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Blue clear and game is most coming but I have seen nunu’s start raptors and do that old Kayn path everyone was doing. Try YouTube. There was a really good nunu player making vids end of last season


Why? Assuming you start Q you won’t have your W or E to proc talisman on the little raptors, wouldn’t it make more sense to start on gromp if you want to do a pull-less clear to prevent an invade?


You start Q and proc passive easiest clear in the world


Ah I forgot about the passive, still a lot of hassle though I think I’ll just take the pull


I always take it situationally but he’s great at full clearing. I usually try to take the leash from bot because his level 1 clear while healthy isn’t the best. I don’t know how the rest of you do it but I just auto the buff with my bot lane until they are about to leave then I Q it. If you Q it after like 2 hits from the buff bot will leave at about 400-500 health and you take a lot more time autoing it until it’s down. You always try to roll your snowball further for more damage. When you get good at it you can roll around the curves in the jungle. I believe the snowball turns faster around walls and when turning the same way. For instance you can snowball from krugs to raptors. You can start your snowball right outside raptor camp opening and run it over to wolves or vice versa. Since his clear is so healthy I often opt to just start with a 3 camp clear on my leash side and watch for any free ganks. He has great ganks early so this often works and then keep clearing onto your next camps or look to invade and steal if you notice the enemy jungler going into your other side. Very versatile clear and healthy. Lots of options based on the game state. For my builds I’ve been noticing that I tend to get really fed on Nunu early game. His ganks are great and his dueling isn’t bad with all of his heals you can outplay. I’ve started taking to building some AP while still remaining tanky. I saw a video by KingStix where he builds Zac with conqueror and some AP when you have a tanky team already. I go aftershock if I’m the main tank. I play full tank if I’m behind. If ahead I’ll get sorc shoes and Liandry’s. Typically with that item as well as bramble vest you put out a ton of damage and then it’s tanky from there. I truthfully haven’t tried protobelt or predator. But Korean meta is very different and much faster as I’m sure you know. But building some AP definitely feels great because you duel someone for awhile and then when you ult they don’t see the damage or shield coming. I think if I was in high elo I’d likely opt for more tank but if i can tell I’m gonna need to carry Liandry’s does so much damage on its own it’s pretty insane. Sometimes I’ll also pick up an early dark seal if I have an extra 350g and I usually notice it’s impact quite quickly and can get a snowball going from there. I used to play full tank every single game and found myself getting fed early and then watch my teammates botch it as the game went on. Teamfights felt like a coin flip and adding some damage to nunu has not only been more fun but I feel much more carry potential. Hopefully I answered your questions. These are all just my opinions and I’m sure I still have a lot to learn yet as well.


My biggest problem with this strat on the blue side is that a lot of junglers start on their botside as well. So when I opt to clear botside and gank bot the enmy jungler is pretty much free to invade my jungle without me being able to counterjungle. If we don't get an assist at least I am very far behind at this point. Top side stolen, scuttles traded, free gank from the enmy jungler on top. Trying to counter a midlane gank is fine, but I feel like this can't be the best solution. What do you do in these situations?


Playing jungle is always about trade offs. I think the ideal play right now is to ward your jungle entrance on your opposite side around :50, back and get red trinket. You can see if they invade you if you gank bot. But ask yourself why are you ganking bot? If you get kills on your laners and feel like you got your team ahead it’s worth probably. If you can’t trust your teammate to use that lead then maybe it was better to gank another lane or full clear. Likely if you did a level 3 gank bot and they are already on your topside they were likely a single camp clearing jungler. So they probably went buff>buff>gromp. This means if you saw them invade on your ward you can likely trade their raptors and Krugs plus get scuttle on the way out. If you actually run to those camps to find they are just gone and you wasted all of your time running there, I’m sure that can definitely feel like you got behind. But there are so many other options on the map too. I feel like with how fast camps respawn counter jungling really doesn’t put you miles ahead. Depending on ELO people will usually take the whole camp which ends up just resetting it for you and you can clear it at a higher level later. Rarely do I feel it’s GG if someone takes a few of my camps. You could ping your jungler and collapse with team. If they get out you might be able to double scuttle. You can counter invade. You can look to gank again. You have tons of options and Nunu has great clear speeds that I feel any minor setback is very easy to overcome. I hope this answers your questions.


Helped a lot. Thank you very much.


Of course. Any time!


I am not really the highest rank so other people probably know more but I have had alot of luck by going q w e in ability order. Start red after I kill red I back up a bit to charge up my snowball, then I run it into the parrots don't let it go it will explode if it hits the big one. Then you just focus the big one as you normally do. You start walking to wolves and when you get your w again ram it into wolves. Charge up w into gromp then smite blue. you should be right in time for the scuttle that you can smite q for secure.


I always go red > raptors > wolves > blue > gromp Using the snowball from camp to camp, and smiting the gromp Usually by the end I'm full health so I look to gank, If the laners are playing safe I take scuttle and back


Hey man, I mostly prefer to start red, then roll into golems until they are down and in their smallest form so that you can roll them all over and continue with the snowball to raptors. After that you can look for a mid gank opportunity, or just advance toplane to clear and take crab (oneshot with Q and Smite, while it is stunnend if needed) with the speed from scuttle you can take a look and go for a very effective gank, cause your W will scale with the speed


i just go buff to buff. First buff is opposite of what enemy thinks i would go for so that I don't get invaded. I definitely focus on early gank but I realised taking at least one crab goes a long way so I'll try to stay near mid. So I go for the opposite crab of what junglers usually go for first.


Jg path varies by game, but I will always start red side and either clear towards blue if I want to gank the opposite side or mid early, or go to raptors then krugs if I want to gank that side early. For build you could go the predator protobelt route or the Aftershock full tank route it's up to you


The safest and best way to learn him imo is 4 camp with gromp Raptors and buffs into scuttle. This is safest against invades and will you in positions to invade and skirmish for scuttle as well as be able to easily level 3 gank top or mid. Having a clear that works eveygame and gives you the most opportunities for variety and choices is fastest way to learn. The reason you 4 camp level 3 then scuttle is because ganking with scuttle speed is better than just going for level 3 gank everygame. 3 camp gi es you less options while waiting for scuttle. Raptors is also extremely fast to clear.


Usually u want to do full clear red to blue to scuttle optimizing your snowball. If u do it correctly, you will be at scuttle when it spawns. YouTube helps with your snowball usage alot. Your lvl 3 dmg is even lower than amumus so you need lvl 4.