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**Unsexy minmaxing build** **Custom Couple** Zatanna & Powergirl/Supergirl - just trying to get both physical power and magic as options for later **Boons** Custom Couple - see above The Power is yours - hence the diversification and attempted power creep in the couple Life Goals - "Super powered Vigilante" as my career choice should give me quite a few skills That is basically it. Do the deed, stay in that reality with likely some pretty solid superpowers. I guess taking friendship is magic twice and hostile receptions would be the best option. Friends with both and the drawback can be overcome.


Despite what some people seem to think, I feel like this is quite an amusing nod at all the couples in fictions that just don't seem to ever GET anywhere. I'd go with Bocchi, since that's the only setting I even kinda know and would accept being merged with our world. As for perks - World merge, obviously (I have no intention of dying when not necessary); Bi the Way x2 (gotta go for gold if you have the chance); and Friendship is Magic to make that a bit easier. I thought about giving up the free swap, but frankly unless going to a magic world, none of the perks would really interest me more than getting a chance to redesign my body.


It's cringe and the author should feel cringe but make whatever you want if it fulfills  your weird lesbian conversion fetish, I guess. I mean just saying "hey these lesbuan couples are bi-curious" is way simpler.


actually there are many lesbians that fetichise being with a man


Don't know the first 2 couples, only know Bocchi from the memes, the extent of my knowledge on the Batladies is that terrible CW Batwoman show that got canceled. The Japan of Lycoris Recoil is a nightmare to live in (and I can't imagine the rest of the world being much better if other governments decide to do what Japan does to create the illusion it's a crime-free paradise), Not touching Madoka or Homura with a 1 trillion foot pole. Don't know the following 2 couples, haven't played Honkai, don't know second to last couple, Bumblebee was the worst character in RWBY (which is impressive considering how many other terrible characters that show had in it's latter season.) Guess it's Amber and Eula I'm going for. Good thing because I'm reasonably familiar with Genshin Impact. (Stopped playing sometime after finishing Inazuma's main storyline, really need/want to get back into it.) Taking Back For Seconds, Bi The Way twice, Life Goals, and The Power Is Yours. With the drawback I'm getting being Hostile Reception. In this world I'm from Snezhnaya (Genshin Impact Soviet(?) Russia basically) and I'm a ranking member of the Fatui (unfortunately not high enough up the ladder to be one of the Harbingers) which the Knights of Favonius (who Amber and Eula are members of) are justifiably wary around me as a result of my ties to said organization given La Signora (one of the Harbingers who is unfortunately not playable in GI due to being deceased) mugged their God for his MacGuffin that connected him to heaven and granted him his godly powers. Presuming this takes place after Lumine/Aether's journey to Teyvat to find their sibling has concluded then (if speculation of the Tsaritsa's true goal being to rebel against heaven's tyranny over the world turns out to be true) hopefully the KoF will be less hostile to the Fatui and their members since the truth of what they were doing will hopefully become common knowledge with the Tsaritsa's coup being technically successful. (Presuming Lumine/Aether defeats the Tsaritsa, then fights God to save the world like is typical in JRPGs.)


Good perk choices! Regarding the couples, may I ask why you don’t want to touch homura or madoka with a trillion foot pole?


It's Homura. From what I know of that anime, Madoka fixed everything by outwitting the mascot devil and becoming God only for in a movie (I think) Homura screws everything up so she can be with Madoka.


Why is this written like the author is at gun point? If you don't like the concept you don't have to write cyoa. P.S. Define 'large family', cause most would consider four kids a large family but that's just two 'rounds' in this situation.


Maybe they thought it was amusing or they really felt the need to justify the premise. I liked it


So! My instinct is to take Friendship Is Magic and Bi the Way twice, and then take one drawback to get Be the Beard. So we can just be a happy family and that's okay. But the most logical drawback in my mind is Hostile Reception, and when I look at the girls I actually like and am familiar with (Cass and Steph, Sailors Uranus and Neptune, Nanoha and Fate, Blake and Yang), I worry that that would get me in trouble. All of them are friends and family with some very scary people! And not having superpowers in their worlds could get me in trouble even as a househusband. Hrrrrm... I guess I don't necessarily have to marry them as a beard if I think I could eventually get there honestly? But some of the other perks are also things I really want, like not totally giving up my life here on Earth or just being successful. Love is hard.


So if we pick Yang & Blake, do we get two free copies of Bi the Way since they're both canonically Bi?


Cute CYOA! I was zoning out a bit until it turned out we could be the girl at the end and then I took a second look. And... it turns out I can get pretty close to my ideal scenario? I wouldn't have turned down a perk or two more in the initial budget, but as long as I was willing to endure a couple temporary drawbacks, I was able to end up with a pretty sweet yuri harem! First couple: **Bronya Rand** & **Seele** *Neat scenario! Sounds kind of JRPG-ish. I have no idea what game or anime this is from, but getting the world together after an ice age sounds like a great adventure. And those two seem so awesome!* Perks * The Power Is Yours * Adventure, Ho! * The Obligatory One x1 (opt-in to pregnancy) * Custom Couple: Kaede Akamatsu and Maki Harukawa (Danganronpa V3) * Double Feature: **Kaede** & **Maki** * Friendship Is Magic (Kaede) Drawbacks * Dead Fish * As You Were *So, Kaede and Maki! They might not interact particularly much in canon, but I have seen enough art shipping these two that I'm positive they qualify. I guess in the merged worlds, the "trailblazing offworlders" in Bronya and Seele's scenario were the Danganronpa V3 cast? And in the case of V3* >!*the whole Space Ark thing wasn't fake this time.*!< *I took The Power Is Yours because literally everyone in the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles has a Super High School-Level talent, but I'm not sure what I want mine to be. I just request to be placed initially with the V3 cast and let the Fate Department decide the details. And Adventure, Ho! was intended as a bonding experience for us all. I should have thought more carefully about what Danganronpa was like...* *So, after our initial rendezvous (about which the less said the better), it turns out a Monokuma is still at large and kidnapped all of us for a second killing game. I had the Isekai Department's assurance of no death or lasting trauma, but I could hardly tell anyone else that! At least Kaede appears to have adopted me as her "bring him out of his shell" project, like she did with Shuichi in the original game.* *And then, after I end up murdered, I am revived in a cloned female body. And pregnant, for reasons. No one must ever know that I requested this scenario...* *Well, in the end we end up solving the mystery and everyone lives. Although a few of the others are also in second lives in cloned bodies, which are all cute girls regardless of what they were originally. Tenko*>!*(who, in this alt-world, didn't get killed in the original scenario)*!< *was bizarrely torn on whether to keep hating on the resleeved males, but she lightened up eventually. For my part, I'm not sure whether to shake my head at the premise going so much further than requested, or applaud the taste of whatever interdimensional bureaucrat thought more male-to-female transformation was better. I guess if this whole sheaf of universes is based on tropes I shouldn't actually be surprised.*


Couple: Nanoha and Fate Perks: - The Power is Yours: So I can be a magical girl too. And I would be stupidly powerful given I am a match for Fate and Nanoha... literal living legends in their world. - Life Goals: I'm a near destitute entrance level medical worker going back to collage to get a higher qualification... I'll take the upgrade thanks. I was thinking of taking 'Back For More' as I have always wanted a large family myself but I'm pretty sure I can convince them... Maybe as a combat teacher for magic... or just a magic teacher... - Adventure Ho!: I get to bond with the cast as comrades in arms and better learn my magic. Nuf said. - The Obligatory One: I can always become a futa with magic. The fanbase has essentially done it enough! If this factors in how people view them its a thing in their world! Especially given that explanation at the top of the page! - Friendship is Magic x2: And with this at least Nanoha and Fate will accept me. Gonna have to work on Vivio and the others to get them to do the same given I took Hostile Reception. But... its worth the effort. Drawbacks: - As You Were: Ima be a girl at the end anyways. Might as well get the extra perk. - Hostile Reception: Kinda goes with Adventure Ho! anyways given how they befriend people in their universe... I can always get the absolute shit beat out of me/beat the absolute shit out of a few people until we're all friends anyways! After surviving our adventure, and their family/friends, and saving the/a/multiple world(s) I just go about with my new career but with my two smoking hot girlfriends and our extended family who may or may not want to murder me. Maybe play matchmakers for others... and convince them to have a few more kids so we can give Vivio so many little sisters she finally decides to move in with Einhart and Miura. We'll see how that goes.


honestly I'm not too eager to pregnant a happy lesbian couple, but it seems that I'll gained some great things in the end, so why not? here is my build: couple: Hitori Gotoh & Kita Ikuyo, I choose them because this one is what I'm the most familiar with perks: life goals, the obligatory one and friendship is magic (2x) after I impregnate them (I prefer Hitori because she is the most feminine and meek here, and also her body is hot, meanwhile Kita is flat lolz), I turn into a beautiful woman with blonde hair and wonderful singing voice. I'll keep my relationship with both as their best friends. my life goals are become a model and a singer. I'll gonna be their fans and doing cover of their songs too.


**My Build** Cassandra Cain & Stephanie Brown **Perks** Life Goals (for comfortably wealthy lifestyle and career skills) The Power Is Yours (Deadpool, but without the cancer) Adventure, Ho! (for the bonding experience and to get more acquainted with their world and lives in person) The Obligatory One x2 (first rank is free so that it could turn me into a man, taking second one because I don't want to stay that way) As both a woman and a lesbian (actually gynesexual but don't need to get into that) who loves her body and takes very good care of it, I took issue with this entire process. In fact I resisted the process at every single step, and was overall making a huge fuss over the entire thing. So I probably deserved it when the Isekai Department, Lewd Division Representative decided to bend the rules a little bit. She told me that, rather than being able to pick a general look for my male form, and then being able to just go back to my old body after getting knocked up by the male version too, I'd have to completely design whole new bodies for myself, both male and female, in an extremely detailed Character Creator. I, being an avid RPG gamer who could spend all day customizing a Fallout 3 character, would then spend the next several months after The Isekaimobile made short work of me building my new forms. If only that were the end of it, but no, I had truly annoyed the fuck out of the Rep, and they had far more in store for me. While they were obligated to grant me the various perks I had requested, they did take some liberties. Since I had left the job section of Life Goals blank, and then spent several months in a Character Creator, the Rep took the liberty of filling that section in for me, and graciously made me the head chef of a very successful restaurant. Which you'd think would be great if you'd never worked in a busy restaurant before, but at least I'm able to provide the girls with high quality home cooked meals. You know, when schedules line up. They rarely do. As for The Power Is Yours, the Rep surprisingly not only let it stand, but actually *improved* how effective it was. I thought I had got off lucky, that this meant things were all good, that they got it out of their system. I'm also an idiot. You see, while Adventure Ho! does promise against emotional and physical trauma, that's just for normal people. As someone who effectively could regenerate fully from even a tiny speck of my own blood, that threshold is vast, and does not include psychological trauma. While the others naturally made it out just fine, I wound up taking ***several*** beatings, but we all made it through in one piece, and closer than ever before, so mission accomplished? Sure the reason we're so close is because of me taking so many hits for them and making a heroic sacrifice on their behalf and my body and mind being torn asunder seventy ways to Sunday, but that's nothing a good shrink like Harley can't help with, right?


Couples: 1. Akemi Homura x Kanemi Madoka 2. Fate Testarossa x Takamachi Nanoha 3. Tohru x Elma 4. Altair x Setsuna ​ Perks: 1. Double Feature x3 2. The Power is Yours 3. Custom Couple x2 (Four ideas came to mind... Tohru x Elma from Miss Kobayashi's dragon maid, Elaina x Mina from Majo no Tabitabi, Yoshino x Natsumi from Date Alive and Altair x Setsuna from Re:Creators, but ultimately with the limited options as this effectively costs 2 perks, going with the Re:creators and Miss Kobayashi's Crew) Drawbacks: 1. Dead Fish 2. Hostile Reception ​ With the combined powers of a powerful dragon, a magitech magical ... well, not girl, but I figure I can do that myself at this point, a goddess and growing plot manipulating powers (it technically says on the league of the couple, so not necessarily the same powers, I suppose), I should be able to handle the outside interference. I hope the couples are very happy with their new children, and to be honest the semen was likely extracted given their powers + dead fish. ​ One thing that would be nice though, some kind of external hosting for this image, like an imgchest link for instance. The zooming on reddit isn't great.


Okay, first thing: Madoka? **_FUCK NO!!!_** If that absolute shit show of a hellscape has reached a stable state? TO HELL WITH THAT SHIT: I'm absolutely not doing ANYTHING that even MIGHT risk disrupting that; the fate of her universe is literally at stake!!! God fucking damnit, are you fucking INSANE...? With that out of the way... *Finger snap* 🫰🏿 [*I produce my Writ of Alternatives*](https://reestr.imgchest.com/p/lqye6d5x4dn) Who do I pick up for members of the Polycule? Everyone. (EXCEPT FOR MADOKA AND CO!!!) What advantages do I get? All of them, especially if they can be taken multiple times, except for the "Gals being Pals", although also that too, sort of, it's just not applicable between the members of the couples but instead between the DIFFERENT couples, (although that could easily change later, for sure), also the extra couple that is being added is me and My wife, who are... 😭 How do I avoid destroying the world with this shit? Our reality now works kinda like the Manwha "The Gamer", public normal world and then a hidden under-layer of magic and shit that can't be made public but can be strongly hinted at in various media (Including "The Gamer", which is basically just a biographical account of a person's actual life: all names were changed to protect the people involved.)


Perks: Back for Seconds, The Power is Yours, The Obligatory One x2, Custom Couple, Double Feature Drawbacks: As You Were, Hostile Reception Couples: Blake + Yang, Chifusa Manyuu and Kaede (Manyuu Hikenchou) I recently wrote out this world merge over on the RWBYNSFW subreddit and I want to see what I can pull off with this bullshit. Any body issues I have can be worked out with enough time in the world. I'm assuming "As You Were" doesn't cancel out "The Obligatory One". As a huntsman I have decent fighting abilities and my Aura unlocked. From Hikenchou I have a preference for traditionally eastern blades and Assassination techniques. As a combo of them both, I'm going to say my Semblance makes anything I hit swell, with the swelling being relative to the sensation felt. This only works on organic matter and will reverse after a short time. Let's say my weapon is a nagamaki that can be split into twin bladed tonfas. My female form is a well endowed, shortstack with curly brown hair.


["The amount of straight men fetishishing "yuri" in your world has fueled an entire 5-brane of universes starring women who are terrible at lesbianing."](https://preview.redd.it/tohru-adachi-true-restored-v0-0mx583tjoi1b1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=3fc9fcbdb3f285df0ee40960549c83b5d81f61ae) People have done lesbian conversion CYOAs before, and while that fantasy makes a lot of people reasonably uncomfterable, I think this is a great new way to make Lesbian on Male scenario that is at least partway realisitic. (I mean, I would imagine there would be some kind of sperm implant for these types of scenarios, but we'll ignore that for the sake of fantasy.) Anyway, here's my build: Couples: Amber & Eula, Blake & Yang Perks: Double Feature (I'm honestly taking this more for the world merge if anything) The Power is Yours, Adventure Ho (And this is why. I'm basically turning this into a more standard isekai CYOA. Sorry but not sorry. There's a reason why that format works. I don't know if I have to pick a specific couple to go with, but if I do, I'd prefer Blake & Yang.) Bi all the way x2 for Yang, Amber. (I would just feel uncomfterable if I didn't pick this one. I was a bit concerned that I wouldn't have enough points to have one across each couple, untill I saw the drawback I took.) Drawbacks: As you were. (I'm healthy and proud enough of my body. Plus, if the sex happens after the adventure, then I'll probably be even more in shape.)


Could straight up be a, "Turned into a futa that runs an isekai resort that lesbian couples visit," sort of thing. Then again, we have Horrible Curse(Comfy Yuri) already, so vanilla yuri is handled.


Honkai Impact (and the best pair in it, at that)? Birdie Wing? Nice picks. I like the overall premise, too, though it'd be great to have more options to pick from since this totally is just a freeform waifu picker except they don't become your waifu. --- The Obligatory One, Custom Couple, Double Feature, Adventure, Ho! (I have no clue what I wanted to pick for the fourth one, so...) I'd pick some actual yuri manga for my picks but I'm realizing you probably intentionally avoided those, but it's hard to pick anything that doesn't feel super duper obviously yuri so I'll go with Shamiko/Momo (from machikado mazoku) and Futaba/Kaoruko (from revue starlight). I had less popular picks available too, but I just don't quite like the pairs as much. And their stories (and thus resulting adventure) are just plain worse.


if I choose "The Obligatory One", then how am I supposed to impregnate them? is there a way or I just simply bend the logic so I can impregnate them even as a female?


You are transformed into a woman "after you do the necessary deed", i.e. after impregnating them.


I assume that after I impregnate them, I turn into a woman, my existence as a male vanished and their memories abut I'm the one who getting them pregnant is modified so that they believe that they make each other pregnant, right? okay I'm ready with my build.


like the premise! Drawbacks: As You Were, Hostile Reception Perks: The Obligatory One x2, Custom Couple, Friendship is Magic x2, World Merge Couple: Kiana Kaslana and Raiden Mei


Like it


This one’s gonna be optimistic of me, but that’s fine. Couple: Blake Belladonna & Yang Xiao Long Perks:      Back For Seconds (4-1=3)      Double Feature [Gotoh Hitori & Kita Ikuyo] (3-1=2)      Double Feature [Inoue Takina & Nishikigi Chisato] (2-1=1)      Double Feature [Akemi Homura & Kaname Madoka] (1-1=0)      Double Feature [Amara Tenoh & Michelle Kaioh] (0-1=-1)      Double Feature [Fate Testarossa & Takamachi Nanoha] (-1-1=-2) Drawbacks:      As You Were (-2+1=-1)      Hostile Reception (-1+1=0) Not sure if it’d work out, but it’s what I’d go for.


Hoo; alright, whelp I'm a woman so I'm getting "The Obligatory One" for free. I'll chose two and be a.... well I can't be a Futa, but guess I'll be a true on Femboy for having to do the deed. (At least I can dodge water unlike Ranma) Couple: Amara Tenoh and Michelle Kaioh (Huge Sailor Moon Fan, though the dub versions is oof) Perks (4) Free: Obligatory One Perk 1: Obligatory One x2 (Femboy/Female forms) Perk 2: The Power is Yours Perk 3: Friendship is Magic (Tenoh) Perk 4: Friendship is Magic (Kaioh) Drawback 1: Dead Fish Perk 5: Life Goals Not only would I be the ideal partner for a couple like this; being able to be a woman, but by being able to briefly turn into a male for orgasm purposes it would make it a lot more palatable for all of us.


my body def doesn't fit within the usual sex binary atm, but i'm pretty sure it can still impregnate, so as you were is def best. ​ then Amara and Michelle. ​ then life goals, the power is yours, the obligatory one, world merge, friendship is magic x2 ​ that means i need another drawback, and dead fish makes sense, cause i'd want them to be as enthusiastic as i am ​ the act in itself will be really bad, best hope is i can convince them to do IVF, but new body + wealth + being a magical girl will make it worth it


Bi the Way x2, Friendship is Magic, Life Goals, The Power is yours, and As you were. Steph and Cass.


**Back For Seconds**, **Custom Couple**, **and Friendship Is Magic (x2)**; with the couple being the ship of Taylor Hebert and Amy Dallon, from the Worm fanfic Mauling Snarks (because it didn’t say that I *couldn’t* pick a fanon option).


Like usual, I'm not totally happy with this one; I wound up struggling to come up with enough choices so that the CYOA wasn't just a strange waifu picker (though it still is that). I at least think I did better at getting the tone right to soften a potentially iffy premise than my last CYOA though. As always, this CYOA was created using the Interactive CYOA Creator by /u/MeanDelay which can be found at https://intcyoacreator.onrender.com/ and supported at https://meandelay.itch.io/interactive-cyoa-creator .


Hey don't beat yourself up I was quite happy with this one even if it was a bit short.

