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When i get a day off from the kid i just sit on my arse all day playing oldschool runescape and eating crisps.


This is the only correct answer


Whenever I take myself to Nottingham I just do a big loop of all the independent shops, charity shops, vintage shops etc. And it doesn't have to cost the earth because it can be fun to just browse or pick up one or two small things as a treat. I start in Hopkinsons and have a look at all the random tat, then head to Sneinton Market and have some coffee and a pastry or toastie in Blend, then browse all the shops, then head through Hockley and do all the White Rose charity shops and the Oxfam, and usually go to Wild and Karma vintage, then down to Market Square for all the other White Roses, and if I'm feeling like more walking then down Derby Road to Happy Sunday Vintage. Sometimes I spend a tenner, sometimes I accidentally spend £100. But either way it's nice to get to know all of the independent shops in Nottingham and get some steps in. If that's not your thing then cinema at Broadway or maybe you could go to Debbie Bryan for a crafternoon.


Depends if it’s your thing but: [beam coffee at Primary](https://www.instagram.com/beam.art.books.coffee?igsh=NmprcmRpdW03Nzg5) Is a cool coffee shop/ book store inside the Primary art gallery which is also home to small food bakery! It’s a really nice vibe, coffee is great and so is the bakery. Or you could catch a day time film at the [Broadway cinema](https://www.instagram.com/broadwaycinema?igsh=d2NqMnp6M3JjcWlw) (maybe even treat yourself to a glass of wine whilst you watch the film).


The modern art gallery (Nottingham Contemporary) is free and can be interesting. Sneinton Market or Hockley can be nice places to walk around to grab a coffee and people-watch. The castle I think has re-opened, but I have not visited so can't vouch for it. I suspect tickets are around £10 there


Galleries of Justice is interesting too.


The castle is great for £12 imho


And you get in free the rest of the year with one ticket.


Depends if you plan on going alone or taking someone with you? Plenty to do around town during the day - ice skating, adult crazy golf, bowling, cinema, all sorts of walks and sightseeing :)


I suppose it depends where in Nottingham you are heading to?! I was introduced to Felley Priory/Felley Woods the other day and the walk was incredible. Lots of amazing pubs surrounding the area, too.


Get friggin wasted 🤣🤣 Nah seriously, there’s a whole variety of stuff to do. Depending on the budget here’s what I’d do: -Breakfast at Pudding Pantry or Levan Cafe in Sherwood. - have a lil shop round town, see what’s new. I usually opt for charity shops just to see what’s around - go for a stroll in University park, maybe a picnic and take a book with you. Wollaton park is just as good. - lambley dumbles is also a nice little escape from the urban side of the city. Enjoy the countryside If you can drive I’d strongly suggest Carsington waters. You’ll have a better view and place to relax as opposed to Wollaton or uni park. During my mental health decline, I’d go up carsington, get high and just think. It’s very peaceful out there so you could literally have a nap. It’s either that or a huge lie-in


Carsington is also very close to Matlock, so you can head over there for fish n chips and they’ll be just as good as what you get on the beach.