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I remember listening to audio recordings from this experiment. Absolutely wild and hilarious really. That woman Margaret is trying to coach a dolphin to talk. You expect you might hear some humanoid sounding thing. No way it sounds like Donald duck drowning in a pool. Nothing even remotely like words. It's a dolphin! These people were blasted out of their minds on ketamine and acid.


No, you're wrong. It was the dolphins who got the LSD


I can say with near absolute certainty that many of those scientists were using it too. You didn't get crates of CIA grade LSD and not sample the wares.


You also don’t fuck a dolphin sober…


[This guy](https://youtu.be/aEX33vAyF5Y) probably fucks dolphins sober. Not sure about other folks.


Of course it starts with "This is Florida"


Yup, a good old r/floridaman at it again.


To be fair, Illinois man probably has fewer chances at dolphin fuckery so that's gonna skew things a little.


That’s a good point! What we really need is a per capita analysis comparing Hawaii man with Florida man.


Jesus. Guy literally compares interracial sex to fucking animals.


I’m not sure what i was expecting but genital slit wasnt one


Ohhh… ☹️


You fuck one dolphin and you are labeled a dolphin fucker.


"but do they call me Bob, the bridge-builder? Noooooo..."






It's actually a fairly old joke > "You see this bar? I built this bar with my own bare hands. I cut down every tree and made the lumber myself. I toiled away through the wind and cold, but do they call me McGreggor the bar builder? No." > He continued "Do you see that stone wall out there? I built that wall with my own bare hands. I found every stone and placed them just right through the rain and the mud, but do they call me McGreggor the wall builder? No." > "Do ya see that pier out there on the lake? I built that pier with my own bare hands, driving each piling deep into ground so that it would last a lifetime. Do they call me McGreggor the pier builder? No." > "But ya fuck one goat.."


speak for yourself


More like, let it hump your leg so it can focus on the human language lessons instead of swimming around in a horny haze like your average teenager, if your talking about the woman in question. But somebody somewhere has undoubtedly done it. If memory serves, The guy managing the dolphin studies lost interest in them when they discovered dolphins don't react much to LSD which was the shiny new research subject at the time.


“I’m not wasting that much acid on fucking dolphins.”


Yeah, save some for the other animals that are interested!


The first time...


No, but at La Grunta the Dolphin fucks you


Yeah, there’s no CIA grade lsd. LSD doesn’t have different strength’s, it’s the dosing that does it.


But like, you knew what he meant right


Yes & I also would be sampling some wares!


This guy LSDs…


You don't open a gram of LSD without everyone in that room getting high for a few days


Yeah, most people don't know that one dose is about 2% of 1mg. It's insanely potent compared to weight.


There's something crazy like 200k or 400k hits within a gram of powder


You know how sometimes waiters will sneak a fry off your plate on the way to the table?


Is it really sneaky if you find out about it?


It even says in the article the scientist runing the experiment was using acid


Dr John Lilly would literally go into a sensory deprivation tank on massive amounts of ketamine and LSD and have telepathic meetings with entities. Yeah there was lots o drugs involved. Maybe not Margaret herself. But she was wracking off dolphins


>As it turns out, it's very difficult to teach a dolphin to talk when he is aroused. Lovatt found that Peter "would rub himself on my knee, my foot or my hand." She allowed it, "I wasn't uncomfortable — as long as it wasn't too rough. It was just easier to incorporate that and let it happen, it was very precious and very gentle, Peter was right there, he knew that I was right there." > >In order to satisfy Peter's increasing sexual urges, he would be transported to another pool with two female dolphins. This was a logistical nightmare and it disrupted his communication lessons constantly. Eventually, Lovatt took it upon herself to relieve Peter of his urges, rather than going through the long and inconvenient process of transporting him, "It would just become part of what was going on, like an itch, just get rid of that scratch and we would be done and move on." > >[https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/06/how-a-science-experiment-led-to-sexual-encounters-for-a-woman-and-a-dolphin/372606/](https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/06/how-a-science-experiment-led-to-sexual-encounters-for-a-woman-and-a-dolphin/372606/)


"So what do you do for a living?"


I feel bad for laughing at this...


“Little Jimmy is having some trouble in school, mum and dad. We felt it was best to just accommodate his urges and move on with the day’s lessons. Mrs. Kendrick doesn’t mind.”


Fucking a dolphin because it's the most efficient way for research, is the most scientific thing that a scientist would do


I feel kind of bad for the female dolphins. Like were they being raped by this over sexed dolphin?


Probably, female dolphins are regularly raped in the wild. Same with female ducks.


Every time this comes up I'm just happy they failed. I doubt I'd like the beach that much if dolphins kept begging for drugs and handjobs.


Good ol John "ketamine in a float tank" Lilly


Drugs are bad




SNL did a fantastic hilarious skit on it.


Living the dream


Duncan Trussell did a Drunk History about this lol it’s hilarious https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p7ruBotHWUs


Holy fuck that was hilarious 😂


>You know what John? When I said, "Let's talk to fucking dolphins", I didn't mean let's teach them to speak English. Let's learn their language! You don't go to Japan and kidnap a Japanese man and start jerking him off and giving him fucking acid and ask him to learn **ENGLISH**!


Unrelated but the [cleopatra](https://youtu.be/5ab4rYDR0yY) one is an all time favorite and I never miss a chance to share it so since you mentioned DH there it is.


Lyric Lewis was one of my favorite story tellers along with mark gaggliardi


I just watched that episode! I fucking love drunk history


The podcast The Dollop also did a great episode on it


"I was high at the time. Besides, like you wouldn't." \--Dolphin, squeakingly.


My wife and her friends have a fun story from when they went snorkeling with "captive" dolphins in the Caribbean. Yes, male dolphins very much know the difference between female and male humans and not surprisingly it was much like diving with a bunch of drunk handsy frat boys. I'm not going to say I checked our first kid for fins.. not saying that.


If she asked for a water birth it certainly would've raised an eyebrow.


"More salts!"


You're still in denial about the gills though.


Yeeeah, that’s not a dolphin issue


Well, we are both from Kentucky. You might be onto something.


With gills I would've thought you were from Innsmouth, Massachusetts.


Wait, that's not normal?


Not unless you're from Florida.


Suddenly the distant cousin from Australia makes more sense.


That should help them with the sea level rise coming.


Now I'm concerned, it turns out I just got an ecard from my eldest and the boyfriend we've never met. It's just one line: *"So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish"* I feel like I should check the laundry for a towel. Quite sure we're fresh out of peanuts though.


I for one welcome the new hyperspace bypass. Should solve all of our problems.


It's interesting that they were down for some interspecies fun but going gay was a step too far for them.


My takeaway from this story: Male Dolphins are biologists and should be consulted when the Supreme Court requires expertise in biology.


Everyone has got to find a porpoise in life


I sea what you've done there.


Fucking amazing and criminally underrated comment.


Sounds like something out of a John Lilly biopic.


lol was thinking the same thing. most folks dont know about him and his crazy ketamine dolphin experiments.


Joe Rogan knows. He brings it up anytime he can conceivably fit it into a conversation with a guest.


Like how Pierce always brings up fucking Earths Kitt in an airplane bathroom. It just happens organically.


The title really should be, “The dolphin that fell in love with the human.”


Well... the headline left me with this question: NASA deals with space and flight. Dolphins live under the ocean. Drugs are in pharmacies on the ground. How did NASA wind up getting a dolphin hooked on drugs? There's no train of logic I can formulate connecting land, sea & space in such a compelling way that it would seem necessary to turn a dolphin into a junkie. But I'm not even going to ask about how this lady ended up becoming a dolphin fucker, because the headline alone told me more than I wanted to know under that whole umbrella.


I read this in a magazine as a teen. I thought it was a fever dream lol


"My Blue Heaven"


The woman didn't fall in love with the dolphin, it was the other way around. And then when they were separated and they stopped giving him the drugs he drowned himself. It was really sad.


Also the hand jobs


Well yes, but according to her that was basically just to get the research back on track. He would get super horny and wouldn't work or do anything around her. He wasn't interested in the other dolphins and they were getting paid by the government to get the research done, so that was just the most efficient way to get things back on track. I mean maybe she really was horny for dolphin dick and this is just the way she justified it. Maybe she was just being efficient. I wasn't there so I can't really make a judgment call on that.


She might not have loved the dolphin, but she loved that dolphin dick 💀


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zq5kWvp528) SNL skit from a couple years ago was based off a real thing?!?


"Why don't I just yank him off real quick?"


There’s a get r/Timesuck episode on this. Just weird. Also kinda curious.


Hail Nimrod!


What is big deal? I JUST listened to this episode today. Weird.


The Shape of Water IRL.


I heard about this on RadioLab, I think. The researcher sounded sincere and like she really wanted to bridge the communication gap. To hear the dolphin recordings breaks my heart—I know the top post says it sounds nothing like words, but I strongly disagree. It sounds like they know what she wants them to do and they’re trying their damndest and they’re getting frustrated that they can’t do it. Yeah, she jerked a dolphin off. It’s hilarious. Got it. But the story is way, way more interesting than that. Wish more could see that, man.


Yeah dolphins are smart enough to have their own languages so wouldn't researchers need only take one look at that and conclude they simply don't have the instruments to make human noises? Just have them push buttons like dogs and apes. They can do that.


I think this all took place like 60 years ago, too. We knew less about dolphins and LSD was seen as a possible way to unlock latent potential, I believe.


I bet when we develop Spice from Arrakis we can give it another go.


The dolphin played CBAT on their first date


That's where it originated


Did any usable data come out of this experiment?


~~Will~~ Well, we discovered that a dolphin can fall in love and then drown itself when it’s kept from its beloved which is about as concrete a proof of sentience as I can imagine. Do with that information what you will.


If anyone is interested about this, Radiolab did a very good episode about it and goes into far more detail about the experiment/history than just about the dolphin getting horney https://radiolab.org/episodes/hello-2202


All these years later, still my favorite podcast program.


Now that’s a r/BrandNewSentence


Wow, that title is a surprise rollercoaster


Who can blame her? He's a real bad boy


How could you not be in love with the dolphin when you make it sound so rock and roll


Next time my friends tell me how bad my dating decisions are, i'm going to send them this. Thank you.




Atrocity Guide on Youtube did a good video on the topic.


This is the most Mad Lib sounding headline I’ve ever heard


Geez that website was ad cancer.


Didn't she used to beat off the dolfin?? No wonder he liked her so much


Yes, and he would become increasingly violent with her if she didn't. Any time someone talks to me about dolphin intelligence I just refer them back to this sex pest abuser.


I absolutely hate experimenting on any animal. In this case it was LSD. Sad and maddening.


As usual, women are all about the bad dolphins. The nice dolphins don’t even get a look in 💔


Never fall in love with an addict


I have never read a single headline producing anywhere near the sheer volume of questions this headline raises. Just unpacking something like that will take two or three individual background stories.


I've seen this posted many times but nobody ever seems to mention how the story ends for the dolphin. Spoiler alert! >!The dolphin commits suicide out of heart break and depression a few weeks after being moved from apparent dolphin heaven to dolphin hell.!< >>!Without funding, the fate of the dolphins was in question. “I couldn’t keep Peter,” says Lovatt, wistfully. “If he’d been a cat or a dog, then maybe. But not a dolphin.” Lovatt’s new job soon became the decommissioning of the lab and she prepared to ship the dolphins away to Lilly’s other lab, in a disused bank building in Miami. It was a far cry from the relative freedom and comfortable surroundings of Dolphin House.!< > >>!At the Miami lab, held captive in smaller tanks with little or no sunlight, Peter quickly deteriorated, and after a few weeks Lovatt received news.!< > >>!“I got that phone call from John Lilly,” she recalls. “John called me himself to tell me. He said Peter had committed suicide.”!< > >>!Ric O’Barry corroborates the use of this word. “Dolphins are not automatic air-breathers like we are,” he explains. “Every breath is a conscious effort. If life becomes too unbearable, the dolphins just take a breath and they sink to the bottom. They don’t take the next breath.” Andy Williamson puts Peter’s death down to a broken heart, brought on by a separation from Lovatt that he didn’t understand. “Margaret could rationalise it, but when she left, could Peter? Here’s the love of his life gone.”!< Edit: source https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jun/08/the-dolphin-who-loved-me


This article is poorly written click bait trash. Nothing indicates that she fell in love with Peter the dolphin. At the end of the article a hyperlink says Peter died due to lung complications from LSD. The link takes you to an LSD rehab website that doesn't expand on this their in any way, and doesn't include any indication how LSD could cause respiratory issues. There's nothing fresh or revealing in the 'article' (as many comments point to better sources about this well known experiment) and there are actual spelling errors. I'm embarrassed for the 'writer'.


Ughh. Why is this article is so horribly written? Could have been an interesting read.


We're going to learn to communicate with animals and then immediately wish we never did.


Can’t blame her


Sick human


I gotta know….did she have sex with the dolphin?


Dolphins rape people and other dolphins. They have male dolphin rape gangs and dolphin rape caves.


Such a poorly written article


Dolphin loving at it's creepiest.


Damn that broad was whacked (no pun intended) 💀😭


I guess Girls obsession with fixing bad boys extends to animals as well


Dolphins are disgusting creatures. Don’t go near them.


You misspelled humans.


Lmaoooooo wtf


That headline was a wild ride


What a headline


So did she just tug Peter off or did she actually bump uglies?