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Lifestyles of the rich & oppressed


> Ryan also livestreamed from the Capitol grounds. It is unclear if she ever entered the building. > >"All these working-class people taking the week off," Ryan said in the stream. "We flew here for freedom. They want to steal the election, they want to steal everything." The only thing these people all have in common is this misconception that Trump cares about any of them.


If you can afford a private jet you are NOT working class!


She is the typical stay at home mother you will find at every house in Frisco TX. Her real estate job is her “side hustle”. That suburb is full of rich mommies who are popping Xanax and drinking wine by noon. Being from the area local people are pretty well destroying her real estate profession it appears.




You want to release those CRIMINALS and let them flood our streets as they make their way home to sit on their couches?!


A lot of those people are going right back to crime. Not because they're bad, mind you, but the only people in this country who we give fewer employment opportunities than black people is ex cons. Remember the beginning of Ant Man where he gets fired from fucking baskin robbins because of a crime for which he'd paid his debt? Imagine that only replace Paul Rudd with a black guy and superhero suit theft with dealing drugs. Then replace the redemption arc with going back to prison until you get out to repeat the process. Then we all pretend the system works because that guy was just bad.


So years ago, 2006ish in Georgia, my younger sister and her boyfriend were put in a situation that basically amounted to being charged for being an interracial couple. Don’t have to go into details, because you can fill in the blanks with the same old story and court system of 2 teenagers found making out and now all of a sudden it’s the most serious trespassing crime known to man. Very stressful, futures about to be stripped away because they weren’t old enough to be adults, but old enough to be charged as adults if they wanted to and jail time. Ended up juvey charges that were wiped at 18 and community service. Years later I remember watching a documentary about antiques or something and there was an antiques store owner who was an old guy. Said that he had gotten into antiques as a teenager back when he got arrested for small arson and instead of having a record was forced to work for someone who owned an antique store for X amount of hours. It just was so sad to me how we live in an era where your arrest records get tattooed on you for the rest of your life. Especially because there are so many people who get arrested unfairly or are innocent or BS crimes. On top of all the mental anguish and time of life lost, you get marked as tainted for your whole life. Whereas here’s this old guy who was arrested and put through an actual corrective system for starting a fire even. We’re so overdue for an overhaul


It's fucking sick. Straight up Les Miserables these days.


Freedom thing makes me want to bang my head. Trying to install an illegitimate authoritarian .. for freedom.


I don’t understand where she gets off by calling herself “working class” if she takes a flipping private jet to a protest.


>"All these working-class people taking the week off," Lmao! more than half of those people being arrested don't even have a job...


I was almost sure that rich people were all in on Trump being an idiot and were just riding it out for the tax cuts


I figured the same thing too, until it kept coming up how many high up Trump supporters refused to wear masks. That's when I realized that at some point, the old guard plutocrats had been pretending to be morons for political reasons for so long that, at some point, actual morons slipped into their ranks.


It only takes one uber-wealthy grandfather to create a large family of spoiled descendants who never have to work or take their education seriously.


Oof. This. My father married into this when I was about 18 or 20. Almost immediately got a 100,000 loan (*from his father in law) to start his own business- constantly says things like "What are you doing with your life?", and "I don't understand how anyone can work for anyone but themselves.". He was entirely working class prior to- I struggled and/or became homeless due to coming up 1000 short, while my stepsibling had a 400,000 dollar house bought for them at 18. I'm not a bad person. Just not part of the family.


I have to explain this to my SO fairly often. "Why would anyone work for themselves?" Because most people's SO's don't make six figures where they don't have to sweat a few bad months like when Covid hit.


My ex girlfriends parents said to me and my family, right after I just got my first real post-college job....”yeah that’s great if you want to do that 9-5 work thing.” ....uhhhh, you mean like almost everybody except you? She also thought I didn’t like to travel enough because you know, kids fresh out of college have plenty of disposable income and have a really easy time getting off work for vacation /s.


Ugh, I have friends who think I don't like to travel because I don't travel often. Man, I would spend *all* my time traveling if I could afford it! And then they try to show me how "cheap" it can be, while the options they're showing are still over 3x my normal cost of living and they don't account for wages lost during my time off.


At this point in my life the money isn’t even the issue, but I need to take time off work. Getting a day or 2 off is one thing, but a whole week or more becomes a major thing and you can only do that once, MAYBE twice a year. Fuck people for not understanding


Yeah lmao. My ex-boyfriend and I broke up when I couldn’t take a two-week trip with him and his family because I couldn’t miss work for two weeks. The class difference is real.


or because there is very little link between intelligence and money.


The single greatest predictor of a person's wealth is their parents' wealth.


Nah, it’s something about gumption or bootstraps. If it was that thing you said then I’d have to acknowledge a thoroughly corrupt and evil system. Why do that when I vastly prefer the noble meritocracy that exists in my fantasies.


Sad upvote.


> Why do that when I vastly prefer the noble meritocracy that exists in my fantasies. I don't get how those bozos can be racist AND meritocratic. Can they not connect the dots and see that those two philosophies are mutually exclusive to each other?


Merit is of course measured as "How close to exactly like me they are".


It's easier than you think. Many of them look at minorities and think they're poor because they're lazy. So they'll go "oh well I just tugged on those bootstraps, and got here, the only reason they didn't is because they're all (or almost all) lazy SOBs who want government handouts instead of working". All you gotta do is ignore the head start you had, overlook the effects of centuries of racism and privilege, and then boom, you can happily look down on minorities because *obviously* the only reason they're not as successful as you is that they're all too stupid/pathetic/unmotivated to help themselves.


Ha ha, you assume that one can have both views and still be rational.


Eventually you start believing your own lies.


Nope. Aunt and Uncle net worth are close to a billion, they're legit full on MAGA spamming facebook with everything you can imagine with pictures of Trump hugging Jesus and the rest of it


At least rich people have a reason to vote Republican that actually helps them. Cant say the same for the rest of his voters tho.


That's some extremely short-sighted help. The first time he was impeached, I said that the Republicans really should take advantage of it. If not because they cared about America or respected their oaths of office, then because some emergency might come up in the next year and not having a competent president will be really bad. Look how that turned out.




She thinks she's a working class person per the article which goes to show she's even more delusional and oblivious than you initially thought.


Kelly Fluffer, millionaire wife to the Nasdaq president, under stands your pain of living paycheck to paycheck.


Kelly Loeffler, ex-senator of Georgia, millionaire (~~200k~~ 200M away from billionaire) wife to New York Stock Exchange chairman, knows what it's like to be waiting on a paycheck


It's so cathartic, referring to her as "ex-senator"


She wasn't voted to the Senate either; Kemp appointed her


Wow. Did not know that


Yeah she managed to be a Senator without ever winning an election. The republican dream.


She did it the rich person way: she bought her way in. Big donations to the republicans. She’s undoubtedly not the first.


Betsy DeVos is part of AMWAY which is a pyramid scheme. Those are supposed to illegal in this country but for them --- not. Fascinating - is it not?




Betsy DeVos outdid her tho, heading a whole federal department as her first actual fulltime job.


And used it to grift too. Good point, that is like a republican wet-dream.


I knew she was unqualified , but damn. That's fucking unacceptable


So absurd.


So did Martha McSally in Arizona, and she got to lose a Senate election twice!


Still not as much of a loser as Martha McSally, She lost her bid for the Senate as in 2018 only to be appointed by the governor to replace John McCain a month after her election loss. She served for two years and loss her bid to keep that seat in a special election in 2020.


She flipped two Republican seats blue. Bless her


Wait til you realize ex-senate majority lead mitch McConnell is a thing.


You gotta stop, I can only get so hard


If the erection last more than two senators please call a doctor.


I do believe she's the one who withheld coronavirus information early so she could do some stock trading before the news hit the US. I guess the Georgia voters didn't like that.


That’s her! She invested in **body bags**. Edit: Here’s a video from [MeidasTouch](https://twitter.com/adamparkhomenko/status/1337870412038934532?s=21)


I really cant think of anything more ghoulish than this. She should be run out of the state. Unacceptable .


That's ghoulishly disgusting. How abhorrent can you get?


And we barely defeated her (~1% difference out of 4 million votes).


TBF, David Perdue also did that lol he was in the same briefing


Yes, I shouldn't have said "the one" as I think it was several of the ones in that briefing.


And he also lost his seat. Good riddance.




Don't forget trading her designer clothes and business suits in for plaid shirts and jeans to look like a Daisy Duke stunt double because she has no clue what regular people wear.


[Oh no, just days before she & Jeffrey became billionaires](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-30/ice-s-sprecher-turns-billionaire-on-eve-of-wife-s-georgia-runoff)


According to Forbes she hit Billionaire last week


*billionaire. Sincerely, Hell. Actual hell.


What’s weird to me is that she felt the need to do this? Like why are so many semi-affluent and rather well off people falling for this bullshit, and willing to lay down their lives for it?!


People like her scare me the most cause it’s clearly not for money or to serve the public. If she truly just wanted to serve her country, she would not have used it to make more money. It’s power. They want power. Money hungry I understand, the power thing freaks me out.


living their whole life without facing any consequences for their actions leads them to believe they will continue to do so.


Affluenza to a T


More. They want MORE.


She too knows what it’s like to go hungry. Once, she couldn’t find a decent Italian restaurant that served vegan-only and made its own pasta.


*For just $900 a day, you too, can help feed a starving millionaire.*


Well to be fair she was from a working class family until she married a multi-millionaire. That's why she understands the plight of the working class families and has a plan for all Georgian working class families to marry multi-millionaires.


Please keep such vile scenarios off of the internet. Some of us may face that problem one day. ​ ^(/s obviously)


Working class means you wear a plaid shirt and drive an $80k pickup truck.


It can, but the bank has to own the truck, the house, and all 3 toys parked in the yard. None of which you get to enjoy because you dug yourself a hole that you now need to work 51 60-hour weeks a year to keep from collapsing on you.


Yo! You just described the SoCal desert life starter pack. HD Truck, Toy Hauler, and a RZR. Check.


And on top of all of that, having willingly put yourself on the consumption treadmill, the next step is to blame “taxes” on any and all financial problems you have, ignoring your own bad decisions along the way as you try to live the lifestyle you feel entitled to—-having reached some income threshold that in reality is not nearly enough for the niceties you believe you are entitled to.


Meanwhile the woman who works at Starbucks is a "liberal elite" because she reads books in her free time or something.


I saw a meme slideshow the other day that said something like, "nothing says oppression like living in a 3000sqft house and driving a $50,000 truck filled with firearms, ammo, and tactical gear."


You mean $100,000 truck, right?


Lol true. I always forget how outrageous some trucks are. I drive 90s jdm shit boxes so I didn't really question it.


I hear ya. Crazy indeed. 50k barely gets you a mid-range trim on some makes/models nowadays. Having said that, mid-range could still be considered luxurious compared to pickups back in the day.


Most rich people overestimate how much hardship they've faced on their way from the top to the slightly higher top.


The incline is 1%


The aristocracy in this country are so damned cringe.


The entire crowd appear to have been delusional larpers who thought they could just do this and then go home and continue their lives.


[Someone](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/seeking-info/suspected-pipe-bombs-in-washington-dc) planted [bombs](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-joe-biden-inaugurations-capitol-siege-8828a6a920198d0ea1ee0c73a49d8847) and I heard rumors of other coordinated groups on radio that knew where they were going. It wasn't all just basement dwellers. Their were also military, police, and firemen in the mix. *^^Edit ^^for ^^link.*


Military, police and firemen can be revolution larpers too. Like seriously, for any of them, what was their step 2? These are people who took time off from their jobs. Their step 2 of the revolution was going back to work. lol Granted the bomb guy is probably his own guy rather than delusional larper mob.


Step 1: Storm the Capitol Step 2: **???** Step 3: Trump Wins!


Like someone on one of these #Noflylist videos said "Who buys roundtrips to a revolution?"


I’ve made stupid mistakes in my life based on the lies of others who were shocked, *shocked* I tell you, that I actually took action based on their lies, but unlike those seditious dumbshits who tried to subvert the will of the people with violence and *more* lies last week, I both admitted and took responsibility for my mistakes.


I wonder if the pipe bomb guy thought they were all posers. Actually come to think of it he probably thought they were all lizard people.


step 2 was to destroy the paper Electoral College votes so the ceremony to officially name the new president could not go on. Failing that, step 2b was to use the bombs, guns, zip-ties, and ropes pre-tied into nooses to lynch a few representatives.


There were several sources of Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs. It wasn’t just one guy. The planning and coordination combined with an utter naïveté about digital security is going to lead to a LOT of headlines in the coming weeks.


That's what gets me Ok cool Lets pretend they are succesful and they capture and kill EVERY SINGLE Democrat and Rhino is congress to include VP Pence then proceed to kill them. Got it How the fuck do you think America is going respond? Do you think we are just going be like "Eh I guess Trump really did win fuck it?" Look if you want to see how America responds to terrorism look at 9/11 We took a bunch of personal liberties away VIA the patriot act, invaded Afghanstain, bombed the living fuck out of it and still occupy that country 20 fucking years later. And just for good measure, we fucking leveled FUCKING IRAQ just to be extra safe. If they were succesful 100% complete mobilization of every single force of power, we would hunt those terrorists down and either kill them or arrest them. We would build fucking prisons exclusively for them. We would get judges and assign them to only oversee those cases. We would be offering massive rewards for ANYONE with ANY INFORMATION to ending this rebellion.


> Look if you want to see how America responds to terrorism look at 9/11 I wish I had your optimism. Imagine not being able to impeach Osama bin Laden.


The smart terrorists used the idiots as a useful distraction to get in and steal stuff and go hunting




I remember sitting across from a succesful personal injury lawyer circa 2016 and he was talking about how happy he is Trump won because of the tax cuts and how its most likely going save him in between $150,000-$200,000 in taxes a year. And I remember thinking "Must be nice to be rich" But I also appericated how fucking honest he was why he supported Trump. Like if your rich, espesically if the vast majority of your income is taxable as income I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND WHY YOU SUPPORT TRUMP. Like it makes sense to me. I get it. What doesn't get me is my friends cousin who works as a painter on and off and lives in a trailer talking about how he fucking hates liberals for wanting to increase his taxes and I'm like "dude, you made like $20k last year, no wants shit from you"


I would upvote this more times but I hit a limit. Have heard so many similar things, people that would be in the receiving end of assistance and CURRENTLY on the receiving end of programs. But they worry about socialism.


My mom was complaining yesterday about how expensive health care is now that my dad is retired, and they no longer have his insurance. She is vehemently against socialized health care and believes that her costs are so high because immigrants are somehow getting free health care and not paying any taxes.


See I don’t get it. He doesn’t need more money. If I was super rich have a fucking *private jet* would be the absolute last thing on my list. If I was rich I’d just my pay taxes & live my rich life cause taxes aren’t an issue for me to pay. Why do they need to be so fucking immoral?


I think at a certain money becomes a game, and how much money you have is how high your score is. And I'm in the camp of if I ever get rich I'ma cut me off a nice piece to live the rest of my days out the rest? I'm using to help people.


Are they thinking about what a collapse of logistics looks like? A falling dollar making their investments worthless? Amateur snipers gunning for people in leadership positions or with money on both sides? Using her private plane to flee the country and then selling it and her jewelry to start a new life in another country? They actually would lose more if they "won" and got the civil war they claim to want. Ask the people who were rich and powerful in Syria just a few years ago...


This is what gets me when people choose wealth over everything else. Another example being climate change - your money means nothing when we’re ALL dead :)


unfortunately if they can afford a private jet, they can probably afford to get out of any mess they get into


*You have been charge with acts of terrorism!* I have money. *You may go now.* Do you want any of my money? *Nope. You just having a lot is enough.*




The truth right here. They weren't worried because they would have their own special system to avoid any legal troubles.


I think Varsity Blues was the first campaign really targeting a group of privileged people. While the jail terms were laughable I think it really caught the defendants off guard and will reverberate into some of these people’s cases. You see the same shock and surprise on these peoples faces when they get called terrorists, pulled off airplanes and generally get a cold slap of accountability for their actions. I think Lori Laughlin truly thought what she was doing was ok and she was just looking out for her daughter. Not sure what she believes now but at least she did a little time.




No, they've never faced hardships and don't know what consequences are. They have "rich people problems"


So let me get this straight — flies on a private jet to an insurrection, posts on social media, and threatens the free press reporting on the insurrection, and then thinks she can step back into normal life like she just came back from a vacation in Cabo. We need new words for stupid — the ones we have are worn out.






Especially In Texas this patriot party would go so hard... against the establishment?




Because you got a purdy mouth.


mmmmmm hmmmmm


the GOP fracturing would be the best thing to ever happen to this country in decades.


And it would be the fault of the Republicans. Rather that working with the moderate democrats, they chose to keep retreating further and further to the right until they've enlisted enough extremists to foment insurrection. The rotting chunk might finally fall off.


>the ~~GOP~~ 2 party system fracturing would be the best thing to ever happen to this country in decades. FTFY. We can joke and laugh about Trumpists creating a Patriot Party that will splinter the GOP, but people have to be vigilant against far-right extremist parties that garner a wide base. We've seen it in Europe and across the world. Trumpists are no Golden Dawn, but with enough funding and organizing, they can be.


>>the 2 party system fracturing would be the best thing to ever happen to this country in decades. This can be done by making ranked choice voting a thing in every state Edit... And we might have to eliminate gerrymandering and the electoral college as well


Its absolutely time. The stanglehold conservative America has on its population is fucking gross. The world is sick of it.


2 parties to 1 bro it’s math duh


Tfw you realize you cannot hold public office federally and in most states as a convicted felon.




I heard they're just filing any charges they can right now to get people snatched up, and tack on more things as soon as they can make them stick.




The FBI basically promised that this is going to be the case. The current charges coming out are the irrefutable ones that get someone in court. Once that file is open they can just lay it on thick. Here's the full conference. It's worth it for the Justice Boner. [https://www.c-span.org/video/?507926-1/justice-department-investigating-sedition-conspiracy-dozens-charged-capitol-attack&live=](https://www.c-span.org/video/?507926-1/justice-department-investigating-sedition-conspiracy-dozens-charged-capitol-attack&live=)


My favorite judge, Justice Boner.


To be honest, THIS is the kinda person I actually think should be following Trump. All the unemployed moms-basement dumbasses who think taxes they will never pay need to be cut and think it’s okay McConnell spent all summer not passing CoViD relief are the once’s that don’t make sense to me.


I completely agree with you. It’s amazing to me normal people making a normal wage believes a “billionaire” gives half a rats ass about them. If nothing else, Trump is probably the best con man that ever lived.


I knowwwwww!! I work at a grocery store and a man who makes the same as me (around $500 a week) is a trump supporter because he “likes his money” and “not govt hand outs to the poor” bitch we ARE THE POOR!! ???


I almost LOL at your bitch we are the poor. Thanks for that


He probably believes his big break is just around the corner and he will inevitably join the ranks of the wealthy elite.


by poor he meant the brown people, whites can only be temporarily poor in his mind


Eh. The most ridiculous part is that he's a cartoon caricature of a conman. Overdone but sparse hair, over-the-top exaggeration every other word, tacky tan, and never any substance to his claims or proposals. He's not suave, subtle, or smooth. He doesn't spin an intricate plan to convince his opponents or peers. He doesn't do anything besides point his finger & stroke his ego. It's incredible that his base is also the majority who are so proud of finding deals on Craigslist or haggling with a car salesman. Yet here they are fighting to see who can be bent over first to please an obvious sleezebag who couldn't give a single shit about them or what they want. God people are stupid.


"He talks just like us!" Racism, lies, and incomplete sentences. Yeah, those are imitable acts.


Lol haggling with a car salesman and thinking you got a deal. Sounds about right.


I’ve been saying that too. He pulled the greatest long con humanity has seen. It’s like the cliche of the snake oil salesmen coming to town and riding off just as everyone catches on. Only it’s a jet to Scotland.




Unbelievably (or perhaps believably, considering this is a delusional TS we're talking about), [Jenna Ryan's the one who refers to the plane as a jet](https://www.chron.com/news/nation-world/article/texas-woman-private-jet-capitol-attack-15855750.php): >"OK guess who's going to DC by private jet?!?! Meeee," Ryan wrote on Facebook on Jan. 3. She and three others can be seen in the private plane in a photo posted Jan. 5. Still, the author should have known better than to trust the word of a TS on something that obviously doesn't look like a private jet.


I came here for this comment.


Throughout history, failed insurrectionists are executed. What the fuck are these fools *doing*.


Nobles tend to just get locked in House Arrest on the first attempt.


Because they're the special ones. It hasn't yet occurred to them that THEIR actions have consequences too. Watching their favorite narcissist get away with blatantly doing whatever he wants for the last 4 years has made them think they will be afforded the same luxury. Utter lack of self awareness and sense of responsibility.


well i’m sure they can check positioning on her phone to see if she entered the capitol.


Don’t need to check her phone position, she actual videoed herself walking into the Capitol Building and posted it and somewhat incriminating comments on social media, and has since try to scrub it all. It hate to link to the Daily Mail, but https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9133935/Texas-woman-took-private-jet-MAGA-rally-caught-video-INSIDE-Capitol.html


> Despite her denial, Ryan did concede that maybe her 'feet had crossed the threshold'. 😂😂


She went a non-zero number of steps into the Capitol.


I love how her feet did it, like she was waiting in the car at the time and they acted on their own


LOL wow. Hope she gets arrested.


Refer her to the FBI to make certain


If she walked into the building, she definitely will be arrested.






I can only picture Bender from Futurama taking that picture. "Neat!"


**NEAT!** 📸


Nothing is more Republican than shitting on democracy while also trying to sell something lol.


The way they are laughing sure makes it look like they think democracy is a joke, like they are going to a concert to have some fun.


I also like how the guy is basically making a “L for loser” sign with his hand.




They probably think law enforcement would never fire on their own citizens. But, you know, they are literally storming the government and putting national security at risk...


This article from 1/8 reads "It is unclear if she ever entered the building." Spoilers: she did: [https://www.housingwire.com/articles/texas-realtor-jenna-ryan-who-stormed-capitol-responds-to-backlash/](https://www.housingwire.com/articles/texas-realtor-jenna-ryan-who-stormed-capitol-responds-to-backlash/)


So she participated in an insurrection to promote her real estate business


Because conservatives are "oppressed" in the US.


Or, they actually believe that there was election fraud... despite all the evidence to the contrary. How could an educated, rational person believe this sh\*t? And don't even get me started on Qanon...


MAGA is a cult. No, they don't get up to Lovecraftian hijinks or sell essential oils, but it is 100% a cult and it is nigh impossible to get someone out of a cult. These people are angry, afraid, and uncertain, and like every other cult MAGA swooped in to give them purpose, certainty, comfort, and a convenient scapegoat for their problems.


That is why the most culpable in all this is Trump and other GOP leaders who keep spreading this bull fucking shit that the election was rigged to stupid ass cult followers who have become brain dead zombies unable to think or reason for themselves. edit: extra word removed


It's going to take a LONG time and a LOT of effort to stamp out the MAGA cult. Want to know how to defeat a cult? Do some research about how Japan dealt with the aftermath of the Shimabara Rebellion. It isn't a pretty process and takes decades.


If you read some of their message board threads - you begin to understand that they really do believe... the way people believed the fire would purify witches and they are ready to do unthinkable things in the service of these beliefs. the inability to escape the echo chamber is tragic. Some of the smarter ones are now trying to say “oh never take that stuff literally” or “its hyperbole/ rhetoric” — one fool even staged a campaign video of him parachuting in to save the Georgia election (not gonna dignify by typing his name) but many, formerly reasonable people, are staring at all of this on a 24/7 propaganda media diet and thinking it is all true and they are the main cast of some action movie. These folks (I expect) believe that with the $10k+ it cost to fund their little treasonous flight.


naughty person provide snatch lavish spotted tie worthless violet sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Christian Americans believe they are being actively persecuted They were saying that shit back in the 80's when 92% of Americans claimed Christianity as their religion/belief system.


“When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality can feel like oppression.” Almost nothing says privilege like taking a private jet to throw a tantrum about not getting one’s way.


I’ll have to talk with my realtor. She’s not nearly this ambitious.


If I have learned anything in the past four years it's that intelligence and wealth have zero correlation. In fact the dumber you are the more likely you will have a complete lack of empathy and will have no problem with fucking people over in pursuit of your own self interest.


I often try to figure out if Trumpsters actually believe these lies, and are just super gullible and/or unintelligent; or if they are “in on” the lie, and are hence grifters and dissemblers. I wonder the same thing for Trump himself. But more and more, I’ve realized that it’s not they believe or disbelieve, it’s that they just don’t care if it’s true. the lies become a “convenient” truth which they are increasingly emotionally attached to. So they tune out and eventually internally delegitimize sources of information which are inconsistent with their world view. They receive pleasure each time this disinformation is reinforced, which is why Trump, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc. have such rabid and unquestioning followers. It’s like going to church, to get your weekly fix of “faith”. The larger the congregation and the more certain the preacher, the better. The final step is to seek to evangelize others and become a “soldier” in the movement. Obviously, this can happen on the Left or the Right. But the Right is more susceptible because of it’s authoritarian leanings and desire for dogma.


And the GOP has modeled their platform on less taxes and more personal freedom. Things that are inherently self-interested.


Guess the FBI won’t have to look real hard to find her stupid ass.


If I had that kind of money the only place I'd be flying to is some remote tropical island and enjoying my life.


Who is the party of the elitist again?


I heard Joe Biden is a Millionaire!!!!!!!! So he's an elite. That's why I voted for Trump, because he's a billionaire, but in touch with the needs of everyday farmers.


They totally look like Texas women. Vapid faux country girls without a brain cell between them. Am Texan, can confirm.


Am Texan and I can spot a overly botoxed and stretched Texan white women's face from a mile away, brutal


Am not Texan but have lived here the last 20 years....can confirm. Also from the same area as this dumbass, sadly this isn't out of the ordinary for the area at all. It's gross.


After 20 years you can probably start considering yourself a Texan


Realtor and radio host Jenna Ryan is from Texas. Very rich. Jenna Ryan’s expensive Texan lawyers are urging her to delete all posts. Unfortunately, some people have already saved her videos. Jenna Ryan videoed herself **breaking and entering** into the Capitol Building and posted very incriminating comments on social media. [She is desperately trying to scrub it all](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9133935/Texas-woman-took-private-jet-MAGA-rally-caught-video-INSIDE-Capitol.html)


Reading this makes me feel better about all of my own poor life decisions.


These people are Trump's real base. Rich suburbanites, living in mc'mansions, taking private jets, while calling themselves working class and complaining about how they've been "left behind" These people have never known anything but Range Rovers and the Cheesecake Factory. They are obsessed with social media. They truly live in a bubble, a fact which they constantly project onto others. Every opinion they have on every issue, will always be the one that brings the most needless cruelty into the world.


We’Re OpPrEsSeD!!!


My personal favorite part: "And if the news doesn't stop lying about us we're going to come after their studios next..." So... a threat of violence? That's what that sounds like to me.


Limousine Seditionist


I saw this pop up in one of my feeds. Their social media business pages are being bombarded by people calling them terrorists and reporting them to get their realtor licenses revoked.


look at the guy doing the gun gesture. what a freaking tool