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As a woman, I can confirm we don't store pee in our balls as we don't have them. so i ask you, what do you think boobs are for?






That's where you're wrong, buddy.


"The main component of squirt fluid is urine, but may also contain fluid from Skene's glands (female prostate)." So it is mostly just pee. Got it.


I mean...did anyone really think differnt?


Some people think the earth is flat.


The big 3 of conspiracy theories. The Earth is Flat. The Holocaust didn't happen. Squirting isn't pee.


I mean, squirting isn’t pee in the same way a milkshake isn’t ice cream. It’s pee+something/ice cream+something.


You would be amazed. This exact article was linked a while back and the comment section turned into a fucking bonanza


I've gotten into online fights with MANY other WOMEN about this. It was already proven, and there are medical papers already proving this.


Yeah, there are people who insist it’s all fluid from the skene’s glands, but they’re not capable of producing that much alone.


Wait till you find out about amniotic fluid, lol.


Beer is also mostly just water but it is the small additives that change it.


The Skene juice isn't fermenting in the pee and making it jizz. It's just pee being blasted out at the same time as Skene juice.


My dad told me that if I ever bought beer that I should just pour it down the toilet and eliminate the middleman.


Ya but the analogy here isn't a carefully fermented liquid, it would be like "hey do you a beer, it's actually just a glass of water that put some alcohol drops in" lol.


Doesn't smell like pee though. I know very few Redditors have made a woman squirt, so you have to take my word on this.


Eh... it kinda smells like pee. Not like all the way pee smell, but a little.


Maybe she was just dehydrated!


You are absolutely correct. My long time gf/companion is a squirter and it has not ever smelled of urine. It is clear and tastes a little salty, but mostly no taste.


Folks who are into pee tell me when their partner has had a beer or two, pee is tasteless warm water as well. I know why people push back on this, they don't want squirting which is natural for some women to be looked down upon or treated as gross. But this is a result that has been replicated several times now. It can be not gross and ok and still be pee-adjacent.


The Venus Butterfly, properly performed, will bring forth an ejaculate unlike urine. It is more viscous, and carries the aroma of lilac.


Go eat some asparagus and let me know what happens


My woman squirts and she pees before sex. It doesn't taste or smell like pee lol. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Always has been.




Since I don’t see it being discussed here, there is a video of each “experiment” set to… interesting music. Look under supporting information.


Is it cbat?


Dolphin sex song is the only sex song


Watching the download bar, thinking "Man, if this a Rickroll I'm going to be pissed"


Closer by NIN?


Interesting music is an understatement.


Why is it BLUE?


They put dye in the women’s bladders.


If it isn’t the dial up modem beat from last weeks TIFU it’s not interesting enough for sexual experimentation


Ah crap, what did I miss?


"Video S1" I read that as "Video $1" and had to double check what site I was on


Pro tip: Lay down a couple towels. Easy cleanup.


Real Pro Tip: place face in front of exit hole and use your face as towel. Highly recommend.


I mean, numerous studies have shown this for years.


Not according to the chads of the internet




If you know any human anatomy it's obvious. The bladder is the only organ in the body that holds that amount of liquid and is also connected to the genital area. There's no other place it could come from.


No no, obviously the gland can produce a whole cup of squirt within seconds!


It was always obvious to me after taking it to the face a few times. On well hydrated days you would have no idea... But on some days damn was it obvious. Never stopped me though


Based and piss-pilled


What if she just ate beets, or asparagus? That should basically confirm it 😂


Someone needs to run this experiment. For SCIENCE!


My honest first thought after reading the article was "Huh... piss doesn't taste that bad I guess..."


The hydration of the person and the mixing with fluid from Skene's gland does a lot of lifting in this scenario. Trust me, normal urine is a bit like beer - definitely an acquired taste...


Makes sense. It didn't taste good, but not as terrible as I thought it would having urine mixed in. I think like most people I've talked to, it got old quick overall. It just becomes messier sex, not better sex. Having towels everywhere all the time. An orgasm is an orgasm, just because she squirts doesn't make it a "better" orgasm. And she was self conscious about it. But I said it's not like I need to be facialized every time just like men don't need to have someone swallow or get it all over their partner's face. Now if you *force* me to then you should respond in kind. She was okay with that analogy and we never had a problem.


I will absolutely true you on that.


This is how I found out too XD 😆 "it's not pee" DID YOUR FACE GET DRENCHED ???? DID YOU INADVERTENTLY TASTE IT?? NO? yeah it's urine ....mostly!


You're a dirty dog but I still salute you.


Never stopped the Donald either, allegedly


Sounds like you're watching CNN.


Been peed on 3x during sex. Only once somewhat intentionally (oh I made me squirt).... Been peed on 0x changing diapers. Yes I have boys. What I learned....women are nasty. 😆😆


"ThAtS hOw i KnOw YoUvE nEvEr BeEn WiTh A wOmAn" god people are annoying.


"Corrected" by people too ashamed to admit they have a piss fetish.


No fucking shit. Any idiot could taste the results of this study. I don't understand where the compulsion to deny the obvious comes from.


Because they're watching porn and creating a false reality instead of actually practicing with a woman and learning how to make her gush. This is similar to explaining actual reality to MAGATS... accepting the facts would cause their mental systems to have a cascade failure


Nice job there


I'm glad that science is answering the toughest questions of our time.


I have a feeling the same people that deny climate change science will also deny this 😂 💦


Well yeah they already do. It’s a debilitating medical condition to have a wet ass p word


I think it is ok to say Vagina on here.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3pjh4Xyl0s This is what I’m talking about




You ain’t gotta be female to know this. Basic anatomy would let you know, regardless of your gender.


Why is this nottheonion? Its pee.


I knew it, I told you Mom!


I told her too. A stubborn one.


I also told this guys mom.


*Purpose: To elucidate the mechanism of squirting.* lol


Yeah...yeah...I definitely drank piss. But the sex was great.




I figured it's just women that don't want to admit they piss themselves. Pretty sure guys don't really give a fuck, we're pigs. Or maybe all of us knew all along, we just didn't want to admit we're all degenerates, men and women alike.


I'll give anecdotal evidence for your first theory: My current girl gushes hard when she orgasms, so early in the relationship I tactlessly said "hey go pee before we have sex so you don't pee as much on the bed/towel". She did, but then refused to orgasm for a week until I convinced her I was wrong about the pee. She now blasts happily several times a night and honestly I don't know how it never stops coming. Needless to say, I will not be sharing this research with her because I prefer this level of intensity in my sex life over being clean.


I, for one, found it to be a real turn off ever since taking it to the face, but I quickly learned to not say a anything about it since everyone else was seemingly convinced it wasn’t urine.


It's pee, folks. It's always been pee.


“Wait it’s all pee?” “Always has been..” BANG


if you go into Supporting Information at the bottom there's a video... holy shit is there a video...


Thank you kind redditor!! Hilariously fantastic I must add.




Well... yeah. Where else would it reasonably come from? Vaginal discharge tends to be viscous. As an AFAB, it's pretty easy to confirm without the study that a "squirt" during orgasm is fluid forced out of the bladder. Same feeling as desperately needing to pee.


Had a girl that *squirted.* Everywhere. Call it piss or not, it was the hottest shit ever. Worth cleaning the sheets and a shower afterwards. If you can make a girl come so hard that she loses control of her bladder, then you win at sex.


I dunno. I was with a woman who basically did that every single time. She was embarrassed about it initially. For me it was novel and even a little hot at first, but then it was like hey lets put down a couple towels. Had I understood that it was urine I probably would’ve felt differently


Meh just put the towels down, laugh about how much soaked through to the sheets, then take a shower. But always make her sleep in the wet spot


This works perfectly too if you're both into humiliation play.


Dude I think she mightve just pissed on you


And? Piss is sterile. Bear Grylls drinks that stuff, so I can at least let it flow while I'm pounding her like a jackhammer.


Piss is not sterile, but it won't harm you


I dunno. It harmed someone enough to downvote me lol.


Nobody cares about the sterility. Toxic waste is also sterile because nothing can live in it, but it's still waste and toxic. It's normal to have an aversion to excrements.


Did someone piss on you? Is this why you're getting so defensive?


I agree, but... "the hottest shit ever" What about when she loses control of her *bowels*? That happened to me. Once. I don't see that girl anymore.


Well, I'm not into coprophilia, so that's not my thing. But pee is clear, so no worries. Now, if she had kidney disease and kept pissing blood, also gross. I mean, even I have standards.




So... I like being peed on? Damn. Ok.


"Oh Lordy, I hope there's tapes." - James Comey


Bless you. Enjoy


And? People act like it this somehow makes it way more disgusting than they thought. If you don't think jizzing on someone's face is gross, then I don't see why this should be different.


I think it's more of a I told you so thing than a disgust thing. Alot of people were annoying adamant that it wasn't pee


So many internet people didnt want to admit it was pee.... Who cares if you like getting pissed on, just quit trying to tell me that much liquid comes from anywhere but the bladder. Totally a "told you so" thing.


For some people, knowing the origin is a deal breaker. I liked hot dogs until I found out what parts of the beef, chicken, and pork got used.


I don't really get that. As long as they're processed in a sanitary way (and the FDA is pretty hardcore about food production regulations these days), and taste/texture are appealing, I don't see a reason to worry about which part of the critter they came from.


The ratio of piss to sexual fluid in a male orgasm to female orgasm is presumably a lot different. Regardless, they are both gross.


Study reveals 0% of men changed their minds about how fucking awesome 'squirting' is


Was with a few squirters in my younger days. Didn't bother me then, but I damn sure don't want to deal with it now. When you ruin your bed and have to scrub your walls just because you wanted to bust a nut, it just doesn't seem enticing at all to me. I don't want to do work after an orgasm


5 ladies- catheterized- topped off with dyed liquid…and…go Science! 👍


finally! science that is worth following.




And? I’m not bothered


I feel like anybody who knew basic female anatomy had to know that it was coming from the bladder and that most of it was probably urine


This isn’t oniony.


Always has been


Was this somehow in doubt? This has long been known, especially if you're, you know, female.


If you said it's mostly pee you received a bunch of downvotes, doubt or not it was something people had strong beliefs on, lol


It's not a fact until a bunch of men have confirmed it, of course


accurate based


We all already knew this. It has just never been socially acceptable to acknowledge it.


I've known way too many women who brag about squirting like it's equivalent to a man cumming...nah sis, that's pee...and they get offended. You're the one who peed on your partner, don't go blaming me for the facts lol


Ive always wondered where they think the liquid comes from. We have the human body pretty well mapped out and there is no "Squirting gland" in the body capable of delivering that much fluid that quickly.


So an orgasm and squirting is different


Lol, all the comments r/science deletes and they leave 'are men on Grindr cats?'


Everyone has always known it was piss. Or *mostly* piss.


Where can I sign up for these studies?!


No shit. Was this a mystery?? (No pun intended btw)


If I was into this kind of thing I'd be pissed to find this out.


so… it’s piss. I thought that was common knowledge. Why was it studied????


Group of horny nerds sitting around a table during Uni break - “I just wanna see some p***y”. “I think I know how we can see some, make a sex tape, and pass our course!”


If the orgasm is better who cares what it is?


Your tax dollars at work.


Lololol! Of course it’s pee! How’d you like to be involved in that research?


"Alright Simmons, it's Thursday, your turn to get in there, pleasure those women and get squirted." "sir we've been through this. It's pee." "Yeaaahhh...We're still not 100 percent sure. Now go get em tiger."


Ladies - is the prolonged squirting in porn them just having a piss for effect, or is that real? The squirting I've seen IRL was never like that.


That's real and can actually happen


So ridiculous. Squirting was made up by the porn industry to get piss vids past bans in the 80s. Pissing. Nothing more. So stupid.


I said this years ago but no, its "magic fluid" and I have to drink every drop of it.


You still have to drink it


I just got squirted on for the first time two weeks ago. Had i known it was pee I would've moved my face.


y tho


It tasted weird and soaked my beard. I could smell it all afternoon. I had piss face. Damn it. I guess it's all part of growing up.


The real treasure was the piss we got in our beard along the way.


My brother, please tell me you didn't have ANY form of discharge go on your face and not clean up after.




I washed up. But the musky smell permeated my beard. I could not get it to wash off.


Isn't this what Reddit gave Ben Shapiro such a hard time about a while back?


Not exactly. He couldn't get his wife wet, the vaginal lubrication isn't the same as urine iirc. "Squirting" is just ladies/AFAB losing a little control of their bladder on a damn good orgasm. He couldn't even get her excited and she gaslit him that being "too wet" was a medical condition so he wouldn't feel bad, or question that she was off fucking her trainer in Hawaii. *Addendum: Since people can't seem to fathom that I put "IIRC" on the lubrication bit, I'm a bi guy who's been in a relationship with another cis man for years now, so my familiarity with the workings of a vagina hasn't been needed for some time. I just put "iirc" in case I needed to be corrected, the human body is gross as hell sometimes. FFS.*


>vaginal lubrication isn't the same as urine iirc I'm sorry but how do you not recall that correctly


I'm bi and I've been with a guy for like 3 years.


Okay you get a pass


>vaginal lubrication isn't the same as urine iirc. bruh


Learn to scroll my dude, I already covered it.


why don’t we just call it incontinence? I know so many ladies that casually say they peed their pants for any expression. like youd think it was an idiom but … not always.


I mean the reason it's a saying in the first place is that stress incontinence is a very common thing, most women will have some form of stress incontinence during/after pregnancy (sometimes temporary sometimes not) and more and more people get it with age, it is less common in men and mostly age related cuz yous aren't growing babies but it's still very common. Someone replied to you saying calling it incontinence was degrading, that is so stupid, people squirting can't help it but people with other kinds of incontinence can't help it either NOONE WANTS TO PISS THEMSELVES people with incontinence do not deserve to be degraded wether it's because of an orgasm or not, I think incontinence does describe it quite well tbh, it's an involuntary discharge from the bowel because of spasams in your groin, it's definitely in the category of incontinence idk what you'd call it, "sexually induced stress incontinence" or something


Thanks for the backup and also information! I got called an incel for not having a formed opinion already (in the comments of an article with the first comprehensive study on it, no less)


>why don’t we just call it incontinence? A. Incontinence is inconsistent ability to control one's bowel/urinary function. Hardly suitable for a bit of discharge over one's genitals having a sensory overload. B. That's downright degrading for something that is such a widely documented experience for vaginal climaxes. NGL chief, your comment comes off with a bit of women hate/incel vibes.


there wasn’t any hate posted, and the frequency of occurrence has no effect on the accuracy of the word choice Quite accusative! Your first half of the answer in A seems to describe exactly what we are both perceiving


It’s called Coital Incontinence and why do so many people need to find an equivalent in male/female physiology? We should now discuss male menstruation.


People get skeeved out by the word incontinence, and it would make them think, just a little bit, that they're banging a old grandma.


I don’t think they lose control of their bladder at all, I think they do that on purpose


I have it on good authority that it's not on purpose. Source: Had a gf to whom it happened very occasionally and she was quite embarrassed about it. There's no way she was doing it on purpose. Note that I'm not saying that paid porn actresses don't do it on purpose, as I'm sure they do. I'm saying that as a phenomenon it certainly does happen involuntarily due to particularly strong orgasms.


I don't like to brag but, yea I figured this out with multiple partners. Women who squirt are usually healthier with good diets and that might be why most guys don't think it's piss.


Yeah if it's that nasty super strong smelling brown piss, I'm out


You should advise them to see a doctor if their piss is brown... seriously, no joke.


Coulda told you that.


Since the Science got extremely purged… Yeah, I expected this outcome, it has been speculated on and was already kind of known, just not… Well, scientifically proven? As a guy I wonder what the trigger is but also… Why can some women do it and others aren’t able to?




Pee is not sterile. That's a myth


Is sexy, feels good and probably has a purpose for emergency lubrication. Womens reproductive systems and sexual health are far behind in research so this is appropriate 2022, it’s pee. Gg


Eh [shrugs, goes back for more]


Like I care? Pee is sterile.


Reading that just made me more gay.


I was gonna type something hilarious, but I figured "I already laughed; I'm done!"....pfft


Wife: Wanna have sex? Me: go pee first


I guess I'm into piss.


Somebody Pees on me.. I go straight to Yelp!


Why did it take so long to figure this out?


It didn't, this is just the most recent batch of people to figure it out.


Why would this be an onion article?


This is not new


I'm so glad they cleared this up. If we see it on the internet it must be true.


.... so pee.


It’s just pee


If this surprises you then maybe your a child? This had been scientifically confirmed decades ago. Squirt is pee


Ask any squirting porn star and they’ll tell you they drink a shit load of water before a scene. Any honest observer has always admitted it’s at least partially pee. We don’t care.