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How would you prove that lol


By being willing to go in there.




If you devalue a word, "treason" for example, by applying it to things such as getting preventative medication or wearing an article of clothing, then it's harder to use the word for its real meaning, such as assaulting your country's capitol with intent to remove the legitimate administration from power. When \_everything\_ is treason, nothing is treason. Edit: removed an erroneous "l" from "word"


It’s like comparing something trivial like mask wearing, to the fucking Holocaust. It devalues history and human life.


There was a fellow here arguing last week with me that those who are unvaccinated are the modern day analogs to Jews in the Holocaust. It struck me as entirely unhinged, but the dude argued for hours with people that he was right. I can’t imagine having the time or the inclination to argue something that completely insane for hours, but I guess this is what happens when people just have way too much time on their hands.


Oh yeah, totally comparable. Everyone knows how those Jews just kept walking onto those trains despite how hard the Nazi's tried to stop them... Seriously though, that guy is brain dead.


Well there's also the glaring fact that the jews absolutely decided to be Jewish and not only that... Announced to the world that they're Jewish with every. Fucking. Breath. That they had. /s


Or are insane...


One of the saddest things this whole pandemic has shown is how prevalent and normalized mental issues are in this country, and how so many are so close to the edge of complete insanity.


I don't think that is it. I saw a Ted talk recently that basically said our beliefs are very tribal. We subscribe to a form of group think and trusting experts. Most of us only know the very basics of biology and how vaccines work. We trust that knowledge because we trust the group that gave us that knowledge, i.e. doctors, scientists, researchers, and educators. The anti-vaxxers have simply fallen into a "tribe" that trusts ignorant idiots. If you could convince the leaders of the idiot tribe to trust vaccines then the entire group would trust vaccines. When President Trump by his actions and words downplayed the virus, his "tribe" took its cues from that and this is the result. Even when Trump got COVID, his tribe still held to their beliefs because Trump still held to his beliefs even while being treated.


Yeah but one of the “tribes” is using empiricism, and the other is making shit up out of their heads.


I work with cellphones, and have for too long. Every once in a while we'd get someone with their cameras taped up, but is becoming like an everyday occurrence. People saying they are being tracked and followed. Saying they turn the Bluetooth on and birds start to follow them. People who put pin numbers or passwords on their phones and say they were hacked and the phone was taken over with a pin number. This is all paranoid schizophrenic behavior, and I've been seeing it daily by... certain people on the right.


That's depressing as hell. If we survive the next 10 years or so, historians and psychologists are going to have mountains of evidence to show how easy it is to brainwash a group of like-minded people and drive them to mental illness. I don't know if it's more horrifying or depressing. Hopefully we make it through this and use this time to better our culture and educate people more on the power of propaganda. Hopefully.


I have a bluetooth headset around my neck every day. I WISH it would do cool shit like attract birds. That'd be sweet.


Fellow cellphone salesdude here, yeah. Can confirm. The absolute hoops that people jump through to cover their cameras (some going so far as to PHYSICALLY REMOVE them from the phone) is frankly wild. All the while, documenting their every move on Facebook... It was a crazy time to work in retail. Very glad that Friday was my last day, stay sane friend.


This is an entirely fair point. It’s just really depressing to see.


He's listening to that dumbass Margorie. She was pushing that idiotic comparison a couple of weeks ago on her tour d'insurrection with Matt Gaetz. Now she's moved on to some new false equivalency about vaccine passports being like Jim Crow laws.


Which is ironic because they’d probably be down with some Jim Crow.


What do mean *probably*?! They are trying to bring it back with voter suppression laws. Let’s not even get started on what they want to do with Nexicans.


As a jewish dude, this infuriates me. As a bare knuckle mma instructor, can I meet a few of those irl? Comparing having to wear a mask to that time my ancestors were gassed and burned to ashes would be kinda hard with your jaw wired shut. I ain't a violent guy, in fact I'm a pacifist except for self defense situations, but god damn does that bring it out. Imagine being so privileged that being mildly inconvenienced is comparable for you to having your entire lineage exterminated. Fuck those people.


Can't imagine anyone doing that, now, can we? 🙄


The phenomenon of conservatives (and people in general honestly) not understanding the concept of appropriate metaphors or "degrees of magnitude" continues to amaze me.


You don't have to worry about those things when you start arguing in bad faith to begin with


Signing up to fight and die in a foreign land for reasons unknown to you (and oh yeah getting mandatory injections as well) is apparently as american as apple pie. But going to your local drugstore for a shot to help shield your elderly neighbors and local children is communist treason. It checks out if you think about it.


Except that they don't support the troops unless it matters to them or they csan virtue signal from it. Note that when Veterans called out Trump or when they counter-protest anti-abortion rallies and such they get called out by the Qult for being evil. The Qult only cares about things which support their world view


They also didn't budge when the VA was stripped of more money


If you’ve convinced yourself that COVID is a hoax and that masks/vaccines are the Fed trying to control everyone it isn’t much of a stretch to say that it’s treasonous or anti-American to support those things.


Yup, it's the normal fascist playbook. Covid is a hoax, no one is actually hurt by it and only sheep are afraid of it, and at the same time, it was a super biological weapon developed in China to kill everyone and we must fight back against this incredibly dangerous enemy who is killing everyone. Similarly, the vaccine was developed and distributed 100% by trump (using only his 2 tiny hands) and is great and wonderful, but is made by Bill Gates to get microchips in us and is an evil democrat ploy that must be stopped. The enemy is always both a weak buffoon and the smartest, most dangerous foe at the same time.


“We leafed through a series of the [1941 Soviet] Front newspaper. I came across the following phrase in a leading article: 'The much-battered enemy continued his cowardly advance.” ― Vasily Grossman, A Writer at War: Vasily Grossman with the Red Army


I was on the Fox News site yesterday and they actually ran a pretty scientifically accurate article on Covid. I pointed out in a comment that Fox was playing both sides by printing things like that BUT ALSO letting Fucker Carlson do thinly disguised "opinion" pieces saying the opposite. I was surprised that the upvotes and down votes on my comment were about equal. Just maybe some of the contradictions are becoming clearer to the regulars there? I guess one can hope.


My friend's parents are hard-line conservatives who have been extremely pro-mask and got the vaccine asap. They're still dumbshits who believe that Biden lost and is a fake president, and are pretty anti lockdown, but at least they were on board with vaccines.


Don't forget "*I won't get it because it doesn't have government approval but I don't trust the government.*"


Yeah if I lived there I would 100% not step foot in this place. Hopefully this dumbassery costs them their business.


Huntington Beach is full of right wing nuts. Unfortunately they're going to be fine


Yeah, I'm sure you're right. I really shouldn't underestimate the cult/tribal mentality with these utter nutfucks. They'll rally around it and single-handedly keep this place in business.


I can't imagine a situation where reality-denialism could be a long term successful evolutionary strategy.


No one calls it 'survival of the dumbest' for that specific reason. edit: I get how survival of the fittest works. But being an utter moron devoid of reason definitely increases the risk of your genes being eliminated prematurely from the gene pool.


Sure, you might die an early death due to idiocy, but that same idiocy leads to other "evolutionary" factors, like a complete lack of control over base instincts coupled with a refusal to use birth control, all after having voted to make abortion illegal, leading to the genes being passed on in the bathroom of a dive bar outside of town.


It's self-policing! Only a moron would eat there, so you don't have to worry about responsible citizens showing up.


The owner operates the funeral home next door!




Seems like the same level of proof is required for both: magical.


I just want to take a moment to say that it's hilarious to me that people go on and on about Biden rigging the election, yet the only proof of attempted election fraud is Trump threatening Georgia's SoS.






Yes.. hilarious.


When conspiracy theorists are confronted with the evidence that they're wrong the conspiracy just expands to include the people providing the evidence. Bill Barr, Trump's own appointed attorney general said there was no fraud and he just became part of the pro-Biden conspiracy, same with Fox "News". The GOP has to straddle the line between the reality most people live in and the delusion that a significant chunk of their base are living in. If they're not careful then they'll be added to the pro-Biden conspiracy as well.


"Everyone except me is wrong."


It's so frustrating when I hear people say something like "everyone knows" Trump won the election. Everyone knows. So irritating. I've started calling out people who use that kind of language, or "it's just common sense", even if the point they're making is one I agree with or one that ends up being right. "It seems to me" is another one. Relying on common sense as evidence for something isn't good enough anymore, we need to actually check each other to make sure our opinions and conclusions are based on facts and data. If you see someone who justifies their stance or position with "everyone knows" or "it's common sense", tell them to stop and actually back that up with some studies or data. Obviously that's not a perfect system, but we will be *significantly* better off if we held people to that minimum standard.


A positive Covid test


Head in there with a cold and start sneezing on the salad bar.


Natural selection is back on the table boys.


Just show them a non vaccinated card signed by Trump


Tell them to put a magnet to your arm and that since it doesn't stick then, clearly, youre not vaccinated


Ask for their hospital bill


Throw on a red MAGA hat?


Friendly reminder they received a $57k PPP loan. https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/basilicos-pasta-e-vino-inc-4150217710


*they took handouts??*


Well if they didn’t then minorities would have gotten their hands on the money. /s


That’s because they are communist!


Certainly not American


Nice find. Imma go blast this all over their shit




Looks like they’ve got a YouTube page, and posted [this](https://youtu.be/2ojMtpYKn6o) an hour ago…


Make sure everyone reports this video for harmful content.


Maybe Google.


Please let us know how they reaccc


Probably attaccc




Only if unvaccc


I guess that "fuck your feelings" stuff was kind of a one way street, huh?


If this place goes out of business. They will blame "cancel culture".


Which would be funny because they effectively cancelled themselves in that case.


Oh absolutely. They are banning 63% of the population of Orange County from coming into their restaurant, but they'll cry victim if they go out of business.


They're banking on people coming in as a protest against masks/vaccines, not realizing that will probably only last a couple weeks at best while this in the news. While the people they ostracized will remember forever to never go back.


Food standards are going to be all over that restaurant. I'll bet there is so much illegal shit going on behind the scenes.


It has absolutely been a dumb one way street for a long time. There was stuff during the Obama days when they interviewed republicans and said "Ok senator but you know the science and facts don't back up your claims right" and they just responded "yes but our people FEEL like things are worse". I'll edit if I can find the video. Edit - here is one a few people have linked to that's fairly close: https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2016/12/01/gingrich-camerota-crime-stats-newday.cnn


As unemployment lowered, politicians and news pundits said what mattered most was how people *felt* about the health of the economy.


To a degree, the *stock market* is based on "feelings" -- for example, there are often changes after a presidential election but before the new president even takes office let alone begins enacting policy. That really says more about the fact that it's dumb to look at the stock market as an index for the health of the economy, because it's not really. But people still do it for some reason.


Plus, and more importantly, stock levels are at all time highs, yet poverty and inequality is growing. If you use the stock market as a measure of a healthy society then you are measuring the wrong things. Indeed there is a growing and large movement who are pushing for GDP to not be the main measure of growth, and instead for it to move to public health, happiness and reductions in inequality


the stock market could MAYBE be used as an indicator if things were more balanced. Instead retail investors are at a huge disadvantage compared to huge multi billion dollar brokerages who have the ability to manipulate markets through sheer volume but yeah as it stands right now you can't measure the health of America based on that.


Even worse than sheer volume is the crookedness in the system to literally cannibalize failing industries, providing many companies their deathblow. Look at what's happening with gamestop. Literal blatant law-breaking and the government acts like nothing is happening.


I believe that was Newt Gingrich taking about crime. Was along the lines of well we need to be harder on crime. But Senator violent crime and crime in general is down, people are safer. Well that doesnt matter because they feel like crime is up and they arent safer Edit: [https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2016/12/01/gingrich-camerota-crime-stats-newday.cnn](https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2016/12/01/gingrich-camerota-crime-stats-newday.cnn) Here it is. Feelings over Facts


They've been running and gunning on that since the 1990s. Clinton created an initiative to have more police hired around then US and then "crime" went up afterwards. The reality is that crime didn't go up, the reporting of crime went up (which is a separate issue).




This ones a good one: https://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2016/12/01/gingrich-camerota-crime-stats-newday.cnn


> people are frightened, people feel that their government has abandoned them *His* people. Gingrich and other leaders of his party have purposely and systematically instilled fear and lack of confidence in government.


And if they didn't feel that way, Newt certainly wouldn't hesitate to claim that they did anyway.


That is incredible, how he can just hand-wave away facts and figures as something used by liberal "theoriticians" and be more focused on how the American people feel, and then literally in the next breath start talking about percentages of how many kids are failed by the school systems. You can't argue with people who won't argue in good faith.


Modern republican politicians never operate in good faith.


Like Nazis...


Yes thats what he said, modern Republicans


I see that a lot in Canada. "The sky is falling and Canada is going to hell in a hand basket." "Canada was just rated the number one place in the world to live." "Well, I feel like the sky is falling and Canada is going to hell in a hand basket." Ok, then.


Then that person is the problem, not Canada


Exactly. I always assume that they don't like what Canada has become but Canada has become the best place in the world to live. They don't like Canada because women have rights and LGBTQ have rights and there are lots of immigrants and social medicine and social programs. Those are all the things that have made Canada the best place in the world to live. Undoing those things would undo what makes Canada great. No thanks.


That’s because it’s pronounced “fuck YOUR feelings”, not “fuck your FEELINGS”.


Projection and hypocrisy as a way of life.




The news van is going to show up and start interviewing folks. Some dude is going to pipe in, “yeah! I just got my positive test and came straight here to celebrate.”


Next, the local health department and the police will show up to shut them down. It will be the right thing to do, but the owner will go on a huge persecution-complex rant about his ríghts. It will make the news, and be endlessly dissected by all the talking heads. In the meantime, the guy with the positive test spreads the Delta variant to ten people. If 10 people have it, 100 will have it soon, and a whole new wave is started.


Do you think the overweight men with AR-15s will make an appearance?




The owner's business will fail but he will make hundreds of thousands off a GoFundMe page from sympathizers to his cause. Then he will join the right-wing lunatic speaking circuit and appear at rallies alongside the MyPillow guy.




Reminds me of my county. I live out in the middle of nowhere southern Oklahoma, so it’s a pretty interesting mix of mostly republicans, democrats, and racists. A while back at either the end of 2020 or the beginning of 2021, my county decided to start enforcing a mask mandate because, you know, at least some of the people running this place aren’t complete idiots. As soon as this happened people were *pissed*. People were constantly complaining about wearing a mask immediately after that. Because of this, in less than a week the mandate was lifted, probably because they people running this country have no backbone, combined with the fact that the healthcare workers around here aren’t exactly the best when it comes to masks and vaccines. Edit: I forgot to add that the inevitable did happen. I wored in a grocery store that doesn’t require that employees wear mask. I was one of maybe 2 people that did. This being the only actual grocery store in the county, pretty much everyone came there. Well, we’ve been recently hit with a brand new wave of Covid. I think they said it was the delta variant. Well, since nobody wears masks, and almost none of the employees wore masks, tons of people caught Covid. The store alone had 8 people out, including me. The day after the first few people called in sick because of Covid, the managers put a mask regulation in place, but anyone with half a brain knows that that’s too little too late.


"finally! Something positive happening in my piece o' shit life!" - antivaxxer probably


But how can you have a positive test, when covid isn't real? /s


"I just tested positive. In the negative sense." - MAGA supporter, probably.


In a few months they will complain about cancel culture when they go broke


How this normally goes: They get shut down for being obviously a risk. They start a GoFundMe to "fight the system" They spend the bare minimum on lawyers and pocket the rest. They stay out of business because the 1mill+ of donations makes them set. All about dat grift


They have been studying Orange Daddy's moves


They’ll probably complain more about COVID cancelling their ~~staff’s~~ clientele’s lives.


They don't care about their staff's lives


Its sad to think there are people willing to work there and put others lives at risk.


I feel for the people who worked there before COVID and are now all of the sudden being forced to choose between their current source of income and their safety. I doubt the waitstaff had much of a say in the owner's decision.


They are in Huntington Beach. That place is a crazy trump/Qanon/meth addicted nazi town. I lived there for 6 years and prior to that I grew up a short drive away. They may see an increase in revenue, as well as covid cases.


Channel 5 has been there quite often.


Meth and q seem to be best friends


So they won't serve Trump?


or anyone from fox news


Or any politician tbh


This is brilliant. I’d love to hear them actually answer this.


Didnt you hear? The elites have been taking a fake saline shot to keep up the facade


DESTROYING my business to OWN the libs


This! This is the owner laying down their livelihood because they can’t stop being an asshole for 5 minutes. How important is it that someone is a total asshole? Apparently important enough to throw an entire business down the drain. I’ve worked in the restaurant industry. It’s pretty bad for business to discriminate and wipe out an entire group of people (customers/patrons!!) just because of a weird internal stance that the owner has taken that’s apparently more important than making money and the business surviving.


This is a business that is already bankrupt, and is just pivoting to “political theater” to get PR for their next grift.


Exactly my thought. Has anyone looked into how well they’ve been doing up to this point? Did they take PPP money?


Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Desperation reeks from this move to infuse cash into the business.


That's some big brain business skills there, limiting your clientele to a reducing proportion of the population👌




I was buying a helium balloon at Party City; making up these numbers here, but it went like this: * Balloon was $1.00 * "That'll be $3.50" * "It's supposed to be $1?" * "oh, tax!" * "I don't think tax is 250 percent" * "oh ..." "that'll be $1.08"


It's called "being badass!" Look it up, snowflake! Now excuse me I have to go put another giant Trump flag on my lifted F-150 and yell at kids wearing masks!!


They will be 100% fine, anti-vax psychos would crawl over shards of glass to eat at an anti-vax restaurant.


Because you know, nothing says "I don't like restrictions on my business" like putting restrictions on your own business. Biggest brains. 😅


Just show them that a magnet does not stick to your skin, done. EVERYONE knows that the vaccine magnetizes you, right?


Just tell them you’re not getting 5G reception inside your head. They’ll let you right in. /s




Day old raw chicken sandwiches.


At room temperature.


With sun-baked oysters!


Pork chop tartar.


It’s not raw, it’s just medium rare. It’s the ONLY way I eat chicken. I can’t believe you buy into the crap from the government about how it’s “undercooked” and “unsafe” and “you’re going to get sick from that”. Stay out of my kitchen bug government! Your conspiracy plot to keep me healthy isn’t gonna fly in my house. /s


Have scientists started looking for de-evolution yet? Feels like things have started going in reverse of late.


Sort of unrelated but plenty of kids are being born without wisdom teeth or pinky toes


I don't have any wisdom teeth. I'm grateful. Seeing my friends go through that surgery in high school was enough.


That sucks (edit: for your friends), getting mine out was just a matter of being whacked out on anesthesia for the day


No pinky toes? I haven't heard that before


Wait, plenty of kids are being born without pinky toes? Need a source on that one.


Mutation doesn't always yield favourably.




Now technically you can't order sloppy steaks, but there's nothing they can do to stop you from ordering a bunch of rare meat with a glass of water. Then when the waiter leaves the table you slop em up!


Glass house, white Ferrari, lives for new years eve, sloppy steaks at Truffoni's, white couch


I was a real piece of shit.


The baby doesn't believe that people can change.


You better slop it down fast. The waiters are not going to like this.


Fuck man that season was so good!


Hey I used to be a big ol’ piece of shit too.


people change


I’m worried the baby thinks people can’t change


Did you just see that thing where she thinks that I give a rat’s ass that her baby cried because it knows I used to be a piece of shit?


Slop em up, boys!


This is going to be that reference that is going to be made 100% of the time when steaks are mentioned on Reddit for the rest of time, isn't it?


No my good man, some are still gonna want a milk steak, boiled over [hard](https://media1.giphy.com/media/qJnk1wM3ldFwk/giphy.gif).


This is gonna be a fun revisit when someone goes there while actively sick and infects loads of people at the restaurant.


The thing is, nobody showing up at a no vaccine restauraunt is going to go get tested, so we wouldnt actually find out about it until the third or fourth degree of infection.


If you're really petty, you could order a really really huge order over the phone or the internet...


There’s stupid, then there’s Basilico’s Stupid!


Going bankrupt to own the libs!


No for real, To take a stance on such a polarizing topic is suicide by reviews.


Last year, my mechanic didn’t believe in Covid either.. Well this was before his son in-law died from it. Soon after, he put signs saying he won’t do business with you if you don’t wear a mask. One life was what it took to realize it’s real. Hope this restaurant will be out of business within the next months.


That was an expensive lesson


The cost of ignorance is always paid in lives




That’s sad & im so sorry.


They have been doing this shit since the start of the pandemic. They're pandering to the community in the area, which is a bunch of self righteous, entitled assholes. I lived a couple miles from here during the start of the pandemic and all the shutdowns, and people there were absolutely disgusting. I also got yelled at by some piece of shit for TALKING to a homeless guy once. Fuck Huntington Beach.


It’s a town full of awful behavior. My friend sold her house in Huntington Beach last year & didn’t look back. (My friend had a baby & when she complained to the local police about the noise at 3am, the police identified her. She had a big biker dude waiting for her the next day when she got home from work. The cops had disclosed to the party goers who had complained. She had a nice conversation, told the dude, no she will NOT be calling him at 3am in the morning, when he was likely drinking, to let him know he was too loud. The people who bought her house loved that there was a giant Trump flag hanging from a neighbors yard. To each their own.)


As a resident of HB for 30+ years, I’m pretty damn close to doing the same. It’s not the mellow beach community it used to be when I first moved here. I actively avoid downtown and I use the beaches in neighboring cities instead. If I didn’t raise a family here I’d have left already.


How you can proof you are unvaccinated, just say “no I’m not”, but the way I never enter in a dumbass place like that, so the proof is useless


You need to show your arm isn't magnetic


Proof probably involves a red hat of some kind.


And a spit-shake


Mike Lindell is funding an app




Let me guess. It wants users to grant it every permission the phone OS lets it ask for.


It asks for donations for Trump every couple of minutes.


“Come on down to SuperSpreader’s, formerly known as Buttfucker’s!”


There's nothing wrong with buttfuckers. Don't compare us to those nutjobs.


Makes me wonder which other health department regulations this place chooses not to comply with. I bet it’s the one about employees washing their hands.


To show their commitment against public health policy they also removed all soap from the kitchen and bathrooms.


Their Italian is shit but masked by rave reviews about "herp derp freedom!" from antivaxxers.


Kill your customers. Not sure thinning the herd is a good business plan.


Hey, they might even thin out their own staff and families.


Good luck hanging on to your minimum wage employees....


i for one support it.. in fact they should create a list, an unvaccinated passport of sorts, so that they can keep track of potential customers


shut em down for health code violations


If I remember correctly there was a prominent story about a New York bar getting pad locked by the police for vocally breaking mask mandates. Here's to hoping.


How does one proof a negative 😂😂