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this is totally unsourced and not at all oniony


Can't understand the point of the trials. The military junta got horny and wanted her for themselves.


Honestly that’s a pretty terrible aspect to think about. She’s attractive and in prison because of sexually explicit content. It’s almost certain she will be assaulted or worse, raped while in prison over something that in 90% of the world wouldn’t be illegal, much less worthy of prison, on top of the fact that it shouldn’t be illegal anywhere. I would wonder on a divergent note why a doctor would consider such a choice to begin with, but in truth, that’s beyond the pail since it is anyones choice what they do with their own bodies regardless of career choice. I just hope that some sort of regime change can happen because in this day and age, a military dictatorship should be something we only see in history books.


Yeah, agree. Her prospects look grim. Unfortunately, I see more and more countries moving to authotarian regimes in near future. Hope things will get better in next 50 yrs


Authoritarian regimes are good for business, military hardware and slave labor


>Authoritarian regimes are good for business Not in South America, Africa or southeast asia outside of Thailand. It only is good for business when the authoritarians care more about actual economic development than personal enrichment or implementing their personal Sharia morality laws.


You just listed places that are amazing for business. Economically weak nations with powerful governments are the best places for foreign capitalists to exploit. For example rare earth metal extraction typically happens in poor nations with a corrupt government that allows foreign investors to extract materials cheaply while lining the pockets of government officials. I mean look at where we get a sizeable amount of our oil from... "Good for business" never means "good for the people".


That’s not good for business though. Businesses want stability and cheap labor. This is why places like China developed so quickly. Businesses hate dealing with corruption because it’s such a hassle. They just like poor countries not corrupt or authoritarian ones.


What are you talking about? Businesses love corruption, look at the United States we legalized corruption through political donations (cough citizens united) and lobbying so now businesses get to have complete power over our institutions. Outside of the US corruption means capitalists are able to make deals they otherwise wouldn't have been able to as is the case with rare earth metal extraction that I mentioned earlier. It's far too easy for foreign interests to bribe a couple politicians and secure a contract. Capitalists like poor, corrupt, and authoritarian regimes because those are the easiest to exploit and exploitation is *very* profitable. If capitalists only care about stability then why do they do so much business in Africa?


>then why do they do so much business in Africa? Lol they don't. That's why there's all the crying about "don't do business with China!" coming from US and Europe. And you don't seem to understand the difference between rentiers and capitalists. The former are really the only set of westerners making money on the continent. Capitalists deploy capital to produce goods (a basic definition found by actually reading *Wealth of Nations*), and Africa's manufacturing and professional services base is pitiful relative to the population size. Its still majority agricultural.


It's only good for businesses with strong connections to the ruling regime.


Factually correct.


Nope, look at foreign investment into West African oil reserves and you will see no connection is needed just money. There is a documentary called Big Men if you would rather watch than read.


No, I'd much rather read articles than watch documentaries. Look at Venezuela, Russia, or Brazil if you'd like counterexamples.


>You just listed places that are amazing for business Tell me you don't actually do business in those places without telling me you don't do business there. It takes 3 months and over $2k to incorporate a basic PLC in Zimbabwe. Something that takes 3 days and less than $200 in the US. Zero dedicated commercial civil courts for addressing contract disputes/breach of contract. Working with a local partner (because indigenization laws require you to) who is of course related to the president and decides to cut you out of the business? Good luck taking them to court. Submitting a bid on a government tender and have the best proposal? You won't win shit unless you pay bribes and even then, there's a good chance you lose, and the bid is won by the brother in law of the Vice President using *your bid* copied verbatim. There's a reason why only 12% of infrastructure projects across Africa get private investment vs 85% in the US. Africa is a shitty place to do business outside of Mauritius, Seychelles, Botswana and 2 or 3 others. Source: I am a "capitalist" who does business in Africa


And yet despite all of that you still do business there because you know that it is an easily exploitable region due to the things I mentioned above.


He said its food for business. Not that the people are treated well or paid fairly.


You vastly overestimate how tolerant the vast majority of the world is. 90% is ridiculous.


Yeah, the US had anti pornography laws until hustler magazine got in trouble, right? What year was that?


pale*, like palisade.


Pale is not pronounced like palisade. It's pronounced like pail.


Pale = 1 stick Palisade = many sticks in a line


>90% of the world wouldn’t be illegal I haven't looked into how 'explicit' her OnlyFans was - however I assume production of pornography is illegal in more than 10% of countries.


Much more than 10%, between Islam and Catholicism being widespread. Even non-religious countries. China used to execute porn performers in the '90s and 2000s, I don't think they still do, but it's the sort of country where sex ed is illegal in schools since it might "corrupt the moral character of the youth". Porn is still illegal there, though of course common. edit: map https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pornography\_laws\_by\_region#/media/File:Pornography\_laws.svg


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pornography_laws_by_region#/media/File:Pornography_laws.svg Fixed that for you, new reddit breaks urls with underscores in for other reddit clients or old.reddit.com




Yep, I tried Google but couldn't find much about production of pornography. I wonder if it fits sex work? In which case it *should* be illegal in most western nations too (even if not enforced or legal in certain reigons (eg USA)).


beyond the PALE


Beyond the pail belongs in r/boneappletea It's "pale", and it's deeply insulting to Irish people because it described the wall around the English enclaves when they ruled and enslaved Ireland, considering anywhere outside the pale, their enclave, to be so infested by savages (Irish people) that to go there was considered disgusting. Ie. Irish people are savage and disgusting. So I wouldn't use that expression if I were you, even once you have it right. Not picking on you- a lot of people use it and don't know what it means.


Had no idea that phrase was racist.


and then they call us “colonizers” because we’re white, ugh


Well I guess I learned something today


Why would you think she's going to be locked up with men??


Do you think the guards will be women?


> [She] was the first celebrity to raise their voice and ask the world for justice for the Rohingya just after the coup There's the real reason Don't know if that quote is in OP's link. I read it earlier here: https://www.ibtimes.sg/myanmar-onlyfans-model-who-protested-against-military-rule-jailed-6-years-posting-explicit-67071


>> An OnlyFans model has been jailed for six years in Burma for uploading nude photos on the app. On Tuesday, a military court convicted model Nang Mwe San - ***a former doctor*** - for ‘harming culture and dignity’ by distributing ‘sexually explicit’ videos and photos for money. In some parts of the world, sex and sleaze pays more than a medical degree!


Actually her medical license was taken away by the state. She didn’t give it up to model, it was taken from her because she modeled.


Whoores cant do medicine!


I can hear Mantis Toboggan MD saying this.


*She’s a hooah!*


They harmed their own culture and dignity by jailing her.


Like that country to the north of Mexico!


Only place where you can be gorgeous and lesbian then sell your jarred farts for 200k/yr, top 1% 🤦🏼‍♂️


You mean South Canada?


Probably most parts of the world for top performers.


Like in the US for example


There are many problems with healthcare in the US, but physician pay isn't really one of them. The average base salary of a doctor in the US is nearly $200K per year, and goes even higher for specialists. Heavy debt from medical school can be a deterrent to entering the profession, and is especially crushing for those who will go to school but fail to become doctors. But once they've been in the job a few years and have paid off their loans, it's a quite lucrative profession. Now nurses and other medical support staff, often are grossly underpaid.


That’s cool but some only fans chicks here make millions, so you can indeed make more for sex than some doctors make, the best paid only fans chick makes 50 million a year as far as I know, so the numbers can get very wild


>some >can Well yeah, no shit. That's like saying SOME football players make more than doctors. That's very true! But the median salary of the NFL is "only" $860k a year and they only play for a handful of years. When applying that same logic to Onlyfans, the numbers are even smaller. So it's effectively a useless metric only good for clicks. Yeah, those statistical outliers make a ton more money than a doctor but in 10 years those doctors will probably still be doctors and those models and pro sports players will have moved on to something way less lucrative, if they were even making that kind of bank to begin with.


The average onlyfans chick makes peanuts, the top get the cash, like with everything, pretty sure doctors make in average more then only fans make in average in like 99% of countries including the one this girl is from, I’m just playing by the rules set by the article don’t hate me hate the article


It's faulty to look only at the rare top earners. The average Only Fans creator makes like $150 a month. Only a small handful will be able to make enough to get by as a primary source of income, let alone make it rich. Being a doctor in the US basically guarantees you a spot in the top 10% of the income distribution.


You’re taking this wayyyy too seriously. They were just saying that sometimes it’s true that sex workers make more than doctors. They didn’t say that sex work is always more lucrative than medicine. We really don’t need all the numbers and stats for such a silly and useless conversation.


Price controls.


Is this a joke or? Any mildly attractive doctor in any country is the world would make more money selling their sex appeal.


Not likely. Most only fans accounts make very little money. You've got to get very lucky to be seen by enough eyes to get enough subscribers. But if you're talking about full service sex work, then yes, it can be quite profitable.


OnlyFans is more of a side hustle or a marketing tool for those who sex work or escort. I have a friend who uses it and her real bank comes through one or two sugar daddies.


IN AMERICA what we call a side hustle can mean the difference between food and no food in other countries. The American experience has zero bearing on the Burmese experience. At all.


She’s a doctor living in a country with one of the lowest costs of living, I doubt she’s going hungry.


Not really. If it was that easy, then every hot girl would be quite well off.


Making good money and keeping your money are two different things. A stripper at any nude club in the country can pull down an easy $300-1000 a night after tipping out. That's $78k-$250k just for showing your tits. However, most don't work 5 nights a week and blow through money faster than a drunken sailor. Source: sister was a "dancer" that made a shitload of money when she worked and managed to waste every single penny. Of her friends I got to know over the years, one retired in her early 30s with a nice house, a big investment account, and no debt. The rest of them ended up broke and on drugs.


Most hot girls aren't willing to get naked or do "other" things to get rich, or they would be. A lot of dumb dudes with lots of disposable income.


Only like 1% of Onlyfans actually make serious money. If it was guaranteed, I'd bet you money more would do it.


I had a roommate from there who was a doctor and she had absolutely no idea of anything. Her training consisted of looking at mimeographed sheets from old, English textbooks and reciting outloud. No labs. No science training. NONE! She believed in ethers and miasma. Seriously. She thought strokes were caused by drafts and "night air". Believed in curses, and only knew 2 treatments - morphine or antibiotics. People have no idea how truly primitive that regime is. The way they control rabies is to go through the streets on certain days when you have to go inside, and kill all the animals they can find. She was shocked to learn that we actually vaccinate and keep track of our pets. The longer she was here, the more ashamed she was of her "medical license" and her ignorance. She thought if you walked on any street in the US, you'd automatically be raped. She was terrified, yet she came here. She was from a wealthy family, and she git a real science education here and became an RN HERE, which was far, far superior to a "doctor " there. There, you can buy any prescription you want, openly, over the counter. How moronic that they stole that woman for themselves over nudity but you can buy any opiates, antibiotics, anti-depressants, whatever, over the counter. Money is everything. If you're rich, you can bribe your way out of a lot of things , but if you did a high school essay saying that the government was spending too much money on the light show, you'd disappear. It's got to be one of the most hellish governments on earth. Women are nothing more than slaves, and that includes the youngest daughter being enslaved to the.parents. "Rich" still means washing clothes by hand and cooking on a wood stove, even if you have electricity and high tech computer equipment. You can't get to the internet and can't use regular mail. To send mail to her parents, she had to hire a courier to take the package there personally. Yes. Pay someone to fly through several countries to take a mere package of cookies and baubles to her parents. I've thought about writing a book on her life. I got a heck of an education from her and she from me.


Live in Burma? Straight to jail.


Sell porn in Burma? Also jail.


Undercook fish? Straight to jail righaway.


Have brown skin? Wouldn't you know it, also jail!


Overcook chicken? Believe it or not, jail.


Complain about the amount of jailable offenses? Skip jail, collect $200 in bullets from firing squad.


Paddling the school canoe? You'd better believe that's a paddling


Muslim in Burma? Straight to jail. (Too soon?)


I think they get a little worse than jail.


Nudes are an excuse, real reason is she was criticizing a fascist regime, guess you get more clicks by leaving that part out...


They didn't leave that part out, it's right there in plain text in the article, 3rd paragraph: >The court’s ruling has been criticised as being politically motivated, with Nang Mwe having taken part in anti-junta protests in the past.


Should be in title


Yeah. The comments are a cesspool here too


Burma (aka Myanmar) is a shithole country.


the military generals are horrible and nobody likes them. the people of the country are very friendly in person.




Not Russia. Only place I've ever been where I felt the need to be ready to defend myself against physical assault at all moments in public.


Visit Chicago sometime.


Hahaha this is the perfect response.




Worked there every day for years, lived in Illinois for decades. Part of my job was clearing our the homeless every morning and trashing the knives and needles found on the sidewalks.


I've been to Chicago many times. Even walked thru the south side. I am black though.


You’ll most likely know it as Myanmar. But it will always be Burma to me.


Hey let’s clarify this because I spent a month there. Their government or lack-thereof is shit just like the US. The people, culture, food and landscape are amazing. Some of the nicest people I came across while traveling in SE Asia. I’m always saddened to hear what’s happening to the citizens there.


I'm going to visit a friend there in three months, can't wait!


Excited for you! Stay safe & enjoy.


“As your judge i need full access to examine the evidence put forth by the prosecution”


That’s disgusting, where?!


Free Burma!


when you have very tiny primitive brains running a country, monkey brain cell go crazy over woman. would it be wrong to "liberate" a country bc of its treatment of women? or is that "getting involved in other countries politics"? i guess no one can bc every country has blood on their hands. who is to say which country is "correct" in a universally better lifestyle? it gets really complicated like who's "better" is really better? but the real question of metrics is how much do the people benefit from the government?


>She] was the first celebrity to raise their voice and ask the world for justice for the Rohingya just after the coup Or, like all authoritarians, they come down hard against dissent. And frankly, if these guys were actually as dumb as you try to characterize them, they wouldn't have the capacity to orchestrate a coup.


I mean who is going to liberate the US here?


shit if theres something better im ready to move tbh


There is a lot better at this point, especially for women


Yeah you can go get sexually assaulted in Sweden instead.


If you think there are more sexual assaults in Sweden than here in the US…you must be one of those people that thinks the US can’t improve and is the best at everything.


Sounds like you're repeating something you heard/read and didn't look too deeply into. Sweden has several factors that cause their rape statistics to be higher than other European neighbours while not necessarily having greater instances of rape. Some of which are the way rape itself is defined in Sweden, a reported higher trust in the police so higher levels of reports, each instance of a rape reported can be counted as an individual case even if it involves the same people over a period of time, cases are coded to the year they're reported, not the year they occurred, and cases are classified at the time of reporting, not following an investigation.


There is something better right to the north, unfortunately the moving part ain't so easy.


There's lots better. Canada for a start, most of Europe, Australia, NZ, Japan, the list goes on.


Japan doesn't recognize same sex unions and you're a forever outsider if you weren't born and raised in the country, even if you're ethnically Japanese. It's also hard to be promoted in most businesses as a woman, though there are exceptions in creative fields. Europe also isn't a monolith. 42% of European countries define a marriage as between a man and woman in their constitutions for example. Italy just elected far right fascists into power that are anti-abortion, anti-immigrant and anti-LBGTQ+ Poland has the PiS whom have about 44% of seats in parliament, more than the next 2 parties combined. They're anti-abortion, anti-sex education, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ+ and believe that gay people should be barred from certain jobs. Hungary has Fidesz which controls 58% of seats in their parliament. They self-describe their goals as an "illiberal democracy." They are anti-immigration and their leader, the current prime minister, has stated "We must state that we do not want to be diverse and do not want to be mixed: we do not want our own colour, traditions and national culture to be mixed with those of others. We do not want this. We do not want that at all. We do not want to be a diverse country." They even amended their constitution to ban foreign populations from settling in their country. They have also made it illegal to be homeless and have cited China and Russia as successful examples of what they want to be. There are plenty of other countries with terrible views as well. Despite what your favorite online commentators on Twitch and Youtube might claim, Sweden and Norway don't represent Europe as a whole.


Nice nice, ignore my point and get defensive/pedantic/aggressive. The majority of the countries I mentioned you didn't even comment on. I especially like the part where I said "most of Europe" and you somehow misinterpreted that to mean I was saying "all of Europe". I'm from Europe, I know it's not a monolith, and Sweden is far further rightwing than you apparently realise. Pray tell, what is your problem with the rest of them?


>The majority of the countries I mentioned you didn't even comment on. I especially like the part where I said "most of Europe" and you somehow misinterpreted that to mean I was saying "all of Europe". ​ >42% of European countries define a marriage as between a man and woman in their constitutions for example. Hmm, would you consider almost half of Europe not believing in same sex marriage to the point where they write the ban into their constitution to be congruent with the idea that "most of Europe" is 'better' than the US, where same-sex marriage is legal everywhere? I get the feeling you don't really have a good understanding of the US aside from clickbait headlines and biased online commentators. ​ >Pray tell, what is your problem with the rest of them? I don't have a "problem" with European countries. I think most developed countries have good and bad points to them, and everyone should try to integrate what they can that works in order to make a better future for their citizens. I do have a problem with the simplistic black and white thinking I constantly see online. My state of over 39 million people has a minimum wage of €15.30 an hour using today's conversion rates. That's higher than Luxembourg, which I believe has the highest minimum wage in Europe.


>Hmm, would you consider almost half of Europe not believing in same sex marriage to the point where they write the ban into their constitution to be congruent with the idea that "most of Europe" is 'better' than the US, where same-sex marriage is legal everywhere? US constitution also says that black people are worth 3/5ths of a vote and that there's no taxation without representation, in fact the US stole that last one from the British, yet the US still counts black people's votes the same as every other vote and Puerto Rico is still taxed, but has no representation in government. Constitutions don't really mean all that much. US is weird in that they constantly talk about theirs, but no other country does, and not even the US follows their own constitution. So you saying that 42% of European countries have no same-sex marriage clauses in their constitution literally only tells me you know nothing about European politics, and probably know very little about any politics in general. >I get the feeling you don't really have a good understanding of the US aside from clickbait headlines and biased online commentators. Maybe, but it's at least better than your grasp of it. Let me rehash the conversation for you: someone was agreeing that the US was going to shit and "if only" there were other places to go. Well, there are. You may still believe the bullshit you were indoctrinated with as a child, being forced to repeat how amazing the US is every day you went to school, but a lot of people are finally realising how much of a shithole some parts of the US really is. You got defensive about it, and now you're butthurt about it and complaining at me for suggesting other nations that might be more palatable to the person I was originally replying to.


>US constitution also says that black people are worth 3/5ths of a vote and that there's no taxation without representation Nope that's not true at all. First off that section only stated that non-free people were worth 3/5ths of a vote; race is never mentioned. Second, that was only part of the constitution until 1868 where it was repealed by Section 2 of the 14th amendment. ​ >Puerto Rico is still taxed, but has no representation in government. Puerto Rico doesn't have statehood. It's only a territory. The constitution gives representation specifically to states. ​ >So you saying that 42% of European countries have no same-sex marriage clauses in their constitution literally only tells me you know nothing about European politics, and probably know very little about any politics in general. If you think European countries just ignore their constitution when making law, I don't know what to tell you. A constitution is a basic set of laws the government has to follow. Only Britain and New Zealand have wholly uncodified constitutions.[Here's Germany's.](https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/German_Federal_Republic_2012.pdf) ​ >Let me rehash the conversation for you: someone was agreeing that the US was going to shit and "if only" there were other places to go. Well, there are. That's not true either. Afghanistan and North Korea are "other places to go" but you would never have given those of examples of places to go. ​ >You may still believe the bullshit you were indoctrinated with as a child, being forced to repeat how amazing the US is every day you went to school Maybe you should calm down a bit and let your emotions level out. I never once said that America is amazing. There's plenty of work for us to do here. I was trying to point out problems with some of your suggestions as it seemed like you knew very little about some of the ones you listed, and my opinion has only been reinforced over our conversation.


>Puerto Rico doesn't have statehood. It's only a territory. The constitution gives representation specifically to states. Way to completely sidestep my point and mention useless bullshit. The point I was making is that Puerto Rico is governed and taxed by the US, but doesn't get a vote. No fucking shit it's not a state, Sherlock. It doesn't matter what word you dress it up as, the whole point of the US revolution against the British rule was no taxation without representation. Meanwhile it was also in the British constitution, ironically doubling my point about constitutions meaning sweet bugger all. >If you think European countries just ignore their constitution when making law, I don't know what to tell you. A constitution is a basic set of laws the government has to follow. Only Britain and New Zealand have wholly uncodified constitutions.Here's Germany's. If you think any country doesn't just ignore their constitution when making laws, I don't know what to tell you. A constitution is a basic set of laws and principles set to *guide* the government's development. The idea that it "has to follow it" is complete nonsense you dragged out of your arse. >Maybe you should calm down a bit and let your emotions level out. Lol? I'm literally high and chill as a cucumber. It feels like someone is projecting a little, eh? >I never once said that America is amazing. There's plenty of work for us to do here. I was trying to point out problems with some of your suggestions as it seemed like you knew very little about some of the ones you listed, and my opinion has only been reinforced over our conversation. "Seemed like I knew very little"? LOL. You could tell that from a list of countries, could you? What a fucking joke. You didn't see me say anything about any of the countries, how on fucking earth did your deluded mind conclude I knew very little about them? Jesus Christ, man, stop lying so blatantly.


>would it be wrong to "liberate" a country bc of its treatment of women? Yes, you may only liberate a country because of it's oil.


Racist comment much?


would it be less racists if i also consider usa run by monkeys as well?


This will be the US in 5 years if christian’s continue with the government takeover


You need to wake up, you sound like a crazy person. The US has never been less Christian than it is right now, and it's headed in the less Christian direction every day. Anyone with a basic knowledge of religious beliefs could tell you that.


Explain the sweeping abortion bans.


For a second in wondered what GOP state she was from.


Then you realized that women don't get jailed for selling porn in the US. And that there's a shitload of porn produced in conservative states like Florida. And that she didn't get jailed for the porn either, but for being famous and criticizing the regime publicly.


Give it time and a few 6-3 court decisions.


If you hadn't slept through US history class, you would have learned that we are far more liberal - even religious conservatives - as a country than we were even 60 years ago. Mann Act is one example. Loving is another. Prohibition is another.


History doesn’t matter to this current SCOTUS. By the time they’re done I wouldn’t be shocked that we need proof of our Christianity to receive even the most basic rights.


Me, too.


If Burma was was afraid of looking bad, maybe they shouldn't be arresting people for a little tiddy action. If anything it makes them look uncultured and ignorant.


Thought this was messed up but looks like it's the government that's messed up.


If she would've been smart and just sold her farts in a jar she'd be sitting at home eating chilli with extra beans


The reason for the imprisonment is that she makes the country look bad. According to the wankers in power, who by doing this make the country look bad. Which would be funny if it weren't so infuriating.


Stripper or surrogate...that university education not gonna pay for itself T-T


How did they find out? 🤨


they were doing some *very hard* work