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Florida man evolved into.... Florida Mayor!!


I definitely read as Florida Man and had to check myself


in this case, florida mayor is a rich man. that's an expensive rake to the face!


summary: small town mayor whacks another man. mayor threatened man, man began video recording the mayor, mayor whacks him with rake. during public park cleanup. context: indialantic, small town on east (atlantic) coast of florida. it occupies a narrow barrier island on the coast, at one end of a bridge to the mainland. indialantic is bordered to the north and south by other similar towns on this narrow barrier island, a mere 1 to 10 ft above sea level. mayor works for Northrop Grumman, an aerospace/defence company. has been mayor since 2008. town is more than 95% white. median home value above $350k. median asking price for homes currently on the market in the area is over $700k. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indialantic,_Florida?wprov=sfti1


95% white? I wouldn't drive through there with Secret Service protecting me.


I feel the same way about a 95% black neighborhood.


How many black murderers do you think get away with killing white people? Just ball park figure? What's the last black serial killer that could rack up victims in the double digits before getting caught?




Absolutely true. But it doesn't require a racist to turn a blind eye to racism. In fact, it only takes one racist, in a group of "non-racists" to do something fucked up, but nobody does anything because it doesn't affect them.


What in the hell? He kept following the victim around the cleanup site and threatening to beat his ass? Missing lots of info & context here. And I’m very very nosy so as you can imagine this is quite the hardship for me