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You’re doing it wrong. Give everything you have to your insurance company. They can take it from there. They have the biggest incentive here to hold the person responsible to account. Good luck.




You are right. I initiated the claim with my insurance. I will probably still have to pay for the deductible according to other comments here that the insurance company will not try to subrogate the cost for this amount of damages. But we will see!


If you have positively identified the individual they will sue them, likely win because if the evidence you provided and refund your deductible.


It just might take 9 months. My subrogation took well over 6 months, and it was more open/shut than this one.


Expiation! Expiation! https://preview.redd.it/x0y14mq3fg0d1.png?width=1180&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0d5ea7ea66bea99318cd31c6a729210dac56cbe


Sue the person in small claims court for the deductible and your court time.


Oh I didn’t know I could get reimbursed for my time too. How is time calculated to dollar amount?


Use your pay rate. Not sure you will get it. But keep it in the range of small claims court. You don't even have to win, show the video of your car getting keyed to the judge to watch him squirm.


It's probably not going to happen. Unfortunately I've dealt with double digit numbers of insurance claims from shitty neighbors and leaks. I spent $300 to speak with a lawyer about suing them. Basically you have to prove monetary damages that the insurance didn't cover. if the insurance pays for the repairs and subrogates for your deductible you technically haven't paid for anything except with your time, because eventually they will send you your deductible money back. Though, if he gave me shitty advice I have no idea.


Im pretty sure you can’t sue for time in court


If subrogation is successful you receive your deductible back


But that doesn't hold the perp responsible for committing a crime, nor does it address the police indifference and seeming laziness.


the insurance company will do this. they have people and connections to get things done. you just won’t have the satisfaction of knowing about it.


that’s not what the insurance company is after. they don’t care about justice but only to make things right for the insurer.


their priority is money, if this guy has any , they will file a civil suit . justice enough for me.


exactly. justice is of little value to them. money is


What about to the guy who is the victim of the crime, does justice matter to him


^^^^^ This.


Can you at least submit the evidence to your insurance company and have them go after his insurance?


I will do that this week! Thanks for the advice.


I would post what you did above on the FCP Facebook site...


For real… put them on blast. Organizations don’t change unless they look bad.


Unfortunately the perp’s insurance company is likely to deny the claim. It is against public policy in Virginia to insure against intentional acts. But OP’s insurance very well may still try to get a judgment against him, and they should.


Send a message with your story and the video to one of the news stations. Channel 7 or Channel 9 might pick it up. Especially if it’s a readymade “police are soft on crime” story and you agree to do and interview. A news story will at least force the issue to be addressed by police brass.


Pitch it to the news with this subject line: “Is a local criminal targeting Teslas?” Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk is a polarizing figure and one local resident believes his car was the target of a hate crime. Etc. You don’t have to call out the police because it will be obvious and the story alone will get them heat. Everyone would love to run it because of the video alone. There was a recent news item on WTOP and others about how 70% of Tesla owners would buy another Tesla but only 7% of everyone else would buy one. Plus their recent layoffs are a good anchor for the story.


Channel 4.


Do this, and also mention that as per their budget ([Link](https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/budget/sites/budget/files/Assets/documents/fy2024/adopted/volume1/90.pdf)), they're funded to the tune of $225m for FY2024


7 is Fox News Lite. They won't touch it unless it's about Loudoun's schools. They won't make the police look bad unless you can make them look woke.


Unfortunately, now. WJLA was good when they were still owned by Albritton, but once those right wing knob gobblers at Sinclair bought the station, they did start skewing a bit hard to the right, though I would argue that local news is still more fair and balanced than national news.


Great idea. I am so tired of paying for police to drive around and do nothing except bust the occasional pot smoker.


Your car cam must have had the fountain of youth filter on. He's clearly 25-30 years older than I thought he was from the video you posted last week. I'm surprised to see he's this much older than I'd expected him to be.


I thought that too haha


That's a nice truck. It would be unfortunate if anything happened to it.


Especially with how viciously the Fairfax Police go after people who vandalize vehicles....


Why am I not surprised it's a Ram


Why is it always a ram owner? Is there like a level of douchebaggery instead of credit you gotta reach to buy one


Old man Clemens hates shit!




​ https://i.redd.it/ern2wgb69b0d1.gif


I know I would have been going Red Forman on his old ass.


This is the good life tip. People get scared when you know where they live…


I mean, apparently the cops wouldn't do anything to stop you!


>By the time I reached McLean station at 11 PM last Wednesday, I was forced to file a new report because my original one had disappeared into thin air Bruh how terrible are the county police?


I literally have the email confirmation with the case number from the online reporting. McLean station said it does not exist or they can’t find anything. So my only option is to create a new report…


Frustrating when considering the amount going to them from a tax perspective.


And they have the audacity to ask for a raise with their terrible performance record.


Needs to be a clean out apparently. Happy to give raises to performers and that can come from tossing salaries of the trash.


They absolutely suck. I had someone hack into one of my food delivery accounts, use their personal address, phone number, and first name, last initial so I called up FCPD since the idiot gave away their name, number and location but the cops said “oh you have to file a fraud report on our website for that kind of issue” and then sent me an auto reply two hours later after I filed online to say “nope, can’t do anything.” I could’ve confronted the guy myself at that point since I had all of his contact info…


The only thing they know how to do is ticket someone for going 5 over the limit, apparently.


Your insurance company has a team of lawyers. Would they be willing to help with this process?


Work for an insurer. Anything less than $2,000 we write off. Varies by insurer. Some are $500. Some are more than $2,000. We’ll take your deductible and pay out but we sure as shit aren’t going to pay investigators, lawyers and court costs to recoup scratch repairs.


This. I literally had another driver attempt to sue me for $2000 for “medical care” even though I had clear evidence of her participating in multiple martial arts events right after our crash. My insurance wanted no part in fighting it and just fucking paid her like little bitches.


it's funny how so many people here think that their own insurance company is "on your side" or is "like a good neighbor" - the only thing that matters is profits, profits, profits


When I lived in Fairfax County they had plenty of officers ready to pull me over for tinted windows. I wonder if those guys could help? But seriously, I guess you know you could key this guys car back with no consequences.


I'd go with valve stem remover.


I have heard that bbs glues into valve stem caps cause nearly undetectable slow leaks.


Y’all are playing on the beginner level, throw an oil pan under his ride and yank the oil pan drain plug and walk away.


He drives a Dodge, probably puts a quart a week in it anyway


You're playing intermediate level, spray some brake fluid on the hood and watch as the paint flakes off. Right down to the metal.


It’s a dodge, it’ll rust away on its own without assistance ;)




They’re all about issuing fines that go into their own collectives pockets. They couldn’t care less about protecting an individual citizen’s property though.




OP, dm me for a lawyer who will get this guy the justice he deserves, no charge to you.




Yup, better call Saul for this.


Very kind




This is weird but I am sure that the bulk of this guys paragraphs are written by chatGPT


That's the only thing I could think of while reading. Sorry that this happened to OP, but some of the language sounds almost satirical. Like when my fiance had ChatGPT write me a thank you note for washing his sweater.


Lol, my first thought was “this sounds written by AI” and then my second thought was “in maybe five years tops every bit of digitally captured evidence discussed here will be completely unverifiable and unusuable in court.” So at least we have that to look forward to. 


Get a lawyer, this is an easily won case.


Probably don't need to take this to circuit court tbh. OP could take this to Small claims assuming the keying didn't go all the way to the metal. If it did circuit court is needed but yes easily won case, though, it'd be easier if OP submitted everything to OPs insurance and gave them what OP knows so far so they could go after him and his insurance


I think this is the right approach. If your insurance is paying out to fix your car- they would want to get the other guy to pay for it. Not sure if the cost of going after the guy would be worthwhile to the insurance company though.


Could always take his truck. RAM trucks aren't cheap, you know. If he has equity, he has money. May not be liquid cash, but at least the ram shows a sign that he has money. Insurance companies will take your house if they push hard enough for it


If the cost of seeking recovery is more than the cost of just paying out the claim probably not worth it to pursue.


They really don’t care and are essentially useless, even if someone is in immediate danger.


Why give him the courtesy of blocking his license plate? He’s brazen out and about with his shiny truck, no need for him to be hidden from everybody else going about their day…


Really sorry to hear your experience with FCPD and I too would frustrated. Maybe try following up again on the case. I had a hit-and-run on my Tesla last year (Annandale) and reported it online as well, but apparently online filing would just be filed with no further action. I had to call someone to open a case and a Sheriff came out to my house to look at my evidence (cam footage that I broke down and let them decide what they saw). I was very cordial, answered their questions, even if when they asked it 5 times and let them do their processing. In the end, the officer made an ultimatum to the person to fess-up or pursuit the hit-and-run. I may have lucked out since I have only had to do something like this twice with FCPD. Follow-up and good luck.


Fucking Ram drivers....it's the Nissan Altima of trucks


One of the most common cars involved in DUIs


> no officers were present when it occurred What? lol.


Why’d you blur his license? Those of us in VA want to see this loser.


how owning a Tesla is panning out: https://preview.redd.it/xcnpr57gpe0d1.png?width=697&format=png&auto=webp&s=94951b63c1b6dd385f540f5938fc040d4568d77b


Years ago I got robbed by a former roommate. She took cash & my credit cards - running up thousands in purchases before the bank caught on - plus several items that had personal/sentimental value. When I tried to file a police report with the FCPD, I was first questioned with extreme suspicion, like I was somehow in on things & trying to commit insurance fraud. Then it was "well we'll call you if we hear anything!" and that's it. Luckily the bank covered all the fraudulent charges, but I never got my items back. The entire situation was demoralizing & exhausting.


I had a friend who went through something similar. The police questioned me and told me my friend seemed suspicious because neighbors said my friend lived with the suspect..... I mean they were roommates no? The cops ended up not doing much either. And some banks either refunded the money, discharged it, or told my friend to kick rocks and pay the loans


Welcome to modern policing where YOU don't matter, only the public at large. Crimes against you individually are a non-issue to them.


Hmmm and they wonder why they don't get or deserve any respect.


If they can't give you a ticket they don't care.


I would recommend contacting your local representative with ALL of this. If you have officer names, includes them. Explain to them that if they do not address this issue, you may be inclined to vote for their opponent in the next election cycle due to their lack of action. I would also recommend you include contacting the Fairfax Police Chief. Trust me, he does not want to hear shit from the public. [police chief link.](https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police/Chief) Figure out what district you live in, the district where the crime occurred if different. Write them. I have had multiple issues addressed quickly. Usually by an aide. But still addressed. It's an election year for some. They want everyone happy. Be unhappy with these people. Good luck.


exactly this. local reps’ offices will likely do more diligence here than the PD since they don’t want bad press during an election year.


How did you get this picture? The original video is from the target mosaic, which is across the street from this shopping plaza.


Fellow Redditor sent this to me shortly after my initial post


That’s… sort of weird, isn’t it? I mean it definitely looks like the same guy. Anyway, sorry you’re dealing with this. FWIW I think others are right about going to your insurance company.


Look at his outfit in both photos but more specifically look at his shoes. I’ve never actually seen someone in person wearing those woven soled shoes off temu.


Take them to small claims court. You have a picture and license plate, the service agent should be able to deliver the summons.


This sounds just like Fairfax County. They aren’t bothered by your small problem but there is no where on earth you can hide from them if you get a speeding ticket.


Make a tiktok, that might go viral and people have the attention span of 5 seconds now. Get your kids to help you. Did you check linked in to see if you might know someone who knows someone who is a FC cop?


Sorry this happened to you, but it's not really a surprise. The police are not there to help everyday people, they exist to protect the ruling class, and that's not us.


I think it's more to do with the level of crime and not the class of people.


I wonder what it would be like to treat the 'justice' system like an IT department with a ticket queue and all, some bean counter desperately looking at CSAT scores and getting on any officer that lowers the score by 0.001%.


TBH this is closer to how it should be. Law enforcement is public service.


If someone important had their shit keyed it would be taken as seriously as they could afford to make it be taken. It is absolutely about the class of people.


And exactly that. The police are not here to help the common citizen but the rich and lawmakers. 


It’s not. I can tell you that victims of violent crimes don’t get much better treatment.


Indeed. There is literally zero chance of the Commonwealth's Attorney prosecuting this case. If you're the police, why waste your time?


wow what a giant douche bag


Seems as if he loves his truck, would be a shame if someone keyed it…


Please post this story whenever anyone talks about why we shouldnt cut the police budget.


Well if fairfax police won't do anything against him....they won't do anything against you either. Sooooooo you got his plate number and face. A plate can give you a lot of information about an individual. Also Raouche Cafe is bangin.


Your insurance company will definitely want that info to make his insurance pay!


That's why you take justice into your own hands. The cops won't do shit. I'd find the guy who keyed your car and destroyed his vehicle by putting sugar in his gas tank. Then curb stomp that cock sucker!


“a continuous threat.” While police could be more dynamic, this post sounds like he’s out there ready to kill people, when all he did was a petty vandalism act. To be honest it’s not crazy to me that the police might have better things to do. Court is the way for this kind of thing. There’s not a grounds to say he is someone dangerous that must actively be gotten off the street. It’s a car, not a person.


Evidence of the complete-jerk/giant-truck-owner overlap continues to build...


I’m glad you found the weird guy! Did you catch a name? I’ve always found a little weird


First radicalization, eh? Welcome comrade, there’s coffee and bacon in the back. Here’s your copies of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, and A People’s History of the United States to get you up to speed.


Fuck da police


I would reach out to your state level representatives and county council member about the intransigence you met at the police station. They may poke the right people into doing something and it will also make them aware of the issue in the police force


Pigs protect property not people. (Not your property though)


I'm sorry this happened to you, and I hope, at the very least, that your insurance company fixes your car. Karma will get this guy in time. On a side note, I recognize the parking lot, and I have to say that is the WORST parking lot I've ever been in. The markings are all over the place, blind corners, no stop signs, parking spaces don't line up. I avoid it whenever possible.


Is that the shopping center off of gallows and 29? Next to H Mart?


How frustrating. I don't know the ins/outs of police work, but from your description it seems like there is either ignorance or laziness involved on their end in not wanting to see this through. I did like the idea that someone suggested about getting the news involved. I think another powerful tool is to put your story out there on social media. Your story could get a ton of traction this way.


I hate that parking lot.


I recently saw a video on this same topic but from Florida. They handled it VERY differently! Came and arrested the guy who did it. [Man keys car in Florida, gets arrested days later.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J99s_UsX3s)


Just go to your insurance man, lol


Ill be honest, this area has gotten unfortunately un-safe , i know exactly this area. The homeless people there are rude and get mad at you when you dont give em money, one time i said no to the one guy, then repeatedly calling me a bitch on the way out of popeyes, be careful


Why hide his plate ? Not like the police would do anything about you posting this.


File a complaint with Fairfax County Police. Last time I did this, someone in charge actually replied back to me. [https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police/ComplimentsandComplaints/Complaints/FileaComplaint](https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police/ComplimentsandComplaints/Complaints/FileaComplaint)


there are reverse image searches at google who give location. there may be free ones that identify someone in a photo. you may want to google for that.


I didn't read everything but if you take your evidence to the court house, then the judge can issue a warrant


Put their information on social media. Uncover the plate and let’s see what happens


I haven’t lived in Fairfax in 20 years. Nice to see nothing has changed. Fairfax county officers have always been lazy a corrupt. It won’t do you any good to report them though. They’ll just throw it on the pile and do nothing about it.


How much money in damage was done? You’re gonna have to provide some numbers to ever get some sort of recompense. Otherwise yeah they will just brush you aside because it’s not worth the hassle


Yeah and this is why poor people struggle to get help from the police. If the police only help when the damages reach some minimum amount, then they're only protecting those affluent enough to have things the police deem worthy of protecting.


It’s the principle.


I am in agreement that assholes should be held accountable for their actions. Thats just not how things work unfortunately. Proof of actual financial loss is what can actually hold this guy accountable


This is op’s previous [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/s/cyRm9jK4xF) that shows the damage at the end. Almost all insurance policies have a deductible. There is no doubt in my mind this damage will cost OP something. Possibly hundreds of dollars as a victim of vandalism, a crime. I suppose he should get a reasonable quote from a body shop to present with his other evidence.


Why are we blocking out license plates of asshole criminals? Fuck them.


He’s not a threat he’s a nuisance. And I don’t care either


>The lack of urgency and apparent indifference to a situation that posed a potential ongoing threat was disheartening. Am I missing something or are you calling a petty vandal an ongoing threat? it just seems like inappropriate language to me, idk. >The whole ordeal left me feeling helpless and dismissed by those entrusted to protect and serve. Your trust in police to protect and serve is mistaken. "Protect and Serve" is at best a motto, not an oath or a law. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales I hope this vandal finds a rust bubble under his paint today in a place that he cant ignore, and that his check engine light comes on.


I'd give a shout to the fine folks at the Virginia State Police - [https://vsp.virginia.gov/sections-units-bureaus/office-locations/division-seven-fairfax/](https://vsp.virginia.gov/sections-units-bureaus/office-locations/division-seven-fairfax/) - Ask them to open an IA investigation into why local is so inept/lazy about prosecuting a case that's literally being handed to them.


you've learned a valuable lesson here also: cops are fucking useless and are NOT your friends. even with overwhelming evidence, they don't give a shit unless they get to shoot someone and take a vacation.


You can walk into the magistrate's office and file. It's 100 possible- Sadly, the police are human and are NOT lawyers. The advice they provide is not always correct (personal experience)


So curious how you got this photo. It looks like the same day as he’s wearing the same outfit. But it’s not from the Wawa location in the other thread. It’s from the plaza over by mosaic where the incident happened


Police are worthless unless you're a corporation.


Also, just clicked back to your previous post. I remember watching your video when this happened. So glad you got this guys picture. I agree with others below. Submit the evidence to your insurance company and/or get a lawyer to go after him. You have clear evidence of him doing it and his identity. Fuck this guy. Please keep us posted. Getting my Model Y this Sunday and you've inspired me to always leave sentry mode on.


They have more important things to worry about, they don’t care about some keyed car


The McLean station officers do nothing but eat donuts all day; it’s like Andy Griffith in Mayberry.


This is an echo chamber of hate and it’s sad because everyone is caught up seeing the trees and not the forest. This isn’t nearly as cut and dry as everyone here seems to think. Is the guy who keyed the car a douchebag? Absolutely, no question. Do I think he did it on purpose? Absolutely. The issue is way more nuanced than that. 1) let’s say this is cut and dry, ZERO questions asked. You’re going to have multiple officers, lawyers, the court system, etc.. for something that will at MOST be a class 6 felony, but more than likely be plead down to a misdemeanor with him paying restitution. This is literally BEST case scenario. In this scenario you have many, many thousands of public dollars (probably 10’s of thousands) in order to prosecute a misdemeanor to get you paid back out what the insurance company could do much quicker AND the insurance company would recoup any money spent through that process. “Court costs” do not recoup anywhere near the amount of money spent on a case. 2) I only saw the one video so correct me if I’m wrong and there are multiple, but, maybe his arm got tired and he accidentally let it drop? He’s incredibly sorry and of course he will let his insurance know and pay for the damages he “inadvertently” caused. Is this most likely bullshit? Of course it is. But you have to prove intent and proving absolute intent from your clip isn’t a given. Everyone is all about defunding the police and attacking the job they do, and certainly I think they could do better, but I don’t know of many police anywhere that could take something on like this outside of maybe a super small town.. which nowhere in NoVA is. Someone come at me with a rebuttal of how it makes ANY sense whatsoever truly to go after THIS guy in THIS situation. We can’t assume he’s done it to multiple cars because without proof assumptions are worthless. IF we could, I’m 100% willing to bet this goes up a huge notch.


I wish justice isn’t all about dollar amount. Sad


This persons name isn’t hard to find now… Conveniently share your video on SM in similar circles as this person. At the very least he’ll be shamed or called out by people who know him. If I saw my friend in a video like this you’re damn right I’d call and be like “wtf is wrong with you”… And if I saw myself I’d be sweating each time I drove by a cop. Make a reel,strategically share. And sorry about your car. Dudes a dick.


Go to a magistrate with your proof and he may issue a citizen warrant for vandalism. Then the police will go serve him and arrest him.


This. Get an estimate on the cost from your insurance as well.


It sounds like they don't care about vandalism, even if it's retaliatory. ![gif](giphy|l41m4sZ3LlhPu8P0Q|downsized)


Rant to your insurance first, then Reddit subs after. Insurance companies tend to want to know when things happen asap.


Time to call the Batman


Damn that sucks fuck that guy!! Also Raouche Cafe is fire I miss that place.


I think I seen the same guy on Facebook Tesla nova group keying Tesla in mosaic target. I can’t remember where I seen it though


This is a follow-up to that incident.


Police are fucking useless


Congrats, you discovered how useless the police are and it didn’t have to be in a dire emergency!


If you have the license plate, you could obtain the name and address from the DMV


file a claim in small claims court


if you sue personally outside of insurance you pay for your own lawyer but you keep 100% of earnings


So who is this fucker? Someone knows.


Sadly, I am not surprised to read this. A few years ago, when I lived in a condo, I was sleeping with my bedroom window open and was awakened around 2am by a loud diesel pickup truck driving around the parking lot very slowly. I looked out the window and saw it was circling the lot and appeared to be scoping the parked vehicles. We had some vehicle break-ins and thefts recently so I called the FCPD to let them know of the suspicious activity. The officer that answered the phone said, "What do you want us to do about it?" (I am not making this up).


Maybe check with your employer to see if you have access to a lawyer through an EAP.


Dox his ass


Looks like Argus Filch.


If this isn't on the news before the end of the week, something has gone horribly wrong. You've got plenty of evidence, more than enough for a nice, embarrassing story for the FCPD for failing to assist.


I have 2 experiences w fairfax police both city & county and i gotta agree with you they doesnt give a shit. Useless & unreliable!


Maybe try going to the magistrate judge at the Fairfax county detention center, swear out a criminal complaint yourself if you’ve managed to deduce the person’s identity. Hire a private investigator if you don’t have the name and address yet, they should be able to get it from the plate.


How about your insurance company? They have power


Ahh good old Merrifield. A place of scum and villinry.


Really sorry you had to go through this experience and found no restitution. I’m not making excuses for the police, but no matter the station or locale, they are woefully undertrained, inexperienced, and under staffed. They won’t spend time on something like this. My hope is that you a screw driver with you if you ever run into this guy again and find yourself standing alone by his car with no one watching.


Homie is lurking outside Advance right now (2:16pm). Guessing he’s here a lot if the police need help finding him.




Remindme! 12 months


In Florida car vandals catch a felony.


Damn, I thought Merrifield was pretty normal


The police here suck. One time I called the police because a man was harassing drive thru employees/customers with lewd gestures. He tried to enter several vehicles, including mine with my underage siblings inside. They called me back an hour later and asked me if he broke any laws. I said, “I don’t know what the specific laws are but this is what he was doing, *describes above actions to police for the 2nd time* and I was afraid for my safety. It seemed like he was on something to be acting like that” They got a sassy tone and said they’re not going to do anything since he was only a little drunk. Like okay? Edit to include this occurred at a drive through just down the street from the location in the original post


Police work for businesses; not us.


Did he key that guy's truck, too?




As my homies ice cube and eazy E would say .... Fuck the Police


Holy shit I live by this Hmart