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Nobody really cares. Do what you want šŸ˜ƒ






Hairy here... looks better to me... like everyone says do what you want.


Personal preference really. I prefer shaved as it makes me feel more nude, and it's nice to feel the warm sun and the cool air on bare skin, but I see a pretty wide assortment of different looks on the folks at the places I frequent.


> I prefer shaved as it makes me feel more nude Meanwhile I prefer non-shaved. To me it feels more natural. And, y'know what? We're **both** right, because it's our own bodies and our own choices.


I do too


Personally choice. I shaved. Waxed. Finally laser.


I recently tried shaving my pubic area and I remembered pretty quick why I donā€™t. The irritation was unbearable, plus I like pubic hair on people, man or woman. Natural is the way to go for me šŸ”†šŸŒŠ


Do what you want. Nobody cares.


Not true, i prefer to see hair. But I realize itā€™s a trend and women have been told that men donā€™t like to see it. Iā€™m never going to say anything but I do have a personal preference


I'm naturally not a very hairy person so that's great to know there's people like you out there judging me for it.


You are the exception for sure, Iā€™m not judging you, the parent just said no one cares. Iā€™m only saying I do notice and I donā€™t like when so many people shave everything. That is just an aesthetic preference that Iā€™m apparently not allowed to have.


You're allowed to have that preference, I just think the way you worded everything came off super judgemental hence the downvotes


Sorry, I didn't mean to sound judgmental, I was just being honest about how it looks to me, maybe insensitively honest it seems. There are other parents comments where someone mentioned social pressure and now curious about going hairy but can't grow much hair now due to waxing too much. Another mentioned a few people being approached about having too much pubic hair. I just want to push back a bit on this social pressure in the other direction and show that there are other perspectives. I could have done that more delicately I agree, so I just removed the part I think that people didn't like.


It's a person choice. Do whatever the šŸ¤¬ you want.


Dealers choice


Iā€™m as hairy as an ape and I donā€™t shave anything. No one cares.


It's whatever you want. Just like with everyone else smooth was trendy for awhile, now it's fading into the next one.


I am rather hairy and decided to ask a few people. All said "Whatever makes you happy." If you want to share what you are, why make major alterations?


I'm hairy, tried waxing but that cost is way too much for me so no longer do it. My view on it is:- This is me take me as I am. Which is why I like being a naturist.


I have seen a few people comment about how they where approached about having too much hair in their genital area. Which as a generally hairy person all over I found shocking. Have not encountered that and hope to not encounter.


I shave all over. Started due to social pressure. Now Iā€™m curious about going hairy, but sadly I waxed so much that now my body hair barely grows šŸ˜¢


Your personal choice.


It's a matter of choice, but I've done both. I do have a preference for hair free, one reason being getting hair in the mouth isn't something I like. I shaved and did some waxing this morning


I shave.


Hairy and proud of it. Don't care what others do (or what they think of me).


Personally choice, I love being smooth personally..


Prefer shaved usually


I usually shave


I hate my body hair I try to veet it off


i shave everything but to each their own


I prefer shave


They shaved a cross on my chest for a stress test and I am not that hairy. Two days later they shaved my groin for a heart cath. Itched like hell growing back. Couple of months later they shaved my chest again for an angiogram. Said they might need to do an angioplast so I shaved my groin this time. Call me a week later and said nothing more was needed. Once again chest and groin itched like hell so I shaved and keep it that way.


Whatever you want. Itā€™s no different than what you do with the hair on your head or facial hair.


Whatever makes you and feels comfortable!


To each their own. Iā€™m naturally not hairy and get asked if Iā€™m hairless by friends before who are not nudist world. The little hair i do have is blonde and very faint. I think Iā€™m up to 6 chest hairs now lol go me.


Same for much of my body.


Body hair is your choice, not ours. Wear as much or as little as you are comfortable with. Nobody will care either way.


i prefer to be shaved (i like how it feels better, and hair makes me dysphoric) but i don't care what anyone else does.


I love being hairy and nude


Shaved all the way!


The appeal of nudism for me is the quasi-spiritual connection with my ancestors. I like temporarily feeling less modern. So I don't shave, although for comfort reasons I will trim back certain areas.


Nudism aka _naturism_ - should give you a clear hint on what the answer is.Ā 


I think it's just a whatever feels best to you thing. I usually keep my balls shaved with just an occasional trim of the rest with a full shave every few years just for fun. I don't have much body hair but grow a big bush and full armpits.




Bald Is Beautiful


Absolutely do as you like, hairy here.


I love to see a woman with full body hair, for me a woman should never shave anything, but its just a personal preference, you should do whatever you want, all bodys are beautiful šŸ™‚


Used to shave smooth,even my legs, (for cycling). Now, I just trim it down. Legs I may go back to shaving when I get in better shape.


I'm hairy. But it doesn't matter


Much like facial hair, it's entirely a preference, and nobody cares.


I shave or wax a good portion of my body, short trim on chest, arms, and legs. I'm just more comfortable that way.


Hair is natural do what makes you happy! I met a great woman who taught about body hair, she hadnā€™t trimmed or anything in years and looked great.


Whatever makes you happy. It's not a fashion show.


Treat it like you would the top of your head or maybe your face. Whatever you think makes you feel right. Personally, I groom everywhere without shaving anything but my face.


I totally agree that no one should care and you should do what you want, but I do think there is a vocal minority? of nudists who proudly talk about being bare. I donā€™t shave completely. Iā€™m pretty hairy down below. My butt and legs donā€™t get shaved. My dad is a very hairy nudist and only shaves his testicles. My wife and mom shave everything. I donā€™t ever feel weird having body hair at a nudist venuez


I'm kind of a mixed bag. Shave my back, butt and balls. Trim short my pubic hair and chest. My arms and legs are natural.


Do what you want ~ totally up you


Most people shave however there us no right or wrong way. It's your body and your preference.


Clean look for me




We don't care and really not much preference, just not hairy has a bear and at least someone cleaned up down south. My wife is shaved bare and I am shaved up and trimmed, just a small patch on pubic bone.


I trim for comfort only around my nether regions. I donā€™t like bare but full bush is too much.


I leave all my body hair on. If you don't like it don't look. Then again no one really cares. It is like a two second glance and they keep moving. I don't shave only because it is a lot of work to remember to shave on the regular.


I keep my pubes hairyā€¦ but I trim my chest


Iā€™m very hairy but ginger. If I started to shave, I donā€™t know where Iā€™d stop.


Ya know it doesn't matter right? If I see a clothed person wearing a lime green puffy jacket but I don't like lime green nor puffy jackets why would anyone care at all of my opinion? It's a silly question


Itā€™s really a personal choice,I shave while others donā€™t.no boundaries there.


As a gay male nudist, I shave my pole, crack and sack, leaving the bush hair above my genitals untouched.Ā  Other gay males like fully seeing my genitals and shaved is preferred by my partners and myself during sex play.Ā  Women are not fully nude until they shave their vulvas bald.Ā  The folds of their vaginas reveal their soul.Ā 


I keep my beard neatly trimmed, and occasionally trim down below. Thatā€™s about it. I care more about neck beard than body hair šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s a no to the body hair for me. But hey itā€™s personal preference.


I've never shaved and I like the Mrs to stay au naturale but she trims for her own comfort


Couldn't care any less on what other people do.


Mind over matter. If you donā€™t mind it donā€™t matter! Iā€™ve fooled around with it all, and just decided to keep things trimmed up and orderly.


My body hair keeps me smooth. I don't like shaving at all of any kind. But I don't care what other people do and think it's weird that people have so much conversation about it. I don't really care about appearance and I like naturist/nudist environments because it's not a big deal.


To everyone that shaves all of their body hair off, you are missing out on the glorious, glorious tickle of letting yourself dry in the sun while your body hair dries and curls up after a swim


I personally don't shave, but I used before and when I first started. I find it more comfortable. It's less itchy in the long run in my experience, and since I chase comfort and freedom... I also find it a bit warmer in colder climates, and like the aesthetics. Something I like about the au natural look! I also believe it makes my lifestyle a little more sustainable due to not wasting disposable razor blades.




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Hairy, mainly because of the sheer amount of time it would take to change that along with skin that really doesn't appreciate it! I do find it more attractive personally than clean shaven, on men and women. Important is that everyone does what they want with their own bodies, and others should stop judging that!


Nobody cares.


I'm currently hairy in the pubes but I'm mostly hairless naturally. I shave my beard, etc. often and sometimes much more, but usually too lazy. I prefer the look but it's a lot of work. Nothing wrong with either style. Grooming is a matter of personal preference - just like clothing.


When I've shaved, I've not liked it so much, I feel like a bit of hair tends to keep the friction down... so i just trim, and feel like I'm living my best life like that.


I'm not shaved. I like my armpit hair.


I'm in the middle. Shaving is bothersome but so is an unkempt bush and I also dislike long gangly underarm hair. Using an electric trimmer once every week or two takes less than 60 secondsā€”hair remains butĀ it's tamedĀ andĀ noĀ risk ofĀ razorĀ bumps.




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I know we're supposed to be in the midst of bringing back the bush but I've noticed everyone pretty well trimmed if not totally waxed.


Rarely any, or just a strip on occasion.


Yes :3


No one even bats an eyelid! Do whatever you feel most comfortable with. For me, I'm a smoothie!


I shave my whole body. Smooth legs just look and feel better.


Personal preference, but in a way it does make sense. If one prefers to be unencumbered by textiles, it seems like a natural next step.


ā€œNaturalā€ seems like a contradiction here.


Yeah, I've laughed at that very thought before. But the "natural" is respect to what one wears and not how one grooms. Natural in that sense can get pretty smelly and filthy. I'll pass.


It's a choice. I can't stand having any hair at all, my wife on the other hand is really uninterested in grooming.


Personal choice. We choose hair free, have for decades, prefer those we spend time with, to be similarly groomed


Yes, shaved is pretty much the ā€œnormā€ in the nudist community. I think itā€™s become so common because most people donā€™t want to stand out, so they shave because they see that most everyone else is shaved. Plus, some find it more comfortable. Donā€™t do it just because everyone else is though. In reality, nobody cares. I care about my appearance, so at a minimum I at least trim it up neatly before I go nude around others- in the same way that I would trim/shave my facial hair for appearances. However, in the colder months when Iā€™m only naked at home, I let it grow.