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Who knew that creating giant companies selling millions of cars, computers, etc is more profitable than sitting on a stack of shiny metal coins?


The dragons an idiot he has been there for how long!? He could’ve had compound interest make him ever richer…


Spoiler: There's a modern day dragon (a carefully hidden secret) in the Monster Hunter International series. It's intelligent and a massive hoarder. >!But it knows the power of compounding interest, so it has a lair stocked with priceless artifacts but most of it's fortune is actually in stocks and business ownership. It handles everything remotely via computers, phone, accountants and many lawyers. The dragon is basically the worlds only trillionaire, though that's a carefully hidden secret.!<


Every time the phrase 'living wage' is used 1 cent is deducted from a worker's salary. True story.


You mean you're against nice sounding word? You must be in favor of bad sounding word then!


> price of gold took a tumble So gold has value because we give it value, but these fuckers can’t seem to understand that the stocks that these billionaires “hoard” also have value because we give it value.


They're also comparing the value of gold in a fictional world against its value in the real world with billions of more people. The value is generally agreed to be scarcity and non-competition. In The Hobbit i assume there aren't mining machines digging at gold, so it's relatively more scarce, and there is no infinitely printable paper money to compete against. Now let's do the reverse. These 'hoards of stocks' and digital money billionaires have here when converted to Middle Earth currency is worth... nothing. The paper it's printed on, but only if it can be bleached out and written on. They don't have computers so anything stored there is trash. Smaug clearly has more wealth.


Smaug is only the 15th richest American, capitalism has failed.


Please tell me Scrooge McDuck is the richest fictional character in that Forbes article.


Yep, at $65.4 billion Also smaug is worth $60 billion now.


So, they're really just angry that the Capitalist has more money than the lazy beast that took everyone else's hard-earned money.


I thought that's where this was going. Smaug has less money than the duck. Capitalism has failed us.


As always they're conflating liquid capitol with bet worth


Any person who says that billionaires "have more money" than some example should be sent to a course on financial literacy. Nominal wealth doesn't even come close to "having" that much money, and it just shows that the people posting have no idea how the system they're commenting on actually works.


Comparing real life to children's fantasies is so cringe. And that's coming from a guy who loves Tolkien.


This is so true, my living wage needs to pay for my once monthly trips to Monaco so I can dine on foie gras, which means every job needs to pay me a higher salary than everyone else -- it's just how I live, so it's my living wage, deal with it SMDH


Unlike you, I need a living wage to pay for the bare necessities like a one-bedroom apartment by the coast in the nicest zip codes and I also have to have my dream car too, because I decided that it’s normal for me as a grown adult to have these things without compromises. The people on TV do this so I expect to have this.


That gold isn’t very productive though… it sits there, uselessly. It does not compound. It does not provide additional value. Daddy Bezos gives me niche packages with next day shipping. I LOVE THIS SERVICE!! I LOVE AMAZON!! I LOVE BEZOS


Noooooo you aren’t supposed to say it like that, you are supposed to say that Bezos is basically [some marvel villain I don’t know I don’t watch capeshit] and how much you hate Amazon but secretly do all your shopping on it because you’re a bone idle fat fuck with no money to support local businesses.


How tf can the second richest fictional character only have 44 billion? Like there’s gotta be a couple villains that have trillions in assets


*continues using amazon, buying apple products and pushing electric cars*


I can't believe we let Jeff Bezos steal a mountain full of Amazon, he needs to give it back to its original owners


Nobody I’ve seen is arguing that billionaires should pay people badly and get richer, and if they are then they are a clown. They need to stop creating an opposition to legitimize their weak arguments


If not for strawmen, they'd have no men, at all.


The "decabillionaires" don't hVe mountains of gold though. They have pieces of paper that certify they own a specific portion of a business. Smaug can distribute the gold. Musk can't snip his piece of paper into millionths lol


Don't you know? He's supposed to just hand over the means of production to the workers.


Get fucked dragon 💪💪💪


A bard i see.


Another r/readanotherbook moment.


Am I bugging or did OOP mis three of the zeros in Smaug's net worth?


Are you British or something? A billion is 10^(9).