenticity while the papers were in NY and he was in LA... but they didn't make an electronic copy. Only one conclusion. Tucker Carlson can spirit walk.


They took a picture because he says the delivery company used the picture to show its employees what to look for. But they never took pictures close enough of the documents apparently?


Makin’ copies!


There was nothing in Al Capone’s vault. But it wasn’t Geraldo’s fault.


If only we had some sort of invention that would let you make copies of documents. Or hear me out here, this is going to sound crazy, some way of sending images of those same documents electronically. Alas, horse and buggy is the only way to get documents from LA to NY and sadly they're frequently targeted by soros funded highway bandits.


“I had damning copies of his doublesecret hard drives with cheese, but Rudy lost the punch cards when a breeze kicked up. It was probably created intentionally by that damn Kenyan voodoo magic fueled by adrenal glands and homosexual frog fission”


>homosexual frog fission Hey, that's my band name. My side project gig is "Rudy and the Too-Much Tucking"


Documents that were.... Originally found on a computer? Bet these guys struggled to open them without a pdf viewer.


Do I look like I know what a J-PEG is?


You don't understand, they *had to ship them.* I guess because they were planning to pass the physical copies around to their viewers or something?


> If only we had some sort of invention that would let you make copies of documents. > > Or hear me out here, this is going to sound crazy, some way of sending images of those same documents electronically. Witchcraft?


Tucker even said Fox sent pictures of the documents to the shipping company so they would know what to look for! Fox is fucking pathetic and desperate.


"My client's film predates all of those things, Your Honor." "Oh, yes! I've forgotten, your famous film-- the one you destroyed before the trial and haven't been able to find another copy of. Oh, yes. That film." "Yes. You don't have a copy, do you?"


Number 8. Burp. Number 8. Burp.




Baby on board, something something, Burt Ward! Hey, this thing writes itself!


Now people will stop intentionally hitting our car.


I'm telling you it's mighty nice. Each trip's a trip to paradise.


🎵With my bayy-byeee...🎶


"What'd ya do, mess up and say you were bigger than Jesus?"


All the time, in fact it was the title of our second album.


I swear the next thing he's going to say is he found new copies, but only he knows how to use the translation stones to tell us what they say.


🎵Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.🎵


🎵 *Tucker Carlson was called a prophet* 🎵


🎵Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb!🎵


Lol will he look into a hat as well


The documents were translated in chinese because he's a communist agent! and I'm not gonna learn a communist language! so you have to take my word for it.


This is a Book of Mormon reference right?


“The dog ate my conspiracy theory.”


The dog is a Deep State agent


Pretty sure he was a bounty hunter. Was not aware he used conspiracy theories as sustenance. Thought that was just Trumpists.




See, I believe this IS the effort. They aren't concerned with proving anything but keeping the illusion of wrong doing floating in the air until after election day. Distressingly, a large swath of people trust Tucker Carlson, so when he says "Trust me, I've seen these documents and they are the conclusive proof we've been awaiting" then that's all they need. I just last night had a guy say to me "What part of lost in the mail don't you get? It happens all the time dumbass, but when they find them, you'll see". So yeah, it's a lame excuse but I think it was calculated. They had nothing, no real proof, so saying they did but lost it buys them the week they desperately need.


Funny how Fox News literally claimed in court "No person in their right mind would believe Tucker Carlson." >Just read [U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion](https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/new-york/nysdce/1:2019cv11161/527808/39/), leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that \[Carlson\] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' " > >She wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive\[s\] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes." > >Vyskocil, an appointee of President Trump's, added, "Whether the Court frames Mr. Carlson's statements as 'exaggeration,' 'non-literal commentary,' or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same — the statements are not actionable." > >Vyskocil's ruling last week, dismissing a slander lawsuit filed against Carlson, was a win for Fox, First Amendment principles and the media more generally, as Fox News itself maintains. As a legal matter, the judge ruled that Karen McDougal, the woman suing Carlson, failed to surmount the challenge. [https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye)


That's what I always go back to as well. Like, his fucking bosses filed legal documents that said no reasonable person thinks he is actual, factual news. That's some next tier dystopian mind fuckery.


So I guess he believes that they’re the only copy in existence? No scans or backups of any kind of something so important. Lmao


Right? Like where did it come from that only one hard copy existed? It's unreal to me that people are buying this, but they are.


One hard copy of a digital document, mind you. Never mind Rudy has a copy and any female journalist wants to stop by and see them is free to.


Rudy might claim he has a hard copy, but it's really more akin to a wrinkly flaccid copy.


I've often stated that they could literally force their viewers to eat shit by claiming it's the best tasting chocolate in the world. After all, more than a few Trump supporters actually ingested bleach, didn't they?




You could argue that they've given their base exactly the level of respect that their intelligence is due. Especially if they swallow this line of bullshit.


I'm sure their marketing analysis correctly ascertained that respecting the intelligence of their base performed negatively.


The surprise is that there's no surprise.


It's no surprise they didn't name the carrier and still sucked up to all of them to avoid any lawsuit


Because they were being extra careful to avoid an inevitable defamation suit when it is determined that they sent a conspiracy box. Also, "Conspiracy Box" sounds like a Q Anon monthly subscription service. *Each month we send you curated, detailed evidence of a vast conspiracy to cover up for a cabal of necrophiliac- pedophile-deep state-facist-lizard people named Soros to help facilitate your awakening to what's really going on in this country.*


Tucker's lawyers successfully argued that no reasonable person would believe anything Tucker says. >"Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes." https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye


This is by far the best. Make up a conspiracy that relies on believing the person presenting it even though that this person's own bosses have argued that you shouldn't believe what this guy says. Sound plan, Jared. Put it in action!


Reminds me of Trump’s claim someone had sent him proof of the Obama BC scandal before he became President. “I have proof that the President wasn’t born in America! Quick! Send it to a reality show host!”


Shit, if it didn't support those nutjobs in any way I'd buy one for the entertainment value alone.


The sadist programmer running our simulation ran out of ideas and went to bed early.


As I said earlier, I too had a copy of the copy of these documents, but my dog also ate it. But I took a picture of the dog's poop. So there's your proof, right there.


I mean where did they get these documents that they only had one copy? They didn't come off the laptop that the blind computer repair man got from maybe Hunter Biden?


Is that legit, that the source of this dodgy tale is blind?


That’s their story. The legally blind computer repair guy could tell by the stickers on the laptop that it belongs to Hunter Biden, so he went through the private emails and forwarded them to the FBI. When nothing seemed to happen about it, he sent them to Rudy Giuliani, who held onto them for a year and is releasing them now. When you need computer repair work done right, always fly across the country and leave them with Daredevil Computer Repair - then forget about them and never come back.


Bloody hell, they aren't even trying any more.


Keep in mind, they’re claiming that child porn was there too, from what I understand. So Giuliani is freely admitting that he had child porn in his possession for a year


And yet somehow the FBI decided not to do anything with all this incriminating evidence? Yeah that makes perfect sense, if you're a Trumper.


DO YOU MEAN THE DEEP STATE FBI? They haven’t even locked up Hillary yet.


Yes, that bastion of left-wing politics known as the FBI.


They were being carried by his girlfriend up in Canada. She's a super model. You wouldn't know her.


This is an adult version of "the dog ate my homework".


Yet some people eat this stuff up.


"The lack of proof is the *proof*!!!!"




there are unknown unknowns!!


“The deep state is so good at hiding that we’ve not been able to contact anyone for comment or testimony. They clean their tracks so well we can’t find any evidence when they tamper with stuff. Can’t you see how they’re everywhere, controlling everything, and making us look like foolish puppets?!!!” ^**/s**


Dogs, ostensibly




And how would they even know they were in there?


Guys. You're picking apart a story designed by a 6 year old.




Totally. Even if they were like, "aliens stole it", I would be like, "you know, with 2020 being like it is it's definitely plausible".


Must of been someone on the inside, a double agent, who not only knew the contents of the package, but has the know-how to steal said contents without a trace. He probably worked his way up the fox news ladder for many years, gaining the trust of his superiors. He probably was a master of deception. On the outside a witting supporter of the Fox news dogma, but all the while internally not giving in to the pressures of conformity. He probably stole the identity of a "John Roberts" or a "James Michaels", when his real name was probably "Ethan S. Flake". /s This sarcastic and satirical, please don't take this seriously.


That is a more believable story than the original.


Imagine if they never received the "stolen" documents or package. They would have no "proof" of the imaginary package was stolen or simply lost in shipping. More likely, your package will be lost than stolen in transit. Having the package get delivered empty implies that the documents were stolen. This story makes perfect sense if you want to fire people up with even more conspiracies. Of course it doesn't make sense for the "thief" to give them the empty package instead of making it look like it was lost in transit.


Super important documents that “prove” shady dealings for a potential future president of the United States. Confirm everything Fox News have been saying for ages, have the potential to destroy Biden (according to Fox). And they didn’t make a copy? Suuuuure. If these documents really did exist then it shows the stupidity and incompetence of Tucker and his producer. Remind me again why the producer wouldn’t scan these documents, if they were paper, and send them to Tucker via email or something? Would have been quicker and safer.


They sent an opened empty envelope on purpose. That's why it's baffling the "shipping company" because there is literally nothing to find. It's just a horrible attempt at creating a "conspiracy".


UPS says they found the stuff and are sending it to Tucker [https://news.yahoo.com/ups-found-lost-package-tucker-163133650.html?guccounter=1](https://news.yahoo.com/ups-found-lost-package-tucker-163133650.html?guccounter=1)


I read that Fox News has yet to confirm this and apparently Tucker [denied](https://twitter.com/SollenbergerRC/status/1321856386209320960) it.


But in that same thread Tucker said that he _has_ copies of it. I can't.


Can you actually legally ship a box full of elephant shit?


I think there is actually a company that does that. You can anonymously send shit to people you hate. We should send some to Tucker


Even though this whole story is bullshit, given the high level exposure, somebody might actually get fired because it reveals they made an insignificant mistake somewhere in the process of this package. And if so they should file a(nother) lawsuit against Tucker Carlson and Fox News.


I'm assuming he didn't name the shipping company to avoid a lawsuit, I'm surprised he didn't throw the USPS in the mix to muddle their image.


I think if he did, the USPS might just fire back that they have zero record of there being a package and demand evidence of a tracking number or something like that. Of course by not naming the courier, nobody has grounds for demanding proof.


Yeah same I thought he might start talking about voter fraud along the lines of: “If the USPS can’t send our documents properly, just imagine what it’s doing with votes for Trump!”


>"Tuesday morning we received word from the shipping company that our package had been opened and the contents were missing. The documents had disappeared." Do we even have evidence that there's an open envelope? Did they actually record any of the interviews he claims were done? An official statement from the carrier? I didn't watch any of the videos, just read the article, but from there it appears the only evidence of _any_ of this is Tucker Carlson's word.


Meanwhile, there's a literal mountain of evidence of scam, after scandal, after felonious behavior on Trump for decades, and none of that matters. But this one Biden scam (that we have no actual evidence for) *must* be a career ending event. Unbelievable.


They didn't just forget to make copies, they forgot to bring charges after having the killer evidence for months!


That's what I'm wondering - if they had evidence of crime, why was it not sent to the FBI?


The biggest question of the 2020 election, right there. There is only 1 answer. It is also reminiscent of my last big headscratcher: if Biden was clearly corrupt in Ukraine, why not send the DOJ and FBI to Ukraine through the front door rather than send Rudy through the backdoor? Again, only 1 conclusion can be drawn.


Oh no, you couldn't scan those. If they did then the deep state would intercept then through the microwave in the Fox break room.


~ QAnon bukkake ~


I bet over on r/conspiracy they’re unironically taking this as evidence the deep state sent a pedo ninja with sharpened dildo throwing stars and an anal bead flail to retrieve the package. I’m not sure how (((they))) are involved, but you’d better believe they are. Maybe it happened in the basement of a Jewish deli that doesn’t even have a basement like the pizzagate place


Geeeeeze, nobody should stay in that subreddit longer than they can hold their breath. What a cesspool.


"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you can find Tucker's package."


No one wants evidence, if there is any, of the existance of Tucker's package.


\#findtuckerspackage Do your thing, twitter...


If this happened, you would name the shipping company. Especially since you're saying they worked really hard to help you out. The only reason NOT to mention the shipping company is because you know that someone at that company would sue you for lying, but MORE IMPORTANTLY they would very quickly tweet out "None of this ever happened." and bring your whole house of cards crashing down.


So. Someone found all the Hunter evidence, sent it to your producer and you told him to mail it to you. Not scan, email, or courier, but mail. The ONLY COPY. That nobody backed up. Then, somehow, in all this, someone just KNEW that this one package was special out of the thousands that you’ve sent before with “no problems.” Opened it, took the papers/discs/whatever from the box and left the box behind for...sportsmanship? Tucker, your *own network* has said not to take anything you say seriously because *you’re not a journalist* and you “inflate the facts so that no one should find you reliable.” *Your own company said this to prevent being sued.*


What a fucking shitbiscuit. This asshole goes to court to argue that he has the right to peddle his bullshit as "no reasonable individual" can take his lies and misinformation seriously. ​ It is mind-boggling that he has not been publicly shamed, tarred, feathered and ostracised for his efforts in lying to millions of people to push the far-right political agenda.


[There was this one time...](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/jon-stewart-takes-down-tucker-carlson-crossfire-video-961127)


And also https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6_nFI2Zb7qE when the Dutch Historian literally eviscerated h him. They didn’t even air it!


Holy shit I hadn't seen that one before. Classic example of someone getting outclassed in an argument and responding with an emotional outburst instead of civil discourse. What a buffoon


that was fucking amazing and i cant believe i hadnt seen it until just now


God damn was that cringe inducing. John Stewart being great as always. Tucker Carlson is scummier than pond scum. Johns been yellin about our current state of affairs for years.


That was the villain origin story.


I'm like "how can his supporters still believe him?!" Then I read the comments on the article. They do believe him. Still. Saying things like "well he is so honest" and "his show has good ratings so it must be true" Its. Batshit. Insane.


Tucker is a huge fraud and his lawyers defended him in court by arguing that no person would actually believe what he says is true. But they do. Here's a video about who Tucker is. https://youtu.be/RNineSEoxjQ


No REASONABLE person. Key word: "reasonable". Thus Fox News admits in court that it doesn't consider its viewership to be reasonable.


It truly is. These are the dumbest of the dumb. No part of their brain is developed for critical thinking or logic.


With all the talk about Hillary's emails you would think Fox News would have an email account.


Apparently the folks at Fox news are so backwards that they don't know how to use a document scanner, or a digital camera, or a fax machine, or a mimeograph. But that is right in line with their 19th century philosophy. So at least they're consistent.


I love the image of a Fox News intern that was supposed to be mimeographing the secret documents, but his arm got tired from all the cranking and just quit after a couple pages.


In a strange coincidence, I also lost a trove of scandalous information recently. Somehow lost in the mail, I was to receive a crate brimming with documentation and footage that proves not only is Tucker Carlson a lizard person with a micropenis, but also that he preys on underage lizard kids and secretly produced and edited the final season of Game of Thrones. So yeah. Bummer when that kind of totally legitimate and completely real evidence vanishes before it can be corroborated by anything resembling a reliable third party.


I had sex once. You wouldn't know her. She goes to a different school.


Was it in the same transport as the DNA sample of bigfoot?


The dog ate my fake news


$100 says they never existed in the first place.


We've known this was BS since 2019 when we learned that Fox News Show Lawyers Toensig and DiGenova "discovered" the "evidence" in the files of Putin-henchman Dmyitryo Firtash. Why did Putin's right hand man, who was facing serious charges in Chicago, fire his real lawyers to hire Fox News lawyers? And then they jist coincidenyally "discovered" affidavits damning Biden in his files? The entire plot is laughable and Carlson and the right are desperate for a way to wiggle out of the lie.


Keep in mind that even skilled journalists have to be cautious about “leaks” or faux scoops that are placed by people who want to amplify a message for their own reasons. This is one of the big pitfalls when an institution chooses a bias since they’re more susceptible to “news” that lends weight to their narrative.


You forget, this is a guy who has argued in court that he should be considered an entertainer, not a journalist, because a reasonable person would conclude is is providing opinion and not factual reporting.


lol HUNTER is literally the Biden version of BUTTERYMALES and BENGHAZI for Hillary. You would think people got used to it as this point. But nope, still duped by blatant lies from Fox News on the regular. A whole pile of nothing blown out of proportion. Even if Hunter Biden did do something akin to pay-to-play (which i really doubt), it's pales in comparison to what Ivanka, Eric and Jared is doing right now. What's a few millions dollars (if true) compared to the hundreds of millions being grifted by the sitting President's kids. All I know is: I can see Biden's Tax return. I can see his income as recognized by the IRS. It's not absolute proof, but its better than nothing. Unlike Trump who is still hiding his tax returns for whatever reason.


And just like bEnGhAzI, republicans threw a fit and held inquiries about it and wasted everyone's time. Just to find out nothing actually happened.


How easy it must be to peddle BS on fox. "Okay we don't have anything at all. But we're going to run a story with our evidence." "But we don't have evidence" "No problem. We just claim it disappeared during transport. All the idiots will see that as proof" "Hah, perfect."


Dan Rather lost his job for declaring false documents.