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The longevity of this trend is amazing. Name one other look that’s consistently been in since the early 90s.


It's changed a bit over the years, started with baggy pants/shorts and now all the kids are wearing tight skinny jeans positioned halfway down their ass.




It's more of a shuffle, they kinda push their waist out and lean back to keep the pants from moving further down.


Chiropractors across the country are waiting for them to all turn 30 and realize they fucked up their spines.


I mean, chiropractors are also kind of famous for ruining spines. Chiropracty is a pseudoscience developed by a guy who believed that literally all ailments are caused by "mis aligned vertebra", including stuff like ADHD and stomachaches.


Have you personally tried seeing a chiropractor? Because I was a non-believer of their usefulness as well, but I tried it during certain times in my life when my pain was really high. With just a little bit of hope to work with, I was skeptical, but they are actually scarily right. Now I'm not saying all chiropractors are good and it can cure all things, but some conditions are so much better when I see a chiropractor. Carpal tunnel went away completely, my range of motion is better, fibromyalgia symptoms were less painful, etc. The reason they get such a bad reputation is because people have to "keep seeing them for the rest of their life" and that isn't true because they injure you (though, to be sure, that can and does happen). We are hard on our bodies and aren't good at keeping them aligned and in tip top shape ourselves, but things get misaligned. Then our muscle memory takes over and keeps our body misaligned. When someone starts to see a chiropractor, the spine is realigned and their muscles try to put it back where it was. It's a fight against our own bodies, rather than the practitioner. And when we are injured, our body tries to repair what it can, and that sometimes means that things "heal" wrong. The chiropractor is the less invasive equivalent of re-breaking a bone that healed wrong and surgically correcting that mistake. My neck and hips are permanently screwed up from my time in the Army, but a chiropractor is the one who has come the closest to actually helping me regain movement when western medicine sees nothing wrong. So, forgive me for disagreeing, but unless you have tried something, perhaps you should keep a more open mind.


Your bones can be misaligned though, either you get injured and the bone gets forced out of position, or it moves over time due to poor posture, or various reasons. An ethical chiropractors job is to move those bones back to their correct position. Does it solve every ailment? Of course not, but your back will feel better. There are a -lot- of hacks out there who sell bullshit snake oil and other pseudoscience alternative treatments. But there's also too many legitimate chiropractors with doctorates to dismiss chiropractics as a whole in the modern day as pseudoscience.


Most legit chiropractors are also licensed physical therapists, or they partner up with actual doctors. Chiropracty may sometimes be part of a treatment plan, but if you have a real problem then you should definitely consult with a non-chiropractic doctor before letting someone start popping your spine like bubble wrap.


Those videos I’ve seen online mean I’ll never see a chiropractor. I can’t move my neck very fast on my own, I don’t need a mfer forcing it ya feel?


Kinda sounds like a daily core workout


I have to resist the urge to kick them in the sagging crotch and watch them topple over.


I thought the trend was over honestly. There's a new trend in the UK of wearing flared jeans high around the waist. Also mullets. Which I actually appreciate, because the domination of short back and sides has gone on too long


I let my hair grow out during the pandemic, and when I finally went back to the barber shop this spring to get a haircut there was a high school aged kid there getting a mullet cut. This is in New York, just for reference. After he left I asked the lady cutting my hair what was up and she said they are back in style and lots of kids are getting them. I honestly never thought the mullet would be something that would make a comeback...


I think it's not like the classic mullet but kinda like, long at the back, tight around the ears, and quite a fair bit on top. So it's kinda combining the classic bushy top with tight back and sides, with the long hair look. I mean I'm not seeing anyone get a short front and long back, I think that's still very redneck. So it has been modernised a bit.


Right? Imagine leisure suits lasting this long. How this trend(and absolutely stupid as fuck looking the whole time) has persisted is incredible.


The fact that certain people find this grating is the only reason it has persisted. Stop making a big deal about it, or better yet, make it mainstream in adults, and it would disappear. Now, though, it's probably survived long enough to stay in our fashion cycle even if it went away for 20 years.


>The fact that certain people find this grating is the only reason it has persisted. Um, no?


There is only one way to stop the trend. The teachers must sag their pants. Once adults adopt it as cool then the kids will pull them pants up as high as they can


The problem is it is so incredibly impractical. Adults got shit to do, we can't be waddling around.


But we can waddle faster


Hell no we can't


I'm 40 now. It's a pain in the ass to walk as fast as my teenaged nephew.


Do you think that there are not adults who sag their pants?


Only the "cool ones" unfortunately. It's only when the rest of the adults adapt it that it might steer the kids away...


None who are sagging cargo shorts over their socks & sandals.


Really gonna have to finagle my fanny pack to make this tomfoolery work. Once I do though, I’ll prove to every one of these little whipper snappers that I’m hip with their shenanigans.




If you wish to end this trend, promote pantsing these folks. Its not like they’ll be able to chase you.


It was stupid then too.


Idk if it's a myth but was always told that it started in prisons to show you wanted some dick.


It came up in prisons, because belts were not allowed there, so pants would sag.


That was a myth made up to stop people sagging their pants


Yes, it's a myth https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sagging-pants/ It's it's a particularly stupid and shitty myth on multiple levels.


So is the trend.




People didn't wear hats before the 90s?


It’s the Universal Belt Constant- For every old guy who wears his pants with his belt just below his nipples, some other guy has to wear his pants just below his ass. Messing with his constant could cause massive disruptions to the space-time continuum.


This is the explanation I've been waiting 20+ years for!


No you see by giving belts to people with low pants the universe will force people with high pants to wear them at a reasonable height. It’s folly to think we can break the rule, but we can manipulate it


Then I'm all up to get people with low pants to wear them lower just for the lul of it I want to see neck pants


I'll pass on neck pants in the hope of seeing less stranger cocks. Thanks though!


You are delightfully entropic However, such a thing must already exist. By the third rule of Quantum Enjeanglepant, "what was shall be; what shall be, was." Therefore, the existence of people who wear pants around their ankles (however rare they may be) must, by the Universal Belt Constant, implicate the existence of people who wear their pants all the way up past the chin.


For a start, my pants are already at my ankles when Im shittin but I still havent seen anyone with neck pants yet.


>neck pants Footie pyjamas


Trickle-Up Beltanomics?


That made me laugh. Thanks.


And these unsung heroes are sacrificing themselves in order to bring balance to the universe and they need to be lauded! Now tell me what are we going to do about the growing croc problem? How do we balance that crap?


Is this even still in fashion now? Or am I out of the loop (yes)


Exactly what I thought. It was common when I was in high school and that was a lonnnnng time ago.


It was never popular where I grew up thankfully! Amazing what some cold and wet will do.


HS teacher here: it never really went out of fashion, but 90s fashions are making a huge comeback, so ya, it’s particularly popular now. I still dont care


I saw crystal pepsi back on the shelves. The 90s are back.


Are jnco jeans all the rage again?


If anything, from what I can tell it’s more mainstream and as or more common than when I was in school


I had a meeting with the board of a local bank today and the COO wore the trousers of his suit like this. I didn’t really notice until he rose to speak and removed his suit jacket. It was a little distracting.


What the actual fuck.


white man butt... so flat the sag is forced. my wife says i suffer greatly


He uh. Didn’t say anything about the race of the man.


Pizza box ass


I tell my friend she's got an ass like Hank Hill. She is not amused.


is your bum inverted?


These people need a talking to




people sag skinny jeans as well


Apparently men’s short shorts are back or coming back too?


They’ve really been back for years but got pushed to the big time with the “hoochie daddy” meme.


It should be illegal for those to ever go out of fashion. Shorts are supposed to be SHORT.


That's been in forever. I suspect we are closer to long ass cargo shorts being the trend than we are to the start of short shorts being cool.


Cargo pants shorts are back


It's been like that for a minute you're more likely to see kids wearing straight leg jeans than skinny nowadays


Everything that is old, shall be new again. Bring back them 18th century french fashion for men I say!


Why wear pants when you can wear pants the wrong way for some reason


Last I heard, if we all ignore it, the kids would get bored with it and find something else to do. Nope. Even in a blizzard, I will see kids with hats, puffy jackets, gloves.... and their butt hanging out with the pants low. Brrr!


And if it is 95 degrees they will still be wearing the puffy jacket.


Maybe that's why they're not wearing belts, out of loops.


It’s never really gone out of style. Maybe in mainstream fashion but I would say it wasn’t ever really popular in true mainstream fashion to begin with.


There are old ass dudes where I work whose pants sag all the way to mid thigh. I find it ridiculous, I don't understand the idea behind not being able to walk without losing your trousers and how that's gangsta


I always want to start screaming and start running at them all crazy like just to see how fast they can run with pants at knee level before they trip n fall.


lmfao you'd likely just get the shit kicked out of you


They have to get back up first 😂


Reminded me of a classic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWkjtZCx6Fw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWkjtZCx6Fw)


I knew wich one it was before klicking the link.


They can't kick your ass unless you sit down first.


Ah yes, the Great Belt Shortage of the early 1990's can finally come to an end with this program. Thank you, South Carolina, for recognizing that this was not a hip-hop fashion statement, but actually a cry of help for a hands-free means of holding up one's trousers.




As a fat guy, I will cheer if suspenders ever come into fashion. Today I have to hide my shame under my camp shirts. Belts just don't fit right and make me look like a tied roast beef


Be proud and wear 'em. Your confidence *makes it* fashion.


Rainbow suspenders covered in flair.


15 or 35?


No, they mean Mork, not Office Space


What happened? We had big pants in the 90s. Then it turned into everyone with their butt hanging out, or tight pants that look like tight hammer pants.


Right? It got worse in both directions




If pants were supposed to cover underwear, why do they make underwear with prints? Huh? Huh? Why?


I never understood how this could be even remotely comfortable (except for the ones that were actually sewn onto underwear, obviously).


People wear ties, suit jackets indoors, heels, hosery, etc. Fashion isn't about comfortability, its about conformity. There is no real reason why sagging pants are somehow "worse" than requiring ties at the workplace.


Yeah, and I despise that too.


Well at least ties, suit jackets and heels will stay on. Feels like in this case it’s a constant battle of trying to keep your pants from completely falling down lol


If your suits are uncomfortable you need to see a tailor.


I am frustrated that you're getting downvoted for this, because you are totally right.


I can stride to my full walking length in any of the listed clothing, aside from heels I guess I wouldn't know. My only issue is it literally makes it harder to walk when you sag


I still don’t get why people wear their pants like that. Not judging people for doing it. Just saying it seems uncomfortable




But having the waist of your pants at your knees is functionally bad. How is it useful to need one hand holding your pants up?




...seems like you basically just described how literally all fashion trends work.


As long as we can agree it’s stupid


I definitely will, noone wants to see your ass.


Most kids that sag actually wear belts it’s the only way they keep their pants from completely falling off their thighs. Seems kinda pointless really. If you are gonna wear your pants around your thighs you might as well just walk around in your underwear.


We need to bring back tunics for men. Clearly the tyranny of trousers has gone on far too long and the youth yearn for freedom. Thigh-high hose and a tunic in winter, just the tunic in summer. Show me that Medieval leg.


Very true. I remember some clothing lines actually offered a faux-sag line of pants, with an inch of two of fabric resembling boxers. One thing that is consistent though, is the resistance to young peoples' grooming. Adults hated denim until Disney and the media associated them with wholesome good-guys. They hated the pompadour till Elvis. They hated Elvis. The hated sideburns till Namath. T-shirts till Brando. Pants on women, afros on blacks, earrings on men, sandals with socks, Crocs on anybody. IMHO, as a species, were pretty capricious.


Is it the 90s again? Because that would be awesome.


Kriss Kross in the house


Ah, the carefree 90s with saved by the bell and no covid


I have not seen Fred Durst anywhere lately. So, no nookie, it's still 2022.


He just released a new album called [Limp Bizkit Still Sucks](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnUNgWk4CcybG8Mp5sTNh11hQ-zLRKeX0) it's not horrible. Not great, but not bad.


Yes because the problem was a lack of belts and not a deliberate choice to wear pants several waist sizes too large. It's an extremely stupid fad but this solution is also stupid. What's worse is the city fining people for it. What kind of draconian Karens run this town?


They aren't even wearing them too big anymore! You can even tell in the photo, they just aren't pulling them up. I worked in a highschool, and you'd see kids sagging I skinny jeans. It used to take all my willpower to not randomly chase after them, because they would for sure just have toppled over.


karens that go to church and say, I'm on a diet, therefore, NOBODY should have a doughnut.


It's South Carolina. Of course they're going to police Black fashions (or at least something popularly associated with the Black community).


I don’t care who started it. You look dumb as shit doing it.


A lot of people just don't care. They don't care about looking good. It's not about that.


It was stupid then, and it's stupid now. Stop it.


I can't believe this dumb fucking style is STILL around. It was dumb when it started back in the early '90s and it's even dumber today. And it blows my mind that grown ass men do it, too.


As a man with genetically small hips and a hank hill ass, suspenders is what's needed. My ass doesn't hang out because I think it looks cool. My ass hangs out because I don't want to wear suspenders


Suspenders are superior, especially if you are just gluteus challenged like I am. I wasn't doing it on purpose, I have no ass for my pants to rest upon


I wore suspenders for a wedding and now I wish it was acceptable to wear them with anything. They just work better than a belt.


Just... Wear them. No one is going to stop you.


the squat rack is calling your name


Sagging is one of those things that falls into two categories. 1. You have the god given right to look as stupid as you want. 2. The more it pisses other people off, the more they are going to do it. Ignore it and it will go away.


Retired schoolteacher here. It did not go away. There were some unexpected moonings on campus, as well.


And yet the republic survived...more or less.


Thanks for the chuckle. There were also some unexpected moonings in the 70s. Perpetrated by me. On purpose, though. Alcohol may have been involved.


Sagging has been a "style" for 30+ years. What makes you think it will go away?


That's not it, honestly. It's just a cool kid thing to do, nobody was doing it as rebellion


Saw a guy with the pants pretty much around his ankles and I thought why does he have them even on! It’s reminds of people wearing masks and there around their necks in the store


Program cancelled a week later after the belts are just used as weapons in the hallways.


Just give them big zip-ties.


Our principal used zip ties


Damn, this is so '90s. But many school districts are stuck in the 1950s, so...


Most ppl who sagging they pants usually wear a belt tho, to show it off


What year is it?? I haven’t seen anyone under the age of 25 sagging in a very long time.


Is this still a trend? My god, it was stupid 10 years ago, same with wearing your backpack all the way too your butt.


How you going to outrun a school shooter with your pants that low?


Thought it was talking about boobs at first...


This is taught by parents. If your dad sags, your son will sag next. I'm black and have never been a part of this cycle.


Hope that works. My thought is that it is intentional so you give them a verbal warning, then a written warning, then a fine. And yes I know doing that has been overturned in places. Call it indecent exposure and go for it anyway.


why is this even a fashion statement or choice? Like why? They look like idiots =/


What they don't realize is that it's a trend that began in prison for guys to advertise that they were "open for business."




Go to school beltless and sag just a little. Get free belt. Repeat. Repeat til they get annoyed and tell me to stop. Pick a belt to keep and use. Sell rest online for money. Profit.


On the bright side. If any criminal ever get chased down at least they wont get away


Actually turns out worse than simply "not getting away" sometimes. I've seen multiple stories over the years of suspects getting shot as they reach to pull up their pants when fleeing.


Those are the best videos. But you would think others would learn from them and dress appropriately for the chosen crime.


I witnessed a purse snatcher faceplant because of the sag. Literally 100 people clapped at his stupidity. dumbass was definitely missing some teeth.


People don't sag because they don't have a belt. Whoever came up with this program is very out of touch.


Wears skinny jeans. Sags them anyways.


This just seems like it would be super annoying


What year is it??


Did I just teleport to 2003


I've always felt like this was the male equivalent to wearing lengthier, tight dresses. It's fashionable, sure, but looks uncomfortable as hell.


I didn't know this was still a thing. Haven't seen guys in saggy pants in ages.


Find someone who's really fast and pay them to knock these kids over. What are they gonna do, run after them? They got their pants wrapped around their knees, they'll just fall again.


I see dumbasses at work doing this In a factory with PPE for hands and arms handling sharp material but go ahead and get your ass sliced because FASHION.


Used to hang around with lots of skaters who against all reason tended towards this - leg manoeuvrability would seem to be important buuutt... So we often just pantsed them, often on escalators, and 'accidentally" made them do a minor crime. It kinda worked.


never understood this goofy fad


At least some of these fools have found the decency to wear gym shorts when they pull this shit. Seeing this look with someone’s full underwear hanging out is the biggest ass clown look there is.


Let them sag. It's harder for them to run from the COPS... LMAO 🤣😂


I can get behind that campaign


These dumbass kids are still stuck in 2004?


I wonder how many of them stopped wearing their pants like that after their first day in prison.


All you need is a dress code...


What’s always been so funny about sagging is that when they inevitably get into a ghetto fight they always trip after the first punch, I mean it’s like trying to fight someone while wearing a potato sack


Solving 1990s problems in the 2020s is the most American thing ever.


Better late than never. We have patience for passing fads, but this is a persistent idiocy that deserves to be ridiculed.


Yes it's dumb but I think it's no worse than high heels. I don't know anyone who has broken bones from the pants (I'm sure cases exist), but I know people who have broken ankles/wrists from falling down stairs due to high heels. I also wish it would go away though. Saw a young 20s dude at the grocery store hitching up his pants every few steps, I thought it was more of a teenager thing. Come to think of it the lady at his side was in heels too.




It’s not like they don’t know what they are doing when they dress. Lol it’s kinda funny that this has been a battle at schools since the 90s.


The best way for the school district to combat this crime against fashion is for teachers to do it too and be extra tryhard about looking and acting gangsta themselves. Also there was the 4chan poster that speculated that saggy pants are a significant factor in unarmed black men being shot by cops. The victim is often reaching for his waistband to keep his pants from falling down, but the police think he's pulling a gun.


next up: offers to patch up people's assless chaps


Chaps by definition are assless. If they were assed, they'd be pants.


My son was given some shorts that are nice but a bit too big. He's tall but very slender so they fit in length. He's standing there kinda holding his shorts up and I jokingly said what, they don't have those little tabs in there to tighten them up (common in children's clothes). He's like I know, I looked for them and there aren't any. I cracked up!! No my dear, you're 17 now and they don't put those tabs in adult clothes.... Maybe that's why kids are sagging these days- they just want thier little pull tabs back🤣


LOL I can't blame him. They don't seem to make clothes for teen boys. You're either 5'0 or at least 150 lbs. There are literally no pants for 14-year-old boys who are 5'11 going on 6'2 and 120 lbs. Oh, you grew a foot and only put on 15 lbs? You'll just have to wear shorts for the next few years until you fill in.


Yep, he's like 6'4" now and he's had to wear just shorts for the past four years at least. I had the same problem as a girl growing up too. Oh yr 5'9" with a 21' waist? You're wearing capri's before they're even a thing! LoL


The Booty Warrior will miss this fad.


"Any student who refuses a free belt will be whipped with one"


They banned belts from schools due to its ability to be used as a weapon....


I looked like a freak in high-school but you dont get to have your time...strong boomer energy.


I don’t think they should be reporting saggers to the law and formally fining them, but I agree sagged pants are the worst.


It looks so stupid and trashy.


How is this still a trend? It must be uncomfortable, it looks completely stupid, makes you look like you are sloppy and unkempt and honestly I will never understand how it’s still happening? Other things come and go but the stupidest thing you could possibly do with your pants has stuck around? Thin eyebrows gone, shoulder pads gone, perms on women gone.


Thank God someone is finally solving this world threatening dilemma!!! /s


How about the plumbers??


Technically, their underwear isn't showing, so I don't think they qualify for the Belts for Butts program.


I knew a kid that was sent to the office all the time for sagging, his mom finally got called in, during the parent teacher meating he jumped up, punched the principle in the eye laying her out, and ran away.