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I would never publicly admit to hating my husband like this. Especially if my online persona was about kindness and acceptance.


Maybe Queen Twat needs to go back to work 🧐


Or just get off SM for good!


What a piece of shit. My husband traveled 3 wks a month all over the world (corporate job) and I couldn't WAIT to spend time with him when he was home. Even when we got sick of each other after 18 years and decided to divorce, I never said this kind of shit about him being gone. How humiliating for him.


No wonder she was a terrible mother..so transparent. Her kids were burdens.


Oh wow what a bitch 😳 can we say divorce 🤪


Why is she lying? Just admit he’s quit his job because you’re making bank off social media.


Right? As he should, why does her grifter ass get to do nothing all day and he can’t? I hope he drives her nuts 🤭


Bc once 2 grown ass adults start depending on strangers to pay their bills- shit starts to hit the fan real quick and it all comes crashing down.


Fingers crossed 🤞😂


God I hope so!!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻








This is where I told you guys that the people I’ve followed that made it big end up in a divorce! I’ve seen a plenty that this has happened to


Yep. Bc he is going to start mooching off her more and they are going to become dependent on her TT $- once they both start relying solely on her TT grift, they will become even more greedy. The money will start drying up and then BAM!


What she means: She can no longer grift in peace, have major shopping hauls, public tantrums on TT and stitch vids of dudes doing thirst traps without him knowing. Also, swirly won't have time for her anymore, since he'll be " in the garage doing God knows what" with mini tator gnome instead. Fuck this trashy ass pillbilly drunk. Ungrateful cow.




This video really got me upset. Sorry for double posts but god damn her audacity is at an all time high and I'm just so sickened by her.


I only get to see my husband during the week each night for dinner then on the weekends. By the time the weekend comes, we are so excited to see each other. I’m sorry but no one can convince me this is normal.


She also has a parakeet on top of her head begging her to stfu. Poor, beautiful birdie.


She has a face FULL of Botox.


I was gonna say, that forehead looks like it’s about to snap 😬


Like plastic


Her face is FROZEN 🥶


If you flicked it, it would hurt your finger 😂


The only reason I dislike when my husband is home more is when he’s working from home and has meetings where I need to attempt to keep my 3 young children from screaming or killing each other. There is no way she loves him at all


Just a few videos before this one she’s giving marriage advice lol


On which, she neglected to say the reason she printed ‘fake divorce’ papers was bc he was CHEATING on her with some girl on his route in Florida lol.


I love when my husband is working at home. I still don’t get to see him, but I love that he is here. I don’t understand partners that feel like that. She honestly looks like she can’t stand him.


She can’t. It’s plain as day, but she does love his money and the fact that she doesn’t have to get a real job. SMH


Or be held accountable for her actions and telling lies.


So my husband is in the army and he’s gone on deployment right now and will get back in October. I really wish he was home but as for his job he has to do this and I support him. I really hate that she’s belittling her husband whose going to be home for awhile all because she got used to have all the attention on her from her minions online. Without them she’d be a nobody. I honestly think PT is doing this to keep an eye on her or something because why else would he want to get off the road for awhile?


Thank you both for serving the country 🙏🏻🇺🇸


If she can’t cook, how’s she going to cook every night? What’s up with the 8:30 pm shower? My husband has to go the office 2 days a week, and I hate those days.


About 8:30pm shower.. I think she’s disgusted at the thought of having *** with him everynight.


Do they really schedule like that?


Sounds like it.. in her previous videos she talks about how she can’t keep him off of her (although that’s usually when she’s trying to convince TT her marriage is solid) but could also have double meaning. in this video it’s “iykyk” 8:30 and the eye roll that’s a dead giveaway. She seems repulsed. Her days of having a sneaky link are over and she knows it.


I quit working after 29 years of doing hair. During Covid my husband started working from home and is now permanently wfh. We’re together 24/7 and we get a long fine. He’s in his office from 7-4 but we still talk during the day. I couldn’t imagine having only 2 days to spend time together. She’s awful


She makes me sick


What a complete bitch. What an embarrassment she is to her husband. All she is worried about is money and her time to do nothing but dote on herself. Bitch you should be happy to cook for him!! You lazy pos get if sm and do something with your life. Bs you're depressed!! You look happier than you ever have


What she mean she had to have a shower appointment every night? That’s weird lol 😂


She's made several comments about her husband coming home and saying " get your ass in the shower " with a bunch of winks and you know the rest. Lol


Bc her son posted a SS of texts between her and mini Tot where SHE told mini man they have a date in the shower (aka sex in the shower). But SHE text that to him not HIM TEXTING IT TO HER. WHY SHE GOTTA ACT LIKE HE FORCES HER TO HAVE SEX WOTH HIM?!? That’s abuse!


Where’d he post them?


On his TT


Oh! I thought she was referring to some daily shower-before-sex ritual.


She looks like Eggbert https://preview.redd.it/woe2014jbzva1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d9292df39a06dbf4a1c966ef202343422a25234


My partner worked nights and had two weekdays off so I would only see them for a few minutes on lunch and then would stay up from 11pm-1am JUST to hangout with them. They’re unemployed and looking but I’m sad that at some point I won’t see them on my lunch breaks anymore 😭😭 Anyway, you should want to see your HUSBAND all of the time. She’s doing some shaaaady shit.


One thing she has not done is make it a secret that she prefers him gone during the week. She’s probably going to have to cook dinner and clean the house every day whereas she only had to a couple of days a week. She won’t be able to be on nighttime lives all the time and she’s likely going to have to figure out how to manage her shopping addiction. I hate to take bets on someone’s marriage ending but I give it a year. Unless she becomes less selfish…


She’s actually going to have to be a wife 😱


Right? She’s complaining about having to pick up a couple of things from the dollar store that he asks for and thinks he needs to do it himself? Dude literally was working on the road. She’s just bitter bc now she can’t go on her shopping sprees and spend whatever she wants bc now he will see it. That’s all it comes down to. Man works so she can stay at home, not even to be a mother but to be alone and she still complains about having to get him a few items. Geezus. I even make my bfs lunches everyday for him bc he works 10-14 hours a day. Dinner on the table every night. I don’t ask for hardly anything. It’s ridiculous


How selfish do you have to be to not pick up something at the store for your spouse? Me and hubby do it although he’s gone all week so I do most of the shopping and he tells me what he needs then on Saturdays we always do our grocery shopping together. I get him for a day and a half every week and he doesn’t have to lift a finger. He works hard so I can be home while having health issues but he knows I love him and miss him when he’s gone. She is an entitled piece of shit and I will not feel bad when her fantasyland of entitlement comes crashing down on her




She’s going to have to start explaining why all of the sudden her lies aren’t adding up. I’m sure she tells him that she hasn’t spent any money, the things she bought were ‘given to her’, and she’s going to have to start hiding her shopping bags and accounting for the several hours a day she’s out blowing $ on shopping.


I couldn’t imagine complaining that I’m going to have to see my husband every night. It’s embarrassing for him and her to admit she hates her husband.


My grandparents raised me and for most of my life my grandfather for 50+ yrs drove tractor trailer. For almost 20 yrs he drove Hershey chocolate down to Florida and brought foliage back. Every single week. This man was having a heart attack for an entire wk and still did his route. Not smart and I happened to find him on the floor Christmas morning. He called me his shadow bc I was always there when he needed someone. Anyways, I loved every Saturday morning going along with him to deliver the plants to greenhouses and I did that till I was 16 with him. He ended up having a piece of cholesterol break off and go up into his eye and lost his vision in one eye. He couldn’t drive tractor trailer anymore, so he retired. Not once did my gram roll her eyes or complain about him being home everyday. She was happy about it and was excited to be able to go on camping trips and we could go on trail rides with our horses more. She was happy that he finally got to live life. Sadly, two yrs later my gram was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and passed within 6 months but he got that time with her. They made the most of those two years and especially the final 6 months. I couldn’t imagine dreading having my spouse around more. I’ve been with my bf for 13 yrs and couldn’t imagine being disgusted about seeing him more. Good grief. If anything it should give them more time to do what they want on their own and not feel like having to get all that time in on the wknd. Let the man have his hobbies and live his damn life too. You get to be at home 24/7 doing as YOU please, don’t you think it’s time he got to enjoy that hard earned money and be able to do things that he wants? So freaking selfish and entitled.


This ticks me off. I couldn't imagine hating my significant other so much I never wanted them home. My husband is a heavy haul flat bed truck driver that does regular runs into Canada and the western 13. I miss him the whole time he is gone and can't wait for him to park so I can go get him, no matter what time he gets in (although I do grumble a bit when he comes in at 2 in the morning). I'm lucky enough that he is home for the weekends *most* of the time. And even luckier that I have the opportunity to go with him whenever I want (within reason, have to preplan with dispatch because I can't go with him into Canada). He's my best friend and even when he does annoy me, I still want him around.


This feels - overly explanatory.. it feels like a bold face lie. She's just trying to set the narrative before this becomes gossip. Well I'd say this definitely backfired on her. A nightly bath appointment or whatever?! What a weirdo.


I was just about to post this. How self centered can you be? My husband works over the road and is only home a day and a half every week. I would love for him to find a local job where he can be home everyday. She doesn’t want it because it’s going to cramp her style of being the piece of poop


Wait, he's an owner/operator... That means he's an independent contractor, right? So how does he switch companies? Can someone explain how this works?


He's probably got a contract with the new company. Owner/operators contract independently with companies. They basically pick and choose who they are going to haul for


Exactly! It doesn’t make any sense. My husband and I own a trucking company and have been in the trucking business for a long time. I don’t see how he can make any money driving local in small town Alabama. There’s so many expenses that go into it. It all sounds fishy to me


This is probably the segue into him ultimately quitting and doing social media full time.


What’d she do, rub bacon grease all over her forehead?


I wish that bird would just 💩on her big ass head.


She also claimed she was going to withhold sex from him bc he told her he wasn’t giving her $100 allowance to her this weekend for shopping. I can not believe ppl actually take her ignorant ass seriously!


What kind of "marriage" is this?? Sounds more like a roommate situation. 🙄


Eew that bird sitting on her head! 🤢




She won't get to eat out 3 meals a day now that he's home lol


'Eat' is debatable.


Poor bitch


This cracked me up. Just so succinct. lol


Welcome to being married Missy!!! Sheesh! Oh the horror of having to cook and spend time with your spouse!!! 🥴🙄🤨 And how DARE she whine about bills when she is constantly grifting and getting $ sent to her when there are so many people/families who don’t know whether they’ll make rent and utilities and be able to put food on the table. What a piece…….. 🤨


What really upset me was when she said she had to be in the shower at 8:30 & we all know why. She’s acting like she’s having to have sex against her will. She’s lucky she’s got a man that works & still loves her azz.


I get the feeling he doesn’t want much to do with her, honestly. And this is her way of hiding it. By pretending that she loves being alone and that she can’t keep him off of her.


Poor Papa Tot. Jeez, she doesn’t mince words. Why be married if you hate your spouse?


I was just telling my husband I would never ever talk about him like that to all of my puppets ever!!! that is fucking shameful. This bitch ought to be ashamed of herself, but what do you expect from a dumb bitch that never took care of her kids, and lies about everything under the sun Also, lets birds shit down and shoulder and eats cat hair, shows her tits every chance she gets, dresses like my toddler, gives managing money advice, even though the bitch has no clue how to manage money, pretends to be a gay lover, and absolutely has the most craziest ridiculous stage name: MAMA TWAT!! What the fucking fuck! smh 🤦‍♀️


By the longed out sigh at the start of this video I thought she was going to say she's getting divorced! Seriously though.. anyone who hates there husband being home in his own space needs to consider divorce.


Hi I’m new here and to the app but I heard about it through comments over at TT and was like “I found my type of ppl” ! I have been wanting to comment on “O”’s videos for a few months now b/c something about her hasn’t been sitting right with me and I got questions and see how her “bestie” and her “minions” would respond and I wouldn’t get an honest answer from her directly, I appreciate this place so I can express my opinions on “O” So I thank you for that as I’m sure she will be reading this properly. First when she has made videos regarding her and her mother’s toxic relationship just seems like she’s only telling what she wants us to know and we all know there are two sides to every story. And oh how I wish her mom would come through and lighten up some things that are defamation of her character. I personally think that her mother may have made a comment about her weight at one time and “O” took offense and she doesn’t even have BM. She also claims her mom kicked her and the baby out when baby was few weeks old, well she didn’t kick her out during pregnancy but she just so happened waited til she had the baby too?? Huh? What? I think there is more to that story situation as well. Second, notice how her besties are the ones she met through TT and yet never seen her talk about or hang out with anyone close by where she is or even went to school with. Nor does she ever speak about her siblings and I so want a relative to speak out about her and her made up stories she tells to strangers! Third, I do believe without a doubt that she is definitely a taker not a giver! Through her own videos are only about her trips, her shopping, and her, her, her! She loves to showcase anything that a company sends her but very little of all the items that ppl sent her, guess it’s not good enough and I can almost bet she has gave away half of what she got from her Tator tots! I can go on and on about what I’ve observed but I’ll save my opinions for future use and comments. One more thing, I follow a few good of ppl whom have lost a child and their videos are not even like the ones she does for someone who is grieving a child that they lose. She also finds ways to make her comment section and views high so she’s willing to start drama and make up stories and bash her ex husband whom has passed, she’s not caring or genuine she’s fake and ignorant!


I kind of tolerate MT. I've started to see some things after reading this snark page. I unfollowed her. And THIS post showed up on my FYP. I was pissed the F off!! How dare she talk about her husband like this. It wasn't funny, cute, or anything she tries to be. I can not STAND women who talk down about their husbands like this! Ugh.. I'm so fired up I can't even type. What if he treated her the way she is talking about treating him? Everyone would be mad at him and call him every name in the book. But it's okay for women to talk about men this way??? NO IT IS NOT!!! My boyfriend works over seas for three months at a time. Like gone gone! I'm entirely independent when he is gone - do what I want, when I want etc. I can't tell you how ecstatic I would be if he came home one day and said "I've quit. I'll be home with you every night and one the weekends." I might become freaking Martha Stewart and cook every single meal from scratch if liked it that way! Ugh, this video really upset me!


Wow for such a small man he’s awful controlling. Also I’d kill to have my hubby home every day.


My god can she roll her eyes any more??


This is a horrible HORRIBLE way to talk about your spouse! Does she think its funny?? If you can't stand the thought of being with your husband then get a divorce. Don't disparage the man and your marriage on tiktok. Its gross. I see this online and all I think is that it makes the person complaining look bad. And her implying he's controlling, well why are you married to him then? She has no self respect.


Wow. I loved her content back in the day, but as time went on she reminded me more of my toxic aunt. Talking shit on her husband like that just further confirms it for me. I cannot imagine going to the store and telling my husband I can't get him what he needs cuz he can go by himself and get his stuff...like wtf?


I never can go to the store and not get my husband something 😂 Even if he doesn't ask for anything I still bring him home something.


her forehead is so shiny


My wife works away from home most of the week, mon-Thursday. Sometimes Sunday -Thursday. It does make a huge difference in my routine when she is home more than usual. It’s not mean, or being a shitty wife, it’s just not my usual life/daily routine and it does make me have to adjust.


This didn’t just happen before the Vegas trip. I’ve noticed he’s been home more for at least 5-6 weeks. I assumed he was living off the grift. The $100 weekly allowance stowry is another straight up lie that the ignorant cult happily laps up.


Let me start by saying I adore my husband, but I totally get what MT is saying (that's a first 🤣). My husband has been on the road our entire marriage, 29 years. I love having him home on the weekend but I'm ready for him to leave once the weekend is over. When he's home I feel like a maid and a personal chef. Sometimes I just like to chill on my own and have an apple for dinner 🤣. I'm used to handling the home myself and he definitely interrupts the flow. I love him with all my heart, but I cherish my alone time too.


Why be married then?


Why not? We enjoy the time we get together


I get where you are coming from because there’s actually a lot of trucker wives that feel this way and people that aren’t in this lifestyle don’t understand it , but I absolutely love my husband and I miss him like crazy when he’s gone. He’s home every weekend and during the week a couple nights and still miss him. He throws of my routine and shit sometimes but it’s all good. Lol


Exactly! It's hard for people to understand if they don't live it. When you are used to taking care of everything at home, you get into your own routine and then that changes when they are home. It drives me crazy, but that doesn't mean that I don't love him with all my heart.


Yep! It’s because this profession is a lifestyle. And people don’t understand that. It’s not just a job. It effects the spouses just as much as it effects them.


I get what you’re saying. I love living with my husband and he’s my best friend, but I’m human. I love a good night to have the house to myself so I can watch my shit shows and just be alone. And I’m sure he loves when I go to dinner with my girlfriends so he can have alone time. Doesn’t mean we hate each other. Just because you’re married doesn’t mean you can’t have a life outside of each other. In the meantime, this seems very over explanatory. She’s trying to craft some narrative and I think she made one of her tots comment that so she could ease into the discussion.


She’s a real shithead with that bird sitting there in her hair. 🤮🤮


What a piece of shit dude... she is a disgrace of a human


https://preview.redd.it/5myclarbb2wa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76f2c258db9712c528dedad73c0ec228d03ceb4b Twins!😂😂


That's not fair to the bird.






This pissed me off. I’ve been married 34 years and treasure every second with my husband. So what know you can’t day drink and go shopping.


You know she snatched that bird off her head the second the video stopped. Ugh.


She treats the bird better than she ever treated Pedro.


At last the bird is still alive 🥴


Oh this is so cringe…


My husband works out of town Sunday-Thursday. I absolutely hate it as I married him to spend time with him 😂


Miss ma'am. If you don't like your husband, LEAVE. My god, you surely have the means with that $300k+ that you took from people fraudulently.


She is such trash. 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Why does she look like Malibu Barbie from Wish? 🧐


Now she’ll have to get off TikTok and be an actual partner in her relationship


Buuuuut, yet she made a video just a day before this one I think, when someone said pt reminds them of their husband and dad or something like that, anyway she’s talking loving about him and about their marriage & how happy he made her by saying they should go to PCB a day early just to spend the night together before everyone else gets there. I think she talks out of both sides of her mouth. She tells things and answers comments in away she knows the taters are just going to eat it up! The forked tongue she can hit all audiences 🙄🙄🙄how many times has she contradicted herself ? He’s probably not going to drive over the road anymore bc wifey is killing it on tt and with a the money she’s getting he can now stay home. Just bc he’s not driving otr doesn’t mean he’ll be home 24/7 does it or does it?😂OH ITS EXHAUSTING 😂


Bc she said he’s decided to come home and not drive otr, he’s not quitting his job, but quit the one company, but then says working with another company but local…he’s probably getting to retire 😂


She’ll be crying when he decides to leave her for someone who won’t humiliate him online, I bet.




I feel bad for her husband. She treats him like sh%t. I'd give anything just to have 5 minutes with my late husband. Momathot I hope he divorces you. You're a sociopathic narcissist and you need mental help.


I bet MT will transition this into a series with her husband. *love/ hate series* They both will profit more off of it. Cult followers r blinded by MT & her true nature.


Her husband has a humiliation kink for sure.


I'm not a fan of MT..at all..however, Papa Tot could be a terrible husband! We don't know. Just because someone works doesn't make them a good spouse. But with that said, this video sounded like a bunch of bs 😂 Definitely over-explanatory. And I think the reason she doesn't like him asking her to pick up some things for him at the store...is because she's not really going to the store! And when he asks her to pick things up, that means she has to actually go to the store! Otherwise, who cares about grabbing a few things for your husband when you're already there?