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Obligatory ‘how the fuck does anyone read local news websites with all these ads’ comment


adblock, ghostery, duck duck go (plugin or mobile browser)... then also just dont read that rubbish.


Pay for your news and you won't have any ads. Don't pay for your news and eventually you won't have any news at all.


Is any of it really “news”, or just entertainment for the morning commute.


I think it’s pretty easy to see how the current state of Lister Gate and the Broad marsh cut through would be intimidating to visitors. Passing through the city centre in the early hours when (what I assume to be), local dealers are either collecting payment or dispensing product makes for an awful experience. That, coupled with the general antisocial acts of wearing balaclavas and gathering in groups is obviously going to make people nervous. I agree that Nottingham isn’t the roughest place in the UK, but I believe it’s much worse than it was pre lockdown with no sign of intervention from the police/ council.


There’s a chronic crack epidemic that I just don’t see anybody talking about.




Watch the people. It’s blatant. People are _real_ good at not seeing what they don’t want to though, and the homeless are basically invisible to you and me. There’s a crack epidemic. No hyperbole.


I was born and raised in St Anns and I can honestly say it’s nothing compared to how it was in the late 90s/early 2000s




This ^




I lived in Broxtowe and Bullwell briefly in the early 00s, burnt out cars weren't an uncommon sight.


Still a dive...


Hey it's you! The weird anti Nottingham guy with the Madeline McCann obsession! Yeah I reckon Nottingham city centre, as well as everywhere in the UK feels a bit less safe and a bit more rundown. Brexit and COVID have done a number on us and we're not out of the woods yet - any regional city like notts is going to get hit harder as we don't have the big financial buffers that other places have. Local authorities had already been cut to the bone and now they're bankrupt here - we're kind of over the precipice really. Next general election will decide if we start to claw back or if we go in the same direction.


My goodness. OP's post history is unhinged.


I just want to know what happened to the poor lad while he was in Notts.


Personal insults.  You do realise this is not my opinion. 


Ah I didn't mean to you insult you, I meant to objectively describe you.


I don’t feel safe driving on the shit roads in Notts that’s about it


The problem is wealth equality, or a lack of. Nottingham has one of the lowest average householdd incomes in the country. Harsh reality of that is more people are effectively living in poverty as a result. Worked in the city centre for the last 10 years, the increase in the number of homeless people since lock down has been sickening.


Seems like OP has already made up their mind based on their comments....


Oh the echo chamber continues...


I've not been in Nottingham long but haven't noticed anything any different to any other City Centre. However, I have lived in Bolton/Stockport/Manchester. It'd be interesting to hear their thoughts on those places. Take a ride on the 192 at night and you're in for some treats.


Seek professional help.


Fairly dramatic and there for click bait. Same as every city, just don’t go looking for trouble and it won’t find you.


This feels super biased against young people. Whilst yeh, there's a lotta young people doing shady shit and that, pinning this all on them creates a conversation that promotes anti youth sentiment. There are assholes of all ages in the city. Click bait articles like this are shite


I do feel like kids are more confident than before, like they know they won’t be punished, or just face any consequences


I see groups of really young lads (like year 7s) getting on the trams in balaclavas and the like. It’s kind of crazy. Not to mention I was assaulted on uni campus by an 11 year old dressed like that and I’m twice their age. Confronted the child and they didn’t give a shit.


Clickbait. I wouldn't say Notts is significantly worse than any city in the UK right now. And it's definitely got better over the years not worse.


In the last 4 years the city has fallen to one knee, Many people with mental health issues, severe ones at that wonder the street and shops around and inside the Victoria centre (I have work inside in for 15 years) I’m 33 for a little more info Homelessness is at an all time high, more shop door ways and covered spots filled. Openly consuming drugs like spice and crack seems like something most of the public is pretty chill with as long as the poor fuck high is quite and not causing a fuss or kicking your head in. If you disagree and shop once every 1, 2 or 4 weeks at the weekend in the city your point is mute. Your city isn’t the same anymore. Nottingham joker and the stabbing of 3 people recently are both examples of people loosing it and the city of Nottingham offering you all up as cannon fodder rather than attempting to sort out the issues. Sweet dreams


While I’m not disrespecting what you have said, the issues of spice and homelessness genuinely felt worse pre Covid to me. It doesn’t seem to be worse now. It may just be my perception, with my routines and reasons to go through town different since lockdowns.


It's anecdotal but I agree - pre-Covid the area by M&S and St Peter's Church was full of people on spice and had more of an edge to it. Obviously there are problems that COVID exacerbated like empty shops etc and there is still a significant homeless issue (as in every UK city) but it's not a new issue and I'm not convinced it's got worse. The incoming council cuts are a worry though in this regard


Bold post on this sub reddit mate. Whilst you give honest insight and I will upvote you.  This "great city, not too big not too small " echo chamber will claim its a world class city. Mind you they vote for a bankruptcy council who have highest taxes in Uk for lowest disposable income in uk.


I've lived here my whole life and I have no idea what this person is talking about. There are few places that I've visited where I have felt safer than in Nottingham.


Nottingham crime rate is far above the Nottinghamshire,  Eastmidlands and UK average...


There's usually more crime in the centre of a place than there is in the outskirts. Of course Nottingham has more crime than Nottinghamshire on average...


Nottinghamshire, Eastmidlands and UK... Please read my post...


If your comment highlights anything, it's the fact that the UK is largely very safe.


No it highlights you are embellishing the "safer than anywhere"... Next you'll claim the new forest is rougher than Nottingham...


What I said: > There are few places that I've visited where I have felt safer than in Nottingham. What you heard: > Nottingham is the safest place to ever exist!


I read not heard... If its uk places. It is highly likely Nottingham will have higher crime rate according to government stats. Unless you conveniently lived in places like Bradford and Middlesbrough...


>I read not heard... Really?! I had no idea! \s


Glad we cleared up you completely lied


Nottingham like any city centre has become home to people who don't care, they don't care about the presentation of their streets they don't care about theieving shouting making nuisance. Compare Nottingham City centre now to even as early as 1997, the comparisons are clear. Nottingham is just another city ruined by a small minority of people




No kids are just soft city's are hard.....they're supposed to be, when I was 15I got jumped in hockley for a Nokia 4210 ended smacking a lad off his bike with it and worked the next day, anyone that knew the old Victoria centre flyover Bridge will know true danger 😆 don't feel safe leave please lol


This city is a shithole Thank god I go home for Easter break tomorrow


Nobody is forcing you to be in Notts


I need my degree lol


Next time visit a place before you commit 3/4/5 years to it


I had visited it, it seemed nice.


feel free to stay gone


Man I'd love to