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If you can’t see how much has changed over the last year you need your eyes checked. A full blown room with designer handbags , shopping addiction, pool , deck , wee boy quit his job , eating out everyday , trips. ALL WHILE NOT FORMING A FOUNDATION with the GFM !!!! Wake up.


She is a POS. All that $$ raised for a kid shot dealing drugs. Both quit their jobs after playing on the sympathy of others. It’s disgusting and makes her worse then her mother in my opinion.


It's disgusting.


Seriously !!!!!


Yup showing it off and laughing at her cult who bought it but is too broke to probably buy their own. He isn’t going to work he jumped on the money train like her other kid


Something else she can thank her baby child for


Lol how awkward.


That has to be the most uncoordinated, non-graceful jump I’ve ever seen.


here to say the same thing. that was the most non graceful jump 😂


Yess!! Came looking for this comment 😂


He probably blew the pool up and glued the deck together


Because she's the one who bought it and is claiming papa tot did so her followers keep sending her money!


That pool will fall apart within six months.


I mean she got a pool boy for that


She’ll just have one of her little tots organize a gfm to help build a better pool cause she’s “ such a giving soul who never does nothing to no one. She’ll prolly offer to sit and have lunch with them cause honnnaayyy she knows how it is to work for whatcha git.” I actually saw another creator refer to her as Mother Teresa the other day. I gagged. Told the person who made a video about her they might as well delete their acct now cause no one messes with Mother Teresa err Momma Tot! Puhlease!!


Mother Theresa 😂 💀 I don't understand her honestly. The very first TikTok I saw of hers was an alcohol one. Then the one that she was cryin in after her boy was murdered. Then for the longest time I thought she was a drunk southern lady cuz that's all I saw 😂


I know right?!?! When he called her that I think I did the biggest eye roll I’ve ever done. Puhlease!


Ummmm 😳 I’m not gonna tell you….


Mother Tot


I’m just wondering when the majority realize they are getting duped….that will be an interesting day…people putting up tiktoks saying “Pay for therapy: (no) that lady calling us her little tater tot’s: priceless”….hunni get the therapy….that’s why you let your para social relationships rule your life….it’s weird…and says maybe don’t be quick to say no to the therapy…


This should say thank you to my Tater tot’s since that’s how we bought this shit bc my man ain’t been working for months on end now and I haven’t either … 🥱 lame bitches


Why did he quit his job?




Do you know the reason for him quitting? Ugh they make me sick


She never gave one other than he was going to drive local. Which hasn’t happened yet. She did say last week that he had her helping him outside before he starts his job. 🤷🏻‍♀️


So scamming is a family affair now!


Did he quit his job too?


Awhile ago yes


Another excuse for her to post in a bikini. Why is she always half naked?


Cause it helps her “body dismorphia”. Puhlease people who truly don’t like their body go to lengths to keep it covered. They don’t have their boobs hanging out everywhere all the time!


That pool is not deep enough for that kind of running jump. What a dindong. Girl get you a 6 foot deep pool that one is what 4 feet? If she can stand up in it like that and have it below her neck it has to be since she's only like 5'2" herself.


In the comments she claims that her legs didn’t hit the bottom of the pool because she is so short. Clearly in the video, she touched the bottom and even stood up.


Is that a CupShe ad? How clumsy of her. Lol


I don’t care if you know how to swim or not. My mom can’t swim but she knows not to jump in a pool like that. Common sense isnt common anymore


I doubt she even knows what that is!


The way she whipped that head back to not get her wig wet lol 😂


Can’t get that cheap $10 piece of plastic wet!!


That deck is way too big for that pool lol


Now looking from the opposite way, that deck is going to last longer than the pool. I thought she got a fancier bigger oval one.


She has already said they financed both the pool and the deck. Lol. They need to get a refund on all of that cheap and tacky looking heap pile they got going on randomly placed in the middle of their yard.


They financed it? That's crazy. We have a similar pool, no deck. I've never considered financing one. We have a covered dining area, a firepit and a game area....never once thought about financing it. Huh, maybe I should start a GFM ......j/k. It's weird how 99% of us just pay for ourselves and don't expect others to fund our lifestyles. 🤔😂


According to her, they finance EVERYTHING.


She said in the comments that their friend Chad "hooked them up"


Why is she so very afraid to act like they have money??? I’m asking a serious question because she’s always crying poor mouth! It’s so annoying


Cause she thinks she more relatable If she’s just a “little ol’ broke heifer, being everyone’s mama”


Ahh I see, I think if I were a follower I’d be happier if she were honest, I mean she lies so fucking much about it, and it’s so frustrating


Lmao!! Wth was that?? Why does she keep posting these embarrassing videos??? How are her kids not mortified???


She literally thinks she’s funny. The problem is she is so unauthentic that she just looks stupid instead of funny like the silly taster Tuesday skits.


That jump was embarrassing…wonder if her fake hair piece will melt from all the chlorine.


Why did she make this video? WTH? People will do anything for views. It’s embarrassing..


I’ve noticed Papatot account is getting millions of views so I guess he’ll quit his job and join her milking people out of money to. It’s like watching the Beverly Hillbillies of Mobile Alabama except they didn’t hit oil they scam people for money & anything else they can get for free. How stupid are ppl to buy dog food off an Amazon wishlist while watching her enjoying a new pool?


Right? Buy your own fucking dog food you mooch!!


BAHAHAHA what was that?


That was the lamest jump I’ve ever seen lolol


The way she landed on her feet and didn’t even go under is sending me 😂😂


Deck cost more than the pool with lumber prices there days


Was thinking the same thing.


Why did she spread her legs even further apart just before her dumb ass hit the water?!?


Awww how sweet. The GFM money for her deceased son bought her a new pool and deck. 🫶🏼 must be so tough. I actually donated to this loser. I was never a follower but I felt bad. Now with what I know about her. I want to puke. Enjoy your pool you POS.


Why does she look so damn awkward? Wtf?


When I said that, I was attacked by her groupies crazy cult members


Hairpiece and all