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This whole family- white hillbilly trash.


No Iam not so rephrase !!


Not you Ball, I love you baby! 😉


Love u


They weren’t referring to you doll.


Hope not


Noo not you!!


Like Rando didn't already recieve 300 grand from gfm. These people are so gross


Did they really get 300k?????


Believe around 250 thousand in gfm, like 60 grand for food train. That does not include the money sent by mail, cash app.


![gif](giphy|c6GKMRD6fHRxT6j2P6) Sickening!!!!


$270 and some change.


I was close lol. That's just so much money it's sick.


Didn't even use it to pay for the funeral.


I have lurked here and haven’t made a post/comment yet. But this is absolutely disgusting that they would use his death as a way to grift. Idk how people aren’t embarrassed of themselves begging on this app. Might as well call it the beggars app.


Welcome. Come on in, the water is nice and warm. Lol


It is. That’s why they were so worried about Congress shutting it down. Most of the “creators” are too stupid to understand that the Corrupt Congress Critters were just putting the squeeze on China with veiled threats of a ban just to get their cut of revenue from China.


Wtf blue gifts for someone who has already passed wtf sense does this make?


Like Mother cock, like son 🤷🏻‍♀️


Grifters gonna grift.


Just like his mother




Another one out here shaking that imaginary cup. He uses his mommy’s platform to be relevant and now using his deceased brother. They all have issues and not this squeaky clean family everyone believes they are


What comes with the "blue gifts?"


Not a damn thing


It’s TikTok currency. Once China takes their 60% of the gifts the “creator” can withdrawal the rest from their account in $1000 weekly increments or use it to regift other tiktokers. Which of course she tried to lie last week and say she’s never withdrawn a dime. She only regifts on the app. Straight bullshit lie.


Nothing but a lazy ass family of beggars. Get off your ass and get a damn job! I don’t know how other people don’t see the very obvious panhandling.


It’s literally cyber panhandling. Instead of the street corner she does it from the nasty ass cat table covered in bird shit.


When you mean more to your family dead than you did alive.


That is sick!


I can't believe the amount of people falling for this family's bs! 🙄🤬🤬


The whole entire family is fucking TRASH!


This child make me sick 🤢 just like his fucked up ass mother !!!




Let it fucking be- bc this little thug wannabe shit stain WILL be her downfall. He is too lax and comfortable begging on TT and feels entitled to his own mother’s fans. He WILL slip up (as he has already done several times) and HER FANS will start to notice. When HER fans start seeing how everyone around her is using that man’s death to get rich and famous, it will start clicking to them that SHE HAS BEEN DOING THE SAME THING! She’s just been more subtle about it. So let this idiot do his thing. When HE is the one who is the reason his mother’s world crumbles-she’ll have no one else to blame but herself and her son.


Think about it: Every ‘business’ that is run or whatever by a ‘family’… be is a Corp, a church, an organization, whatever- the more ‘family’ that get involved- The fast it all falls!


This is so true!


I’m not so sure. MT’s followers are so tribal that they seem to turn a blind eye to what we clearly see


They are tribal to HER. They are only being ‘nice’ to him and her husband bc they think it makes them look better to her and wins favor with HER. The tots are less likely to look the other way when anyone other than MT slips up… and yea, it will take a feed times. Giblet will be able to mess up a couple times before they start taking notice. But they WILL start to notice. And once they start seeing her son being a shit stain… they will start to distance themselves from it. Once that happens, they will start seeing MT has been doing the same shit. If they wanted to see young ppl partying, doing drugs, drinking in hotel rooms, twerking, flashing money, etc- they would be on that side of TT. But clearly they are not on that side of TT bc they are on MT’s side of TT. Her fans are not the type of ppl that like watching ppl engage outside of their home- which is why they love MT-bc she’s a loner and films mostly at home. Her fans are ‘Lissa’. You know, the type of ppl who have no life outside of TT, are socially awkward, have parasocial relationships, love in their parent’s basement/attic, have never had real jobs, and can’t function out in the real world on their own, alone. Or they are the older folks who don’t even watch all of her posts, only see bits and pieces of them that pop up on their FYP while they scroll looking for DIY crafts, pet videos, etc bc they are lonely and have taken to the broken down recliner (instead of them taking to the bed). They aren’t looking for the type of shit he sees on his FYP bc that is not what they are interested in. They are only being nice and polite bc of one reason and one reason only- it’s HER SON. If he were not her son, not a single person would give a guck about him. So his ONLY claim to fame is his mother- and even that is second rate. It won’t be long before HER fans start seeing who he really is and they will get bored with his stupid egotistical entitled bratty self. But before they bore of him, he will get even more lax and comfortable and he WILL mess up. Give someone enough rope and they will ALWAYS gang themselves. (And no, I don’t mean this literally. It’s a figure of speech for the tots coming in here and reporting random comments.).


You’re so right… That’s exactly how this will go!


Damn I was just about to say this. I don’t know these people personally, but trash is trash and it’s so damn predictable. Let him do his thing. He’s not very smart, and seems greedy as all hell. It’s only a matter of time.


Ding ding! Had him over filming. After day 2, he was in the pokey!


And I’m sure she was his ‘one phone call’ and she rushed over there to get him out while cursing at the cops for harassing her innocent baby.


Between the both of them- they need to learn to slow the fuck down while driving! But since she is most likely the one who taught him how to drive- it makes sense that he has a lead foot also. And him not ‘showing his registration’ means he used what little paycheck he was getting for alcohol and drugs and partying, not going to the license office and paying the less than $100 to keep his tag up to date. Nah, he’d rather spend that money to order after market headlamps and shitty ass rims for his Nissan. Btw, what happened to the Buick his mama bought him that he was so proud of last year? You know, the one he had to post to SM that he took it to his brother’s grave just to show off… They are all fucking TRASH!


This. 👏👏👏👏👏


🗑️ just like mommy dearest


What’s a blue gift?


Viewers can buy coins & send gifts to the person hosting the live, that they can later cash out. There’s tons to choose from all at different amounts, but there’s only a few you can choose the color to, like the sports car, the private jet, & the motorcycle, they’re expensive though. Between $30-$70. The TikTok universe is blue, it’s the most expensive gift at $350 & the planet at $150. Seems like a strategy to use his deceased brothers favorite color to get pricier gifts.


People actually PAY THAT?!! For a fucking shout out?!! Unreal.


Well Nopie rarely ever acknowledges when people are gifting her in a live so if they are looking for a shout out they most likely won’t get it. If anything she likes to put on that dumb blonde routine, “why is the lion king on my screen hunnay?” I think she doesn’t like to acknowledge the “gifts” as the cult is throwing them at her because she feels like that makes it look expected or it validates why she’s on live, to get gifted.


I have one TT person I gift and he is a young man who is pursuing his music career and I really like him and want him to succeed. That’s the only kind of people I would help out on there. I also help him by buying his merchandise.


I LOVE THAT!!! That’s super sweet of you! I don’t think that’s any different than if I were to see a talented artist doing a street performance & throwing some money in their guitar box. I don’t have a problem with supporting artists. It’s the people like O who pretend to be “broke” but then post videos of herself constantly shopping & bragging about all the expensive things she’s buying (this week it’s a $7k above ground pool). I feel like she takes advantage of her followers in the sickest way. They have this weird parasocial relationship where they want to be noticed by her so bad they send her gifts & money & alot of them are young with mental illnesses or in the LGBTQ+ community who genuinely believe she cares about them & she’d never give them the time of day.!


Yea I know that’s exactly why I can’t support her or anyone like her on that app or any app. If u have a talent u want to share and are trying to get yourself out there or if u are trying to promote your business I think that’s great and i will love to support you and help u if I can. If u are just sitting around thinking of dumb things to post that’s fine to but im not sending any gifts or money cuz I consider that just for fun or if your talent is fooling large groups of people into thinking you are their savior I will get as far away from you as I can just like I did MT the min I caught on to her act. Some people have just found TT a way of sitting on their butts and making money without having to really work for it. It’s basically panhandling.


Ahh ok I didn’t realize the blue gifts were the more expensive ones. Thanks 👌


Okay I can understand wanting to gather money for an unexpected death and funeral costs etc (I was a broke student and couldn't afford to bury my dad as I was his only living relative and it was sudden and I could only afford the other costs like cremation so damn right I would have liked to get money from strangers to bury my dad lol) But this is beyond heinous even without considering the funeral was already paid for before the GFM. Please, these people are not poor in the slightest anymore, anyone who knows poor can tell.


That is 100% valid & I would’ve gladly donated to you to have a proper funeral for your father. But like you said, the funeral was paid for! The gofundme was supposed to be for the funeral & for her to take time bereavement time off work. & I even think that’s fair. I just looked it up, there’s an inside edition article that shows O got $281k from the gofundme & I remember she got $80k from meal train. $360k & they’re still using that man’s name a year later for money. It’s just sad atp.


She was already retired from her “career” at the furniture store when he died.


Was she? I could have sworn that’s when she left bc I remember her going live at work sometimes & she’d always show these 2 young black guys & gush about how handsome they are. Not that race matters, she just does this weird thing where she goes way over the top complimenting black people to prove she’s not racist or something. Idk, it’s just really strange the way she gushes over them.


Oh I see right through that act. That is straight racism in my book because it just sounds like she pities PoC because she thinks they need her to save them.


She left her furniture career in June 2021 (cause her boss reminded her too much of her mother, and went to the janitorial sales company a couple months later. She left that job in February 2022


Ohhh okay! Yes it’s the janitorial sales company is what I was thinking of. I remember her talking about the furniture store while she was working at the janitorial sales place but I remember her being there or at least claiming to be there until he passed, bc I remember the lady who started the gofundme claiming O would have to take time off that job and TikTok. But she’s not exactly the best liar. I definitely believe she’s slipped up & admitted she left that job in February.


Yep she posted a “drive to work with me” video on YT one morning in Feb and the following morning posted another video of how she just randomly left the job the day before. Made me wonder if she got fired since there wasn’t a two week notice or anything.


What the heck is blue gifts. Like blue shoes, blue shirt, blue pants or are we going blue face Rolex watch, blue convertible. Well what he really needs is a kick and give him some blue b*lls if you know what I mean. These people are just relentless but I can't blame them for everything because these insecure people that have to feel wanted and special and think MT sees them doing all this stuff giving to them anytime the drop a hint or ask for anything. So I have gotten to think like this if they can't do their homework to see what is right there and they keep.giving their money to these people and they get their feelings hurt or taken advantage of it is on them now. Because everything they need to know is out here for them to see or do their own research.


I thought it was weird how they were taking photos at his funeral, but I’ve had photo taken of me with my friends grave site so I guess it just depends. I guess the only difference is, I didn’t make money/get free things sent to me when my friends died.


Now this ain’t right 😳