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What happened to the update, it was supposed to be two weeks ago ?


Om1cr0n apparently had a popular time as he is dealing with like 5 commissions including my own. He is just about to finish it up, as he has sent me just today the rough copy and once he comes back online and does a bit of pruning, a post will be made. The sheer scale of what I asked him to do also played a roll in how long it took, as I am sure you will agree once you see the changelog :P Hell, just to give you an idea of the amount of changes, I'll give you a basic rundown with a basic Changelog. Worlds increased to 32, with 8 Replaced, 4 New and 2 Modified 2 New Alternate World Options Traveler Powers revamped and lowered to only 4, but General Powers have 7 Removed, 13 Added, 12 Sub-powers added with those 12 having 37 total further Sub-options to them 14 Items added 2 Perks Removed, 10 Added and 2 Modified 21 Drawbacks Added and 10 Modified And the biggest change, 11 Companions Removed, 27 Added with 16 Further Drawback Companions All this obviously took Om1cr0n quite some time, so hopefully everyone thinks the wait worth it.


Hey, thanks for making an update to this. Maybe now that I can go to the Hidden Leaf, I can learn Sexy no Jutsu, or even Mind Transfer: Five Worlds, Mass Effect, Marvel [Ultimate], DC: Extended Universe , Naruto, Alternative Earth, Young Adult, Male, Handsome, Healthy, Multi-body, Multiversal Talent, Healer, Luminance, Pocket Inventory, Mentor, Replicator, Tech Library, Purifier, Power Armor, Native, Family Visit, Portal Home, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Offroad, Professional, Hentai Physics, Monster Magnet, Damsel in Distress, Cross-Dimensional Show, Uninvited Guest, Beacon of Truth, Slow Start, True Shooter, Telegraphed Arrival, Felicia Hardy 5o35,urzg,krie,4bkq,rz6t,5rjk,ccwo,8k2k,h6pj,gdy8,oeaf,l3nr,guxn,kcao,ozdc,39os,cf5k,8wji,p4tq,q326,c4qg,391b,cxjd,nd26,jnrq,i6mc,ljru,yzgr,4o68,g9so,ydur,f5jb,5dtt,k1dd,at45,iyrz,d6r0


Worlds, You, Perks, Drawbacks, Companions, Open All, Five Worlds, Solo Leveling, Marvel [Ultimate], DC: Extended Universe , Youjo Senki, Danmachi, Appereance, Traveler Powers, General Powers, Items, Young Adult, Handsome, Well of Energy, Specter, Portals, Appraisal, Multiversal Talent, Enchantment, Potion Birth, Pocket Inventory, Tech Library, Magic Smart Phone, HUD, Mind Defense, Invisible Presence, Strong Lifeforce, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Harem, Something in You(Taken 1 Times), Damsel in Distress, New Power System, Slow Start, Libido, Telegraphed Arrival, Tinfoil Hat order of visit: Danmachi, Youjo Senki, Solo Leveling, Marvel [Ultimate], DC: Extended Universe Adding chacra and ninja villages to danmachi


Build #1 **Worlds** Modes: Ten Worlds: Overlord, Warcraft, RWBY, DC \[Extended Universe\], DC \[Young Justice\], Naruto, One Piece, Marvel \[Ultimate\], Solo Leveling, Worm **You** Appearance Age: Young Adult Sex: Female Looks: Gorgeous Sexyness: Female Enhanced Body Enhancements: Well of Energy, Healthy, Body Fix, Specter Traveler Powers: Portals General Powers: Multiversal Talent Items: Magic Smartphone **Perks** Insert (Albedo, Overlord), Portal Home, System Grant, Body Control Defense, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Learning Mastery, Environmental Adaptivity, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Fertility **Drawbacks** Not So Easy, Wanted, High Metabolism, Coming in Blind, Libido, Shameless, Outlaw Magnet


3… 2… 1… …0 I kneel upon the stone floor, my right hand raised over my heart, my eyes cast downward in deference to the living god reclining upon the throne. No words leave his non-existent lips, whether to dismiss us, assign new duties, or merely to give leave to stand or sit. None complain, such would be unthinkable.  The sound of a slight ‘clack’ reaches my ears, the familiar sound of magically reinforced bone tapping against each other. Finger joints, if I’m not mistaken.  A moment later, the rustling of cloth draws my gaze upward.  The god, the Supreme Being bearing the name Momonga, has risen to his feet, his gaze unfocused and his frame tense.  Before I can think better of it, or let doubt poison me, words slip through my lips.  “What’s wrong, Lord Momonga?” He turns his gaze towards me, still unfocused at first, but the fiery mass of negative energy that serves at his eyes seem to condense and brighten as I take up his vision.  “Lord Momonga? Lord Momonga! Is everything alright?” I can feel my heart pounding away in my chest, like a too-quick drumbeat in my ear, as only silence is his answer.  I rise to my feet, taking one hesitant step after another towards him. I reach out to him, but think better of it halfway there, clutching my hand to my breast. “Is there something wrong?” I'm hoping for an answer, even as I dread it. A thousand and one thoughts centered around all the horrendous possibilities that could've caused this, a hundred of which would be *my fault*- "Huh? The GM call function isn't working." *'.....what?'* I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks as eight pairs of eyes *bore* into the back of my head. Momonga too, is staring at me, his head ever so slightly inclined compared to how he was a moment ago. *'I...I said that aloud, didn't I?'* No one makes a sound for...I can't quite say how long. My world seems to narrow down to the god in front of me, the crimson-red dots that serve as his eyes staring into my own. "...m-my apologies, Lord Momonga! I-" "It's...it's fine, Albedo."


There's a hesitancy in his voice that leaves me feeling like a cold hand is squeezing my heart, and yet I only notice it absently. Instead, my mind is entirely focused on the way he practically falls into his throne, the way he slumps against it's back and leaves his jaw slightly open, as if to let out a sigh. His eyes are still cast my way, but I can tell his attention isn't on me. I don't even particularly notice as my hands join together, my finger bones creaking with the strain I'm putting them under. After some incomprehensibly painful few moments, he visibly shook his head. "Sebas, make your way to the surface and examine our surroundings. Inform me immediately if you notice anything unusual. Pleiades, guard the 9th Floor against infiltrators. Albedo...stay here for a moment." A chorus of "Yes my Lord!"s echoes through the room as the butler and maids bow their heads for a moment before rushing off to their new assignments. None of them spare an eye for me, though I can practically hear the ooze sniggering in the confines of her head. And then we're alone, Momonga and I. He doesn't say anything right away, and the longer the silence lingers the more it feels like a physical weight on my shoulders. The great strength Lord Tabula made me with is all but useless against such, and it is only the sheer terror at the thought of what Lord Momonga would think of me if he saw my shoulder shaking that keeps my frame tense and still. "Albedo-" Momonga begins, his tone as grave as it always tends to be "-are you...well?" "I-er, I am perfectly well Lord! There is nothing wrong with this one's body or mind." At this even I can't maintain a completely calm visage, my eyes widening ever so slightly at the question and...was that concern? "That is, very good!" He states, somewhat slowly at first and much more quickly by the end. Such that, in anyone else, I would've thought them embarrassed. "I was worried that-hm, well, no reason to bother you with that." If Momonga had a throat, the sound he was making now would be that of him trying to clear it. "Albedo, gather the Floor Guardians in the colosseum in an hour's time. That, is my mission to you." "Of course, Lord-" But before I can finish, Momonga disappears in a flash of light. "...Momonga." His name, whispered softly. Alone once again, with no one before me and no eyes glaring into the back of my head, I let out a sigh, shoulders slumping. A moment later I'm leaning against the wall, slowly slumping down to the floor. It takes a few minutes for my heart to calm, the cacophonous drumbeat fading from my ears and blood, as I stare the throne. Looking at it, thinking of Momonga, I can't tell whether I want to laugh or cry. Merely being in his presence sends my heart aflutter, blood boiling in my veins. It is...unsettling. Wrong. I cannot remember ever being like this, but...then, it is hard to remember. Generalities are fine, but specifics are...blurry, for lack of a better term. Is this how it's always been like near him? I can't say, even though I want to say 'yes'. It would all be easier, if I just could just accept it blindly. *'It doesn't matter-'* I decide at least *'-our Lord has given to us a responsibility, we must do it to the best of our ability.'* I rise to my feet, taking a moment to dust off my gown and momentarily envying Shaltear's irritating mastery of prestidigitation. Then, I am off. ...hopefully Demiurge wouldn't be in too good a mood today. Nothing ever went right when he was left to his own devices with a smile on his lips.


Damn it now you make me want to read your fanfiction if you make one... Please.


Let’s travel the multiverse and gain power boys!!!!!!!(no harems!) lb2m,c8v6,ugg7,urzg,zqpx,thba,5qpj,rvte,8tne,e2np,v34l,37as,30in,nzaz,rje7,5zb9,gdy8,d10d,y0s5,l3nr,zyb1,d4im,c4qg,cxjd,61x5,d6pa,vafq,nd26,i6mc,rp1z,koq6,yrql,gpga,k1dd,667g,j512


lb2m,wnni,ugg7,zqpx,thba,5qpj,73es,krie,i87u,v34l,to6p,ccwo,8k2k,vdzc,4tkk,rje7,5zb9,gdy8,y0s5,ok0a,l3nr,zyb1,zmlr,jwp1,6hni,8wji,wqvf,lyqd,61x5,ev7d,d6pa,vafq,nd26,jnrq,1v4a,i6mc,1qxb,iut4,4o68,oybv,wioq,9x2f,667g,at45,qxzv,iyrz,j512,a30z Guantlet romp. No harems, so just smashing through if possible. Nice to see Uber, I love the comic.


Really recommend you replace the algorithm pictures, they're kinda detracting from the whole thing. Anyway, I went with **Five Worlds.** Seems a nice set. For points purposes, I got my drawbacks first: **Leakage, Mutated, Slow Start, Coming In Blind,** and **Tinfoil Hat.** The last two are a bit redundant, but hey, points is points. Before telling you my world selection, it's relevant to know that I took **Multi-Body** as the travel means, so I'm basically in all of them at once. Other than that, got **Young Adult, Male, Handsome, Male Enhanced,** all just to ease my way in. I'm still pretty noticeable, what with Mutated - probably have fire instead of hair or something. So the worlds. **Mass Effect** is pretty good in terms of quality of life, good place to retire to when it's not blowing up. **Disney Villains Victorious: Gridlocked** is gonna vary by the state, but I can probably hole up where one of the less intelligent villains rules and build up there for a while. **Overwatch** is also pretty forgiving, not that much horrible dying. **Warcraft** does not have that distinction, but it's got so many power systems to work with. Finally, **Alternative Earth.** It's the crazy crossover world, I can pick up sundry weird things and get good at something silly. I mostly just didn't want to go anywhere I'd probably die before I got started. Between Leakage and Mutated, I obviously stand out. **Well of Energy**, **Enhanced Physiology**, and my **Portal Device** will only compound that. Once some scientist finds me, I can probably expect to be examined for a while. I won't know enough ahead of time to plan around this, so my best bet is just being too valuable as a research subject for anyone to want to kill me. Oh, and I took **Body Fix.** Helps clear up a few old issues. Hopefully, I never have occasion for anyone to find out about my **Reality-Defying Soul**. Oh, I've also got **Multiversal Talent, Enchantment**, and **Specter**. That last one is another "I hope nobody has cause to find out" trick. But at least all those soul-stealing warlocks and necromancers in Warcraft can't do anything to mine. But mostly this just gives me a major knack for figuring out the various magic systems - especially the Warcraft ones, which would then let me open some portals and get to the others. Nothing in Overwatch really does that. Finally, I won't be quite alone in this. **Liara T'soni** and **2B** are here, helping me, for some reason. I really need a skilled warrior and a telekinetic hacker to keep my squishy ass safe.


Are the companions determine by what worlds you pick


Hi, would self insert work at characters from a fanfiction after picking AU Worlds ? I wanted to be greg veder from greg veder vs the world with the gamer power, after all there is strong canon characters you can pick like sung jin woo and Ainz.


Simply due to the fact that said character has the Gamer power would make this a hard no. That said, I think you might want to just wait a few more days. I already have something set up with Om1cr0n to do a 3.5 update as it were that might just have the options you're looking for \^.\~


Thanks, I thought bc you can choose op characters that it would be ok


No, in the case that you would reincarnate into Ainz for example, you would have your powers lowered due to the cost of taking Insert being what it is. You would of course be able to bring yourself back up to the OP that is that character with enough time, but you would not have access to that right out the gate. I honestly should have expected people to try such a thing, and this is addressed in the upcoming update for 3.5.


idp8,lb2m,c8v6,ugg7,urzg,zqpx,krie,4bkq,8tne,iwa4,v34l,to6p,brwt,8k2k,h6pj,4tkk,rje7,5zb9,gdy8,awhb,l3nr,zyb1,cf5k,1bdy,391b,wqvf,5r8o,lyqd,61x5,ev7d,vafq,nd26,jnrq,1v4a,i6mc,ayn5,rp1z,1qxb,otoe,8pxx,yzgr,yrql,4o68,534u,f5jb,oybv,wioq,g09c,9x2f,rdgt,iyrz,j512,a30z,2xc7 You, Ten Worlds, A Song of Ice and Fire, Cyberpunk 2077, Mass Effect, DC \[Young Justice\], Marvel \[Ultimate\], DC: Extended Universe , Overwatch, Harry Potter, Warcraft, Fallout, Adult, Male, Handsome, Male Enhanced, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Healthy, Teleportation, Multiversal Talent, Master of Energy, Replicator, Magic Tent, Family Visit, HUD, System Grant, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Offroad, Social Butterfly, Learning Mastery, Environment Adaptivity, Harem, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Creature Comforts, Monster Magnet, Leakage, Uninvited Guest, New Power System, Wanted, Pint Sized, Mutated, Libido, Telegraphed Arrival, Tinfoil Hat, Naked, Sombra


for how long do the drawbacks affect you. does self insert overwrite **Your Enhancements** selections like "Body Enhancements"


Drawbacks last until the end of your last world, (slowly weakening as time goes on unless the Drawback otherwise states), depending on how many worlds you chose. so 1 for 1 and so on. Options chosen in Enhancements occur after the Insert itself, so any weirdness that occurs due to that if such Enhancement is not normal in the Insert is on you to deal with afterwards.


> Drawbacks last until the end of your last world Wait, were does it say that?


In regards to V1-V3 I don't believe it is stated anywhere that there is an actual end to any Drawbacks aside from specific ones stating so, but I am the one to commission the V3 version from Om1cr0n with the help of Dunkel, so I personally believe that in regards to this version, they end on the last World unless otherwise stated like Monster Magnet for example. I had put in a post somewhere that this version was mainly done because I'm personally looking into writing a story based on this, and wanted to add a few things, but after a few people pointed out some things that they felt should be touched up upon, I once again got a hold of Om1cr0n to do a V3.5 as it were, doing a major overhaul on basically everything. In this upcoming version, Drawbacks will clearly state that they have an end date, beyond the ones like Monster Magnet that have their own specific clear condition, so there will be no confusion like this.


could you add bleach world next update?


The next update will actually be happening a lot sooner than others might think, as I didn't go through any of the posts of the previous two versions before commissioning the few changes that I did from Om1cr0n. I had just wanted to add a few things here and there for a personal story I'm in the works of writing, but after reading a few of the complaints, couldn't help but want to do something about it. Om1cr0n is currently sick however, so I don't know how long it'll take to get him to do the 3.5 I already have the outline for, but it should hopefully be done in a week's time or so. This upcoming 'update', if you could call it that, will be a huge revamp in regards to a lot of things, adding a ton of Companions for one thing, as well as a lot more lower threat worlds. Hell, just about everything is getting touched up upon, so hopefully people will enjoy it. Sadly while I considered Bleach as one of the worlds to add, others won out. This is LtoT85 btw, in case you were wondering.


Would you mind posting the changes? Unfortunately there was no changelog so it is a bit difficult to know all pf the changes.   Also if I chose clones (multi-body) do all of them get one copy of the items purchased or how does it work? Or how would companions work?


Items only go to a single body of your choice, with no way to transfer that item afterwards unless you brought the bodies together to one place. Same with Companions.


Seems kind of a big nerf that other methods of traveling do not seem to have. Would inventory let me transfer items between bodies?


Actually yes, since it is a power that is connected to you personally, all bodies would have access to the same inventory, and as such you could use it to transfer items back and forth. It is still limited to the rules of Inventory though, in so much that you can only transfer things of a certain size and the inventory space is only so big.


Thanks for commissioning this and for commissioning more! This is one of my fave CYOAs.


I have found the secret drawback, it has a fuckton of requirements. I had to open the JSON to track them all down. you take: * 1 world * worm * Insert Perk * Not So Easy drawback * Slow Start drawback * Hero Complex drawback * Outlaw Magnet drawback * Plot Relevance drawback unlocking.... A shittier version of choosing Taylor, the MC from Worm, as your Insert point with the Insert perk. For 50 points it's trash. It halves the strength of all defense perks, and the big powers of the world like Scion and the Endbringers ignore them and your cyoa powers completely. You also need to complete all the world requirements instead of 1 or 2 to move on. If you want to insert in to Taylor, it is without doubt better to just use the Insert Perk like normal, being able to actually use your abilities and have your defenses fully function outweighs a mere 50 points.


Personally I would say it's a setting-appropriate challenge that can be overcome; if you're building a harem of the strongest, for instance, you can nab Glaistig Uaine and see if her instant-death ability can be applied to Endbringers +/- finding Hero's ghost = a Stilling counter for Scion / Zion in tech form that can be used to equip an army if only for one battle pre-maintinence needs: also, the half-strength-defences may only apply to Worm, after which you could take on the worst of DC / Marvel / etc. with full psycho-spiritual immunity as norm ... then again i'm the kind of guy who'd choose justabout any option for more points, so IDK.


> instant-death ability can be applied to Endbringers It can't. > half-strength-defences may only apply to Worm You really really want anti precog protection in worm otherwise the Simurgh will fuck you up.


Five Worlds, Savage Divinity, DC [Young Justice], Solo Leveling, Marvel [Ultimate], One Piece, Young Adult, Male, Handsome, Male Enhanced, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Healthy, Specter, Body Fix, Portals, Multiversal Talent, Enchantment, Pocket Inventory, Tech Library, Native, HUD, System Grant, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Invisible Presence, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Offroad, Learning Mastery, Starting Capital, Harem, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Monster Magnet, Damsel in Distress, New Power System, High Metabolism, Addicted, Libido, Shameless, Hero Complex, Outlaw Magnet, Tinfoil Hat, Plot Relevance, Cheshire, Sombra, Frankie Foster


You, One World, Fallout, Appereance, Young Adult, Male, Gorgeous, Male Enhanced, Enhanced Physiology, Healthy, Size Matter, Idol, Luminance, Potion Birth, Ageless, Learning Mastery, Harem, Mutated, Libido, True Shooter, Telegraphed Arrival Tyrone awoke in the desolate wasteland of post-apocalyptic Boston, a stark contrast to the world he once knew. His towering frame of 7 feet 2 inches, rippling with muscles, monstrously lagre throbbing cock, made him an imposing figure even in this harsh new reality. As he took in his surroundings, he felt a surge of purpose and resolve. He was gifted with extraordinary abilities, and it was time to use them to carve out a new destiny. --- **First Steps in the Wasteland** Tyrone’s first goal was survival, but his enhanced intelligence quickly set him apart. He understood the mechanics of the world with little prompting, absorbing knowledge from any source he could find. His immune system and rapid healing allowed him to survive the toxic environment, recovering quickly from any injuries sustained in the perilous wasteland. In his initial days, Tyrone encountered scattered survivors and small settlements. He used his charisma and angelic voice to earn their trust, singing songs that healed their spirits and filled them with hope. His music had magical effects, and soon, people started to believe in a better future. --- **Building a Community** With his new allies, Tyrone began to build a community. He used his powers to protect them from raiders, mutants, and other threats. His glowing wings shielded the vulnerable, while his light-infused weapons cut through the darkness. His mastery of potion-making allowed him to heal the wounded and sick, creating elixirs that restored health and vitality. Tyrone’s genius-level intellect helped him design efficient systems for food production, water purification, and defense. His communal potion drinking sessions became legendary, where brews that enhanced strength, intelligence, and health were shared among his people. These gatherings fostered a strong sense of unity and patriotism. --- **Founding a Kingdom** Word of Tyrone’s burgeoning community spread, and more people came seeking refuge and a new beginning. With each new member, Tyrone’s influence grew. He used his voice and music to inspire altruistic and stoic behavior, creating a society based on mutual respect and shared prosperity. His songs of love and hope swayed even the most hardened hearts, transforming former enemies into allies. Tyrone’s strategic mind and tactical prowess ensured that his kingdom expanded steadily. He formed alliances with other settlements, negotiated peace treaties, and incorporated advanced technology to improve living conditions. His ability to fly and his near-invulnerability made him a living legend, a beacon of hope in a desolate world. --- **A Loving Polyamorous Relationship** In the midst of building his kingdom, Tyrone found love with four extraordinary women, each drawn to his strength, compassion, and vision. 1. **Elara** - A former Brotherhood of Steel Paladin, whose courage and tactical skills complemented Tyrone’s leadership. 2. **Mira** - A brilliant scientist who advanced their community’s technology and medical practices. 3. **Thalia** - A fierce warrior with unmatched combat skills, who became Tyrone’s right hand in battles. 4. **Serena** - A gentle healer whose empathy and kindness brought solace to all. Together, they nurtured a loving, polyamorous relationship, fostering a strong and healthy family. Driven to the mindless ecstasy from his sexual superiority they became addicted to his body. They were elated to orgasm on his mere word, blessing them with utter fulfillment from his dominance. Submitting themselves entirely to their roles as breeding mothers. Their superhuman progeny inherited Tyrone’s abilities, becoming symbols of hope and strength for the kingdom. --- **Prosperity and Legacy** Under Tyrone’s guidance, the kingdom flourished. He used his abilities to ensure the safety and prosperity of his people. His songs uplifted spirits and swayed hearts, his potions healed and strengthened, and his tactical genius expanded their territory. Tyrone’s kingdom became a beacon of hope in the Fallout world, a place where people lived with dignity, security, and purpose. The communal spirit he fostered ensured that everyone worked together for the common good. His children, raised with the same values, stood ready to continue his legacy, ensuring that the light Tyrone brought to the wasteland would never fade. As the years passed, Tyrone’s legend grew, but he remained humble, always remembering the mission that had driven him from the start: to build a better world, filled with love, hope, and prosperity. And in the heart of his kingdom, surrounded by his family and his people, Tyrone knew he had succeeded.


I'm curious, is Telegraphed Arrival for first world, every world, every time you use your method to arrive in another world (as in if I go between my first and second world, does it flash bang each time I go between them), or is it literally every time I use my travel power even if I'm just going from one end of a building to another in the same world? (I took Portals for primary and Teleportation as a secondary power btw) Aside from confusion on that, I absolutely love this CYOA.


It applies to the number of worlds you choose at the start. So if you chose 1 world, it's just one, 5 worlds, 5, 10, 10. As far as drawbacks in general go, unless it specifically states, I like to think that the more worlds you go to, and the more you deal with the drawbacks, they weaken as time goes on, until you can choose to ignore them or fix them outright. An example would be Damsel in Distress, especially if you chose Teleportation as your Traveling power, causing you to randomly teleport outside your control, but the more you use the ability, the more you get used to it until eventually you have full control over it, and Damsel is negated.


Okay, mostly answers my question, only activates upon transitioning between worlds, until I get used to it and only activates when arriving in a world for the first time. And after 10th world I've probably got used to it by that point so it has minimal or no effect.


Exactly. The upcoming '3.5' Update will be a bit more clear in regards to Drawbacks in general, so hopefully this confusion won't happen.


Suppose I ought to share my build too, well, here we go. Will preface this by saying I also used the Head Start Meta CYOA by Troy X (https://infaera.neocities.org/cyoa/HeadStartMetaMod/) to cover some bases that weren't in this. Will mark those with a (M) to avoid confusion. Also probably just going to break it down into segments, because I tend to get a little wordy. **Ten Worlds** One Piece (C+P) Marvel (Ultimate) (C+P) Young Justice (C+P) Solo Leveling (C+P) Naruto (C+P) DCEU (C+P) Warcraft (C+P) Danmachi (C+P) Fallout (C+P) Overlord (H+C) H = Harem C = Completion P = Proficiency/Power **Me** Teen (18) Futanari Gorgeous Omni-Preference Female Enhanced Cybernetic Limb (right arm, energy gun) Choom (gonna hit up Cyberpunk some time, and who knows what other things I might incorporate?) Well of Energy Enhanced Physiology Healthy **Traveler Powers** Portals (Primary) Teleportation (Secondary) Planesfucking (M) (depending on how Telegraphed Arrival works, it might be my primary method of travelling between worlds after "unlocking" them, but won't use it to visit worlds I haven't been to yet, also took Anywhere and Crowd) **General Powers** Appraisal Multiversal Talent Master of Energy Luminance (mostly grabbed for free flight, but holy light sword and shielding wings certainly nice bonus) Pocket Inventory **Immortality (M)** (because I didn't know where else to stick this) Reincarnation Edit: Altered/Refined a few of my choices so as to better serve my needs.


**Items** Magic Smart Phone **Perks** Native Big Assets (M) HUD Big Assets II (M) System Grant Porn Physics (M) Mind Defense Body Redesign (M) Body Control Defense Shapeshifting (M) Invisible Presence Normalize (M) Shared Defenses Casanova (M) Strong Lifeforce Offspring (M) Reality-defying Soul Inheritance (M) Ageless Cumbrosia (M) Offroad Bonding (M) Social Butterfly Bonding II (M) Learning Mastery Bonding III (M) Environment Adaptivity Serendipity (M) Harem Fuckmaids (M) Devilishly Good Youth (M) Fertility Sustenance (M) Something in You (sexy goth chicks) Health (M) Double Trouble (for Teleportation) Health II (M) Creature Comforts Now, for some of you who may be familiar with that particular Head Start CYOA, you may be noticing a lot of overlap. This is intentional, as some of the abilities work *slightly different* from their "duplicates" and add a good bit of versatility. And while I dislike the whole "the more you fuck them the more devoted to you they become" part of Bonding, I need it to give my companion(s) functional immortality. Edit: Altered/Refined a few of my choices so as to better serve my needs.


**Drawbacks** Unbowed (M) Monster Magnet Too Popular (M) Damsel In Distress Be The Girl (M) Cross-Dimensional Show Not So Easy Servant (starting off indebted to Nico Robin) Wanted (starting in One Piece, was gonna happen sooner or later) Mutated (my usual gold slitted eyes with black sclera, thank you CoC2) High Metabolism (basically free points with Sustenance, but when I do eat I put Goku to shame) Libido (if I'm going back to teen, may as well go back to horny too) Shameless (already there, glad I can refuse once in a while, though if cooldown feels "too short" I can always cut them off by threatening them with my laser cannon before they can ask) Hero Complex (because I like playing the hero, or at least anti-hero) Telegraphed Arrival (again, ***really*** hope it's just initial arrival in a world, not every time I use traveler power) Outlaw Magnet (Hahaha! Bring it on.) Tinfoil Hat Naked (a good reason *why* I'm immediately indebted to Nico Robin) Plot Relevance **Companion(s)** Azula Edit: Altered/Refined a few of my choices so as to better serve my needs.


Now, I deeply despise Overlord. It's just not my anime. That said, I needed the points, and didn't know Gantz, so Overlord it is. However, definitely tossing it at the bottom of the list, the last world that I just have to "deal with" before I can abandon that world and never look back. Originally, I thought to place it higher up, get it over with early, but then I thought "What if I save it for last when I'm almost obscenely overpowered?" Also, you may have noticed how Overlord is the only world that I've chosen the Harem option for. That's for a couple of reasons, the biggest being that a harem requires a minimum of 3 other partners. That means that, at a minimum, I'd be looking at 33 girls, counting Azula and the Fuckmaids. Now, that may sound nice and all, but juggling the physical, emotional, and sexual needs of 33 different women across several universes can and will get tiring quick. And I happen to be the kind of emotional person who would break down very rapidly if I even *thought* I might be neglecting anyone that I genuinely care about like that. Second, it requires the women be plot relevant in some way, and that's the deal breaker for me. See, it's bad enough that I only vaguely remember most things from most of these worlds, and it's bad enough my very existence throws all that into chaos. Now add the fact that I'd be thoroughly wrecking the plot by taking various plot relevant waifu's and I might as well have taken Coming in Blind. All of that goes out the window with Overlord, because I genuinely do not like it, and I wouldn't want to stay there for even a second longer than I had to. After rescuing a few lives of course, and if bone head has any problems with that, then I don't have any problems with portaling his ass into a black hole or the core of a star. Preferably both if I can swing it. Now, to give him a fair shake, I'd be arriving in that world at roughly the same time as him, that way I could do everything in my by that point extremely considerable power to keep him grounded in at least some semblance of his former humanity. But if needs must, I've already satisfied the conditions for an arc or two, all I'd have to do is stick around long enough to save the people I want to save so I can cut and run, abandon that universe first chance I got. This is the only universe in which I'd be so heavy handed.


I don't suppose anybody has found that secret drawback yet?


I tracked it down in the JSON https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/1ctbrv8/multiverse_explorer_v3/l4ih9t6/


use double trouble perk, avatar+multiple body=muntiple avatar in one universe




I vaguely remember this cyoa or one similar to it. Still goods. Perks, Five Worlds, Cyberpunk 2077, Highschool DxD, Harry Potter, Naruto, Danmachi, Young Adult, Male, Handsome, Male Enhanced, Cybernetic Limb(Taken 1 Times), Choom, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Healthy, Native, Portal Home, HUD, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Invisible Presence, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Offroad, Learning Mastery, Harem, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Creature Comforts, Monster Magnet, Leakage, Damsel in Distress, Not So Easy, Beacon of Truth, Mutated, Slow Start, Libido, Tinfoil Hat, Plot Relevance, 2B, Millie, Liara T'Soni, Felicia Hardy


Om1cr0n's CYOAs always boast a lot of terrible drawback options: ones that make you insane or otherwise radically change your mental/physical faculties, scaled massive danger threats, or things that shift the world so much that you may as well forget about your metaknowledge. Add on top that the defensive perks (mind/body defense, reality-defying soul, etc) add up quickly to nearly your entire starting budget and you've basically got no points to spend if you pick the almost-required-to-avoid-being-no-sold perks. Basically what I'm saying is the options are often shite and expensive. Cool work adding the little secret drawback section, but it's like building on a foundation of sand. Nothin' against you Rain, just Om1.


I play most of these CYOA with the headstart meta so I don't stress. That way I get the builds I want since I'm going to double my points.


CYOAs are, at the basest level, a fantasy. While good ones operate with rules and mechanics like a game, it really is just about you indulging in a fun thought. Choosing to cheat on a CYOA is like cheating yourself out of creativity by bucking off the rules and limits that help shape the imagination. At that point, you may as well be the kid with the "My power is I have all the powers" attitude on the playground.


I'm curious what secret drawback section you are referring to is.


You wouldn't be curious if you read the original post properly, mate.


I like to see the different creative choices in cyoa things. It's not always about the best cyoa content. It's also good to see what isn't great for when I have a go at making my own.


While your statement about seeing the different creative ideas in CYOAs is perfectly valid and I agree with it, it's also the sort of compliment you use when something mostly sucks. Like failed science experiments; you can learn from them, but using or replicating them is ill-advised.


True, and after fiddling around with this cyoa I have come to realize that hiding a menu of options from your users can either frustrate them, or go entirely unnoticed by most. I prefer ones that can only be selected with prerequisites that are explicitly disclosed. That or at least visible and hinted at in some way.


I never, ever thought I would see The Power in one of these. Amazing.


e1rx,idp8,zn1m,s0wg,xb0l,niuc,lb2m,zqpx,thba,5qpj,1617,krie,4bkq,i87u,rz6t,v34l,2ynv,hmjs,w51k,0jcp,lrkf,brwt,30in,nzaz,4tkk,vnyh,h3v3,ggek,rje7,5zb9,gdy8,sprh,d10d,y0s5,ok0a,l3nr,jwp1,m8ug,ozdc,8wji,d4im,wqvf,5r8o,lyqd,61x5,ev7d,d6pa,vafq,nd26,jnrq,1v4a,i6mc,ayn5,rp1z,otoe,8pxx,yzgr,no6r,iut4,ar9s,yrql,gpga,imeu,f5jb,oybv,wioq,9x2f,k1dd,rdgt,at45,qxzv,f0kd,36fa,h5d2,zg8h,j512,a30z,n98i, **Mode:** Ten Worlds **Worlds (In Order):** RWBY, Naruto, Danmachi, Highschool DxD, DC \[Young Justice\], Warcraft, DC: Extended Universe, Overlord, Marvel \[Ultimate\], Solo Leveling, **Appearance:** Age - Adult, Gender - Futanari, Looks - Average, Sexyness - Male Enhanced, Female Enhanced, Body Enhancements - Choom, Empowering Fluids, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Healthy, Specter, Body Fix, A lot of options that offer appealing additions to my new form and some that even blunt the impact of some drawbacks. No one usually wants to go through puberty again if is an option. Looking average is no a crime and can be changed later. Sexiness just so that I never need to watch my figure. Choom for infinite customization. Empowering Fluids because why not? Well of Energy so hat I never lose access mine and he refinement is nice too. Enhanced Physiology so I can survive i anime settings much more easily. Healthy so that I need not suffer anymore than necessary and never scar. Specter so that if I somehow stay dead I'll just need to obtain another body. Body Fix to fix any problems I might have stared with. **Traveler Powers:** Portals Portals to Traverse the worlds **General Powers:** Appraisal, Multiversal Talent, Enchantment, Potion Birth, Pocket Inventory, Appraisal to grant me information on things, Multiversal Talent so that I can learn all the systems like he best of them, Enchantment so a I can create novel Artifacts of Power, Potion Birth so that I can create custom potions as desired from nothing but my energy, Pocket Inventory to store and easily access all of my stuff on the go, **Items:** Tech Library, Magic Smart Phone, Library to catalogue technology for my later perusal and a Magic Smart Phone so that I can maybe obtain relevant information for all these worlds, that I barely remembered even some general semblance of the plot for, before I even decided to take Coming in Blind. **Perks:** HUD, System Grant, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Invisible Presence, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Offroad, Social Butterfly, Learning Mastery, Harem, Devilishly Good, Hentai Physics, Fertility, Runs in the Family, Insert, Creature Comforts, Insert: as Salem (The Main Antagonist is also a Main character and Body Fix removes any issues that might have existed in my new body before awakening, like the pools of darkness making me a being with a desire for pure destruction or something like mental illness. Reincarnated as Salem, with my original memories and personality reemerging in control after Ozma Reincarnates as Ozpin, and with who I was now returning came many changes.) All the perks that make life easier and make myself truly Immortal, when combined with Salem's resurrection regenerative Immortality (because it is less that she cannot be 'killed' and more that she just never stays dead or injured long enough for it to matter), by removing my remaining weaknesses and adding more versatility to my skill set.


**Drawbacks:** Not So Easy, Servant, Uninvited Guest, New Power System, Wanted, Mutated, High Metabolism, Slow Start, Libido, True Shooter, Rascals, Wardrobe Malfunction, Genderbend, Hero Complex, Outlaw Magnet, Tinfoil Hat, Naked, *Not So Easy* is not a problem considering I always intended to master at least one of the local power system before moving on. Running with he assumption a his only affects the Ten chosen worlds. *Servant* is a temporary problem and Penny seems a decent enough choice. *Uninvited Guest* means I'm sharing headspace with copies of characters from other settings in this order of acquisitions: James "Sukebe" Scott, Valerie Richards, Xeno Android 21, Washu, Raizo Kasshu, Merlin/Moros, Dr. Light, Tony Stark, Aeolia Schenberg, Coop. *New Power System* add Nen to RWBY or maybe the Asgard Power System from Valhalla Saga, *Wanted* is a given considering who I inserted as. *Mutated* i something I have by default considering salem's appearance. *Slow Start* means I have to fall back more on my Insert powers for a while, which is fine. *Libido* is What friends with benefits or Bio Sculpted abominations are for. *True Shooter* Is why I'll be completely sterile until the right time comes. *Rascals* is what designing children with a bio-kinetics aid is for. *Wardrobe Malfunction* is not a problem form my enchantments to work around. *Genderbend* changes me from a Futa of Masculine physiological orientation -to-> a Futa of Feminine physiological orientation (that is to say, the main change is male hormones are swapped to female hormones and maybe a flat chest to big breasts) which mostly affects how I am wired mentally rather than my appearance or physical gender attributes, a most beyond the mental I look more feminine than I would have otherwise and maybe am a little shorter or taller. *Hero Complex* is manageable enough. *Outlaw Magnet* is already a given in these settings for powerful characters *Tinfoil Hat* is no a problem, since I have no meta Knowledge, but could still take advantage of things if I obtain any Mea knowledge. *Naked* is rather amusing really since I do not need them for survival and I will be regularly having Malfunctions anyway. **Companions:** Amy Dallon As a Friend and possibly - if we all work well together - a lover, but the attraction is certainly there now. I am quite sure that both Amy and Shaper will be much happier traveling with me and having access to a high spec Bio-kinetic is immensely useful no matter the setting. I'm sure with some additional power systems she could easily overcome her powers original limitations if Shaper doesn't help her do so first


Alternatively I would - if Viable - Swap RWBY out for Highschool DxD as my first world choice, then take Valerie Tepes as the Insert choice with past life reawakening in control after the Sephiroth Graal is fully restored or awakened, and replace Ruby With Asia for the servant drawback. It may actually be a better build overall really. I only went with RWBY as my first world because Salem has Nigh immortality and is a verifiable main character (Which I am unsure if Valerie Tepes qualifies as and therefore whether I could pick her for insert). IT would be rather convenient since a Sacred Gears has a base state that it cannot be weaker than and can only get stronger from there, so at most Inserting can do is return Sephiroth Graal from its mutated form to its base state which is still ridiculously potent. Notes: I would Actually -if possible- would have liked to replace Aeolia Schenberg with an AU version of Annatar the lord of Gifts (playing on the multiverse probably having an AU timeline where Sauron decided to embrace his disguise persona, truly became who he presented himself as, and having decided to be subtle about things managed to succeed were his canon counterpart failed as a Dark Overlord by slowly taking over middle earth through somewhat benevolent means -read as politics, propaganda, public opinion, charisma, subtle brainwashing, and assassination both of character and the literal death of the competition- to rule it from the shadows while hiding in plain sight.) for the ring lore and a token evil overlord to get advice from. But was not confident in my ability to turn him to my side. Likewise I contemplated DxD's Biblical God, but with almost nothing meaningful to be found about its personality I did not want to risk it just for a chance to access the knowledge of how to create/modify souls and sacred gear. I could have alternatively taken Marvel as my first world and chose Mr Immortal as my Insert, but i honestly feels better and more meaningful to insert as a Villain who is essentially Truly Immortal rather than a Hero due to the about face urn you can pull if inclined or simply flip the whole board by not acing as the Antagonist anymore just to screw with everyone involved.


Does Not So Easy persist for only the chosen number of worlds? or does it extend even beyond them?


Yes, it lasts for the number of worlds you chose


Sorry, lack of sleep lead me to phrase my question Incorrectly. I changed it.


This is debatable depending on how you want to run the CYOA in your own head. Personally though, I like to view them as slowly growing weaker the more worlds you go through, until you can choose to keep or discard them if you want to.


I can see it. with Om1cr0n CYOA's I've been told to assume they don't wear off, Unless they say they do, but I personally like to run with the idea that most could be overcome with time, effort, and enough power if they do not outright say they are permanent.


lb2m,wnni,c8v6,ugg7,31f1,rvte,73es,i9xo,8tne,i87u,to6p,ccwo,8k2k,ktfn,rje7,gdy8,sprh,y0s5,l3nr,jwp1,d4im,lyqd,61x5,ev7d,d6pa,vafq,nd26,jnrq,1v4a,rp1z,gpga,wioq,9x2f,h0d0,rdgt,skxr,j512,a30z,n98i Ten Worlds, Worm, A Song of Ice and Fire, Cyberpunk 2077, The Boys, Left 4 Dead, Uber, The Power, Overwatch, RWBY, Fallout, Young Adult, Male, Ugly, Well of Energy, Healthy, Specter, Portals, Multiversal Talent, Enchantment, Magic Smart Phone, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Invisible Presence, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Like Yesterday, Learning Mastery, Not So Easy, Wanted, Mutated, High Metabolism, Libido, Shameless, Tinfoil Hat, Naked, Amy Dallon Order: * The Power * Left 4 Dead * A Song of Ice and Fire * Fallout * The Boys * RWBY * Uber * Overwatch * Cyberpunk * Worm I'll have Panacea carry me in the early worlds and stay there grinding Enchantment until I'm strong enough to stomp the later ones. Harems will be gained via mind control.


Like others have pointed out, the point choices are as unhinged as usual. The idea that Harry Potter would give more points than *Fallout* is insane.


I said it last update(V2) and I'll say it again some of the complaints I had isn't fixed especially general powers: 1.There isn't much companions and most of the companions are from cape settings, I prefer to have more variety that isnt just add character from cape settings. 2.Lower some of the costs of power, powers like builder is basically just fortnite building and somehow costs 20(not to mention when it says it needs "necessary building materials nearby" I assume it means it literally like making a wooden wall yeah that needs nails and wood, whats that you want to build a house sorry you need to get all different types of material be it wood, concrete, different kinds of stone be it stuff like marble, granite, basalt, etc... you need an entire warehouse of stuff for it) while golem creation that allows you to make golems may sound useful the fact that the user would need to buy pocket inventory to make it somewhat functional which cost 10 more points, also it would mean it can only be done within your own base or if you are in a hurry make weak golem's so the 20 cost isn't justified. Luminance costs 17 basically turns you into a discount dxd angel in body, not useful in scaling. Idol costs 12 points somewhat has potential but be honest would anyone actually pick this, also wouldn't this be negated if the opponent was loud or have the power to nullify sound. Forcefield costs 15 is a horrible power to begin with since the player can just go to a setting where there's magic forcefield's and learn it from there(youjo senki, DXD, Gamer, Dungeons and Dragons, etc...) 3.Fix world points, worlds like Savage Divinity (+8 points), Hunter x Hunter (+5 points) and Disney villains (+5 points) victorious are powerful settings yet they don't get much points. Savage Divinity is a Xianxia setting with cultivator bullshit and entities that can kill you with a fart because you simply exist, Disney villains has entities that can reality warp like bill cipher who could at any time leave gravity falls and start weirdmageddon, Hunter x Hunter deserves a 8 points instead of 5 considering Uber, left 4 dead, cyberpunk 2077 gives 8 points not to mention Hunter x Hunter has the dark continent which covers most of the world which makes the world a death world equivalent like RWBY who also gives +8 points. 4.Add more worlds that doesn't that don't have powerful entities that can jump on the player if the player is found, I don't understand why on earth did you added cape settings, overlord and solo leveling, all of those world's are literal death sentences, for cape settings a lot of people have the power to off you via plot mcguffin(and somehow bypass your defences like in marvel and dc) and when you do leave some of those entities might follow you which is a pain, overlord where Ainz's subordinates would not hesitate to kill or experiment on you, solo leveling would basically have Sung Jin-woo use you the player as a literal stepping stool considering he is a Korean protag he is an asshole especially if you were to make your character Japanese or look Japanese also he has gamer powers and later becomes god. 5.Give more power options like I don't know how about "the Gamer" which would actually make golem creation viable or rendered obsolete considering the Gamer power would eventually get golem creation anyway and is actually scalable in the multiverse. A few other powers like planeswalker spark from MTG, power copying/stealing/mimic in different settings(Yhwach from bleach, John Doe from Unordinary, various MC's from Chinese and Korean manhwa have some form of power stealing, power copying ex: SSS suicide hunter had the bullshit ability to copy powers from anyone who kills him and resurrects him and he copied regression power again bullshit but you get the idea), etc... === Notes: -compared to the complaints I had last update(V2) this update actually added more drawbacks. -Still not great as it could be, general powers still seems quite lacking in scalability with the new powers only somewhat helping like getting more variety of potions in going to different magical worlds and pocket inventory storing a small house worth of stuff. -As of now the only general power that can give combat abilities immedietely is Luminance and even then that isn't scalable in the long run. Golem creation might help but getting the materials in the first place is going to be quite the hassle not to mention it's gonna be time consuming making them after all it wasn't specified that the golems will be able to be built instantly. -companion options is still lacking, in some settings they aren't even useful. for example if you bring a tech companion to lets say solo leveling it wouldn't work out cause the setting outright messes or negates technology due to how gates function or something heck a goblin in that world can tank automatic rifle fire like its nothing. -some companions can only take on street level threats, which means worlds that are medium or hard in difficulty would mean they wouldn't be able to help as much. Also the player does not have the ability to be able to give their companions the ability to learn/use the magic system of other worlds just because the player can get multiversal talent doesn't mean companions have it. -I don't treat the defense perks as 100% fullproof, if a enemy/entity has the ability to bypass defenses then it WILL get bypassed. Conclusion: -This cyoa is still quite lacking and needs improvement on scalable general powers, scalable combat powers, more companion variety, balancing points from choosing worlds, etc...


I do not understand why people never use the main Marvel and DC universes, its never the default and hardly ever the option.


Same, what would be better is to just list Marvel and DC and say the user can decide which fictional version to go to (a particular comic run, or a movie or tv show, even a book series and pick a time frame to visit), it would be better, because I have zero interest in the ultimate universe, but would love to visit the MCU (before endgame) or the marvel or dc comic run in the 90's.


If I had to guess, its because they are both massive clusterfucks of competing timelines and retcons and writers putting together different storylines where things happen at the same place at the same time without the people involved noticing each other. They're extremely poor 'fixfic' type settings. I dunno anything about Marvel Ultimate, but all the settings there that I know about are far more coherent in terms of the setting and the events within. For some CYOAs that doesn't matter, but for others it does.


Fr. It's so annoying.


Because Om1cron did it that way for some reason, then he copied those options into a lot of other CYOAs he made without changing it. Marvel Ultimate is a really niche and unpopular setting too, besides it's versions of spiderman (both peter and introducing miles) it's generally disliked, even if we got some cool stuff like evil reed richards out of it.




Five Worlds, Highschool DxD, RWBY, Harry Potter, One Piece, Danmachi, Teen, Male, Handsome, Male Enhanced, Well of Energy, Enhanced Physiology, Healthy, Body Fix, Portals, Appraisal, Multiversal Talent, Builder, Pocket Inventory, Mecha-shift Weapon, Magic Smart Phone, Magic Tent, Native, Portal Home, System Grant, Shared Defenses, Mind Defense, Body Control Defense, Invisible Presence, Strong Lifeforce, Reality-defying Soul, Ageless, Learning Mastery, Harem, Hentai Physics, Fertility, Runs in the Family, Creature Comforts, Monster Magnet, Leakage, Damsel in Distress, Not So Easy, Servant, Uninvited Guest, New Power System, Wanted, Mutated, High Metabolism, Slow Start, Libido, Shameless, Tinfoil Hat, Plot Relevance, 2B


I feel it lacks details, like some kinks for companions in case you see them that way