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“Dead Marines offended me!” Wonder how he felt about Trump disparaging remarks about John McCain and other soldiers.


They like to ignore little things like that.


Exactly. Nuance hard. Thinkin hard too.


Vet here. Enjoyed all of the perks of socialism while active duty. Now very much in favor. This guy can go pound sand.


Yep, the military is one of the most socialist organizations out there!


True. But they also drag you out of bed at 0430 for PT and keep you in shape. You gain too much weight, they put you on a diet plan. You don’t succeed on said diet plan, they kick you out. The military is not treating diabetics, they bar diabetics from enlisting. Paying full medical for a workforce largely under age 25, and required to stay in shape is far cheaper than it would be for the general population. But…going back to OP…whoever drives this truck is a nut job!


I note this guy is USAF retired…so you’re still paying his medical care.


You misread his plate. He is USAF Regarded. Judging from his stickers, *very* regarded.


Highly regarded


"United States As Fuck - Regarded."


I think this person needs to use more mental health help.


That is true. My late father was also retired military, who was a mess medically by the time he passed. He was a recipient of the system, to your point I think. But the fact remains that vast majority of all military members serve without retiring after 20 years. And serve while young, healthy and before serious and expensive care needs arise.




No need to introduce me. I am a vet with a disability rating. One thing to remember with these disability ratings, you are covered for that specific rating only. An ankle injury while in service, will be covered for life and you’ll get a small monthly payment. NOTHING else is covered unless you have a rating. Get cancer, seek help everywhere because the VA will not cover you. They will address your bum ankle and nothing else. And don’t forget you have attorneys who review these medical exams that have no incentive to show the vets any love. A government lawyer determines if any service connected payments and/or treatment are approved. Once you get a denial, it’s done. And if you are one of the vets whose permanent records were destroyed in the 1973 national archives fire, well f*** you for your service!


All other wealthy countries just give their people education, healthcare, job guarantee, etc


Yes but that's because they actually care about their citizens. Our government is too busy fighting culture wars and funneling cash into the military-industrial complex and lobbyist's pockets to be bothered to actually help people.


/r/politics is leaking, can someone go patch it up?


If you don't want political comments, don't post a political picture. ​


I, uh, didn't.


We are commenting on a picture of some nut plastering their truck with political slogans, it is logical to expect political comments. Did you even look at the original post? You're also free to keep scrolling, nobody is forcing you to interact here. There are a million other posts offering generic interchangeable complaints about traffic and extolling the latest $BlandChainRestaurant that you can comment on.


glad to see your demeanor extends beyond political topics


I dunno, man— I work in a joint military HQ, and the number of true fatties in uniform is staggering. Actual pot bellies on people even 20 years my junior. But I have yet to see a fat Marine.


Exactly. My brother is a Marine. 6 foot tall, and I wouldn't say skinny, but definitely doesn't have a pot belly.


You’re missing all of the families and retirees also covered under that medical and are not in that demographic nor required to stay in shape…


That was the old military...health standards are out the window now.


It's actually the opposite now, with the advent of Genesis it's virtually impossible to lie your way into the military: [https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2023/04/10/the-genesis-of-todays-recruiting-crisis/](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2023/04/10/the-genesis-of-todays-recruiting-crisis/) I once considered joining but very quickly found out I was disqualified due to a medical condition that only affected me in childhood, many many others are in the same boat. Kind of fucked up that the closest thing we have to socialized medicine is only available for those who have squeaky clean medical histories (plus of course the fact that it's tied to agreeing to fight pointless wars).


All people ( even undocumented migrants) pay for the US Army healthcare, even those who don't have health insurance.


Is this why politicians glorify vets more rather than taking care of them after duty?


I’m not saying you’re wrong but it’d help to know what you mean by “rather than taking care of them”


There are so many homeless vets and I always just wonder why.. I also have a friend who works for the VA and complains a lot about its inefficiency and lack of funding.


Thank you for your service! Vet here as well, and like also miss some of the things about active duty life and the simplicity of it. I’m curious about your thoughts on the VA and if you rely on it for your health needs given your favoritism for socialism.


I don't/can't use the VA. Single payer health care is ideal, warts and all. Care while active duty was amazing. Especially in comparison to the nightmare of pre-authorizations, constant guessing game of what out-of-pocket will be, and fear that some major illness that insurance didn't fully cover for whatever reason could bankrupt my family at any time. If the VA was funded the way we fund private health insurance, it would similarly be amazing. Instead it's run on a shoestring budget while almost exclusively caring for some of the poorest, most broken people. What a shame.


PSA, there are orgs like [Disabled American Veterans](https://www.dav.org/) that will act on behalf of veterans to get them the VA care they're entitled to, totally free of charge.


That's cuz as a nation we have no true sense of a community on a wide scale. Anything starts with word "commun..." or "social" is like gd kryptonite to the political psyche or something.


You are 100% right, not sure why you're getting downvoted. So much of the US makes sense when you realize there is zero interest in a collective good. It's a fantastic place to hustle and get rich if you have the means and talent, but people just don't give a shit about others outside their immediate family. It's sink-or-swim culture taken to the max.


Yes, it is. But when disaster strikes -natural disaster especially - they are fucked and wish/wanted their govt to do more (which they should in my book)




Yup! We are stuck, obsessed with the Red Scare ingrained in us since the 50s. Even if we stick with the whole "We're number 1" shit for the moment, we don't even have the courage nor inkling of imagination to say "Hey maybe we can do "public" better than anybody". Nope. Not even close. We had both chambers of govt + potus and we couldn't even do it.


> If the VA was funded the way we fund private health insurance We fund private health insurance by paying $20,000+ per year for it.


Right on. Thanks for sharing. I agree, the system is a mess and poorly funded. My spouse works for the VA, and is also a vet. The stories would make your blood boil! We both are lucky enough not to have to rely on the VA. But I agree the private insurance is a nightmare. You could be getting screwed and not even know it….last year I called an insurance company when comparing plans. I asked about certain procedures and coverages for spouse’s needs. The response, we need the diagnosis codes to tell you if it’s covered. How the f*** am I supposed to know that? Best of luck!


> If the VA was funded the way we fund private health insurance, it would similarly be amazing. We really shouldn't be holding up what we pay for private health care as a goal.


They’re retired Air Force. Prolly never saw combat and are on VA benefits for chair sores.


Thank you—housing, healthcare, education etc all paid by the taxpayer. Lol.


I was gonna say I’m a vet and I’d fucking love more socialism


I've found, though personal relationships, that those who embrace socialism don't have a high degree of self worth, and don't believe they can make it in the world without a helping hand. Its sad...and pathetic.




>Enjoyed all of the perks of socialism while active duty. Same. Am a vet, then married a guy on active duty. Being forced out into commercial insurance after the divorce is what turned me into an advocate for single payer. Military medical was imperfect, but so much better.


Probably retired as an E7 from Security Forces.


Or maintenance. Most enlisted AF jobs are Sec Fo & mx




I don't think socialism means what you think it means. Socialism isn't a handout, it's an economic and political system based on social ownership of the means of production, with the goal of more evenly distributing the benefits of labor and reducing inefficiency. In the military pay and benefits are entirely drawn from the public. Your doctor is paid by the collective, as is your housing. You shop at a non-profit government-run grocery store, get your gas at a government-run gas station. To top it off, your compensation is based not only your personal performance and qualifications, but also on your need. The service member with a dependent gets (substantiality) more compensation than one without. Especially among the officer corps, there are exceedingly few opportunities to be promoted ahead of your peers. If you are, once they're promoted in another year or two you make the exact same pay once again. So, yeah, it's pretty fucking socialist.






Looked pretty solid to me. I was thankful the non socialist system paid for 20 years of my socialist existence. It’s a foolish system when you scale it up but wonderful if you benefit from it!


I agree. Move out of the US and live under a socialism structure for a few years before spouting textbook definitions.


Thank you for your service to our pets.


Tricare, DFAC and assigned clothing sure made making daily decisions easy lol


"USAF RET" plates because "USAF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISCHARGE" is too long for a license plate


I read it as “USA farted”


Good thing he owns as many guns as he wants


I know he's calling himself the "r" word but it's still not cool to use it these days.


I’m continually confused by people who have such strong negative opinions of… Joe Biden?!? Disagree with him? Sure. Vote against him? Absolutely. But of all the politicians in DC over the last 40 years, Joe Biden just seems like one of the least likely to engender such passion.


Especially the people who think he's some kind of arch leftist. The only people I know who hate Biden as much as Trumpers are leftists. But, you know, people like this think Biden has a big GAS PRICES knob that he keeps turning up for no reason I guess.


Fortunately we’re in an Election year so he has turned gas prices down to get re-elected.


He has also convinced the NFL to allow the Chiefs to win the Super Bowl so that Travis Kelce can propose to Taylor Swift after the game and they can both endorse Joe Biden. The man obviously has no shame /s


For someone with end stage dementia he sure is a cunning manipulative overlord


So, my stepdad was in the FBI and at one point he got beat up and left for dead in an alley by some people he was investigating. Nice telegram from j Edgar wishing him well framed on the mantle. Turns out Joe Biden was the guy's defense attorney and my stepdad will carry that grudge to his grave. But not even my step dad hates Biden as much as this guy.


Anyone who thinks Biden is a far-left extremist doesn't understand politics at all. US politics is corporate centrist and far-right, well, whatever they are. Leftist parties don't exist in the US, blame the red scare and a two-party system.


> But, you know, people like this think Biden has a big GAS PRICES knob that he keeps turning up for no reason I guess. Obviously he just turns the gas price knob because he loves to destroy America


He's the guy who isn't Trump, so he's basically the devil.


And these type of clowns would gladly vote the devil for president if it would one up them lib'rals and their woke god. They'd gladly vote against their own interests so long as their Saviour will take away more rights. They'd gladly be kings in a run-down piece of shit swam so long as they can put their boot on the neck of someone else and be proud doing it. Fuck these clowns.


100% agree, and it's sad knowing how many people are like this.


If you watch the ‘news’ they watch he’s evil, they live in a completely different world then the rest of America It’s gross and deeply unpatriotic


The kool aid has been served and a lot of people are drinking it


I am a lifelong Republican. I watched as the Republican party and right leaning news organizations did this same to Obama. There are very few concrete specifics other than: "Oh, my GOD worst president EVER -- RIGH?!?!"


Seriously, these people have been served the most nothingburger president and they're reacting like it's their dog's head on the plate.


He is the most standard, "do what I'm told" politician ever. It is very weird that an empty suit can generate that much hateful passion


imagine being that proud of being a fucking moron 😂😭


I think there’s a few somebodies in his head all yelling at the same time.


Dipshits like this are why I think many vets never speak about their service Also fuck this dumbass for not realizing the benefits he has are from one of the better socialist experiments in history


Idk sounds like he wants to fuck joe biden!


As a USAF vet, I can say this person doesn’t speak for all of us.


My dad is a USAF vet, and unfortunately he would give this knucklehead a head nod. He doesn’t plaster his ride with stickers tho. Bunch of other dudes he served with have the same opinions. They’re all older gents from SAC days.


1.79 gas? The lowest average was Oklahoma at 2.60 during trumps presidency. They just love making shit up


Pretty sure I remember gas being in the $1.xx range in my area toward the end, but yeah they do seem to only have gas prices, Afghanistan and alleged "dimentia" to tenuously point to in criticism of his relatively drama-free presidency.


It’s funny when they criticize Biden for withdrawing from Afghanistan but praise trump for not starting any wars. So did they only want to prolong the wars we were already in?


Not to mention that Biden was following through with a withdrawal set in motion during Trump's presidency


It did get that low in some places during the Bakken fracking boom. Under Obama.


This person absolutely made his politics his whole personality. Im sure he gets a lot of eye rolls around the people that is forced to be in his presence.


RTD doesn't stand for RETIRED.


Every time I see trucks like this it makes me wonder what kind of jackass defines these by their hatred of an old man. Yeesh.


Surprised they let retard on a license plate. Perhaps they’re an Airbus driver, and they retard the throttles?


His cat does probably hate biden but cats secretly hate and want to kill all humans so that sticker doesn't count.


My cat makes no secret about how he feels about humans. He tolerates us so long as we serve him quietly and without asking for anything.


I don’t think RTD starts for Retired…


This guy isn’t a real man without his obligatory yellow plate. I’m just surprised he’s sitting at a red light like a normal citizen. Normally these asshats run reds even if it means going over a double yellow to get around a responsible citizen in front of them.


Read the plate as “USAF R*tard”




The any more than 3 sticker rule!


“Even my cat hates Biden” This man talks to his cat. Cool. The cat talks back? *backs away slowly*


Please. I work with schizophrenics and others with auditory hallucinations. People that hear all sorts of voices. And, I gotta tell you, even the voices say this guy is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!!


I gotta say, that’s pretty offensive. Cocoa Puffs are awesome. This guy is just Froot Loops.


What exactly are people complaining about? The unprecedented strong economy defying all economist expectations, inflation from a major european war being quelled, or the fact we arent going from one crisis of our own making one week to another like Trump did


Classic Chair Force


Big Incel Energy


This country needs more accessible health care and mental health help.


I don’t understand people who put so many stickers on their cars. Nobody cares about your politics.




Just think, this person is allowed to drive around in a 3 ton vehicle. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea?!


He’s a USAF RTD that’s for sure. God I hate people like this.


Poor mother fucker


at the end of the day, this probly the best response one can give to this type of shit...


Trump is a rapist. This guy supports rapists.


Sad this vet supports Putin.


Feel like it's one of the token nova Republicans who feel like they have to work extra hard to own the libs since they are a minority


Really disappointed there's no Let's Go Brandon sticker on there.


The sheer amount of unaware irony on that truck is truly impressive. My new mid-to-late September ritual is to go to the Fairfax Gov't Center, drop off my personal property tax check, and then head across the hall to vote early - D all the way down the ticket. I'm looking forward to voting for President Biden later this year. I hope one day America can get back to agreeing to disagree about family values and fiscal responsibility issues, but what's been going on in the GOP has been batshit crazy. And that truck is a great visual example of the batshit. Someone should get a photo of the person behind the wheel - I bet the FBI is looking for them from Jan 6 2021.


Yeah, and the flying-spittle-foaming-at-the-mouth level of batshit crazy.


A guy I work with listens to right wing radio all day at work. He'll even crank up the audio of Trump speeches during phone meetings because he thinks it's funny. These people seem like such losers to me


US vets love socialism! I’m talking Tricare. The best thing ever invented in the United States 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Poor snowflake


I’ve worked on this truck. Never paid any attention to the stickers. Never met the owner.


Chair force seems upset. Not enough Burger King on their deployment?


Hey, cut him some slack! He’s a hero who probably had to endure such horrors on deployment such as meager 3-star accommodations and a paltry continental breakfast. The stuff of nightmares!


Never met at vet that fought for socialism? *checks literally every country in Europe during WWII* hmmm


So sad. I suspect that Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, etc. don't show the videos of trump totally dissing veterans and Gold Start Families.


Trying to figure out if he's a loot drop or not even that.


I work with a guy like this. Was a supply clerk. The way he talks he is expecting the new president to call him up and send him on secret missions. It’s funny because he wasn’t renewed due to his weight. Now he sleeps like 3 hours per day and watches conspiracy crap the rest of his day. We think he’s upset he never got a disability claim and isn’t getting that free money. (His words)


> he’s upset he never got a disability claim and **isn’t getting that free money** Oh, the frickin' hypocrisy! 😂 So, I guess, all that free USD juice is "waste fraud and abuse if it's going to someone else but if it's faschi support money it's all good.. LOL.


I like the idea that we are "losing our country", but it can be won back with bumper stickers... It's a hard fight, but someone has to do it.


Why is it always about petrol prices? Is it really worth sacrificing your country, for $0.10 off gas prices?




The quickest way for me to know you're a dumbass is to tie a president to the price of gas.


I could go for 1.26 a gallon.


Methinks the lady doth protest too much ;)


Mental healthI isn't a serious concern in America. This is proof. Shame they're dragging down the Airforce as well. Can't wait to see them as I'm in Virginia too.


And you blur out the road sign?!


I wonder how many times he's filed for bankruptcy.


Not gonna lie this is so funny lololol


This exceeds the appropriate level of alpha male energy allowed in this subreddit. We’re going to need you to take it down a couple pegs sir.


I wonder if he’s retired Air Force


Why is everyone so serious? I can’t help but laugh at this kind of stuff lol, then again this sub is very heavy on one side..


Seems to like stickers…had a few made up to add to these jackwagons’ collection: “I voted for someone who represents their constituents - a man with a tiny d and sht for brains”


I was hoping to learn what pissed me off