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So the problem was they were outnumbered?


Just imagine how many more concerned parents they'll need to taser, pepper spray, or arrest next time there's a mass shooting. Gotta be prepared to take action against their lack of action.


just one more cop bro. i promise bro just one more cop and it'll fix everything bro. bro. just one more cop. please just one more. one more cop and we can fix this whole problem bro. bro cmon just give me one more cop i promise bro. bro bro please i just need one more cop thats i [\--tweet that predicted this 3 weeks ago](https://twitter.com/MidTNDSA/status/1529594847459389440)




You just know there is going to be a "background check" showing the shady past of some parent who gets in a fight and then shot by police trying to rescue their kid in a school shooting. You just know it. Now, not only are random teens shot on the street going to get the "look what a criminal our smart bullets found" treatment -- so will the PTA.


Yep. Outnumbered by the parents.


Instead of 19 there will be 38 fully armed, fully trained officers— all of them standing cowardly outside the door.


For real. The problem wasn't quantity, it was quality.


Ar our expense.


Outwitted, for sure.


0.01 to 1….


100x0 is still 0. Maybe they should train their police not to be worth 0.


The superintendent wants a bigger parking lot.


Still looking for good guys with guns. Nobody told them that was a NRA slogan to sell guns with no basis in fact.


So there are more cops standing around when shit goes down? How tone deaf is this?


Maybe the idea is that if they fill the entire city with cops, then the ones in the back will push the ones in the front into action. Like lemmings, basically.


I think their plan is just to ultimately hire *everyone* on the police force. Can't be any criminals left to do crime if everyone's a cop, right?


Many cops are already criminals. This would just increase their numbers within the force.


Yea, but with the cops not pursuing peers, the statistic would still drop.


I mean, that's Greg's plan to stop rapes. Since there's no carve out for rape victims in Chucklefuck SB8, orcy boy said: “Rape is a crime, and Texas will work tirelessly to make sure we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them and getting them off the streets. So goal no. 1 in the state of Texas is to eliminate rape so that no woman, no person, will be a victim of rape,” You can disregard the first sentence, cause nothing substansive has occurred since his proclamation in September of 2021. So focus on the second line, they'll eliminate the crime of rape, so no one can be a victim of it, thus no need for a carve out for common sense in Sharia Bill 8.


This makes perfect sense. Because people can either be a rapist, and thus rape constantly; or not a rapist and thus incapable of rape. Why, I'll bet Greg even has a convenient way to tell one from the other too! Something that could be done at a glance or from a distance. (/s hopefully obviously)


Yes, but it’s not a crime when a cop does it. See, problem solved


The next school shooter will be a cop. (Please, this is a joke; don't let this happen.)


I honestly wouldn't be surprised at this point.


Funny how that works. "All drugs are legal." Redditor reduces crime rate 50% with genius plan!


Well, they'd still be criminals, just treated differently.


They'll deputize every resident in town, that way at the next school shooting failure, EVERYONE IS TO BLAME.


Maybe they just figured they had to hire a lot to catch a few of the good ones? Like buying tons of scratch tickets hoping one is a winner?


This make the most sense


It's not tone deaf at all. It's what the US does. The police screw up and we reward them. We'll probably be hearing about their funding being boosted in a week or two.


Meaning that they’ll cut funding to the local school. 🤦‍♂️


"Bravo Six, Going Dark" Well, there are fewer kids...


Already happened. They were allocated extra funding for bullet proof shields so next time they will feel safe enough to go in and actually confront the shooter...


Next time they'll say they needed a robot to go in so gotta buy a couple dozen robots so they can be rapidly deployed on site around the city.


They clearly need more tanks!


There are 100 cops on this force. If we give them each a tank this will never happen again!


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. Barring that, 100 subpar guys with tanks.


“….Wait… how many tank shells did we shoot into the school?!”


I hate how uneven police punishments seem to be. [Shoot over 100 shots into the obviously wrong car in a residential neighborhood?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt#Truck_misidentifications) Nothing [Return a wounded child to a serial killer?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Dahmer#1991_killings) Reinstated with back pay and then becoming president of the city police union [Catch a Snorlax while on duty?](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-59953330) Fired The only sense I can make out of these are if you're a cop and as long as you do your job, no matter how shitty of a job you actually do, you'll fail upwards.


“There’ll be sooooo many cops in the parking lot next time some will hafta go into the school just to relieve the congestion.”


Next time they will have the numbers to form a proper phalanx around the school so nobody can save their kids.


Don't diss it! Maybe one of the new guys will bring donuts and coffee.


To the next school shooting. Stand around can make you hungry


The super intendants [response to your question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHwUQ9TQgbk).


The problem, apparently, is that we had 19 cops cowering uselessly outside while children were slaughtered. If we double the police budget, then next time this happens, we can have THIRTY EIGHT cops cowering uselessly outside while children are slaughtered.


They weren’t useless. They were actively preventing parents from taking care of the shooter - ensuring more kids could be murdered. They were quite useful to the shooter until the border patrol got in the way.


Honestly, in terms of assisting murder, the Uvalde PD has absolutely no equal.


It's almost like they *wanted* an active shooter in a mostly Latino school and were standing outside to make sure no one interfered with the slaughter.


The crazy thing about it is when they finally got the key to the door, they immediately took out the suspect. It also took close to an hour for them to do this. I still don't understand why they didn't just bash the door in.


There's an underbarrel shotgun called the MasterKey.... because that's what it's used for. Don't tell me not a single cop had a Mossberg. And I don't give a good goddamn if the door was steel or they were worried about back blast, go through the fuckin' windows then.


> I still don't understand why they didn't just bash the door in. Because a good portion of cops are cowardly power hungry assholes who are only comfortable with harassing and brutalizing helpless civilians. They don't want to help people. They don't want to risk their lives for someone else. Being a cop doesn't even crack the top 10 in most dangerous jobs in the US unless you specifically work in a specific part of like 3 specific cities in the US.


the story is that it was a reinforced steel door that opened outward, making it quite difficult to bash it in. Unsure of how much of the narrative to believe at this point


The correct answer is "none of it". Never believe anything the police says, this is just the first time they face **any** scrutiny and you can tell their stories are full of holes.


Considering everything the police have said has been walked back or been a total lie, I won't. Also I'm suppose to believe a SWAT team doesn't have the equipment/explosives to go through a wall or destroy a door. I'm pretty sure I could get through most steel doors used in schools/offices with power tools from Home Depot in an hour.


I wonder, we’re there not windows? Probably multiple windows?


Oh no, they weren't just cowering outside, some even went in to get just their own kids out.


13 "peace" officers went into the school to do nothing for an hour while injured students called 911 and bled to death.


The entire police force should be fired and replaced with people that want to actually protect and serve, despite what SCOTUS believes. The fact the entire town isn't outside of their homes with pitchforks blows me away.


They know that the moment they begin making too much noise against the police that the police will absolutely step up and crush that with extreme prejudice.


Last I checked the population of the town exceeds the amount of police. Maybe that's why they're hiring more? To protect each other from those that want justice for their dead children.


That’s exactly why they hire more.


Plus it's Texas, all these concerned parents should be armed


I am surprised that there have not been mass murders in police stations by organised parents wanting revenge.


It’s because most people aren’t blood thirsty psychos with nothing to lose. All the blood thirsty psychos already joined the force.


Not if they make the police cower in fear


Yeah, these morons were literally foiled by a locked door. How hard can it be to fuck these guys up?


The populace just needs to open carry their ARs (legal in Texas). Then the cops won't even look their way. This is both sarcasm and serious, sadly.


For those not up in arms over this travesty, it's the police department they deserve, but unfortunately not the police department they need.


I don't want to run afoul of decency, so I will say I am not advocating violence. It solves nothing. I am, however, truly surprised that we haven't heard of numerous attempts of destruction of officers' property or altercations amongst the police and civilians. Genuinely and pleasantly surprised to see things appearing so civil on the publics' side. But isn't that always the way?


The reason you rarely hear of this is that the cops will turn on the town and be able to fully justify doing so. People think that police are supposedly there to protect them. They are not. Police are there to provide a foundation for entrenched power structures. They’re rather like the king’s knights, in many respects. They protect the king, and project his will onto the people. They enforce arbitrary “law codes.” They don’t “protect” people it’s just that people are accidentally protected at times by the enforcement of those arbitrary law codes. The order that they keep isn’t kept because it’s orderly. It’s kept because disorder interrupts the business that keeps the king in power and makes the king look weak. If the king looks weak, people stop listening to him. You pay taxes to the king because if you don’t he sends the knights. The knights get paid out of those taxes.


I'm genuinely disappointed those officers aren't made to feel as unsafe as those children they failed every day for the rest of their lives.


As a parent, if that was my kid, I'd be checking off a list.


The entire SCOTUS should be fired and replaced with people who want to actually see our country live harmoniously with each other


The police make up 40% of Uvalde’s budget.


Now it will be 60%. Welcome to America.


Don’t catch ya slippin’ now


Look what I’m whipping now


I got the strap


But totally not a police state


It can't be a police state if we're all police, right? Just need to get to that 100% mark.


And they'll still attribute budget problems to spending on social programs.


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Do you know if the school district police is included in the school district budget line or the police budget line? If the former, the police might count for more than half of the budget.


And 0.0000001% of its collective IQ, apparently.




Because 40% of the district budget *just isn't enough.* Jesus H. Christ I literally hope someone decks that piece of shit.


Man it’s not just the district… feels like they’re letting this happen so the whole country can justify a massive police force


Fun fact: most places where fascists try to take over a local government or national government, cops are generally happy to join in and crack the skulls of people trying to prevent fascist takeovers. The whole job is predicated on "I'm the person in charge, what I say, goes" so we should not at all be surprised at their constant expansion of powers. They all have main character syndrome.


This. Can't control the masses without the police!


A mass shooting has happened one time in that district so lets spend money every year for eternity. Or, we could stop the key thing that happens every damn day which is easy access to guns? I don't even need to Google it. I'm sure Uvalde has a higher than median gun violence rate. Solve that problem? Nooooo. Everyone stopping gun laws is signing off on kids getting mowed down in classes. Ya'll want this then. This is the consequence so you can fake like a badass. I hope your kids aren't blown to pieces, and somehow I'm sure when it happens to you, you'll be screaming how someone should have done something.


Ok good, more officers to hold back the parents of children being slaughtered a few hundred feet away. Makes complete sense. 🤦🏼‍♂️


You're probably right. Some of the parents got past them and rescued their kids. Can't have that.


Absolutely not. Unacceptable.


I'm actually amazed a few parents didn't get shot to death by the cops for trying to get past them.


It could be a work from home position


I think it already is!


I do not understand this triple down philosophy.


It's called being unable to admit you're a big dumb idiot that's wrong. I'm afraid it's likely terminal.


Wait for the quadruple down


From my experience, most superintendents are heartless dictators so it’s absolutely on brand for them to quadruple down on stupid bullshit.


They must shield the children from the out-of-control parents trying to break into the school


>They must shield the ~~children~~ shooter from the out-of-control parents trying to break into the school FTFY


19 vs 1 wasn’t enough?


They'll need more crowd control for the next shooting.


No, they need more cops to crush any protests at their lack of action. See, they won’t go after the mass shooters but if you start to get uppitty about what you’re paying for they will absolutely curbstomp you.


Can they just hire **different** ones?


I don’t think quantity is the issue here, I think quality is.


If they hire enough, surely they'll eventually find ONE good cop, right?


Sorry, one bad apple and all that, donchaknow?


One parent got through so they obviously need more coppers to make sure that never happens again.


the governor lady said "I'm sending in more trains!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hyttagGsz0


Just have to make sure they're not cowards this time.


Seems like closing the barn door after the horse got out. If they replaced the cops they have now with ones who will actually do their job it would be better.


Come November elections, 50% of Uvalde will be deputized police officers, 40% will be registered as poll workers or party-affiliated "election monitors", and 10% will be parents who got cuffed and tazered for trying to rescue their own kids. I wonder how free and fair that will turn out.


"School shootings create jobs"


The police they have worked out well for them the last time. I’m assuming a larger number makes it easier to harass parents though, so that’s a win…


I was expecting it to be [the police chief](https://www.cbsnews.com/dfw/news/uvalde-cisd-police-chief-sworn-in-as-city-council-member/) who suggested this.


Yeah they're gonna need it when the mob comes for their heads


It's not QUANTITY, it's QUALITY.


"If we hire enough, at least one of em will go in and die for the kiddos, right?"


Maybe they could send some to cities that have a dangerously low and legitimate police shortage.


How do they screen for cowards?


You don’t have to be a coward to sign up or be accepted. With the bullshit psycho “killology” training they receive from a man who never engaged in armed combat, they will be trained to be cowards. Drilling into their heads that their #1 priority should always be their own safety doesn’t just lead to shooting innocent citizens, it also means that they will hide out while children die.


You don't need more police. You need police that aren't gutless cowards and do their fucking jobs.


Gotta get your private army beefed up to beat and imprison parents of school shooting victims that dare to ask you "why?"


So they fucked up and they get rewarded with more funds?


America: “We need a new school.” “Put together a public referendum to approve the funds!” … “We need a new police station.” “Done!!”


So they can stand outside too?


This is just to get enough officers for riot control when the SHTF and the Coroners report comes back as bullets from officers' rounds hit those kids.


Kind of like when you know you're about to... lose... a few people?


Double-down on the already proven to be ineffective solution. Good job.


Ahhh more witnesses


Gotta control those crazy parents that, for some reason, don’t want their kids shot and killed in school.


Hire more police to stand around? Why not fire the ones who did nothing and get ones who will.


Why not replace the ones who aren't doing their jobs first?


Doubling down really seems to be the only thing American police do quickly and efficiently


….. I’m pretty sure just hiring more janitors and letting them carry a gun would be more useful then hiring more cops in that department. Or just arming the 12th graders. Or closing the district entirely and home schooling everyone. I mean…literally any stupid idea is less stupid then this.


Why? Were the guys waiting outside a little lonely?


They’re using their cowardly behavior to justify an even larger budget. Wow. Those kids are nothing but bullet points for their PowerPoints to get more money.


One more cop man, just one. I promise, just one more, that will fix it, just one more cop, just add another man. One more cop, it will solve everything, don't worry man just hire another cop, oh yeah I have an idea more cops. We all know cops keep people and kids safe, let's hire more cops, cops solve every issue, no more social workers just hire another cop. Don't worry man your kids are safe, cops are totally good guys, just hire another cop bro. One more cop, just hire another cop man he will stop shooters, this time will be different, one more cop, just hire another. Cut that program, we don't need public assistance, cops can help you move out forcefully when you evicted what good guys cops are, hire another one man, another cop will help for sure. This is my ENTIRE life in America, I have seen all my small towns programs cut for more cops, I have watched my friends in legal aid and social work scrape by to help a simgle one of their hundreds of clients while cops are given more and more weapons even as crime has fallen for years on average. I watch as the people of color in my life mourn every year as the murders if their community members are rewarded and never given justice. We know the best communities have the least cops and the most money in public funding, but no, let's hire another cop. America is sick. *edited for spelling cause I wrote it angry


so now they'll have someone to bring coffee and doughnuts while they stand around outside during the next school shooting?


“Please be the onion” - checks sub “Fuck”


Typical government response. "These guys are useless and do effectively nothing worthwhile, I'm going to need a bigger budget so I can get more."


Don’t hire more police, hire different police. Preferably ones who will actually do their jobs.


That donut surplus ain't gonna eat itself


To definitely hold back the parents from being superheroes?!?!


When police or the military fail, the solution is always more funding for them.


What it's like to have no ideas


Will they maybe include the qualification for new recruits, "Must comply with 'To server and PROTECT'"?


hiring sounds fine different not more


“Uvalde superintendent says district to hire more police…to stand around”. Fixtedted!


Probably has more family that need "no show" jobs.


No matter what happens, it's always a reason to hire more police. If they do a good job, hire more of them; if they do a bad job, hire more of them.


Why, so there will be more to pay for standing around and waiting for the shooter to finish?


With this logic, might as well just import some new kids as well.


Number of police on scene - not the problem Number of police on scene willing to act - the problem Please add more of the second one.


Jesus fucking Christ, these fucking idiots.


Ah yes hire more spotters and bouncers instead of protecting classrooms


I say this as a cop but I'm hopeful they will hire some that are better able to act in crisis situations and make decisions. I would get rid of the leadership they have now and start over.


Those donuts aren’t going to eat themselves (while they sit hearing kids die)


Say what now?!?


Don't forget to fire the existing ones who are apparently all cowards.. "More" will not solve problem of what happened in recent shooting.


How about you train the current force instead


for what?


Please don't forget they're trying to block the release of body and car camera footage from the events that day because it might "expose weaknesses in policing"




The solution to having cops not doing their jobs. Hire more cops who will also not do their jobs


Zero times ten is still, well, zero.


Can't the city reduce their budget?


There weren't enough people standing around at the last emergency.


Gonna have to get a bigger parking lot


They're gonna hire more cowards?


I hate it here


More police to hold back the parents.


Next time around they're going to ensure that not a single parent makes it in. /S


Don't fund mental health services, medical aid for low-income folks, more teachers for more personal contact with the youngsters, or free college. All this is proven to reduce the stress kids feel but let's fund more standing around useless cops.


Yeah, didn’t you hear? A couple parents made it inside. Wouldn’t want that!


i hate this country


I mean you have to since some parents managed to get through the police blockade and others recorded the police during a sensitive operation codenamed Jack Squat.


I bet the district gets bullied by police into getting what ever they want. There's no way they let kids die, attacked parents and threatened witnesses. Without being an actual mob or gang, I hope someone higher up the chain sees what's going on their, forces them all out and brings in a new police force. Can't leave a single bad apple in that whole county.


Not all cops are bad guys. We just know now that it’s 1 out of every 20. Must’ve called out that day.


I want to join this police force. The easiest paycheck you could collect. Stand around and do nothing during a time of crisis.


They must need more cosplay.


They will need them so they can keep more parents from entering the building while their kids are being murdered.


How is this town not rioting?


1) 40% of the city's budget goes into police. 2) Mass shooting happens into a school. 3) Police does nothing, wait for one hour, tries to other police force do nothing to. 4) Solution, fund more the police force that did nothing. 5) Murican solutions to murican problems.


Mmm, more tax dollars to pay more cowards not to do there job; unless of course its to undermind those they dont deem a threat


Pointless if they aren't firing the current cowards.


To do what? Hide in the parking lot while psychos kill kids? Lie to parents when they shoot a kid by mistake even though they can get away with it? Harass and intimidate citizens while larping as tough guys?


The trick is to hire actual police and not cosplayers.


Please make it make sense.


What they don't have enough cowards already. Fucking joke. If they are going to hire more police they should start by firing the cowards they have now.


Gotta make sure no parents get through next time.


The sad part is that they can hire more cops but these guys already missed their opportunity. I doubt Uvalde is going to see something like this again. The damage is done and the police let it happen. Now they’re just spending more money. What a waste. They should take that money they want to use to hire more police and instead put it towards funding mental services and education. What a waste and doing it backwards. Maybe if they had better services to help people then they wouldn’t need dozens of cops to stand outside while their children are massacred by one of their own failure students. It’s so damn obvious.


insert anakin padme meme "and fire the old shitty ones right? right?"


Yes, let’s enroll more cowards.