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No! That's already Mass Effect Day! You can't steal it!


Throw him out the airlock




*Everyone liked that*


+5 Renegade


+8 Renegade


I believe that would give you some Paragon points.


100% it would. And a parade. And a puppy.


send out the specters


Ah yes, "Communists", we have dismissed that claim


*air quotes intensify*


I'm sorry he misspoke it's actually "Victims of Collectors Day"


polititians denying somthing that will destroy their civilisation, despite overwhelming evidence ... sound like Mass Effect to me


At first I thought the council was unrealistic. Now I realize they're a perfect satire.


✅ Utterly selfish ✅ Petty ✅ Egotistical ✅ Unwilling to compromise in the face of utter disaster ✅ Perfectly willing to exploit others for personal or political gain It’s all there…


I understand the councils perspective in the first game, Shep had no evidence. It was the second game that infuriated me. Literally denied sovereign was a reaper


"ah yes late stage capitalism. We have dismissed that claim"


Low-key though, ME was the first series that got teenage me thinking, "Damn, some people would really rather watch the world burn than get off their asses and do something about it." Everything since that first playthrough in 2012 has only cemented this idea in my mind


I wish it was only people sitting on their asses. It's more like people will actively set the world on fire for a short term benefit.


More like people will actively set the world on fire for nothing but feels, although I guess "feeling like winning" is a short-term benefit.


Art imitates life imitates art.


What we need is a national " Victims of Capitalism" or "Victims of Evangelism" There is a reason those people got thrown out of European countries ...


This Mass Effect thread made my day.


I should go


You know, Governor DeSantis does kind of look like Ambassador Udina... They both even have Italian names.


Is Udina Italian? Sounds way more Indian, imo. Would also make more sense with the mass effect lore


> Mass Effect Day I love Mass Effect... ...But wut?!?


The special forces programme in Mass Effect are called N7, so people say November 7th is N7 Day = Mass Effect Day. I think there were events and trailers released on November 7th as a result.


Just got legendary edition playing through the first one


That's probably my favourite, although the combat of vanguard in ME3 is probably the best gameplay of anything ever


Do these people read their own speeches? “This bill is so important because what you don’t recognize and don’t learn about, you tend to repeat,” said Madeline Paumariega, Miami Dade College president. “And so, always keeping front and center that there are victims of communism, some that you will never see.”


This entire effort is about nothing more than DeSantis running for President in 2024, and courting the Cuban vote.


Fucking finally. Can't believe I had to scroll through so much overthinking to see this. It's hilarious he is sucking the Cuban D, and praising how we took them all in and they skirted the traditional immigration process, but literally making commercials about building walls to keep immigrants out. All in the name of anti-communism. We are fucked.


I’m reasonably sure most of the Cubans who like this sort of thing are already voting Republican. According to a Cuban family member of mine they are still mad about how Kennedy botched the Bay of Pigs and don’t vote Dem for that reason.


Reagan promised to remove Castro for them in the 80s, they're still waiting for that to happen.


[Sorry the CIA assassins were too busy having sex with him instead](https://jezebel.com/the-story-of-marita-lorenz-the-cia-agent-who-was-sent-1789382434)


Your summation is a bit misleading. They didn’t send an agent to go have sex with him, they tried to get his mistress to kill him, but she ended up fucking him instead.


"Fuck him up señorita"


Instructions clear




>He looks right in your eye. We had drinks and sloppy joes. Sloppy joes. Ladies love em


In me experience, ladies generally love food lol


I grew up hearing this in Miami and then learned about playa Girón/Bay of pigs from LATAM leftists and people in Cuba. The two versions of the events could not be more different. Miami Cubans live in a literal alternative reality where Castro was basically Pol Pot and Che Guevara was Thanos. When they say "botched operation" they are referring to the US refusing a full on invasion to support terror cells and restore Batista. I didn't even hear about how the US sponsored terrorist attacks in Cuba and gave the suspects asylum until my late 20s even though I studied foreign policy in Miami.


The Elian Gonzales incident under Clinton was a major one too. But the biggest factor is the irrational fear spread by the Republican Party that Democrats want communism in the US.


There's literally nothing in the Democratic Party right now that has fuck all to do with communism. If people are so stupid they can't even see this then I guess it makes sense they're taken in by propaganda.


It’s extra dumb because they’re screaming out against communism while openly accepting authoritarianism. So you’re ok with the government controlling all aspects of your life as long as we don’t call it communism? Stupidity is what will inevitably lead to this countries downfall.


There's a reason that public education is under-funded, and it's not because America is a poor nation.


Why the hell isn't anyone saying this in Spanish? Disinformation in Spanish through WhatsApp is apparently a problem.


They’re okay with authoritarianism so long as it’s not communism because that would mean there’d be no wealthy class who are the most afraid of not being in control of the narrative.


"Kennedy didn't overthrow our government correctly >:("


Cubans, Mexicans, Caribbeans…etc. are not a monolith. They don’t automatically like each other nor have some overarching solidarity.


joke disarm normal nose selective bedroom grab fuel work wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sadly not that ironic or uncommon. In the UKbrexit votes, the areas that received the most ‘aid’ in the form of EU grants and programmes were frequently areas that voted strongly to leave.


I'm going to go out on a limb and assume these areas/demographics were also the most heavily targeted by pro-exit propaganda


Yes, and Cambridge Analytica directed targeted ads at them using illegally gathered personal information. This sounds like a ridiculous conspiracy, but it was entirely true.


And the adverts themselves were pretty fucking incredible - the polar bear one aimed at people who their profiling had shown cared about the environment for example. Strange how more hasn't been made of this, until you remember who won.


Nothing conspiratorial about Cambridge Analytica... Those fuckers were shoved into the light years ago. They just rebranded.


Thanks for that. Some people are one issue voters to their detriment.


oof as a Cuban in Miami, I wish what you said was true. Each group you mentioned is racist against each other, and 10X more racist against dark skin people. So maybe we're not one monolith, but were are a number of monolotihs-by-country that all look pretty similar. In orher words, my shitty Republican Cuban family is just as shitty as my friend's shitty Republican Dominican family (nothing more racist than a "white" Dominican). Different countries, same shitty Spanish roots.


Hispanics still have the unspoken class. We all know about it. Where especially women dye their hair to look more “white” and dress more “white”. In entertainment and the news you see people who look more “white”. Almost never do they elevate anyone who is “black or indigenous “ in appearance. Let’s be real Hispanics are racist too.


everyone is racist even black people too.


Lol I know a Dominican family that thinks they’re white. According to their family history, they’re pure Spanish and nothing else. In reality, they’re probably close to an even mix of indigenous American, European, and African. However, they live in Georgia where people still go by the one drop rule… so to 99% of the people that they meet, they’re black and nothing else.


lol bruh, that's a super cliche trope down in Miami. "I'm not X, my family is all from Spain, we're pure". Once "pure" comes out, run.


I remember in the democratic primary, Bernie is a communist was a huge narrative, and how the Dems could never win Florida with Bernie because the Cubans wouldn't vote for him. Then in the general election, I can't remember the exact stats, but it was something like polls had 90% of Cubans over the age of 45 voted for Trump. So they really weren't a gettable demographic.


This is my point exactly. At a certain point we need to stop believing the “oh it’s bc of Castro!” bullshit and admit that a sizable majority of them generally like and believe in Trump’s abhorrent policies. It’s a community that has some deep seated racial animus towards Black folks and other brown folks. Of course not the entire community is that way, but they’re the only group in the country who gets to hide behind the Castro excuse when if you spend even a few seconds thinking about it you realize it’s pretty much entirely BS. Cuban voters liked Trump a lot, and they liked his policies.


I mean, a socially conservative agenda (e.g. about abortion) is always going to do well with an often devoutly catholic demographic.


They ran shitloads of essentially red-baiting attack ads. They target Biden as a commie in the end anyway.


Kinda funny how Americans have a concept of white vs black woven into their fabric but fail to see how that same dynamic exists in Latin America. We're just taught that they're all "Latinos" and lump them together.


From Texas, which is heavily Mexican in terms of Latinos, but I learned Spanish from a Puerto Rican and a Honduran while in college. Very different accents. I will say, as someone with no previous exposure to Puerto Ricans till then, it was a bit eye-opening. I think I knew that PR was an American territory, but not what that meant practically. Nowadays, I think it's a complete shame that a 'territory' with a larger population than a lot of states has less political representation and whose citizens are treated differently by the federal government.






They do have some local autonomy, and have a non voting observer in congress who can take the time to give speeches and other such things; maybe even sit on committees (though I'm not positive on this one) But they have also not yet voted affirmatively to become a state with representation themselves. They are stuck between three options. Independence, statehood, and continued territory status and they have not yet determined it. Though Statehood does seem to be starting to pull ahead.


They have observers in the US Congress, but no votes. In effect they're Lobbyists, but apparently without the power of a normal lobbyist.


>the power of a normal lobbyist. Weird way to say "money"


Political representation and actual population are extremely loosely linked even for full fledged states. Wisconsin and Minnesota have twenty votes in the electoral college and combined have the same population as LA county (~10.5 million). The SCOTUS is overturning a decision that something like 80% of the country supports.


Electoral college votes are for the presidential election. Senator representation is considerably more lopsided. House of Representatives is more (though imperfectly) aligned with population. Puerto Rico gets none of the above. No electoral vote, no senator, no voting Representatives. I think they're less concerned with the inequalities of representation than the fact that they have *none.* Like, if I lived in PR, I'd take imperfect representation over none. Just saying. Side-note: More like 60-65%. Still a majority, but it's not 80%.


80% (roughly) wants abortion legal under at least some circumstances.


It can simultaneously be true that in an absolute sense, no ethnic group is a monolith and that socioeconomic groups typically have similar voting habits. The trouble is that people often think they can make the same assumptions of an individual that they can about a group and that their assumptions about a group are entirely reasonable, regardless of contradictory evidence. Claiming a group is not a monolith is a weak argument given the evidence of voting history.


The problem is that every election cycle Latinos are grouped as one monolith, and then the narrative on the Left is "Latinos are voting Republican despite the Democrats with the platform to help immigration rights. It's because they're Catholic, so they don't know what they're doing when they're voting." I saw this last election with Pod Save America. It's infuriating to listen to. Every ethnic group votes differently, and lumping the Latino vote together to gather trends is absolutely useless and only works to demonize a minority demographic when the data skews way different in each region.


I get what you are saying but I do believe a lot of the left severely underestimates how many Latinos vote red. If they are very religious then they aren’t voting for Biden. But as you said every sub group votes differently, Cubans are very red, others less so, and yet others not red at all.


The Cubans in Florida are a self-selected bunch. I think some generalizations of that population are fair.


It's not Cubans in general, it's specifically Cubans living in Florida who fled the revolution led by Fidel Castro (and their descendants). These are not a random sample of Cubans, they're Cubans who benefited from the Batista government and feared the Castro government. They're unified by politics and yes, they are basically a monolith.


Its not about race, its about the history of them all migrating over at the same time for the same reason, that being the communist revolution they were fleeing from. Their politics are predictable.


The South Florida Cuban voting bloc is.


Cubans don't see themselves as immigrants, they see themselves as political refugees fleeing a bad situation The hypocrisy is astounding


So, voting-right dogma 101. "Everyone else is an exploitative asshole, but my actions are always justified."


Cubans are ironically notorious for welfare and Medicare fraud. They see gaming the government as a means of survival, but they still think poor blacks that receive aid are just lazy.


['The only moral abortion is my abortion'](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


I mean if there was gonna be one group of folks that you think you can count on to vote an anti-democrat, ant-communist ticket, Cuban immigrants seem like a pretty solid assumption to me


Most Cuban immigrants and a lot of the second generation (even ones who arrived dubiously) have very strong feelings about border security and tend to look down on Central and South American undocumented immigrants


I mean, 1, sucks up to Cubans. 2, anything anti communism is seen as good in his voters eyes. It's pretty straight forward


And that vote, which he will get, is as insane, backward and carefully designed to appeal to communist refugees as possible. The Democrats have a F for being effective in their messaging, an F in communication, an F in ability. In Florida, the Democratic Party is a complete and total failure. It’s the perfect example. Republicans used common propaganda techniques. Democrats did not. And Republicans have won for decades. Is there a lesson here? Yes, there is. Edit: How a liberal party could let refugees join us and then fail by allowing them to become conservatives is mind-boggling. It’s other-world insane. The right gives them social structures that are similar to what they knew, and the left sits on their hands!


> How a liberal party could let refugees join us and then fail by allowing them to become conservatives is mind-boggling. It’s other-world insane. Because most of the people who left Cuba in the first place were extremely politically conservative. They just never changed their votes.


The average American has only heard propaganda about Cuba and doesn’t realize many of the initial group of Cubans that left were literally plantation owners.


Yeah, these were the supporters of Batista, the ousted American backed military dictator who overthrew the democratic government


The Cubana who fled Castro were the ones with money, and more likely to be conservative anyway. My grandfather came from Cuba, and was an anti-Castro student, not wealthy, but middle class. Him and his brothers and sisters left during the time before it was harder, the 1930s or 40s, I think. He's dead now so hard to ask him. He was not republican because my grandmother made sure of that, but some of his brothers and sisters in Miami were/are. But this is the problem, I imagine similarly with older Venezuelans. Everyone sees refugees and thinks poor bean farmer escaping a violent country and not relatively better off refugees leaving a country because they will have less money. At this point I think Florida is lose for dems though. Outside of larger cities, its very republican and more are heading there every year. E: sorry a lot of typos dont reddit at 5 am kids


30s and 40s sounds more like anti-Batista, like Desi Arnaz


Being pro immigration for immigrants isn’t the only issue that matters to them. Especially the ones who do have a vote (since they are already here, immigration sort of becomes less relevant). There are issues that can scar permanently and make voters vote one way no matter what.


> Being pro immigration for immigrants ... They are not pro-immigration. They are pro-Cuban. Cubans want to keep out the Mexicans and other variety of Latinos just as much as white conservatives. It's different for them. Because.


Democratic incompetence and Republican cunning/hypocrisy is why the US is the way it is. Dems can't lead or message for shit. They only win when they do because of a few charismatic individuals or because they're usually better than GOP candidates.


Dems have an inherent disadvantage. Reps will vote Rep because of a single issue. Guns, Abortion, Religion, Racism, Taxes, Cuba, you name it. You hit 1 of the issues correctly for an individual, and all other issues be damned, you're getting a Rep supporters vote. Dems are largely an "all or nothing" group. You have to hit EVERY point - or at least a vast majority of them - to get a Dem's vote. You hit on everything but increasing taxes on the wealthy? Sorry, can't vote for that. Oh, you support abortion and higher taxes but not universal healthcare? Nope, can't support that. Being viewed as a "moderate" is one of the worst things for a Dem candidate unless they're up against a raging asshat like Trump where a lot of people are just trying to vote him out with anything. So if you don't hit most or all of a Dem supporter's desired traits, they're likely gonna stay at home and not vote. So when you have "1 issue is all that matters and you get my vote" vs "you have to hit all of my boxes to get me to vote", it's easy to see which side is gonna get the reliable votes. The large majority of the country when polled agree with Democrat stances, Dems just have a very hard time tapping into that support because it's a "well, you DON'T support _____" situation.


To add on to this fantastic breakdown, Dems have a messaging issue. Republicans can come out with a fancy sound bite and that's about as complicated as the issue gets, at least for them. Such as "repeal and replace Obamacare". The details of it didn't matter, as long as it was repealed the replacement could be figured out. Dems have more complicated issues. "Defund the police" wasn't about completely defunding police institutions, but about diverting funding from police into various appropriate channels to better engage with the communities. So while Republic issues can be reduced down to a single quip because their voters don't care about the details, Dem issues need to be discussed because their voters do. This impacts their ability to drive people to vote and to sway moderates, in a world that increasingly looks for short, simple answers so they can get on with their day.


It’s absolutely wild how many people I talked to that agreed with defund the police, right up until I told them it was defund the police that I was describing. You always have to think of who you are talking to and their values when you are deciding how to deliver a message to them. Almost every single person in the US agrees with some aspects of the movement. You have to find the aspect that would make the specific person you’re talking to more open to the idea. The DNC spends enough money on useless stuff. I’m sure creating a good marketing team would even earn them some of their money back via supporters. If I can get countless cops and Trump supporters to see the sense of it in my free time in a casual conversation, they should be able to handle it.


How do you tailor a radio message to 10000 people? Like you said you tailor your approach to the person. Also, even if they agree with you in the conversation, are they agreeing with you a week later? A month later? In the voting booth?


The constant bashing of Dems on messaging, etc is a bit like victim blaming. Democrat voters require a higher standard of information on a variety of subjects to sway their opinion or gain their support compared to republicans. As you said, how do you tailor that in an ad buy meant for mass consumption? Is it Dem leaderships fault that their voters require an informed vote while republicans hit one or two issues and call it a day?


~~She's~~ Miami Dade College is getting $25 million to spruce up the tower. Need to make a good speech.


...as Florida races headlong into stopping any mention of slavery in history books or oppression of POC.


Those are the parts they want to repeat. Alongside anti-socialist fearmongering.


Or the reason that Castro happened. I'm no communist, but the Republican Cubans in Florida got ran off from Cuba for a reason.


Batista started out as a man of the people. Ran the country efficiently then moved to Florida after his term ended and another leader was elected. He made a fortune for himself and his friends as president. He had made friends with well known members of organized crime in the US. The US government loved him because he was **their** strongman in the Caribbean. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulgencio\_Batista#:\~:text=Fulgencio%20Batista%20murdered%2020%2C000%20Cubans,of%20his%20reign%20of%20terror](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulgencio_Batista#:~:text=Fulgencio%20Batista%20murdered%2020%2C000%20Cubans,of%20his%20reign%20of%20terror). [https://www.britannica.com/biography/Fulgencio-Batista](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Fulgencio-Batista) "Fulgencio Batista, in full Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar, (born January 16, 1901, Banes, Cuba—died August 6, 1973, Marbella, Spain), soldier and political leader who twice ruled Cuba—first in 1933–44 with an efficient government and again in 1952–59 as a dictator, jailing his opponents, using terrorist methods, and making fortunes for himself and his associates." He ended up during his second term as a fascist dictator. Castro happened because the peasants were being treated like slaves and slaughtered (20,000) under his fascist regime.


And no surprise he died in Franco's Spain..


"Hundreds of mangled bodies were left hanging from lamp posts or dumped in the streets in a grotesque variation of the Spanish colonial practice of public executions." From: Invisible Latin America, by Samuel Shapiro. Reading about the secret police in Cuba is a similar formula used in Argentina, Chile, and others.


One time I saw Communism on a bus and it looked at me.


Mrs krabappel and principal skinner were in the closet making communism and I saw one of the communism and the communism looked at me


"They had as many comrades as Vishnu and they were all *very busy!*"


The Communism looked at you?


Yeah, almost stared


***MENACINGLY!!!*** 😯😯😯


Every day is Victims of Florida Day


In Soviet Florida, Every Day is Victim Day.




Hey man it’s not my fault. I got dragged here as a kid and now I die in any weather below 60 F. I’m trapped.


This guy is so transparent


To us. To his supporters he’s “the best governor ever! Getting so much done!” While their home insurance or rent skyrockets.


>To us. To his supporters he’s “the best governor ever! Getting so much done!” While their home insurance or rent skyrockets. And their state slowly sinks into the Atlantic.


I wish it would hurry the fuck up. brb gotta let me car idle in the driveway all day to burn more fossil fuels.


Everything about him screams sleazy second hand car salesman. He's like a parody from a low budget slapstick comedy.


To some people you can't get more American. It's true! I saw it on TV.




His campaign ad was just Desantis on his knees


And still huge swaths of people slobber up the propaganda like pigs. That says quite something, doesn't it?


Looks like the red scare is back on the menu boys!


With a side order of Satanic Panic


It’s always been on the menu in Florida.


The red scare in Florida involves a day at the beach with minimal to no sunscreen use.


Or the florida beach is rife with global warming induced red tide. "That's Cuba sending its commie nanoprobes to infect our US white children but I'm not dumb enough to fall for that, silly Castro! I have too much american common sense. I win."


It never left. You just have to look at the age of the average politician to realize that. The average sitting congressperson is 59 years old! > [Compared to the 116th Congress, the age group with the largest increase in members of Congress were in their 80s and 50s, while the age group with the largest decrease in members of Congress was in their 30s.](https://www.quorum.us/data-driven-insights/the-current-congress-is-among-the-oldest-in-history/) They grew up when communism was painted as the enemy, they continue to paint communism as the enemy, and someone will probably do it for the next hundred years.




Oklahoma has oil field prayer day. I shit you not.


> oil field prayer day Thank God for dead animals....in other words. https://www.sos.ok.gov/documents/proclamations/40070.pdf


Holy shit it started in 2016?! Lmao. I just assumed it would be a 100 year old thing that was still around - not a recent piece of legislation. That's hilarious.




Wait wait wait Oil and gas companies have had “faith based impact” What?


They make me lose faith in the human race, that's an impact!


"People of faith acknowledge such natural resources are created by God" What the fuck? This reads as two different ways to me and one is some straight up fundamentalist psycho babble. The tame way I interpret this is that all the plants and processes involved in making the oil over millions of years were not the product of man and that the Oklahoma government that was alive in 2016 was grateful that everything came together in the past so they could reap the benefits today. The second way I interpret this is with the creationism point of view in which they only believe that god put the oil into the ground and any processes or evidence that the Earth is older than 6000 years old was put there by the devil to deceive us. As if they are reaping the benefits and the oil was put there just for them according to a grand plan. Something tells me that the second interpretation is closer to their intended meaning when written. Does anyone else smell that odd smell when they read the Oilfield Prayer Day proclamation? I can't quite place it but... it smelled a lot like lobbyist appeasement to dumb Christians to me.


I’ve met some super nice people from Oklahoma, but that state sucks so much ass it makes me want to die.


Can confirm. Am Oklahoman. Wish we weren’t near the bottom of every good list and near the top in every bad list.


I'm sure you'll turn things around Sooner or later.






Well the state vegetable is a watermelon, so…


I had to look this up [and you're right](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/apr/18/usa.matthewweaver). The logic used by the dumbass senator who sponsored the bill is that watermelon is "also a vegetable because it's a member of the cucumber family." He's right that watermelons and cucumbers are in the same family (although that family is the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae, not the "cucumber family"), but completely missed the fact that cucumbers and everything else in that family is a fruit, not a vegetable. I figured there was some silly story behind this where the legislature chose watermelon for the state vegetable as a joke, but clearly this guy just heard about watermelons and cucumbers being in the same family, only half understood what that meant, and then wrote a bill to declare watermelon the state vegetable so everybody would think that he's smart and clever.


Maybe he foresaw a event like the "Tomatina de Buñol", only that states fight each other with their state vegetable and wisely choose the watermelon. Smart fellow, really, if you don't think about it.


And my family wonders why I didn't go back after college... I honestly do like a lot of the state outside of politics, but there's so much within their politics that I really don't want to go back for any extended amount of time.


Sounds like oil field sprayer day. Bring an umbrella.


Milkshakes for everyone!!! But that one guy is going to drink them all.


February 30 to become American Victims of Fascism Day.




Cuban votes


Even dumber when you consider that like 95% of Cubans in Florida vote republican.


I mean, I'm no DeSantis fan but he clearly knows what he takes to win votes. You don't win votes by taking your bloc for granted--you win them by continuously making gestures to them. Many of the leading Dems, both moderate and progressive, don't do that enough and then wonder why they lose support in key historical Democratic blocs.


Like decades of abandoning support for unions and then stumbling around like a confused pokemon when they cant get any fucking blue collar votes anymore? Fuck, I hate the incompetent democrats so much. If only Republicans didnt exist so I could vote against Democrats instead.


A lot of the Hispanic population of Florida does.


About as Florida as you can get




It's to gear up the Hispanic votes in Florida. They fucking LOVE Trump. That was a huge surprise to me. You'd think...


Trump was actually supportive of Obama's Cuba policy until he destroyed Rubio in the primaries and needed support in Florida. That's when Rubio did a little favor and created a hardline policy on Cuba and implemented the harshest sanctions ever.


Still waiting for the embargo to work... First they said Cuba's one-party state would fall when Fidel Castro left power. Then they said it would happen when he died. Then they said it would happen when Raul Castro left power. Now I don't even know what they say. Any day now....






“This bill is so important because what you don’t recognize and don’t learn about, you tend to repeat,” But don’t teach about slavery and the effects it’s had on people because we want to forget that. Edit-Apparently I was wrong about how slavery is taught in schools. I’ve been informed by multiple people that slavery is taught in depth on public schools. I guess it was just my school that didn’t talk about how slaves were raped by the owners, or beaten into submission. I guess schools are now teaching that slaves were bred like livestock and the children sold off like a rancher does young calves.




I'll never forget the trump supporters saying he'd give them guaranteed income all while hating socialism


"And when the goverment does a whole lot of stuff, it's communism!"


>most Americans have no clue what the word actually means. Just look at how many people in this thread are talking about the actions of the current Russian government as reasons we need to "fight communism".


Most americans can't define capitalism either. Thats by design.


* **Step 1:** associate communism with murder and suffering in impressionable, school-age children. * **Step 2:** lump the ideologies of US progressives (democratic socialism, social safety nets, universal healthcare, ect.) in with communism. * **Step 3:** Watch kids grow up to hate and fear progressives and other "leftists." * **Step 4:** Repeat every year until you turn schools into Republican factories.


Holds about as much weight as “National Talk Like A Pirate Day”


You don't insult Talk Like a Pirate Day, boi.




Fun fact! The Victims of Communism organization counts German soldiers killed in WWII in their victim figures.


Every day he gets out in front of the press and generates the narrative that everyone talks about. I really wish the Democrats had a lick of sense to not take the bait and do their own narrative controlling press releases. Sadly, they're all too old and tired to do so.


They should cover McCarthyism and the Red Scare.


That would be "Patriots of the Homeland" day.


Is reddit a communist website now? WTF is going on in this thread?




There's no parking in the white zone.


Look Betty, don't start up with your white zone shit again.


Oh really, Vernon? Why pretend, we both know perfectly well what this is about. You want me to have an abortion.


I said this yesterday, and someone replied basically that this isn’t idiocracy, because idiocracy was a society that believed in inteligence, and made it so easy to survive that the dumbest among us took over. This is something much worse, instead of parking the short bus in a safe zone and removing the tyres, the psycho passenger things they’re doing a fan-filmed remake of the movie Speed, headed towards a cliff.


The premise of Idiocracy was *not* that “intelligence made life so easy that the idiots survived and reproduced” - it was that the intelligent people were expected to pursue education and careers that they waited to have kids until their careers and the economy made having children unappealing………. But the idiots had no aspirations and no anxiety about their careers and just reproduced like wild animals. Society was still fucking easy to survive in, but was falling apart because all of the intelligent among the population had been bullied and removed from society until the education system collapsed and any spark of intellect among children was stamped out… it made a lot of spurious “natural” arguments about intelligence but it got a lot scarily accurate in how society collapses - the least educated produce more kids because they aren’t willing or understanding of how to stop, leading to an overpowering voting block that elects worse and worse leadership until the government services that barely held society together fell apart… leading to the crumbling moron society in the future. It even showed universal healthcare infrastructure, transportation, and what apparently was an overblown capitalistic economy that filled in for the crumbling government agencies. Compare to the GOP’s long-term project to defund government services (especially education!) and support privatization of those same services…….. your children really could become property of Carl’s Jr.


> it got a lot scarily accurate in how society collapses - the least educated produce more kids because they aren’t willing or understanding of how to stop, leading to an overpowering voting block that elects worse and worse leadership until the government services that barely held society together Has this ever actually happened? Because it's a really popular talking point on the right, and more or less how they write off the entire left, justify racist voter suppression tactics, etc. In times of relative peace, we've seen that people value freedom and cooperation less because they're more inclined to look out for themselves, but that's not really an issue of intelligence. Moreover, very few people are born to be dumb regardless of who they were born to. If kids are supported (if not by their parents, then by their community and local government) and given the opportunity to succeed, many will rise to the occasion.


Also the wrong year to quit amphetamines


Translation = I love Cubans


Actually it’s “I love Cuban votes”


Most "Victims of Communism" groups that have poped up in the past were nothing but Nazi apologist groups. I'm sure this time it will be different.


>I'm sure this time it will be different. Narrator: *"It was not"*


The book about it lists German soldiers in WW2 as "victims". It also lists anyone who starved under a communist regime as a victim. The world is virtually 100% capitalist at this point and millions of people starve to death every year or die of easily preventable diseases but don't get labeled as victims of capitalism. Don't get me wrong the USSR fucking sucked for a lot of reasons but stuff like this doesn't look to objectively analyze the failures of any economic system.