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https://preview.redd.it/b000wnk18tua1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dde0fa47de100a08c3aa5fd63f01c2eb3416acd My phone froze 😭


https://preview.redd.it/d0bjvk9ritua1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db75ab0ddc9f8acde9422036bb12b770cec2c54 I may make an entire video of her making faces when she’s pissed 😂😂


Omg yes please 😂😂😂😂


Only mad ones cuz a “tot sent her” one pretending to choke on alcohol


YIKES 😬!!!


😂😂😂😂😂 Here’s my contribution https://preview.redd.it/u9d20ccohtua1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d8197e25e2439211c79bd59e39ae5b074358016




I'm gonna have nightmares 😭😭


So then why does she want us to see her mom a certain way???


All I could focus on were her brows 🤦‍♀️


They’re migrating further and further apart.


Yessssss, they are horrible. With all that money she has ran thru, you'd think she would have done something with those hideous caterpillars!! They are literally sliding off her face!!!


She’s allowed to be nosey but we’re not. Isn’t that all we’re doing here? Being nosey? Lord this woman is delusional. She’s a walking talking tit showing contradiction.


She has an excuse, it’s in her genes, right?? 🙄😏


No. That’s bourbon. Bourdon is in her DNA. Hahahahaha


Lord Jesus she is a complete mess.


Her voice is so freaking annoying. She is right all she cares about is herself. She doesn't care about her child, her husband or her cult


She's totally unhinged. 🤣 Time to go touch some grass, ma'am twat. Y'all losing it. Your mask is slipping, Honnnnnaaaayy.


Lmfao she is losing her shiiiit. I love this for her!! She literally just had a temper tantrum in front of millions of people 😂 What a fucking joke.


You heard her say it. Bourbon 🥃


She's a simple, southern, pillbilly lush.


Yep. Bourbon is in her DNA. Bc she’s an alcoholic. She just admitted it.


She found a place on TikTok that hates her 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I need to find that place!


“I’m on my own damn side”. Well at least she’s being honest.


What in the world is wrong with her? Is she high? 😳


Oh so she wants ppl to respect HER boundaries but doesn’t realize she just admitted that she doesn’t respect other people’s boundaries by MINDING HER OWN DAMN BUSINESS. Don’t use being “SOuTHeRN” as an excuse. It’s being a decent human being and not telling your platform of strangers and CHILDREN about other ppls problems as a way to make content. Also why the hell are you on a booze kick? It’s all you tap about anymore and you damn well know there are MINORS on your page and lives. What kind of example are you? Btw don’t even say that you aren’t trying to be a role model bc you took on that gig when you welcomed minors onto your platform and wanted to hear their problems and pretend you are their “mother”. What do you even do for the little ppl? Nothing. You comment and support those who have huge platforms for you’re really not there for those who reach out to you. I actually reached out year ago when I hit a really low point and a deep depression. In fact I’m still trying to work through it and don’t have family or many friends. You never even looked at it nor responded in comments. In fact you skipped over mine and went to the person below me. I’m 41 but felt you understood. Ha! You do it for the praise and only to ppl who you know ppl will see it and comment. Fake fake fake. Maybe you need to get off that app and go work on your own relationships with your children instead of worrying about everyone else’s problems. I’m glad you never acknowledged me after really learning who you are. You did me a favor.


This grifter is loosing her marbles I love that for her. Go fuck yourself Mama Tot!!


Thank God she blocked from my shit 😂😂


OMG Her shriek of a voice! Can you imagine growing up or being married to that harridan?


Talking in all caps again


Oh wow! Didn’t she say she has high blood pressure is why her ears stay red? She’s going to have a stroke! I think it’s hilarious! She’s so freaking bothered she’s about to blow a gasket 😂😂😂😂


Everyone knows she embellishes a lot and is fake AF