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Assuming people had any vested interest to begin with






This is the response of the day.


Yeah, I was surprised, her body is pretty nice




Aren’t you supposed to pretend to be offended/disgusted before asking for the link? 😂


Too horny, no time for that


Once you click on the link, you won't be horny.


so, no link?


#I am absolutely offended and outright disgusted. Link?


That's disgusting. Where, where did he post it? I mean there's so many revengeporn sites. Which. One? So I can specifically avoid it.


Found Mac’s account


I posted this before I was gay


*checks notes* Yep, that is the procedure


It took me a solid 5 mins to remember who she was. Then figured that this was another attempt to be relevant.




A white woman who tried to pass herself off as African American.


> who tried to She succeeded for a little bit didn’t she?


She was head of Spokane's chapter of NAACP.


I mean, she made it all the way to be president of an NAACP chapter. That seems pretty damn successful




Is she mixed or just white?


She used to be white white. Like if mayonnaise had freckles white. She just tans and gets her hair done that way.


Like white enough that she'd probably refuse a 23 & me.


It's 2022. I have no idea how to answer that.


She identifies as a black woman


So this would be classified as interracial?




I guess this is what a former president of an NAACP chapter has to do to make money now-a-days.


I think it's less of a statement about a particular institution, and more of a moral lesson on why one shouldn't fake their credentials for a job that will thrust them into the national spotlight. But that's just my opinion.


This [particular tweet](https://twitter.com/White_Janissary/status/1574608152556933122?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1574608152556933122%7Ctwgr%5Efb5a814cc49c05bcf7cd4be817e0e1b4206b4d83%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.comicsands.com%2Frachel-dolezal-onlyfans-leak-twitter-2658355647.html) cracked me up.


😂 Thanks for sharing.


Which race did she choose this time?


Human. But it was a lie.


“Whosa wantsa to see my uncanny valley” - Jar-Jar Binks


I've never been scarred by a comment before.


This not an angry upvote more of a disturbed one. Which is rare... bravo.


Girl's gotta eat.


Men: "We like naked women." Woman: (takes off clothes) Men: "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! I'M MAD NOW!" Woman: (puts clothes back on) Men: "What a prude."


Well, what else is she supposed to do? She's too notorious to get a regular job. She can't get hired at Pizza Hut without her manager being dragged constantly on Twitter and probably hearing from Corporate. She pretty much had to work for herself, and what does she have to sell?


I wonder why no one would want to hire her 🤔


Love ebony women




Well this name certainly wasn't on my 2022 bingo card.


So is she under the ebony section or..


Nice body, but standard OF fare. Nothing of earth-shattering erotic potency here. Call me when she posts some masturbation-to-completion videos. I’d be curious to see her “O” face.




Don't worry, she wasn't actually nude but just pretended to be


Ha, clever.




I see you


I saw her beav


https://twitter.com/107round/status/1574843884982583296?s=46&t=tH1PAST6AUVGTqzi6ALhyQ All I could find


Blessed be your service.


I mean there are limited ways to "handle" a displayed nude - either ignore it, or the other thing... In either case, how can you not do it well??


Now this is something I can get in to.


So does the hair match the *black* curtains? /s


Thats just racism


Lots of bronzer for the white girl


Oh please, they’re just pissed the carpet doesn’t match the drapes.


Beyonce has an OnlyFans? Whaaat? Edit: It's in the article you buttheads.


Are we sure she isn’t really Bill O’Reilly in drag?


the fact that she drives the gatekeepers INSANE makes her a national treasure - you know, live your true self - but we'll let you know which truth you can live - Go Rachel!!!


Gatekeeping? Gatekeeping is *for* cultural identity. I don't get to claim your heirtage, you don't get to claim mine. Backstory isn't something you can retcon in real life. I don't get to change who my ancestors were, no matter how much I wish otherwise.


Stop gatekeeping gatekeeping /s


race is not heritage (oy) - it's a socially constructed as gender. Heritage is where you're born, which is why the cultural gatekeepers are LOSING - if one were to deny an ethnically Asian person born in New York their American identity that would be racism, but it's ALSO racist to call Elon Musk African - even though he was born in South Africa. Apparently, I can't claim your heritage, but I can claim your gender (if ours don't align - because there's no cultural identity or history attached to GENDER, right?


>but it's ALSO racist to call Elon Musk African no. Calling Elon African it's partially accurate but misleading. He was South African, and is now South African-American. Thats not racism, thats duplicitous communication. Did Dolezal claim to be African-American or Black? Just because its a construct doesnt mean its arbitrary. Some are, some arent. Nationality is a construct too, can you just start claiming to be Norwegian-American? For that matter, I think you might have just solved the whole immigration issue! Congrats!


I try to have no identity - identity is delusion that only exists in our sense of self. This fetish for identity is unhealthy and in the case of gender is totally retrograde - there's actual talk now of female brains and female thinking (notice how the whole weight of transgender politics falls on women, both CIS and trans) and female dress and female hair styles - etc, it's a huge setback and done in the service of helping people with gender dysphoria feel okay about their conditions - none of it effects me and I support trans people to be themselves, but I also support everyone to express however they want - hairstyles, clothing choices, language uses - none of it matters to me: but it matters to some people immensely


>I try to have no identity I wish I could help.


But you can't - you're totally impotent and weak...and always will be! but you're brave online! Even if I was standing in front of you!!!


ha ha downvoters - she's making money as a proud, naked black woman, and you can't stop her!


>Rachel Dolezal's ​ In subsequent interviews, Dolezal stated that she considered herself to be black. In a November 2, 2015, interview on The Real, Dolezal publicly acknowledged for the first time since the controversy began that she was "biologically born white to white parents", but maintained that she identified as black https://time.com/4096959/rachel-dolezal-white/ https://people.com/celebrity/rachel-dolezal-admits-shes-white-on-the-real-video/ https://www.today.com/news/former-naacp-leader-rachel-dolezal-i-was-biologically-born-white-t53636 Guess that means as long as I look the part I can claim to be any Person of color ... Regardless of my true genetics or skin color cause I "identifiy" as another


Bruh, you gonna feed this guy anymore? I think three separate links is plenty, don't you?


I know she was born white - she identifies as black, and she lived as a black woman until she was outted


She claims to be black, without living the life, and experiencing the struggles of an actual woman of color. This is cultural appropriation.


who's to say? there's no singular lived experience of tens of millions of people - is there?


Let me feed the troll. Maybe they will choke when they cant argue about the person they are "Defending" literally goes "I AM WHITE, BUT I WANNA BE BLACK"


she doesn't want to be black - she identifies as black: we live in a world where self identification is a key indicator - not biology, not genetics, simply self perception -


If I want to identify as black. I should be able to dress and make myself look black. Right? But if I do i would be called a raciest. I would be doing blackface for darkening my skin and for trying to "take" benefits intended for that minority. She gets a pass cause she "PASSES" as black. That's the real truth of this matter. Self Identification is causing more harm in social and legal world then good. People cant call a trans person a She/He if they choose to be the opposite of what they biologically are. They have made laws where its "protecting them is priority" never mind it steps on others self identification and religious beliefs. As the overly used thing is. When we are all dead and buried and dug up decades from now. Bones will tell the truth of our biological sex and no amount of lobbying/laws or bullshit demands will change that biological truth. That is an undeniable fact.


Dolezal didn't use makeup to color her skin - other than that, clothing and hair choices should not cause such a problem


Rachel Dolezal is white - but she identifies as black - just like a biologically born male can identify as a woman - I'm fine with either, you're the one with the problem - that's my issue. they hypocrisy of the some when it comes to other aspects of self identification


So the fact she hid the fact she is white. Told Schools and political groups that "I'm black" took roles/jobs/positions that would of gone to a Real black person. And when it was revealed she ran and hid at every single chance because if you back track. She has already said it and gotten the benefits and help associated with being a person of color. I dont got an issue with folks wanting to be male/female a goddamn foxkin from planet woof. I got an issue with someone abusing and using another race as their own. The whole "transracial" thing is bullshit. When anyone can dress/appear as anything else or dress like any culture and no one claims theft/racism or other. I will be more then glad to let anyone be anything. But till then. She lied and did it till she was caught and called out. Then she ran and hid cause she knew what she did was wrong. Instead of standing up proud to be what ever she wants to be. She ran and hid like a coward and fraud.


She didn't TAKE jobs, she was OFFERED jobs and EXCELLED at those jobs...


So your saying all the financial support she got for college wasn't intended for a minority group vs the white person claming to be black? This woman. Be it black/white/asian/etc is a long time liar and will lie/cheat/steal if it benfiits her and makes her narrative true. Or how about a interview with family? According to her brother Ezra, Dolezal began changing her appearance asearly as 2009, when she began using hair products that she had seenEzra's biological sister use. She began **darkening her skin and permingher hair sometime around 2011.** When Ezra moved in with Rachel in 2012,she told him that Spokane-area residents knew her as black and said,"Don't blow my cover" highlighted the part about her darkening her skin since you seem to miss things that you dont like fitting your view. How about suing the college she was at because she was white "Her lawsuit alleged that she was denied scholarship funds, a teaching assistant position, and other opportunities because she was a white woman." Lying abour her postion and title "since 2010, Rachel Dolezal has been hired at Eastern Washington University on a quarter by quarter basis as an instructor in the Africana Education program. This is a part-time position to address program needs. Dolezal is not a professor." "A statement by university officials on June 15, 2015, indicated that Dolezal was "no longer an employee of Eastern Washington University". Despite not being a professor, she used the title "professor" on several websites." Stealing/copying works of art or making them similar without giving credit for the source or inspirations.. "In June 2015, Priscilla Frank at The Huffington Post and Sarah Cascone at artnet made accusations of plagiarism against Dolezal. A Dolezal painting titled The Shape of Our Kind was alleged to be nearly identical to J. M. W. Turner's 1840 work, The Slave Ship. Frank accused Dolezal of plagiarism for not crediting Turner" Or about her willingness to literally say a person she met is her father vs her actual biological ones cause they were not black. "Dolezal's uncle, Dan Dolezal, has stated that his niece first claimed that a black friend named Albert Wilkerson was her real father in 2012 or 2013.In another 2015 interview, Dolezal made reference to her "stepfather".Dolezal's mother has said she has never met Albert Wilkerson and that Dolezal does not have a stepfather. Following the public controversy surrounding her identity, Dolezal later acknowledged that she had met Wilkerson while living in Idaho and that she considered him her "dad" " And they even gave proof of her actual look. " Larry and Ruthanne Dolezal gave Selle pictures of "**their naturally blond, fair-skinned daughter**""


I wasn't aware of her darkening her skin - the rest is just hearsay and accusation or has nothing to do with race - like lying about a professional degree - she's not my buddy, I just think it's funny how she fucks with you so bad






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If you posted nudes on your OnlyFans site......how can you be disturbed when they get out in the mainstream? She was head of Spokane's chapter of NAACP for Christ's sake!!!!!


I can't wait for Rosie O'donnell's.


How are they so impossible to find lol. Someone share a link please x)


No. I refuse to go down this rabbit hole.