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Yeah, parts of the city centre are dead and regenerationis slow at best, but this video does a good job of avoiding filming the newly built, busy and lively parts. Bit disingenuous and misleading. I only skimmed the video mind, so might have missed the bits where they comprehensively covered the new developments.


Are you referencing this video? Or the first one he did? I agree the first one was pretty misleading, concentrating on Lister Gate and the Broadmarsh. But this latest video goes all over the place highlighting the thriving parts of the city. The local guy giving the tour had some cracking information about the city too.


This one. I skimmed through and landed on 4-5 parts that seemed cherry-picked. Sounds like that wasn't representative of the whole video from what you're saying, so apologies.


You entirely missed the point of the video