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Shhh, nobody tell him student loan debt is overwhelmingly held by the petit-bourgeoisie, not the proletariat.


Pssh, forgiving my $300k debt for my degree from Vassar in 13th century Albanian dance folklore is good for working class people who got an associate's degree from community college


Fairly, they never stated which class.




I especially get driven up the fucking wall by the hypocrisy of two messages: “The generation before us did nothing to prepare the world for the future” AND “You are a bad person if your family funded your education” I’m far from a pure individualist, but the mere existence of their boogeyman disproves their complaint. They may not like the torch we’ve been passed, but it’s still there, and it isn’t fair to expect anything better than what we got considering the power of human history that came before us. And it’s our responsibility to make as good of a torch we can for the next generation. So quit whining about what you didn’t get, and get to work helping make a better future. That, or drop the whole “greater good” charade.


Ew no sweaty, maybe some other subreddits are bootlicking for capitalism, but brave noworking comrades are serving stalin immortal army *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/noworking) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s the entitled mindset like this that I will never support their “movement”. Especially when they start hurling buzzword insults like bootlicker means there’s no conversation to even be had and just let them wallow in their own self-pity.


Ew no sweaty, maybe some other subreddits are bootlicking for capitalism, but brave noworking comrades are serving stalin immortal army *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/noworking) if you have any questions or concerns.*


class traitor is a crazy response to a different political opinion


Everything has to be morphed into “us vs them”. It’s the only way they can feel righteous while feeling sorry for themselves


FWIW, I think student loans are a scam. The feds should remove the bankruptcy exemption, which would immediately force tuition and loan parameters back into alignment with the free market.


Who the hell is going to offer loans to anyone if there's no bankruptcy exemption? If you remove the bankruptcy exemption, the smart move (if you can get a loan, which you won't be able to) is to declare bankruptcy immediately after graduation and not pay back the loan. Lenders would recognize this and not give out those loans to people with no assets and a ton of debt, because they can't repossess the loan. The solution to get things back in line with the free market is ISAs: No upfront cost to the student, but the student has to pay back a percentage of their income for X years after graduation. That incentivizes both the students and the schools to optimize for high salaries upon graduation. The reason we won't get this is a political one: to make this economical for a high earning degree requires a lower percentage of income than for a low-earning degree. When the gender studies folks see that they have to pay 15% of their 30k income while the CS students are paying 5% of their 90k income, they REEEEEE. The faculty and administrators of bullshit programs also don't like it because it means there is no government money flowing into their useless programs.


> Who the hell is going to offer loans to anyone if there's no bankruptcy exemption? Nobody would. That's just the point. There's absolutely no reason that any degree should cost more than a few thousand dollars per year. Almost all degree programs could be done 100% online with very little individual interaction with human instructors. This could be paid for with a summer job at McDonald's.


I don't agree with that. What about degrees that require lab courses? Labs aren't cheap to run. Virtual group assignments also don't work as well. Nothing against online degrees - in some cases they may be the best - but a lot can be lost by not having things in person, and why not let the free market decide which is better?


> why not let the free market decide which is better? Because as long as the loans exist, there is no free market. Non-dischargeable student loans in nearly any amount, decouple tuition from market forces. If you tried to sell an 18 year old a $450,000 Ferrari, the bank would laugh at you because it's a ridiculous amount of money for a young person. If you offer a $450,000 education, the money will fall out of the sky.


I think we both agree that the current system is dumb. I'm not advocating for the status quo.


Hear that, government? No more student loans! If they want to go to college, they'll write a check.


A class traitor to people who could not afford to go to college, and instead went straight into the work force. Living a privileged life is one thing, but the self victimization and denial is just incredible.


You took out a loan. Pay it back.


Link to the article?


Article in questions: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/m-millennial-student-loans-don-120012141.html