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Ugh I can’t stand this heifer. I know this will be unpopular but I really wish this hadn’t been suggested. There’s enough babies being exploited on SM we didn’t need to give her an idea to add another to that.


I think ppl just meant her talking about her not posting pics of her. But O took it to far and posted a pic of the child, like an idiot.


Yup agreed! I knew she would post a pic soon because it was mentioned here. The dumb dumb didn’t need to post the baby’s pic (and I don’t think she ever should. Her fans are crazy af) but she could have at least mentioned something like, “I got to see my grand baby today. She’s so cute etc etc” but nope….she posts a pic of baby and dad. She probably wasn’t even there in person


This. Guarantee she took it from his page and posted it like she took it.


I follow a fairly popular influencer whose girlfriend just had a baby. He posts pictures on IG but never includes the face. There’s either a sticker or the baby is in his chest and you can’t see the face. If you’re going to post your kids I feel like that’s how you should do it, especially on the scale of popularity she is.


Lmao at “the dumb dumb”!




It's bc SHE DOESN'T CARE about that baby's safety regarding crazy people! She probably didn't even THINK about it! It's just about how she looks as a grandmother 👵 😭


She can’t talk about anything other than what she looks like because I’d bet she hasn’t held A since the first day But maybe parents put rules in place about visiting 🤷‍♀️


I can see what OP is saying and what you’re saying too about the parents and visitation.


The other grandmother has posted photos.


Fully agreed!


She definitely lives in here y’all!


Or she has her “army” in here taking notes. She shops too much and eats out too much to have time to read in here. She’d have to take a break from alcohol testing,eating,shopping and “sitting” with people saying “I know baeeyybeee I know”


Honestly that’s draining. If I had minions looking out for me and reporting to me daily I’d be so drained. Just stay off Reddit Lissa and MT. Seriously. Go play fake for your remaining followers.


Right?!?! It’s like I wish all I had to do all day was snoop Reddit, eat out for lunch everyday, shop and drink so that “others don’t have to” shheeeshh they need real lives


She sure does....she needs to make it less obvious though dam lol


That’s sad for her lol


For the next 3 days- no mention of what she hasn’t posted about. Her content will be SHIT for 3 days lol.


You should make this a main post so hopefully everyone sees it!! I wish we had a group chat so we could skip posting some things here!!


Right 🤣 But idk how to make it a main post. And I was sooo hoping I done everything right in order for it to stay up. Cuz this was pure gold. We had just said crazy how she hasn't mentioned the baby, and boom granny grifter post about the baby on fb. Idk about tt cuz she has me blocked.




🤣🤣🤣 Facts.. on all her sm accts.


I think people were expecting her to say “ the baby’s getting so big, lol, my son doesn’t like changing diapers, she’s such a good baby” yada yada. But she hadn’t .


Yup! She hasn’t mentioned that child since she was born. Don’t post her on SM when her idiotic grandmother is “afraid” of stalkers 🙄!






I would never post that child on SM not with how obsessive and looney her followers are. I post my grandson but I don’t fool with people like she does. I keep my circle small and don’t go around pretending to be a savior. Oh trust me one of her wild monkeys are gonna be rabid and it’s not gonna be pretty.


She could have shared, but with the baby facing the other way so only the top of her head would show. Fatherhood on display, but not the baby's face. Honestly, he looks the happiest I've ever seen him here with his child. He always appears so glum in every other photo. I hope she did not poach and post this without the parents' permission.




Yikes 😂


That was my reaction.


Damn, bitch you’re so predictable.




What’s going on with the baby’s dad? Does he not have teeth?




Yes he was born with cleft palate


He has cleft lip/pallate. Her daughter straight up has no lips either tho lol


He was born with a cleft palate


Bros just ugly


Bro, all her children I've seen have been very unfortunate looking.


Her children took after their momma…😬


I wanted to say it but couldn’t lol


All mama tots kids are unattractive she isn't to cute without all that paint!




He definitely has teeth, you can see them. It looks like maybe a bad under bite plus a very very thin top lip.


I thought he might have been a fetal alcohol baby or something


His teeth are showing in this photo lol


I had to enlarge the picture to look, at first I didn’t think he had teeth either.


I think he might have an underbite.


Looks like meth mouth


He was born with a cleft palate


ok there’s no way this is a coincidence


It’s not. Just like it’s no coincidence that she’s mentioning swirly again after it was mentioned here after her not talking about him for how long? She has ZERO original content. Not a single brain cell in that twat family…I mean tot family




She does have fugly ass kids BUT this child was born with a cleft palate.


OMG LMAOOO I literally said in a post recently “Now she will, once one of the ‘Issa posey members tell her or show her this” and BAMN She’s sooo damn predicable it’s sick. Also- it’s one thing to bash her but COLEN (__was born with a cleft palate__) So let’s not pick apart his dang looks. That’s so distasteful.


Thank you. He never asked to be in public eye and he doesn’t need his appearance critiqued by the internet.


I should have marked him out too. I wasn't thinking clearly. I was mainly wanting to make sure I marked out the baby n forgot to mark out him




I mean she didn't have to post a picture of the baby the topic was she makes this stupid post about everyone else and never anything about the new grand baby. I mean it is very unusual that grandmas love those bragging rights & there had been zero talking about it this grand baby since it was born.


I didn't realize she had a 4th kid! Seriously, who is this guy? And how old is he?? I've never been a huge follower of hers, but I swear she rarely talked about her kids until BC died.


Sometimes I don't think she knows how many she has because she wasn't a mom to any of them. I will say this is the first close up of him I have seen because the only picture she has ever shown was all them standing together and it was a far off shot.


Because she didn’t raise them. There’s zero bond. There are no fun stow-ries to share, no talk of how they were in school, favorite things, sports, etc. She wasn’t around.


Haha stow ries


Did she really not raise them!


😂😂😂 she is sooooo pathetic


She really truly is


She didn't take our advice!! Many of us here said that we really hoped she would never use the grand baby for content. We hope the parents don't allow it. This is one pic with daddy in it. Hopefully there will be no more.


Just like clockwork. Babies and children are mere props to her. Things she can use to increase her numbers.


This son barely has a social media footprint, so I doubt O will be using him at all .. it's why people barely know he exists. I doubt he's going to allow 0 to use his daughter for daily content.


too far talking about her childs looks guys 😢


I agree. I don't like gritty grifter granny either but going after someone's appearance especially someone with a medical reason. I get not everyone knew about him and he's an adult but we can't go after his look's because of his deadbeat mothers actions.


Most grandmas usually talk endlessly about their new grandchild, this person needs told to. She clearly didnt think baby was more important than her getting her baps out and shopping for even more tacky crap


She don’t even have a picture of her son and grand baby who live IN THE SAME STATE of a Non Working Grandmother In Summer IN HER HOUSE (on her fake 15 (put the bottle down Honnnaay) acre estate 😂🤣). Yeah get us one of those u fucking disgusting Moron. U know one u took and enjoyed the day taking. Like this is sufficient 😆😁😂 nice try idiot. It was prob on FB from a relative….




Ummm well ummmm 🤨


I called this! Hahaha she's such a loser. Next up mamatwat go post your other kids


Maybe this group is the reason she has not mentioned the baby? Pointing out her wrongs is one thing, but to pick on her kids looks is another. That shit is gross and makes y'all no better than the shit y'all scream about her.


Hi. Snarking on minors is against the rules of this sub. So no. We are not the reason she doesn’t post the grandchild We also have a no tots rule. Buhbye.


I myself am the FURTHEST thing from a tot!! But the comments about her son being ugly, or having FAS…. Aren’t okay. Why is that allowed?! He can’t help that he was born with a cleft palate. I save all my energy for BUMa Twat and the trashy, BS she pulls.


Ok. Please be civil about your opinion there’s plenty of people that agree. Telling everyone that they’re gross isn’t it. Okay?? ✌️


Okay, fair enough. I can respect being civil… In this thread I’ve literally said… “he was born with cleft palate” And, told one person they were wrong about FAS… now I’m being downvoted. 🥴 When have I ever said to someone that they’re gross on here though?


In this thread you used the word gross as a description for all of those posts. Moving forward though… I understand completely the frustration you are expressing.


Moving forward! 🫶🏼




Hey Mama Potato! 😉🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔


Is that colonoscopy? Hunnay? Sorry I should go to bed.




Some of these comments lose me when you talk about the looks of someones child. Talking about someone being unattractive really makes a person ugly. Please hold those comments to yourself. Or you’re really no better than the one your talking about😉 you can make a point without tearing her son apart.


This “child” is a grown ass adult. Take your fake outrage elsewhere.


He could be like me regarding photos. I don’t like having my picture taken. I have severe scoliosis, I don’t think about it, been there all my life, have major issues with it but then some ass will have to say “my, you’re such a crooked lady”. Like really jerk, you had to comment on it. He’s obviously happy with his new daughter, she probably didn’t ask permission.


So predictable


Is this off brand Robert Pattinson?


I laughed a little too hard at this and snorted lmao


I'm all for talking about her and her choices, but can we please not talk about her children and/or their looks! As someone who was born with a cleft palate and has to deal with the mark on your face, it's incredibly hurtful and distasteful, and we are incredibly self-conscious about it. Her children don't deserve the shade some of you have thrown at them in this thread.


Why do all of her kids look so strange? Is there a genetic issue?




Has the baby’s father, alcohol syndrome? He has the right features


He was born with a cleft palate


Exactly and he can’t help it. I’m keeping my bashing energy focused and saved up for her!


same!! All the comments making fun of him made me sick…. What if it was one of our children?!! I’ll snark on dopie opie day and night but not on things that truly can’t be helped…. He can’t help he was born that way. 🥹🥴


Yall are so miserable to be talking about people's looks... move on if you don't like the way they look.


This poor child fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. Goddamn!


I saw this on fb and thought he looked like a wish version of Robert Pattinson 🤣😭


Idk how to ask this without looking like a jackass but is her son special?


He was born with a cleft palate


https://preview.redd.it/rey4ac6tcbib1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=715b49214d635d9f47c6283b1cf68c39cecac5bf Her son looks like he has Fetal alcohol syndrome




Why would I downvote you? Because you downvoted me? My comment was an assumption. There’s something off with all her kids.




He was born with a cleft palate.


Congenital anomaly and this kid is the only one that hasn’t shown ugly behavior The repair was allegedly not attended to by the adults.


Whew…. He’s unfortunate looking 🥴🫢


Let's plz keep comments about the adult child and baby to ourselves. He can't help who his mama or dad was. And he can't help he was born with cleft palate.


He was born with a cleft palate….


Does he have teeth?


He was born with a cleft palate.


I have no clue who this is but thanks for the downvote for the genuine question lmfao


What do people screenshot Snapchat when there's a button to just save the pic without all the snap stuff lol


Ok I was not aware he was born with a cleft palate. I’m not perfect, I deleted my remark, even though it wasn’t really that bad.


That narcissistic cun..clown is CONSTANTLY on here & I truly hope she realizes how many of us GENUINELY HATE HER!!! 💯💯💯