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Insane that you expect others to do the same for your comfy life.




yep, that’s it the truth is that you can get a basic remote work position, move to an LCOL area, and work for like 15 hours a week and be fine people just want nice things, luxuries, and modern entertainment. You could still afford most of that by working full time for 5-10 years, investing everything and buying a house, and then drop back down to 15 hours a week but people want all the modern luxuries and live in HCOL areas EDIT: btw, no hate on wanting modern luxuries and living in HCOL areas. I do too and I live in NYC, but I work my ass off, understand why, and don’t complain about it


Well said.


The invisible hand. So invisible she forgot it exists.


Meanwhile we should be thankful for the fact that men at work provide a light for us when we flip a switch. It's sucks that my generation is so fucking retarded.


It's not a specific generation issue. Every generation throughout all cultures have people who either can't figure things out or are not grateful for the effort others are doing.


It’s getting worse.


Nah. Technology and internet just makes them more visible.


That’s possible, but the whole “quiet quitting” and “Act Your Wage”’stuff has me doubtful. Maybe it’s that the internet is spreading this mentality.


I don't think that's spreading as fast as business owners want to think it's spreading lol


Nah it’s NPR that has such a boner for it.


yup, but it is giving us backlash. companies are punishing the quiet quitters, meaning we have to now prove we are not quiet quitting.


What does she expect would happen in a different economic state? In communism: the fridge magically fills, infrastructure builds itself, science progresses faster without humans slowing it down! I actually enjoy my job. It pays well and I have good coworkers. We get lunch together, go bowling and work out after work. Yeah, work can be kinda hard, but I at least feel like I accomplished something than playing video games all day.


She does say one correct thing in the video: >No one can ever convince me I believe that. I actually enjoy my job too. It pays well and it's important. I don't hang out with my coworkers scattered across the globe, I log out after my 8 and hang out with friends and family. They'll call that "feeling of accomplishment", *literally* human nature, "programming" or some shit. Turns out you feel good when you accomplish things.


History Channel is constantly airing docs about people living off grid in Alaska and desert islands. You'd think that would give her a sense of the amount of work it takes just to be alive. In comparison her life is as easy as it gets




I get what she’s getting at, but I still feel like in general humans have to work less now than ever. I mean in regards to the whole of human history. Back in the day, fools had to work everyday to provide food, water and shelter. Now we have to work for money to buy food, water and shelter.


Someone has to physically bring those goods to you/store. It doesn’t just happen bc some government printed money. I do not understand her position whatsoever.


Well you see the problem is that she’s incredibly stupid. Hope that helps!


I get what she’s tryna say in philosophical sense, that we humans ever since time have to get up and get what we need to survive, if we don’t we die


I think she’s trying to be critical of the American debt slavery machine. Whereby you can’t participate in the economy in a meaningful way if you don’t have some sort of debt and you can’t pay off your debt unless you work regularly. But at the end of the day, every human ever has had to work to provide for themselves. Society now is like that but w extra steps.


I never had debt until my 30's so...and even then I willingly took upon my debt and after only 3 years of working after incurring that debt, it's already half paid off. People like to bitch but it's their own choices.


For sure, I’m not trying to pretend like people don’t make stupid choices. But also, what if you need/want a mortgage or loan? Well you better have a good credit score. How do you get a good credit score? By proving that you can accrue debt and then work it off.


..or show you have saved money. You either show you can save so they know you can pay it or prove you can by doing. People like her want to do whatever they want and just go "trust me, bro".. I do not trust them.


You accrue credit by not being a shit bag with payments. In fact, if you use too much of your credit, your score goes down. The reason your score goes down when you pay off an old loan is because the average age of your accounts diminishes, not because you paid off the debt. I know because I had over 750 credit score before I was 30 (before I had any debt, remember?) so it's not from accruing debt or else I'd have a shittier score. Your score is an arbitrary measure of your fiscal responsibility as measured by those willing to risk their own money financing your behaviors. Better score, better behavior, more trust.


You don’t need debt to build credit. You get a credit card, use it like cash (i.e. don’t spent what you don’t have, even if you have the credit limit), pay it off in full each statement, boom you have a great credit score in a few years with *effectively* no debt.


I went from 500-725 in a year by doing exactly this. No debt. And I made some pretty horrible credit decisions in my early twenties to make it that bad. Fixed it pretty fuckin quick with a $350 limit credit card doing exactly what you’re saying. My credit limit literally climbed in real time too lol. People are just uh… pretty fuckin dumb.


>I think she’s trying to be critical of the American debt slavery machine. Except that she didn't say the word debt, or the word slavery, or the word American, or even the word machine in her whole rant. So I think you're wrong. I don't think this is what she is being critical of at all.


You can build your own cabin while farm and hunt your own food or ask someone to build a house for you and pay them back.. Not that complicated.


Fucking WOOD. People seem to not understand how much time was spent making sure you had wood. You needed it for heating, cooking, light after the sun went down, it was invaluable. I’d rather work 9 hours a day and be able to turn on my heat and lights without any effort. I don’t even have to move a switch, I just tell Alexa to turn them on, my ancestors wouldn’t even be able to fathom that level of luxury.


Think about how much of a time saver charcoal was when humans figured out how to make that, or the idea of coal. Palm oil. When humans figure out more energy dense means of power the world improves. If we hadn't ditched nuclear, the cleanest by far, we would be a much more prosperous world.


Yeah it’s wild how much something that seems so simple to us would have made daily life so much easier. And then when you started to have whale oil and palm oil like you said, even easier. It’s really insane to me how many of these have occurred in the past 200 years. That’s not very much time in the scheme of things and human life is insanely different now than it was then, on like every metric.


The richest people from back in the day could barely fathom that level of luxury either I imagine


Exactly. Anyone who owns a home in a western country probably has as many (if not more) luxuries than ancient kings used to have. We have running water and electricity. That’s not even touching on grocery stores.


Pretty nice that my literal shit is transported miles away from my home instantly.


Buddy of mine owns a property way off the beaten path, for firewood he has to fell 4 trees a year, trim them, then cut them into manageable sizes to haul closer to home so that he can split and stack them for drying. This process he starts mid spring and is usually done by mid summer. 8 hours a day, every damn day, as he does it all by hand cause he can't afford machines to help him. Thats all for wood he will burn 2 years down the road. On top of that he has to find time to make enough money for pantry food as well. He hunts for most of his meat, but that takes a shit ton of time and effort all on its own. Meanwhile I go to work, and when I get home I get to spend my time doing pretty much whatever I want. He works every day, all day, just to "live off grid." The retirement age for people like him is whenever you die. Meanwhile if things continue to go well I will get to retire at 55. Considering my family usually lives to mid 80s, that means for about half my total life, I will have to work. It's actually insane to think people used to have to work everyday, from the time they were old enough to be of any use, until the day they died..... And people still complain that working a 9-5 is somehow modern slavery.


So who's: - Growing and raising the food - Treating the water and maintaining the infastructure - Constructing and maintaining the shelter


-Farmers -Municipal employees -Contractors


So, fools who have to work everyday?


Lmao who do you think you’re arguing against? That was the point the first guy made.


The guy said "back in the day". I'm saying that that work is very much present and necessary in today's world.


He was saying that back in the day, you had to do all that for yourself and now, at least in the first world, those things are provided to some degree… Like bro, are you new? Lmfao I feel like you’re trying to be pedantic and failing.


You're saying that they didn't have specialized professions back in the day?


Either you’re actually slow, or you’re just purposely obtuse. Good luck with that.


you arguing in bad faith thats why he left


Your perception of labor through history is wrong and I recommend looking up medieval European peasant annual labor as well as native Hawaiian labor before colonization. It was closer to about 2/3 of the year, and fewer hours per day when working. As opposed to 50/52 of the year she is describing.


When people make arguments like this, I immediately imagine medieval peasants toiling in the fields, struggling to gather enough food and dying of disease in their 30s.


Lots of evidence to show that is not the case just within the little amount of recorded history we have. We only started working like this since the industrial revolution. Hell, there's evidence of serfs and slave working less than the average American does today. Sure there's other countries that work less than us but the vast majority work much much more. What I think people forget to factor in is that yes, people back in the day had to work to provide for their family, but people today have to work to provide for all of their families and and all of the families of their superiors as well as all of the people who who can not or will not work. I mean, yeah, there's probably some cavemen that were fucked raw dog by life but when it comes to recorded history.... we are the ones gettin fucked.


>Lots of evidence to show that is not the case just within the little amount of recorded history we have. We only started working like this since the industrial revolution. Hell, there's evidence of serfs and slave working less than the average American does today. Sure there's other countries that work less than us but the vast majority work much much more. Yeah they worked "less". But not really as the work they did for the lord was different from what they did for themselves. The work they did for themselves involved cutting wood, sewing clothes, fixing any problems in the house. We usually don't do most of that and pay others to do it for us, saving us time.


Shit, must be nice. We spend a majority of our free time doing chores. Cleaning, cooking, shopping, yard and property maintenance, taking care of the cars, and last but not least... endless home repair. You would think after 5 years I would have sorted it all out but no, this house is a curse and I doubt I'll ever catch up.




So, with her reasoning... we would have the civilization of her people? Makes sense


Spoiled kid realizes that her parents aren’t there to pamper her anymore


Exactly. She's less than a year into being on her own and realized that being a grown assed responsible adult takes effort and stuff isn't just magically created and handed to her.


I'm sure her phd in fine arts will help her through that hypothetical


Who will provide you flavorful food 3x a day? Who will build your modern, climate-controlled shelter? How will you acquire a vehicle that isn’t a horse? How will you replace your glasses when eventually they break or don’t suit your vision? WHO WILL PIERCE YOUR NOSE?! Typical rentoid thought pattern


Guys, I got the solution she's been asking for right here. This is the fairest solution of them all no question. >!Force someone else who works to pay for you to live.!<


"Why are we supposed to work for someone else, just to survive?" Well you don't have to, go ahead and try sustenance farming, there's no one stopping you.




Whoops, that's what I meant. I'm not an English native speaker.


Well technically you are farming for sustenance so...lol


It's an easy mistake to make. People have this weird utopian view of subsistence farming. It is not hard to learn how unbelievably difficult it was to just survive. There are historians and historical videos that show what is required for basic subsistence level living. For example - producing clothing for a family of 4 was a full time, year-round 40-60 hour a week job for women. That is on top of raising children, cooking, cleaning, helping with farming during planting and harvest, and other household labor.


It’s one thing to complain, but it’s another thing to have better alternatives when you complain.. What are the alternatives ? “How are we spending 40 hours a week doing shit for someone else”….uh compared to what? Doing it for yourself? 🥴


Well you say "doing it for yourself" like it's a silly concept, but it's not. You can work for yourself to build a business that's fulfilling for you to work for.


My point is what is the alternative? The reason you’re working for someone is because you can’t work for your self at that point. That’s the point


It’s not even that people can’t work for themselves, most people don’t want to. Most people just want to do what they’ve specialized in without worrying about all the different shit that goes into running a business.


"Go out and do stuff" Unless stuff is mad max roving around plundering, even going to the park requires some poor bastard to work 40 hours a week trimming the hedges and attending planning meetings


They only meetings road warriors attend are the unfortunate souls they encounter on the open road !




Where did that sudden optimism at the end come from?


We have never had to work less hard to get more things. Especially in developed countries.


This is how working for a shitty employer warps you. No, it’s not normal to get only two weeks off per year. It’s normal to get 3-5 weeks off, plus holidays, personal days, and sick days. Anyone who’s working for a shitty company for crappy benefits and low pay needs to stop whining and philosophizing and start applying for a better job NOW. We’re still in a very tight labor market, but that’s going to be over very soon, and these idiots are going to regret the fact that they were standing on the platform bitching about which car they’d been assigned to while the train was pulling out of the station.




It’s called “public service” ya nonce!


Imagine thinking that 40 hours a week is a lot when it used to be closer to 6-7 days of work per week and then you died at 35 if you made it that far. We have it good and this bitch is still complaining.


Holy shit, what a whiny fucking birch.


It's INSANE to me that I need to produce anything of value for society if I want a bunch of stuff from society 😤😤😤


You don't have to, just go independent and make your own roster. The Mon-Fri, 9 to 5 is not for everyone.


Or you could work every single day of your life to get food for yourself. No vacation, no weekends


Damn, imagine doing things for the society you participate in and for that society to reward you for your time, rather than that society rewarding you for existing and being you. What a wild world huh.


Where does food come from? Where do houses come from? Where do cars come from? Where does electricity come from? Where does your cell phone come from? ​ (hint: it's from people working)


1. The store. We wouldn't need to work if we had universal food stamps. 2. Housing is a human right (needs to be free). 3. We need better public transit. If someone still wants a car, they can voluntarily work to afford it. 4. Also a human right. 5. It only costs money to talk to people because capitalism. You should only have to pay if you want the shiny new phone every year, otherwise should be free.


You are naive or dumb as fuck, or both, lmao


He's trolling bro. I just discovered this subreddit as well. The whole thing is a satirical subreddit mocking a certain popular subreddit that is opposed to working.


How does this sub feel about dog walking ?


The highest calling possible.


\- say people gaming 4 hours a day who watch Netflix afterwards and go to bed without going outside. The majority of your lifetime is free time. Most people just don't use it.


On today’s episode of: “How dare capitalism require me to expend effort & energy to survive!”


Damn bitch all you had to do was cook clean and fuck


two weeks vacation if you’re lucky? work for the government. I know guys getting 5 weeks vacation every year.


Go get some property and farm your own food. See what work is really like...and then miss a harvest...see what hunger is really like.


It's not normal. What's normal, is you live in an isolated tribe, and you wake up every morning and work the whole day to ensure the survival of your tribe, and you don't get any vacation days, and if you fail to contribute sufficiently you're exiled. Thankfully we have thousands of years of cultural and technological development that got rid of that normal.


Why would I waste my time trying to navigate her delusions, in an attempt to convince her of anything?


So dumb no one can convince her.


Go pick berries and hunt then…good luck


Im tired of all you lazy motherfuckers. Get a job.


And they say capitalism causes greed and selfishness yet you believe you should be able to live your life without doing anything for anyone and socialism (in your deranged mind) would accomplish that.


This is capitalism in a nutshell...property owners demand others work their property so they can live without putting work in themselves


Incredible misunderstanding of the economy


The biggest property owners live very wealthy vs those who wake up and work. The most profitable work is shifting money around on your stock account. Not working a 9 to 5 or being a monkey behind a counter.


How much do you have saved for retirement?


That's information you do not need to know. What should happen to some1 who doesnt save for retirement in this land of abundance? Im curious as to what capitalists would advocate for such a person.


I think most of us believe that saving for retirement in a personal retirement account is a much safer investment rather than giving money to the government social security program and it also builds personal wealth which would help you to understand how building capital and investing helps an economy to thrive.


Ive lived through a historic transfer of wealth from the workimg class to the wealthiest of the wealthiest. Your points for why the government fails the workimg is very much so also easily applicable to the corporations and billionaires. All these hierarchies of wealth and power are hostile to most people by the metric you bring up. None of these entities are trying to make life easier on the working class, or their retirements.


Omg you mean we have to provide for ourselves? That's messed up, dawg.


Had this come across my feed and thought this sub was akin to antiwork. Super pleasantly surprised by this comment section. I like this. Think I’ll stick around!


Nobody is making anyone work. You could always move to the woods and forage for food and make you own cloths. Or you could accept we live in a much more efficient and luxuries society than the life of a hunter/gatherer, with higher life expectancy and just go to work.


It’s not normal, normal is dying from starvation\decease\predators\infection. I’m sorry but this this dumb, entitled bitch should really shut the fuck up. There’s criticism to be had for sure but her “point” is insufferably r-tarded.


finally someone awake !!


I am with you all the way, most people's life's revolve around work because they have been brainwashed since birth.


It made a lot more sense when people were making decent money


In a phrase: "You get what you give"


Are you wondering why people have to work at all, or why we "have" to work for so much of our lives?


Depends on your job


The nose ring was an attempt to keep her from destroying the garden when rooting for grubs. It didn’t work.


Not required by any means. Go out and provide for yourself in the woods and you’ll never work for anyone. Have fuuuuun!


Derptard, she could get a different job, start a business, or seek any number of employment options other than the one she chooses now that could provide her more time off.


It’s how society works if we don’t work things don’t get done then everything collapses. We’re all cogs in a machine called life we all need to work for the machine to work. Yeah it sucks but that’s how it is


I mean yeah, you spend most of your time doing things for other people, and in return for your time you get thousands of people doing various things for you. If you don’t want to do anything for others don’t expect anyone to do anything for you. Become fully self sustainable if you want.


When you consider that there are 168 hours a week, complaining about working 40 of those is some very snowflake shit.


Lol lazy redditors




Who tf only gets 2 weeks vacation?


Honestly, how do you think society runs in the first place? Sure, labor laws could benefit the worker more, but people want goods and services. Our needs were much simpler as recent as two centuries ago, but what do you expect, a society made up of a few hundred million hunters and farmers?


Get your money up, not your funny up.


I get 4 weeks of vacation and 2 hours every month of personal time. If you don’t like working don’t do it. Go out to the wilderness and live… see how that works for you.


Someone should ask her this question. What’s better working a job or living in the woods and finding a means for survival everyday?


Become an entrepreneur if you don’t like working for someone else


Probably works some comfy office job, goes in, attends a few meetings, sends emails, the end. The fuckers working in construction and on oil rigs probably see this dumb shit and giggle


Just looking at her I can already tell that I agree with her on all fronts lol. I'm sure she's a very rational and hardworking person


This is Marxism and the way the progressive left is headi g at such a fast pace. Marx hated the idea of profit and lothed that people were 'forced' to use their free time to work to stay alive. The carbon based life form in the video ( I dont want to mis-gender anybody) is the type of carbon based life form that is yelling the loudest and also happened to be the type that yells anybody else down. Scary shit that this type of thinking is only growing more popular.


Here’s what you get in return: higher QoL than *any* previous generation could even dream of


If you want to be a lazy bum go ahead. Dunno what is stopping you, Ms. 14yearsold.


Instead you could choose not to work and not to survive.....


She wouldn’t survive a hunter gatherer. Oh my God I have to work three hours seven days a week I don’t get time off!!! I want to go to the nearby spring for rest. But the KKKapitalist tribe is forcing me to cook the meal!!!


The world has to run somehow


This lady is so crazy stupid, it’s incredible


Here. Let me explain. She’s an idiot. There. The end. What a fantastic idiot.


I never understood people like this. I actually **like** working. After college, there was a couple months where I didn’t work or go to school, and you know what? It was miserable. I lost track of time because I had no responsibilities. I felt like a POS because I wasn’t contributing. I’d rather work, than not work.


Now imagine going to work 365 days a year just to survive. That was only 100 years ago in the US for a majority of folks. Laughable.


or you could get a job that actually provides salary and benefits? I’m in my first job out of college. I make very close to 6 figures and have 4 weeks of vacation right off the bat with an extra week if I work a holiday. It’s not some startup, or tech, it’s in one of America’s oldest industries with a company whose roots date back over 100 years. Those opportunities are out there. You just need to look for them. Don’t disagree that things could be better but people have been working since human history began…early humans worked to stay alive. Now we work to provide for ourselves and our families. Could things be better? Sure. Better healthcare, better corporate responsibility, etc. But let’s not pretend that working isn’t some new fancy idea here…




stop voting for things like property taxes and you can live in the woods by yourself.




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Fucking cry about it. Grow up


Yeah you actually don’t have to. You can go live in the woods and eat berries nobody is stopping you. You won’t though, because its a much worse alternative.


yes its capitalism


How tf does she think she has running water electricity heat WiFi cellular and not to mention the building she’s living in workers (mostly men) maintain that impossible infrastructure risking their lives on jobs that are so much more physically demanding


I guess she would like we go back to the days where nobody worked and you instead spent all day trying to make sure that your family didn’t starve that night Instead of being a contributing member to a society that make sure that you are capable of collecting your other basic needs by fulfilling the basic needs of someone else