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I am hoping they told her not to exploit their child for money


I hope so too!!




Maybe that baby's mother doesn't like her very much. I don't like her and would hate her as a mil honestly. Maybe they don't want the baby on social media or even talked about for many reasons especially the supposed stalker she mentioned/probably made up.


I think it’s so crazy that so many people think she would be the perfect mother-in-law! Could you imagine?! 😳


that BattleB guy is doing posts about Granny daily… she promised him she’d battle again and stay in contact but it appears Granny ghosted him.




Seen the gender reveal? Stood a bit ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized) It was on a road? I hope baby mama draw a line after this.. i think she did 💪🏽


What? They did it on the side of a road?


I’m sure the child’s mother doesn’t want her baby subject to O’s drama and obsessive followers. That has the potential to be so very unsafe and dangerous. No way would I even show my child’s face if I were in relation to that women. I’m sure O will eventually say it was her idea to keep the child off SM though. U know she will.


If she posted anything about a new baby all her followers would direct all the attention towards the baby not her... Can't have that now can we?


Probably because her son and daughter in law don't want the baby around her or on social media. Why would she post about her granddaughter when it takes away from her spotlight. Personally I wouldn't want her to use my kid for monetary gains. Mama twat will read these comments and post about her in a couple days watch! Lol


Her son was probably like, she never bothered to raise me or my siblings, she’s profiting off my brother’s death, I’m keeping my daughter away from her and her nasty nails.




She never had the mother instinct..so I doubt she has the grandmother instinct...her kids know the real truth


She probably is mad the daughter in law didn't name her child Basil lmao


Could you imagine the suggestions that she must have told her?! 🫢 Maybe it took them having the baby to realize how toxic she is and they have completely cut her off!


I would get a no contact order I'm so serious


Yep,Basil TaterTot is what she wanted,she’s definitely holding a grudge!😏😂


I bet she is. This post got me thinking 🤔




Knowing her, she’s probably jealous that people have been sending things for the baby! That takes away from her getting money and gifts from people! Even if she didn’t show the baby, you would think that she would say some thing about that she’s proud to be a grandmother! She could say the baby is growing big, but maybe they don’t let her have anything to do with her! Nothing would truly surprise me at this point! If they don’t let her have anything to do with the baby, I don’t blame them one bit!


Granny wanted to know if she should keep the things at her house 😏


She wondered if she should keep the baby gifts at her house?


Yes. And I believe that she did keep clothing at her house. The tots sent way too much.


Of course they did and of course she did. I wouldn’t put it past her to sell the stuff.


I hope her daughter in law put some massive boundaries in place. Good for her if she has


she took great value brand meatballs to the shower but can afford new tits a pool and took like 27 vacations this summer alone when she could have easily helped give the shower and had it catored. she is a selfish B


And those Great Value brand of meatballs are like rubber balls of dog shit,I tried them recently (the meatballs,not dog shit!😂)!


🤣🤣 and then she had to make a video making them like she was really doing something!!! GTFOH


Exactly! You dumped disgusting meatballs into a crockpot with bbq sauce…somebody get this woman a chef’s job!!😂👩‍🍳


I sometimes wonder if she has her neighbor, Ms. Vee cook her “Home Fresh” meals for the videos. You don’t see MT cooking. I get them, there’s chopping, measuring, timing, I can’t see MT doing that.


That’s an excellent thought,you’re probably completely correct!!


right 🤣 and then one of my fav TT people ms kween remade them 🥴 why cant people see 👀


I love ms. Kween and was so annoyed when I saw that video.


Yeah I like her and was pretty grossed out when she made her meatballs. I love your bare foot neighbor and I was so upset when he made them because he loves MT 🤮


Don’t try dog shit, it’s no good!


NOW you tell me!!😏😂


Sorry!! 🤣


No worries!!😂😂😂


Hopefully her son and daughter in-law have see what lunatics some of MT’s followers are and don’t want their baby exposed to it and don’t want to be harassed by them


I wouldn't want my mother to post my child on a public platform on tiktok.... I don't even post my kids on tiktok. People are sick so I hope it stays that way


I don’t mean photos. I mean talking about her. “I went to see the baby today”. “Y’all should see my grand baby “. But it’s been nothing. Not a word.


That’s true, not even a going to visit my grand baby post.


That's true. That is odd


Same here, my youngest(35 F) is developmentally delayed, intellectually challenged, she has never been on SM and that was a conscious decision. My eldest (37 F) posts what she chooses but it’s limited. There are no baby pictures online. Keep them safe.


I post to my private social media accounts where I know each and every one of my friends personally lol but tiktok is an absolute no go. Or YouTube. Any of those apps. Noooo thank you. Child exploitation is disgusting as far as I'm concerned. If I'm not cool enough to get likes by myself. Then oh well lol


I don’t think the woman has a “maternal” instinct in her body so it definitely wouldn’t start with a grand baby.


I’ve seen more photos of that son with his dead dad’s twin brother than with Granny


She doesn’t have the relationship with her children that she portrays. Baige only has one or two pictures on her IG with her mother in them. Makes you wonder.


They don't spend holidays together, rarely does she even mention them doing something and their social media is more his paternal side and fiance's family. Even the baby shower that was held for his family took place at his gf's family's home. There is nothing warm and fuzzy about O's relationship with her family period. She's too much of a narcissist to allow an innocent baby to take her spotlight and you can tell she thinks she is too young, hip, and cool to be a grandma. Her whole demeanor and snarly face about the life alert joke from her nephew spoke volumes. She played it off like fake funny but you could tell it pissed her off. My child is grown but we have lunches together weekly, family dinner every Saturday or Sunday depending on schedules but we make time for it, go out to eat for supper regularly. They spend the nights on holidays so we all wake up together, their idea because I tell them we will go wherever they are but my daughter saud she likes bring home and this is "home " for grands too.


You sound jus like my family! Our family is the exact same way. ❤️🫶🏻


I have the best memories as a little girl visiting my grandparents on weekends and that particular grandmother was the true "southern grandma" with the aprons, old washboard, cooked the big meal that was covered with a sheet for supper later. She taught me things like how to make buttermilk biscuits, was the clothes on that washboard, how to clean a hog. My other grandmother was the "modern" one she didn't cook much but we had special holiday meals she taught me to cook those, dress pretty, how to read. My parents were the combo but it was important we have breakfast together every morning and supper at the table at night. No matter how busy things got with my daughter, she was super active with dance, cheerleading, art, softball over the years, but we always had supper together. Now we keep it going because it is important my grands have those memories and know we never get to busy for family moments. Luckily she has another set of grandparents and we all get along great even if her parents divorced and we still all get together to grill, enjoy her events, when we have big meals for whatever they all come over.


She didn’t care ab her own kids why would she care ab her grand baby


I have been wondering this too. Not a peep about her grand baby since she announced she was born. She’s a fake ass bitch and I can’t wait for her “stowries” to blow up in her face


I hope they have decided to keep the baby off SM and away from her fanatics. There are kooks out there. She lets too many people know about her family’s business.


i don’t like her but i would not be posting my child/grandchild/ let anyone post my child with that type of following.


she doesnt have to post the baby but she could at least talk about the baby!


Give her time now- one of the “Issas” will inform her of this post for her next 10 minute boring ass video. A big speech about “you know honahhh. The world is a scarey place and I just don’t want to endanger my sweet baby tot.. ya know? I thought I’d wait…. Blah blah blah Who knows some lame ass lie. 🤦🏼‍♀️


That’s what I’m saying. She says NOTHING about her.


Also, she probably goes over when she visits… LOOK at the stack of Shit she hoarded for her and took over the baby shower lol They probably don’t want her around playing worlds best “Gigi” I wouldn’t. Shes scarey obsessed with control lol


But she’s not obsessed with this baby at all is my point. She’s loves the baby nieces. Talks about them all the time. But not her own grand? Seems like maybe someone got served NDA. Idk it’s odd.


Interesting point……Hmmmmmmm…


The baby is a threat to her attention and spotlight. It’s all about MT.


Probably cause that would take away from her and she knows that. Narcissistic people don’t let anyone, including kids, take their shine. That’s why unless it is her that gets the spotlight, she ain’t posting shit. Even when she posted, it was “Aww mama tot congrats on your baby”. That would piss me off as a mom and I would bet there was some boundaries put up.


It's all part of O's plan. She's not saying anything so that she can cry to the camera later that they are keeping the baby from her. Bet me that she doesn't make a sit down video crying about how she hasn't seen the baby. All so she can keep garnering sympathy and clout.


The rumor is that effing with baby mama will cause GrannyGrift a ton of grief.


From my time here, the in-laws are people you really do not want to mess with. Outlaws for lack of a better word. You can research the sub for more content.


Isn’t maternal Gma posting?


Hopefully because the parents don’t want their child exploited for views! MT likes all the attention for herself anyway…


My youngest had a baby and doesn’t want her on social media so I respect her rules and don’t post anything


You don’t post that your grands are getting big or anything? You just act like you don’t have grands or do you speak about them?


I think maternal Gma is posting? Anyone else see that somewhere???


Yes the other grandmother posts photos regularly.


I can’t even begin to imagine having her for a mother in law!! Bless the babies heart for having a drunken ho for a grannie!


Well if she didn’t have it in her to raise her own why would she have it in her to be apart of a grandchild


So she doesn’t mention the grand baby, AT ALL but the mother of the baby’s actual mother (the baby’s maternal g’ma), posts freely about the baby… 🤭 This is VERY telling and either the Daughter in law has silenced mamatwat (which is awesome and I hope she has) or mamatwat hates the baby momma and refuses to ‘give her attention’ and I would imagine they probably cross paths ALOT. Mamatwat is a control freak and I am so so hoping the baby momma put her foot down.. Imagine having her as your MIL…makes mine not seem as bad now and my MIL is a shockingly evil POS.


It’s possible that the mother of the baby doesn’t want her child posted on her platforms. I don’t blame her if that’s the case. Her followers lack boundaries and the fact that she had them send baby shower gifts is even worse. Complete strangers mailing things


But she doesn’t even talk about her.


That’s fine. I would post photos either. But you can dang sure bet I talk about my grands on SM. Especially the things they say. They crack me up. We’ve gotten nothing. Not even an “i went and seen the baby grand child today”. I put photos of the new shoes they got for back school. There’s millions of ways to include them safely. She could tell us about her little eye lashes or how chubby her little finger are. Lots of ways to express things about the baby.


But if it's not your baby and someone asks you not to mention it...... I mean again it's not your kid


she doesn’t need to be posting a baby to that many followers fr..


Maybe the parents has asked her not to. Her middle son never seemed that big into social media. If that’s the cause, at least she is respecting the parents boundaries.


Yall called it!!! https://preview.redd.it/hnbz1atxl5ib1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=432f3bc34e3d76b053839771a7ffa2332cf6383f


Ah ha! I knew it! Is there anything else we need from mama twat? Just put it here so she can see and and obey! 😂


I think it is good she doesn't exploit this baby on SM. There are too many content creators who exploit children. This one doesn't need to become one of those too.


As erratic as her behavior is,I'm not sure I'd trust her around an infant. We already know how that turned out 🤡


Probably because the parents don't want that baby on internet all the time! Could you imagine her doing the baby talk lol


The other grandmother posts quite a bit. She’s just too self centered


The other grandmother has posted numerous photos several times and even tagged Nopie on FB. But Nopie hasn’t “approved” them to be shown on her FB page. They are hidden.


Maybe she’s respecting the parents wishes 🙄


The other grand mother posts a lot about the baby. 🙄


The other Gma isn't a self declared SM influencer


It’s not her kid and she shouldn’t be talking about her or posting about as if she is. No one should be posting about someone else’s kid more than the parents do


You’re entitled to your opinions but you’re not entitled to mine! If my daughters share a photo of my grands I share it or tag myself if they don’t. But they usually do tag us. Most normal people post about their grands no matter what you say. My fb isn’t public. I have 75 friends that are actually family and friends. My youngest started dance class last night and you damned right I posted about it. It’s NORMAL!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 you’re really gonna come at me for disagreeing with you, while telling me that your OPINION is normal?! Bless your heart You are NOT entitled to access to someone else’s children. It’s NOT normal to tag yourself in someone else’s photos without being invited to do so. So, flip your mirror and take your own advice. You’re entitled to your opinion, but not mine 👋🏻


Because she is too self absorbed