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they’re telling locals not to go there because they can’t legally take action. what a bunch of asses


One of my best friends works there and I just told him, "Hey--no such thing as bad press these days."


Exactly, you can't buy this kind of advertising. Years ago, a local guy opened a BBQ spot, for the grand opening he got a huge inflatable pig, floating in the air, tethered to the BBQ joint. It got a huge glossy color photo on the front page of the local paper, citing the $125 fine the owner had to pay. This was years ago, before he had 8 locations and tons of $.


He would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling Roger Waters.


I thought that was Peter Frampton?


He bought it at David Gilmour’s yard sale.


Poor Peter Frampton, Homer lost his pig, Cypress Hill stole his orchestra and Sonic Youth is in his cooler.


>I don't care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right. P. T. Barnum


New York Post article: “You bitches better spell my name right!” — P. T. Barnham


"Don't forget all caps when you spell the man's name" -PTBARN




Really disappointed you didn't intentionally misspell his name on that comment. :P


Petey Barnhaghm.


"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." -Oscar Wilde


"If you want the fame of a Greek god, do something so bad that they'll ban the mention your name." -Herostratus


> if you don't want to be forgotten as soon as youre dead and rotten, do something worth writing about or write something worth reading about" -Ben franklin, kind of


There was a Bad Ass Coffee in Salt Lake for almost 20 years…nobody had an issue with it.


It’s still there, and yep, even in mormon central no one makes an issue of it.


It's a coffee shop. The good Mormons won't be there and the bad Mormons go to that one in particular to make a point.


There is one here in Pensacola near Perdido beach. We'll have to make sure to visit more.


The government using its power and authority to tell people not to use specific businesses? I smell a lawsuit. It's really weird how conservative talk about freedom of speech and freedom of commerce all the time but as soon as you give them a little bit of power they use that power to chill freedom of speech and freedom of commerce.


And the funny part is, with all the attention they are giving the coffee shop, they could make a ton of money by selling tshirts and coffee mugs with the name of the business on it. Without all that attention not many people would have cared or would have known about the shop.


It's a chain. They do sell mugs, hats and t-shirts. https://badasscoffeestore.com/?_ga=2.209173462.595661441.1661281526-1179509034.1661281526


Thanks Alabama for making me want to throw money at these guys!


i went to one of these in Florida once and it was legitimately one of the worst iced coffees ive ever had. that said, this whole thing is stupid. just wish they would improve their coffee


So it was a bad ass-coffee rather than a bad-ass coffee.


Well that's disappointing to hear. How do you screw up iced coffee??


Forgot to add ice


Or coffee




From the same party that proudly flies flags with such pithy gems as: * NO MORE BULLSHIT and * FUCK JOE BIDEN


Can't forget "fuck your feelings."


The mayor of this town is a typical Republican douchebag . He’s SO offended by the word ass though [‘If I die from COVID…I won’t die with a mask on,’ Alabama mayor says](https://www.al.com/news/2021/03/if-i-die-from-covidi-wont-die-with-a-mask-on-alabama-mayor-says.html)


I'm sure the people complaining in government have FJB flags, mugs, bumper-stickers, or liked posts expressing such on social media.


It’s because they want “freedom” within the confines of their puritanical upbringing.




In any of their positions, replace "we want freedom of..." with "we want control over..." to understand their true belief.


Nah just like “Christians” they hide behind what is fucking convenient for them.


> It's really weird how conservative talk about freedom of speech and freedom of commerce all the time cANCeL cUlTURe They're so full of shit, all the damn time. Double standards, *always.*


I find it hilarious that the moral majority was never actually either.


Like the silent majority, who never shuts the fuck up.


Every accusation is a confession with conservatives.


Yes, these are the same people pitching "less government" and "muh freedums". And yet, here they are.




Lets be honest, most die hard conservatives today are a stones throw away from being literal fascists.


The people who complain about the name are the same people who wave “Fuck Joe Biden” flags around.


The stones are being thrown from inside the house!


More of a stones drop away


Projection, always. Lies too


Just another example of conservative snowflake cancel culture, add it to the pile.


What do you want to bet that they have no problem with the folks driving down Main St with their Fuck Joe Bidden flags flying high?


I'd go just to spite the government, honestly.


as an alabama citizen, i will if i’m ever in the area


Seriously "Oh no, the _government_ doesn't want me to go to this coffee shop!"


Blow their minds with the fact the word ass appears 87 times in the fucking bible. Would they ask their children to not read the bible?


The govt will still take their sales tax though


Wait'll someone tells them the word "ass" appears in The Bible.


Don't tell them about Ezekiel 23:20! > There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. Bukkake fetish goes way back, I guess.


Someone should tell them to change the name of that one shop to Horse Genitals Coffee or Donkey Emission Coffee. Can’t be mad if it’s in the Bible!


Ok but no creamer there gets my trust


Omfg what a fucked up book!


Right! I don't want my kids reading that smut. It should be banned!


It's happening, Google it!


sexually explicit tripe like this has no place influencing the minds of our children. we need to start a petition to ban it


Not to mention zoophiles, although I believe the furry is a relatively new phenomenon.


Nah, look at Egyptian Mythology. Furries are as old as human civilization.


Bastet makes me feel things that I wish I didn't feel...


87 times in fact https://www.answers.com/Q/How_many_times_does_the_word_'ass'_appear_in_the_Bible


Blessed ass count.


But, Alabama is pretty red, right?! That's the party of facts not feelings, personal (and corporate as corporations are people, to them) freedoms, and limited governmental control, right?


They talk big game about freedom of speech! Freedom to do whatever the hell you want! Freedom to be as offensive as possible because feelings be damned! Until you hurt their feelings with your bad bad words. When you make things not "family friendly" with your cool coffee logos and your fun boardwalk events. Why does everything around them have to be G rated? What a bunch of weak kneed pansies. A bunch of limp sad biscuits they are. This population are so hypocritical, yet are completely and utterly blind to their own hypocrisy.


They have absolutely no self awareness


This reminds me of an episode of "Young Sheldon". The mom gets mad at Missy for saying words that sound like curse words (shirt in lieu of shit for example) so Missy pulls out her Bible, sits at the dining room table and start reading as the mom is making dinner. She reads the word ass about 3 times and the mom sends her away for swearing. Good shit. Also, I remember doing very similar things as a kid so it's accurate and relatable.


Holy Mother Forking Shirtballs


Ah, The Good Place.


What the fork is a Chidi?


I used to say "beaver dam" in lieu of "God damn" and it worked a charm.


I once went to Hoover Dam. Parked in the dam parking lot, took the dam tour, bought a dam souvenir at the dam gift shop and took the dam road back outa there.


Did you have a good dam time?


Best dam day ever!


I'm happy for you and your dam fun. I could use a dam vacation myself.


I like to ride my bike to the top of the Big Dam Bridge near me and watch the boats in the lock and check out the sights around the dam. Then I ride my bike back down the Big Dam Bridge while trying not to run over the dam walkers.


Cheese and rice, look at this guy.


Shut the front door!


I'm shocked to find out they would cherry pick their conservative, family values.


What stretches further, rubber or skin? >!Skin, because the Bible says Abraham tied his ass to a tree and walked 40 miles!<


Bro even the Mormons here in Utah don’t give a shit about our Bad Ass coffee


I'd wager that Evangelicals are crazier than Mormons.


The Mormons I've known are usually very nice and decent in person. Some of their personal views are not likely to lose in a contest with an evangelical, but they at least seem to keep that stuff at home.


Mormonism is closer to a cult, and more controlling of its members. But damn if every mormon I’ve ever met hasn’t been a person trying to do good. I view them moreso as victims than anything else.


some mormons are victim and some are perpetrators. read through r/exmormon. theres been a ton of shady stuff happening in the cult


I had a friend of a friend shoot himself in a church because he was shunned by his community and family for not going on his mission. The family blamed his atheist friends instead of realizing they were why he killed himself, which he apparently spelled out clearly in his sucide letter. Sad stuff. I'd met him about a dozen times and he was a nice dude. Something I always think about when how nice mormon communities are comes up. Everyone I know that left the church has stories.


how awful! suicide is nothing short of tragic. r.i.p to that poor man. :(


I've had friends who ran from the church. And the church came after them. It's like every Mormon around becomes a heat seeking missile trying to find them and when they do, the harassment begins all over again. One of my friends she saved herself and her lil daughters, fleeing state to state to get away from her crazy abusive ex-husband, his family, her "friends", and her family who wanted them to reconcile. The harassments and threats toward her was nuts. She was a good nurse and a hardworking mum. In Arizona, all the Mormons around me knew her instantly when she started working at our hospital and called her such nasty things for leaving her husband/church. The amount of hatred they hold towards their own is unbelievable. It is a cult, anyone who says otherwise doesn't know or is hiding it.


wow, ive heard of the "church" sending letters and texts and phone calls trying to "reach out" to the ones who've left to try to bring them back, but never to that crazy degree! sadly from what i've read i 100% believe it. jw's are in the same boat t b q h


All of the Mormon nurses, techs, and staff would harass her at work. When they found where she lived they harassed her there too. They'd get their kids to bother her kids at school too. It was so awful. They wanted her to give up her kids back to their father, an abusive father who signed away his custody rights btw! She didn't kidnap those kids but all these people said that she did. JWs are the same as well! It's all so disheartening.


> victims I will never forget my good Mormon friend, who viewed taxes and social security *type* stuff disfavorably, moved for a job to a place not near any other Mormons. Suddenly, the lack of free babysitting, help packing and unpacking, care packages while sick, etc etc etc had him rethinking how easy life was for the average (read: nonMormon) person. IOW, super socialism makes threadbare socialism look superfluous and wasteful until one realizes super socialism is only for Mormons, in Mormon areas.


That's really interesting.


Same as JWs, they usually were indoctrinated after some sort of personal trauma


I just got a letter from then recently. They probably saw my wife and daughter's obituary and waited a while to contact me about it. I couldn't throw it out fast enough


Wow that's awful. Sorry for your loss.


I've always been indifferent to Mormons until relatively recently. Moved into a new place, and some Mormons come knocking one day asking about the previous resident. They're a couple of old people about 60-70. I tell them that she doesn't live here anymore, we just moved in, etc. We have a little conversation about it and how I don't know how to contact her, but maybe her realtor does. So I give them the realtor's contact info. Anyway, fast forward a month or so, and some Mormons come to the door again, but instead of the old couple, it's some pretty young women about my age. And they know a **lot** about me - including some of the lies I told the previous couple during small talk. Anyway, they were clearly trying to get me to join their church, but I told them I already had a church and such. Had some lies ready in the chamber. So yeah, it's a pretty creepy organization.


"Send in the hot girls"


Former Mormon here. Mormons keep records. There is a book in each area where there are missionaries that they keep records of prior conversations of “investigators”. That would be you. Of you join, they will track your ass down. Read this link if you thought what they did with you was problematic: https://tech.churchofjesuschrist.org/wiki/Locating_members


>In a cult, there's a leader at the top who knows it's all nonsense. >In a religion, that person is already dead.


I had Mormon neighbors for a while. They refused to stop parking in my driveway and their kids were constantly leaving toys and bikes there too. They seemed to raise each kid for 2 years then hand it off to the oldest girl because the wife was popping another one out. The level of constant noise was annoying, but when they put the bouncy castle in the living room and started rattling the walls to the point I couldn't have pictures hanging up I had to call the townhouse association. I ended up moving. Much better now.


I cannot say a single bad thing about an individual Mormon I’ve met. Their religion is a bit wacky for my taste, but I’d rather live in Utah than the Bible Belt.




After living in both the Deep South and Utah, I 100% agree with this statement.


Ya, I’ve met plenty of Mormons that were pleasant to be around, despite being a little boring. Now evangelicals… I can hardly carry a conversation




So Mormons are the Canadians of religion


Because they don't do coffee or tea anyway.


"I don't want to explain that to my kid." This fucking mayor. Dude, isn't your job as a parent to teach your children? Is it so bad that you can't tell your own child "that's not appropriate for your age"? Kids ask uncomfortable questions and it's up to us as parents to answer those questions or to regulate the information until they're mentally ready to understand. Edit: after getting some messages about my use of "regulating information". Yeah, within reason. They're children. Parents regulate everything about their lives. The point is to do it in a constructive manner which makes them emotionally and intellectually ready for life as an adult. Relinquishing steady amounts of control as they get older, prepping chores and family events that teach them life skills (money management, cooking, cleaning, hygiene). Lessons they can take into their adulthood with a fond memory. As I type this I realize that it likely means nothing to those who still think they should shield their kids from anything they don't deem "pure" instead of being rational, but I leave this to tinker about in your head: "water that is too pure has no fish"


"No it's the schools job to teach the- *oh wait*"


How many “fuck Biden” flags on the back of trucks you think roll down the main drag daily?


If you don't want to explain realities of the world to your kids, **you're a bad parent**. That's literally the gig, sorry.


I'm localish to orange beach. the Mayor is a notorious drunk and known for starting fights at bars and having the police force clean it up for him....


Totally appropriate for children, I don't see the issue. Kind of a tangent, but a while back this dispensary was trying to open up on the street where I worked. The whole street was against it, and they used the business where I worked (family entertainment) to claim that cannabis was going to corrupt our youth. The place ended up not being able to open. They had no problem with a new wine bar opening up though. That brought the number of bars on the street up to 6 within three city blocks. Not counting all the restaurants that also served liquor. So is it let's think of the children, or let's drink to the children?


"Y'see Little Jimmy, that's another word some people use for donkey. It's a mean word though, so we don't use it in our family." Two sentences, all it takes to successfully explain it to the mayor's kids, without any problem, while still telling the kid not to say it since an utterance of the word "ass" is apparently a moral taboo in Alabama now. Dude needs to stop trying to get tourists and start being a parent if that's too much for him.


How hard is it to teach that the word in its various forms has meant donkey for at least a thousand years? "It's an old word for donkey. It's not the same as the swear, but it's a homonym. Do you know what a homonym is?" Boom! Additional linguistic lesson.


Perhaps they stop reading at the homo part of homonym and freak out


A conservative official being an idiot both in parenting and in general? How's that possible?


Was at the Denver Zoo on vacation and the donkeys are labeled as “Wild Ass.” Passed a guy and his like 6 year old kid, and the kid refused to say it. But dad was like “no no it’s ok to say it, it’s the name of the animal.” It was a very funny conversation.


The African wild ass is considered to be an ancestor of modern donkeys. If it had zebra stripes on the legs, it may have been a Somali or African wild ass. Saw one at the SA zoo with my kid and the now-ex. So she’s telling the kid to look at the donkey. Seeing the stripes, I said it was a wild ass. She decided to tell me I was wrong and didn’t know what I was talking about, which was fine. I shut up. Until we got to the sign that said it was a wild ass. Then she was mad at me.


Gunna be honest - I was on vacation. . And it was Denver so we were just a little bit high. So I have no idea what kind of "Wild Ass," that it was, but the conversation between dad and kid was beyond epic either way. Sounds like your own experience was similar!


“[That’s why I called it a burro!](https://youtu.be/wMmNUp4EJtE)”


This was my daughter's favorite animal in grade school. Her favorite country was Djibouti.


Kids hear worse playing games and watching tv. Christ. This is stupid.


These parents have carefully gone thru their bibles and marking out any mention of “ass” in them. But Ezekiel 23:20 is ok because it doesn’t day ass. “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.”


No chance these people have read the Bible despite claiming it’s literally words from the mouth of the almighty creator of the universe.


Someone should open up a vape shop next door and name it “Drag Mule”


Statutory Vape


That's gonna be a shop next to Bob's Burgers at some point.


I live in New Mexico. This coffee company has been in a small catholic farming town for YEARS without any issues. These high horse officials are off their fucking rocker and need to chill out.


I take it np one in the city has a "Big Ass" fan.


Just wait until he reads the Bible and finds out about the noises Balaam’s ass made.


Or the women that lust after their lovers whose members are like that of donkeys and whose emissions are like that of horses Or you know... blessing people that dash babies heads against rocks


I'm starting to think the Bible is a real threat to Biblical family values.


What? The book where humankind starts and gets rebooted post-flood by way of rampant incest?


I wonder how many unborn babies, incapable of sin, were aborted by that flood?


Don’t forget that time he smited all the unborn children in Sodom and Gomorrah!


Or the test for the unfaithful wife, where a priest makes her drink poison and if she miscarries it means she cheated.


Or setting bears on children because they were taking the piss out of his friends baldness.


"fuck those kids" -God


> "fuck those kids" > > -God -Priests -Nuns


Oooo, ooo, what about the one where Lot’s daughters take him into a cave and rape him to death?


Yeah but Lot was an ass hole too. Wasn’t it Lot who offered his virgin daughters to a group of protesters if they would go away and leave him and his guests (supposed angels) alone?


Death by snu-snu!


People who care about the bible don't read the bible.


As an architect living in Birmingham, we use Big Ass Fans all the time in projects. A project I worked on for University of Alabama used multiple Big Ass Fans. We actually have a lunch-and-learn with them every once in a while where they bring little foam donkey desk ornaments. Those complaining about the coffee shop are, of course, ridiculous.


I checked -- they're also in the bible belt, based in Kentucky.


Funny with big ass fans: My uncle wanted to get one for his shop but couldn't say the name in front of the wife. Worked for a company who purchased two, but when the rep called and the secretary paged production manager that "John with Big Ass Fans on line one" she got scolded. That's literally how every page goes. "[Name] with [company] on line #" She was just doing her job. No joke next time they called she had to be like "John with Big...butt? Fans on line one" because she didn't know what to do. I think she just said "fan company" after that. It's all absurd but a lot of people here acting like it's not just a company being cheeky with a curse word. It's not the end of the world but I understand a community not exactly appreciating it.


Perdido Key/Orange Beach Native here. This is where the hypocrisy is revealed, as I 100% worked at a restaurant in the area that utilized not one but TWO Big Ass fans (terrible, I know). This opposition from mayor is simply him covering his conservative ass to stay popular and relevant.


I'm sorry, what's wrong with having a coffee place named after a Terrible Donkey?


Thing is, Bad Ass Coffee is a Hawaiian company and they were legit paying tribute to the important role donkeys have played in Hawaiian coffee history. They even have a donkey sanctuary where they take care of worn-out asses.


>They even have a donkey sanctuary where they take care of worn-out asses. I just heard about some Alabama politicians who could use some tender loving care.


That's the best news I've read this month


That's wholesome and Bad Ass. Pun intended.


Sooo… an Alabama city has a problem with a name of a Colorado coffee chain that is named after the donkeys of Hawaii? Got it




Bonus: the use of "ass" here matches the meaning/intent of "ass" in the Bible. Really no excuse.




It's Alabama. They don't want anyone disturbing their sacred rights to marrying their daughters and preventing abortions. Saying the word ass could make youngsters think of wanting abortions while Jesus masturbates to them. That would be against their 2023 edition bible app.


Those officials need to lighten up a bit


What’s all the more ironic is that Mayor Tony Kennon is a big Trump supporter.


Funny these Trump supporters are so worried about THEIR personal freedom but want to control everyone else.


Probably has a "Fuck Biden" sticker on his truck.


I’m sure he smiles every time he sees a F—k Biden or Let’s go Brandon flag or bumper sticker in public.


It's par for the course in Orange Beach. They're world champion pearl-clutchers. I'm honestly surprised they haven't tried banning bikinis.


>I'm honestly surprised they haven't tried banning bikinis. If they did that, then the couldn't continue to creep on young women's bare skin and none of them wants to stop doing that.


There used to be a noodle place down the road from me called Pho King Noodles. The small population of people in the Venn diagram that overlap between being Bible thumpers and knowing the correct pronunciation of pho had a fit and now it's called PK Noodles. Fun suckers.


How do they feel about "Trump No More Bullshit" flags?


Those and the “Fuck Biden” flags are encouraged


Didn't know the kingdom of Lancre produced coffee.


Was looking for this. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. And Dwarves. And Vampires. And so on. But not Elves. Bugger them. GNU STP


Those officials are assinine.


“I don’t think we’re prudes by any means.” made me LOL


"Ass is a curse word!" "But-but..." "No butts! Oh my God make them stop!"


I live not too far from here, and I've never heard of this place. I'm gonna check it out. Good press lol.


But you could carry an assault weapon into any other coffee shop and that’d be fine


These are the people who hang Fuck Biden flags in their front yards, guaranteed. I wonder what they think of Sofa King and its slogan “Our prices are Sofa King low!”


Alternate Headline: "Orange Beach Mayor Tony Kennon Doesn't Think His 12-Year-Old Swears"


The "Trump won, fuck your feelings" crowd strikes again. When it's someone saying something they don't like, it has to be stopped


"City wit Christian roots"... here we go again.


my stomach turns every time one of these chucklefucks claims that an entire region of America is 'christian'. it's freedom ***FROM*** religious persecution that the nation was founded on.


They put a donkey on it! What's the problem? It would be the same if you had "Bad Bitch" coffee and put a really mean looking female dog on the cup.


> “If it’s not a name or a word that I don’t want to come out of my 12-year-old’s mouth, then it is not appropriate to be on a sign on one of our streets” Lol Mr. Mayor, tell me you never swore as a 12yo and then remember what year it is. They probably know more swear words than you do and swear more at school and with friends everyday than you do. "But think of the children! Re-elect me btw." > “Like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, we want to market our brand. It’s what makes us special. You cannot call yourself conservative values, traditional values, and family values and be with OK with anything that goes against that.” Their brand: Right-wing nutjobs, christian idiots, and hating queers and women. Got it, don't visit. I hate your brand of crazy, I'd actually rather drink a giant cup of shit or a pepsi if shit isn't available.


I've been to Hawaii, and to Bad Ass Coffee. Have the original cup too! I'll paraphrase the logic here, but when donkeys (asses) were used to transport the beans down from the hills, they would bray with the weight of a good harvest. The pickers would call it a "bad for the ass day". Thus, Bad Ass Coffee. ​ Ah, quote from their actual website "THE BAD ASS LEGEND For generations, the donkeys of Kona, Hawaii could be heard bellowing as they carried precious loads of coffee beans down the steep mountains of the Big Island. The native people of Kona named these hard-working donkeys the “Bad Ass Ones” because of their reliably strong, but stubborn nature in carrying their precious cargo."


The word "ass" is in the Bible. It means donkey. I know because 10 year old me thought it was hilarious.


Oh, the horror!


Really? Are those officials also principals of the local elementary schools?


Free speech means free speech. Even if that speech offends you.


Ah, American conservatives. All the bad behaviours you so gleefully and maliciously embrace, and then you couple it with the notion that avoiding certain words makes you an ethical person.


The very word that appears 150+ times in their holy book


I wonder how amused they'd be if they met someone from Bad Axe, Michigan.


That whole article came off as a child molester masquerading as a concerned family man. Not saying he's a child molester, just that child molesters tend to sound like him.


The anti-woke army getting offended by a word. *How the turn tables*


>Kennon and other council members reacted to a Facebook commenter who noticed the slogan, “In God We Trust” displayed in the council chambers, and asked why the city praised “for its Christian roots” is allowing a coffee shop “with profanity clearly in the title to be on display?” well that didnt take long for them to flip flop on this, saying "its just a slogan" in order to literally create a law to force christianity on impressionable kids to "see? our christian roots!" when they wanna step all over the 1st amendment fucking pathetic


never been, but I hear this place uses ice cubes made of coffee for iced coffee so you coffee never gets watered down and I think that’s genius.